Section III Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Wednesday, August 10. 1949 4 is p ;Jt if1 Rest Rooms for Men Bill Bevens, baseball pitcher of national renown, now a Sears salesman in the household appliance department, visits one of three restrooms designed for men who visit Sears to shop for urban and rural necessi ties. Be assured that holders in Sears facilities are always filled with plenty of towels. Jack Russell Jack Russel Known In Golf Circles Here Jack Russel Is one of the few men at Sears who actually han dies every item that comes Into the building. Although the customers never sec him, Jack goes all out to see that they get the newest of the new things without delay. Most friends of Jack Russel will remember him as the Golf Champion of the Willamette val ley in 1947. Jack has since that time tied the local course record when he shot a scorching 64 from the long tees. At present Jack is chairman of the local Scars golf tournament. 4i Bill Peterson Allstate Insurniice (Ml Kay Roacli Plumbing Million Jobless Listed, Shanghai Shanghai, Aug. 10 W) Shang hai's unemployed total 1,000, 000 persons, the communist mili tary control commission an nounced today. Of these 250,000 are indus trial workers, 650,000 are "pau pers" and the others are classi fied by the communists as "land owners, wealthy farmers and lawless elements," who fled to Shanghai from the interior and are not employed. Thus the city s unemployed population numbers a sixth of the city's population. The commission said those with homes elsewhere would be sent to them. Those without homes are to be sent to north Kiangsu and north Anhwei provinces to be settled on new farm areas. Only the destitute are to have their transportation paid. The announcement said "all public bodies and charitable or ganizations are requested to co operate with the government to carry out the plan." The communists, who appear to think the nationalist block ade will last indefinitely, say they hope ultimately to move 3,000,000 persons out of Shang hai to farm areas to ease the burden caused by the loss of sea commerce. Sears Building Well Energized Electric underground wiring for the new Sears building on the Capitol Shopping Center could furnish service to a couple of city blocks of the usual size, according to Byron Simonson president and general manager of the Electric Corporation, 1270 Wilber street, which made the connections. This is sufficient to furnish the establishment with 11,000 volts of energy. In the store are installed 2000 feet of indirect fluorescent strip lighting, which are separate from 400 four-foot fluorescent fixtures. There are 200 floor outlets for showcases and other parts of the store where electricity is used in vari ous ways. Electric Corporation has been in business at its present loca tion for three years. j, iVY.' 'Ml ' ! til Lightning Kills Baseball Player Urbana, O., Aug. 10OT Abolt of lightning, which took a giant bounce from center field to first base, struck and killed a semi pro baseball player here yester day. Three other players were slightly Injured. None of the estimated 400 spectators was hurt. The victim was Harold Jen sen, 26, first baseman for Urbana in the Miami Valley league. He was standing about 15 feet from base. Three semlpro baseball play ers were killed and 50 other per sons Injured a week ago In a similar accident at Baker, Fla. I.mmcll Kichl Building Materials Controls Expected For Cotton Crop Washington, Aug. 10 P) The agriculture department today forecast this VPnr's pnttnn at 14,805,000 bales of 500 pounds gross weight each as of August 1. This estimate compares with Daies produced last year, and with a 10-year (11)38 47) avernup nf 11 ana nnn Kni. Being larger than prospective market requirements, the crop foreshaHnwprl n rM,,fr (n war production controls for the iou croo. aunoipnirntlnff i. year's crop is a carryover sur- , . - t-uua ui auoui o.duu.uuu bales from previous year's crops, a large part of which is held by port programs. Committee Chairmen Named to Rebekahs Amltv At lh rD,,l, , t ing of Industry Rcbekah lodge, committee chairman were named. Rood of llm Orrtor imi Mitchell; community service, Shirley Jean Martin, Mary Lou Johnson. Dublicitv Newby; fraternal press, Hazel U1DOS. Mrs. Oonl Lnhlpv bride, was presented with a gift, and following the lodge meeting both Mr. and Mrs. I.nhlrv wro honored with a surprise party in ine aining room. Hares run faster up hill than down because the hind legs are longer than their fore legs. Chuck Morris Morris Wins Chicago Trip C. N. (Chuck) Morris, who has been with Sears since 1948 will return from Chicago bare ly in time to be on hand for the great new Sears opening Thurs day, August 11. Chuck won this trip to Chi cago by handing out a thorough shellacking to all other Sear.' stores in the northwest during a recent contest. Contacted by phone in Chica go today, Chuck said he hac: been able to obtain a grand as sortment of hardware and some very attractive prices for the opening. On this trip Chuck was ac companied by his wife, whose father, Ed Kertsen, has been resident of Salem for a grea number of years. wiiMil'ili'"-''rrtlii1i1ii Art Barker Hoy's Shoes Drew Michaels Appliances Eric Erirkson Electrical mint' y Make a "Beeline" to Sears Where Direct Economical STRAIGHT LINE DISTRIBUTION Streamlines Your Budget Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort At Sears .i Fashion Tailored Suits 4 4.50 down, 5.00 month on Sears Easy Terms (Usual Carrying Charge) Time is money! Sears virgin wool Fashion Tailored suits travel straight from mill and tailor to you with no storage costs, no wasteful handling de tours. Everything is cut except quality to give you smartly tailored long-wearing suits for less money! Sears Suits America with Virgin Wool Glen Plaids New Glen Plaids . . . just one of Sears many fall patterns. Regulars, shorts or longs in hard-finished worsted fabrics. Use Sears Easy Payment Plan on purchases totaling $20 or more " C lip1 Mr y dF J . s v v 1 FASHION TAILORED GABARDINE &atfzcp(eat&t&e4fM pout, matey tact' JfJJ 6150 4.00 down, 5.00 month on Sears Easy Terms J Closely Woven 100 Virgin Wool Gabardine. Lustrous Rayon Lined Yoke and Sleeves Why pay rent on clothing you've never worn! t Sears brings the finest virgin wool gabardines, direct from mill to tailor to you. Experlty tail ored for balanced fit, quality "imbred" in every thread. Sizes 34-46. STORE HOURS: Thursday 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Friday 9:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Saturday 9:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Plenty of Free Parking 550 North Capitol Ph. 3-9191 f I,