s he t 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1949 C1.ASSIFIED ADVERTISING! fier Lint Per Line $ tlmu .- oc Per Lint time 0e Per Line I month 12 00 Ouu.de of Salem IS Ptr lint pet day aim loci I time mln MM I time mis 11.20 No Refund READERS Id Local N Col OdIt Ptr tint j0e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES ; BY OWNEB new 2 bdrm. living rm. din. rm. comb. Hdwd fir., hall, bath. Lge. lnalde utility rm. Alt. "i.1i,;.1t near achool. 2376 Broadway Ph. - NEW BOMB by owner. 3140 Carlton Way N. on W to Carlton Way. alBb BY OWNER Engl e wood chool dlt., well eont. 3-bdrm. home. Full bamt. with good furn. Inul.. new roof. new About 10 yrs. old. Appro, lot 60x180. Bus by door Lota of hrub and flower, far den In. Ph. 2-0396. 2398 Breymen. VE HAVE 3 exceptional listing on aub urban acreage 56 mile from down town Salem. Modern 3 bdrm. house. Ln.dacaped lawn. Each owner i mov ing from thl area and must sell immed. Mt a red .iced price Very reasonable te m. A. N. Duncan Realtor 13-14 Ladd Bush Bldg. Ph. 3-9658. Eve. Ph. 3-6318 a!89- BY OWNER: Duplex, furnished, 10 block from town. Income $110 monthly. Priced to Mil, J8760.O0. See Mr. Janz, Wills Music Store. 180' BY OWNER: 2 bedroom nome. Ideal loca tion. Will accept lot as part payment. 17800. Terms. Ph. 33H4 or aim. R HiVh St. Mod. Home 8a 3 bdrm., den, liv. rm. -dining comb., kitchen with nook, full bsmt.. lot of built-in, auto oil heat, fireplace, car peted, hdwd. firs., lge. lot. 112,800. Ph owner at 3-6196. alBO' Owner Must Sell This 1 yr. old I BR ranch-type suburban home located N.E. with unfin. attic, lge. kitchen, DR, fireplace, att. gar., hdwd. fir., V blinds, auto, heat, on ge. corner lot. Immediate possession. Priced to ell at 19460. For more In formation aee htl at S858 Sunnyview or eall 2-2781. a 190' BY OWNER Mew suburban hoiwe, hdwd. fir... Bit. far., on tee. lot near bua it achool. We will tranter a. I. loan to buyer. Monthly payment are only Hi, thla Includes taxea, Interest it Insurance. 3-330 Ches ter, off Lanslm. Ph. 3-7111. 11 LEAVING STATE 4 yr. old 3 BR house. Hdwd. fir. lie. lot. Nr. school. 1180 Nebraska fit, aina 2 ACRES $4,800 Best of soil. Attractive mnl) home on high ground midway between Kelzer As ChemaWR. Easy terms. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 8-5109 S-BEDRM. MOD, HO ML. .133x208 lot. 16500 1st house north of Rlckreall barbecue, Rlckreall, Ore, a 102 REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE Small acreage. New 2 bedrm. home n elty and school bu line. Priced to low to quote. Term. North aide Ohamawa, Rt. 2, Box 3 DOB. nlBO BDRM. HOUSE, 2310 Broadway, 18500. A. E. Hcasley, 2305 N. Liberty. alOB CLOSE IN, 4 APT3. 1 Private baths. Income $225 mo. Also 2 IK, rms. and basement could be rented Price 115.500. 255 Center. , den. Heal Estate. Phone 3-3289. 1B9 j BY OWNER 8-room house, 4 bdrms., IVj bath, lge, basm't. with furnace, double garage, partly turn., exc. Income prop erty. Va block from slate office bldg. Price 10.500. 1227 Court Bt. Ph. 3-3360. alBO' ' LOVELY (i-nOOM home, lots of shade for hot days, insulated, auto, oil heat, 2 bdrma., lge. living rm., dining rm., lots of built-lns, hdwd. fin., landscaped, 2 yrs. old. 647 Piedmont. Ph. 3-4761. fllD2 OlJTOF-STATE',,owner here to sc.! prnc tically new l',4 story home, 6 lge. rooms down, unfinished up., hdwd. floors thru out, breezeway, att. gar., lot 75x140, P. H. A. term. Salem Heights Dist. 5BB Ewatd Drive. B. on DOE to Ewnld. a!02 i NEW and CLEAN Here is a new 2 bedroom homo located at 1006 8. 23rd St., unfinished upstairs; paved corner; include Hot-Point range at 15,250. Unexcelled View of Salem Irom this comfortable 2 bedroom homr located at 740 Ben Lomand Dr., Imm inent, completely, automatic furnace; nicely landscaped yard. If you want Tlew, don't miss this one. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-B83B. 231 N. Utah Eve. Ph. 3-1724 - 3-7634. alBB I BEDROOM bungalow with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, garage, near McKlnley School, Price (1500. I BEDROOM suburban home with 1 baths, nice rumpus room in full base ment, living room, dining room, kitch en, nook, hardwood floors, automatic heat, garage. P. H. Bell, Realtor 31 Chemcketa Sf. Ph. 3-1545, 3-4896 Eves. 37841. 3-7565. alDO' fiTlST8EIX 3 bdrm. house on Mi acre Klngwood. Ph. 2-7241. alP3 ln"TSTSELL656o. Modern 2 Rd. rm. F.H.A. approved Small down payment, W. Balem. Ph. 36189. el90' fY OWNER Imm. poss, 4 bdrm. newly redecorated, fireplace, air condition (ur ns re. New school close, city bus, Lot 86x182. 35 Lansing Ave. all3 Leaving the State My 11312 equity in 1 yr. old 2 BR. home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move rieht In for $500. Bal. F.H.A. See 542 Blller Ave. Ph. 2-2860. al!)9 fliimM."llOME att. gar.. 1 blk. to bus Ar jchool, 13900. (450 down. 3260 Stmivon. a lH.l 1 BEDROOM house, West Salem Phon 1-4219. 14,000. a 190 BY OWNER Cut 2-B.R. home with Ben d!x washer and V. blinds. 1mm. pat. 16100. Phone 2-3219 or 3-S34S: 192 rXEt:rRXN(iErboodnd7oiiesp. Kitchen sink with fixture. Phone 3-6706. al9fl Priced to Sell t Bedrooms all one fir. Ranch tvpe Larae llvintt rm. with fireplace. Kit chen with lots of built-in and annex bar. Hdwd. firs, thruout. Dbl- tar. JuM out of city limit. Beautiful flower and ahrubs. Priced at $8800. C. W. Reeve, Realtor t4S S. Com'l. Ph. 1-4500, Eve, 3-9536 al90 BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced" to 15000. i!2 N. 17th St. a!94 A CUTIE FOR 15000 Just the pic. for a couple. Hdwd, floors, nice utility rm., brand new house, lawn. It, apple, cherry and pear tree.-. 10 blk.. east of Stalehouse. Res. Terms, or ahould o O.l. Phone 2-8680. ED. LUKINDEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. 194 111.000 SPECIAL No. 3 Zone, N. Com'l. St., 3-B.R. hse on one fir. Deep dry basm., oil ht.. In top cond. Beautiful lawn and shrub. 66 ft. front lot. Use. I built en one aide of lot, leavlni 30 ft. for bilness bulldln. 110,000 ON STATE STREET 4-B.R. h.se. No. 3 Zone. Full ba.m., neat ird clean, worth the money. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBF.AL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. al94 1B500 - 3 BEDROOM Full basin., Iff. lot, pvd. st., bu by door Inelewood Dlst. Ph. 2-6980. ED. LUKINDEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N, 14th St. a 194 FOR SALE by owner 2 bedroom home, plastered. L.R., K . bath. mil . att. ga rage. V. blinds. Lot 155'x fW bv appointment. 3380 Crawford Ave., Salem a 189 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Look for the Silver Lining" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture cominR soon to Salem Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 23 words- or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and delivei or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judded on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Look for the Silver Lining." coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the Judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES FOR BALE by owner New 2-B.R. house, floor furnace. Phone 2-0182. alB4 We Think These Are Good 110,250. Nearly acre; 3 bdrm. new home; 1mm. posealon. down. Kelzer Dlst. 17200. iJi acre; 2 bdrm. house, approx. 4 yr. old. Above average value. 11500 or les will handle. Swegle dlst. 18750. 2 bdrm., new; wall to wall carpet; good terms; South Salem. $6850. Larue lot; 2 bdrm; att. garage; about 3 yrs. old. 11800 will handle; North Balem. 110,000. Vi acre; new 3 bdrm: dhl, Enrage; best of Harden soil. Terms, East Englc- wood dlst. 15500. Older 2 bdrm., neat nnd clean; lovely yard nnd xhruhhnry: West side, SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Evee. phone 2-4591. al00 ATTENTION NEW MODERN 5 RM. HOME. LATEST THING IN INTERIOR DECOR ATI NO. BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLUMBING. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. SEE GLEN HAMILTON, 2015 N. 34th. Ph. 2-33H8. ' alOl i ill) KM HOME In West fialrm 1500 down. Hal like rent or will take trailer house After 6 p. m. Ph. .771211. alDl $9450 Clean 4 B.rf. home, 2 dn., 2 up, good location, utility rm,, double RariiKe, also hn.s a flmnl Ihoit.sn on rear of lot to rent. Will tnke 11500 down, balance on contract or will accent late model enr ns doHti puyinent. PlenAc, no phone in formation on llii-H one, but we will be glad to show you thru. Klxilns. BURT PICHA, Realtors 370 N. IIlKh St. Office 2-3B-10 Eve. 3-7451 or 2-5300. a 180 THIS IS a good buy in east end home. 2 nice bdrm., living to dining room, fire place, elrc, heat, 1000 feet of floor space. Only 17350. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 464 Court Eve. Ph, 2-4773 or 2-72B3. 191 $6500 A nice nent two bedroom bungalow with a firenlnce and a full basement, attach, ed garage, located Just off State street. Ideal location for Income property, or for a Stale worker, or for a retired couple. This Week's Special 2 bedroom home with unfinished up stairs, nt Inched garage, price this week only 17,000, Property goes off market at end of week. Here is a buyer' dream, property can not be reproduced for the ft.skinn price, term can be arranged. See McQueen Eve. Ph. 2-8476. Suburban Trade Excellent three bedroom home with liv ing room, dining room, fireplace, full dry basement, double Burn ne, V acres of good land, nut, irult, excellent garden. Present owner dvlrts large farm and would make a trade, or will sell his Plncc and buy a farm. What have you? Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Cardiol I'll. 3-8216. alDl $7150 BEST LOCATION Near high, Purrlsh, Enalewood schools. Clean as a pin, 2 bedrooms, Lli, DH, kit., bath, utility, gar., nice lot. Tills Is good. CREEK PROPERTY Reduced $1500. Large beautifully land scaped lot. Even an Island. Very nice 5 rm. house. Secluded but right in Salem. CALL P. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son 350 N. HIh St, Ph. 2-4129. Mfll 2 GOOD BUYS Heart of Hollywood dlst. Ideal loca tion. Beautiful ynrd. 3 bkrnom,s, bsmt., elec. cooking At water hentrr. Let us show you this grand place. Priced right for only jfiBSO. Terms. Thl rambling home li located in thr city close to schools. Elet. cooking & water heater. Lou of builtins. A real buy for (7950. 11500 down. Rawlins Realty Ph. 2-4664 Eve. 2-6013, 2-5757. 3-7138. atl FOR SALE LOTS LA 11(1 E LOT 61x133. One block from city mints. City water. 4 cherry trees A; one apple. Ph, 26076. . an 190 EAIRMOUNT VIEW ADDITION, Salem exclusive residential dlst., right on top ol Fairmount hill. Each lot has finest view. Drive up Wash. St. All lots har 90 fi. frontage. Just a few more avail able at 1J50O. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Comm'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 aaltM' LOTS with water, electricity, bus, close to school on Sllverlon highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down. 115 per month. General Real Estate 355 Center. Ph. S-3389. aal3 VIEW LOT 85x198. ? biocKs from Salnn ileum xrnooi rn. uwus aaiitB FAIR MOUNT Hll.L on Washington St. between Fir and t-alrinount street. faring south. Luvrly level lot 50x100 with trees, shrubs and 3-rsr gsr axe. Only 13150. Call 3-4016. Eve. S-8213. aal93' FOR SALE FARMS Cheap 80 A. on Little Nestucca river. 20 A. cleared. Good small hse. Barn. Full price 139.S0. 11550 will handle. 0. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 B. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 . 3-B53I or 3-3081 bl90 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS OUT A WAYS but a beautifully finished home, les than 1 yr. old. Insulated At weather stripped, natural ftnUh woodwork, 2 bdrma, 12,800 down. Total price $7,050. CALL BEN ROISEN. SCHOOLS CLOSE BY Lae. t bdrm. home., hdwd. firs., Ilv, rm., 13'ix24 ft. with fireplace, din. rm., kitchen with nook, full hasmt.. lge. yard fenced in back, on bu line and close to both Jr. High and grade achool. CALL EARL WEST. 1449 S. LIBERTY A good family home, well situated with respect to schools, 3 bdrm., 1 baths, liv. rm.. din. rm., kitchen, dble, garage, lot 50x165 ft, Total price 17,100. 11,400 down. CALL PETER OEI6ER, 4410 HUDSON ST. 4 Corner District at 8.E. corner of Hudson H Elma, 3 bdrm., hdwd. fir., hall, bath, fine home thruout, 12,300 down. Bal. in easy payments at 4 CALL ROY FERRI8. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 6. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Ear' West 2-1232 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oeiser 3-0968 - Ben RoLsen 3-3471 a 189' A. A. Larsen Realtor $0650. OLDER HOME. Walking distance of State house. 3 bdrm., Ilv.. din., kitchen, bath. Large lot 50x150. Paved alley. Rm. for small house of back of lot. 312,500. BEAUTIFUL 8 BDRM. HOME. Large liv. & din. rm., kitchen, 3 bdrmi. and bath on 1st floor. 1 bdrm. and storage space up. Full basement, oil heat. Corner lot. Shade tree. Choice lot. SUBURBAN SOUTH 118,200, 18 MO. OLD. Modern style. 2 bdrm., liv., din., kitchen, bath. Large lot. Elec. heat and fireplace. Close to Salem Heights school. View property. SUBURBAN 4-CORNERS 38500. NEW 3 BDRM. MODERN STYLE, Liv., din., kitchen, bath, attached garage: Elec. water system, lawn & ahrubs are In. Fruit tree. Let us show you a well built home. MANBRIN GARDENS 312,000. 3 YRS. OLD. 3 bdrm., Ilv., din., kitchen, bath. Full basement. Fireplace. Auto oil furnace. Large lot. Bu by door. 19500 F.H.A. com. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8639 New Location 191 B. High Home 3-7163 A. A. Larsen Realtor FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRE filbert ranch with family or chard, 4-rm. housce, good opcp wpii. Iisoo down, bal. oo. Ph. 2-5130, nii)i' 5 Acres South 3 hurirnnm hse. Nice grove. On bus line and close to achool. Some fruit. 10000 with terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor DIVE RSI El ED FARM. This 31 acres, gentle rolling loam Is producing nouviiy in fmit harries. nuLs. nltry.. & small dnlr ying. The mod. 3 BR oine (fireplace, dble. plmbing., bsmt., lurnncei ioc. on mumi of lge. shade trees leave little to be desired in FINE LIVING. 2 car garaire, pllry. hse., there Is a YR. CREEK. DON'T BRING YOUR WIFE K I'AMUj u um;j are choosy. They'll want thta!! Will trade for good hisc, at smau acreage, STOCK" ii DAIRY FARM IRRIGATED LADINO. 133 A. dark loam, loc. West, easy drive Irom Salem. 110 A. in grain, hay & clover. Weil drained. Arte.slan well, 3 springs, water piped to all bWU. Spacious, well arranged mod. plnst. home, bsmt., furnace. (Magnificent View over Valley). 10 Stanch, barn, new 800 capacity pltry. hse., new 2 car aarage, milk hse.. U:e. hog barn. Priced to sell. 125,000. Terms. P.S. Will trade for modern 2 BR home or income prop., Salem. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 8. Com'l Bt. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 bl8D BY OWNER 100 RcreB all in cultivation. No buildings. Fine building spot, tscnooi bus, milk route and electricity at door. Come sec the crops growing now. Priced to sell. H. C. Hammer, Rt. 6, Box 213. Salem. 4 miles east out Center St. blf3 BY OWNER Business Interests compel us to go back east, so we aro senniK our country home. There are ten fertile acre with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, also some young fruit trees coming along The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of smart modern de sign. It is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price 117.500 and worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2. Box 264. Salem. b206 LAKE LABISI1, Bcaverdam onion farm. Come and see onion crop growing in Held now. Err.il Krause, Rt. 1, Box 144. Brooks, Ore. 6 ml. N.E. bin.1 FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE, a.i acre corner Filbert At Troy, Call eves, 2-4980. oouiu 7 ACRES with income. Modern home, barn lota of fruit, 110,500. Rt. 2, Box Ph. 31857. bbl34 12 Min. from Downtown & A. with 3 bdrm mod. home In beau tiful grove of lariie onks. Setting must be seen to be appreciated. Dble. gar., chix hse., shed 28x36, suitable (or small burn, family orchard, berries,, pot n tors ft sweet corn ready to eat. City tfe nchool buses, Owner leaving state & price re duced to 112,500. Consider pari trade On paving, 1 mile E of Kelzer school Rt. 3, box 49F. Ph. 2-4298. Drive by and see owner or call Bui Hopkins with A N. Duncan, 12 Ladd ft Bush Bank bklu. Ph. 3-9658. bblflft REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS MOVE RIO! IT IN Nice home in good neighborhood In Les lie dlst.. with all furnishings. Lkc. LH. DR, 2 bdrms., uitl. rm. on 1st fir, comb. LR, bdrm. At kitchenette upstairs, sm. lot, pvd. st, 630t), about ';i down. GOOD PLUMBING .fc HARDWARE OPENING This Li undoubtedly one of the best op portunities in the Willamette to get in to a sound pro! liable, expanding busi ness without lite customary "good will" price. Hldu., fixtures, stock, plus 2 bdrm. Ilv. qtidtrs., growing 13000 a mo. with m tie h more pcwiible. Cn.th for sotck A rmiity III bids., bnl. monthly, 4'. int. Somebody is going to thank us for yrs. to come for helping him to get Into a business opportunity like this. It may as well be you. FURNISHED HOME FINE VIEW INCOME ACREAGE Good home furnished. 5 A. 4 A. In fil bert In good cond Mustlc hse. LR, DR. kit., 3 bdrms., bath. utll. rm. Price of 114,700 Includes elec. range, rug & re frigerator. Oil piped furnace, f place, dble. gar, House 1 insulated. Outstand ing view property. Liberal terms. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Siieclall?e 703 N. High Ph. 3-4623. Cl89 FURNISHED 2 bedroom home Insulated on 60x105 lot lor Med en.it. Only 11.600 down. 185 per montn. Furniture Includes elri renae and defrlRerator. No, 38" $1,000 DOWN ! . We have 3 nice homes from 2 to 3 bed room homes tor only $1,000 down. Call U about them today! Nos. 265-353-278A $50 DOWN! 15 per month small home on Inrce lot located north. Move In tomorrow, No. 15 $10 DOWN! Lot with water, electricity, bus serv ice, close to school. See thrm today! Reimann for Real Estate 301 South HUh street Ph. 3-9303 Sun. & Eve. 3-9713, 2-2533, 2-8211, 3-50(15 C189 FOR COl'RTtnitS efficient service on your real estate problems please cnll A. E. DANIELSON 168 N. 13th8t. Ph. 3-5630. cl91 FOR-YoitR SAVINGS lnvesuneni"buy',' ttrii mortage on real estate Salem & vicinity Examine lerurity yourself Anwjnt thOQ to irverai thousand dol lars, net Investors 5r. We mak all col lections tor you it desired STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 & KilQ e IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS KINGWOOD Brand new home, fireplace, attached garage, radiant oil neat, immediate pos session. F.H.A. loan approved for 17400, Total price of 19750. May tnke a lot ns part down payment. Eve, Phone 3- 0473 or 3-.1558. EXTRA NICE Almost new home, Electric heat, fire place, 1,000 sq. ft. floor space. Attached garage. Englcwood school, $2500 down, b-l. like rent. Total price only 110,500. Eve. Phone 2-0473 or 3-3558. $6500 BARGAIN Brand new, Close In north. Immediate possession. Attached sarage. Very claie to school. 2 block to bus. If you are an Oregon G.I. you can buy thl house with n small down payment. Eve. Phone 2- 0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 10 Acres 4- rm. mod. house. 3 acres orchard. Some berries. Possession to suit buyer. 6 miles from Salem. Total price only 15,000. Eve. Phone 3-0403 or 3-3558. TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 ncrci with good modern home. All buildings In good condition. Good well. Owner leaving: state. $1,000 down. Total price reduced to 17250. Eve. Phone 3- 9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7920, 2-4596 3035 Portland Rd. C190 CINE INVESTMENT: Home and Income. About one-third block in heart of small town near Balem. Two good buildings; one stucco with basement, furnace, 21 furnished rooms; two apartments. Own er Ttlrlimr nnd offers to sell at attract ive price of 316,000. HI, 1,1 NO STATION, CAFE AND LIVING QUARTERS on Hwy. 99N; .7 of an acre. Price 110,500. Will exchange for sub urban home. St'RtmilAN HOME: Located on paved road. East. 4 acres dark soil; A. berries; small barn; garage; elec. water system. Close to school. Price 18300 part terms or will exchange for small ncreao near Marlon or Jefferson. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Eve. Call 3-6789 or 2-4007. cl90 Kl'.lZKlt, Nice clean 1 B. R. house, large t, big walnut trees, $3500, Terms. SOUTH SALEM, Newly decorated 4 rm. House, paved street, Imm, possession. $3750. BARGAIN; Home with three B. R. on one floor, nice liv. rm. good kitchen, large gernge, good location with background of trees on fl. Commercial. Worth much more t linn the ask-prlce of $4950, EAST. 10 Acres, all In cult, no buildings, gono Diua. sue, smau down payment, $.1000. WILL TAKE good 1st mortgage for down pnymrni, l 'a a, trad near Kreuger s store, flue 5 rm. FHA house, basement, 2 fireplaces, rity bus line. Possession this week. Priced right. R. E. Meredith Rlt. or B. M. Mason 176 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 C189- Cliffmoor Village Wooded tracts with utilities. Restricted residential. 1 'i ni1 north on Wallace Ro;id to Hnrrttt Drive. c!92 Lot Bargains 120 dn. on lge, lot in Kelier. Full price ifioo. Candeleria Hgts, $:(10 dn. for 100x100 lot. Full price 11000. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Cnpltol St. Office Ph. 2-3863. Eve. 3-3U7 or 2-8838 v clfl9" WANTED REAL ESTATE '.'tin ACRES more or less, wanted by pri vate buyer, Salem area preferred. Give exact location, price, all detail Im mediately. Write Capital Journal Box 368. calOO WANTED Cash buyer tor small farm with ome geod posture land. Water As electricity. 15 mile radius of Salem. Up to 16500. Buyers lor homes In Knglewood dis trict and in and around Salem. Call us today. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552 Kves. 34395 Cal89 $5000 TO?606o CASH For 2 bdrm home. Call Allen C. Jones and Mabel A. Needham REALTORS 341 State St. Room 4 Upstairs Ph. 39301 cal8 HOME SITE, 70-100 ft. on sur. hwy. N or K. ep. In or near Salem llm. with ws. and elec, It. lot. well dra., good soil and reas. priced. Give full part, with p.vmt. plan ot Box 276 Capital Journal. c189 WE ARK to need ol gooc house to Mil lo or neai Salera U rou Ub to dl tout proper! i for it If ee r.RARENHORRT BROS. REAITORB 134 d Libert) St. Phone 3-3471 REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE list Inns needed to satisfy our customers. We have, the buyer I! you have the property. We help finance. Phone 2-7983, ioom 330. Oregon Bld. HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 1P0 acres priced up to 117.000. Phone 3-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldf, a3ia AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE'S USED CARS WE ARE NOT CLOSING OUT OR SELLING CARS "NO DOWN PAYMENT". JUST GOOD SENSIBLE DOWN PAYMENTS AND AP PROVED BANK CONTRACTS ON FIRST CLASS AUTOMOBILES. COME IN. LOOK AT THE QUALITY OF OUR CARS. IF YOU THINK OUR PRICES TOO HIGH, MAKE US AN OFFER. WE WILL CONSIDER IT. 25 FINE CARS .. . PRICED $1295 DOWN TO $195 SEE JOE SPURLOCK 352 N. COMMERCIAL ST. PH. 2-4173 Teague Motor Company WANTED REAL ESTATE VOTICE! tf rour property U for sale, rent or exchange llt It with u We have all kinds of cash buyer STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S Rlcb Bt ca RESORT PROPERTY Alsea River At tidewater. Well built log cottage -conltlng of LR, DR, kit., with O.E refrlg., range At hot wtr. heater. 2 bdrm. & bath. Oil heat, Covered dock. Gar. As hobby hop. Cottage completely furn. Make Ideal yr, around home for retired cple. Good fishing At hunting. Might consider view acreage, vicinity of Salem as part payment. $8500, which 1 far below pre-war coat. Call 1-4016. Eve. 1-8213 or write P.O. box 509, Salem CC192 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Auto Court One of the flnet on 99 hlway. Price grea-tly reduced for quick ale. No phone calls, please come in and see us. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 B, Commercial cdl90 BIG GROCERY Grocery store and meat market In near by prosperous valley town. Grossed 1360, 000 last year. Price Includes building and all. Price $65,000 including deliv ery truck. No. 778. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High street. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. At Eve. 2-8341, 3-2532, 3-8713, 3-5905 cdl89 GROCERY & LUNCH Small grocery and lunch counter In choice location in city 3 rms ann oain living qtrs. Price 12650 cash. $30 month on COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24553 Eves 24395 cdl89 INCOME PROPERTY 20 ACRES 15 acres growing crops, 6 acre summer fallowed, beautiful building site. Terms. Priced to ell. Write Capital Jounrnl Box 278. cd PROPERTY in Bend, Oregon, 0 lots, sev eral bldg. near city center. 3 lots In commercial none. Full price $12,800 furniture incl. Terms $4,000 down. bal. 10 yrs. at 4 . Will consider Salem property In trade. Inquire 1577 Ruge St., West Salem. cdl90 Business Property Business bldg, with living ' quarter. Ideal location on busy Edge water St. Exterior rough. Interior comfortable and attractive. Can be utilized for va riety of small business ventures with small remodeling cost. Suitable for of fice as 1. Asking price Is only 18500 with term to suit. Ph. 35109. cd!94 ICE CREAM PACKAGE STORE and Snack Grocery, well located, on busy street in new building,' all new equipment. Doing nice business. Grocer ies pay the lease. It Is the only store of kind in community. A hot bus. for a young couple. Has unlimited possibili ties. For full detail, phone 2030 Dallas, Oregon. cdlBD Grocery Store Located In good residential district, modern fixtures and good clean stock and doing a nice steady business. Liv ing quarters and long lease. Total price only $1)500. ROSTEIN ; ADOLPH, INC. 110'A N. Com'l St. Ph. 33030, 36669 cdlOO' Service Station REPAIR SHOP Doing a, good business, suburban town, rood stock, advertised gasoline, 6c margin, about $8,000 Investment. Very good possibilities. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph, 3-7830, 2-4506 3035 Portland Rd. cdl92 DUE TO ILLNESS must sell our super market doing good business. Long lease. Good cement bldg., nicely locnted. Will sell stock at invoice. Will give some lime on fixtures. Ph. 381. Falls City, Ore., or see Dickinson's Super Market. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service station and motels or court. Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 2-7083, room 320, Ore on Bids. cd212 BUSINESS OPP. Low price business bldg. with nice liv ing quarters. Offering low overhead, In excellent location on busy downtown highway. Lot 50x100. Price 18,500. Easy terms, Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 131' Edsewater. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 cdl9l SALE OR TRADE Int. in proven sold mine in Trinity county for 13.000. M. J. Kolt, 3334 5th St., Sacramento. Ph. 30983. Salem. cd!91 OOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures.' 2 gas pumps, 6 cabins, 2 ml. N of underpass on My. 99E. W. J. Jarms. Rt. 7 Box 145, Salem, Ph. 24319. cd207 FOR SALE by owner 44'x60' stone bldg., located In downtown Sllverton. Ideal business location plus monthly Income. Living quarters In rear. Owner leaving tate and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free, 133 -B Flake St., Sllverton or Phone 373, Sllverton. cdlDfi FURNITURE FOR SALE PIANO, radio, dresser, bed complete. Sew ing machine, chest of drawers. Model A. Ph. 30093. dl93" NICK WALNUT bed, good spring and mat tress, complete $27.50 or offer. 1434 Ferry. d!89 NOW i Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY 9&H GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat Thl Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairground Rd. Ph. 3-3797 dlSO- LEAVING TOWN, owner Is selling fur niture tor j rms. uompiete. including Elec. Hot Point range. Will sell very reasonable for cash. 710 N, HUh. dlfll I'NPAINTED furniture, cioeoul prices woounow 8 450 ?ente st d WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST price paid for furniture and nousenoia ariieies. notmng to Dig or sm. Ph. 38558. da207 USED FURN. Check our prices. Valley Furn Co., 285 N, Com'l. Ph, 37472. da:rtg HIGHE- PRICES paid Phone 0!ennVi Woodry Auction Uaraet. Pn 1-5110. da AUTOMOBILES AUCTIONS HOYT ST. SURPLUS AUCTION SAT. AND SUN. - 1:30 P.M. AUQ, 13 AND 14 All Remaining Stock Goes at Auction 1351 HOYT ST. ddl93' FURNITURE Auction tonight, 7. p.m. Lane Sudtell' Auction Sales Yard, located l miles east of Fairground on Silver' ton Rd. Phone 3-6098. ddl89' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 5 yr, old Guernsey cow, fresh en any day. Phone 3-1819. el9l BRED HEIFER for sale. Phone 2-2183. el91 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer, E. C. McCandltah, 1127 S 25. Ph. 3-8147. ea205 RABBITS t ANGORA RABBITS & 1 unit hutch, 630 Union St. ebl91 PETS S FINE registered Irish setter pups, 8 weeaa oia, une maie idu, remaics sjs each. See them at LeGary'a Kennels, ti. j. rnone 3-jjub. eciBK REG. SPRINGER "span lei pups7The best Days 22471. Even. 31508. eel 02' DCGS BOARDED and trained reasonao.e rate by day or month Trimming and bathing. Free Pick-up At dellv LeOray Kennel, Rt. 3. Ph. 3-1398. eclfil FUEL TRI-CTTY FUEL Fresh cui sawdust P'ompt delivery. Ph 3-7442 We give S St H Green Stamp. Qreen 16 In. mill wood ec GFT YOUR winter fuel now and save, Good clean sawdust, dry & green slab, dry and green edgings. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. ee200 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash At maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edelnES. Ph. 31458. ee FRESH CUT BBWdust delivered at summei rate Phone 3253 Dallas collect eel94 CALI HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Olese' and Stove Oils. FRE9B CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends & Block Wood Ph 86441 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone ftlcm 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee' GOOD WOOD Az sawdust. Reasonable pric es, k, w. Maner. pn. s-7368 eel91 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thur day Ph 2-2861 Lee's Hatchery T PRODUCE SWEET CORN, canning. Buy doz. or sack. rn. auis. niflJ CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Frank Bcllo. Ph. 30279. 580 Hollywood Ave. If 190- DAHUAS blooming, order now. Ph, 20514. I1B1 7th st. irigo GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester Peaches now on. Slappy to follow soon. One mile out on Wallace Rd. Ph. 22216. Moses P. Adams. ff 194 SWEET CORN for sale at Hollywood Dr. and Sllverton Rd. W. M. Ridings, Rt. 6. Box 778. Phone 2-2675. ff 139- CORN FOR SALE. Hollywood Ave. Ph. a-ao(o. rri89 RASPBERRIES, strawberries, boysenber ries, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, ap ple. Frlgaard Fruit Farm, '.a Mile North of Kelzer School. ff200 BOYSENBERRIES. U - Pick. 5c lb. R. G. uoege, lf mile E. Liberty School, m fl Box 210. Phone 2-3141. fI192 GOLDEN CROSS corn S1.50 per suck. lett pear ai.au per dox. pn. 2-oi5 delivery. if 102 HELP WANTED ADULTS Interested In picking pole beans mru long season piease can justjs be tween 8 and B p. m. Bus transportation furnished. b100 DISHWASHER, day and night ahift. Blue Lake Cafe, 376 Patterson, West Salem, moo THORNLESS blackberry pickers wanted. Aiarvin van uieave, til. 7, box aid. iv mile east of totom pole. "4 mile north on the Van Cleave Rd. Ph. 25161. g!90 NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. $1 de posit required tor cabin reservation John J, Roberts At Co., Salem. g BEAN PICKERS. Bishops, South River roaa, iu minute irom saiem, mis leaves 12th and Mission. 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd At Bush Bank 6:35, south on Commercial to Owens. For information call 3-6137, gl93 BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST. Take charge of office. Give age &z experience with ref erences in own handwrltlnE. Box 279, Capital Journal. gl91 TOP YARD for hop plckina machine and field crew. Men and women. Also dry house help. Head dryertan. Call before noon If possible. We start Monday, Aug. 8. Ph. 31763. W. W. Graham Hop Yard. gl90 MAN A WIFE to take care of grounds and edifice of a Protestant church. A part time salary Job which would not Inter fere with regular work. Phone 3-4619 for appointment. trial BEAN PICKERS wanted. 20 A. Of good beans. mile s ol Waters Ball Park. 1815 S. 2Sth. Ray McDougal. glOI WANTED: Bean Pickers 7'a miles from Fairgrounds on Silverton highway mile N At E from Central Howell. Watch for sign. Clarence Herr, Rt. 2, Sll verton. gl89 HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MEN 18 to 23 free to travel west ern states. 1200 month average earn ings. Congenial associates, quick ad vancement. Must be neat appearing. See Mr. or Mrs. Mack. Argo Hotel, 9 a m to 5 p.m. No phone calls. ga!90 HELP WANTED FEMALE Permanent Position Nationally known company has opening in local store lor woman to train as saleslady. Must be neat At have some previous sewing fsp. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. only at Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'l. gbl90 COOK for cafeteria In Catholic school. Exp. preferred. Ph. 33559. gblBQ' ACCOUNTANT TYPIST. See Mr. Fenlx. Eaton Hall, Willamette Unlr. Ph. 39266. gbl90 W ANTED F 1 1 L"and partTimr- randy rtrrk. Apply tn person. Grand sweet Shop. IblBO HELP WANTED FEMALE nun til J-u O lOTll ID r lRn.1 60 for II WITH NAME. New PLASTIC Assortment. Many others. 21-Card "Leader" it $1, Religious, Gift Wraps, Everyday. Extra cash with Imprinted Folral Note. Napkin. Get Sample "Leader" on approval, FREE Imprints. STYLART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 39, Lo Angeles 55. Calif. il WANTED SALESLADIES. Aaie 35 to 35. For extra work on Friday and Satur days. Apply Montgomery Ward Co., Salem. ao" WANTED SALESMAN IMMEDIATE unlimited opportunities for men with college training beginning in sales department ol national organic tion. A leaner In it field. A car neces sary. Ph, 38504 for appointment be1 tween 9 and 1 Thursday, Aug. llth. gglB9' SALE8MAN 25 to 40. Salem area by na ttonal corp. to learn electric appliance business. Must be nermanent worker. Salary 150 per week to start plus parti cipating commission when qualified. Service car furnished, Some prior telling experience necessary. Some evening work required. Apply 8 to 10 A, M. only at singer bewing macnine co., uu n. Com'l. ggl90 EXPERIENCED HAND WARE man must be a good salesman and capable of op erating this dept. In an efficient man ner. Farmer Union Co-op., Rlckreall, Ore. ggl90 MEN READ CAREFULLY I want to talk to 10 men who are really ambitious in securing a position that will give them an opportunity of mak ing money. IT DOESN'T MATTER what your past work has been; all we ask Is that you wilt be willing to study and learn as we teach you our worn. It will be necessary that you be willing to get along on 130 to $50 per week for we nrsc 4-o weexs wniie learning. YOU MUST BE ABLE to give the names f three people who will vouch for your honesty and integri ty, and you must be bondable. We prefer men who are married or those with some responsibility. I would like to talk to men who are mechanically Inclined and who know ' a good thing when they see it. a car is essential, If you are honest and of good charaC' ter, a willing worker and neat In ap pearance and can think on your feet, come to 757 Center St. either Thurs. or i-ri. morn, u out oi town, write box 284 Capital Journal. gglSO FOR PERSONAL Interview ph. 3-2268. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERIL'Al POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488 gf" WANTED POSITIONS CHILD WANTED for monthly board, room laundry, excellent care 160.00 per mo. 100 Roberts Ave. hl90 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator, John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 28014. "Look for the Silver Lining." hl9 MOTHER, DAUGHTER 16, Want work In motherless home or caring lor invalid. Both good workers. Box 277. co Capital Journal. hl93 WILL CARE for children in your home oy aays. rn. aiavi. niau" DAY CARE for children 2 to 6 years. Large piay ground. Address aae n. zoth or phone 2-3850. h!93 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2003. h313' PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chlm- new ouuding. pp. 39702. Free estimates. h.213' ATTENTION CABINET SHOPS Would like Job in cabinet shop in or around Salem. Have gone to Eugene, Vocational school 9 mos. and now work ing there. For recommendation write to Bernard Blcm, 225 River Rd,, Eu gene. nlfl9 RELIABLE MAN with V,i yrs. public ac- cuumnig experience, rnone ni92 WOMAN WANTS baby sitting, night or day. pn. mlm Brown, 3-6437. M90 FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5522 h207 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 18th Phone 3-3643 h307 MIDDLE AGE lady want baby fitting. rn. a-474H. h!91 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 nr. aerv- ice Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. h204' DRESSMAKING St alteration, Ph. 3-9840 after 3 h203 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op work guar. W. H McAM.v ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1498. h201 DENTAL NURSE Graduate of B.F. Dental Nurses school. Phone 2-5573. h!92 CHILD CARE. 183 S, 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h312 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6798 h301' CHILD CARE 111 Shipping. Ph 3-0934. hlfl2 CH MENT WORK wantefl Ph 2-4850 b PLOWING. DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 22957. h202 EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pay top wages. Oldest welding school In NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland - MU 0680 hh206 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOMS, kitchen priv. Ladle only. Ph. 35210. 520 Statesman St. Jkl92 SLEEPING RM. PH. 34335. SLEEPING RMS. 'or men. Prlv. entr. At Ph Dy, or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3425 )k20i SLEEPING RM. 2 blk. from downtown. Ph. 38316. 195 S. Cottage. jkl89 SLEFPING Room, 2131 Center ATTRACTIVE sleeping rr lor employed gentleman near Capital Shopping Cen ter. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248. jkl91 SLEEPING RM. for working girl or wom an, on bus line. 1530 Broadway. Jkl94 HOLLYWOOD rm 2035 McCoy Ph 38093 Jkl98 FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. PARTLY furn. apt. Private bath, electric heat, adults, 1196 Chemeketa. ' JplBO FURNISHED 3 room duplex, elec. heat, adults. Ph. 37178. Jpl90 S ROOM furn. apt. 2191 Maple. Corner of Highland Ave. Jpi9l CLEAN SMALL (urn. apt. 250 S. Cottage. Jpl89 FURN. i-RM. Apt. 246 S. 17th. PARTLY FURN. Prlv. bath. Child accept ed. 399 Mission St. jp!89 APT. WITH large living rm., furn.' ln rose and blue. Has V. blinds and attractive crapes. Bdrm. with 2 dble. beds. Mod. ern oatn ana very close in. 468 N. Winter. Jpl89' UPPER 3 ROOM furn. apt. Private bath. washing facilities, garage. Employed cou ple. Call eve. 3-o035. jpl91 3 RMS. FURN. apt. close In. Priv. bath and entrance, 55. 660 N. High. Jpl91 NEW 3 ROOM modern court apt. Refrig erator, range, wash. mach. furnished, 160. Ph. 3-4305 after 5:30. Jpiso UPSTAIRS APT. rent or lease. 1 bdrm., Ilv. rm.. kitchen At bath. Elec. eat, oak floors. Very nice. Adult only, J50. Ph. 3-45:6. jP191 CLOSE IN. Coiy 2-rm. furn. apt. Refrlg. 535 N. Winter Jpl89 3-RM. FURNISHED apt. lone child), 5 blocks from school. 3605 Maple Ave. rnone a-ouvj, ;pi8B FURNISHED 3 room apt. prlv. nath. N. Com. Ph. 36747. JplBI '! RM. furn. apt. Priv. outside ent. At b i Ph. 36093. 2035 McCoy. jpl99 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN, APT. Priv, bath, upataira, adult. 3455 State. iP" PART FURN. 3 rm. apt. Az oath, modern elec. heat. Adults, uio iuaaison. FOR RENT HOUSES t B.R. house In Kelzer Dlst. Possession immediately. Ph. 26995. Jml90 t"'BDRM HOME with apt. upstair. No children. 701 N. Church. Ph. 34848. Jml90" BDRM. unfurn. Gar., utility room, fireplace, elec. heat. Adult, 180. 1S35 N. Church. Ph. 38934. JmlBO' 4-B.R. HOUSE, older type. Call after 8 p.m.. 2-8854. JmlSB Don't Pay Rent BUY LIKE RENT Let u tell you about our home buying plan New home, hdwd. fir., auto. heat. Pav ed streets. Inside city limits. L. E. Klump, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 3-0126 jm 2 ROOM HOUSE furnished, 13S per mo. 2l mile N. of Brook, Rt. 1, Box 83. Ph. Gerval 3273 after 7 p.m. JmlBO FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, excellent location, 318 Liberty at Court. Phone 23S23. J1B0 POWER TOOL rental for home and in dustrial use. Ho wiser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. FURN. OFFICE. Meztanlne flooV, 212 N. High St., 136 per month. Year lease or longer. Call 34016. J1B3 FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Wa.d. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor and r We ell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS - Ph. 3-8646 J SPACE FOR trailer, 6 blocks from school. Evergreen Trailer Camp, 2605 Maple Ave. "OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE soace and desk space. Ph. 35691. SEWING Machine Portable or Treadle. Service on all make. Ph. 3-7671. J202 BUSINESS RM. for 4ynt. H. L. Stiff. 1 U DRIVE truck, car. Ph. 2-0103. TRAILERS (2.00 per day. Howaer Bros. 1410 6 12th, West Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chine. Reasonable rate. Free pick up At delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com 1. Ph. 33512 J WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE FAMILY urgently need 3 arm. no me. uxcenent reier. uaoa care guaranteed. Ph. 33253 or 37922. JalB3 WANTED to rent unfurn. 2' bdrm. hse. Gd. location. For 3 adults. Oood refer. Call Mr, G. Tookey at the Capital Journal. Jal92 DON'T YOU have one of Salem' nicer homes, furnished, you'd rent to a quiet family of three? Like south Salem but Interested in any preferred location. Call 3-0133. ja!91 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple want 1 or 2 bdrm. home. Reference, Ph, 3-4368. JalBl 3 BDRM. house In vicinity of St. Vincent' school by Sept. 1, Ph. 38415. JalDl 1 OR 2 bdrm. house to responsible party. rnone jaiBB YOUNG ENGINEER, wife and 7 year old daughter urgently need 2 bdrm, furnish ed house by Aug. 15. Ph. 2-34B5. jalB3 YOUNG COUPLE need unfurn. except re frlg. At range, 1 bdrm. house. No chil dren. Ph. 2-0852. Jal91 WANTED TO rent or lease with option to buy, 2 or 3 bdrm. home near school. Call Mr. Wood, 24083. Jal91 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD. One elderly gentle man. Ph. 3S680. 266 J3. Cottage. JJ192" BOARD AND RM. B50 X St. Ph. 3-8706. J1207 LOST AND FOUND LOST Rimless bifocals, downtown cafe or oar. jio a, winter, kibb 125 REWARD for toy red male dog. Answers to amy. rn. J94DJ. K190 LOST Lady's rose-gold Gotham wrist watcn. Kewara. Mrs. Evelyn pardon, McMlnnvllle. Ph. 4936. klBO LOST: Red leather keytalner with keys. Will KIIHJ MISCELLANEOUS DRESSED FRYER Rabbits Ideal for freez ing, wooa range, l bdrm house. Rt. 8 Box 803. ml 89 WILL TRADE new man' bicycle for W eiectnc arm. rn. J0&14 alter o p.m. mlM SPENCER CORSETIERE. 425 N. Winter Ph. 3-5073. ml89 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 MR SERVICE IN MOS1 CASES . DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. -State At Commercial 81. SALEM Phone 8-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS RONT DOORS, new, IV thick, grade A fir door. Only 115. Large window for living room, dining room In stock. C. G. Long, Ph. 25821. One milt N. of Kerer mal8B BUILDERS Realized substantial saving on lumber. Rock bottom price for larger amounts. 3x4 and ahlplap, top grade No. 3, (36 per M. No. 4 317 per M. Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma214 RED CEDAR SHINGLES No. 1 V.G 8.00 per. sq. No. 2 R.G 4.50 per sq. Rylock Screens Lumber - Sash At Door Complete Line Building Material OREGON .PULP At PAPER CO. Lumber Div. h. 2-2421 mal92 PAINTED SHAKES For sale from 5-rm. house. 945 Che meketa. See Chris. mal89 iLL a 119 Salem, we sell the beat Cedar 4 Shli,le from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade high mountain timber. No. 1, (8, No. 2 15. Delivered. Ted Muller. Salem-Inde p. Road. ma IS' No. I Cedar Shakes. Natural or paint ed P.'Im coated or stained. Cedar v, all Finite or Bear Brand 19 per q. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mulle. 2-1196. ma" BAB CEDAR GUTTER 22c. No. 1 cedar wall shake Ac under course shingle U2.80 per q. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1198. . ma' PLYWOOD LARGE stock of size, thlcknesse At grade. Both olatn At water proof t-'icea start at 5c per sq ft. , ALSO GOOD stock of V and W tnaul atlng boards Low price on H" At V sheet rocn Keith Brown. Front At Court St., Salem ma ALUIIA LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE Toe modern permanent roof ing See youi dealer or Call Di.it 3-6401. mal87 SPECIAL: Cedar sldini. Vx8" Random lergth. C -grade 185 thousand KeHb Brown Front & Court st. Salem. ma SEW SHIPMENT pat board H" ic, 4' ffc q ft Rock lathe 45 q It (176 MONTGOMERY WARD SILEU m USED BRICK Call 3B7Q or 24389 mal94 GOOD USED LUMBERfor aale. AUowhv dow, door. 3i plywood, firtex. After 5 p.m. 2475 Broadway. Ph. 20913. ma!94 SAVE On ROOFING Let Ward give rou complete iN STALLED price on you roofing need. Wide rante of colors Call our outbids salesman tor tr eMlmau Phone 1-311 MONTGOMERY WARD CO SALEM OREGON ma (Continued on Page 17) -4 44