Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 11, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 11, 1949
Girl Again
Shirley May France, 16-year-old Somer
set, Mass., girl whose father obligingly
took a press agent along to help her train for a crack at swim
ming the English channel, is shown here checking the
weather from a hotel window. After the photo, she went for a
dip. Shown with her is her trainer, Harry Bouakian. (Acme
Ball Billed for
Top Armory Show
Set for Aug. 24
Davey Ball, a battling middle
weight who fights out of the
Portland stables, has been sign
ed for the top bout of an August
C fight card scheduled for Salem
on Aug. 24. -
In his last battle in the local
armory, Ball kayoed Dean Ab
ney in seven rounds.
In making the announcement
listing Ball for the card, Tex
Salkeld, Portland promoter, said
that Ball would meet "the best
opponent that can be secured."
The remainder of the fight
card is also expected to be an
nounced at a future date. '
Semi-Pro Tourney
Forced to Extra
Game by Reliance
Portland, Aug. 11 (P) Reli
ance System of Portland snuffed
out a ninth-inning rally last
night to edge Banks, 6 to 4, and
force the Oregon semi-pro base
ball title series into an extra
The two teams will meet to
night to determine the cham
pion and the berth in the re
gional tournament in Bremerton,
Wash., this week-end.
Banka 000 000 0044 7 3
Reliance 000 010 Hx 8 5 4
Hudson, Jnnien (6) md Frtnck: Miller.
Rleabeck (0) and Adam.
Although the U. S. Amateur
golf championship was begun
In 1895, the first American-born
winner came in 1899 when Her
bert M. Harriman won.
Net Ranks Creak with Ancients
New York, Aug. 11 W)
From the looks of things you'd
expect Uncle Sam to be wor
ried about his tennis-playing
nephews. Our international
white pants brigade is begin
ning to show frays around the
The country's best amateur,
Ted Schroeder, indicates he'll
quit chasing the pellet after this
year to tend his west coast re
frigeration business.
Gardnar Mulloy Is 34. Frank
Parker is 33. Billy Talbert is
30. These principal defend
ers of the Davis cup are "old
men" as lob and drop-shots
specialists go.
The national champion, 21-
year-old Richard (Pancho) Gon
zales, has been something short
of a ball-of-fire since he sur
prised by wading through the
field a year ago at Forest Hills.
But don't worry about the
Davis cup getting away anytime
soon, comforts Alrich Man, non-
playing captain of the U. S.
"We would miss Schroeder,
naturally, or any of the other
old reliables," Man said, "but
our tennis future Is far from
"Gonzales has everything
but temperament. He is in-'
clined to relax at the wrong
moments. When he outgrows
this lie should be one of the
greatest players this country
has ever had.
"We have a lot of other fine
looking youngsters. There's Art
Larson of San Francisco. He's
put up strong fights recently
against Gonzales and Mulloy,
looks like a real comer.
We're also counting heavily
on Vic Seixas and Herb Flam,
who are in our first ten, to
come through. In the still
younger crop we have Gil
Bogley, the junior champion
from Chevy Chase, Md and
Tony Trabert of Cincinnati.
"These are future cup mater
ial, so you see our assembly line
hasn't been idle."
While reporting the U. S.
won't lack for talent, Man did
not under-estimate the opposi
tion. "Australia and South
Here's a Real Money-Saving Opportunity
f IP Pays Only j
' ' I r ,
jsniiH ii illinium Jim i i 1 1
Oss- 18-Pleco
.,&kC!i "Cannon"
Towel Set
your bathroom
pwith these fluffy,
luxuriant, senuine
"CanDon' Towels.
18 pieces.
Salo start tomorrow
Automatic ironer
This is the
finest ironer
builds, equipped with
every deluxe feature for
highest ironing effici
ency, speed, and ease of
Here's a chance to make a
sizeable saving on the pur
chase of a Simplex Auto
matic Ironer. We are includ
ing the "right-height" chair
nd the 18-piece "Cannon"
COST over-and-above the
tegular price of the ironer.
Ironing Chair
Designed for
ironing. Up
holstered seat.
Adjustable bade
rest for "solid"
Coming to Our Store Friday and Saturday,
Aug. 12th and 13th
will be In our store between the hours of 10 and 5 P.M. demonstrating the
as of ironing on a Simplex Ironer.
Africa are going to be particu
larly tough the next lew years,"
he predicted.
Ed Danforth, Atlanta Jour
nal: "Clark Griffith, 79-year-old
owner of the Washington
Senators, says his farm sys
tem will have the Senators In
the pennant . race by 1951.
Sounds like these recurring
threats from the republicans
to turn the rascals out."
Cleveland pilot Lou Boudreau
is booming Casey Stengel of the
Yankees for "manager of the
year". . . . Jaroslav Drobny, the
Czech without a country, has
written tennis friends he will
arrive here Aug. 20. . . . Frank
Shaughnessy, president of the
International league, explains
the success of Jackie Robinson,
Larry Doby and other Negro
stars in baseball this way: They
recognize the challenge and are
trying a bit harder than the rest.
. . . Gambling on baseball has
reached such proportions that
now the diamond addict demands
more than the names and num.
bers of his players. He wants
past performances, probable
odds, selections, etc., just like
the follower of the horses.
There have even been stars at
daily baseball dope sheets in
Metropolitan areas.
Bean Pickers Needed
Unionvale More than 1000
bean pickers are employed at the
U. S. Alderman farm in the
Unionvale district where 220
acres of pole beans are at peak
of harvest and more pickers are
urgently requested.
Grand Coulee Canvnn' U K9
miles lnnff Ann fpot rinon nnH
from two to six miles wide.
Child Tells Mommie
Not to Speak German
Portland, Aug. 11 W) An
eight-year-old met her German
born mother here yesterday aft
er two years separation with
"Mommie, don't speak German!"
Mrs. Russel Sturgis, married
to an Oregon serviceman while
he was stationed in Germany,
came to the U. S. hurriedly
when the army had a plane seat
for her before she could get
her daughter out of the Rus
sian zone.
The youngster has been learn
ing to speak English in a New
York school the past winter and
then flew here to be reunited
with the mother and step-fa.
Point Hope Light, the farthest
north lighthouse in Alaska, is
maintained for ships during
summer months and for sled
travelers in the winter.
never 6eore so tempting. . .
Expect new taste pleasure in fresh, ripe tomatoes
...when you add the "flavor magic" of Tang! For
Tang lends the "just right" zippy flavor that garden
fresh tomatoes need ... to be at their appetizing
best. Try Tang, the Perfect Salad Dressing, and ,C
convince yourself. Better get a jar today.
Perfect for
Salads, Sandwiches
Seafoods, Cold Meats
6 tlllis silSltii, its t, ttroatv winiHioa
... at your dealer's now
HUZWlSwe money
for a limited timel
this great Chiflor. soap offer
S If at the usual price . . . get J I LJ ,
If this regular size package
This bargain offer is made o get you nd everybody to discover the
wonders of CHIFFON for quick and easy dish-washing, for fluffier woolens,
lovelier-looking nylons and lingerie. And wait'll you see how kind chiffon
is to your hands keeps thetn soft and lovely.
ii. a .4rt rJln (
Look for the
yellow banded
packages at
your dealer's!
CM SaMKlor
Here's why CHIFFON is America's fastest-growing
soap flakes for dishes and fine fabrics
. GENTire wftfi fabrics I
Chiffon makes nil your tabrics
look better, last (oncer. For
Chiffon is pun soap; no other
kind b as gmtU.
2. SAFER for colors I
Chiffon keeps pastels, prints,
nylons color-true and looking
new. For Chiffon b (mn soap;
no other kind is as ufi.
3. KINDER to hands I
Chiffon keeps hands soft,
lorelr. For Chiffon contains
no harsh alkali or skin-drying
chemicals. Dishes sparkle t
A grand bonus for regular CHIFFON
users -a money-saving reason for new
customers to trj Chiffon soap flakes
It's thrifty and the easiest offer ever. No
coupons to dip. No boxtops to send. Noth
ing to do but see your dealer. Right then
and there, yon can get a regular size package
of pure Chiffon for just lc with one large
package at the usual price. So see your
dealer today for Chiffon in the pretty blue
package. Save money in Chiffon's big lc
sale. Offer good only while dealer's current
stocks last. Hurry. Get your Chiffon Soap
Flakes today.
Ill north l&berty