1 AIR ROUTE INTO OREGON Verdict in Six Weeks on Feeder-Lines vs. United San Francisco, Au. II U.B Paul Pfieffer, examiner lor the civil aeronautics board, said today that he would return a verdict in about six weeks on the proposal to change airline service to six California and Oregon cities. i Pfieffer last Saturday con-vamp Slayer Hanged ciuaeu ma w i on London, Aug. 11 lPl John JheCA?.8 froPsal ?o spend George Haign self.confessed ta Barbara, Salinas, Monterey, Red Bluff, Eureka, and Klamath Falls. Under the proposal these cities would be serviced exclu sively by Southwest Air lines. Pfieffer said both United and Southwest would be given an opportunity to file briefs after his verdict is handed down. The final verdict will be made by the full board in Washington "sometime in 1950," Pfieffer said. During the six-day hearing, Southwest Air lines through its president, John Connelly, con tended that the exclusive fran chise would enable Southwest to give better service to the cities involved at less cost to the gov ernment. Connelly said that the Increased revenues from the ex clusive franchise would reduce the governmen's mail subsidies to Southwest by $177,000. Southwest's stand was sup A ported by officials from the - A D anti tVio nnet nftitia t1nnrM. V ment. The CAB DroDosal cited "uneconomic competition" be tween the two airlines for bus iness in these cities and post office spokesman Earl Wads worth testified Saturday that his department was in full accord with the CAB recommendations. In rebuttal, United Air Lines President W. A. Patterson sharp ly criticized the board and Southwest for their "rock throwing tactics." Other United officials testl f ied that the people of the cities concerned desired to retain the United certificate ' "because it gives them both local and trans continental service." This contention was support ed by representatives of the cities who testified at the hear ing last Monday, United also challenged South west's claim that cost to the gov ernment would be reduced by the proposed transfer. A United official said his air line's deficit would increase by $463,000 if these cities were taken from the United route. Since the govern ment makes up air line deficits through mail subsidies, it would have to bear this added expense, United claimed. Woods Decontrols Medford Rents Washington, Aug 11 VP) Housing expediter Tighe E. Woods today ordered immediate removal of rent controls In Med ford, Ore., and in the remainder of Jackson county In which Medford Is located. TEAGUE Motor Company is giving TERRIFIC DEALS on New 1949 Kaiser - Frazer Cars "THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN" We Have the Amazing New Kaiser Traveler For Immediate Delivery. Why not treat yourself to a free trip and take fac tory delivery. We can arrange it. . TEAGUE Motor Company 355 North Liberty Salem Phone 2-4173 Mother Asks Baby's Return Frankfurt, Germany, Aug. 11 VP) The German bride of an American soldier appealed today for return of their baby, which the soldier took to the United States. . The soldier is Sgt. Charlton B. Chapline, 32, of 3104 South west Nebraska street, Portland, Ore. Army records show he flew to the Unites States July 30 with the couple's S-month-old son, Charlton Bryan Chapline. An army chaplain, Capt. J. K. Jung, said Mrs. Chapline had re fused to accompany Chapline to the United States. Now the mother, 25, has ap pealed to the American Red Cross and employed a German lawyer in an attempt to re cover the child. Her task is complicated, how ever, by the fact the baby has been registered with the U. S. consulate here as an American citizen. "I don't know what she can do now except join her husband and baby in America," the chap lain said. Red Cross officials said they could not handle such a case. Mrs. Chapline, the former Ruth Margot Balbach, lives in Wiesbaden, where the sergeant was assigned to an army hos pital unit. Fichinfl Rnaf FparlotC I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 11. 194913 nsniny Dual rcaricS) Tne gas tanks expioded 0oni l Burns in Columbia Pfaf tasn ana tarry Longview, Aug. 11 VP) The 81-foot fishing boat fearless, owned by H. L. Castner of Port land and L. E. Tate of Timber, Ore., burned last night in the Columbia river at Oak Grove. The fire broke out in the en gine room with one man, Bill Fields, aboard. Fields had to jump overboard to escape the fames. FALSE TEETH Thar Loosen Need Not Embarrass Manv wearers of false teeth have auf fered real rmbamsnment because their plate dropped, slipped or wobbled at Just the wrong time. Do not live In fear of this happening to you. Juit sprinkle a little FASTEETH. the alkaline mon-acldi powcier. on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly, so they feel more com fortable. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breathi. Get FASTEETH at any drug store. Without Painful Backache When disorder of kidney function permit polionoui matter to remain In your blood, it maycauBe nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and enemy, getting up nights, awe! ling, puffinesi under the eyes, headaches and dlzzineis. Frequent or scanty passagea with smarting and burning some times shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan'a PiUs, a stimulant diuretic, used succesalullr by millions for over SO years. Doan'a giv happy relief and will help tha 16 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan'a Pills. 11 a i Your EGG PROFITS Ash your feed dealer about Triangle X-tra Egg Producer a feed for maximum egg production. TRIANGLE MILLING COMPANY See Your Local Dealer 9m Here's WHY SUPEWHY QUOTES 2 PRICES ON BEEF CUTS At this time of year, range or "grass-fed" beef is more plentiful. Grain-fed beef is scarce. As our customers know, Safeway buys only U. S. graded beef, and as a rule, just the top grades (U. S. GOOD, or better) but U. S. government graders will not stamp range-fed beef higher than U. S. COM MERCIAL which is one grade lower than U. S. GOOD. Safeway must therefore buy some U. S. COMMERCIAL as well as U. S. GOOD grade of beef to insure an adequate supply. So and here's the important part to you while this condition lasts, Safeway will quote prices for both grades, on beef steaks, rib roasts, rump roasts, and other hind quarter cuts. We will charge the usual fair price for U. S. GOOD cuts, and a lower money-saving price for U. S. COMMERCIAL cuts. Thus, at Safeway, this situation can really help you save money on good-eating meat, because U. S. COMMER CIAL is good eating meat. Perhaps it is a little less tender and not as well marbled with fat as U. S. GOOD, but it is more lean and equally fine in flavor. Regardless of the cut or grade, you can be sure that all Safeway meat carries Safeway's famous money-back guarantee of satisfaction and that all cuts are trimmed waste-free. Compare Safeway Quality 1 Compare Safeway Prices! CORN r 10c i $l15cr..$225 BOASTS GARDENSIDE BRAND CREAM STYLE GOLDEN BANTAM lb. 9SC ,ic r.omm.T-Bonew clanks ID. w rOO 1 Re Rump Roasts Roasts id. V Sirloin Steaks lb. c Comm. sr,OH S Good Round Steaks to- . . .Mded Beef Bone.essBeof for Stews , i Beef u.n "- Comm. R"P ftod Rib Rasts ComnvRfcRo!! Good Sirloin Tips Comm-Sirlointips lSirloinT.ps ma OTHER u lb.69 lb. 59c Vo. 89c b. 79c . . -L tns twiss","', ,Ve an exc-- lb. 39c Freestone Sliced Peaches snider C&H Sugar Cider Vinegar oid m Sno-White Salt Porter's FriS-lets mi i it rnriTAii rftUII lUUVIHIL NO. 2' , CAN Large variety of Healthful Sparkling Fruits. EGGS Grade A Small No. 2Vi Can It's canning timel Plain or Iodized Krinkly egg noodles Hoitesi Delight Breakfast Gems 25 28e U-os. 31' 25c Dozen 49c 25-lb. Sack Gallon 10-lb. Sack 4-lb. Sack Pint Jar V.r1V Lb. Pure Lean Groi Round bone to. w e - POT KG81 D, dicNICS ci ICED BACON .iimCH MEATS Skinned HamS V or Whole Frankfurters FRYER RAD"- Suxanna Pancake Flour Sperry's Pancake Flour Kraft Miracle Whip Dressing Best Foods Mayonnaise Mrs. Wright's Bread White or wheat Mb. Loaf 14- Ritz Crackers Stay-Crtsp Tea Timer Crackers 22-lb. Pkg. 25 49 29c 33 Pint Jar Mb. Bex 29 e OQc Mm M Mb. lox CHEESE Famous Tillamook American LB. 59 TENDER UVER PAN READY SEA FOODS Halibut Steaks lb. 49c Salmon Steaks lb. 69c Rock Cod Fillets lb. 29c Whiting Fillets lb. 25c Crabs, just shell & eat lb. 33c Miscellaneous Values Jell Well Desserts Jello Desserts fiverl 4 Shortening, Royal Satin 3 Campbell Soup c.i.ry v.,.t.bi. .vvm wercHi F!,h,p., Magarine, Dale wood Cherub Milk Tall Can Playf air Dog Food 3 , pkgs, pkgs. lbs. I6-01. pig. lb. 14 29 69c 13c 23c 19c 10c 25e NOB HILL Rich, whole bean coffee Mb. Bag 45 2 lb 89' SPAM or TREET PREM WHITE KING RINSO 12-ot can 46 oz. pkg. AIRWAY Mild flavor, whole bean coffee Mb. Baa 40' 2 lb 79' riyTnnBS I Watermelon lb. 3c SOAP POWDER Oxydol, Rinio, White King, Super Suds, Ivory Flakes, White King and many other! LARGE BOX BLEACH Luscious beauties enjoy them with a scoop of ice cream or on your cold cereal. 29c By the Basket TOMATOES Fresh garden grown Taste their real garden flavor. 10c New POTATOES White Rose No. I's. Make grand potato salad. 10 - 39c CANTALOUPES Italian Prunes 12 Green Cabbage Golden Carrots Celery Pascal SWEET CORN Cucumbers, mild Danish Squash Lb. 8c flat 89c Lb. 5c Lb. 7c Lb. 9c Lb. 8c Lb. 10c Lb. 5c Apples Gravensteins, famous for cooking 325c Seedless Grapes 2 '19c Whit Half Magic Gallon For whiter, safer bleaching 37c 55c 25c 19c THE WHITE MAGIC rrr ' hSOAP QUIZ MAN u.'t Civinf MY C ? 32,000 I uh nf Westinghouw I Home Appliance! 1 You may win . Nf y Hyou buy...THt Ntn 13-ot. 25' 49' White Magic SOAP Woodbury Soap Buy 3 bars 30c Get an extra bar for 1c V.