j 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aujr. 10, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chanter 22) Dennis helped her out of the ear and lea ner inaoore j living room. Prlscllla was so In terested In the lire, which was exactly as she had known It would be, ana in me cohuuubo ings that she scarcely knew that Dennis had helped her oil with her coat and handed It to a man ervant to take away. 'Tom, this is Mrs. Kent," Dennis was saying, prisciua lurnea getically and smiled at Tom. He was a thin, capable-looking man who smiled back at her and disap peared. A moment later he reap peared noiselessly with a couple of lone ones. prL-ill took her drink from the tray and sat down with a feel ing of relaxation she had not known for a long time. "This is wonderful," she said with a sigh. She had really meant "You are wonderful," but one could not be that frank until the other person . . . rwmnis was seated on an otto man at her feet, looking at her with his soft brown eyes. "You are wonderful," he said. Prlscllla felt a rush of emotion. It was nimnlv too much, the contrast be' tween this lovely place and the Kent home, Dennis' kindness as against Kenneth's brutality. Her eyes filled with tears and Dennis, seeing them, turned away and eazed Into the fire. Priscilla leaned over to put her drink on the coffee table and somehow she and Dennis were In each other's arms. He pulled her over to him and they sat on the ottoman together, her arms around his neck. He raised her head and his lips rested ever so lightly upon hers. Gradually he pressed her to him and their lips clung closer. Re luctantly he released her. He held her head between his hands, "Oh, my darling!" he breathed Priscilla gazed at him, her senses enthralled unable to speak She drew his face down to hers anr. kissed him again. "I knew it would be like this,' she said. For answer he drew hei to him again. Priscilla was flushed and excited as they ate their meal and Dennis too, seemed to feel very gay. He teased Tom about his cooking every time the man came into the room and, although Tom didn't seem to mind the teasing, Prlscllla kept tell ing him how good the food was lor iear nis leeungs wouia oe nun Kenneth seemed very far away. After dinner they settled them selves cosily on the couch, Dennis arm placed protectingly about Priscilla's shoulders. "Why did you come back, Den nis?" she asked after a few min utes of silence. "Did It have any thing to do with me?" "Yes, it had a great deal to do with you," Dennis answered. "Ger trude wrote to me and your brother-in-law." "Why, what did they . , ." Pris cilla began. She was really sur prised. It was surprising enough to know that Gertrude had writ ten to Dennis about her, but James . , . that was the most surprising of all. Dennis cleared his throat as II In embarrassment. "Well, they said," he told her, "they wanted to let me know how you were getting along. They told me that your marriage wasn't working out so well and that . . . that you were expecting a baby." "Yes," said Prlscllla, "I was ex pecting a baby, but . . ." Her mouth twisted bitterly, as did her thoughts. She could not say any more about that. "So I came back when I heard the tilings that were happening to you." He put his lips against her hair. "When I left you that night two years ago, I never thought you wouldn't be safe," he said pas sionately. "I never dreamed that anything bad would happen to you. I guess I was thinking only of my selfmy own problems and then when I heard what was happening, I knew that I had been a fool to go away. I couldn't bear the thought that you were being hurt." Priscilla put her head on his shoulder. Then he had come back because of her. It was a wonder ful thing to know, even If nothing came of it. "When I came back to town, ' I didn't hope for anything like this, like our sitting nere together so close again," he continued, "pns cilia, I can get you a divorce. And then . . . then will you marry me?' Priscilla did not answer him at once. He wanted to take care of her forever and that would be heaven. She wanted that, but her mind kent running around in cir cles, thinking of Dennis and how he had already helped her. Two nines maoe connection in ner mem ory. The hospital bill. "Dennis!'- sne exclaimed. "You paid my hospital bill, didn't you? And I thought it was Viola all the time." Dennis seemed embarrassed as she looked up into his face. "on. well. I may as well tell you." he muttered. "Yes, I did. But we Viola and I have got to be quite good friends we thought it would oe better li you thought sne did It. I didn't want you to pay me back. so I told her to put the money In me Dank lor you wnen you started paying It back." Priscilla's eyes were like grate ful stars. It was simply amazing the way she was being taken care of without ever knowing It. You know," she said, "I don't believe I ever really aDoreciated you before. Is It that I had to have these things, these bad things, happen to me before I could ap preciate goodness to the full?" "Possibly," said Dennis. "I might say the same of myself. If I had appreciated you before, perhaps, I wouldn't have gone away." "We ought to start back," said Priscilla. "Why," said Dennis, "vou could stay here. Tom would chaperone us." He said it rather stiffly as if afraid his meaning would be mis understood, but Priscilla turned to him eagerly. "Oh. could I?" she asked. "I'd like to stay here tonight. i naie going oack to Mrs. Wilson's ifter this. I mean . . . it's so dreary In my room . . . and this . . . oh, Dennis, I love you." ror a moment sne saw pain In his eyes, then he was kissinz her passionately ... her hair ... her eyes . . . her lips. The Jangling of the telenhnn broke rudely Into their longdreamed oi togemerness. (To be continued) 2847 SIZES 12 46 -r III - x w j-j.uce lor Inm iie-ivut many occasions! no. 2487 is cut in sizes 13, 14, 16, 10, ZU. Jo. Jo. 40. 42. 44 And 4fi Size 18, 3 yds. 54-ln. SUMMER Is the ttms fnr nrottv styles the Fashion Book the place lo una uiem. ;veryining you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER fashton BOOK brings you over 150 pattern ucaiKiu lor an ages ana occasions, nna an aesisned mr phxv sowim Price Just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. Send S5c ror PATTERN with name. Address, and Style Number State Size desired. Address Canlmi Journal RR9 Ml- slon St.. San Francisco C, Calif. R2854 18 Dutch Designs These embroider ed designs have captured all the charm and auaintness of the "land of the windmill." Pattern Envelope No. R2854 con tains hot-iron transfers for two each of the three designs measur ing approximately S'-i bv 8 inches and six tulip designs measuring IS u o nicnrs, color cnart, allien illus trations and embroidery directions. To obtain tut pmvrrA send 30c IN COINS giving patlern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. 'VOU LL NOT BE ANNOYED 8V ) SJ AND JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU iffifTI f 1 PLEASANT DREAMS ) frs BURGLARS HERE, STEVE THOSE sZfy OONT WALK IN YOUR SLEEP V . jt GUJ IT RADIO PROGRAMS IKSLM UBO WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW Z KOCO r kOiN :Yilter Trebin I Pan In i Parade Carmen Cavallclr Ted Drake led Drake Adr. of Champ. Musle Mu tic Gabriel lleitter Northweit News Muile Muile "out Survey Coast Surrey Clsce Kid Ciiee Kid What's tbt Nam ef that Sons Variety Time Variety Time News Seleel Local Newt News Musle Valter Trohan Rob Poole Show Bob Pool Show Mule 18:00 I Sim 0(1 Woman's Secret On Sunny Side Ch'ek F'ster, News Richard Harknesi Chicken Every Sunday Musclal Cocktails timer Peterson Henry Morgan Henry Morgan Ronald Colman Ronald Colman Pat O'Brien fu ileal Jackpot uest Star Tune Tim The Bit .Story The Bit Story Curtain Time Curtain Time Supper Club Sews of World Archie Andrews Archie Andrews Cb'ck F'ster News sports Pate Final Mr. Dlst. Attorney Mr. Dlst. Attorney Urn Hayes, Rep, Wax Museum Wax Museum Wax Museum Sltn Off Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Bins Crosby Sport Pate Candle Lltbt an Sliver News Troplcana Bandstand Bandstand Dii tout Dope Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Basebi.it Baseball News Round Dp Track 141)0 Track 1400 Track 14D0 Track 140 Track 1490 Track 1490 Slsn Off Curt Massey Mr. Information Sonts of Prairlo Larry LeSuer Knox Hannlnt Rands on Para do Chet Huntley News Lewlsohn Lewlsohn Lewlsohn Lewlsohn Concert Concert Concert Concert Lewlsohn Lewlsohn Hollywood Hollywood Concert Concert Muile Music Chas. Colllnrwoet The Chicatsans Dr. Christian Dr. Christian Five Star Final Nltht Editor Seminar Spin to Win. Serenade Vou, the World Orchestra News Silent THURSDAY 6 A M. TO 4:45 P.M. PkTluJkv we were inTTere i W NEAP TH BANKlD SURG HflTE TO QET M ft MIXED UP WITH THAT STRING O I BARQES ON THIS VACHT"0' OUTO"Jlp W LIGHTS tONC; TH SHORE ARE GETT1N S LOTS THKKERUJT MORE BOOTS, "TOO- i I NOT PLff BOOTS BUT BK3 DIRTY OHES- J5 ayCrr BE "TOP FAR FROM dP rBUT WE'RE SAFE BROOCH -V.Sjj nlilfl SO LONG AS WE STW REAL M(I MD CLOSE TO SHORE AND KEEP OUR III lHtl EVES PEELED PHEW BIG jllfi fl "wuewvou're twrougw taking' (your bath, I'd rUkTETOTALKTO DONT RU5U ME, WILBUR -7 I'M TRYIklG TO RELAX, AND IT AINT EASY AT A BUCK A HOUR . fTS TOO BA.D YOUR PA CAN'T ") WARM TUIS WATER UP A BIT- ' TM 5UIVERIN' SO 1 KIM HARDLY ) COUNT KEEP MY "TEETH in JAKEEP MY TEETH inV IP VOURE P1GURIN' OM RAISIN" YOUR PRICES. ME CUT. r THAT'S JUST WILBUR, I'D vVmAT I'M NOT I RUTUER UAVE;GO!NGTO DO. 1 THE 4aMBY.-LISTEH RWE0MATI1 wl NOW COIN' QTAM T'SEE thet BLONDE. AF, GOT AVAILABLE FO nARRVIN PURR06LS. COUSIN "QUE rAULT-.' j rr J AH1X MASH YO' BONES FO' BUSTIN' HAUwiMnrof DO NOT PUNISH UHUT THET INUEHCCNT A FUN-LOVIN' AVCHMfm CHILE.'-PRAV CHM- PERMIT HIT KTEH PAY FO TH bAMA&Er GOT ' HE GIVE ME ACOLLAH NOT T iMACK THET CHILEf THET UNCRATXFUL LI'L " OONT BE4IU.Y.V-AH CUiS DONE BAAINEDVOr.'lljOVESrSEECHILUIN HAVE FUN-EVEN EF IT MEAN FRACTURIM MAH (GOAHfi &KLILL.' AH LOVES LIT. CHILU1N.' ALSO AH LOVES ANIMALS, FLOWERS, AN OLE LADIES". NATCHERLY YO IS NOW GONNA WHALE TH' TAR OUTA HlM.r.r . , CHARACTm one li'l FAULT.'.' WONDER JCST WHUT THET ONE. FAULT n.?-l W ii rm XfS.. M III' donY point.Y don't be scared, MUTT I IT'SMV NEW INV6NTIOH! AN ELECTRIC BUS KILLER! YA SEE -WHEN YA SEE A BUS IN THE HOUSE YOU FILL MV BUS KILLER WITH INSECT POWDER, PLUG I THE SOCKET AND SHOOT THE BUS DEAD -LIKE THAT.'- SEE? n greatM BUT SUPPOSE VOU RE OUTSIDE OR SOME PLACE WHERE THERE S HO ELECTRICITy ii n i HAVE M30 ABOARP. - PIKE, HAVE SOMEBODY SHOW THEM TO THEIP CABINS, THEN TAKE ' C I fclYPtK SACK TO FETCH (CAfN MSH, THESE ARB MR. TATE'S 6L1ESTS .. I 6U6SS VOU KNOW ALLTHEie NAMCC. A OH, WELL, IN THAT CASE you JUST STEP ON THE BUG TILL HES DEAD ' C V J MEAHWHIIM.AT THE PIEB NOBOPV BlTT OU ANP CAPTAIM NASH IS TO KNOW THAT MARSH 15 ANYTHING BUT A REGULAR MHWBEK OP THE CREW NOBOPV WILL PINO OUT B?OM ME HERE COMES THE "COMETS TENPER. - ILL 6ET OUT OP SI6HT. THANKS COR YOUR COOPERATION, MK.TATE. NOT AT ALL.6LAD TO DO My BIT POR YOUR PEPARTMENT. nl n .-ri 'I DARE VUH T' STEP J OUTSIDE. AND SAV rrfn THAT , l-i- 'tS.LM n it 1 Tufa tM W. ha hjJWli I'M 50kRY, JUNIOR.!-. I COULDN'T GO ON FOREVER- LIVING A LIE I THINK I'D BETTER, LEAVE NOW- -BEFORE E i i'm pleading with a you,mr.worth!--if II WILL MftKt OAU J DAYS HAPPY- -7 5 0' nor DOS, jit I CT J ll Ii 11 i ri I News Dawn Patrol Northwest News March Time Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol News News Breakfast Gang Breakfast Ganf Top Tradei Barsaln Counter Mornlns; Special Sons ol Ploneei Mnnfo Northwest News Rate Smith Psstnr v.V Bid. Purple Sax News Bennla Walket Wiles Orxanalltles Walts Serenade Top Trades News Queen for a Day Queen for a Day Ladles First Ladies First Northwest News Bob Eberlj Show Tell Neighbors Johnson Family Orran Reveries Bins Sines Aralnst the Storm Acalml tht Storm Musis Musle Say It With Music Say It With Music Musle News llodre Podro Ilodfe Podro Kneass, News Hodge Podro Farm Time Farm Time The Old Sonrs Kneass w. News Smooth Musle Smooth Musle Rld'rs P'rp. Sat Sam Hares The Second Cup The Second Cup Jack Berch Kneass w. Newt Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Lopei Oreh. Lopes Orch. Today's Children Lora Lawton Double r Nolhlnc Double 'r Nothlnr Kneass w. News Lirht of world Lire Cn Be Butlfl Road of Life Pep roans Fam. Rifht to Ha'p'ness Barkstaxe Wife Stella Dallas Lorenzo Jones Vna Wldder Brwn When Glri Mar'les Portia Faces Life Just Plain Bill Front pf. Farrell Welcome Traveler Welcome Traveler Aunt Mary We Love A Learn KOCO Klork KOCO Klock Tex Bitter News A Sports Top O Mornlns Top O Mornlns; Western Melodies Western Melodies The Stars Sing Chrch In Wildwd Haven of Rest Haven of Rest Without Words John Ch. Thomas Guest Artist Northwest Report Concert Miniature Concert Miniature Glass Wax Glass Wai Glass Wax Glass Wax Hollywood Musle Hollywood Musle Headline News Ted Dale Presents Mac's ' Melodlec Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Movie Time hllosophrr Byers Bedlam Byers Bedlam News KOIN It lock KOIN Kloek KOIN Kloek KOIN Kloek News -News Fred Beck ' Consumer Newt Art Baker Make Believe Make Bflleve Feature Storr News Grand Slant Rosemary Wendy Warrea Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Big Sister Ma Perking Young Dr. Malon Guiding Light News Come Get II Norab Drake Brighter Day 2nd Mrs. Burton Perry Maaon Bright Light Alr-flo Newspaper f Air Newspaper af Air Winner Take All Tunefully Yours News Meet the Mlssaa Meet the Mlssaa Robert I. Lewis Robert I. Lewis Robert I. Lewis Robert I, Lewis Robert I. Lewis DIAL LISTINGS: REX, 1190; KOAC, 550 If FY Wednesday P.M. 5:00, Squirrel rV cage! fi:30, .Sky King) 6:00, Keep ing Up With Sports: 6:15, Home Edition News! 6:30, Modern Romances) 7:00, Headline Edition i 1:15, Elmer Davis; 7:30, Heinle and His Bandt 8:00, Lone Rangeri 8:30, Stars In the Nlghti 0:00, Steel Pier Orch.t 9:30, One for the Book) 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10: 15, Intermexxoi 10:30 Concert Houri 11:30, Memos to To morrow; 12:00, Xtra Houri 1:00, Sign Off. lry Thursday A.M. 6:00, Early Bird; IX C A 7; (HI, News i 7:15, Band Boxt 7:30, Bob Hasen Show; 7:45, Time Tempos) 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners; ft:45, Troplcana i 0:00, Breakfast Club; 10:00, Newst 10:15, Stars of Today: 10:30, Melody Promenade) 11:00, Ted Malone; 11:15, Galen Drake i 11:30, My True Story. KCSAC Wednesday P.M. 5:00, On the IWAAVrf Upbeat! 5:50, 550 Sports Clabt 6:00, Newst 4:15, Dinner Melodlesi 6:89. Headlines In Chemistry! 6:15, Guest Start 7:00, Farmers' Union i 7:15, Evening Farm Houri 8:00, Publie Health Series! 8:16, Artistry In Classics; 8:30, Veterans News Review! 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Fore cant) 9:00, Muslo That Endures t 9:45. Lift Up Thy Velcei 10:00, Adventures In Research! 10:15, Serenade! 10:45, News! 11:00, Sign Off. lOAr Tburs. A.M. 10, News; 10:15. lVnrf For Women l 11:00, Concert Hall) 12:00, News) 12:15, Noon Farm Bonn 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy) 1:15, Variety Timet 1:30, Melody Lane; t:00. Cavalcade at Drama) 2:15, Memory, Book of . Muslet 3:00, News. Nebraskans are Visitors Mt. Angel Herb and Mary Ann Detlefsen, Miss Margaret Detlefsen, Theo. Heinen and "Grandma" Supanchick of Hum phrey, Neb., are visiting in Mt. Angel. Mrs. Supanchick. who is over 90 years of age, will make her home with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt. The other members of the party will spend a couple weeks visiting in Mt. Angel and Portland before re turning to theis home. ACROSS 1. Rule of action 4. Quantities inexprfffiblt. In integers 5. Write 12. Silkworm 13. To piecea 14. Exist 15. Got along 17. Chickens 19. Part of a tlra 20. Small ."harks 21. Scarlet 23. Spot on a playing card 14. Kxist 26. Inquire 29. Hard-Phelled fruit IL, Ancient Greek religious festival 33. Froth 35. Constrictor 37. Decavs 3S. Place nf worship 40. Away 42. Secure 43. Artificial language 44. Oriental ship captain 4fi. Summit 48. Flavor 60. Smallest quantity ' B4. Kinsman 56. Purple seaweed 57. Belonging; to us 6S. One of the Muses 60. Mountain: comb, form 61. Stake SOL I JjV O V OtV iClEajFElwEjRyRR g TBTl,kflW I S '1 HREnajb lonp 'Pll N gfgolN CHA R E A U N P Oil RE Nfirr" E N T IT 6 S tUbTQ VJITQS E E Solution of Yesterday's Puzzln 62. Replant 61. Meshed fabrlo DOWN 1. Not riffht iz M'i zifcz- s 7S '''t lB mm' " i" i3E wist ;5S ''' ','. sr : sr sj ROOM AND BOARD t. Sandarao tree 3. Metal thread 4. Depress 5. To a higher point 6. Enraptured 7. Hanp downward 8. Asinine 9. Strokes gently 10. Sin 11. French marshal 16. Oruan of hearing 18. Person with a certain disease 22. Poor playeri slang 24. Morsel 25. Direction 26. From a distance 27. Card game 23. Arabian shrub an. Also 32. Record 34. French revo lutionist 36. Astern 33. Slice of bacon 41, Come after 45. Cubic meter 47. Vegetable 4V Civil Injury 49. Epochs 51. English river 52. Withered 53. Jog 54. Cut short 55. Bitter herb 59. In the direc tion of 0 Bv Gene Ahern I'M WRITING TO'OGOWAN LODGE A SUMMER RESORT IOO MILES FROM HERE, FOR VACATION RESERVATIONS-'"A FELLA WHERE I WORK SAID THE LODGE OFFERS BOATING, BATHING, FISHING, GOLF TENNIS AND MFALS INCLUDED FOR. $SO A WEEK.--WOULD VOU LIKE TO GO ALONG WITH ME AND THE JUDGE ? lllf SO A WEEK, 00L FOR. ALL P K-l THAT? r V IT SOUNDED j ? ) LIKE AN 3 IDEAL. UNTIL VOU J lNL,LULJfcL THb I 1 y I OULAlt"" y I I ni rr ti i irt y I M - V.I lJ II . ' (SJSUESTS SO FAH 'OSOWAM LODGE