I ' ii . rr .--.T-r . I .m Anionic V Mil? -Ism Anicmc TftiB-swft . HwBwia festered. . ... Judge C. S. Sorensen of Salins, Calif., sits "at wheel of auto mobile bearing famous "Flying Bell" from Mission San An tonio now being restored as great American heritage project near King City, Calif. The "Flying Bell" will visit this city Sunday, August 14, on extended tour of Pacific northwest, heralding peace, brotherhood and goodwill, and to stimulate support for restoration of the historic landmark as the "Wil liamsburg of the West." Famous 'Flying Bell' Will Appear in Salem Sunday The famous "Flying Bell" ot Mission San Antonio de Padua, located in the Valley of the Oaks at Jolon, Calif., near King city, will visit Salem Sunday, August 14, arriving here about 2:15 p.m. en route to the national convention of the Knights of Columbus at Portland, August 15 to 18. The bell will travel this time by an especially equipped auto mobile in the custody of Judge C. S. Sorensen from Salinas and John Walsh from Carmel, Cali fornia. This old Mission bell recently completed a tour of the Atlantic seaboard where it was rung by thousands of Americans in cere monies at Chicago, Boston, New York, and Washington, . D. C, heralding an era of peace and brotherhood. Its mellow chime was broadcast from the steps of the White House over the Voice of America around the world, thereby fulfilling a hope express ed by Father Junipero Serra, founder of the California Mis sions as he hung a mission bell from the branch of a gnarled oak at Mission San Antonio on Founders' Day, July 14, 1771, and said, "I would that these bells could be heard around the world." On Second Tour In starting the second inter state tour of two weeks', dura tion, the "Flying Bell" is sche duled to visit many cities and towns in northern California, Oregon, and Washington, along Highway 101 and 99 where Mayors, Knights of Columbus officials and other civic and re ligious groups are expected to stage fitting ceremonies in the furtherance of Peace and Brotherhood. The home mission of the "Fly ing Bell," for many years In al most total ruin, is now being restored. When restoration completed, Mission San Antonio de Padua will become a living Mission a great American heri tage project and the First Shrine in America to St. Anthony. Old Landmark Restored Already the restoration of this famous old western landmark is being referred to as the "Wil liamsburg of the West." The old mission is being restored with funds now being raised by popu lar subscription. Two million dollars will be required to com pletely rebuild the mission and to re-establish it with its old mill, winery, tannery, irrigation system, orchards, livestock, and craft shops, where Franciscan Friars and Brothers will operate the mission in such traditional fashion that visitors will literal ly step back into the eighteenth century when visiting this his toric shrine. Mission San Antonio Founda tion offices are located in the Balboa Building, 593 Market Street, San Francisco, Califor nia. Father Alfred Boeddeker, O.F.M., is executive director of the Foundation. Queen Santiam To Gel Crown Detroit, Aug. 11 As a pre liminary to the big program planned for August 14th for the North Santiam highway dedica- East Salem Bean Harvest Feels Lack of Pickers East Salem, Aug. 11 Not all bean fields east of Salem had more labor than 'was needed as Monday evening a loud speaker was used throughout the suburban streets calling for more help in fields out Garden road near Pratum. The picking of blackberries began this week, but there are only a few growing them for commercial use. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Colwell of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer of Hollywood drive en joyed a week-end trip up the Washington coast to Ocean Park where they spent the night. They visited the large 900 acre cran berry bog known as the "Cran gwyma" and were shown over the farm by friends. The large blueberry fields are almost ready for picking. Leonard Harms, Eldon and Lorraine were on the coast for deep sea fishing Saturday. Mrs. Ralph Alsman and three children spent last week at the home of her parents the Cunn inghams at Oceanlake. Mrs. Emory Goode entertain ed a group of the friends of her daughter Yvonne for a birthday party at their Middle Grove home on Friday. Her guests were Marie Hammer, Yvonne Miller, Sue Anglin, Doris Reynolds, Dena Lou Kleen, Rosemary Sli- mack and Loralie Hoeman. The annual family picnic for Swegle community sponsored by the Womans club will be held at Silver Creek Falls Sunday, August 14th. Several plan on going out for breakfast. Dinner will be served at one o'clock tion, Queen Santiam Is to be crowned at a coronation cere monies Friday night, Ed Vickers, Canyon Commercial club presi dent, announced Thursday. Judge Grant Murphy will do the honors at the coronation which will highlight Friday eve ning events. President Vickers reported all is in readiness for Sunday events which will begin at 11:30 a. m. at the Breitenbush bridge at De troit, where caravans from Sis- Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 11, 1949 15 Hot, Sour Acids in Throat After Meals Retired PantrlenE Fir Deot. CiBttln. Walter L. HUreth. 520 Summit Ave., in gratitude for what Kal-O-Dex hai done for him, mate. "I wan so run down I could hardly ttt around couldn't sleep at nigra because I bloated up so from food that noured In my stomach and cimi up into my mouth had to take lomt- thins right along for relief. I feel wander ful now since takine Kal-O-Drx. for it keeps my bowels regular no mora bloat ing or dlity spells, and I've gained strength ns my meals agree with me now and I can sleep nights." KAL-O-DEX is an Herbal formula of 5 Juices from Nature's Plants. It has re lieved many people who had never been really helped before by any medicine. Taken shortly before meala It mixes with your food, helping to eliminate the poisons that foster stomach trouble. It will cleanse the bowels, clear gas from stomach, enliven intestines and removes old, sickening bile from the svstem. So don't go on Buffering! Get KAL-O-DEX at all Drug Stores, Money Back Guar antee. fB"" H i - ters and from Gates will meet.lCherryland and flax festivals Actual dedication ceremonies are expected to be in attendance. are set for 11:45, led by Gover nor Douglas McKay and other state, county and city dignitar ies. Miss Oregon 1949, Miss Ore gon 1948, and queens of the 0! WE DID NOT JUST PICK UP our trade; V.WE LEARNED i tT WELL AND MADE . THE GRADE- U5 Electric trouble? Don't get nervous. Just celt on me For quick, safe lervice. Nebraska has 3,500 Japanese, 16 of whom have filed claims against the United States gov ernment for $20,000 as a result of war damage. LAFOLLETT'S GOLDEN HALE PEACHES NOW READY FOR CANNING EXTRA $ FANCY v PER BUSHEL BRING YOUR BOXES C M. LAF0LLETT orchard 10 Miles North on Wallace Road to Wheatland Ferry Also Va Mile South of Four Comers on Lancaster Drive Quality Meats 170 N. Com'l PEERLESS MARKET Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. At the New Bus Stop Courteous Service Phone 35704 II I IB . . 1 JM I 1 W L I BMI I III Special for Friday and Saturday Only GRADE A MILK FED VEAL ROASTS Per lb. 49c VEAL STEAKS lb. 59c BONELESS CORNED BEEF From Choice Beef lb. 49c Fresh Dressed Fryers Hens and Rabbits FRESH PURE 4 LARD ib, 49c SEASONING BACON SQUARES 11c Jowl Sugar Cured BACON Good for Frying Ib. 25c Sugar Cured, Heavy BACON While It Lasts lb- 39j -and you'll never go back to old fashioned "flat tops" Testing the seal is the most vital j step in home canning. The new BALL DOME LID make it , easy! To test, touch lid; if; Dome is down, jar is sealed. Only Ball Dome Lids have thia - amitinr "Tniirh.Test" Seal. In buying jars insist on Ball, only I jars that come with Dome Lids I. i 1949 Ball i Blue Book less . i man 71 pnev i Pinett Home Carv 1 fling and Freezing i Umde ever issued r , a ' i 56 P'K'- hundred j f'P Your ; Efl ' b'IE "ing t Send top from 1 box of Dome Lid and Binds with only 10ct Tor your new 25c Bill Blue Book. If dealer it out of Dome Lids ak him to jet tome. You mutt tndoM box top to get in on this offer! BAIL BROTHERS COMPANY, Dtpl. K, Munclt, Indiana Nam f Addrttt t Offer In U.S. only, during 1 949. JUllQM4 BERGS " KRAFT WEEK AOAIM IN COIOMUI POSY PATTERN GLASSES The famotis KRAFT CHEESE SPREADS OLIVE PIMENTO PIMENTO RELISH PINEAPPLE LIMBURGER 2 for 43c ASSOUMHT Of KRAFT CHHJfl MIA(1 ' id. nricks MB American, Pimento, Velveeta LI C H lb. bricks OLD ENGLISH Vi Ib. brick . OVC 2 - 79c m I; mtiw.w . - y mods: wrist J 2 - 83c Kraft Dinner 2 for 27c Cooks in 7 Minutes 4 Servings of Delicious Macaroni and Cheese APPLE PYEQUICK 39c Mix - Boke - Enjoy RANCHO Asparagus Soup 4 cns 35c CAMPBELL'S SOUPS VEGETABLE ASPARAGUS BEAN WITH BACON GREEN PEA OXTAIL CELERY PER 13c CAN Breakfast of Champions Wheaties 2 29c 8 ox. Pkgs. Berg's COFFEE BLUE RIBBON.. 47c RED RIBBON. ... 40c Pound Pkgs. DOG HOUSE Dog Food 3 -25c Large Cam CUT RITE Wax Paper 125 Feet 19c A Picnic Necessity Del Monte Fruit Cocktail 29c 1 lb., 14 oz. Can KLEENEX 2 35c MIRACLE WHIP JSBsJ) pt.29c '53c SWIFT'S VIENNA SAUSAGE 21c 8-10 Sausages Per Can Swift's DEVILED HAM 20c 3 ex. can "put Meufoivuuil IIpV afllilll Mod loUty fram fin lad Da. ) r- frooront vinegar, .plc.i and par ftmcst vie. Qf, RITZ CRACKERS 26c NABISCO Vanilla Wafers 23c Large Box BEG MORE DOG FOOD 2- 27c BORAXO 9c 4 oz. can KERR JARS QT. 95c Doz. PT. 79c Doz. A Good Buy SWIFT'S Dried Beef 47c 3'i oz. Jar SWIFT'S Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 25c l ib. can SWIFT'S SWIFTNING 3 POUNDS for 69c TASTY PAK Freestone PEACHES 1 lb., 13 oz. can 29c TASTY PAK BARTLETT PEARS 1 lb., 13 oz. can 33c VEGETABLE DEPT. WATERMELON 2 - 39c SUNKIST JUICE ORANGES 5 u. . BAG. MEAT DEPT. Pure No Filler GROUND BEEF 35c LB. ALL BEEF! SWIFT'S Oriole Sliced Bacon 49c LB. A GOOD BUY ARMOUR'S GRADE "A" LEGS OF LAMB LB. 65c Genuine Spring SWIFT'S Smoked Beef TONGUES 39c lb. Delicious! DELICATESSEN Chicken Pies Potato Salad 35c 35c BAKERY HOME MADE PIES 60c Bergs Swedish Ice Cream One 37c Quart Cookies 25c per doz. Mission Coil Spaghetti 1 lb. 8 oz. bag 29c SALEM'S COMPLETE FOOD CENTER