Mrs. Janz Is Hostess Complimenting Mrs. Frank Brownell, who returned this week end from a trip to the mid-west, Mrs. Saul Janz is en tertaining at a dessert luncheon and bridge party Wednesday af ternoon at her country home out Turner way. Guests will include Mrs. Brownell, Mrs. John Powell of Turner, with whom Mrs. Brow nell had gone east; Mrs. Earl J. Adams of Silverton, Mrs. Will iam Duncan Sr. of Silverton; Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr., Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. Henry Han zen, Mrs. Harry M. Lucas, Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. O. I. Paulson, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Harry L. Miller, and the hostess. Today's Menu (By the A.V ocratl PreajO Friday Fare Asparagus and Egg Dish Tomato Salad Hot Buttered Rolls Apriot Pandowdy Beverage Asparagus and Egg Dish Ingredients: 4 tablespoons butter or margarine, 4 table spoons finely-cut green pepper, H4 tablespoons finely grated onion, 3 tablespoons flour, 114 cups milk, 1 teaspoons salt. teaspoon pepper, 1 pounds fresh asparagus (cooked with out salt), 5 hard-cooked eggs (sliced cup buttered crumbs. ?4 cup grated cheese. Method: Melt butter or mar garine; add the green pepper and onion; cook over low heat until partly tender about 5 minutes. Add flour and stir well Add milk, salt, and pepper and cook, stirring constantly, over moderate heat until thickened Put layers of asparagus and egg : in a shallow 6x10 baking dish and pour sauce over; sprinkle with buttered crumbs mixed with the cheese. Bake in a mo derate (350F.) oven for about 20 minutes. 6 servings. Saturday Night Supper ' Pork Chops Parsley New Potatoes Sauerkraut with Tomato Sauce Bread and Butter Fruit Salad with Cream Dressing Beverage Parsley New Potatoes Ingredients: 2 pounds small new potatoes (scrubbed under cold running water but not peeled), 1 teaspoon salt, Vt cup boiling water, 2 tablespoons but ter or , margarine, 2u tablespoons finely-cut parsley. - -: Method: Put the potatoes in a saucepan with a tightly fitting cover. Add the salt and boiling water; bring to a boil and cook over low heat until tender about 20 minutes. Drain: shake pan over heat to dry potatoes, add butter or margarine and parsley. (Parsley can be easily cut with a kitchen scissors.) Sunday Breakfast Melon and Grape Cup Scrambled Eggs and Sausages Marmalade Muffins Coffee Marmalade Muffins . Ingredients: 2 cups sifted all purpose flour, 2 teaspoons bak ing powder, Vi teaspoon baking soda, teaspoon salt, "'A cup sugar, cup buttermilk, Vt cup melted butter or margarine, 1 Some School Time Togs Salemite to Wed in South Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Palmateer left today for California to be present for the wedding of their son, Wallace Palmateer, and Miss Barbara Jean Scofield, the ceremony to be solemnized next Saturday, August 13, in the cha pel of Berkeley s First Congre gational church. The wedding will be an afternoon one at 4:30 o'clock, a reception to follow in the gardens at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Eugene Scofield In Happy Val ley, Lafayette. Both Miss Scofield and Mr Palmateer were graduated last June at Oregon State college. Mr. Palmateer previously had received his degree in aeronaut ical engineering at Perdue and received one in civil engineering at Oregon State. He is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity at OSC and the bride-to-be is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. The cou ple plan to live in Tillamook where Mr. Palmateer is with the highway department as a bridge engineer. Following the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Palmateer plan to re main in California for another week of their vacation. Silver Tea Planned Hopewell The United Breth ren Woman's Missionary society will sponsor a silver tea to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens August . The proceeds will go for the support of Miss Gladys Ward, a missionary stationed at Canton, China. Mrs. W. E. Grabenhorst of Pleasantdale will be one of the speakers telling of her work in the Dayton Labor camp. Mrs. R. F. Johnston of Willamina, who spent eleven years in Alas ka, will also speak. She will tell of her art work with the Eski mos and will exhibit souvenirs to illustrate her talk. Store Picnic Independence Employees and their families of A. L. Thomas and Co. Hardware and T. J. Primus and Sons Implement company enjoyed a picnic at Helmick park Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Traylor, Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Thieman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Montoya and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. John Eckel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fish er; -Frank Barrett, Mr", and Mrs. Kieth Peterson and family of Dallas and the host and hostess es. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Primus, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Prim us and Harold Primus. egg (well beaten), cup or ange marmalade. Method: Mix and sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar. Mix buttermilk, butter or margarine and egg; add to dry ingredients mixing only enough to moisten. Place half the batter in greased muf fin pans and top each with a lit tle of the marmalade; cover with remaining batter. Bake in a hot (400F.) oven for about 20 min utes. Makes nine 2 14 -inch muf fins. j School Time Nears The best-dressed moppets in the black board set will go back to school this fall in dark cottons, preferably plaids, saving their pastel frocks for extra special occasions. The future ballerina at left chooses a fetching plaid jumper dress with broadcloth blouse piped in plaid. The bird-lover at right is dressed for a school party in pastel cotton banded in vivid color and embroidered in fleur de lis. STYLES FOR 1950 UNCOVERED Fashion Word From Paris: High Necks, 'Snake Hips1 By SALLY SWING Paris, Aug. 9 (U.R) Jacques Fath uncovered his 1950 fashion collection at a champagne-dripping festivity that lasted far into the early hours Monday and the accent was: high necks, rounded chnnlrlpre nnri "snnke hins. Fath joined the important de signers who now have displayed their creations as the fall fash ion openings went into their sec ond week , with slim, hip-hugging silhouettes and shorter skirts showing the way. Fath's collections are gener ally hailed as the top event of the fashion season. He showed three different types of dresses. One was a clinging straight sheath gown with long sleeves, a high collar carried to a sharp line and an inset flare over one hip. Suits in his A sharp gray or beige wool had drapery effects over each ' shoulder, falling in front and back in a full divert ed pleat and forming a four- inch peplum after being caught in at the waist with an inch- wide patent-leather belt. Collars were pointed or stiffly winged. Some had large revers and were buttoned down in front. Four-foot zippers down the back allowed the manne quins entrance to these super slim creations. Another type of dress fea tured a severe straight front with a huge flared or accordian pleated skirt jutting out in back and joined to the front panel by long rows of buttons. Buttons, mostly black, accen tuated seam lines on most skirts and jackets. I Fingertip-length flared jack- To the The Travelers9 Choice ... UNION PACIFIC Visit SUN VAllIY to or from tbt East CAREFREE, comfortable, relaxed, you speed on your way. By Pullman or coach, you'll enjoy air-conditioned comfort . . . delicious meals , . . fast, convenient schedules. Union Pacific offers you ex cellent service . . . low fares. DAILY DEPARTURES EAST Stteamfatet "city of Portland- Through to Chicago . . . fast schedule . . . early ar rival . . . stewardess service. PORTLAND ROSE'. Denver . Kansas City Omaha Chicago ... connections to St. Louis Texas East Southwest. MDAHOAN" Denver Kansas City St. Louil East Southwest. Through cars connecting with "City of St. Louis" Streamliner. (All schedules standard timt) Let as help you plan jour next trip East GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Room 751 Pittock Block, Portland 5, Oregon UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ets with sunburst backs had as many as four rows of buttons. Favorite colors were black with fillings of yellow, raspberry, gray, beige and dull rose. Fath's third line displayed bunched pleats or short pep- lums in front over a straight skirt. The four-inch-wide panels flared down in one model and a burst of accordion pleating plumed out like a tail in i other. Short-length evening gowns had removable long-sleeve jack ets with high collars, straight skirts and sequined or jet-em-briodered strapless '"tops' under neath. Most formal gowns were hob ble-skirted to the floor with dashing, accordion - pleated net VISITOR here Is Mrs. E. H. Balch of Ogden, Utah, guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corey and family. Mr. Balch will come later this month to visit at his daughter's home and also with his brother, L, L Balch. Parish to Observe 50th Anniversary Woodburn The annual sum mer festival and dinner of St. Luke's church, which is held each year on the second Sunday in August, will be held August 14 on the parish school grounds and will publicly celebrate the 50th anniversary of the parish. The women of the parish will serve the usual "chicken 'n noodle" dinner from 11:30 to 2 p. m. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 9, 1949 7 MR. AND MRS. Max Flohrer have returned home from a summer spent in Iowa, their former home. They made a trip on east to Niagara Falls, New York City and Washington, D. C, while there. They returned home by way of the Black Hills and Yellowstone National park. Mrs. Clara Gullick of Ft. Madi son, Iowa returned home with them for a visit. Amity Mrs. Marie Benjamin entertained the East Side Sew ing club at her home east of town. The group honored Mrs. Wayne Fresham with a shower for her baby. The annual picnic will be held August 28 at McMinnville city park, with a picnic dinner at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Eddie Talbot will be the hostess for the Septem ber meeting, Sept. 1. Mrs. Ben jamin served refreshments. HOME FROM a motor trip to San Francisco are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton and daughters, Sharon and Norma. Mr. Hamil ton attended the furniture mar ket and the family also visited with Mrs. Hamilton's brother, . James Davis, who lives at San Matea. NEEDIES OIL - BELTS PARTS WhUC MACHINE AUTHORIZED AGENCY EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES Miller's Downstairs flares falling from the waist or the center of the back. One of these, called "glacier," was of ice-green satin with a pencil-slim skirt and two shoots of darker green net from the hips. Blue-green, shimmering sequin banks sparkled in each dip of the accordion-pleated net. Fath used yellow or pink roses at the neck or waist to give cocktail dresses a decidedly feminine note. He also used bows placed at the neck or diag onally across the bust for accent. THANK HEAVEN HEARD EVERY WORD THE PREACHER SAID I "Andoh.wbat ablessiogitis! I miss nothing at church or the movies. I never ask people to re peat. A new life bejtan for me when a marvellous free book told me ill about correcting hearing loss." You too, should learn the full facts. Come in for free demonstration today. James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 218 Oregon Bids. Salem. Oregon at home with Step lightly and smartly in the casual atmosphere of your own home . . . neatly attired for occasional afternoon visitors in Penaljo's nchanting fall fashions. Bettone MONO-PAC mm - X Q Look for Iht Penalo Ploy Arch V MAIN FLOOR 5 v v GEVURTZ AUGUST FURNITURE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS AVE 10 to 50 On Every Piece Of Furniture In The Store A Few Examples of Savings 2 Piece 18th Century 1 Only Kidney DAVENPORT AND SHAPED CHAIR DAVENPORT Down Cushions ST. 249.00 ST 219.00 1 Only 2 Piece 3 Only DAVEN0 BED SOFA BEDS SUITE Rose frieit cover, roomy bedding com partment. Made to sell for $1 29.00. Mohair frieze cover 119.00 - 99.75 COCKTAIL TABLE SHAG RUGS Mahogany with leather top. 4x6 size, choice of colors. !4M 49.00 1 13.75 PLATFORM ROCKERS Very comfortable, best of construction. 29.75 REG. 39.00 SALE PRICE CHROME DINETTE SET S Piece set, extension table and 4 upholstered chairs. SALE PRICE 44.95 5 PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SET Vanity, chest, bed, bench and matching night stand. SALE PRICE 112.75 CEDAR CHESTS 59.75 Complete with tray, large size. REG. 84.75 SALE PRICE 275 N. Liberty EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY TAKE YOUR TIME TO PAY