Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 09, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, August 9, 1949
Fall Wedding
Is Planned
Joining the ranks of fall
brides will be Miss Janice
Middleton, who has announced
Bunday, September 10, as date
for her marriage to LaVern
The wedding will be an eve
ning one at 8 o'clock in the First
Methodist church.
The engagement of the young
couple was announced the past
winter at Willamette university
where both are students. Miss
Middleton Is the daughter of
Mrs. Lee Crawford and Mr. Hie
bert the son of Mr. and Mrs
Nels E. Hiebert.
Mrs. Kline Given
White Shrine Office
Mrs. Abncr K. Kline and Mrs,
E. T. Armstrong have returned
from a week's tour of Washing
ton and British Columbia. They
took the party of the supreme
worthy high priestess of the
White Shrine of Jerusalem
Mrs. Zelma Kah, on her inspec
tion trip which included two ap
pointments for school of instruc
tion at Auburn, Wash, and Se
attle. The party had been enter
tained in Salem by the local
Shrine and the . cities visited
were Tacoma, Vancouver, Ol-
ympia, Auburn, Seattle and Bel
lingham, all in Washington
Then part of the group flew to
Victoria, B.C. and part went by
boat and all were entertained
at the evening banquet and cer
emonial. At each city visited
there was a banquet and special
entertainment for the party
ending with the ceremonial in
the evening.
At Bcllingham, Mrs. Kline
wa honored with an appoint
ment by the supreme high
priestess to the supreme redis-
The New New Look!
About the Fall Fashions
New York, Aug. 9 VP) Park your coats on that hitching post,
lents, and let's amble down Fifth Avenue while the women
folks are finishing their marrhmallow sundaes.
The big stores with the chromium-plated floorwalkers broke
out a few million dollars' worth of female fall finery over the
week-end, and you might as well see what you're going to get
nicked for. .
Pay no mind to all that fancy advertising. Here's what it boils
down to:
The French New New look is battling it out for the national
fashion title with the American back-to-the-1020's look.
You should worry which one wins. Either way, it's going to cost
This window here that bunch of black fluffy stuff on the
mannequin with her nose jn the air: That's the New New look.
How docs it differ from the old new look?
Well, the hem hangs higher. Thirteen and a half Inches from
the floor. Remember thatl You might be asked about it on a
giveaway progrgam.
Also, the New New look has something called a floating panel,
not to be confused with floating power. The floating panel is a
kind of misplaced bib. It hangs down from the waist, apron-wise.
Now then, in the next block, the new old look.
Gad, what memories it brings back Cal Coolidge, the Charles
ton, Clara Bow, prohibition.
The tight, or hobble, skirt is back. Short, loo 'way up what we
used to call the limb. And get that waistline, half-way down the
hip. To say nothing of the baggy
Let's face it, men the oatmeal
GefJtfoRE for Your Kitchen
h .-m
IB 'I I III f"" rxci.usivn. six
I II lcrr;.8-'
I II am I 111 - v
I I I - I III J MINDING. Ifmrin! "
I V -! I I Lf I r J Control mnw a cor- I J
L-m I
Just set It nd forget ft! Kclvlnntor automatic oven
timer gives you freedom you've never hud before.
Put a whole meal In the oven set the timer . . .
and hours later take out a deliriously cooked din
ner. You'll enjoy carefree cookinfl better cook in
with this ftreat Kclvlnntor Electric Kanfte.
SoKirfited pricM. Min in your
l '. H ... .tub-
iubjfvt la obMll. inuiont noDcfc
Irwwl taiM,
f f x
vf ,
its.' !L-
Betrothal Told Announced
recently was the engagement of
Miss Lorene Boedigheimer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El
bert Boedigheimer of Salem, to
Thomas Holmes, son of Earl
Holmes of Brooks. No date is
set for the wedding.
tricting committee which redis-
tricts new shrines and oversees
the changing of districts.
The group included supreme
high priestesses Mrs. Zelma Kah
of Middletown, Ohio; Mrs. Til
lie Seaman, supreme herald.
Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Emily
Perkins, supreme second hand
maiden, Oakland, Calif the
two daughters of Mrs. Kah
Sherry and Zelma Kah, and
Mrs. Kline and Mrs. Armstrong.
VISITORS here last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Vinnie J.
Bell of Portland, who were here
to attend events in conjunction
with the American Legion con
vention. While here they visited
Mr Bell's brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Cameron, in Salem, and Mr,
Bell's mother, Mrs. Minnie Jane
Bpll, in Independence.
coat, John Held, Jr., style.
box figure may be on its way
&0gL ior
7 CFSSKli RACKCt AKD S4 L UNIT. Great KtMniitor
"' wt . . a MIW m aM.
Cnatrnl tarn
rnt, time Hm
Modl IR4I7 1lh(ftrM
of apace fnr
And c
budget model ER483
if ny, intra. Sit-
Rotana Club
Has Picnic
Rotana club members were
entertained last evening at a
picnic supper at the home of
Mrs. Floyd Matthews. . Mrs.
Fanny Douglas was co-hostess.
Guests were Miss Alice Mathey,
Mrs. Victor Matthews and Mrs.
M. P. Knoll, the latter of Yaki
ma, Wash., and sister of the
Informal reports were given
on the recent national Rotana
convention held in Salem.
The schedule of all meetings
for the club begins the second
Monday in September with Mrs.
Leroy Mittendorf and Mrs. A. L.
Laue to be hostesses for the
meeting at the home of the
Family Event
Fetes Visitor
A family dinner gathering
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Ashby, Sunday,
honoring Mr. Ashby's aunt, Mrs.
Grace Glover, of La Jolla, Calif.,
who is spending a few weeks
in Oregon.
Attending the event were
Mrs. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Glover and daughter Sally
of Gaston, Mrs. Grace Glover's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Humphrey of
Portland and their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Westering of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Clarke and
children, Carol Lou, Kay and
Richard, also of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Knower, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ashby and children,
Gail and David, and Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Ashby.
MEETING Thursday will be
the Woman's Society of World
Service of the Englewood
church at the home of Mrs. Wil
liam Pero, 1460 D street, the
annual no-host picnic to be at
1 o clock. Each one attending
also is to take her own table
Reports will be given on the
WSWS conference held in July
in Jennings lodge.
Recent Releases
BIZET: Symph. In O Major
Philharmonic Symph. Orch.
Arthur Rodzlnskt, Cond.
10 in. ML 2051 $3.85.
STRAVINSKY: Concerto For
Two Solo Pfnnos and Russian
Music For Two Pianos.
Vronsky and Babln, Duo Pi
ano. 12 in. ML 415714.85.
Buddy Clark and Orch.
10 in. CL 605412.85
Ray Noble and Orch.
10 in. OL 6053 $2.88.
Downstairs Oregon Bids.
State and High 3-8632
lour Money i
if at mm.-
titM taM.
MRAI - -
OWN. H i7-
trfntd .
pot and panA, pan Hda, thar nrnklnA
A i.wiMi.iiimriiiaiiil . t 1
urensiM. roi on, noi rwo, pax innw nn, my
top drawvnitOafvt. Sturdy. Finger -ftp agarartot.
this treat
, '1
Engagement Told The engagement of Miss JoAnn Lang,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lang, to Hugh Hickerson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hickerson of Dallas, was announced
recently. No plans have been announced for the wedding.
(Jesten-Miller studio picture)
Honor Newlyweds
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Noren
were honor guests at their home
Saturday evening when friends
dropped in to congratulate them
on their recent marriage. Mrs.
Ben Claggett, Mrs. R. Ratzburg
and Miss Ruth Minnamen assist
ed in serving refreshments.
Friends calling for the eve
ning were Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
These are priced at a fraction of their
original cost!
Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Nekuda, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ratz
burg, Mr. and Mrs. R. Nekuda,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Zahara, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Stettler, Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. X. F.
Eckhout, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ziel
enski, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clag
gett, Mr, and Mrs. W. Ray, Mr.
and Mrs. D.. Parks, Mr, and Mrs.
Goldade, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Surprise on
. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter D, Thomas on the occasion
of their 25th wedding anniver
sary a surprise party was given
at their home Monday evening.
In the group were Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Howard, Mr. and Mrs
Lowell Sloan, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth King, Mr, and Mrs.
Floyd King, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Enyart, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Scherrer, Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
McReal and daughter, Patricia
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Thomas and
daughter, Mary, and son, Mich
Hibbs of this district was hon
ored with a miscellaneous show
er held at the social room of the
local church Friday evening.
There were 46 relatives and
friends attended. Mrs. Ed Clow:
Mrs. Ed Richards, Mrs. George
Strawn, Mrs. George Deibel,
Mrs. Carrie Kidd, Mrs. Ari Lau
ner and Mrs. Clarence Launer
were sponsors.
Mrs; Earl Coburn and Miss
Madalene Rossner won in guess
ing contests. Guests were from
Broadmead, Dayton, McMinn-
ville, Grand Island, Pleasant
dale, Fairview district and Un
lonvale. After opening gifts, re
freshments were served. Miss
Hibbs' marriage to John O.
Becker of McMinnville will be
Sunday, August 14.
O'Hara, Mr. and Mrs. Zeller, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Christenson, E.
Brown, Mis. Harry Miller,
Frank Nekuda, Mr. Lovre, Mr.
Saucy, Mrs. Elsa Frey, Mrs. An
drew Zahara, Sr., Aldene Frey,
Shirley Brown, Joan Barnes,
Ruth Minnamen, Stanley Sneed,
Ronald Hamann, Herbert Ha-
mann, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaal
and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hamann.
Latest fashions . . . finest quality
gabardines, men's worsted, crepes
other fabrics.
Regular Price
f 4
9 f
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Richard Tschantz were
married June 4 at at the Portland Patton Methodist church.
Mrs. Tschantz is the former Doris Maxine Sutter of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Tschantz are making their home in Silverton.
(McEwan picture).
Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Da Moude
were hosts at a no-host dinner
and family reunion Sunday.
Those In attendance were Mr:
and Mrs. Ray Comer, Donald
and Darleen of Phillips, Nebr.;
Mrs. Ed Sheehan of Seward,
Nebr., Mrs. Rupert Thorn, Gar
land, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles
De Von of Tacoma, Wash; Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Lytle, TJonald
and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Downing, Bobby and Geraldine,
. . .
All better dresses ... at fractions of
original costs!
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carter, Allen,'
Ronnie and Roy, Jr., J. B. Comer
and Bernice Da Moude.
WOMEN OF the First Presby
terian church are to meet for a
garden party Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Herman Lafky,
610 North 15th, hours to be be
tween 2:30 and 5 o'clock.
Ardo Taren of Estonia ii to
speak at 3 o'clock. All women
and friends of the church are invited.
Schlesioger 1 Co.