Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 10, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraphs
Miss Your Faper? If the
Capital Journal carrier fails to
leave your copy please phone
22406 BEFORE 6 P M. and a
copy will be delivered to you.
Leaves Photo Service
Claude Wilson, 174 N. Commer
cial, has filed with the county
clerk his notice of retirement
from Wilson's Photo Service and
Arrow Photo service.
Quit Grocery Certificate of
retirement from Hudson's groc
ery has been filed with the
county clerk by W. S. and Esther
Patterson Returns Home
Mrs. Orlando J. Watts has re
turned to Salem from Gerber
and San Francisco, Cal., and re
ports her brother, Willis (Red)
Patterson is improving. He suf
fered a serious head injury sev
eral months ago while work
ing with a silo filler. His
memory is returning, his sis
ter reports, and he is able to
read newspapers and letters.
His left arm still shows the ef
fects of paralysis, but there is
a possibility it may improve.
Detroit Restaurant Opens
A new restaurant, known as the
Blue Moon, has been opened on
the North Santiam highway at
Detroit. The operators of the
new establishment are Mr. and
Mrs. O. L. Donnelly and Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Ebright.
Chambers Heads Tour G. F.
(Ted) Chambers will be marshal
of the Salem contingent going to
Detroit next Sunday for dedica
tion of the new North Santiam
highway. The Detroit commun
ity is making much preparation
for the event, says a letter to
the Chamber of Commerce from
Ed Vickers, president of the
Canyon Commercial club.
Air Markers Placed Twenty
eight air markers have been
placed on the roofs of forest
lookout towers as a part of the
state air marking program be
ing carried out by the state
board of aeronautics. Approxi
mately 20 more of these will be
added and around 36 markers
in small communities along the
most-traveled air routes of the
state. The board is providing
paint and instructions to service
clubs of various communities in-
trested in painting an air
Rickreall Woman Hurt Mrs,
Julia Wuerch, Rickreall, was
' treated at an Oregon City hos
pital for a sprained wrist after
the automobile driven by Ed
ward Wuerch, of Portland, a
reiauve, ruiiea uvei anci mu
ting an embankment on the Pa
cific highway near New Era
Tuesday. Wuerch was declared
dead but his death is ascribed
to a heart attack brought about
by shock rather than any injury
received. He was listed as the
17th Oregon fatality over a four-
day period.
Permits Are Granted Appli
cation for a package store class
"A" license has been approved
by the Oregon liquor control
commission for iioya ti. nam
street and Mary Dorothy Ham
street, North Commercial gro
cery. Salem. Frederick Mer
chant Marsh, as Fred's Steak
house, Lebanon, has been grant
ed a retail malt beverage class
"B" license.
Howell Reunion Sunday
The 16th annual homecomin
of alumni of the old Howell
school will be held at the school
four miles east of Stayton Sun
day with a basket lunch to be
served at noon followed by a
program in charge of Mrs. Ros-
coe Poole, chairman ana a. u
Kirsch, chairman of the sports
committee. Table arrangements
will be in charge of the Howell
Bee Hive club.
Asks Road Fixed J. W. Wil
son, Scotts Mills, member of the
school board of district 33c, has
asked the county court to relo-
. cate a piece of road which has
been vacated near Briar Knob
school, to gravel it and improve
it as a county road. The por
tion was vacated some time ago
as being too steep. Wilson says
now it is asked the road be re
located to give a better route for
the school bus which he says
would be both shorter and safer.
Commissioner Roy Rice and En
gineer Hedda Swart were dele
gated to look over the situation
and report.
Leaving for Berkeley Fran
cis Reierson, health educator
with the Marion county health
department, will be leaving
September 2 for Berkeley,
Calif., on a year's educational
leave during which he will
study at University of Califor
nia in advanced work. Howard
Pyfer, who has been teaching
with the Seattle public school
system, has arrived to take Mr.
Reierson's place during the year
and is spending this month with
Reierson in orientation work
preparatory to taking over the
local work for the year.
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Following New Citizens:
ROBINSON To. Dr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Robinson, Oregon State hospital, at
ir.e saiem General hospital, a boy, Aug.
RAMP To Mr. and Mrs. George Ramp.
Brooks, at the Salem General hospital, a
boy. Aug. 10.
CR18MAN To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crls-
man. Molalla, at the Salem Memorial
Hospital, a boy, Aug. .
Gets Chain Saw The county
has received delivery of a new
24-inch chain saw, which oper
ates by compressed air for the
use of the bridge crew in cut
ting piling and other timber.
The power saw is expected to
expedite the work of the crew
it being the first time the coun
ty has had a power saw for the
purpose, the crew heretofore de
pending on the old fashioned
type of cross cut saw operated
by manpower.
Licenses Depleted Wednes
day there were but 10 of the
ready numbered dog license tags
out of the 7S00 ordered for use
by the county dog control board
for 1949 and Ervin Ward, dog
control enforcement officer, said
after these are gone the clerk's
office will manufacture the tags
by stamping numbers on the un
numbered tags on hand. Next
year it is expected 8000 tags
will be ordered.
Water Threat Told C. C. Tra
cy, rancher who lives near the
Crawford school between Turner
and Marion, has reported to
County Judge Murphy that
where the county some time ago
replaced a 16-foot bridge with
two 24-inch tiles that the tiles
have proved inadequate to carry
off the water. He says further,
that some ditching work is be
ing done which will materially
increase the flow of water at the
point and make the condition ev
en worse in flood times. The
matter will be investigated.
Threatens Dike Dan D. Ter-
penning who owns a 12 - acre
ranch on the Marion-Turner
road between those two towns
has written the county court say
ing that culverts carrying creek
water under the road from two
creeks, one north and one south
of his place, are too small for
the flow of water and he asks
the court to increase their size
In event this isn't done, he said
he would be forced to build a
dike along his property as he
says the water backs over it and
takes off the top soil. The court
will view the situation.
For PGE Occupancy Robert
L. Elfstrom, Walter C. Winslow
and Roy Harland were given
a building permit today for al
terations of the Pacific build
ing at 136 South High street
That part of the building has re
cently been vacated by other'
business and will be occupied
September 1 by the Portland
General Electric company's Sa
lem offices. The permit figure is
$12,700. Other permits: Otto
Mehloff, to reroof a porch at
1945 Berry, $50. Mrs. Julia
Grant, to alter a two-story
dwelling at 1599 State, $300
Paul Brandner, to repair a porch
at 2395 North Liberty, $50. Lyle
V. Urban, to alter a 1 -story
dwelling at 2085 North Liberty,
Albany Youths Fined Two
Albany youths, Lyle Owen Wor-
den and Clyde Leon Harris
pleaded innocent- Wednesday in
district court to charges of as
sault and battery whiqh were
lodged against them' by Donald
Ringwald. The pair was arrest
ed Tuesday by a Salem patrol
man who was called to the
Paulus cannery when a fight
was reported. Worden was also
arrested on a reckless driving
charge when he apparently at
tempted to flee with Harris. The
reckless driving charge brought
a $50 fine in police court.
Clothing, Whiskey Swiped
John M. Mallory, Tigard, rei -ed
to Salem police that ho5
worth of clothing and a partially
empty bottle of whiskey had
been stolen from his car while
it was parked in Salem.
Air-steamship tickets, Kugel,
735 North Capitol, Ph. 3-7694.
Do your home canning of
fruits and vegetables at Blun
dell Kanning Kitchen, 1305 S.
13th or Phone 3-3582. 189
Launderette, 1255 Ferry. 189'
The Flower Basket. 2-4802.
Drawing hse. plans. Ph. 39621
Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730.
Specials! Guaranteed perma-
nents $4.50 up. Broadway Beau
ty Shop, Phone 3-8704. 191
Dwyer's lodge closed Tues.,
Wed. Will open Thurs. noon.
A. A. Larsen formerly associ
ated with Hawkins & Roberts
for the last fourteen years is an
nouncing the opening of his own
office located at 191 South High
street. Phone 2-8629. 191
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. if
you miss your Capital Journal.
Exclusive presentation, Imper
ial wallpapers. R. L. Elfstrom Co
Win a guest ticket to the El
sinore theatre. Read the Capital
Journal want ads.
Win a guest ticket to the El
sinore theatre. Rad the Capital
Journal want ads.
Federally insured Savings
Current dividend 2 Vi .jee
FIRST Federal Savings FIRST
142 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-4944.
Krugen Held to Jury Ed
ward Krugen was ordered held
for the Marion county grand
jury Wednesday following a
hearing on charges of contri
buting to the delinquency of a
minor inmate of the Hillcrest
home for girls. He was still held
on $2,500 bail on that charge
and $500 bail on a charge that
he aided the escape of two girls
from the school. A trial on the
second charge has been set for
August 19 in district court.
Official Dies Ethel John
stone, second vice president of
the National Federation of Bus
iness and Professional Women's
club, who had frequently visited
in Oregon in her club position,
died Tuesday in San Francisco
where funeral services will be
held Thursday, a telegram to
the Salem BPW club reported
Wednesday. Miss Johnstone
spoke at the Oregon state con
vention two years ago and at
this year s regional conference.
Play Producer Here Arriv
ing in Salem this week for a
visit was a former Salem man,
Dean Goodman, who now re
sides in New York City. Good
man is visiting with his mother,
Mrs. Dean T. Goodman for a
few days prior to leaving for
Seattle to spend part of his va
cation. The former Salemite
has spent the past four or five
years in New York and while
in that city has had been pro
ducing plays and last year had
a show on the road. Prior to
going to . New York he was in
Los Angeles. Goodman, who
flew to Los Angeles from New
York and then came to Salem
from that city, plans to return
to Salem for a longer visit after
vacationing in Seattle.
Flies to Texes Mrs. Quentin
R. Rowland, who has been visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Elsa Frey
in the Hayesville community,
left by plane Wednesday for
Camp Hood, Tex., where she
will join her husband. After a
week there Lt. and Mrs. Row
land will leave for Germany
where he will be stationed. The
Rowlands returned about a
year ago from Korea where
they were stationed two years.
Judge Progresses Well Jus
tice James T. Brand of the state
supreme court who was injured
in a traffic condition Tuesday
was not as severely hurt as at
first thought, was the report
from his home Wednesday. He
suffered some minor cuts and
bruises and a mild concussion
and expects to rest quietly at his
home for a time.
Mrs. Bauer Home Mrs. Ralph
Bauer, 1570 N. Capitol, and in
fant son have been discharged
from the Salem General hospital.
Takes Pharmacy Post James
Norton, Traverse City, Mich.,
has assumed his new duties as
pharmacist at the Farwell phar
macy in Stayton. He graduated
from Oregon state college last
June and will continue ' to live
in Salem, driving back and forth
to Stayton. Norton replaces Leo
Wilhelm who recently resigned
to accept a position with a drug
store in Eugene.
Chin-Uppers to Picnic All
members of the Oregon Chin-up
club, their families and friends,
are invited to an outdoor picnic
at Mt. Scott park, SE 72nd and
Harold, in Portland Sunday. A
no-host luncheon will be ser
ved beginning at 1:30 o'clock.
Hosts for the picnic will be Les
ter Freeman, Arthur Boetger,
Frances Province and Ruth Ru
therhamick. Good News Quartette Here
The Good News Quartette of
Los Angeles, Len, Marv, Am and
Otis with Bruce Parker as speak
er and Betty Parker as the
pianist will be at the Christian
Missionary Church tonight at
Quick service! New glasses in
one day, made to prescription
of your optometrist by Semler
Optical Offices State and Com
mercial, Ph. 3-3311. Easy credit.
Let Reinholdt & Lewis show
you the many advantages of the
nationally advertised, easy to
clean, Flexalum Metal Slat used
exclusively in Salem Venetian
Blinds. Phone 2-3639. 189
Alaska 12-day Special Cruise
from Van., B.C., $255 Aug. 21.
10 ports of call. Salem Travel
Agency. Ph. 37694. 191
Gilmore's upstairs dress shop.
439 Court St. Big reduction
summer dresses. Including na
vy's. 190
Rummage Sale! Ladies' and
girls' clothing; miscellaneous ar
ticles, Thurs. & Fri., 151 W
Miller. 189'
Kathryn's Beauty Salon mov
ed to the Vogue Beauty Rooms.
341 State St. Phone 3-5654. 198
Andy Halvorsen announcing
new real estate location. Now as
sociated with Mr. A. A Larsen,
Realtor, 191 South High street.
Northwest corner of High & Fer
ry street. New Salem Hotel
building. Phone 2-8629. 191
2af current rate on your
savings. Salem Federal, 560
State St Salem's largest Savings
Screened gravel and sand for
concrete. Phone 2-4002, evenings
3-7146. Immed. delivery. 188'
Win a guest ticket to the El
sinore theatre. Read the Capital
nun i jiJi
An Interested Sears Official Orville Lee of Seattle has
been keeping a watchful eye on the Sears building project
on Capitol Shopping Center since it started. Lee is in charge
of setting up new stores for Sears, Roebuck & Co., and also
in charge of maintenance of displays.
Johnson Recovering Clyde
Johnson, former Salem mail
carrier, is in the Veterans' hos
pital in Portland where he un
derwent serious surgery two
weeks ago. While making re
covery no time has been set for
his release, according to 'his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. John
son who with Mrs. Clyde John
son and son, Melven, recently
visited him.
No. 16 to Meet Townsend
club No. 16 will meet at the
home of Mrs. Anna Arnold, 2256
Ford street, Thursday evening.
Lions to Hear Bennett Frank
B. Bennett, city superintendent
of schools for ten years, will
speak at the Thursday luncheon
of the Lions club. His subject
will be "Education America's
Leniency for Youth District
Judge Joseph Felton decided
Wednesday not to spoil the luck
of a youthful teenager hailed
into court for fishing along the
Willamette. The youngster had
been lucky enough to hook him
self a nine-inch bass. To set the
record straight, the judge order
ed him to go out and buy a li
cense after he paid court costs
of $5. Fines were suspended.
Armstrongs Back
From Dance Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong
have just returned from Holly
wood, Calif., where they at
tended the National Association
of Dance and Affiliated Artists,
The convention was attended
by dancing teachers from about
every state in the union, and
had a very well-known teach
ing staff which included such
famous names as Veloz and Yo
landa, Nick Castle from Warner
Bros, and Jimmy Mattison.
Armstrong says there is much
enthusiasm over a new dance
called the La Bonga, which is a
combination of the Samba and
the Rumba. High school students
and adults alike seem very fond
of the Horse and Buggy Schot
tische and the Lamann, he said.
Circuit Court
Alpha vs Ouy L. Michael, divorce com
plaint alleges cruel and Inhuman treat
ment and aska custody ol two children.
Married January 29, 1021, at Smith Cen
ter, Kansas.
Juanita Joyce vs Ralph George Burns,
Plaintiff's reply admits and denies.
Betty vs L. M. Gardiner, amended com
plaint for divorce.
Georgia L. vs Granville E. Ball, divorce
decree entered.
Ray Clark vs Vivian Bowen Llnd,
Judgment order for money.
Nelson Equipment company vs Lock-
year Lumber company, judgment declar
ing plaintiff owner of certain diesel equip
w. and Minnie Champ vs Lancet
and Ella Stewart and Willis E. Lavlnc
as surety, udgment order dispossessing
defendant Stewart from certain rea.
premises, the court retaining Jurisdiction
of the case for the purpose of determining
value of the use and occupancy of the
premises by defendants.
The grand Jury resumed Its session
Wednesday for consideration of crim
inal matters.
James C. Danielson by Evalyn A. Daniel-
son, guardian ad litem, vs Llla L. Flecnor
Oanlelson, complaint to annul marriage
contract entered Into at Arlington, Va
April 7, 1949, It being alleged plaintiff was
under age. Complaint asks name of Llla
Fleenor be restored to defendant.
Probate Court
Florence Stelngrube Zlnn estate, final
account of C. O. Zlnn. administrator, fin
al hearing September 13.
William R. Simpson estate.
charge of executor.
John Clees estate, appraised at I9399.3B
by Alois Keber, James H. Fournler and
Matt Wagner.
Minnie D. Craft estate, answer resist
ing petition of J. A. Craft seeking an or.
der setting apart a homestead estate.
application for
Mathew R, Rlnnwald ouardlannhln 10-
pralsed at 12931.83 by Bam B. Harbison.
Doris Albln and Gordon Moore.
Robert D. Paris estate, order authoriz
ing widow's allowance pending admlnls-
. J. Latham estate, final account of
Adah Jones, administratrix.
Marriage Licenses
Calvin Trevor MellLah. 25. US navy.
San Dleio, Calif., and Bettvann Luckow,
18, berrr picker, Bts Fork, Montana.
Dean Pord, 21, cannery, and Addle VI
ola Campfield, IB, both Independence,
Robert William NeLaon, 26, lecretary,
Wood burn, and Adah Mae Teel, 21, lu
dent, Salem.
Order Issued
(Continued from Page 1)
Meanwhile, the White House
again said that Vaughan has Mr.
Trumans permission to testify
m the committee's so-called
five percenter" inquiry if the
senators want him to do so.
Ross Says No Comment
Presidential Secretary Charles
Ross said he had no comment"
concerning testimony linking
Vaughan's name with the Tan-
foran race track matter.
When a reporter recalled that
the president told a recent news
conference that Vaughan has
his permission to testify, Ross
said that "still applies."
Committee Chairman Hoey
(D-N.U.) said his group is es
pecially interested in getting all
the details as to why the Tan-
foran track finally got govern
ment blessing for the construc
tion after approval had been de
nied repeatedly.
The committee is checking on
whether improper influence has
figured in the administration of
federal regulations and in the
awarding of government con
tracts. Admits $5000 Retainer
The inquiry stemmed from
disclosure about the activities of
James V. Hunt, now a Washing
ton business counselor. Hunt
formerly was a Lieutenant Col
onel in the army quartermaster
corps and later worked for the
war assets administration.
Francis D. Flanagan, a com
mittee investigator, testified to
day that Hunt received a check
for $5,000 in 1946 while he was
still with the WAA as a re
tainer to help get the Lido Beach
hotel on Long Island (N.Y.) re
turned to its owners.
Flanagan said Hunt return
ed that check, but three months
later got another check for the
same amount after he had left
the WAA and had formed the J.
V. Hunt Co., a management
counselor firm. Flanagan said
his testimony was based on
WAA and Hunt company files.
Truck Damage Road Report
to the county court stated that
there is a hole in the Buena
Vista road caused by heavy
truck hauls and it was directed
repaired at once. Nine trucks
are operating carrying heavv
hauls of gravel from near Jef
ferson to a point north of Inde
pendence where riprap work is
being done along the river bank.
All Appliances up to $200
can now be purchased for
All appliances over $200 are
$10 down
oi you m&uy foot'
2 Miles from Columbia and Front on North River Ril.
Local Eating Tomatoes
Lb. 15c
Sweet Corn, Fresh Daily
35c Doz.
CALL 35285
Place Orders for Canning Peaches, Cucumbers, etc.
McEwen Held on
Murder Charae
Edward Charles McEwen, in
county jail here awaiting ar
rival of officers from Phoenix,
Ariz., who expect to return him
there where he will answer to
murder charge, will also be
looked over Wednesday by Dep
uty Sheriff Probst from Amaril-
lo, Texas, to see if he can be
tied in with a murder commit
ted there June 22.
The deputy sheriff from Tex
as contacted Sheriff Denver
Young by teleuhone from
Grants Pass saying he was out
here on an investigation of that
murder and he would like to get
a chance look at McEwen and
talk to him as there were some
similarities in description be
tween the Texas suspect and
McEwen, enough at least so he
thought it would warrant a trip
here to look him over. Sheriff
Young told him to come ahead.
McEwen is wanted at Phoe
nix, Ariz., as a suspect in con
nection with the murder of a
rancher there.
He was arrested here for
stealing a hearse from a local
mortuary which he partially
wrecked by driving it into a
ditch here. In district court he
admitted the larceny charge but
local authorities decided to let
Arizona officials have him to
answer to the more serious
charge there.
The Arizona' sheriff had noti
tied Sheriff Young that he ex
pected to start from Phoenix
Wednesday and may bring some
witnesses with him to assist in
Unification Bill
(Continued from Page 1)
Under the law signed today,
however, the council member
ship is fixed, and any additions
the president wants to make will
have to be confirmed by .the
As a whole, nowever, Mr. Tru
man said the bill "represents a
great advance" and will lead
to "increased efficiency and ec
onomy and greater coordination
of our military forces.
He used seven pens in signing
the bill. They went as souvenirs
to Chairman Tydings (D-Md.)
of the senate armed services
committee; Chairman Vinson (D-
Ga.) of the house committee,
Secretary Johnson and Stephen
Early, who becomes the $14,500-
a-year secretary of defense un
der the measure, Secretary of
the Army Gray, Secretary of
the Air Force Symington, and
Secretary of the Navy Matthews
were handed the other three
Johnson wasted no time. As
soon as the bill was signed, he
appointed a national defense
management committee and a
management advisory group.
This new agency is to work
out a program for maximum re
duction of defense department
expenditures and still maintain
military effectiveness.
Johnson named General Jo
seph T. McNarney as chairman
of the management committee.
Other members will be Army
Secretary Gray; undersecretary
of the navy Daniel A. Kimball,"
and Air Force Assistant Secre
tary Eugene M. Zuckert.
Young Grangers Camp The
summer camp of the Oregon
state juvenile Grange will be
held at the Smith creek camp
in the Silver Falls state park
August 24 to 28. Demonstration
work and lectures will be. held
each evening.
PHONE 3-9191
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
4,:.uA',! Hnmnf WmimgnwiiMl m tnii iT ' ill
Governor Douglas McKay recently presented training cer
tificates to 98 state employes who had successfully completed
the first state-wide training classes in the state's history.
Courses in accounting principles and filing methods were
sponsored by the state civil service commission. Shown above
receiving his certificate is D. D. Caspell, an employe of the
accounting department of the state highway commission.
Robert R. Johnson, director of the civil service commission,
watches the proceedings after he and Governor McKay had
made brief talks. James M. Clinton, training supervisor, as
sists the governor in the presentation. Continuous training
classes in various fields are planned by the civil service com
mission to promote the efficiency of the state workers.
New Tremors
(Continued from Pace 1)
This correspondent flew over
the area yesterday to Ainbato
with some of the U.S. air force
transports helping out in the
"little airlift" which is dropping
food and medical supplies to iso
lated towns.
Pelileo, a town of 3,500-popu-
lation, resembles a garbage
dump surrounded by bright
green grass and trees. Not
house escaped damage. Block
after block is a jumble of abode
walls and bamboo poles.
Clouds of dust still hung over
many areas which have had no
President Galo Plaza Lasso,
educated at the university of
Maryland, received a message of
sympathy from President Tru
Assistance was reported com
ing from many of the American
republics. In neighboring Co
lumbia a commission was form
ed to raise assistance funds.
Thursday, August 11
Organized Naval Reserve surface
division at the Naval and Marine
Corps Reserve training center.
Company 6, 162nd infantry regi
ment, Oregon National Guard, at
saiem armory.
Salem Air Reserve unit at Army
Reserve quonset huts.
Fridav. Aue-usi 12
Organized Scabee Reserve unit at
"Sea Hawk" - "Jimco" - "Falcon" - "Therese"
Latest Type Sport Fishing Cruisers
Charters - Deep Sea Fishing Trips Excursions
Phone 590
Newport Manor
On Hiway 101 3 blocks
north of Yaquina Bay
Phone 425-W Box 646
Automatic Electric Heat
Go Deep Sea Fishing
Charter the CYGNET
Diesel Powered - Fed. Insp. and Licensed
Two Hours Fishing $3. IS
Four Hours Fishing 5.15
All Day Charter (up to 45 people) 200.00
OVER-NIGHT and LONG TRIPS by Special Arrangements
Radio-Telephone Sleeps 12 for over-night trips
, Phone 545 if no answer Phone 90-J
J. Elfving Box 903 Newport, Oregon
Phone for Information - 18
YAQUINA BAY AREA - Newport, Oregon
Post office Box A Newport, Ore.
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1 949 5
Naval and Marine Corps Reserv
training center.
Maj. Houser in Japan
Salem man now stationed at Fu
kuka, Japan, is Maj. Edwin F.
Houser, who prior to returning to
duty with the air force was con
nected with Keith Brown Building
and Supply and at the time of leav
ing Salem was president of the
Marion county chapter of the Re
serve Officers association. Houser is
now assigned to the staff of the
29th division as flight aviation of
ficer. Extend Deadlines
Three states, Illinois, Michigan
and Rhode Island, have extended
deadlines for applying for World
War II veterans' bonuses, the Ore
gon department of veterans' affairs
reported this week.
The Illinois bonus deadline, origi
nally scheduled for June 30 of this
year, has been extended to June 30,
1951, In Michigan the deadline was
set ahead two years to March 18,
1951. The Rhode Island bonus ex
pired June 30, 1947, but recent legis
lative action revived it to give ap
plicants until Oct. 31. 1949, to file.
Band Concert
Program Thursday
Following program Is an
nounced by Director Maurice
Brennen for the Salem Munici
pal band concert Thursday night
at 8 o'clock in Willson park:
University of Kansas March .... Rlchardi
Phedre Overture Massenet
Second Bulto in P Major Hoist
Marcn oi tna Bteei Men Bclsterling
in i cKMiitaiun
Deep Purple DeRose
Irish Tunc from County Derry .. Grainger
St. Louis Blues March .... Handy-Etmeke
Somebody Loves Me Oar sh win
saraiaua March wlucocki
Sugar provides more energy
at lower cost than any other ar-
tide of diet.
Where you can enjoy fish
ing in Yaquina Bay, go deep
sea fishing, get a sun-tan
or go surf bathing. For in
formation Ph. 111-J day or
At Nye Beach
Journal want ads.