Wafer Saying Rescues Shown The right and the wrong way to execute lifesaving in various water conditions were exhibited by members of the Portland Lifebuoy club at Leslie pool Sunday. The Lifebuoy is comprised of swimming instructors from playground and indoor pools in Portland. Several types of water rescue, including the human chain and individual carries, were shown by the expert swimmers. A number of comedy acts were presented, and were well re ceived by the crowd of several hundred onlookers who filled the bleachers and banks around the pool. Nurse Added to Health Staff Miss Evelyn KrUeger recent ly joined the Marion County De partment of Health as a staff nurse. Miss Krueger, a native of South Dakota, received her bachelor of science degree at Peabody college for teachers, Nashville, Tennessee. She ma jored in English and attended the librarian school at Peabody college. Miss Krueger then came to Oregon as a librarian for the Corvallis city library from 1941 to 1945. She decided upon a nursing ca reer and attended graduate school at Yale university where she ultimately received her mas ter's degree in nursing. Miss Krueger was a member of the nursing staff of Doern becher hospital in Portland prior to her appointment as staff nurse with the Marion County Depart ment of Health. 16 Toll instate Traffic Accidents Late reports of highway acci dents in scattered sections of Oregon have boosted the Saturday-Sunday traffic death toll in the state to 16, highest of any two-day week-end in recent years. Five died in eastern Oregon, three in southern Oregon and eight in the busier highways of the western part of the state. Death of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Derr, Dayville, while riding tan dem on a motorcycle Sunday, boosted the previous toll of 14 to the higher figure. The other deaths were tallied earlier. Pink Salmon Runs In Alaska Spotty Juneau, Alaska, Aug. 9 ttJ.fi) Clarence J. Rhode, Alaska di rector for the United States fish and wildlife service, reported today that early pink salmon runs in lower southeastern Alas ka are spotty with heavy runs in some streams and no fish at all in others. Rhodes has been making daily surveys of pink salmon popula tion. He said several streams beyond Anan Creek near Wran gell have been seeded which wouldn't have been if the Anan had been opened early as r quested. Nickel-plating was first devel oped on a commercial basis about 1870 in England. When the Appetite's WILLING But the Purse It WEAK Remember You Can Have oily (Including Choice of Entrees and Desserts) for 99c NEW BUFFET DINNER 5:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. Every Day Except Sunday Downtown on State Street lit 225338231 Flying Sea Horse Howard Boucnor tin striped suit) of Portland and Cole Stevens of Salem make a "horse and jockey" dive into the Leslie swimming pool during an aqua cade show Sunday. Bouchor is the jockey, Stevens the horse. COMPLAINING NOT TOLERATED 'No Griping' Rule to Lift Student Morale in College Wise, Va. (U.R) A 30-room, gray stone building, formerly the county home in this little mountain town, is to be the proving ground for a noble educational experiment. When it opens its doors and, its sloping, tree-shaded lawn as Southwest Virginia College in September of 1950; who come here for their degrees will not be permitted to gripe. No complaining about any thing. The rules against griping is plainly stated in the charter issued by the state: "No griping will be tolerated among the student." Such an outlook for four years, Dr. James sluss, the col lege president, said, should give the graduates an entirely new perspective on life, an enternal smile and a "bubbling with optimism" personality. "The trouble. with institutions of higher learning," Sluss said, "is that the students are dissat isfied with conditions that pre vail around them. "Instead of feeling free to carry their complaints to the officials, the students gripe to one another until the entire cam pus has become nothing more than a seed bed for dissension and strife. "Griping has become the ac cepted thing on the average American college campus. But we propose to prevent griping at Southwest Virginia College by nipping it in the bud right at the offset." Sluss explained that the col lege will make its conditions such that there will be no cause for griping. Student will pay no tuition. Room and board will be free. A limited number of students will be selected from applications each year. The idea for the college was hit on a year ago at an inter denominational meeting in Dun- gannon, Va., a small coal min ing town. Funds for the college have been donated by Christian religious groups of all denom inations all over the country. II something comes up that a student doesn't like, he will be under obligation to take his complaint to college officials who will, Sluss said, eliminate the cause for complaint with the co-operation of the student. "We believe," Sluss said, "that most of the difficulty in schools today lies in the fact that col lege officials have failed to take an individual interest in the in dividual students." Find 'Fence' for Khan Bandits Paris, Aug. 9 U.R The news paper France Soir said today that an unnamed American has been identified by French po lice as a "fence for the bandits who robbed the Aga Khan of $785,000 worth of jewelry last week. The newspaper said Marseille police identified the American as "master mind of a gang specializing in the disposal of stolen jewelry. There was reason to believe the newspaper said, that the man has part of the Aga Khan loot in his possession. It describ ed the suspect as thick-set and blond, wearing glasses and hav ing a "marked squint." In London, Scotland Yard of ficials reported they, too, had found evidence of the establish ment of an enormous ring in Europe for the disposal of stol en jewelry. These officials believed choice gems in the Aga Khan collection and others from the $600,000 worth of jewelry stolen from the smart Deauville shop of Van Cleef and Arpcls may have been sent to the United Stats for fin al disposal. Lumber Mill Blazes Lebanon City firemen were summoned to Grenz and Grenz lumber mill on Tangent road to quell a blaze found in the lum- the studentsiber yard. A pile of lumber stacked near the end of the green chain was destroyed. A similar fire occurred at the mill earlier this summer. No large loss was reported either time. Sugar fixed in green leaves of plants annually is estimated to represent energy equal to 300 billion tons of coal. East Salem Church Groups Are Guests During Week East Salem, Aug. 9 Two of the group meetings of- the Mis sionary society of the First Christian church were held in the home of East Salem members. Mrs. Carl Snyder was hostess for the Gertrude Shoemaker group at her home on Lancaster drive. The president, Mrs. Zina Scharpnack was in charge of the meeting with 25 members and guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood en tertained for the family picnic dinner of the Garden Road Neighborhood club at their sum mer cottage, "Wildwood" on the Little Fork of the North Santiam on Sunday. Going up for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larkins, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lynch; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ricket, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. De Lapp, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dc Lapp, Miss Frances Byram; E. I. Byram; Mr. and Mrs. William Hartley; Mr. and Mrs. Wood and calling in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. E. Siegmund and grandson, Thomas of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. La Due, accompanied by their son and More than 1,000 mercury va aaugnier-m-iaw, ivn. ana mis por j s light tne undcr. K.eun j.auue returnee, io meir home on Hollvwood drive Thurs- 8round roadways of the Penn day night from a four weeks' sylvania Turnpike through the trip east. They drove east to Appalachian mountains Sun Dance, Wyo., visited Yel lowstone National park, Rush more Memorial, Mrs. La Due's brother and family at Planking ton, N. D., and as far east as the childhood homes of both Mr. and Mrs. La Due at Cedar Rapids, la., and in Van Burcn county near Keosauqua and Birmingham. They returned through Salt Lake City. A guest this past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer J Conklin on Lancaster drive was her cousin, Mrs. Carl Altenburg of Santa Monica, Calif. The Sweglo Road Garden club will meet this Thursday night in the home of Mrs". George Quinn on Swegle road. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 9, 1949 3 Work Begins on Lyle Grade School With clearing the site, grad ing and excavating under way the contractors expect to start work on foundation forms the latter part of the week. Construction work on the new $210,000 Lyle grade school on Levens street and Ellcndalc road in Dallas started this week under the direction of Barham, Bros., Salem contracting firm. Com pletion is expected in about ten months. Basic bid was $227,000 but the price was cut $17,000 on chang ing part of the construction. The new figure leaves about $40,000 of the original $250,000 to equip the school and take care of other minor details in connection with the construction. During the year 1887 the whole world had produced only about 2,000 tons of nickel, most of it coming from New Caledonia. ' " " ' Jrxmmmwmmmmmmmr r. HERE'S NEW HOPE UNSIGHTLY SKIN TROUBLES Don't tvffir ffom on umiohlly skin Doctor's discovery hailed as "Wonder Formula" gets re sults in, difficult cases; ex poses and inhibits growth- of germs present in ACNE. Ntw liiotminl mprovit your oppioronct at onto Your unsightly,' externally caused skin blemishes ... the stubborn pimples, black heads and red, burning skin that embarrass ... may now yield to a new treatment de veloped by a group of physicians. These doctors found that in many such cases there is a sub-surface infection due to various types of germs. This new treat ment exposes and inhibits the growth of these germs. After endless experiments i and tests on thousands of cases, this new formula called Enca Cream is now available at any drug store, When Enca Cream is ap plied to the skin, this 3-way action takes place: (1) ENCA'S flesh-tinted film instantly con ceals unsightly skin blemishes immedi ately improving your appearance. (21 The new anti biotic ingredients are held in contact with the skin for hours, to ex pose germs and inhibit their growth. (31 With germ growth inhibited, unsightly surface skin eruptions can be controlled and helped to heal. Thousands are amazed to see quick improvement after everything else has failed. Regardless of how stub born your case, you owe it to yourself to try this new treatment. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Don't continue to suffer the embarrassing handicap of unsightly skin. Get ENCA CREAM from your druggist today. Use as directed. If, in just one week you don't see 3uick improvement-if your unsightly skin oes not look and feel better and better just return the jar and your druggist will refund full purchase price. Get ENCA CREAM today! Fred Meyer 148 N. LIBERTY Last Limited foment! The World's Smallest Precision Camera Featured in QDGQ at $12.50! Our Price Only m ii' iu, tfimrrm iiI'HilliM-Wl-HlilTniK-liiH.H 7 95 his is AUUAL bUt Fits in Purse or Vest Pocket (I 3 I ! H, I WO I. H ftl IVi .1 rl n 7i r x ifi r -f 77J 7 1 must muiiv jxuuui iur run Merchandise So e . , If Will Pay You to Shop All Departments at Sally's! BARGAINS GALORE IN SUITS COATS GLOVES PURSES DRESSES BLOUSES LINGERIE fvilLLINERY HOUSECOATS SPORTSWEAR It's Sally's for Quality, n n Corner Liberty and Court Streets