Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 10, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1949
How One Might Help
To Keep from Getting Polio
CAuocui4 Prcu 6c:cn K4r.or
New York, AM- 1 W There is no known way to keep from
getting polio infantile paralysis but there are a lot of thing!
you can do that might help.
The trouble U that no one
knows how the invisible protein
particle, the viruses w h 1 e h
causes the disease, are carried
from person to person.
They are small enough to
float in the air, or to be car
ried on, in or by anything what
ever. Millions of dollars have been
spent vainly trying to learn how
this virus travels. If you sus
pect, for example, that the virus
is in a bit of food, it takes
Forest Fire Aid
Bill Is Passed
McKay Praises
$50 Pension
Gov. Douglas McKay voiced
praise for the state welfare com
mission's decision to guarantee
the $50 monthly minimum old
age pension after a conference
here Tuesday with Miss Loa
Howard, state administrator, and
Mrs. Lee Patterson, commission
vice chairman. McKay told the
two: "I was concerned with the
possibility that the commission
might not strive toward this
goal of the last legislature be
cause it feared, possibly, that
the referendum had stopped the
law. In announcing you inten
tion of going ahead with the S50
Washington, Aug. 10 UX
TI.A ' . . Unm ni.rn - UiU j ., f.x--,i scale, you are acting in accord
Z, ,JL? f J ZJtPtit.r: of the people as
contribution for forest lire pro-; . . ., .
tection to $20,000,000 by 1955. impressed through their legis
The bill would increase the representees.
nearly a month and perhaps availabl- for cooerative forest J" meeting to provide the
S500 to make sure. And thenifi ..,,, .ith ..,,.. b.S50 minimum old age pension
t.UaVta. . n. k n tUa funH sua lahla rf
another month to learn whether
the virus moved to some other
suspected place.
Many facts have been learned,
and common sense fills in the
Human beings certainly carry
the virus while they are sick.
They almost certainly get in
what goes into their mouths.
Their throats contain the virus
when they are ill.
If that were all, the break
ing of the polio chain would be
easier. But now comes the hard
part. I
You, the mother of a family,
ean have this disease, without
being sick, and without a
chance to know you have it.
And you can give it to your
child, or the child of your dear
est friend.
That child may become para
they too. can spread it.
The medical consensus now is
$2,000,000 each fiscal year be
ginning now.
The bill also would increase
to an eventual total of $2,500
within the funds available, Oct.
The recent wide discussion
lover the question of whether oriLos Angeles animal broker con-
000 the $1,000,000 authorization not welfare recipient may keepjfessed he knew tiora was preg
Ocean Liner in Race
With King-Sized Stork
San Francisco, Aug. 10 u The American President Line
freighter, President Taft, plowed through the Pacific at full speed
today in a race with a king-sized stork.
Capt W. S. Tyrrell, skipper of the Taft. radioed APL head
quarters that Flora, one of four Siamese elephants aboard, was
about to give birth to a little
dumbo. And it looked like she 'Loop Family MeeU
could n t wait lor ine snip to
dock in San Francisco next
He said the other three ele
phants were all horribly seasick
and no help to Flora at all.
The captain said nervous crew
men were preparing a floating
delivery room below decks
while all hands stood by to man
the maternity ward.
One bosun was rigging a
block and tackle to raise the
new arrival by the tail and
spank its little pink behind
like they do in the books.
The animals' caretaker on
their trip from Hong Kong to a
Prosperior Dies
From Exposure
Portland, Aug. 10 i John
Harrison Tracy, the 78 year old
Estacada man found Monday in
a Mt. Hood forest hut after 13
days alone on Mount Hood, died
here last night
St. Vincent's hospital report
ed he succumbed to complica-
Wheatland The Loon fam-!tions of starvation and exposure.
held at the Miss Maud William-1 ?ne oot had become infected
. . . .. . . . !from lacerations of the skin.
son State park was attended by
imcy uieu wuuoui ever Hav
ing been able to tell what had
found. JO er 40 pounds lighter'
and too weak to talk, in a lean
to shelter, two miles from the
abandoned car.
The widow and two daughters
survive him.
City Reorganization t"p
Portland, Aug. 10 W Mayor
Dorothy McCullough Lee hopes
a city advisory committee on
municipal reorganization can
compile recommendations for a
new city government system by
'Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Wnxeri
Free I'lnk-iip and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
75 members, some coming from!
as far away as Tacoma, Wash. happened to him since he climb-
The reunion will be held at the.ed out of his car on a wooded
same place in 1950. I road and vanished. He was
j.i ,,,i ,k cars in tneir possession was
states for procurement, produc- touched upon at Tuesday s meet
tion and distribution of forest- lng here McKay told Miss How
tree seeds and plants. Iard and Mrs- Patterson he want-
The bill goes to the house forj lo """ " " uumg
action on amendments.
Dispute Continues
Portland, Aug. 10 W AFL
Teamsters and Wholesale Groc
ery and Produce dealers were
further apart again today on
their dispute over wages.
Employers have repected
everything humanly and hu
jmanely possibly to settle this
problem within the limitation of:
state and federal law and with
consideration to available funds."
Miss Howard will invite
-' " " ....... - t 4 nui avauauic or itfasioie ana
lyzed. Other children will get!""'0" c?r Tnt JZ n Zi 'transportation is needed for em
it, but may show nothing. VttJ..t..J0len. or school attendance.
naa rejectee, an employer oner ' , , -
boost pay 5 cents an hour and , ' , """"
nant before the ship sailed, but
since an elephant's gestation
period is 18 months he thought
they had plenty of time.
"I guess I forget about the
international date line," he said
Company officials said thev
were planning to call Cary Bald
win. director of San Francisco's
representative county welfare , Fleishhacker zoo. into radio con-
commissions to the state com-sultation with the frantic skip-
mission meeting Aug. z to get! per.
tneir views on motor venicie y ordered Captain Tyrrell
restrictions, .miss nowara saia; t0 ndio daily reporti on Flora.s
U1C lUlIIIILiAAtUil SltfllUdlUJ J-TTI " 1 pfQgff3S5
mi weuare recipients 10 own a
car when other transportation Is
Be sure it's
The medical consensus now "i,".''"" ,1 p.' .."land medical care,
that polio probably spread from i2 ' agaln m February,
person to person, aided bv some
thing still unknown. This un
known leaves the home appar
ently the most dangerous place
for spreading polio. Worse than
schools and gatherings, because
you cannot close homes, And
even if you could, the family tion
under a two year agreement
Union business agent Jack
Schlaht said plumbing and
hardware firms and paper com
panies had agreed to a 7lj cent
hour boost on a one year basis.
New Building Goes Up
At 12 and Center
in the finding that places
carrying the disease might not j with the best sanitation some
be identified because its mem-1 times have the worst polio out
bers appeared well. breaks. There's probably a spe-
You and your children arejeial reason, but it is safe to
likely to have polio virus in your I stick by cleanliness,
systems during an epidemic. stay out of polluted iwim-
inai leaas to some oi tne things; ming waters. The reason isjto Cecil Lantz. It is across from
you can do. Jthe verified fact that sewage has : the new Capitol shopping center.
Keep out of crowds. That 'polio virus in an epidemic area. The structure will be put up
lowers the odds a little. j Outbreaks have been followed ion the site of the Little Lady's
Don't get chilled. Chilling ; through sewage trails nearly 100 ! grocery store, recently torn
Construction of a one-story
building at the southwest comer
of Center and 12th streets will
start immediately, Clifford E.
Hald of Salem announced Wed
neday morning.
The building, which will be
27 feet by 56 feet and of block
construction is under contract
has a technical meaning here.
It is lowering your body tem
perature to the point where na
tural body chemical reactions
Quaint Trolley Line
miles long. There is a chilling down. Owners of the property
nazara too in swimming. e the Halds, Route T, Box 4.
; A tenant will be revealed
Swat flies. It is verified that i later.
slow down. With this muchithey carry polio virus. But
chilling, polio Infection already Idon't worry too much remem
present. gets a better chance toiber that many thousands of dol-
tell why most of the polio comes failed to trace a single cause of MalfpC rinSI INn
In warm summertime. In win-lhuman polio to flies. Mosquitoes!' ,H,'' 1 ,,,HI "'H
ter there also is considerable: and most any other human bug Portland. Aug. 10 uP) A
polio, but no epidemics. Ipest are under slight suspicion, quaint trolley car route the
Don't get fatigued. Fatigue Watch headaches, sore throats., Council Crest line loop around
lowers your body resistance"sa, fever, obscure pains and the West Hill Heights has been
There is an added reason for I stiffness. That is the way a polio abandoned after 42 years of op
avoiding fatigue. Over-exer-!at,ack may start. To be sure. era tion.
tion is supposed to do its worst jthe watching won't prevent! The last car clanged around
damage during the early stages Polio, but this watchfulness : the Crest's scenic park route
cf polio. But your child can be might catch those previous early shortly after midnight last night
In that stage without anyone hours of the illness and really with veteran motorman B. L.
knowing it. ! prevent some crippling. ; Logan at the controls. A bus
Kep clean. Obviously hands. And be glad now there is very 'will replace the streetcars,
toys, anything In the house can: much that you can do if your; Council Crest cars will con
harbor polio virus. At this child gets polio, at tomorrow's tinue to run between downtown
point come another contradie-, story will explain. and the top of Vista avenue.
Most Attractive Child
J 99XmmHT'. If 7I OU
jfciM It b4m T ytn W
in iii m? i ailu totst .
him l fr a J.itiAf. B
Mirstio . , . ;n t4 mm
tit . . th tBtry ht ' Ch
bt FBIE! N ( twat Priia
IS MfrB4H4t rrti
Bring Him in Now: Free Sitting!
Artist FhotoffTVphen
42$ Ortraii Building Si lent
1 ship!L--J
Ftctured in
The World's Smallest
Precision Camera
at $12.50! Our Price Only .. .
Genuine LcotKtr Case, 1 ,95
mm umw 99
bis is ACTUAL bUt
Fits ii Pirse or Yest Pwket
SLN V.MO.Fi' BRtD, tkd i
im ifcortetjLj ti!etr. utia "re-d-jj
Kinatice" ith eo adcd
alorio. It's t ac lute thrJl foe
"tofad kupp cxts."
Ar.i Sua ViWty Mittd . . .
M-M M- fcod, vsi t-J for )c.
mi ii Htm
Be sure
with C-H
When you find out how much there Is to do at our resort,
without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and
bath treatments, excellent massages.
Swimming - Dancing -' Hiking - Fishing - Hertei
Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening
Open Until October 1st
Road from Oetroit t Brackman's
Open 1:M to I'M p. m. and 5t00 . m. to 1:U a. m., DST
Monday thru Saturdays and aU day Sunday and Holidays
For Reservations and Price List
Phone Detroit 871 Write:
Breitenbosh, Oregon
Don't Let Yourself Be Over-sold
On Installment Plnn Rnvinnl
You Made a Solemn Agreement with Your
This is the same as asking for a Personal loan. You also asked for his
Confidence and Trust in You .... When you received that courtesy,
wasn't it a grand and glorious feeling?
Hare you betrayed that confidence, by not either paying or part paying or satisfac
torily arranging to take care of that courtesy when it became due?
Hare you betrayed that confidence and trust you so solemnly asked for! If you hare
been careless why not at once answer your Pioneer Service County Credit Board
letter that you hare receired. Go in and Pay, Part Par or Satisfactorily arrange to
pay and keep that promise good!
Remember the man who pars is welcome ererywhere and holds that confidence he
asked for and receired But the man who doesn't pay soon becomes a credit outcast,
and loses his character rating.
No Commissions Charged on Collections Ne Docket Fees Na Filing Fees
All Monies Paid Direct to Your Creditor No Contracts to Sign and Regret
Your Accounts Remain in Your Hands t All Timet
W. J. Roberts Hardware
V. L. Roberts Service Station
Roberts Grocery
Val's Grocery
Wirth and Lowrie Market
Donald Farmers Co-op.
Donald Mercantile Co.
Long Bell Lumber Co.
Shank's Hatchery
Monitor Mills
Eberle's Store
Marion Co. Farmers Union Oil
M:essner Bros. Garage
Mt. Angel Academy
Mt. Angel Farmers Union Whse.
Mt. Angel News
Mt. Angel Preparatory
Benedictine Press ,
Schmidt's Grocery
Fred Schwab Commission Co.
P. X. Smith Furniture Co.
Barkus Feed Mill
Dr. E. E. Boring
Geo. E. Cadweli Oil Co.
Capitol Lumber A: Fuel
Davidson's Auto Service
Dooiittle's Super Service Stn.
The Fashionette
Dr. E. V. Fortmiller
Geo. E. Allen Hdwe. Co.
Herrall Owens Co.
Hogg Bros.
J. B. Minden Lumber Co. '
James H. Maden Co.
Marion Electric Co.
Merritt Tniax Oil Co.
Miller St. Grocery
R. D. Woodrow & Co.
Reimann Sheet Metal
Salem Hardware Co.
Salem Memorial Hospital
Salem Iron Works
Salem Shoooine News
Salem Steel & Supply
Salem Tent & Awning
Dr. Harry Semier
Shrock Motor Co.
Howard J. Smalley Oil Co.
State Tire Service
"alley Welding Co.
Valley Welding Supply Co.
Willamette Insurance Co.
Wills Music Store
Yeater Appliance Store
Main's Jewelry
Seifer 4: Moll Garage
Service Lumber Co.
Silverton Farm Equipment Co.
Dr. A. L. V. Smith
Stiff Furniture Co.
Valley Farmers Co-op.
DeJardin Motors
Freres Bldg. Supply
A. P. Hermans Oil Co.
Santiam Farmers Co-op.
Stayton Hardware Co.
Herrold-Phillipi Motors
Paul T. McCleUan Store (West Stayton)
Ditters General Store
Meier's Grocery
Ted's Corner Service Station
Equal Grocery
Gorton Electric
Livesay Lumber Yard
Norman Service Co.
O. K. Rubber Welders
Tomlin Motor Co.
E. S. Wolfer & Son
Woodburn Feed & Supply
T. L. Workman tc Son
The Largest Business Men's Organization in the Northwest
Pioneer Service Co., Inc.
Division Office, I.O.O.F. Building Box 471, Eugene, Oregon
Watch for the Green and Black Handbills with Accounts for Sale!
The Best and Cheapest Collection Service in America
- -