BoSox Stall Wins; Nats By the Associated Preul If the Boston Red Sox ever catch up with the New York Yankees in their season-long American league pennant chase, most of the credit must be given to their much maligned pitching staff. In the last five weeks, during which time the Red Sox have picked up six and a half games on the front - running Yankees, Boston hurlers have pitched 25 complete games in 34 starts. As a result, they've won 25 of them to whittle their deficit to five and a half games. On July 4 the Red Sox trailed the leaders by 12 games. Ellis Kinder, the Red Sox' righthanded ace, is the latest to go the route. He finished what he started last night, beating the Yankees, 6-3, for his 13th victory against five losses. Kinder permitted the Yankees 10 hits, including a pair of home runs by Outfielder Hank Bauer, but an early 5-0 lead furnished . by Birdie Tebbetts and Ted Wil-i Hams barried him through. Teb Hillsboro Snares Legion Title, Berth in District Albany, Ore., Aug. 10 m ' Hillsboro captured the Oregon American Legion junior base ball .championship .last .night and a berth in the regional tournament starting in Portland Friday. ' The upstate team won the crown by drubbing the Portland Byerly's 11 to 1, in a second game of the night after the chal lengers from the big city edged Hillsboro, 9 to 8, in the first. A hillsboro victory in that initial game would have given the previously unbeaten team the crown on six straight, but it wasn't that easy. In that first game, Byerly's took an early lead and then snuffed off a ninth inning Hillsboro rally at one run to squeeze out the 9 to 8 win. Hillsboro got eleven hits off Jim Peterson, who went the route, but he had scattered them effectively in all but two in nings. The second game was vir tually no contest, with five runs In the fifth icing the crown for Hillsboro. Jim Nier man, who played first base in the initial contest, hurled two hit ball while his team mates loosed a 12-hit barrage off three Portland pitchers. Named outstanding players were Byerly's Ray Hyde, a pitcher; Hillsboro's Bobby Frantz, an infielder; Dave Mon tagne, Byerly outfielder and Jerry La Blanc, Hillsboro, top Stars Trim (By the Associated Press) The Hollywood story (the baseball team) is an amazing one. From June 1 through Aug. 9, the Stars won 36 games and lost 35, a little better than .500 ball, Yet, today they still lead the Pacific Coast league by' 5 ',4 games. On June 2, their lead was six games. PCL Standings (By the Associated Press) w L Pet. TO so .572 Seattle 73 64 .533 Portland 73 85 .529 SnFrncsco 69 66 .511 LosAnsels W L Pet. 69 89 500 67 70 .489 62 74 .4;6 57 82 .410 Hollywood Sacramnto Oakland . Ban Diego Keealta Tuesday Oakland 6, Seattle 2. Sacramento 11. Los Angeles 4. Hollywood 6, Portland 2. Ban Dieto at Ban Francisco postponed. It is unusual, to say the least, for a club playing 50-50 ball to maintain such a wide lead. But there's a reason for it. On June 2, San Diego and Seattle were in second and third place. Since then San Diego and Seattle have played .471 and .479 ball, respectively the only two teams to fare worse than Holly wood. . Sacramento and Oakland are now in second and third place. They were in the second divi ion on June 2. With such mathematical luck and the way they played Tues day night the Stars look like a good bet to stay in front the rest of the way. The Stars spotted Portland two runs in the first inning and then went n to win 6 to I. It was Pinky Woods' 17th win. Ken Holcombe, ace of second place Sacramento's mound staff, won his 10th win in a row as he set down Los Angeles with five hits for a 11 to 4 triumph. Jim Tabor hit his third homer in two nights. Jackie Jensen, often a hero for California on the gridiron, was just that for the Oakland Oaks. He slammed a ninth lnninr grand slam homer to break up a tight pitching duel and give the Oaks a 6 to 2 vic tory over Seattle. His clout came off Guy Fletcher, the league's winningest pitcher. Earlier, Jackie had slammed In another run with a single and ended a Seattle threat with a gasp-making catch. The San Diego-San Francisco tilt was postponed on account Yanks; Tribe Still Knotted betts parked one of Vic Raschi's offerings for a two-run homer in the second, and William dup licated the catcher's feat in the third. A capacity crowd of 35,691 was made happy by Boston's first victory of the season over Raschi, a note of disappoint ment crept in, however, by the inability of Dom OiMaggio to prolong his consecutive game hitting streak. Williams' homer, his 28th of Major Standings (By the Associated ft-eu) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. St. Louis 65 39 .625 Phlldlphia 53 53 .500 Brooklyn 65 39 .625 Pittsburgh 47 56 .456 New York 54 90 .519 Cincinnati 43 63 .406 Boston S3 63 .500 Chicago 40 67 .374 Results Tueiday Pittsburgh 8. Chicago 3. New York 4, Boston 3, night. Brooklyn 8, Philadelphia 1, night. St. Louis 4, Cincinnati 1, night. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. New York 65 38.631 Detroit 58 49 642 Cleveland 61 43 .587 Chicago 44 61 .419 Boston 60 44 .577 Washing tn 37 65 .36a PhildlPhla 59 47 .557 St. Louis 34 71 .324 Results Tueiday Boston 6, New York 3, night. Phildlphta 8, Washington 3, night. Cleveland 9. St. Louis 2, night. Detroit 11, Chicago 5, night. hitter with better than .600 average for the tournament. First game: Byerly's 102 023 010 7 I Hillsboro Oil 013 101 8 11 5 Hunt, Hyde (8) and Davis; Petersen and Mclnnls. Second tame: Hillsboro 020 053 111 12 1 Byerly's 000 100 0 1 3 5 Nlerman end Hanklnsom Hyde, Jack son (3), Dona a and Davis. Salemites tHenev Bid to Buy Club Kennedy Has Nod Over Tenn in Top 10-Round Bout Porland, Aug 10 (ff) Paul Kennedy, 150, of Longview, de cisioned Oscar Tenn, 165, of Richmond, Calif., last night in half the main event of the week ly Jantzen Beach fight card. John L. Sullivan, 171, Port land, decisioned Jerris Jamel, 171, of Canada, in the second 10-rounder. " Other results: Brave Junior, 136, Klamath Falls, decisioned Don Roberts, 136, Hermiston, Ore., 4; Jerry Renaud, 128, Portland, decision ed Larry Reagan, 130, Hermis ton, 4; Chuck Maxson, 182 "A, Corvallis, decisioned Nick Clas son, 175, Portland, 4. - Bevos to Set PC Pace o f rain. Wednesday night's schedule: Portland (Roy Helser 14-9) at Hollywood (Gordy Maltzberger 13-7). San Diego (Tom Kipp 4-4 and Lyman Linde 10-12) at San Francisco ( Cliff Melton 2-2 and Harry Feldman 4-2) two games. Oakland Charlie Gassaway 12- 8) at Seattle ( Or v Grove 6-5). Markets, Oilers And Navy Softies Score Victories Navy Reserve nabbed a 9-5 Industrial league victory over Paper Mill, Randle Oil white washed Campbell Rock Wool 9 0 in the City circuit, and 12th Street Market took a wild 15-8 win over Marine Reserves in an other City league contest in soft ball action on Leslie field Tues day night. Enoch Maerz tossed one of the smoothest games of the summer season in shutting out the Rock Woolers with two hits. He had to hurl but five innings, though, because of a league rule which awards a victory to a team seven runs ahead after five frames. Bob Bailey and Clancy Apple- gate both homered for Randle Oil, Bailey in the second inning and Applegate in the fourth. The Paper Mill-Navy and Mar- ines-12th Street games were both error-dotted affairs, with a total of 24 miscues committed in the two games. Paper Mill 010 004 65 I 1 Nary Reserve 540 000 19 6 4 Farlow and Kephart; Pox and Bwlnk. Campbell's 000 004 1 1 Randle Oil 024 3x 9 10 1 Wilson. Hendrie and L. Slnser; I. sfaerz and Applegate. Marine Reserve 012 14 17 7 13th Street 402 45X 15 9 6 Carver, McLeod and Barnholdt: Whltted and Weaver. Only 15 per cent of the peo pie now in the Bahamas are whites. Soften Up Hard Stinging Callouses Don't wmlt live yourself from another 47 of burning; foot torture. Get Ice-MLnt NOW! Join the millions ot hippy people who walk In cool fresh comfort thanka to thia fro.ty white medicated balm. Enjoy iti ameiinf eoolini aoothinf act loo. Get Jce-Mlat today at all dnifciatf, the season, was the 250th of his career. The triumph, Boston's 12th in 15 starts in this current home stand, left the third place Bosox still a game behind the runnerup Cleveland In dians. The Tribe whipped the St. Louis Browns, 9-2, to re duce the Yankees' lead to four and a half games. Bob Feller gained his fourth straight and 10th victory of the season as the Indians ended a three-game losing streak. The fourth place Philadelphia Athletics and fifth place Detroit Tigers won their games, to move forward also. The A's, aided by 15 bases on balls, defeated Wash ington, 8-3, and the Tigers wal loped the Chicago White Sox, 11-5. The A's are now 7 lk games behind, the Tigers 9. Brooklyn and St. Louis con tinued in their first place Na tional league deadlock. The Dodgers whipped the Philadel phia Phils, 8-1, and the Card inals won from Cincinnati, 4-1. The New York Giants protect ed their hold on third place by edging out the Boston Braves, 4-3. In the only day light contest, the Pittsburgh Pirates slugged the Chicago Cubs, 8-3. Rookie Carl Erskine hurled three-hit ball for Brooklyn. He lost his shutout in the ninth when Bill Nicholson tripled and scor ed on a fielder's choice. Southpaw Harry Brecheen permitted the Reds only seven hits and did not issue a pass to post his ninth victory for the Cardinals. Soy League Wont Transfer Team, Salem Good Ball Town The bid from a group of sportsmen in" Salem represented by William Healy, assistant sec retary of state, to purchase the Senator ball club for $fi0,000 will be renewed this week in Portland. Healy made his disclosure Wednesday upon his return from Southern Oregon. It came on the heels of threats by the Portland-Salem management to jerk the franchise for the club to another northwest city for lack of attendance l.ere. "We're still in the market," Healy said. "We'll still buy the club at our price of $60, 000, and I expect to go to Portland later this week to Official Box Score BHOA R H O A 4 13 0 Stevens, 1 I 0 13 1 Shupe.l 4 19 0 Handley,2 4 14 6 Thorn aa, 3 3 1 0 3 Noren. cr 3 12 1 Rucker.lf 4 111 Gorman, rf 3 12 0 Pnnlngtn.rf 3 12 0 Kelleher.lf 10 10 Ba.Mnski.3 4 2 3 3 Baxes.3 4 2 2 3 Oladd.c 4 15 0 Bandlock.C 3 2 3 1 Auatin.s 4 2 12 O' -2105 DtBiaai.P 1 0 0 3 Woods, p 4 0 0 1 Fleming. p 0 0 0 0 Wenner" 10 0 0 Dlehl.p 0 0 0 1 Brovia 10 0 0 Total! 32 10 24 11 Totals 28 8 2'i 18 Grounded out lor Fleming in 1th. -Filed out lor Diem in Btn. Portland ,.200 000 0002 Hits Hollywood Hit Loser: DiBlasi. Pitchers record: Ip DIBlaal 4x Fleming 2 Diehl 2 312 102 10010 , .012 120 00X 6 021 220 lOx 8 R H Er Bb So 6 7 6 10 0 10 6 0 1 0 2 1 32 2 10 2 4 3 Woods . . E None Handley 2, R: Marquez, Rucker, Stevens, Noren, Baxes, Kelleher. LOB: Portland 8. Hollywood 8. WP: Woods. SH DiBlasi. Noren, O'Neil. SB: Stevens, Oor man. RBI: Rucker. O'Neil 2, Gorman 2, Kelleher. Baxtw. DP, O'Neil to Handley to Baxes; Rucker to Austin to Basinskl : Austin to Basinskl to Shupe. Time 2:20. Umpires: Runttc, Sommera and Mutart. attendance 4,921. Oakland 000 110 0046 11 0 Seattle .. 020 000 0002 7 1 Nelson and Kerr; Fletcher and Warren. Lu Angeles 000 100 003 4 .1 0 Sacramento 010 033 3lx 11 11 'i McLlih, Ihde (7), and Novotney; Hol combe and Ralmondl. PRO ALL-STARS Chicago MP) Of the 68 play ers who formed the college All- Star squad which met the Na tional League Champion Phila delphia Eagles here. 25 are members of the ten NFL clubs, while 23 will play for the seven teams of the All-America con ference. Twenty are passing up pro football. Arrow Gabanaro The ACTION Shirt with EYE APPEAL A Soft, Luxurious Rayon Gabardine, washable, without fear of its shrinking stretching. or $oo See it at ALEX JONES 121 North High St. Something (Suit)able Bebe Shopp (center) of Hopkins, Minn., Miss America of 1948, goes for a swim at Deauville, France, with two unidentified French girls both of whom wear the bra and panties suit. Miss Shopp has described the latter type of suit as "a dab here and a bit right down here and back there." She is on a 33-day tour of European beaches and has announced she is on a crusade for clean thinking and against false bosoms. (AP Wirephoto.) LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES discuss the situation with Bill Mulligan (general manager of the Purtland-Salem baseball combine.)" "So far as this talk about re moving the franchise from Sa lem is concerned," Healy con tinued, "I doubt if the league would authorize any such trans fer. , "There was a great deal of trouble when the franchise was moved to Salem from Belling ham before the war, and they'd have just as much if not more trouble trying to shift it out of here." Healy, who was connected with the management of the Bellingham club for a year in pre-war days summed up the opinion of his backers and him self by flatly stating: "Salem is a good baseball town. All it needs is a ball club." Meanwhile, George Emigh, business manager for the Sa lem Senators, disclosed that Mulligan had come to Salem Tuesday to study the "reaction" to accounts that the franchise be sold or transferred. He added a new lure to the sales campaign line by point ing out that the Salem school board might figure in plans. One of the proposals in the past has been for the school group to purchase the physi cal plant of the park while the franchise is sold separate ly. Frank Bennett, " superintend ent of Salem schools, however, said that the idea had been discussed, but not with any individual or group interested in the purchase of the club. He said that no new approach had been made to him and that he doubted if board members had been asked for opinions. The board met Tuesday night and did not consider any subject relative to the park or Senat ors. Surinam is increasing its ship ments of coffee to the United States. jjii I I to Fight For Page 11 Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, August 10, 1949 Two B e a u t 1 e s Lois Tew, who is "Miss Roseboro," N.C., of 1949,, brings in t h e 20 pound dolphin she landed during a fishing expedition off Morehead City, N.C. Williams Topples Rasslin' Stojack Al Williams look two quick falls over Frank Stojack to win the main event of Tuesday night's professional wrestling program in the Salem armory. Stojack had taken the first fall. In other events, Tony Ross and Al S.asz battled to a draw over the half-hour route, and Pierre LeBcIl defeated Al Euin two falls out of three. Mc- Girls Net Meet Opens on Friday A tennis tournament for girls under 16 years of age, sponsor ed by the Salem city playground system, will open on Olinger courts at 9 o clock Friday morn ing. Drawing for pairings will be conducted just before the opening match. A men's tournament is sche; duled for August 13 and 14. Solons Win Road Bremerton While Salem about the threat of moving the Western International league franchise from that city, the topic of all the conversation the Salem Senators were hanging a 7 to 6 defeat on Brem erton Tuesday night, A single by Bill Burgher in the 10th inning, which scored Wayne Peterson from second was the deciding run in the ser ies opener. Bremerton had left off with two runs in the first inning off Salem starting Hurler Jim Ol- sen, and Salem got back one of these tallies in the top half of the second. Another Brem uprising in the sixth shoved the Tars out front 4 to 1. Salem went to work on Brem erton chucker Dave Dahle in the seventh inning, and before the Solon half of that frame was completed, Dahle was yank ed in favor of John Marshall and the Oregonians had pushed across five runs to give them 6-4 advantage. nut the hometowners came back strongly in their half of the seventh, sending Olsen to the showers as they racked up pair of runs. That knotted the count at 8-all. Jimmy Foster and Bill Os- born finished out the pitching duties for Salem, holding Brem erton scoreless. In the 10th inning, Wayne Peterson singled, then stole sec ond to set the stage for Burgh er's timely hit. Bud Peterson Iayed his first Mangrum Collects Top Tarn Money On One Point Lead Chicago, Aug. 10 (U.B Lloyd Mangrum, a dapper -Texan who forsook the lariat for the links, today wore a crown bejeweled by the unintentional generosity of Sam Snead. Larruping Lloyd posted a one over par 37, his worst nine holes of the AU-American golf tourna ment, as he started the final round yesterday. Meanwhile Snead overcame a five-stroke third round deficit with a 32 and pulled up eyen. But on the final nine, while Mangrum kept plugging, Snead gave away the tournament on the final green with those pitiful putts which have plagued him for a decade on the tournament circuit. And when it was all over, Mangrum had i. last round of 72 for a victorious 276 total, while Snead's 68 gave him only a second place 277. Mangrum's $3,323 triumph raised his earnings to $20,548.83 for the year compared to $25, 893.83 for Snead, in first place for the season. Snead's take in this contest was $2,333 for sec ond place. Motion pictures from the Unit ed States lead in popularity in El Salvador. $030 L Pint $960 Enjoy the whiskey that's A bit of fun ball, a coot, refreshing dip, then a frosty highball made with this mellow-rich Kentucky whiskeyl Thai'$ enjoyment for youl Ask for Old Sunny Brook brand. Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend NATIONAl Dl.mitM MO0UCT townspeople continued to buzz full game since drawing a tern porary suspension from Manager Bill Beard last week. He slam med out two hits and committed no errors from his shortstop position. Bremerton and Salem con tlnue their series with a single game xuesaay night. Vancouver's Capilanos bit an other chunk out of Yakima's league lead Tuesday despite the tront runner's 18-7 rout of Ta- coma. The Caps ran their victorv skein to eight straight by nip ping Wenatchee twice, 5-2 and 5-3. It cut Yakima's first place margin to an even five games. The other Canadian entry, Victoria, carried its surge to ward a first division berth with a 10-6 win over third place Spo kane. The Vies are now only five games behind Wenatchee's fourth place Chiefs. Short scores: Yakima 301 (MH Hfi. -18 17 3 Tacoma loo 303 ooo. Dicks;. Swelser () and Ortels: Walden and Sheets. Wenatchee ....200 000 03 4 2 Vancouver 003 002 x 5 10 o Myers and Winter: Robertson and Hh.. ly. Wonatchet 000 000 0123 S 0 Vancouver 200 000 03x 3 Greenlaw and Winter: unit Brenner. Spokane 130 000 003 6 11 3 Victoria 001 003 08x 10 12 2 Adams, Kimball (6) and Parks; Blan kenshlp. Losue (3) and Dev. Charles Rules Favorite To Stop Gus New York, Aug. 10 m Ezzard Charles rules a solid 5 to 18 favorite to punch 34-year-old Gus Lesnevich full of holes tonight at Yankee stadium in the first defense of his newly-won NBA heavy weight boxing championship. The 15-round bout is scheduled for 7 p. m. (Pacific Daylight time). Only 49 days after he cauti ously outboxed Jersey Joe Wal- cott to win the crown, the lean 28-year-old Cincinnati Negro rushes to the post in an effort to convince New York skeptics of his right to be called "champ." No matter how soon he may knock out Gus, if at all, Charles will not be champ in New York state. Eddie Eagan, chairman of the state Athletio commission, has ruled the winner must meet Lee Savold or "some suitable opponent" before he gives his official blessing. Ezzard is king in the other 47 states. It figures to be a good fight, while it lasts, perhaps even sen sational, lor Lesnevich is pre pared to shoot the works early. The vet from Cliffside Park, N. J. can punch with either hand. He says he will go to Charles' body but may surprise by head hunting with his stiff left hook. Al Weill, IBC matchmaker, was busy on the overseas tele phone yesterday, lining up Sa vold, the Englewood, N. J. vet eran, for a shot at the Charles Lesnevich winner. After Bill Daly, Savold's manager, agreed, provided Bruce Woodcock's re tirement became definite, our Brucie changed his mind and de cided to fight. As a result, the postponed Savold-Woodcock fight, recog- VI rtMftt OA "V 'liSwV' with the beach tOOK rot THIS WATCHMAN ON 1V( IOTT1E COItf., NIW TOsK. 16 fOOf. J .GRAIN NEytAL.PJjmJ Opener WIL Standings ibj tna Associated press) W L Pet. Yakima 79 Vancouver 73 Spokane 63 Wenatchee 59 Victoria 54 Bremerton 50 Salem sn .664 .624 .529 .492 .491 .424 .420 .400 Tacoma .48 72 Game Tuesrlav laKima is, Tacoma 7. Vancouver 5-5, Weatchee 2-3. Victoria 10, Spokane 6. Salem 7, Bremerton 6 (10 innings). Official Box Salem (?) 6 Bremerton BHOA W.Pftrsn.a B.Petrin.63 Burtrher.c Waley,3 Buckley.rf Snyder,! Kruft.l Olsen, p FoMor.p 5 2 S 1 BUflhonB.2 5 2 8 3 5 4 13 0 Pocekya.rf 3 5 0 3 0 Tailor.lf 4 4 111 RasnU 4 5 13 0 RonninB.e 5 4 2 3 0 Brinanti.M 3 4 1 8 0 StMiford,3 5 2 0 13 DaWe.p 3 0 0 0 0 Mnrxftll.p 1 0 0 0 0 Neal' 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 a o 1 2 0 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 0 Hedlnatn G.Petrsn cIrvln Osborne, p 10 0 0 Total 39 10 30 9 Total 38 10 80 Walked for Olsen In seventh. Ran for Hedlnnton in seventh. Walked for Foster In elfthth. Sinnled for Marshall In tenth. Salem 010 000 600 1 T 1IICS Oil 000 312 210 Bremerton 200 003 300 0 6 Hits 311 003 101 110 Pitcher: Ip AB H R Er Bo Bb OLson 6 34 7 4 4 0 4 Foster 1 5 1 2 2 I S Osborno 3 10 3 0 0 2 2 Dahle 6, 21 3 3 2 1 Marshall 3a, 18 7 3 1 1 8 Wild Pitches: Dahle. Marshall. Left on bases: Salem 12; Bremerton 11. Two basa WU: D. Peterson. Rannt, W. Peterson. Runs batted in: Ronnlna 3, Snyder, Racnt 2, Stanford, W. Peterson, Burgher, E. Peterson, Wnsley, Stolen bases: W. Peter- 3. Bus hong. Double clays: B. Peter. son to KruR. Time 2:30. UmDlrea linthieu and Husband. for Title Ezzard Charles, 28-year-old ' sue- cessor to heavyweight king Joe Louis, has been tagged as an overwhelming favorite. to subdue 35-year-old Gus Les nevich Wednesday night in a New York bout, . . r nized for the world title by th British board of boxing control, now is on again. No new date has been sot. Charles is bitter at the New York commission for failing to recognize him as champ, "I'm the champ in New York, too, no matter what anybody says," said Ezzard. Webfoots in the Majors AB R HPO A E RBI Pesky. Rfd Sox ....4 13 12 0 0 Doerr. Red Sox ....4 0 15 10 0 Pitchers: Jansen. Giants, won (12-111, Pitched a', Innlnas: H-ll, 8o-5. BB-1. Erraut, Reds, pitched but uncredltad. win-loss. JaSW-.TT'WW y. yHTWipSWJH MWsW-J.V'-VH M.MeJWJ Tagged MaaaaaMoaaaaaaaaM t. AAMtBMW