AUTOMOBILES t"McKay "GOOD VALUE" USED CARS 1939 FORD TUDOR, Heater 495 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN, Radio-Heater 395 1946 BUICK SUPER SEDAN, 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 5-PASS. COUPE 1 one Radio, Air Conditioned, Overdrive IJyO Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Member of Salem Used Car Dealers Ass'n 550 No. Commercial Phone 3-3175 ql8a PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage . .$1995 '40 Pontiac Sedan 495 '41 Pontiac Sport Coupe 745 '37 Pontiac Sedan 345 '42 Olds Sedan 945 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '37 Plymouth Sedan 295 . Herrall - Owens Co 660 N. LIBERTY LOST AND FOUND 2ft REWARD for toy red male dog. Answers to Billy. Ph. 39453. klOO LOST Lady's rose-gold Gotham wrist watch. Reward. Mrs. Evelyn Pardon, McMinnville. Ph. 4935. kl&O LOST: Red leather keytalner with keys. Call 24969. klW LOST 1? JEWEL Bui ova. lady's watch. In vicinity of Millers or Roberts depart ment Store. Ph. 28171. kl88 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSED FRYER Rabbits Ideal for freez ing. Wood range. 1 bdrm house. Rt. 8 Box 802. ml89 WILL TRADE new man's bicycle for W electric drill. Ph. 36514 after 6 p.m. ml00 SPENCER CORSETIERE. 425 N. Winter Ph. 3-5072. ml89 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER -DENTIST Adolpb Bldg.--State At Commercial 8ts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS FRONT DOORS, new, IV thick, grade A fir doors. Only 116. Large windows for living room, dining room In stock. C. O. Long, Ph. 25821, One mile N. of Ke-ier. ; mal89 PAINTED BHAKES For sale from 6-rm. house. 945 Che meketa. Sea Chris, mal89 CLL 21196 Salem, we sell the best Cedar Shingles from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade high mountain timber. No, 1, IB, No. 3 15. Delivered. Ted Muller, Sa-lem-Indep. Road, ma 18" No. 1 Cedar Shakes, Natural or paint ed Prim coated or stained. Ccdarwall Pittite or Bear Brands 19 per set. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Muller, 2-1196. ma1 BAB CEDAR GUTTER 22c. No. 1 cedar wall shakes St under course shingles 112.80 per iq. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 1-1198. ma PLYWOOD LARGE gtock of sizes, thicknesses St grades. Both plain Se water proof. Price' start at fie per sq. ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of S" and " Insul ating boards. Low prices on " Sz W sheet rock. Keith Brown, Front St Court Bts., Salem. ma ALU? I A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roofing- See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401 mal97 SPECIAL: Cedar sldlni, "x8". Random length. C -grade, (85 thousand. Keith Brown. Front St Court 6ta Salem. HEW SHIPMENT board " 6e. V. 6a sa. (t Rock lathe 45 aq. ft (1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD S&LEM ma USED BRICK. Call 39703 or 24389. mal94 SAVE OH ROOFING Let Wards give you complet IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman tor free estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD 8t CO. SALEM. OREGON ' ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE $15. 1835 N. 20th St. Phone 2-6098 evenings. nlOO .8n3 BRITISH deer rifle, 4 boxes of shells Best offer or would consider .32 special carbine In trade. After 6 p. m. 1943 N. Church. nl90 BABY BUGGY, Tailor Tot. car seat, jumper. Good condition. 720 S. 18th. ni90 .SINGER SEWING machine. Good cond. Ph. 37701. 497 S. 23rd. nlOO FOR SALE, 1 three-rm. Quaker oil heater. Reas. Call eves. 2-4980. nl90 HARVEST BAGS for sale. Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. 1505 N. Front St. nl96' WE BUY newspapers and wast paper. 1790 N. Front. n210 BEBUILD air conditioner like new. Less than half price. Ph. 3-4750. nl89 NEW 4 POSTER unfinished bed. 3 used 600x50x16 tires. 840 Union. nl89 DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickling purposes "Keeps your pickles krisp." Also old time pure apple cider vinegar Puritan Cider Works. n204 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Gibson and Uonta Appliance at Gerurtg. STEEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings Id stock A made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. ni90 BUY OR SELL Used restaurant equip ment. Ph. 3-4750. nl8B SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 15 B V yds 10 B yds. D7 Cat A Dozer D-6 Cat A Dozer D-4 Cat A Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 1-9408 Bves 3-826 or 24400 balern Oregon e MAHOGANY SPINET PIANO 846 CASCADE DRIVE PAINTED SHAKES For sale from 3-rm. house. 945 che meketa. See Chris. nlBD NEW 120 BASS ACCORDION PH. 34641 , . D191 BLONDE SPINET PIANO PH. 34641 IAUTOMOB1LES 's Corner" all equipped 1495 PH 24113' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FINE GRAND PIANO PH. 34641 nlOl COMBINATION Lamp - End table. Red Manox. linlsh. 113,95. Comb. Lamo-Maa. End Table, dark mahog. finish, $16.95. ureen stamps. SALEM HOME FURN; CO. 137 So. Com'l nl88' CRICKET CHAIR 16.95. Rocker 18.95. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Com'l n!88 EASTERN ORE. Alfalfa hay. Phone 25541 for price and Information. nl88 SPORTING RIFLE, 270 or P.m. 471 Klngwood Drive. After 6 nl88 FOR SALE or trado for logs or pickup, 47 H.P. Gas Case motor, used only 3 weens, win sacrnice. M. J. Pippin, In dependence, Ore. nl88 FOR SALE, propane gas floor furnace. (55 FENCE POSTS, pole, all types. Shingles, fertilizer St flatrock. Phillips Bros.. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 31458. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying (1.45. Retread Tire Service. 320 So. Lancaster. nal98 SAW LOGS or timber, any amount. Pippin oiiu, independence, rnone luiwx. nal88 WANTED furniture to glue b repair. Ua otob. f um tteunisning uo hq 7-7001 USED FURNITURE Phone 3-918 PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. 555 Cross St Ph. 2-5446.' pl92' AFTER THIS date X wilt not be resnons- ible for any bills contracted by anyone omer man myseii. itooeri Arnold, otay ton. Ore. p!90 AUTOMOBILES 1936 PONTIAC coupe. Good mechanical cond. A rubber. Cheap if taken at once. Ph. 27148 after 6 p.m. ql&O 1040 FORD 4 door sedan (600. CaU 28554 after 7 p. m. ql90 TERRAPLANE HUDSON, good condition. cneap. 565 B. 20th. Ph. 3-8756. qlao LIME TRUCK with steady Job. Can be seen at t. 12m. rn. joiob aays or 25724 after 5 p.m. ql90 1936 FORD 2 door. 2590 Simpson St. qlOO 31 CHEV. Pickup, new rubber. Phone divai. mm wuuur at. qibu MUST SELL '38 Bulck special 4 door se- aan. 47 motor. All the extras. Reason able. Rt. 6, Box 153R. ql90 FOR SALE, 1940 Pontiac business coupe. tiao.uu. I'none qiso 37 PACKARD Sedan. In good shape, for quicx saie at sj&o. can be seen at 1305 N. 5th. ql93 WANT LIGHT panel or sedan delivery. am moaei. rn. J-JJitt, qiafl MODEL A flat bed pickup. Ph. 20093. ql93' 42 BUICK super Sedanette, RAH, new, W.S. tires. Must sell. Have new car. First good offer goes, 416 W. Locust. Btayton. Ph. 607B. ql93 3fi FORD Sdn. Oood condition. $200 or best offer . 529 N. 23rd St. qlOO 19ff CHEV. 5-pas. coupe Low mileage. W&50. Or will trade for '40 or '41 Cev St me at Chev. garage between 8 A b Lot Holland. q!88 $50 USED CAR lot. Any car on the lot S50 A your old one. 12th St. Junction. q207 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1010 G.M.C. Si-Ton Pickup. Excell. cond. new motor, uce L., uier, call eve nings, 400 N. Grant St., Sllverton, Ore. ql96 WANTED; Clean used cars. Bob Marr. 2160 South Commercial q .ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL - TRADE TERMS 232 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-6451 Eisner Motors to Buy 1012 CHRYSLER 6 Sedan, 46 motor. Radio ana neater, rn. mmtiA. at ay ton. qiss 18 Bt'ICK Super, dk. maroon sedanette. Perfect cond. Extras. 630 Union St. '38 CADILLAC Sedan, motor Just rebuilt. Looks good, runs good. 1425. 270 N, Com'l. days. Phone 3-7559. 920 Saginaw evenings. Phone 3-3741. ql89 1046 HEAVY Duty Chevrolet 5-yard dump trucK. excellent condition, vernon Uycg, 605 E. Salem Rd., Dallas, Ore., at Dal- las city limits. qi98 SELL 36 Dodge Coupe for (250. Or trade Pius casn lor later sedan Phone 26425 911 BUICK Special 4 Door. Two-tone paint. Very clean. A-l mechanically. Ph. 35589 ql89 Eisner Motors to Sell FOR SALE 1948 Ford convertible. R A H ijow mueage. $1,300. Call 2-3421 or 3-6405. 10: CHEV. 2 dr. sedan. 235 Fisher Rd 'East!. qt89 : NEED A CAR! Will trade my $500 equity In good suburban lot for one. Ph. 2-8385 eve. & Sun. qlSS LUCKY'S SHOP now open for business. General repairing cars, trucks and tractors. 1841 S. 12th. M. F. Oziah, manager Open from 8 to 8. AUTOMOBILES SALE 1917 OLDS 66 like new. $1500. C. J. Parry, Rt. 1, Box 139, Sublimity, Ore., 1 mile east from Drift Creek Falls. g!89 BONESTEELE'S 1948 STUDEBAKER 5-PASS. COUPE ICOUUAHnFRI 15- 000 mlltj $1995 1P NASH SEDAN $1095 1947 STUDEBAKER SEDAN... $1495 1941 FORD TUDOR $695 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR .... S695 1941 STUDEBAKER SEDAN .. $675 1940 STUDEBAKER SEDAN .. $795 1939 STUDEBAKER SEDAN .... (CHAMPION) $045 193S CHEVROLET 4-DOOR .. $225 1935 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR . $175 1937 CHEVROLET COUPE .... $295 1934 CHRYSLER SEDAN (A REAL BUYI $225 PICKUPS & TRUCKS 1947 STUDEBAKER '.i -TON pickup $1295 1941 STUDEBAKER li-TON .,. pickup $1095 1941 STUDEBAKER Vi-TON -.. PICKUP $795 1945 CHEVROLET -TON conn PICKUP $B90 1940 INTERNATIONAL '.-TON PICKUP $790 1841 CHEVROLET PICKUP .. $795 1946 STUDEBAKER 1-TON ..... ( 16.000 MILES) $1345 1936 FORD l'A-TON PLAT BED $395 1939 FORD l'A-TON (NEW RUBBER & MERCURY MO- .. TOR. 2-SPEED $695 Bonesteele Sales and Service Phone 3-9277 320 N. Church St. Salem. Ore. ql88 MOTORCYCLE. SCOOTERS WILL TRADE or sell my equity In '49 scout at sacrnice. rn. 3-4917 alter fi. qalOO FOR SALE Cheap 2 Hnrley Davidson mo torcycles, can at 945 Market St. qal93 1918 HA II LEV DAVIDSON 74 O.H.V. A-l condition. See after 5:30 at 1080, 6th St., Wast Salem, qa SAFETICYCLE Commando's to 3 h.p, 100 M. to gal. New and used. HAIN'S OUTBOARD A SPORT SHOP 1201 S. Commercial Phone 3-6050 qalOO' FARM EQUIPMENT HAVE 2 TD-14 tractors, wide gauge, 1 new, 1 used. Will sell one. A. O. Chollck, 212 Panama Bldg. BE 6012. qbl99 BOATS NEARLY NEW 14 It. Marine plywood boat & 0 H.p. motor. 13B5 Hlnes St. qqiso TRAILERS FOR SALE Small Sleeping Trailer. Ideal for hunting or traveling. Phone 3B772 or see at 1807 Lee St, tl92 14 rt. TRAILER, furn., gd. cond., $350. Ph. 29386. after 6 p. m. or 1005 S. 21st. t!98 FOR RENT, trailer space, $10 per mo. South side of Paulus cannery. Roth Trailer Court. 1740 Oxford. tl88 FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on larger loans long and short Urn payments ROY H SIMMONS 138 Sov'h Commercial St Phone 3-0161 BUILDER WILL Bell $3745, contract on n.ew no me. arns sitnz.w interest in 108 monthly payments of $44.05. Call R. V. Loreni, Phone 3-4284. r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO $300 Car loans up to $500 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 Llo N M369-839I Floyd Kenyon, Mgr r We LIKE to MAKE LOANS We make loans to 4 out of 5 who ask for one and enjoy doing It. $25 to $500 on Autos Up to $300 of Salary Furniture Cash for any good purpose Take up to 20 months to repay Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If - a loan solves a problem, phone or come in today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 518 State Rm. 125 Phone 2-2464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. 8-122 M-1165 H90 SEE CS roR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY i OR 4' INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission' Leo N. Childs, Inc. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-138 and U-32S and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercla St Tel 1-9161 r' FARM AND Cm LOANS 4 Sr. and 6 l'OUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Montages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. n01 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 3-7162 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie NO M-159 8-154 TRANSPORTATION GOING TO BISMARCK, N. Dak., 1st Of Sept. Room for 2. Prefer driver. Tel. 2-0548. X188 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES AH makes OMd machines told, rented repaired Roen 4Bf Court Pbitn 1-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service oew appliance Vlnce's Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 3-9239 137 S Liberty St 0 Spence's Home Appliance Repair, "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 2-4602. Prompt. o208 AT-UR DOOR GRINDINb awnmower tharpenlng Dd repairing Dexter's Pn 36833 o" AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-6956. f MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE rowing service day pbone 1-9286 fflgnt 3-1804 33 Center o Mike Panek. 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists O208 BriI.DINO CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms No down payment Phone 1-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o216 Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dation Phone 2-4M1, o313' DIRECTORY Tongue and groove chmney blocJta. wholesale or retail. Mortarlesa Block Co. Ph. 3-7324. O205 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4306. 0213 Bulldozing, leveling, road bids,, clear ing, teeth for brash. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. o212 Bulldozing, leveling & fine grading. Prompt service. A. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1264. o207 BUSINESS A PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE Telephone answering service. Day-nlte. Your secretary. Ph. 39133 0195 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash reaLMet Al make sold rented, re pa -ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 n CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or. repair ot foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc Call 2-4850 o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys bacuum Enslcy, 771 S. 21st. h. 3-7176. cleaned. O208 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Custom killing, curing & smoking and locker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co.. 25th & Turner Rd. Ph. 34858. o2U DRAFTING SERVICES Home plBnned St designed by an ex perienced architectural draftsman. Hour ly basis 2239 Mill or Ph 3-4083 0I88 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Viice' Electric tor electrical wiring contracting repairing 157 S Liberty Ph 3-9239 o EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoe, Dragline, shovel. Free estimate E L. Boatwrlsht. 410 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 391U3. o202 EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating & grading Ben Otjen Son 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o208' Bre;'fiaitot .'. for flowers Dial 3-9179 o JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 0 INSULATION Johns-M an v Me. Phone 3-3748. LANDSCAPr NURSERY A Doerfler A Sons. Ornamentals 150 Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Com'l. St. O2071 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Pb S6833 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watktns Oo products Free de Ivery 1717 Center Ph. 3-5395. o' MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawnitan Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St Ph 3-7569. ol8B OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies desk lamps typewriter stands, brief cases ?lerce Wire Recorders. Roen 456 Court Spraj or brush painting. Ph. 22664, o201 Ext. Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rntes. Ph. 3-46C2. ol90 "Ufstrom's are equipped to do yout painting Phone 2-2493 o PAPERnANGINO Expert Paperhanging and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. o201 Kemtonlng, Interior decorating, free es timates. Ph. 20501 0199' Bldg. maintenance, painting. Ph 20501. repair Ol99 PAINTINO A PAPERHANGING Call 22608 for your Painting A Paper hanging. Attractive rates. ol97 Painting A Ph. 3-5522. paperhanging. Don Lueero 0193 Phone 3-4360 or 2-6554. Painting and papcrnanglng Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513 Qo Shipping. Ol8fl' PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcheon Paint Store Phone 3-6687 o PLUMBING Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. P.'UNING-SPRAYING Phlln W Belike h. 2-1208. ROAD BUILDING A GRADING Road building A grading, land clearing with teeth. Small or large lob. Prompt service. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1264. o212 SAND A GRAVEL Valley Sand A Grave. Co Silt, sand A Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph office 24002 res 37146 C "Look for the Silver Lining." SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor Jharp 8teel Cutting Bladen Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Reas Ph 1-6327 or 1-9468 SEmc TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 3-5327. 02 09 K Ham el. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lints Guaranteed work. 1143 -8th S.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0197 Care taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2545 State. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671. o202 All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o TVPEWP1TERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portables Ah makes used machine Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o TRANSFEP STORAGE '-oca! & Distance Transfer storage Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks tr Portland dally Agent for Be kins Mouse hold goods moved to anywhere in U 8 o. Canada Larmer Transfer b Storace Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made l-i Salem Pree est Phont 17328 Klmer the Blind man o Venetian blinds made to order as low as $4 50 a blind Phone Sears 3-8191 for free estimate. o!90 Salem Venetian Blinds made to ordet i.i reflnlshed Relnholdt & Lewis 3-3639 WEATHFRSTRIPPING Fre estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5865. 0208 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymora Rt 3 Boz 317 Ph 2-5135 o210 WINDOtt SHADES Washable Roller Made to order 1 De) Relnholdt St Lewis Ph 33639 WINDOW CLEANING Acme indow Cleaners Windows. waiU St woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 14'; Court Langdoe, Culbertaoo and Mather 0 WOOD a SAWDUST West SV.ei Puel Co Ph 3-4031 Journal Want Ads Pay m 1 a 5 Eyes and All t Ly Else Beekmann,- German dentist who offered to sell her eyes to get to the U. S. and for whom ex-Sgt. Charles Eller was willing to sell one of his eyes in Fresno, Calif., smiles happily as she arrives in New York with her eyes. Eller still has both eyes and will be reunited with her in New York. Friends took care of expenses for both. (Acme Tel ephoto) mms lower During Tuesda Chicago, Aug. 9 (P) Grains were under pressure during the greater part of today's board of trade session. Losses ranged from practions to more than a cent, but traders could not find a peg to hang a rally on, until near the close. Soybeans suffered the most severe- setback, off around 4 cents at times. Feed grains fluctuated less than wheat. At the close wheat was higher to lower than yester day's close, September $2.04' Corn was unchanged to "a lower, September $i.25- Oats were V4 higher to lower, September bb-bb'A. Rye was unchanged to 1 Vi lower, Sep tember $1.5034. Soybeans were 1-Ts to 2 lower, November $2.37 37'4. Lard was 25 to 42 cents a hundredweight lower, Septem ber $12.67. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem deal ers for the guidance of Capital Journal Renders, (Reylrd d"l'T). Retail Feed I'rlcci Fug Mnih S5.20. Italihit Pellets S4.35. Dairy Feed S3. 85. Poultry: Buying prices Grade A color ed hens, 22-25c; grade A Leu horn hens, 20-22c: grade A colored fryers, three bs, and up, 32-33c. Grade A old roosters 15 cents. Erica Buying Prices Extra large AA, 62c large AA. 61c: large A, 50-62c, medium AA. 57c; medium A, 56-57C. pullets 36-40c. Wholes? e Prices Egg wholesale prices to 7 cents above these prices above. G-ade A generally quoted at 67c medl- 63c Bulterfat Premium 64-65c, No. 1. 63c; No 2, 67 i9c 'buying prlcrsl Butter Wholesale grade A, 67c; re all 72c. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Aug. 9 m (USDA1 Salable hops 8.000: fairly active, steady to 25 cents higher; advance on weights over 22Q lbs.; sows fully 25 cents higher; top 23.35 sparingly: bulk good and choice 100 250 lb. 22.75- 23.25; 260-290 lbs. 22.00-22.75: lew loads good and choice 300-400 lb. butchers 16.00-19.75; good and choice 150- Ibs. lights 21.00-22.75: Rood and choice sows under 360 lbs. 19.00-20.50; few to 21.00; 375-400 lbs. 17.50-18.75: 400-450 lbs. 16.75-17.75: 475-550 lbs. 15.00-16.50: odd head down to 14.00. Salable cattle 8.000: salable calves 500: active; steers and heifers steady to mostly 25 cents higher; other classes fully steady; top 28.50 for load high-choice 1.150 lb. steers: bulk good and choice fed steers 25.50-28.00; medium low-good steers 21.00 25.25; bulk good to low-choice heifers 25.50-27.00; top 27.60; common and med ium cows 14.50-17.50; canners and cutters 11.50-14.50; medium and good bulls 16.00- 10.75; choice vcalors 26.60-27.00. Snlable sheen 1.500: market not ntah- llshed; bidding 80 cents to 1.00 lower on spring lambs and yearlings and weak to 50 cents lower on slaughter ewes. LODGES Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.P. A& A.M. Aug. 9th. Stated Com munication, 8 p.m. 188 I.O.O.F meets every Wed nesda; night. Visitors wel LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by Mrs. W. C. Lippert. Clerk of School District No. 61, Polk County, Oregon, address Route 8, Box 602. Salem. Oreiron. until 6:00 P.M., August 22. 1949, for the construction of a one classroom addition to the Mountain View Bchool building together with other work as required by the drawings and 5 ncc I ft cat Ions for the work. Bids will be opened at the Mountain View School at 8:00 p.m. on the above-mentlonen date, and will then and there be publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed (or opening will not be considered. Plans and specifications for the work may be secured at the office of Frank H. Struble. Architect, 381 State Street. Room 206. Salem, Oregon, upon the deposit of slS.00 for each set. Deposits will be re funded upon return of documents In good condition. Plans to be returned to the Architect within five days after date set for receiving bids. Earn bid Khali be accompanied by a cerifled cherk, cashier's check or bidder's bond for not lens than b"'t of the amount of the bid made payable to School Dis trict No. 61, Polk County, Oregon. ine Hcnooi uoara oi Hcnooi niatricl No. 61, Polk County, Oregon, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive informalities. By order of School Board of Bchool District No. 61. Polk County. Oregon. Mn. W. C. Lippert, Clerk. Aug. 9. 10. II. 1949 NOTICE OF FINALllEARINO administrator of the estate of ELECTA E. MCDONALD, deceased, the undersigned has filed In Circuit Court of Oregon for Marlon County, In Probate, fill final account In estate of aald dece dent, and September 9, 1949, 10 o'clock. m. (Pacific Standard Tlmei. and court room of sfld court have been annolnted by said court for hearing of objections to said account and settlement thereof. o. lyman Mcdonald Administrator Aforesaid. Allan O. Carson and Wallace P. Carson Attorneys for Administrator. Aug, fi. 16. 23. 30. Beat. 6 BIRTH SAWYER To Mr. and Mn Harold Sawyer at Sllverton hotpltal, a boy, Aug. MARKET QUOTATIONS salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company) IVeder lambs $11.00 to 113.00 Ewes j 1,00 to $-1.00 Cutter cows $9.00 to 1 10.00 Fat dairy cows sio.oo to lil.oo Bulls 113.00 to 116.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 1 14.00 to 115.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) good ..S18.00 to $21.00 Portland Eastslde Market Tomatoes dropped to $1.00 to $1.25 a 17-lb. Hat on the Portland Eastslde Farm ers Wholesale Produce market today. Cucumbers brought $3.00 an orange box. Peaches ranged from $1.00 to $2.00 a flat. Bartlet pears were $1.75 to $2.00 a box. Summer squash appeared at 3'i cents a pound. Cantaloupes were 11.50 to $1.75 a crate. worn was a rive-ciozen ear pack. Portland Product. Uutterfat Tentative, aublect to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63-68c lb 92 score 61-64c lb., 90 score, 57-60C, 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country .-olnts 2c less than lirM. Iluttrr Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to ".hoiesalers: grade AA, 93 score, 62c A 92 score 61c; B, 90 score, 59c lb.; C 8t score, 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland whols. sale; Oregon singles 38'i-41c; Oregon 6 sm. loaf 41Mi-42c; triplets U3 less than tingles Efiis (To Wholesalers) A grade large 6i,a-62'iic: A medium, 54Va-57ic: grade B laige, 53-55'CC; small, A grade, 44 Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prinU 67c; AA cartons 68c; A prints 07c. A cartons C8c; B prints 64c. Ebbs Prices to retailers: Grade AA .jrne, 67c doz., certified A large. 65c; A large, 64c; AA medium, 61c; certified A. medium, 60c; A medium, 59c; A small, IG;: cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portlano Oregon singles 39-42c Oregon loa(, 5 lb. loafs 44'i.-45c lb.; triplets, l'a less than singles. Premium brands, singles, 51'.sc lb. loaf. 53'ac. Chickens No 1 quality FOB Plants, No, 1 broilers under 2'a lbs. 26-27c lb. fryers 2'a-3 lbs., 30-32c; 3-4 lbs., 32-33c roasters, 4 lbs. ana over 32c lb.; fowl, leghorns, 4 lbs. and under 19-21c, over 4 lbs. 19-21c; colored fowl, all weights 23c ruosters. all weights, 18-20C. Rabbits A vertigo tr growers: live whiles. 4-5 lbs 18-20 lb.; 5-6 lbs. 16-180 lb: :oiorcd 2 cents lower; old or heavy does, 8-14c; dressed fryers to butchers, . 53-57c. Country-Killed Meats Veal top quality 31-33c lb.: other grades according to we Ik lit and quality wl h poor or heavier 24-29c. Hogs: Light blockers, 31-33c lb.: sow J4-2flc Lambs: Top quality, 35-37c lb.; mutton 10-12C. Beef: Good cows, 23 -26c lb: canners cutters, 2l-23c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.i: Beef steers, good. 500-800 lbs. 143-46: commercial, 134-41; utility, $31-34. Cws Commercial. $33-36; utlllty,(29 31. Canncrs-cutters. (25-27. Beef culs ( good steers)- Hind quar ters $53-55: rounds, 153-55: full loins, trimmed. 'S70-$75; triangles, $36-37; square chucks, $38-40; ribs, $52-55; lorequarlers, 436-37 Veal and .:nlf: Oood, $38-40: commercial, t.12-35: utility $26-30 Lambs: Good-choicD, spring lambs, $43 45; commercial, 137-30, Mutton: Good, ''O lbs, down. $18-20. Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1, B-12 lbs. $60 62: shoulders, 16 lbs. down, $40-42; spnrc rlbs. $48-51: carcasses, $35-36; mixed weights $3 lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 12'5c lb., green 4c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c 16. Mdhalr tZz lb. on 12-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves, 25c lb., according to weight, kips 20o lb., beef 10c lb., bulls 4 -5c lb Country buyer pay 2c less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettes, first quality Jum bo, 34.7c large, 32.7c: medium, 27.2c: second quality Jumbos, 30,2c; large, 211.2c medium, 28.2c; itiby, 23 2c; soft shell, first qiinllty large, 21). 7c medium. 20.2c: sec ond quality large, 27.2c; medium. 24.7c; baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 20c Ib.i large, 18c; Medium, 16c: small, 13c. Portland drain Portland, Aug, 9 fP Cash grain: Bar ley No. 2, 45-lb. B.W. 50.00. Cash wheat (bid): Hard whlto Baart: Ordinary 2.14. Todays' car receipts: Wheat 130; barley flour 5; corn 4; mill feed 22. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Aug. 9 (U.R) Livestock: Cattle salable 200; holdover 150: calves : market very slow; scattered sales steady; top fed steers Monday 26.50 for one truck-In load; good steers fed grain grass 26.00: best straight grasser. 23.50; good heifers 23.00; common and medium 13.50 to 10.50; few c tinner and cutter cows fl.50 to 11.00; common and 'TREASURE' BELIEVED U. S. Expedition in Turkey Out to Find Noah's Ark Istanbul (U.R) Aaron J. Smith, middle-nged dean of a small Bible college in Greensboro, North Carolina, has arrived here at the head of a four-man American expedition. He is determined to find Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat and deal . . one more blow to the contemplous mockings of a frnwninft riishnlievine world." Q The expedition originally was scheduled to include the ama teur archeologist Egerton Sykcs of London and Hans Roozen of Holland, but the British and Dutch branches of the expedi tion were unable to get enough financial backing and the neccs sary permits to enter Turkey. Smith and his three coi leagues arrived in Turkey also without the necessary permits from the Turkish government to enter the restricted areas on Russia's border, where Mount Ararat towers 16,000 feet. Smith said he was aware of the Turkish government's refus al to permit Sykes to make the trip, but said "The Lord is guid ing our hands and the difficul ties we have run into so far have melted amost miraculously when we approached them. We have great hopes for getting the necessary permission." Smith applied for the needed permission through the Amer ican consulate immediately after his arrival. The expedition has been largely financed through the sale of a booklet published by Smith. In it he has collected all the various reports on existence of the petrified remains of the Ark, beginning with Flavious Josephus in 93 A.D., and Marco Polo on up to the latest press reports of 1948. The latter re ports quoted Turkish peasants who had found remains of what they believed to be an ancient ship. The tale has become folk lore in Turkey, where almost yearly some peasant showj up with bits of wood reported to have been taken from the Ark. Fliers, including a couple of Amer icans, have also added their tales, reporting having seen the Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Jimmy Stewart Jimmy Sfewarf To Wed Divorcee Hollywood, Aug. 9 U.B Jimmy Stewart, Hollywood's most eligible bachelor, gains a wife and vacates his title today. Late this afternoon the shy movie star will slip a plain gold wedding ring on the finger of Mrs. Gloria McLean, 31, the pretty divorcee who caught him by playing hard-to-get. Only 25 friends will watch the ceremony. "For a part of a man's life, bachelorhood is a fine institu- ttion," said Stewart, who has dodged marriage-minded ladies for 20 years. "But waiting this long was overdoing it a bit. I was getting lonely." After a small, quiet reception at the home of Stewart s agent the couple will honeymoon at home for three days. Stewart and Mrs. McLean in vited only relatives and a few close friends to hear the Hev, Dean Osterberg read the mar riage ceremony at the Brent' wood Presbyterian church, near his home. Backers Leave Gcrvais Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Paul Backer and daughter Jean have moved to Newberg, after oper ating the Village Service, Inc comprising the Greyhound bus depot, filling station and gro cery, Ihe past winter. Miss Jean Backer will return to Nebraska and resume her school teaching position. Mr. and Mrs. David Mvers. who owned an acreage at Newberg, have exchanged places with the Backers and took possession on August l. hr-r-t rnw. vnnl Hbl. 13.(10 tO lft.QO cond beer bulls wilnljlo 18.00 to 18. SO; common and medium anusiw1 bulls 14.00 to 16.50: Rood nnd cliolecPVealera 22.00 to 2:1.50: commons nnd mediums 12.00 to 20.00. Hobs salable 150: marnet slow; scauereo l-K KleaOV OUL SOWS Uliuer ut ennui c, odd good and choice 200 lb. butchers 25.00; Rood nnd choice 150 to 170 lbs. 22.00 to 23.05: cood heavy sows bid 14.50 to 15.00; lli:ht sows above 17.00: Rood and choice feeders salable 24.50 to 25.50; few fat type feeders down to 23.50; early bids down to J.00 on heavy stacs. Sheep salable 750; market slow: antes stendy; one lot mostly choice 06 lb. spring lambs 21.00; Rood nnd choice No. 2 pelt lambs 1D.0O; generally asking 20.00 or above for good and choice springers; good feeders salable around lH.oo: light weight ewes above 6.00; common and med ium 3.00 to 5.00. PRESERVED Ark from the air, Smith believes the Ark has been preserved by the fact that (sypress), which doesn't rot, and (cypress), which doesnt rot, and daubed it with pitch, both in side and out. Then the top of Mount Ararat has sub-freezing temperature nine months of each year and it is preserved as in a refrigerator. Some of the peasant reports have described it as being pctri fied, so hard they cannot hack pieces off it with their hunting knives. The expedition consists of Smith, as leader; Walter Wood Sea Cliff. Long Island, mechan ical engineer, in charge of trans port for the trip; E. J. Newton, Colfax, N.C., photographer, and Welden Ogg, health physicist from Knoxville, Tenn. Newton will be charged with taking pictures to prove the Ark s existence to the world As equipment, a jeep and trailer, together with tents, camping equipment and moun tain climbing equipment is en route via ship. The group ar rived by air, ahead of their jeep. Smith said he was prepared to stay in Turkey until he finds the object of his search, but in dicatcd his funds were limited. Smith also said he hoped the Russians would not cause any trouble. When news of the plan ned expedition began circulat ing several months ago, the Rus sian radio broadcast a charge that the expedition was a thinly disguised "spy expedition." Smith said: "I'm not interest ed in anything on the Russian side of the border. All I want to do is to find the Ark. I hope the Russians will co-operate by not causing me any more trouble." Tuesday, August 9, 1949 19 STOCKS (By the Associated Preah' American Can 9114 Am Pow Si Lt m; An- Tel Si Tel m , Miacorda 2.- 4 Bendix Aviation 31 Beth Steel 2, ; Boeing Airplane 1 i Calif Packing 3?. Cmadian Pacific T'fc Case J I 3S Caterpillar 31S Chrysler 534 Com with St Sou 41 Cons Vultee 01; Continental Can 3:i Crown Zetlerbach 2G Jiirtlss Wrlnht 8H Douglas Aircraft ., 5!i Dupont de Nem 50 Oeneral Electric 38 M, Oererai Food Oeneral Motors 6l'fc Goodyear Tire Int Harvester 2 5' 4 Paoer 53 Ktnnecott Llbby McN St L 7H Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward s Nash Kclvlnator 14 4-.t Dairy 34 ' NY Ctnrtat 104 Northern Paclflo Hl4 Pac Am Pish 12Vfc Pa Gas Ss Eleo 334 Tel & Tel S3 Penney J O 49 H Radio Corp lit Rayonler 24 P; yonler PM 30H Reynolds Metal 19-i Richfield 36 Safeway Stores 25 Sears Roebuck 40 4 Southern Paclflo 40 andard Oil Co 66 Rtudebaker Corp 23 Vt Sunshine Mining Transamerlca . 11 'i . 31 Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines U 8 Steel , Warner Bros Pic Wiolworth .. 104 .. 48& Union-Family Row in Court Portland, Aug. 9 (IT) The Hughes family troubles with Butcher union pickets have gone to court. Joseph A. Hughes has asked for an injunction to stop the Central Labor Council and the AFL Meatcutters from picketing his meat and grocery market. The father and family mem bers are the only workers, he argued, and they shouldn't be required to join the union. The dispute has been going on for nine months. He told the cir cuit court that truck drivers have refused to make deliveries and he has lost customers be cause of picketing. Police have been called re peatedly to the market, where the Hughes family has picketed the union pickets and numerous disputes have followed. OSC Given 54,420 Washington, Aug. 9 (U.B The federal security administration today announced grants of $2, 056,426 for the study of such ailments as peptic ulcers and the common cold. Oregon State col lege was allocated $4,420. DEATHS Mrs. Mary Jane Nye Mrs. Mary Jane Nye, late resident of Salem, at a local hospital, August 7. Sur vived hv two daughters. Mrs. Edna Reeves of Jefferson and Mrs. Hazel Sloan of Port land; seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Services will be held Thursday, August 11, at 2 p.m. at the ciough-Barrlck chapel. Interment at the Cox cemetery near Sidney. Mrs. Mamie May Whitney Mrs. Mamie May wimney, in hiko, ry4 August 4. Survived by husband, James R. Whitney of Palisade, Nev.; a brother, Paul L. Jewels ot ureen vine, . nnu following aunts and uncles: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer and Walter McMahill of Sheridan, Ore.; Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Mc Mahill or Salem, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Jewett of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jasper of Akron, Colo., and Ray Jewett of Bakersfield, Colli. Also survived by grandmother, Mrs. B. P. Jewett of Akron, Colo. Graveside services will be held at the City View cemetery Wednesday, Au gust 10, at 1:30 p.m. under the direction of Ciough-Barrlck company. James Samuel ITogue James Samuel Hogue, late resident of Grants Pass, at a local hospital, August 6, at the age of 81 years, survived by a daughter Margaret B. Winters of Grants Pans. Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Qeoritft Schwelxert Georne Schweiaert, late resident of 1155 Leslie St., in this city, August 7 at the rme or 6fl years. Survived by widow, Ot telel Schwclgert of alcm; three daunh ters, Mrs. Joe Marx of Rice, Wash., and Mrs. Guldo Batliner and Mrs. Frank Mi chael, both of Salem; seven sons, Joe Schweigert of Portland. Prank Schwelgert of Detroit, and Tom, Nick, Ca.sper. George and Peter Schweigert, all of Salem; and 12 grandchildren. Recitation ol the ros ary will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Auaust 9, at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel, and service will be Wednesday, August 10. at 9 a.m. at St. Joseph's church with Interment In aelcrest Memorial park. OBITUARY Mra. Nellie Proner AlbanyMrs. Nellie Prosser, 65, died at the WHIametto Osteopathic hospital Fri day. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the Forttniller-Frederlcksen chapAl, with burial In St. John's cemetery, Mrs. Preiser was born at MedTord, Wis., Sep tember 6, 1H84. She moved to Spokane, Wash., In 1017 and to Bend In 1023, com Intc to Albany In 1943. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Warner, Spokane; four children, Mrs. Leila Cobb, Portland; Oakley C. Prosser, Bend; Marvin A. Pros ser. Long Beach, Cel., and Mrs. H.iwl Pol lock. Albany; three brothers, George, Charley and Roy Warner, Spokane; threg. sisters. Mrs. Laura Buss, Yakima, Wash., Mrs. Mary Wllkerson. Portland, and Mrs. France Sturgls, Kelso, Wash.: seven arandchlldren and two great grandchil dren. John Henry Banta Lebanon John Henry Banta, 69, died AuKiist 7 at the home of his sister In Brownsville. Born March 1, 18B0, in Ver- " non county, Wis., he lived 59 years in Lebanon, moving to Brownsville five yours nao He followed the long Inn business throughout his adult life. Services will b held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Howe Huston chapel with Elder George Simons officiating. Burial will be in the lOOP cemetery. Surviving are two sons, Chuck Karl an Banta of Sweet Home and Sam Carl Banta of Lebanon; sisters. Elvira Newland. and Etta Warner. Brownsville, -Maggie Sloan, Tumato, W'a-sh.: brothers, Jim Banta, Brownsville, Percy Banta, -Crawfordsvllle, Roy Banta, Holley, and George Banta of Portland. There are two grandchildren. Swan Swan ion Lebanon Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Howe-Huston chapel in - Sweet Home for Swan Swan.son, 85, a resi dent of eastern Linn county for 40 yenra. He was born June 4, 1864, In Sweden, com Ing here from Montana in 1009. The re tired farmer dl'd AiiKtist 6 In the Oood Samaritan hospital, Corvallis. Rev. Lynn- ton Elwell, pastor of the r Inst Christian church M Lnbanon, officiated at the serv ices and burial In the ulllllond cemetery. Survivors are a brother, Nels Swansnn of Portland; half-brother. Oscar Malstrom of Bend, and step-daughter, Mrs. Harvey lvU of Sweet Home.