10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, AuffustlM949 p?w V? ; I If y" I Jubilant Welcome British sailors (foreground) jubilantly Jsalute the sloop Amethyst off North Formosa after the ship's Waring escape from Chinese communist captivity in the jYangtze river. The sloop had been trapped In the river llnce April 20 when It was beached during a duel with Red rtlllery. (Acme Telephoto) 'Navy Pilots Check i Info Reported Wreck Anchorage, Alaska, Aug. 11 U.R) Navy pilots prepared to day to check a report that wreck age of a navy PBY aircraft has been sighted on a remote moun tain peak near Kodiak. At least two PBY bombers are missing in the area. One disap peared after taking off from Port Heiden last November. An other was lost in August, 1947, on a trip from Kodiak to Cold Bay. AjasKa jusn fuot Vincent Bailey of the Collins Flying service said an orange life raft lay at the foot of the rugged mountain, located nine miles northwest of the Kodiak airport. He said he flew close to the scene. Bailey said it appeared a pa trol bomber had struck the mountain at high speed and had catapulted down the slope, com ing to rest and burning on a ledge. Man Who Nominated MacArthur Loses Leg Milwaukee, Aug. 11 Wi The blind attorney who nominated General MacArthur for the presidency lost a leg yesterday. Harlan W. Kelley, who suffers from diabetes underwent an operation in which his right leg was amputated above the knee. But he plans to continue his his law practice and run for congress in 1950, he told friends. Kelley gets around with a guide dog. Kelley, 46, long a leading re freeing of Bank Reserves Questioned by Skeptics !By SAM DAWSON ' New York, Aug. 11 UP) The government li moving to make It sier for businessmen to Dorrow money and easier for Uncle Sim to borrow, too. The idea is a double-barrel oft. to put a brake on tne reces ten and to make the treasury's tort of deficit financing less painful. It comes at a time when baying - on - time is climbing lain, when past-due accounts fe increasing, and when taxes afe at an all-time peak. No finder the financial picture !ikes you dizzy. The federal reserve board Is going to free $1.8 billion of DanK reserves in a four-week trickle, a(a time when businessmen pre sumably should be looking for bjnk loans to prepare for fall aed winter business. tSome skeptics doubt if this will do much to brake the reces sion. They point out that busi ness loans are down $2.7 billion fcbm the first of the year, and trjat the $16 million rise 10 days ago from the year's low scarcely Indicates any great demand for business loans which the banks cin't meet easily as it is. These observers contend that the banks afready have plenty of money t$ lend, and that the real short age Is in borrowers. iHowevcr, by freeing the re serves at this time, the federal rwerve noara once more maKes it plain it has switched from fighting inflation to fighting de flation, and will make certain trjat money is easy, and pre sumably stays cheap or gets cheaper. tThe move comes at a time when consumer credit is on the increase again, after its dip in the first few months of the year. The federal reserve board re ports that at the end of June total credit outstanding to con sumers was $iH,i4i,ooo,ouo, higher by $1,472,000,000 than the total a year earlier. Easing its curbs on installment buying was one of the first steps the reserve board took to fight the recession. Apparently, the eas ier terms have induced more people to buy on time. Installment buying of such things as autos and household appliances has reached a new high at more than $9 billion. Charge accounts and other forms of non-installment credit has risen to $7 billion. Against this rise in consumer credit, the credit research foundation re ports today that in the last six months there has been a defin- $$ MONEY $$ FHA w Real Estate Loan Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 1S3 8. High 8L Lie. S21 3-5221 BEAN PICKERS URGENTLY NEEDED W need people who will drive their own cars to the fields. We need people who will camp at fields In West Stayton and vicinity. We need people In yards and will supply transpor tation from this office daily. FOR INFORMATION Call THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE South Cottage & Ferry Sts. Telephone 39288 Marion County Bean Growers Don't Pay Caihl Ui SomUr'i liberal, long Ttrm Credit Plan. No In 1rotl or Extra cnarg . trmi at low at 501 flN A WEEK MS You Can rear Glasses WITHOUT FEAR OF BREAKING! Drop fJtam Hit fhamf f tap mtt thamf New UNBREAKABLE LENSES can taka III Compltl y protection for Active 5 port i men . . . workers In ihop or factory. . . Featured by SEMLER In (tlmletl or Framed Glaitei, mad to pretention of yovr teg litered Opromelritt. feathT-Ugbt for Comfort MM and fog-R$ltantl CrysfahCharl HAIIY SIMlIt trtiitfeM Un breafcabf Gfouei utvolly Jteody in ONE DAY 2W V 3-3311 I OFFICE ES Wctm-Adoipk IU. STATE t COMMERCIAL Solm.Ora. ite slowing up of collections in the manufacture and wholesale fields. Past-due accounts now average 7.5 per cent. A year ago the average was 5.5 per cent. Factors cited in the rise of past-due accounts include: change from a sellers' to a buy ers' market, the pinch of com petition, management inexperi ence in dealing with postwar finances, and the increased cost of conducting a business. From where I situ Joe Marsh Specs And I See Eye To Eye Asked Specs Allen to fro hunting last week. Known him all my life. m I wasn't mirprised when he showed np with no ftjnn. Spec doesn't like to kill anything. ' Couldn't ask for a better hunt ing companion, though. We tramp around the woods, and whenever the dogs flush a bird, I blazt away while Specs just watches. Told him once I was surprised he went along . , . feeling the way ho does about shooting anything. "Well, Joe," he says, "you do what Toa think is right and I'll stick to what I think is right Tre no call to dislike yon for not seeing ooerf thing the way I tee W From where I sit, open-minded-ness is a wonderful quality. Then are plenty of things Specs admires that dont care for. Like his fondness for buttermilk. I'd rather have a glass of beer anytime . . . but Specs Allen and I don't let little differences get in the way of something big like friendship. 06 OHma Copyright, 1949. United Statu Brewm Foundation Old? Get Pep, Vim CALCIUM, VITAMIN Bi MEN, WOMEN V.V,'?, baUPted. Take Omrei. Cnnliln. ,nm. needed liter 40 by bodle old Just becttue lirk- -. ., puinuui, .iwuiinni. i noui&nai now minger. Try OstreiTonlcTablrre TOUAY. Oat introductory uu now lor only Mo. At all drug stores everywhere In Salem, at Fred Meyer". publican, suffered complete loss of vision more than a year ago. His speech at the 1948 national republican convention placing the name of MacArthur in nom ination won him an ovation. By 1902, Canadian production of nickel was more than 5,000 tons. VIS WANT WHITER PUDS? Rain Drops fuaranteei em. In any water, any washing method, rain or shine, dried indoors or out! No soap film. bciiu israr As: doqs 6a fir This Tamotts Tvod That Contains CAAf9 Geo Aftr aving (Renter Stores SALEM 12 Mile North of Underpass On Portland Road WEST SALEM At Foot of Bridge Both Stores Open from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. Daily Specials for Friday, Saturday and Sunday BREAD White Sliced lb. Loaf. . 2 , 35' KEN-L-RATION Cosfs For Less Than Butcher Meat Saves Dog Owners AAnr rttr4r 'Compare Ken-L-Ration with other do many UOIiarS f00ds.Open a can and notice the chunks of lean, red meat nutritious U. S, Government Inspected horst meal. Supercharged with all known "dog-health" vitamins . . . enriched with vital minerals. Yet costs far less than butcher meat. Nothing to cook. Nothing to add. Justr open and serve. Get 3 cans of Ken-L-Ration from your favorite dealer today. I "(H UWW IWW iiuiMU. like in ciciiu uhiii 1,,, (np address for your Free copy today. Ken-L-Ration, tui. aai Chicago 77, Illinois. m i mmm MARKET IN TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF SALMON More of Those Fresh Small Fish Approximately 4 lbs. Each $1.29 FILLET OF ROCK FISH NO BONES NO WASTE FRESH lb. 29c SLICED BACON, Armour's lb. 45c LIVER, Young Beef lb. 29c U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION BEEF ROASTS I SHORT RIBS I STEAKS I FRYERS 42c 29 b - 69c U9 h Lean Tender Lots of Lean Meat Boneless No Waste Large Reds iiiiiiii,iimii,,ii,i,ii,imbhim CHEESE, AGED, over year old lb. 49c CHEESE, 2-lb. loaf only : 74c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES RADISHES ONIONS CANTALOUPE I TOMATOES Bunch 5c 6 29c ) 2 ib 19c SPAGHETTI I Salad Dressing CATSUP I SCOTT TISSUE 2 can, 29C 1 Pine 29C 2 bo.e, 29c 9 roII, lOfi Froneo-Americon m Q A "" I71 1 Quart IGA. . . TC 14 ox. Bottles . Pork & Beans : A7777T7T WAX PAPER For an Added Service We Take Pleasure 2 can. 25C 68t,in' 0t N EX,ra C0,t 2 roll, 45C v" c.mP'. HOT MASTER BREAD 12s f. ct.it. RrknTfrnrtorc Right from the MARGARINE Krispy Crackers 0ven to You 19c Box 25c Every Day at 4 P.M. I Mayflower IGA rj! Store l- roadmy Grocery BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays 8 A.M. Till 6:30 P.M. IGA Store ICE CREAM, 33c BABY FOODffff 5c KRISPY CRACKERS w 20c PREM 3 J.00 MOTOR OIL,,.. .1.10 Three 2 Gal. cans 3.00 2500-MILE GUARANTEE Produce Department TOMATOES '."".Vr., 98c PEACHES .'11'" 1-89 WATERMELONS ZTT... 3c CANTALOUPES Ripened. . 2 'or 15c LOCAL SLICING J A CUCUMBERS 4 ,.t 19c LOCAL '. J A SWEET CORN do, 19c Meat Department Lowest Salem Prices Every Day LARD Lb . 1212C ( Bring Your Own Containers Bacon Squares m. ... 12 Vzc Veal Stew b 25c Veal Roasts ib 39c Liver Sausage ib. 35c Pork-Pickle Loaf 39c Pork Links Lb 49c Frankfurters Lb 39c Veal Round Steak Lb 68c aving (Renter Stores At the Foot of The Bridge WEST SALEM 'l Mile North Of the Underpass SALEM 0$f NSINO OPTICI4NS i