" "A YJ V 4 : ' t , Progress Retarded on Bridge at Independence By JAMES D. OLSON Failure of iteel contractor to make deliveries at the specified time will delay completion of the Independence bridge, over the Willamette river, between Marion and Polk counties, almost a year, state highway department officials said Tuesday. Macco Corporation of Los Angeles, bridge contractors ordered the steel necessary for the bridge Mow Steel Delivery Delays Independence Bridge Top: Piers ready for steel delayed by fabricators unable to obtain raw material under a quota system. Delivery of fabricated steel in October will prevent bridge completion this year and set the opening date ahead to August, 1950. Lower: Steel beams in place on the Marion county approach are now being decked 'with reinforced concrete. Construction of this section of the Independence bridge will likely be completed before winter. both veterans administration and the budget bureau. Helps For Eyes Everyon wants iood efficient eyes that will carry thru the day' work. Relax eyes from close work, look up frequently, focus on a distant point. AUo bathe sore, tired, Itching, irritated eyes with soothlnr. comforting Lavoptik. 30 years success. Praised by thousands. Get La voptik today. Be dellvhted or money back. All druggists. Sen. Morse Wins Approval On Access Road Resolution A resolution, sponsored by Senator Wayne Morse, providing for $30,000,000 annually for construction of access roads into governmental timber areas, was passed Tuesday, according to telegram sent to the Capital Journal by the junior senator of Oregon. The resolution must now be adopted by the house but Sena tor Morse explains that if a crowded, calendar prevents con sideration before congress re cesses It will be on the house calendar ready for consideration when the house reconvenes in January. When the resolution was first up for consideration Senator Cain of Washington objected and presented a substitute reso lution drastically different from the Morse proposal. However, Morse said that Tuesday Cain asked only for an amendment for public hearings on ten days notice on any proposed access road. Morse said that Senators Taft of Ohio and Watkins of Utah, who originally objected to the proposal, withdrew objections and supported the bill. It was a successful day for Senator Morse because the sen ate also passed his bill provid ing for special housing for vet erans suffering from paralysis resulting in the loss of use of both legs due to service connect ed disease or injury. This bill was endorsed by ammm we're well-stocked WITH ALL PLUMBING v DAPTC. thats WKfHif WART fi starts) r MwingSwvicel ACROSS TOWN OR J across thi nation M Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Dickerson are spending sev eral days' vacation at McCready Springs near Eugene. Mrs. Lewis Hall is assisting in the Dickerson Variety store dur ing their absence. spans from the Moore Drydock company of Oakland, Calif., steel fabricators. The order was to have been filled' a number of months ago but the fabricators were unable to obtain the raw material in time. It was stated that the steel for the bridge is now being fabri cated in Oakland and delivery is expected In October. How ever, this will be too late lor beginning of the construction of the spans and as a result the work will not begin until March of next year and final com pletion is expected in August, 1950 instead of December 31, 1949 as contemplated. The bridge contract was awarded to the Macco company on April 30, 1948, and actual work began a month later. During the steel shortage throughout the United States, which eased up about four months ago, each steel fabrica tor was allocated a specified amount of raw materials. The Oakland firm, highway officials stated, probably con tracted for delivery . of more steel than could be fabricated from the allocated supply with the result that the order for the Independence bridge was not filled on time When the bridge contractors found that the steel deliveries would be delayed, it was too late to order steel from any other fabricating concern. The highway commission has authority to assess the engineer ing costs to the main contractor for the period after the date set for completion of the project Under an attorney general's opinion the state cannot collect damages from a contractor who fails to complete a job on the time limit unless the state pro vides a bonus for completion of the job prior to the contract conclusion date. Scholarship Granted Sacred Heart Student Thomas Lovclk, a graduate of Sacred Heart academy in Salem, is one of 24 incoming University of Portland freshmen who will receive college educations on a scholarship granted by the uni versity scholarship committee, announces Rev. Joseph McGrath, CSC, chairman. Lovcik's training will begin at Portland on September 13, the date set for freshman orientation. The free tuition grant is made annually to a high school sen ior who achieves good student ship and who is recommended by the high school administra tion. Open House at McNary Dated Plans are shaping up for an open house program at McNary field by Salem flight operators with a free picnic "brunch" to be served between 11 and 1 o'clock Sunday, August 28. An air show is scheduled to start at 12 o'clock with tours over the city to be offered be tween 1 and 2 o clock. The program will feature the Brooks handicap race and a closed course race in addition to participation by military and Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1949 13 airlines. The control tower will also be in operation. Tillamook aviation days are scheduled for the coast city August 20 and 21, according to Oregon Air News, publication of the state board of aeronautics. Walt and Ivan Herd will be the official hosts with a variety of attractions offered including a dinner at 7 o'clock Saturday eve ning followed by a dance. Break fast will be served from 8 to 10 o'clock Sunday morning with the air show starting at 2 o'clock. Sleeping quarters will be in the barracks at the naval air sta tion with dormitory facilities for Other events listed for the near future are the annual con ference of the Oregon Flying Farmers at McMinnville Septem ber 4 to 6 and the Sportsmen Pilots' day at Joseph September S with Bessie Halladay hostess. An excursion hop is also planned to Red's Horse ranch. The state board calls atten tion to the Valsetz flying field, privately developed by Loren Haley, and about 25 miles west of Independence. Chile plans to build a large number of schoolhouses through out the country. Whtther you're moving in town or to a distant city, wo offer tfa finest in worry-free moving serv ice. Our local storage and mov ing facilities are unexcelled And as representatives for Allied ' Van Lines we can place at your disposal the know-how of the world's largest long-distance moving organisation. Allied's expert packers, handlers and drivers safeguard your posses sions every step of the way. Call us for estimates. Red Star Transfer Liberty Jt Belmont Ph. 18111 aoint rot WI OIVI AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS AS EXTRA SAVINGS HEREI Yon Caa gxcnaiteje reefl Stamps for Usefel Articles Here) IFDtLEE fluDFIT (DIFFER A Beautiful 5x7 Portrait of your BABY FREE NO OBLIGATION Age 3 Months to 12 Years For Every Mother in Salem and Marion County The Newest and Finest Child Photographic Equipment Produces Amazing Results Tuesday, Aug. 9 through Saturday, Aug. 13 Hours 10 till S P.M. BRING A FRIEND We have made arrangements with an exclusive child's photographer to be in our store Oregon's mL 'in Quarts' - $ vSfeejK f ' w wlCirM " ' stock up for the week"end wit,T ?CAl m?iBf 11 111 smooth refreshing Sicks' Select in Salem's Retail Packing Plant 351 State St. WHAT'S THE GOOD WORD IN MEAT? Why MIDGET, of Course It's the BUY-WORD for good meat. MIDGET MEATS will bring you real meal time pleasure at low cost. When you buy meat, SHOP THE MIDGET. . . . You couldn't ask for better. Young Pig Young Pig Dainty, Lean PORK ROASTS PORK STEAK LOIN CHOPS Picnic A C lb. Small AfC They're SO ft lb. Cuts Lean Good W TENDER CUTS OF EASTERN OREGON BEEF Young Flavorful Rolled BEEF ROAST RIB STEAKS Boneless Rump Blade lb. Tender jjC Easy to jQC Boneless Plate-rib Swiss or Regular BEEF CUBES BOILING BEEF ROUND STEAK Braise or ASC A Family IjC lb- Center SQC Stew Favorite " Cuts WE DO NOT FEATURE "HOT SHOTS" or "SPECIALS" to attract you to our market. The reason we can offer such outstanding values is because we do our own slaughtering and processing, which enables us to RETAIL at WHOLESALE PRICES. Ask any MIDGET customer. ' Pure Pork Pure Pork Fresh LITTLE LINKS Bulk Sausage GROUND BEEF Tasty A HC b- Pal o' the AC lb. Not Just j C lb- Treats W Pancakes w Hamburger Our ground meat products are prepared from fresh cuts of INSPECTED MEAT. USELESS TO PAY MORE RISKY TO PAY LESS. TIME SAVING SUMMER SNACKS A wide variety of tasty Luncheon Loaves, Roast Beef, Veal, Chicken and Minced Ham Style Pork, etc. LB. 45c Delicious Long "Flavorized" Skinless Liver Sausage BOLOGNA WIENERS 35c b 35c ,b 37c ,b SMALL PICNIC HAMS Mild and Lean LB. 45c No Tricky Bargains When You See It in Our Ad, It's So!