16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thunndajr, August 11, 1949 Four Corners People Make ffijljjijj!;;:;;;::!; T C I. XA.'&L. kJ.i,. W XJ t Four Corners, Aug. 11 Many new residents have come to the l Four Corners community recently to make their home here. Build- I pi ing a large ranch type dwelling on Macleay road is Wade Weekly. L . The Weeklys have been living in Salem. They will live in the z ,..new unfinished building while he finishes it. Besides the parents Pe 1 .. , . . :ij t I 1 1 mey nave iwu cuiiuieu, uumiiiiut ties Jim and Jackie Weekly. Mr. Weekly VJs employed by Charles Gilbert T Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Macomber J ,.;pre constructing a new cottage a .type dwelling also on Macleay ou. road. While waiting for their y.house to be ready they are liv- ra ing in the Campbell cottage at 55 Macleay. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harkness Tinvp nupphnspH ihp nrnnprtv nt J .".4145 Mscleay road. The Hark jj'nesses came here from Tualatin, y . .Ore. H? is employed by the state i Mr. und Mrs. Edward Herman, Sac' who have been living in Salem Ier are now living in the I. H. White J ,'cottage at 4127 Beck Ave. Mr. ci Herman is a teller in the First we,VNitional bank of Salem and enl Mrs. Herman is emnloved bv the state industrial accident com mission. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckner, 352 S. Elma Ave., had as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Reeves of Delake, Ore., who were here attending the Ameri- rd 'ban Legion convention. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Chet Perkins " and son Raymond of Alhambra, uant.( renewed acquaintance ,'Vith the C. R. Osborns, State street. The families were friends I tht the in"' jut ei ', many years ago when they all lived in Indio, Calif. Mrs. W. R. Gould, 175 S Elma, is very ill at her home. Harry Hammond, 4165 Glen wood drive, was home over the week-end. He is employed at Breitenbush in the United For est service. LA. 'Big Stink' Source Found Los Angeles, Aug. 11. W) - The big stink in Los Angeles last week came from non-poisonous sulphur gases from an oil refinery. Identification of the peculiar garlic-like smell which blan keted large sections of the met ropolitan area was made today by Gordon P. Larson, air pol lution (SMOG) control director, He said it was determined by analvsis of water in an air cooling unit at a home where the odor was strongest. "There is no cause for alarm. he said. Here Is a MIRACULOUS CLOTHING BUY The Most Precious FABRIC in the Clothing Industry 100 WOOL Genuine 2-PLY GABARDINE SUITS Regular $55 to $65 Value fllfl mm 395 Now Only 14 ex. Goods for Year 'Round Wear It's no wonder many men are buying two and three of these suits at a time. We still have an excellent selec tion to choose from: Single and double breasted models, sizes 34 to 44, regulars, longs and shorts. Light pastel colors, also more conservative solid colors. Blues, greys, tans, teals and dark brown. Don't delay if you want one of these most wanted gabardine suits. The Extra Pair, Doubles the Wear 2 Pants Suits For lest than the regular price of one-pant suits Sharkskins, Tickweaves, Serges, Whipcord and many other 100 all wool smooth hard finished worsteds. Single and double breast ed models, all sizes. Large selection. Regular $50 to $60--1 -Pants Suits Now with N For Only -2- Pairs of Pants Advance Sale of Gabardine Topcoats Genuine Registered 100o Wool Cravenette .None Genuine Without Cravenette Label In tan and grey. Regulars and longs. i nese same quality coats sold last tall tor $50 and more. Advance sale price only CLOSING OUT ALL Sport Coats, Slacks, Pants at 25 to 50 Reductions You'll find it poys, always, to buy your clothes at J.J.'i, Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men Open Frl Kite 'til 9 o'clock J. J. Clothes Shop 387 STATE ST. I Doors West of Liberty Next to Hartman's Jewelry Store $3950 3450 I tokens may help you fT Uf . )'JJ $ Ct of TASTY PAK -jLl -9 f No ,P.?aches25 fcSp vSS BC " VSmMKW - Special Low Price SeaESE?'1' i OA I v A&:;:&':VPaVV Y.Nl J Why go to' the fuss and bother canning y I I W' il"ce mM&t&SS&''& 1 Iltf I ou alwaY en sm ''''''''J J smvTl Twt V peaches when you can buy these home style J Wu mm J f J II J.VjtIfIvVs!'ii I .Ol I ISA for LOW PRICES jt V'V-lV-V-'.?) K'Vv ) ; Peaches at this low P"ce. W " iM LV I I lKVii'"-,b- I EVERY DAY on EVERY ITEM jh jh AlllMlk CAVC lt V I WPE b"9 I b.e.ui. that I, our slog Ul $& Xii ' PMlll r 5AVt I il lbs HQ I lasa- i GtoJ iga Vru. ft T1 Lbs J 35 I V le H. d color, .r. Cf 5lll I il Jj thl if.C I V trttW "PARTNERS in PLEAS il tM CfJtn S5SSsTT.' 1 AWi I .le ttf.e- I Plain or Iodized . 7C I Ttf ... ,., Com LJ I AC lib. 07 fc 7 -llf f 9 SPECIAL LOW PRICE fe I UPTONS BLACK TEA X: 29c 3-?j3c I iLjk You'll enjoy the brisli flavor of this famous tea. Special Low Price. 1'" " M- THESE ARE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Mass Buying Power - Efficient Operation Make These Saving Prices Possible. IS? A Cl J. 26 oi. Shaker Orange Juice ST. 49c . Sunny Morn Pound Pkg. J) WOTTee In Whole Bean HOC Royal Guest Pound Pkg. AO V-Ortee Whole Beans fOC Enriched Flour 5IGit ba9 45c Enriched Flour 25 lb. bag . . $1.89 Kremel Puddings n". 320c A I tmmt,f With Beans O O Armour s Chili u 0I. can ooc C I m AND MEAT BALLS OC. dpagneTTI Holey's Lb. Can AJC Pineapple Juice tfbbyV" 39c Cream Corn No. 2 can. . 235c LUX ri Airr Lorse rLAIVCd Pkg. RINS0 Large Pkg. . 25(13 25c 1 I SQUEEZE-KLEEN cr; Just squeeze it on and wipe it off, Glass Cleaner 6 oz. Plastic Bottle Plus 16 oz. Refill Both for Only 69c Made by the Makers of White Rose Bleach GOOD HOUSEKEEPER FRUIT JARS LUX SOAP Reg. Bar 2 - 23c Bath Size 2 - 23c These are superior fruit jars at low prices. Buy any day of the week at these low prices and save money. Case of 12 Pints Regular Complete Case of 12 Quarts Regular Complete. . . . Case of 12 Pints Wide Mouth Complete . Case of 12 Quarts $1 1Q Wide Mouth Complete ... I I 83c 99c 99c Regular 1A Lids. doi. IUC Regular Caps, doz. 3C Heavenly Chocolate CHIFFON PIE Only 5C a Portion The Secret? It's Velvet Blended with Carnation to Save Cream. Ask your IGA Grocer for Free Recipe. No Cooking No Boking mou wirn jmm cans Special Low Prices Carnation MILK mm cans 23c STAR-KIST THAI A White Meat UNA SPECIAL LOW PRICE IGA Stores Offer You this Fancy Grade Tuna Fish at These Saving Prices. Chunks Solid Pack t A No. Vi can JuC No. Vi can OC Morrell's Snacks LUNCHEON MEAT SPECIAL LOW PRICE 35c For Breakfast Lunch or Dinner 12 oi. can SWAN SOAP Reg. Bar 3 'or 25c LIFEBUOY SOAP Reg Ba 3 - 23c PUSS'N BOOTS DOG and CAT FOOD 3 25c For your pet's good health. THE IGA STORE IN YOUR TOWN CAN SAVE YOU MONEY PEARSON'S FOOD MKT. 294 No, Commercial MODEL FOOD MARKET ns North High St. ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 North River Road CENTRAL CASH MARKET Monmouth, Oregon RONNER'S GROCERY Gervais, Oregon EQUALL'S GROCERY Wood burn, Oregon INDEPENDENCE FOOD MARKET Independence, Oregon HIGHLAND MARKET 800 Highland Ave. KEN GOLLIET Mehama, Oregon Open Sunday BROADWAY GROCERY Broadway & Market Open Sunday SCIO FOOD MARKET Scio, Oregon m VoO P to B?V LEMMON'S MARKET 598 North Commercial St. QUALITY FOOD MKT. 17th and Center CARTER'S MARKET 17th and Market St STATE STREET MARKET 1230 State St. iiiifn SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SUNKIST . DOZ. 39c LEMONS For a refreshing health drink. SUNKIST ORANGES 2 45c Get your daily vitamin C requirements with a tall glass of fresh orange juice. YAKIMA POTATOES 25 a 79c U. S. No. 1 grode priced to save you money. FRESH CABBAEGE , 3c Local grown Garden fresh. RADISHES ONIONS 5c- For colorful vegetable salads or your relish dish.