i Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 11, 1949 Polk Bridge Crew Worker Has Close Call With Death L Dallas, Aug. 11 Herschel Hanson, about 30, Dallas, was able smile and state that he was "feeling fine" late Wednesday as he lay in his Bartell hospital bed after a narrow escape from elec trocution. Hanson took a 11,000-volt shock about 1 p.m. Wed nesday when a crane owned by Polk county contacted a high Jine ot tne Mountain oiaies'- Power company about a mile fast of Dallas. Hanson, a member of the Polk jounty bridge construction crew, Was following the crane as it jvas traveling slowly down a eravel road towards a site where the crgw was building a bridge. tie held a cable in one hand that Jvas attached to the tip of the Jpoom, suspended high in the air. js the crane passed under the Jl,000-volt line the boom con tacted the wires, and the cur rent passed through his body. Hanson was knocked uncon scious and one hand and one leg were badly burned. He appar ently owes his life to the fact that the gravel road was dry and the current, by passing through .one side of his body, missed, all the scene to attend Hanson. A delay was incurred in bringing the injured man to the hospital since the Dallas ambulance was on another call to Salem. Attendants state that they be lieve he will recover satisfac torily but must remain in the hospital for a few days. Oregon Peach Crop Up Million Bushels Portland, Aug. 11 (iPi Peach crops in Oregon and Washington are expected to total 5,807,000 bushels, a boost of about one million bushels over 1948. The federal crop reporting service said the harvest may be 27 per cent above the 10-year average. Pear harvest In the region was I estimated at 12,838,000 boxes, above average and 2,500,000 boxes over last year s crop. Britian's present industrial I production is 26 per cent above prewar. vital organs. i TliA initial nnntant nhnWnii m,i feervice in the district. Men of flie power company disentangl 1 fed the wires from the crane. " t r t t : .. : ,i i . ji wu jjiiyaiuiaiis were cuixeu iv Nothing Down l'a Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades We Iso wash, retape, palm and reilat ronr old Venetian bllnda. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimate! Phone 3-732 1453 Huge St West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps Save Time ("op) CMPGCS (shop Just squeeze to spray on and wipe sparkling clean! SQEEZ-KLEEN makes woodwork glisten . . , mirrors sparkle . . . windows shine! Satifaction Guaranteed Made by the Makers of WHITE ROSE BLEACH IMS GEQ!uW Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry Join the throng of people that hflve made our market one of the larger markets here In Salem. You will be pleased at the quality, and very much surprised at the low prices. Freshly Ground Fresh Country Hamburqer ib. . 5JC Sausage ib 55 EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD Eastern Oregon Hereford M M BEEF ArmCu, Oft RIB Leon iPfC Blodo Cut UC " . ,, Tender ... lb. ROAST Rump ib. J7V STEAK Eastern Oregon Hereford I7fl Easfern Oregon Hereford F f Round Steak lb J7C J Bones Ib i"c A Grade Milk Fed J fc A Grade Milk Fed J ft Veal Roast .b 43c Veal Steak ,b. 49c Freshly Ground ft Tender Boneless g ft Round Steak ,b 47c SIRLOIN ,b 0c Tender Skinless 4 Eastern Sugar Cure J wm WIENERS ib 39clSliced Bacon , 45c LOCKER Easfern 0re9n Herefords. Small sixes! Lean and tender. NOW IS THE TIME BEEF To buyi Lb.35c BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center TOMATOES Vine Ripened Locally Grown . 2 , 15c POTATOES J!, iSbsNo; 1 . . . 29c SWEET CORN Doicn 25 Vine Ripened Finest Quality CANTALOUPE 2 for m Seedless Fini 5C GRAPES Seedless Finest Quality Ib 10c PEACHES From the Townsend Orchards for Canning -Fresh Daily EGGS Farm Fresh Large A From Nearby Farms Strictly Guaranteed Doien 69 BREAD . DREFT Sliced White Vi Ib. Loaf Large pkg. TISSUE Waldorf -Mode by Scot ... . rol GRAPE JUICE Sweetened Full quart J9c J5c .lk 29c Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Aug. 11-12-13 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th 4 STATE STS. A Rapidly Growing Community Shopping Center, Offering You QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES Located Out Front Street Just 5 Minutes from Downtown Salem LOTS OF FREE PARKING Open Evenings Until 8 P. M. 4990 N. River Road Phone 2-8230 mm mm mum Shop. Every Day Shop The Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday LOTS OF FREE PARKING Open Evenings Until 8 P. M. 1P!F Nalley's Potato Chips 23c Always Fresh Large Pkg. ; , BEECH NUT CHEWING GUM 6 PKG. CARTON 19c ICECREAM f TOPPING 29C WESSON OIL - 57c EMULSORIZED SNOWDRIFT 3 79c PICKLES OT29C 3 lbs27c BROWN SUGAR SHORTENING CRISC0 LBS. 79c GARDEN PORK & BEANS NO. 2'2 TIN. .. 17c Kraft MAYONNAISE Pint 39c DUZ or OXYDOL Large OC Pkg. XJC Ivory Soap Zm2iorU Large for 2 for 27 24, 5 Lb. LUMBER JACK SYRUP 35c 75c Hi MISSION BELL TOILET SOAP 3 cakes 1 cake 4 cakes 19c 1c 20c GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES 288 Size 1 SMALL WHITE ORANGES PICKLING ONIONS RIPE RED DELICIOUS TOMATOES FRESH CORN YELLOW ONIONS 2 2 2 doz. LBS. LBS. DOZ. LBS 45c 35c 15c 29c 19c Good Baking Is No Accident It's 10 OCCIDENT FAMILY FLOUR 85c lb. Bag. KEIZER HOME TOWN MARKET Swift's Gov't Insp. CHOPS lean PORK cl u 49c Center cuts LB. 53 These are lean and meaty and full of real true pork goodness. Swift's Gov't Insp. Lean Ground Beef . Lb. 49c This is our own product ground fresh daily. We can sell you so called "Hamburger" at less money "but" re member this is PURE GROUND BEEF. Swift's Premium THllRINIfiFR A Soft Summer Sausage CQ. I nUIlllUCI With a delightful flavor, Lb. "C Edwards & Drakeley Sam Snow Sez EDWARDS & DKAKKI.EY have the cold spot at Kelzer Frozen Food Lockers Meat cut, double wrapped. locker-ready, quick frozen, 3c per lb. Phone 2-2164 N. River Rd. SPECIALTY BAKERY Phone 2-6339 We Bake A Complete Line of PIES CAKES PASTRIES HOT BREAD Daily at 9:30 A. M. Our every attention given to decorated birthday and wed ding cakes. Plenty of Free Parking Space at KEIZER SHOPPING CENTER McDERMOTT VARIETY ANNOUNCING REOPENING Entirely New Merchandise Old & New Customers Welcome FREE PARKING 4945 North River Road Phone 2-4373 Al's Radio Clinic GUARANTEED SERVICE f It's Fixable, We Can Fix It Radios and Small Appliances Ladies' Apparel and Infants Wear A new store with new merchandise for a new community GOI.DIK'S DRESS SHOP 4 944 Norlh liter U. Ph. t SMI Om U to I Free. Parklne in 1 K IPK FOUNTAIN i Lunches Dinners J Soft Drinks We specialize in J Homemade Pies G-d( 'A' Restaurant t $ Keizer Korners KEIZER FEED & SEED CO. Presents Larro Farm-Tested Feeds And Albers Quality Controlled Feeds Ph. 23279 --- We Deliver Also Hay - Grain Concentrates Seed -"Fertilizers Sundries And Pittsburgh Paints INTERIOR EXTERIOR FLOOR PAINT & VARNISH Come in and see these qual ity lines of merchandise. Our prices are right. The Real Corner of Keizer KEIZER Korner Store W H. 'HUGH SHATTUC, OWNER FREE COUPON BRING THIS AD AND GET for the 1 price of Machine or Marhineleie Were KEIZER BEAUTY SALON 45 N. River Road ph. Keizer Cleaners 4954 No. River Rd. Telephone 2-7108 for Pickup and Delivery Service. Sr Milium CLEANING and PRESSING WATERPROOFING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Keizer Hardware & Appliance Is Showing A Special Plastic Garden Hose 50 ft. lengths at 5.40 Also Stocking . Galvanized Water Pipe & Fittings From Vi in to 1 Vi inch Check Our Prices on These Heavy Duty Wheel Borrows Light Wheel borrows Lawn Carts & Mowers Electric Appliances KEIZER HDW. AND APPLIANCE CO. Phone 24350 494 N River Rd. A 4