I 18 I a MMMMOTWIIIIIIllllllil!llllIIIJI IL IIIMllll ,1 I I I I I II 1TH , V-i -v --. . -.. . : 'HlfTWtflfff' -i inn i J f "- ' Etta Sutter Longest In Service at Sears Sears New Store to Open July 87, 1934. Such was the heading ol the local newspaper the day Etta Sutter became an employee at Sears, Roebuck tc Co. Etta, the very charming cashier, will be the only employee who was em ployed In Salem when the old Sears store was first opened. This record of service to Sears is not too surprising, for Etta Sutter was born right here in Salem. A casserole of garden - fresh vegetables Is particularly deli clous when topped with cheese biscuits. For the topping, pre pare a standard two-cup flour baking powder biscuit recipe and add a half cup of finely grated cheese. Martha Nelson Babies Dept. Customers' Service Begins Here Sears' Adequate and ef ficient staff of trained personnel is available for customer service relating to all trans actions and is always on hand to supply parts for Sears' appliances. Outstanding Buildings Here Contractor Hoffman's Work Many of the outstanding buildings in Salem, erected in recent years, have been bulit by L. H. Hoffman, who has the contract for all buildings in the Capitol Shopping Center. Buildings put up by Hoffman in Salem, before the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company started its shopping center project hprp inoliider w Salem high school, First Na tional Bank building, Salem post office, Oregon State Li brary building, Treatment hos pital at Oregon State hospital, First of the buildings to be completed in the Capitol Shop ping Center was the Berg Mar ket, which has now been in op eration several months. The Sears building, opening tomor row, is the second. There will be others. With Hoffman as the general contractor on the Sears building were the following firms hold ing sub-contracts: Electrical work, Electric Cor poration, Salem; W. R. Grasle, Portland, proprietor. Plumbing, heating and ventil ation, Mehring & Hanson, Los Angeles, Cal. Exterior ceramic tile. Glad ding McBcan company, Fort-land. Metal toilet partitions, Hen- ery Weis Manufacturing com pany, W. H. Cress, Portland, ag ents. Roofing & sheet metal work, Beaver Sheet Metal works, Portland. Terrazzo work, Advance Ter razzo & Tile company, Portland. Finish hardware, Woodbury Harware company, Portland. Automatic fire sprinkler sys tem, Gnnnell company, Portland. Glass and glazing, W. P. Full er and company, Portland. Asphalt and rubber floor tile Turner Resilient Floors Inc.: Chicago. Painting, interior and exter ior, E. T. Armstrong, Salem. Metal covered doors, M. Reu ter & Sons, Portland. Stainless steel work, Thomp son Sheet Metal Works, Portland. Lathing and plastering, Fred Shearer & Sons, Portland. Millwork and lumber, Oregon Pulp U Paper company, Salem Reinforcing steel, Mercer Steel company, Portland. Interior ceramic tile, Carlton Tile company, Portland. Miscellaneous iron work, Co lumbia Wire & Iron Works, Portland. Deep well pump, Pacific Pumping company, Portland. Ready mixed concrete, River Bend Sand & Gravel company, Salem. Steel concrete forms, Robert J. Hillen company, Los Angeles. Excavating and grading, Ben Otjen & Son, Salem. Electric elevator, Otis Eleva tor company, Portland. Parking lot paving, Portland Road & Driveway company Portland. Deep well drilling, R. J. Strausser Drilling company, Portland. x ;AIV I -; Jack Qucsncl Drapery Tucker Twins Named Silverton The Glen Tucker twin boys, each weighing sev eral ounces more than six pounds, born Friday afternoon at Silverton hospital, have been named Jon Lnyton and Steve Cornelius and have the promise of their mother thnt "They arc not going to be dressed alike, cither." Mrs. Tucker is the for mer Evelyn Larson. You Don't See Russ Around But He's Here One of the many men whom Sears customers never see is Russell D. Kellim. Russ has been with Sears in Salem since January, '47. He is father of two fine boys, and finds great enjoyment in his work which is seeing to it that all appliances delivered from Sears in Salem have been prop erly tested, polished and arc ready for delivery in tip-top shape. Linn Valuations Reach New Figures Albany Linn county's total assessed valuations reached an all-time high this year at $43, 229,226, topping the 1948-49 to tal by $3,003,735, it is announ ced by County Assessor John Sheppard. The assessor reached this conclusion after receiving from the slate tax commission the county's allocation of $6,544,056 public utility valuations. These are $337,055 higher than they were during the last tri year. The 1949-50 ad valorem as sessed valuation exclusive of utilities is $36,685,210, which is $2,650,260 higher than that of the 1948-49 year. Building Permits Are Given Approval Stayton Building permits approved by the city council in due a one-story five-room house on Depot avenue which will be built for Lester Smith. Of frame with a shingle roof, the house will have oil heat and cost $5000. Vincent Fredrick will build a new five-room dwelling with attached garage at Second and Pine streets. It will be of frame and have a composition roof and cost $7200. The Stayton Switchboard as sociation will build a one-story, one-room addition to its pres ent quarters on First street, be tween Ida and High streets. It will have frame construction and oil heat. The cost was given as $1650. G. W. DeJardin is building a new garage 24x24 feet with ce ment floor and foundation, and frame construction. It is located at the DeJardin home on High street and will cost $900. Section III Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, August 10. 1949 Salem Workers Used on Project All the electricians, plumbers, carpenters, painters, etc., who have worked day and night for several weeks readying the new Sears store for its grand open ing Thursday are local people. Orville Lee, merchandise presentation manager for the northwest district, was the per son responsible for the hiring of local people in these jobs. It has been the custom in the Scars organization to bring in Sears experts to prepare stores for openings, but Lee, confident that Salem people could get the job done just as well, hired 260 local workers for the big task. Lee says that Salem citizens have been "very efficient and very conscientious in their work, and it is through their ef forts that we are able to open so soon." '4 iwJ - IVF 1 John Maguire Mickey Maguire Has Boys' Department John (Mickey) Maguire was today appointed by Manager James Mosolf to head up the greatly enlarged boys depart ment in the new Sears store. Children's clothing problems are nothing new to John as his son and daughter keep him on his toes so that he always has available a wide selection of the very latest, long wearing items called for in the boys clothing department. Golf, tennis, and swimming take up Maguire's spare hours. Larry Schmidt Rugs I VMM . ' . 1 t ; 1 at Etta Sutter Ray Pitsor Furniture, Mirrors, Lamps ' " Allilon Sockwell Vacuum Cleaners & Sewinf Machines For a new kind of dessert, put a cup of drained canned fruit cocktail in a container, add a cup of sour cream and two cups of cut marshmallows; mix well, cover, and allow to stand in the refrigerator overnight. Serve chilled in sherbet glasses to ix to eight people. Q ijL -fc emm tula mm Sears Roebuck and Co. ON THE OPENING OF mm MEW STORE GENERAL CONTRACTOR for PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. SHOPPING CENTER Salem, Oregon Contractor For Sears, Roebuck and Co. SALEM, OREGON Eugene, Oregon Portland, Oregon Spokane, Washington