Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 10, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Campus Sweater Story for 1949
V . e..J""mm'" I I'.Ul.
8B r : J
Short and Sweet That's the fall sweater story, as illustrated
by the two campus style leaders above. Left, pastel zephyr
knit pullover tucked into skirt with matching bow tie; right,
plunging-neckline sweater in cherry red. At . ' a shorty
cardigan it is the big news for fall. Beige with tinsel stripes
and small Peter Pan collar.
Legion Auxiliary Session
Busy One at Si I verton
Silverton Programs, specified contributions, reports of the
department convention and announcement of earned honors dur
ing the past year were highlights of Monday evening's meeting
of Delbert Reeves unit, No. 7, American Legion auxiliary, Mrs.
Clarence E. Higinbotham, presiding, assisted by Mrs. Frank M.
Porter, secretary. ',
Telling of the Salem conven
tion were Mrs. Wesley Grogan
Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. Ernest L.
Starr, Mrs. George To we, Mrs.
Lucy Eastman, Mrs. A. J. Mc
Cannel, Mrs. Frank M. Porter
and Mrs. Higinbotham. Silver
ton's convention pages, Vivian
Reeves and Lois Porter, gave
impressions of their first con
vention. A national and state citation
on membership under the past
year's direction of Mrs. Higinbotham-;
an award of $9.50 ac
kowledging the second largest
gain of new members in the
state; a personal gift to the
membership chairman and last
year's first vice president, of an
auxiliary compact and a box of
occasion cards, ' were further
gestures of the over-quota of
58 members during the past
year for the local unit.
September will be music and
constitution month for the Ore
gon units. Mrs. Oscar Edlund as
chairman, and Mrs. F. M. Powell
as chairman of constitution, are
arranging special numbers for
the- two meetings of the month,
the second and fourth Mondays.
The remainder of August is giv
en over to reports of the first
meeting of the executive board,
Wednesday evening, and other
preparation features planned by
the president.
Plan Hospital Wards
Mrs. A. J. McCannel, hospital
chairman, told of the needs for
the Portland veterans' facility
outlined by Mrs. Eda Zelezzo,
supervisor, to include a monthly
cigaret fund for convalescing
veterans. By vote, the collec
tion for this amount will be
shared by members of the post
at the joint refreshments hour
the second meeting of each
month. Silverton unit has been
asked to take a part in the "open
house" and "gift shop day" De
cember 11 and December 14 at
the Portland facility. Gifts for
the gift shop may be sent by
money contributions, or wrap
ped gifts by the unit or by in
dividual members. These must
be sent to the hospital not later
than December 10. Among oth
er needs listed for the ill veter
ans are ditty bags, crocheted
slipper tops and washable pa
jamas for women. The sewing
clubs are to do the work when
The publicity report since the
installation of new officers the
first meeting In July was pre
sented to the members in loose
leafscrap book form as a first
installment of the years general
publicity to become the prop
erty of the retiring president at:
the close of the unit year. j
Other Reports j
On legislation, the chairman
reported having contacted, by
letter, all Oregon congressional
members with co-operative re
sponse and pamphlet material;
sent to the chairman for unit!
reference. These reports were
given by Mrs. F. M. Powell,1
Ipublicity and legislative chair-'
man. i
Silverton unit entered the
contest for the award offered
for the most renewals of mem
bers by November 11. "No price
can be put on a poppy" was an
nounced officially concerning
the annual poppy sale day for
the benefit of members of the
families of ill veterans being
cared for.
The unit discussed favorably
the invitation of the Aurora
unit to install 'officers. The
time was not announced.
The social hour was a joint
one with the members of the
post when refreshments were
served following the separate
business meetings.
Anniversary Event
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Foubert,
4345 Glenwood drive, celebrat
ed their forty-ninth wedding
anniversary August 5. They
were married in Medicine Hat,
Alberta, Canada August 5, 1900.
For many years they resided in
North Dakota, coming to Four
Corners two years ago. Their Journal Want Ads Pay
son John S. Foubert of Hunt
ington, Oreg. came home for the
occasion. Friends and neighbors
called during the day to extend
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1949 7
Are Visitors
Visitors here for the day
Tuesday with Mrs. L. E. de
Weese were her mother, Mrs.
Herbert S. Nichols, and her sister-in-law,
Mrs. H. Minor Nich
ols, both of Portland. Return
ing with them to Portland was
Wirt Nichols, who has been
spending a few days here at the
home of his aunt.
Mrs. de Weese invited a few
neighbors in for dessert to meet
the visitors Tuesday afternoon.
Advert Ifemcnu
(Scabies) li hlchly eon-
.aslous and would con
tinue for life it noi
lopped. Ill sole rouse .
Ilch mile which
Is immune to ordinary treatment. KX
SORA kill! the Itch-mlte almost Instantls.
Only three days EXSOKA treatment Is
"Mall orders liven prompt attention.
At all Fred Meyer Drue Sections and oth
er C.OOll Drue Stores."
THE WOMEN'S Missionary
society of the First Baptist
church is to meet Thursday at 2
p.m. in the church basement.
Mrs. Lloyd Smith is to be wor
ship leader. There will be two
speakers, Miss Florence Tyler of
the Union Gospel mission in
Portland and Miss Evelyn Var
ney, newly named missionary to
Japan. Hostesses for the meeU
ing will be Mrs. J. L. Purvine,
Miss Mcta Garrigucs and Mrs. J,
W. Humphreys.
$$ MONEY $$
tVi Real testate Loam
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Finance Co.
153 8. High SU Lie 821 3-5222
Palmistry Readings
Will tell your past present
and future. Will advise on
love marriase
and business
Answers all
questions. Are
you worried?
Whv be in
doubt? Special
V, ' Open 9 a.m.
Moved from 466 Ferry to
173 S. Commercial
zSfk) JiViOUS
W ' (Jerome -today FlAfffS- I
jlJ 1 "LJJ
At Rebekah Meeting
Mrs. Lloyd Pepper reported
on a visitation of the Salem
lodge to Jefferson lodge last
week, 16 members attending, at
the local lodge meeting Monday
evening. Mrs. Howard Hunsaker
gave an account of the IOOF
80th Anniversary at Jefferson
Thursday evening there will
be practice for the degree staff.
Next Monday evening will be
Initiation when four new mem
bers will be taken in. Mrs. Estel
la Hess and Mrs. Clarence Kim
ball were appointed to the Wo
men's Council and for the com
muntiy service Mrs. Lola Mc
Farlane, Mrs. Bessie Edwards
and Mrs. Leon Fraum were
Committee Event
Members of the Subscription
dance club committee are meet
ing Thursday evening for a no
host picnic supper at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones
At that time plans for the winter
season will be outlined.
On the committee are Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs.
Hollis W. Huntington, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mr. and
Mrs. John Caughell, Mr. and
Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mr. and
Mrs. James Walton, Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Phillips, Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Werner Brown.
85 proof Canadian
Whiikty. Imported In
bulk by J. A J. Dunbar
& Co. Bottled by the
Old Monastery Co.,
Seattle, Washington.
Pint $2.95
j Quart 54.72
Supper to Fete
Dr., Mrs. White
Honoring Dr. and Mrs. Bruce
White, who are visiting here
from Honolulu, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rhoten will be hosts
Thursday at a buffet supper at
their home. Dr. White is head of
the college of education at Uni
versity of Hawaii and he and
Mrs. White are visiting at the
home of his brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Guests for the supper will in
clude Dr. and Mrs. Bruce White,
Dr. and Mrs. Vern Bain of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White,
Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Zeller, Dr.
and Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mr. and
Mrs. Lestle Sparks, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert A. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Sackett, Miss Virginia
Mason of Jefferson, Miss Maxine
Buren, and the hosts, all being
former Willamette university
Wedding Reported
Dayton Mrs. Howard
Wright has received word that
her son, Jack Gentry, and Miss
Kay Gilmore of Baltimore, Md.,
were married July 30, at the
North Minister Presbyterian
church in Baltimore, with close
friends and relatives present.
The bride wore a light gray suit
with white accessories, a rose
bud corsage. His brother, Chuck
Gentry, was one of the attend
ants. Mrs. Gentry is a telephone
operator and both Mr. Gentry
and his brother are with the
merchant marine. For the pres
ent Mr. and Mrs. Gentry will
make their home in Maryland.
412, 8 et 40, plans its annual
family picnic Wednesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Lil
lian Zinn in Salem.
VISITOR here over the week
end was Mrs. Thomas E. Mc
Ginnis of Portland, guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Johnson.
Inc. Fed. Tea
, a brilliant,
yet inexpensive fold
ing camera for full-color or
black-and-white pictures.
Has new-type shutter re
lease bar for sharper,
steadier exposures. Lens
preset no focusing re
quired. You have a choice
of four openings for vary
ing light conditions.
Takes black - and - white
Kodak 620 Films and Ko
dacolor 620 Film . . .
negatives, 2V4x3V4. Ov
ersize black-and-white
and Kodacolor Prints,
about 314x5.
Camera, $24.50
flasholder, $11.08
Prices include Federal Tax
in this Model 43 4-door Sedan,
NEW in looks-NEW in room -NEW in handUny
and priced rifiht down your alley!
FEAST your eyes, folks and reach
for your checkbook.
For here, in one stunning, swift-lined
bundle, is everything yes, every
thingyou've been ripping for.
New style note? Well, just look at
that brand-new idea in front-end
styling. Grille, bumper, bumper
guards and even parking lights all
combined in a single, sturdy as
sembly that means you can't "lock
horns" with other cars I
New over-all size? We've trimmed
inches from its over-all length for
handiness in traffic yet here's still
delight the whole family. Children are iae
In in full-iixe, even-wider rear teat.
Time In HENRY 1. UYIOR. ABC Network, ,,, Mender evenlnj
the generous wheelbase that spells
a level-going ride.
New roominess? Swing open the
doors a thumb-touch does itl and
gaze on the biggest interiors you
can buy for the money, with sofa
wide front seats and no less than 12
more inches in rear-seat hiproom.
Mip behind the wheel. Finger-easy
Synchro-Mesh transmission if you
choose the satiny smoothness of
Dynaflow Drive as optional equip
ment if you want the very latest thing.
And if power is your meat Just lift
the bonnet and look on a husky Fire
ball power plant of 110 horsepower
with conventional transmission, 120
with Dynaflow Drive.
Surely here's a car big as your
fondest ambition yet price
wise it's right down your alley!
Fits modest family budgets
Optional at extra cost.
as it fits modest-size garages, puts
Buick in reach of still more people!
So here's really a "must see" item!
On display now, in three trim-,
'n'-lidy body types, it won't stay
long on dealers' floors. Go now
see it and Set thai order in!
aaaaaana.- VO0K KEY TO GtfATEK VAIU! (pjfj
388 North Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon
When better automobile are built BUICK will bulla them