Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 10, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1949
Parties for
,' Next week will feature a
number of parties honoring late
jummer and early fall brides-elect.
J Miss Phyllis Schnell, who is
io be wed to Robert Strebig on
September 2, is to be feted at a
'party for which Mrs. John S.
'Beakey and her daughter, Mrs.
'Kogcr Schnell, will entertain at
the Beakey home Thursday eve
ning, August 18.
I Miss Norma Jane Cass, whose
(narriage to Richard Thurin of
'Pasadena, Calif., will take place
August 28, will be honored at
a party for which Miss Mavis
rEggens and Miss Ramona Evans
are to entertain the evening of
August 19. The party will be at
the Eggerts home, about 30 being
invited, several from out of
comes announcement of the
birth of a son, Daniel Owen,
to Sgt. and Mrs. Marvin Lar
kins, formerly of Salem, on Sat
urday, August 6, at Oak Har
bor Naval hospital. There is
sjn older daughter in the fam
ily! Pamela. Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Larking of Salem are grand
parents of the new arrival,
VFW Auxiliary's
Activities Noted
Mrs. Robert Casteel was Initi
ated Monday evening at a regu
lar meeting of Marion auxiliary
Veterans of Foreign Wars, at
the VFW hall.
Reports were given on hos
pitals by Mrs. Iva Hamilton;
rehabilitation, Mrs. Joe Horn
nefer; Americanism, Mrs. Elmer
Mrs. B. R. Oshorn, assisted by
Mrs. Charley Hunt, Mrs. Joe
Hornefcr, Mrs. Marvin Miller.
Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs. Ivcll
Haley, Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs
Delia Schoneboon, Mrs. Alice
Siewert, Mrs. Fred Cater, Mrs,
Mammie Phipps, Mrs. Charles
Hagan, Mrs. Genevieve Olson,
Mrs. Willie Boone, Mrs. Beulah
Hiborn, Mrs. Delores Griffin,
Mrs. Alta Morton, Mrs. Virgin
ia Aeschlimann, Mrs. Agnes
Jensen, Mrs. Tim Briggs and
Mrs. Elmer Idean, reported they
had served a dinner to Nation
al Gunrdsman and army men
when they were here for the
American Legion parade. The
funds received from this will be
used for rehabilitation.
Bars representing the number
of years one has been a mem
ber of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars auxiliary were presented
at the meeting. Mrs. Margaret
Lewis having been a member
for more than twenty years was
present to receive her bar. Any
one wishing her bar may call
Mrs. Charles Hagan, the sec
retary. The picnic to be held at Ha
gan's grove Sunday, AugustM,
with the post with Mrs. Robert
DeLapp chairman, will be for
the Veterans and their families.
Mrs. Charley Hunt and Mrs.
Walter Beck, captains of the los
ing membership teams, an
nounced their plans had been
changed and they will entertain
the members of the winnlnR
teams, Thursday, August 11 at
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
hnll from 8 to 10 p.m.
The Widows club will meet
with Mrs. Ivell Haley, 2271 Lee
street, Tuesday, August 16, at
8 p.m.
The Past Presidents club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Leon
Hansen, lfiO E. Miller St., Au
gust 18, at 8 p.m.
Homer McWain will be hostess
to the Little Garden club of Sa
m Heights on Thursday at her
home on Fairview avenue for
a no-host dinner at 12:30 o'clock.
To Convention
Several from Salem will be
leaving for San Francisco to
take in the convention of the
Music Teachers National asso
ciation convention there August
Miss Dorothy P e a r c e will
leave Friday morning -on the
Shasta Daylight for the conven
tion. Mrs. Frank Burlingham, Miss
Lena Belle Tartar, Dean Melvin
Geist of the Willamette univer
sity college of music and Mrs.
Geist are all to leave on the
Shasta Daylight next Tuesday
morning for sessions of the con
vention. Dean Geist, who Is regional
governor in the National Asso
ciation of Singing Teachers, is
scheduled for a part on the pro
gram at the session.
Several music groups are
staging meetings In conjunction
with the teachers convention.
Boosters Club
Plans Outing
The Boosters club from St.
Mark Lutheran church will hold
its first outing this week-end at
Camp Bow on U. S.. highway 20,
five miles east of Cascadia.
Overnight campers will leave
the church at 1 o'clock on Satur
day. Others will make the trip
on Sunday for the noon meal
and for the services in the morn
ing which will be conducted by
the Rev. John Baglien. Work at
the camp will be divided among
those attending, Cecil Clark is
general chairman of the outing,
Oscar Sedcrstrom, transporta
tion, chairman; George Dills,
treasurer. Alfred Sather is presi
dent of the group, Mrs. Cecil
Clark, vice president, Mrs. Eddie
Ahrens, secretary-treasurer.
Those making reservations for
themselves and families are: Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Larson, Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs.
Al Torgerson, Mr. and Mrs. L.
J. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Gorton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ol
son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brictzke,
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Engh,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Holmes,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sather, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Jaqua, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer McClean, Mr. and
Mrs. Julius Haganson, Dr. and
Mrs. B. Trelstad, Rev. and Mrs.
John Baglien, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Sedcrstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Attend Shower
Dayton Mrs. D. Lynn Gub-
ser and Mrs. Dale Pederson and
baby of McMinnville, Mrs. Wen- I
dell Wlllard and daughter Alice, I
Mrs. Bill Belts, Maclalene Ross
ncr, Colleen Coburn and Mrs !
Earle Coburn, all of Dayton, I
were among guests at a shower
given for Miss Lois Hibbs, who I
is the bride-elect of Johnny
Becker of McMinnville. The'
shower was given in the parlors
of the Evangelical U.B. church
at Unionvalc, with Mesdamcs Ed
Clow, Ari Launer, Clarerice
Launer, George Deibel, Carrie
Kidd, Ed Richards and George
Strawn as hostesses. Miss Hibbs
wedding will be an event of
August 14 at the First Methodist
church in McMinnville. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Royal Hibbs of Unionvalc.
ville Woman's club will hold
its annual picnic Thursday noon
at the home of Mrs. Charles Mc
Callister on Portland road. Each
member is to bring a covered
dish and her own table service.
Wedding Due
Next Sunday
A bride next Sunday will be
Miss Anne Stenger, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stenger
of Gervais. who is to be mar
ried to Carter Hitt, son of Mr.
ind Mrs. L. E. Hitt of Aberdeen,
The service will be solemniz
ed at 2 o'clock in the Sacred
Heart Catholic church at Ger
vais, the Rev. Martin Dougher
ty officiating.
Mrs. W. G. Stunlz, Jr., is to be
matron of honor for her sister,
and the bridesmaids will be Mrs.
Ralph Stenger, Woodburn, sister-in-law
of the bride-to-be,
and Mrs. John Drescher of St.
Paul. Robert Hitt is to be best
man for his brother.
The reception following is to
o'e at the Stenger home.
Miss Prinslow
Bride Saturday
Woodburn On the morning
of August 6 the marriage of Miss
Eileen Prinslow, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Prins
low of Woodburn, to Edward P.
Krohn, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward P. Krohn of Molalla,
was solemnized at 10 o'clock In
St. Luke's Catholic church at
Woodburn. Rev.. Francis Han
ley officiated.
Soloist, was Bernard Smith,
accompanied by Mrs. Marie
Donnelly, who also played the
processional and recessional.
Mr. Prinslow gave his daugh
ter in marriage. She was attired
in a royal blue covert fitted suit
with gray accessories and wore
a corsage of white orchids.
Miss Doris Prinslow, sister of
the bride, was her only attend
ant and wore a gray dressmaker
suit with black accessories and
i CO K'
Wedding in Monitor Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramberg were
married in late July at the Nidaros Lutheran church at Moni
tor. The bride is the former Avon Simmons, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Simmons of Monitor and Mr. Ramberg
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ramberg of Scappoose.
(McEwan studio picture)
corsage of pink rosebuds center
ed with a white gardenia.
William Matson of Portland,
brother-in-law of the bride
groom, acted as best man.
Mrs. Prinslow chose a white
floral afternoon dress with black
accessories for her daughter's
wedding and the mother of the
bridegroom wore a gray suit
with white accessories. Each
wore a corsage of pink baby
A reception and wedding
breakfast followed the service
at the home of the bride's par
ents. The table was decorated
with pink and blue streamers
and rose bouquets and centered
with three-tiered wedding cake.
The cake was cut by Mrs.
Dorothy Haynes. Miss Mary Lou
Prinslow was in charge of the
guest book and Misses Emma
Jean Driver and Madonna Prins
low served.
Mr. and Mrs. Krohn left on an
extended wedding trip after
which they will make their
home in Redmond.
To Be Feted
Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Jr.
will be hostess Thursday morn
ing at an informal coffee to hon
or her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. S.
Bonawitz, who recently moved
to Salem from Portland.
Invited to meet Mrs. Bona
witz are Mrs. A. C. Gerlinger,
Mrs. Sydney Kromer, Mrs. Ro
bert Herrall, Mrs. Frank Bell,
Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. John
R. Wood, Mrs. A. W. Loucks,
Mrs. Conrad Paulson, Mrs.
Charles D. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonawitz are
residing at 1580 D street. Their
elder son, Joe S. Bonawitz, who
is at Arlington for the summer,
will enter Willamette university
and their younger son, Steven,
is to be in Englewood school.
Mrs. Wilson and daughter Su
san, returned last week from
spending a month at Nelscott.
Mrs. E. Bonawitz, Portland,
Mrs. Wilson's mother, spent part
of the time with them and Su
san had as a guest for part of
the time, Judy Fortmiller. Mr.
Wilson spent week-ends with
his family.
HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. Lutz celebrated their 40th
wedding anniversary at their
home here Sunday. They were
married in Fullerton, Nebr., Au
gust 7, 1900. Present for the
occasion fere Mrs. May Broward
and Mrs. W. A. Rerick of Van
couver, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lutz
of Portland, Mrs. Richard Lutz
and children of San Jose, Calif.,
and Robert Lutz of Hubbard.
Mr. and Mrs. Lutz came to
Oregon 25 years ago and havp
lived in Hubbard 20 years. They
reared four adopted children,
Mrs. John Erickson of Wood
burn, Robert of Hubbard, Rich
ard of San Jose and Leroy of
Miss Steele
Given Shower
Mrs. L. W. Mattson and Mrs.
H. E. Walls were co-hostesses
on Sunday afternoon at the
Mattson home, 865 Eldin ave.,
at a bridal shower honoring
Miss Mary Jane Steele, who is
to be married soon to James
Mattson. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Mattson. Miss
Steele is the daughter of Mrs.
Ora Pool of Crescent City, Calif.
Guests for the event were Miss
Steele, Mrs. Ed McCluskey, Mrs.
Max Swink, Mrs. J. E. Strawn,
Mrs. Marvin Rundhaug, Mrs.
James Milford, Mrs. Charlotte
Archer, Mrs. Fred Nottingham:
Mrs. Beth Crabbe, Misses Nellie
and Deana Archer and Alice and
Carol Mattson, Mrs. Ed Cofell.
VISITORS, arriving Tuesday,
for a few days stay at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney
Kromer are Mr. Kromer's bro
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph M. Kromer, and
their three children from Boise,
Relief Beyond Belief
For Dry Eczema Itching
"lt'swontlcrfuir "Wouldn't be without
It!" Thais what tlioy nay about Rent not
the famous ointment that gives such
blissful, .inner, rig relief from the fiery
Itch of common skin irritations Try it I
Suspended Sale!
Thursday Friday Saturday
Cord Jackets . . .1
! Mat' s Right ...
m It is a suspended sale
... for 3 glorious days
. . . it's a series of
'a breath-taking values
I for you. . . . Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
10.00 A.M ;
( Blouses ... v
ss About 300 of them . . . most'
51 Iv whites ... some pastel
:H and prints'. . . A special
i nurchase gives you this
v. amazing value, formerly
to 6.95
safe If ap
1. Instantly stops perspiration, keeps armpits
dry. Acts safely, as proved by leading doctors.
2. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts.
3. Removes odor from perspiration on contact
in 2 seconds. Has antiseptic action.
4. Does not Irritate skin. Can be used right
after shaving. Preferred by 117,000 nurses.
5. pur., white, stainless vanishing cream.
Arrid, with the amaiing new ingtedient
Creamogen, stays smooth and creamy will
not crystallize or dry out in the jar.
Arrid with Creamogen Is guaranteed not to dry out
in the jar. If you're not completely convinced that
Arrid is in tvtry wy the finest cream deodorant you've
ever used, return sr with unused portion fot refund of
entire purchase price. Our address is on every package,
jj 07 Also 10 and 3
Fine gunwale cord
4 new autumn colors . . ,
Semi-fitted style.
Sold everywhere at 10.95.
Matching Skirt 4
Skirts . . .
; Pin striped rivercool fabric '.
s' ... grey or tan . . . ideal '
' weight for school ...
Regular 5.95 . . . yours ... i
while they last for
Bras . . .
Strapless . . . circular
( stitched . . . hand styles
... satins or nylons . . .
whites or pastel colors
. , , famous Margo brand. "
J Slips . . .
T Crepes . . . satins . . .
tailored . . . loce trim . . .
:i 35 white or pastels . . .
. : proportioned sizes . . .
' Compare this value anyplace
. . . it's a sizzler!
Dresses . . .
Joyce . . .
Whites . . . colors . . . san
l dais . . . stepins . . . positively
a limited time sale ...
Values are 8.95 to 10.95.
Your big chance on Joyce . . .
Cleanup of better grade i4 .
cottons and sunbacks . . . V
Misses and Junior sizes ... i
values to 14.95. Take
them away!
Sanda' . . .
Out they go . . . former ;
prices don't count ...
Whites . . . reds . . . greens :;
J . . . closed casuals in-
( eluded . . . values to 6 95. '
dozens of them in
fact . . . and there's a
grand clearance for
the season . . . reductions
of over 50 on
JOHNSON millinary!
and grand for after
noon or evening ... a
Saba of California rayon
(looks like crash
linen) and now's the time
you'll love it best.
In green, cocoa or navy.
Sizes 9 to 15. $10.95.
KNOW ... the bra
by Perma-lift strapless,
snowy-white is just
2.98. The Lux-eez Garter
Briefs are Luxite Nylon
and they're 2.50.
and ask for it by'
that name! Beautifully
tailored of Burlington
Washable Tom-Tom,
rayon-shantung and a
classic must. Price
is a classic, too . . .
Each of these and a
whole lot more
Where everything
in fashion's at
Stort for Udis