AC .T- f I B tie Ji Pc I . i J' 4a ; w ei il 11 20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 11, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER Chapter 23 Tom stood In the doorway. "Tele phone lor Mrs. Kent," he announ ced. .. , , "Thank you, Tom," said Prls chla. The ringing ol the telephone seemed like a warning of some kind. The old familiar numbness began to- spread itself around her heart as she walked to the telephone and widened with every word as she listened and talked. "Hello," she said. "Yes, Viola . . rfarling, what is it? I can't under. 'I'm sorry to have to call you.' said Viola, her voice jagged with nerves, "but Kenneth's been brought home." i."Brouf!ht home?" exclaimed Pris cilla Her mind broke up into a thousand jig-saw pieces. Perhaps . perhaps Kenneth was dead. But XWla went on inuting. ."Yes Priscilla. He's . . .he's paralyzed." Viola stopped, but Pris cilla didn't say anything. "Priscilla. you know I never cared for Ken nethin fact, I hated him after what he did to you but I can't hate him now. I've just been over there and he's pathetic, Priscilla." Viola rattled on in a way that Was so unlike her that rnsciim Knew Kenneth mast be very in Viola was not one to lose her head, tn net hysterical, over no thing. Yet Priscilla heard only a word here and there. Half her mind and all of her heart were in the next room, where Dennis waited for her return. Should she go to Kenneth ... or should she stay wltti Dennis who was nearer . . . and dearer? She continued to hear Viola's words even after she naa replaced the receiver. I can't hate him now , . . you must go to him, Priscilla ... he begs for you ... he wants you to forgive him . . . he's pathetic . . . jjhe stared at the soft light the living-room door. There could have been much happiness in this house, much happiness. "Goodbye, Dennis," she whispered. "Goodbye, my darling!" Ana men, wun a steady chin, she went in to tell mm. Only the muscles around his mouth told her what the news meant to him. He saw her deci sion at once. "I'll get the car," he said briefly. "I'll wait for you to pack your things at Mrs. Wil son's and then I'll take you to the" Kcnts'." Priscilla found herself as grate ful for his efficiency now as she had been for his kindness in pay ing5 her hospital bill. Priscilla knew that when she went, his happiness wept with her, yet he did not argue about it. She realized then, as aiever before, that she could de pend on Dennis. By half past ten they had man aged despite the snow-packed roads to reach the Wilsons'. Priscilla paaked all of her things she could get Into one suitcase, and Dennis took her to the Kent home in the familiar, down - at - the - heel part of y town. He kissed her hard on tin mouth, just before she got out of wthe car, and she watched him. through eyes blurred with snow and tears, as he drove off. With his usal tact, he had evidently de cided not to go inside with her. Dragging her suitcase beside her. Priscilla trudged wearily up the poifch steps of the Kent house. The sof snowflakes that spread where evr the eye could reach, no longer mhllarated her, but added to her despondency. She wanted to llr down and have that white shroud blot her from this world forever. The house was lighted up from top. to bottom and to Prlscllla's surprise, as she reached the door, Kenneth's little sister bounded out and put both arms around her waist. The child pulled her into the house, babbling and crying hysteri cally. "Walt a minute, Dora," said Prls ellla. gently. "I can't understand what you're saying." ? VHere's Mom," sobbed Dora. "She'll tell you." Mrs. Kent came toward them from the kitchen, Prlscllla's heart was moved as she mw how distraught she looked. "I thought mebbe he'd eat some- thin'," she said. "I got some soup fixed." She took hold of Prlscllla's arm, as If she were the only per son in the world who could help nen. - iiu . . . it'll nave to be fed tolm," she snid, catching her brenth in sons. "He .... he can't raise up. Oh, Priscilla!" rlscllla couldn't help feeling sooy for Mrs. Kent, in spite of Bin me misery sue Had caused I . . v Priscilla thought, but she's Ken neth's mother and her heart has broken over this. "I'll go on up," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And in a few minutes you bring the soup you've prepared. I'll feed it to him. I know how they do it in the hos pital." Priscilla, leaving her suitcase in the hall, went upstairs to the bedroom that had cost her so much time and money to decorate. A glance at Kenneth sent a chill through her. His face was more bronzed than ever but he looked extremely worn and haggard. His eyes were tightly closed and his brows knit in a deep scowl, as If he were in great pain. Streaks of gray marked the waves of his hair and his sunken checks twitched nervously as she watched. He looked like an old man. As Pris cilla approached the bed his eyes opened and his shoulders moved as if he wanted to rise. Then, as he looked up at her, a flicker of a smile replaced his frown. "Hello, Priscilla," he said in a flat Jaded tone. Priscilla found that sne pitied him. Viola had been right. You couldn't hate a man who had changed like this. She forgot completely ner terror the last night then had been in this room to gether. She forgot her pain and the loss oi ner onpy. ne stood there, instead, thinking of Kenneth's devil-may-care eves as she had first looked Into them at Lorraine's wedding. She thought, too, how different his "Hello. Priscilla" was from the old, boisterous "Hi-ya onuesi "Do you ..." she asked hesi tantly, "do you have much pain?' "It's mv lees." he said dnllv "Sometimes they got no feelin' at all and I gotta touch 'em to see If they're still there, and then awful pains shoot through 'em. I can't sleep nights. I Just lie here and tninK. mats tne worst part. Prls cilia, forgive me . . ." "All right," said Priscilla. She put a soothing hand on his fore head. "It's all right now." Mrs Kent came in at that moment and Priscilla pulled up a chair to the bedside. She did not dare sit on the side of the bed as she fed him She could sense that every touch, every movement, gave him pain. (To be continued) Sew-Easy Ensemble Ensemble of tJiree pieces perfect for school 1 The jaunty V-neck jumper with its very own jacket and blouse is easily made irom a small amount or ma terial. Especially smart in cordu roy, back this season in new colors and combinations. No. 2000 Is cut in sizes 2. 4. 0 and 8. Size 4 Jacket and Jumper, yds. 35-in.; blouse, 1 yd. 35-ln. SUMMER is the t me for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place 10 una mem. tveryming you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions. and all designed for easy sewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. Send 25c lor PATTERN with Name. Address, and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capuni Journal 652 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 6, Calif Round 'n' Hound Any room will "welcome" this distinctive cabel stitching. It is knitted on large wooden needles using heavy yarn in appealing color combinations. The original was knitted in brown. green and beige. You'll be delighted how quickly and easily tills rug can be completed. Pattern Envelope No. R2635 con tains knitting Instructions, stitch illustrations, and finishing direc tions. To obtain ti. txurn send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number vour name, address and zone num ber to Peggv Roberts Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco Calif. ifeooo WELL NICE LITTLE PRIVATE &RISON YOU GOT VOUR5ELF. fiOPER LUCKY THE TURNKEY DIDN'T SEARCH YOU BEFORE HE TUCKED YOU IN HEPE COMES Ml?. TATE. WITH RUSTY. 1 6UESS WE'LL BE SAILIN6 SOON " 1! llii 3!J Ande nSo n 0 IZlTTferkid JBPOfy TH CHORE LQNG HERE i'aM W CREEKS RUNMIN' THROUGH ! R W Y& SEE? TIDE MARKS friilirlfiii R DOESN'T LOOK TOO 1NV.TIN'" Vflf j I f TH' MARSH LIKE SLEEPS BLACK I JMT ! , J 1 AND TH WATER'S SALTY. TOO- J Jf t'M ROTTEN OLD WRECKS MARSH H 1 If '( SNAKES OH -OH w CURRENT (J If I ft jj I j jl I ( HOW WOULD 1 TlS BUSINESS PAUlM'UOF T l WAVE TO DOTSO AHEAD-! If I VAN EM BERT Nl WOUUKETO A OFF, WILBUR? VOU COURSE! SOME EX PER I- WHEN I'M DISCOVERED THAT 1 ' T " mmmmm-- HAVE A FREE MUD, WANT ME TO BE A TLnOT MENTING AND iFlSETTlN" SOME- MV MUD CONTAINS NOXASG u VBATW EVERy , ORTA SWlLLVu?n1 VOU'D UELP ME (TWINS FER WATER AND THAT'S WHY IT J rS. PAV.AMBy VXTTTTTTT if I'D APPRECIATE NOTHING I'M HAS CURATIVE POWERS- JM GftANNY SCRA&Qt W MM PH. V- J FlNE.'- ( HIS TEETH HE GOT A V WH CARE.S i AH D m X AH DONT CARE V AH BRANG A M HOW'i M- AN" HE COMES l SEEM PERFECT WHUT (T IS 7 I f (GULPf) HEY. AH WHUT HE LOOKS MABRYIN' FUM A WONDIFUL AwRlGHT. S CHARACTER. ( ANY MAN IS J DRUTHER IV GOT A 1 LIKE. AH'LL PROSPECK K ,'f WIND? ) FADBW. HE'S ( SPESH LY EXCEP' FO' ENTITLED T" NOT HARRYIN' MAPRY HIM 1 FOYO-T' iMzb n A RELATIVE I TH'ftQLD ) OK1C Q ONt FAULT, W DISCUSS PROSPECK ) ANYHOW.'TH 1 LOOK OVER. ffHINt.iry ONES J VllC "S EH "ONE- IT, MA'H,' iL OUT HYAR. SOONER TH I . r rrV- YLW S v J FAULT-AN' AH FAULT"? IT'S T-TOO WANTALOOK 1 BETTER. I' L, '"'$ f DON'T KNOW ta- H00HIUATIN7 J HIM OVER? (AH GOTTA y ' ' ' jj ' WHAT MAKES YOU V THEV WON'T I BUT PEOPLE Y VOH'T BE SILLY' OH.NO, THEY S WHAT'S THE ) M KK,S?S:iwc'Re use0 WHO I JUST V AS THEY GET WON'T! I HAVE Y SHORT HAlRy fJ THEY'LL. ) M U RMNS AWIGP TOS6ElMG MEET WON'T BETTER ACOUAINTEDj ANOTHER WIG n ONE S I THINK I ( M U JVEARPNWI KNOW I'M WITH YDU THEY'LL J WITH SHORT AF0R?A$? f JUST HAD A BOOK i Bsssa. ,i f WmW si KffBK rARlN A MDMFNT. L n will BZ. wj 1 1 ; pl.rl3 ' e A THE SUMMER GLIDES BY.I , J I I WHAT'S THI5?!--; I YOU'VE ALWAYS 5AIO IT EXCUSE ME!-. ) flffl MARY HERSELF HA ALMOSjJ vomHam' V L KNITTIN6?!-YOU?! WAS FOOLISH FORA WOMAN! "STHE DOCTOR 15 jj COME TO BELIEVE THAT J Y2S!" I -BUT OU DON T KNOW T I: TO WASTE TIME ON SOMETHING HERE TO SEE A - rn r HMM- ROBBIE KAYNE'S V jimp B-BUT I DON'T WANT YOU 1 RING WRAPPED IN ROBBIE fXjBsVTO DRIVE ME HOME TONIGHT. f II KAYNE'S HANKY .'--THIS 'BO" rrZ (BALDY' J ( KAV BEETLE. RAISES MORE UkIEE 'rTSffNSsEkli. H rrji I I QUcoT ION5 THAN A f I.NblWlTE ,,'i-1 CiTVy 6EE WUILLIEN!LC0 AT THAT OLD SAILOR WELCOME ABOARD, MR. ) I TATE....HM-M-M1 E(?-WHO'S HIM! HE LOOKS LIKE 1 1 tujc 7 nu t nc rm pcc i i picture ri6ht out of AN ACTOR, I SUPPOSE HELLO, CAPTAIN NASH I NO, THIS IS NOT AN AtTOC. WIS NAMP IS SALTY" MARSH, AND I.. . STEP INTO YOUI? CABIN A MOMENT. MNIX hKUM NUW UN Mt F) FS JUST AN ABLE SEAMAN, SI6NED M ON AS A KE6ULAK MEMBER OP THE COMETS CREW yE,siR? IT WILL BE SO RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY--P.M. 'KSLM JS'KGW nboIKOCO m :00 Walter Trohan Womin'i Secret Rhythm Rinch Curt Master r :1 Frank Hemlnaway Sunnr Side Rhythm Ranch Little -Show JJ:S0 PaiKfnt Parade Newi Bint Croiby Sonn of Pialrlea -r:45 Nrwi Richard narkneie Sport Paie Larrr LeSeuer 6:00 Il-ltar-B Ranch Strlni Serenade Candle Mrhl and Knox Manning tlA B-Bar-R Ranch Strlnr Serenade Silfer Bandj on Parade :3d Adv. ol Champ. Symphony Salute Newe Chet Huntley :4S Music Elmer Peterort Bill Stern Newe 7 :M Gabriel Heatter Nelson Eddy Pat O'Brien Eseapo :1ft Northwest Newt Nelson Eddy Musical Jackpot Kscapo :S0 Westcoast Jamei Masoa Naval Reserva Crlmo Photo. At Ramblers Jamea Mason Tune Time Crlma Photog. 8190 Medicine Drama Fred Wirlni Bandstand First Nirhter :16 Music House Fred Warlnr Bandstand First Nlihtei :30 Morsan Manner Drasnet Iluiout Dope Dana Orcb. :4ft Morsan Manner Dragni-t Baseball Dane Orch. 9!0 Hop Alonr Cassldy Suppor Club Baseball Chas. Colllniwood :1ft Hop Alonr Cassldy Newe of World Baseball Chlcaroani :30 Coast Survey Silent Partner Baseball ' Mr. Keen s46 Coast Survey H lent Tartner Baseball Mr. Keen a no News News " Baseball Fla Star Final I II : Select Local News Sports Pago Final Newt Roundup Columbia Feasor 111:30 News Bands of Land Track 1400 Spin to Win ":a Music Band Wairon Track 14M Spin to Win a 00 Walter Trohan Sam Hayes Track HM Serenada 11:16 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1400 You A tha Worli I 1 :30 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1400 Orchestra fc ' :45 Music Wax Museum Track 14D0 Orchestra 12:00 Sign Off Si7n Off Slsn Off " Silent FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m 00 Newt Hodaa Podao Newt :1ft Dawn Patrol Newt KOIN Kloek f" );30 Northwest Ncwa Hodca Fodso KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek .48 March Tim Hodge Podao KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tex Bitter KOIN Klook :1ft Dawn Patrol Farm Time News A Sporia Newt :30 Dawn Patrol The Old Sonn Top ' MornlDi Newt !4B News Newt News Fred Beck 8:00 News Smooth Musle Western Melodies Consumer Newa :1ft Breakfast Can Smooth Molo Western Melodlea Art Baker 30 Music Riders of Sag Start Slnr Make Belteyo : Top Tradea Sam Hayea Church In Wild Maka Bellcva 9:00 Bargain Counter Second Cup Melody Time Vocal Varletiea :1B Rise and Shine Second Cup Melody Time Newa :'0 sons of Ploneen Jack Berch Without Worda Grand Slant Musle Ncwa J. Chas. Thomas Roiemary g ! Northwest Newa Hostess Home Guest Artist Wendy Warren ll'jilfi Kate Smith Sings Hostess Hons Northwest Reports Aunt Jenny JiSO pattor'i Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent 1 w Wllet Walts Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday n:00 jiwwa Lopes Orch. Glass Wax lg Sister :1ft Gospel Sin cert Lope Orch. Glass Wax M Perking :S0 Perry Como Today's Chitdrea Glass Wax Vounx Dr. Malona 'M Walt Serenada Lora Lawton Glass Wax Guiding Light f :0 Top Tradea Double or Nothing Hollywood Musle NewB 1:18 SeWi Double or Nothing Hollywood Musle Come A Get II I :S0 Queen for a Day Newa News Norab Drake :4ft Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents brighter Itny 1- Ladlea First Life fcrautlful Mao's Melodies 2nd Mre. Burton :15 Ladles First Rond f Life Mac's Melodlea Perry Mason :0 Northwest Newe Pepper Young Mac's Melodies Bright Light !" Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo ?:0 Tell Neighbors Backstage Wife Mac's Melodlea Newspaper of Air ' 'ft Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodlea Newspaper of Air jI 0r'"n Rl Lorenso Jonea Mac's Melodlea Winner Take All Bing Sings W Id der Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yonra 3J Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac' Melodies""" Newt :1ft Against tha Storm Portia Facet Ltfa Mac'a Melodies Meet the Mltsua :30 Musle Just Plain 6HI Mac'x Melodies Meet the Mlatut 'M Noyeltlea on Par. Front Page Farrell Mac'e Melodies Robert Q. Lewlt 4:00 Say It With Music Welcome Traveler Movie Time Robert Q. Lewlt :16 Say It With Music Welcome Traveler Philosopher Robert Q. Lewlt :30 Songs of Our Aunt Mary Spotllte on Music Robert Q. Lewlt I :4ft Newt We Love A Learn Spotllte on Music Robert Q. Lewis i DIAL LISTINGS: KEX 1190; KOAC, 650 Thursday P.M. 6:00, Squirrel IS r A C Thursday P.M. 8:00. On the KEX Heplnr Up With Sports ( 6:15, Home Edi tion News; 0:30, Modern Romancesi 7:00, Headline Edltlont 7:15, Timer Davtsi 7:30, Damon Runyon Theatre; 8:00, Counterspy) H;S0, First Hundred Yersi 9:00, Original Amateur Hourt 9:45, Muslo for Dreaming) 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:15, Inter mezzo) 10:30, Concert Hourt 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow; 12:00, Xtra Hourt 1:00, sign orr. IrV Friday A.M. (1:00, Early Bird) &.A 8:15, Dirt Doctort 7:00, Wash hurn Newti 7:15, Band Boxt 7:30, Bob Hazen Show) 7:45, Time Tempos) 8:15, Martin Agronskyt 8:30, Zeke Manners) 8:45, Troplcana; 9:00, Breakfast Club) 10:00, Newst 10:15, Stars of Todayt 10:30, KJelody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:15. Galen Drake) 11:30, My True Story) 12:00, Betty Crockeri 12:13, Newt) 12:30, Baukhage Talyklng) 12:45, Nancy Craig) 1:00. Northwesterners; 1:30. Kay West) 2:00, Brrakfast In Hollywood; 2:30, Easy Visits Dayton Friends Dayton Visiting old friends was Mrs. Charles Ferguson, and mother, Mrs. F. M. Roseman of Salem and a sister, Mrs. Harry (Helen) Serex, of Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Serex and family have been visiting her relatives ACROSS 1. State 7. Hypnotic state 13. Not ao good 14. Recover 15. Behold 16. Staying power 18. Keystone Btate: abbr. 19. United 21. Meager 22. Unit of electrical resistance 23. Nothing more than 26. Before 26. English Shakes pearean actor 27. Valor 23. Turn rapidly with the Angers 80. City In Prance 81. Long drink: colloq. 82. Pass, as time 84. Llonllke 37. Some 88. Pedal digit 29. Obstruction 40. Siamese coins 41. Took onth 43. Title of a knight 44. Engineering; degree 4b. Absurd cre ation of the Imagination 47. Football posi tion: abbr. 4K. Implant deeply SO. Braided cord: variant 62. Degrees 1 2 I3 I4 S I6 ' MW I- If '0 t f2 ii""izr is W,1' '7 3 H 'm. zzwlzzmwz s3z z.w 43 W S35 "1 1 I 1 I mr 1 1 I 1 ROOM AND BOARD UOULD YDU LIKE TO CM US NEXT MONCrVX" PINKY, ON A VACATION UP AT Of;OWAN f LODGE'? --I HEAR.IT OFFERS uJ-SSSX? ALL FORMS OF OUTDOOR. V..01 tg- f RECREATION IN THE WAV OP 'l Tlbc, BOATING, GOLF -ETC -AND TME MXCT ) RATE IS MOST REASONABLE "L.? T V -JUST SSO PER. WEEK, AT WOME ' LODGE'? HEAR. IT OFFERS ALL. rOKjVo Op OUTDOOR RECREATION IN THE WAY OP BCrVTlNG, GOLF -ETC -AND KAT b 15 MOST REASONABLE JUST 550 PER. WEEK, MEALS INCLUDED KOIN it OPS lw"v Upbeat! 5:50. B.W Sporlt Clubi 6:00, Newtt ff:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:30, 'Round the Campfirei 7:18, Evening Farm Hourt 8:00, You and Your Security) 8:15, Great Songs i 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather' Forecast, Newt 9:00, Musle That Endures! 9:45, Lift Up Thy Voice t 10:00, Excur sions In Science t 10:15, Serenade) 10:45, News j 11:00, Sign Off. trkf Friday a.m. to 4:45 p.m. io:oo, Tha News) 10:15, peclally for Women i 11:00, Tha Concert Hallt 12:00, Newti 12:15, Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Ride 'rsn Cowbort 1:15, Varletri 1:30, Melody Lanei 2:00, Caval cade In Dramai 2:45, Memory Book of Music: 8:00, Newt, A esi 2:45, Meet the Menjoust 8:00, Sur prise Parkaget 8:30, Bride and Groom t 4:00, Ladies Be Seated) 4:30, Add-a-Llne, for a week and returned to their home Tuesday. She will be re membered by the older group here, having worked In the store for Emmett Filer, now owned by Dave Ellis. A family gather ing was held in Salem Sunday in honor of the Serex family. o u r1 B E TJ Solution of Yesterday's Puzzlu 68. Spanish gentlemen DOWN L, Assurance of manner 1. Earlier S. Therefore 4. Plant of the vetch family f. Steeps f. Inquiries for lost mall 7. Threefold t. Hire 9. Turkish com mander 10. Symbol for sodium 11. Zero 12. Hard glossy paint 17. Feminine nam 20. Rubbers 22. Beginntnga 24. Important occurrence 28. Exact mates 28. Close 29. Number 31. Prophetess 32. Intervals 33. Evident 34. Rise threaten ingly S&. Maker of metal fasteners 36. Herons 38, Taunts 41. Foot covering 42. Great Lake 45. Tooth 46. Massachusetts cape 49. Egyptian deity 51. Word of refusal Bv Gene AHprn NOPE "-I'M WITH THE 1490 ke UAW1SURPS WPlElN e w i IIapa r tUa r e. A JI D W P OULTR Y T R E A 1t It SlJj CJR E POP I PffB El A s kBn u tQp e L 1 a F O ApHj OABRO T S a TT tTa RjBst FB e T igf STEpL ElAlSlTl ibirIoIt h e rl aver E RAT olio r; O re1sowUn1et A