18 Capital Journal, Salem, ClASHItltD ADVERTISING. Per Lin 15c Per Uqc times 40c Pel Lint 6 time 0c Pet Lin i month 13 (10 Outside of Salem ISe per Una pet day silo loc; I time coin 80c I time mtp II 30 No Refund ftEADCRS In Local New Cot Only Par tint j0c lo Place an Ad Phone 2 2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY 0 WNERnew 3 bdrm livlm rm. din rm. comb. Hdwd firs., ball. bath. U Inside utility rm. Alt. garage. Ue. lot near school. 2315 Broadway Pn. 3. "NI.W BOME oy owner. 2140 Carlton Way N on 98 to Carlton Way. W BY OWNER Engl e wood school dlst., well const 3-bdrm. home. Full bamt. with good furn. Insul., new root, new redec. About 10 yrs. old. Approx. lot 50x140. Bus by door Lots ol shrub and flowers, gat den In. Ph. 2-0396. 2286 Breyman. al91 BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced to 5900. 622 N. 17th St. WF, HAVE 2 exceptional listings on sub urban acreage 5 & 6 miles from down town Salem. Modern S bdrm. houses. Li'dscaped lawn. Each owner Is mov ing from this area and must aell Immed. t a red iced price Very reaaonabl te ins A. N. Duncan Realtor U-H Ladd Bush Bid. PH. l-b Eve. Ph. 3-53H al' BY OWNER: Duplex, furnished. 10 blocks from town. Income 1110 monthly. Priced to nil. 10750.00. Be. Mr. Jans, Willi Music Store. BY OWNKH: 3 bedroom iome. Ideal loci tin win acrent lot i. Pirt payment. J78O0. Terms. Ph. 33848 or 3431. .180 K Hio-Vi Sr.. Mod. Home Has 3 bdrms., den. llv. rm.-dlnlng comb., kitchen with nook, full bamt., lots of DU 111-ins, aUWJ Oil iimi, "itKin"! peted, hdwd. firs., lie. lot. 112,600. Ph owner at 3-6198. 180' Owner Must Sell This 1 yr. old 3 BR ranch-type mburban home located N.E. with unnn. aiuc, l. kitchen. DR. fireplace, att. car.. hdwd. firs., V blinds, auto, heat, on lae. corner lot. Immediate possession. Priced to sell at 39450. Tor more in formation see htls at 3855 Sunnyvlew or call 3-3761. ATTENTION NEW MODERN 5 RM. HOME. LATEST THINO IN INTERIOR UBUUJiA'i inu RRAIITIPIIt. COLORED PLUMBING LOW DOWN PAYMENT. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. SEE ULErt HAMILTON 2015 N. 24th. Ph. 3-33BB. al88 BY OWNER Hew auburban hou.it, hdwd. firs., att. gar., on Ue. lot near bus ft school. We will transfer G. I. loan to buyer. Monthly payments are only 145, this Include taxes, interest ei insurance, a-wv o nea ter, oft Lansing. Ph. 2-1111. 1181 BY OWNER, large rural 2 story home on 1 acre. 7 roomB Si bath down, modern 4 rm. apt. up with private ent. it bath partly furn., elec. range.. Ige. gar., back yard fenced, with cement patio, O. I. appraisal 1 year ago 18,940. $900 of Im provement added since. Make an offer Terms. Rt. 1, Box 321, Independence. aiss 4 BDRM. HOME. En it le wood Dlst, Hdwd. firs., fireplace, auto. oi neat, O.E dishwasher. Bendlx, dble. garage, nice yard. $13,800. See at 1625 N. 20th St. No agents. IB8 LEAVING STATE 4 yr. old 1 BR house. Hdwd. fin. lie. lot. Nr. schools. 1150 Nebraska St. alDa 2 ACRES $4,800 Best of soil. Attractive small homt on hUh ground midway between Kelzer St Chcmawa, Easy terms. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1311 Edaewater, Ph. 1-5100. Eve. 3-0039 aim A OOOn BUY on Breyman Ava. LR, DR, Ige. kitchen, 2 bdrms., garage. A very comfortnbln home at D00. Terms. BR HOME. North East. Ige. LR, DR, fireplace, bnsemcnt, furnace, large back yard, 17000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'J fit. Ph. 3-8388. Eve. 3-7440 aiaa .FOR SALE: New 2 BR home; fireplace, hdwd. firs., large closets, plenty kit ehen cabinets, utility room In home, large shade trees, yard ready to seed. Open evenings 7 to 8:30, Located 34f.fi D St. or phone 3-7809. al88 llIBT TlliTTl6lJ8EIor bachelor or bach loret of distinction. Big living room with utility room Si lots of closet space. Fine location. To see ph. 2-4538. al8B TbKDRM. MOn. IIOI.IL. .133X20B lot. $0500. 1st house north of Rick rr a 11 barbecue, Rlckreall, Ore al92 1ieduc"edfor71:lerance" Small acreage. New 2 bedrm. home on elty and school bus line. Priced to low to quote. Terms. North side Chamawa, Rt, 2, Box 3B0B. 189. TTBbllMrloTmE, 3310 Broadway, $8500. A. E. Heaaley, 2305 N. Liberty. alBfl CTOSE IN, 4 APTS. Private baths, Income $225 mo. Alto 2 lg. riiis. and basement could be rented. Price $18,500. 255 Center. Oen. Real Ewtate. Phone 3-3280, al88 SyOWNKR -Small unfinished house $1050. $200 dn. Ph. 3-5311 or 2-3203. alBB Sy OWNER 8-room house. 4 bdrms., m bath, Ige. baim't. with furnace, double garage, partly furn., exc. Income prop erly. '. block from state office bldg. Price $9,500. 1227 Court at. Fh. 3-3380. al89 FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 -bedroom home In King wood Heights. Hardwood floors down. Fireplace, wired for range, electric hot water heater, lots of rloseti, large lot. $5700, $1300 down, $45 per mo. Inc. Int. at 4',ir. 1051 Parkway Drive. al88 ITlVKLY-ItOOsVhouieriots Vlhade for hot days, insulated, auto, oil heat, 2 brirrno., Itte. living rm., dining rin., lot of bul It -inx, hdwd. firs., land neaped, 3 yrsokl. 647 Piedmont. I'h. 3-4761. al92 OlIT OF STATE owner here to ifll prac tically new Ufa story home, 5 Ige. rooms down, unfinished up., hdwd. floors thru out, brrezewuy, att. gar,, lot 75x140, K. H. A. terms. Salem Heights Dlst. 685 Ewald Dilve. S. on 99E to Ewald. al92 NEW and CLEAN Here Is a new 3 bedroom home locatrd at 1096 8. 33rd Bt.. unfinished upstairs; paved corner. Includes Hot-Point range at $5,350. Unexcelled View of Salem from this comfortable 2 bedroom home lorated at 740 Ben Lomand Dr.. bane mem, compleiely automatic furnace; nicely landscaped yard. If you want view, don't tnlsa this one. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838. 331 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-1724 - 3-7534. al89 I RtcimoOM bungalow! tnbath7 living room, dining room, kitchen, flreplare. garage, near McKlnley School. Price $7500. I BEDROOM suburban home with llk baths, nice rumpus room in full base ment, living room, dining room, kitch en, nook, hardwood floors, automatic heat, garage. P. H. Bell, Realtor 201 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1545, 3-4896 Eves. 3-7841. 3-7565. a 190 fil'RT 8EI.L 3"bdrm. house on TarrV King wood. Ph. 2-7341. a!93 MUST SELL $6500. Modern 7 Bd. rm. P.H.A. approved Small down payment, WB a I e m. Ph. 361 $9. a 1 90 BY OWN! R Imm. pon. 4 bdrm. newly redecorated, fireplace, air condition fur nace. New school close, city bus. Lot 18x183. 35 Lnslng Ave, a 193 Leaving the State Mr $1392 equity In 1 yr. old 2 B.R. home. Inaulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move rltht In for 1500. Bal. r.H.A. See 642 Bliler Ave. Ph. 3-3880. 190' Journal Want Ads Pay Ore., Tuesday, August 9, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Look for the Silver Lining" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ABE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of thia picture cominR soon to Salem Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment o! 2Z words or less on 'Why I Read The Canltal Jour nal Want Ads." with vour name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Look for the Silver Lining," coming soon to the ELsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elsinore Theatre and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in thf. contest FOR SALE HOUSES Near State Capitol 5 rm. home hdwd. firs, throughout, fire place, full bamt. Might trade for samt with lew acres. Close in. Price 19,350. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3289. a 186" ; ni)RM. HOME, att. gar., 1 blk. to bus A: school, 13900. $450 down. 2260 Simpson. a 193 1 BEDROOM house. West Salem. 14,000 Phon 1-4219. al90 BY OWNKR Cute 2-B.R. home with Ben dlx washer and V. blinds. Imm. poss $6300. Phone 2-3219 or 3-8245. al92- EI.EC. RANGE. Good cond. Cheap. Kitchen sink with fixtures. Phone 3-8706. a 190 Near State Capitol 5 -room home, hdwd, firs, throughout, fireplace, full basm't. Ph. 3-3389. General Real Estate 2fi Center St. alSR New and Beautiful $12,!100 HOME - $1300 DOWN $12,000 HOME - $1350 DOWN $11,000 HOME - $1000 DOWN Small Monthly Payments NEW 2-BEDROOM HOMES 162 to 186 per month, Phis very small down pay't. Up to the minute buying Plans. P.H.A. apprnlAat this home for $10,000. You can buy It for $9,71.0. 3 B.R. dn., hdwd. fl a., fireplace, full dining rm., Ixe. live rm., unfin, up, full bamt., auto, hrat and garage. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Phone 2-7643 Eve. Si Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126. a 1 88 Priced to Sell 1 Bedrooms all one fir. Ranch type. Large living rm. with fireplace. Kit chen with lots of built-Ins and snack bar. Hdwd. firs, thruout. Dble gar. Just out of city limits. Beautiful flowers and ill rubs. Priced at $BB0O. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590, Eve, 3-9538 al90 FOR SALE LOTS LARGE LOT 61x136. One block from city iiiiiuB, iny wHirr, t cnerry trees oe one apple. Ph. 26076. aaloo FAIRMOIINT VIKW ADDITION, Salem's exclusive residential dlst., right on top of Falrmount hill. Each lot has finest view. Drive up Wash. St. All lota have 90 ft. frontage. Just a few more avail able at $2500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 s. Comm'l St. Ph. 3-8380. Eve. 3-7440 aal94 LOTS with water, electricity, bus, close to scnooi on Sliverlon highway. Why pay rent. Build ynur own home. $15 down. $15 per month. General Real Estate 255 Center. Ph. 3-3389. aal92 VIEW LOT 85x198. 7 blocks from Salem Heights school. Ph. 20998. aal88 VIEW LOT. 90x98, restricted. City water Opp 645 Vista Ave Ph. 3-4284 aa i LAKtlK LOTS. Trees, city water, bus. Close to school St store. See Si make of fer. Ph. 3-5807. aal88 LARGE 8ITBURIIAN lot N, Take small down payment, good terms balance, Ph, 3-8385 eve. St Sun. aalSB PAIR MOUNT HILL on Washington St. between Fir and Falrmount streets, facing south. Lovely level lot 50x100 with trees, shrubs and 3-rar gar age. Only $2150, Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-6313. aal92 FOR SALE FARMS Cheap 80 A. on Little Nestucra river. 20 A. rlenred. Good small hse. Barn. Full price $3950, $1550 win handle. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 3-9536 or 2-3088 bl90 5 Acres South ' 2 brdroom hse. Nice grove. On bus line and cUue to school. Some fruit. $6000 with terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4509, Eve. 2-3088 b!90 DIVERSIFIED FARM. This 31 acres, gentle rolling loam is producing heavily In fruit, berries, nut, pltry.. small dair ying. The mod. 3 BR ome (fireplace, dble. PimDing., Dsmi.. lurnace) loc. on knoll or Ige. shade trees leaves little to be desired In FINE LIVING. 2 car garage. Pltry. hse.. there Is a YR. CREEK. DON'T BRING YOUR WIFE St FAMILY If they are choosy. They'll want thtsll Will trade for good hse, Sz small acreage. Palem. STOCK it HAIRY FARM IRRIGATED LADINO. 133 A. dark loam, loc. West, easy drive from Salem. 110 A. in grain, hay A; clover. Well drained. Artesian well, 3 springs, water piped to all bldg. Spacious, well arranged mod. plast. home, bftmt., furnace. (Magnificent View over Valley). 10 Stanch, barn, new $00 capacity pllry. hse., new 2 car garage, milk hse., le. hog bam. Priced to sell. $25,000. Terms. P.8. Will trade for modern 3 BR home or Income prop., Salem. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S, Com'l 81. Ph, 3-8389. Eva, 3-7440 bl$9 BARGAIN HUNTING? Go out to Lyons. snap up this 20 rich acres, all woven wire fenced. Small liveable hse., barn St Pltry. hse. 330 elec. A lovely spot on YR. CHEEK. Immed. poas. ONLY $300 down, $35 per mo. on bal. Bueclal price of $3500 this week OOOD LAND GOOD TERMS 44 A. Prod loau.. East, on pmt. Some bottom, 30 A. perm. past.. 10 A. producing wal nuts. Small )ue. Si barr Onlv unnn Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 bl88 BY OWNER 100 acres all In cultivation No buildings. Fine building spot. School bus, milk route and electricity at door. Come see the crops growing now. Priced to sell. H. C. Hammer, Rl. 5. Box 312, Balem. 4 miles vast out Center flt. bl9) IFOR SALE HOUSES ''if "l By owner, 2 story, 8 large rm. house. Full basement, party room and bed room, l'i bath, 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces. Springier system, fully landscaped Near schools. Priced to sell. Corner Cottage and Judson. To be seen, Ph. 39540. Period furniture and oriental rugs available. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Lovely Setting a Oood 3 bedroom home, new barn and chicken house, lots of fruit and nut trees, ah on 1 acre or land. Located on North river road, with street on 3 sides of property. Bus by the door. Total price $8500. Suburban Half Acre Well built 3 bedroom home with unfinished upstairs, wired for range and water heater. Excellent well. Large detached garage. Swegle district, $6950. Maka offer of down payment. Thinking About Schools? Here's an excellent 2 bedroom home, about 26 years old, with full basement, attached garage, located within 4 blocks of Senior and Junior high schools, Very clo.se to swimming pool, park, playground and new shopping center. Walking distance to town. Drive by 526 North 14th Street, $8500. Good Residential District Bungalow style 2 bedroom home with auto, oil heat, beautiful large trees, good sized lot. No garage, but walking distance from town. Located at 445 Oxford street, lust off South High Street. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. Evenings: J-8053 3-3632 - 2-3488 GRABENHORST SPECIALS OUR FINEST LISTING 4 bdrms. 12 yrs old, lv. rm., din. rm., hall and bath. 2 bdrms. down and 3 up, basmt., auto-olt heat, patio, beautiful yard, close to Catholic and public schools. Call ROY FERRIS. FILBERT TRACTS These range from 1 to 2 acres, located on paved road. 4 mf. from Salem, close lo Prlngle School, elec, available. These tracts are priced from $1,250 to $2,250. REASONABLE TERMS. $100 down and $15 per mo If you are looking for a country homes! te, do not fall to see these. Call G. H. GRABENHORST, Jr. 2 ACRES EAST 1'4 yr. old. 3 bdrm. home, Ige. llv. rm., 24x17, nice kitchen, Ige. garage, lovely filbert orchard, next to school. First time listed. Only $8,950. Call EARL WEST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-1232 - Roy Ferris 3-8010 - FOR SALE FARMS 40 ACRES All level, very good soil, most all In cult, and all fenced. On pavement about 13 miles to Salem, good all-year creek, 3 chicken houses, barn, new plastered three B.R. modern home. Good well with elect, water system. Don't fall to see this one. The price la more than right at $12,000. 80 ACRES EAST Only 12 miles to Salem, fine soil, all In oult. and 30 A. unaer irrigation, new A bean field, 23 tons hay In barn, 6 A. barley, 12 A. corn, 7 A. rye, 10 A. flax, 10 A. oats, 3'a tons of cherries deliv ered, one cow, new tractor, new Irriga tion outfit with new aluminum pipe. All year creek, good spring, good deep well, chicken houses for 3000 chickens, large barn, good all modern 3-B.R. house and lota of fruit. This farm will really pay off and would make a good stock farm. Everything goes for only $19,000. 8 ACRES NORTH Located lust North of Salem and all Willamette soil. About one acre of Bart lett pears and bal. all cleared and in grain crop with crop to purchaser. You can't miss on land like this priced at only $3,500. and $100 dn. to right party. Buildings that can be made Into temporary living quarters are on the property. Sullivan Realty Co. 3363 Portland Rd. - Ph. 3-3355. bl88 BY OWNER Business Interests compel us to go back east, so we are selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, also soma young fruit trees coming along. The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of smart modern de sign. It la all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price $17,500 and worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2, Box 264, Salem. b206 LAKE LARISH, Beaverdam onion farm. Come and see onion crop growing In field now. Emit Krausr, Rt. 1, Box 144. Brooks, Ore. 6 ml. N.E. bl93 FOR SALE ACREAGE CHEAP. (MAKE OFFER FOR QUICK SALE) Clean modern 2 B. R. hie. 'i ac. Hose-In. near sch. Si store Si bus. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty, Salem Ph 37113 bb!88 FOR SALE, acre corner Filbert Si Troy. Call eves, 2-4980. DM90 12 Min. from Downtown 6 A. with 3 bdrm. mod. home In beau tiful grove of large oaks. Setting must be seen to be appreciated. Dble. gar., chtx hse., shed 28x36, suitable for small barn, family orchard, berries,, potatoes S: sweet com ready to eat, City St school buses. Owner leaving state Si price re duced to $12,500. Consider part trade. On paving. 1 mile E of Kelier school Rt. 2, box 49F. Ph. 3-4398. Drive by and see owner or call Bill Hopkins with A. N. Duncan, 13 Ladd A Bush Bank bldg. Ph. 3-9658. bbl0" REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS OOOD AS NEW N. $7500 An A-l 3-bdrm. suburban home near bus. stores St school, LR DR. elec. range facilities, elec. W. htr. V. blinds, gar. fruit rm. utll. rm. S blks to Kelier school St 1 blk. to Kelier bus. About 4 A. LEASE WITH PURCHASE OPTION Rustic Croslan Canyon home with at tractive fplace, bsmt. furnace, good pri vate W system, 4 A, native timber for background. A aplendid opportun ity for someone with good Income but am, savings to acquire a country home. OOOD INCOME DEAL With $9000 cash for down payment you ran get 3 new bldgs,, with 6 rentals pro ducing an income of $235 a mo. The property la self-operating. The total price Is only 117,000, because the own er wants Immediate cash. This Is one of the best, perhaps the very best resi dents1 Income in Salem. II you want a substantial home with a sm. Invest ment, check at once on this. DAIRY FOR SALEM HOME OR INCOME It Is only once in a blue moon that you can get a grade A. dairy farm in full operandi, for Salem Income prop erty or with a good home as down pay ml. This dairy with 34 cows. 1 register ed sire, barn full of hay Is offered for $43,500, stocked and equipped for very good reason that need not be pub lished. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men who Speclaltre 702 N, High Ph. 3-4839 4186 I FOR SALE HOUSES Peter Getser 3-9968 Ben R'olsen 3-2471 REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a flnl mortgage on real estate. Salem Si vicinity. Examine security yourself Amoants $500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 6, We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High BEST BUYS KINGWOOD Brand new home, fireplace, attached garage, radiant oil heat, Immediate pos session. F.H.A. loan approved for $7400. Total price of $9750. May take a lot as part down payment. Eve. Phone 3- 0473 or 3-.1558. EXTRA NICE Almost new home. Electric heat, fire place, 1,000 sq. ft. floor space. Attached garage. En ale wood school. I3S00 down, bal, like rent. Total price only $10,500. Eve. Phone 2-0473 or 3-3558. $6500 BARGAIN Brand new. Close In north. Immediate possession. Attached garage. Very close to school. 2 blocks to bus. If you are an Oregon G.I. you can buy this house with a small down payment. Eve. Phone 2- 0473 or 3-355B. FARMS 10 Acres 4- rm. mod. house. 3 acres orchard. Some berries. Posse&sion to suit buyer. 6 miles from Salem. Total price only $5,000. Eve. Phone 3-9403 or 3-3558. TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 acres with good modern home. All buildings In good condition. Good well. Owner lenvlng state, $1,000 down. Total price reduced to $7350. Eve. Phone 3- 9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaac & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7930, 3-4596 3035 Portland Rd. FINE INVESTMENT: Home and Income. About one-third block In heart of small town near Salem. Two good buildings: one stucco with basement, furnace, 31 furnished rooms; two apartments. Own er r.;tirtnit and offers to sell at attract ive price of $16,000. MIJ.ING STATION. CAFE AND LIVING QUARTERS on Hwy, 99N; .7 of an acre. Price $10,500. Will exchange for sub urban home. SUBURBAN HOME: Located on paved road. East. 4 acres dark soil; A. berries; small barn; garage: elc. water system. Close to school. Price $6300 Part terms or will exchange for small acreage near Marlon or Jefferson. LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Eve. Call 3-6780 or 2-4007. cl90 KElZEit, Nire clean 1 B. R. house, large lot. blR walnut trees, $3500. Terms. SOUTH SALEM, Newly decorated 4 Tm. noHe, pavea street, imm. possession. $3750. BARGAIN: Home with three B. R. on one iioor, nice llv. rm. good kitchen, large garage, good location with background of trees on 8. Commercial. Worth much more than the ask-prlce of $4950. EAST. 10 Acres, all In rult. no buildings. goon ouia. site, smau down payment, $3000. WILL TAKE good l.t mortgage for down payment, i a. iraci near nreuger's store, fine 5 rm. FHA house, basement. 2 fireplaces, city bus line. Possession this week. Priced right. R. E. Meredith Rlt. or B. M. Mason 178 B, Commercial Ph. 3-8841 cl89 rour real estate problems please call A. E. DANIELSON 168 N 12th St. Ph 3-5630. e!91 Cliffmoor Village Wooded tracts with utilities. Restricted residential. l'i mile north on Wallace Road to Harritt Drive. cl92 Lot Bargains $350 dn. on Ue. lot In Kelier. Full prica $800. Candeleria Hgts. $500 dn. for 100x100 lot. Pull price $1000. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3862. Eves. 3-3147 or 2-888 fl8fl WANTED REAL ESTATE 00 ACRES more or less, wanted by pri vate buyer, Salem area preferred. Give exact location, price, all details im mediately. Write Capital Journal Box 368. al99 FOR SALE HOUSES A. A. Larsen Realtor teaan. OI.DKR HOME. Walking di.Unnre of State house. 3 bdrm., llv.. dm., kitchen, bath. Lare lot SOxlSO. Pavrd nlley. Rm. for small house of back of lot. Sti,500. BEAl TIH X 3 RDIIM. HOME. Large llv. Si din. rm., kitchen. '3 bdrms. and bath on 1st floor. 1 bdrm. and storage space up. Full basement, oil heat. Corner lot. Shade trees. Choice lot. SUBURBAN SOUTH tn.'ioo. IX MO. ni.li. Modern style. 2 bdrm., llv., din., kitchen, bath. Large lot. Elec. heat and f:rrp;ace. Cloe to Salem Heights school. View property. SUBURBAN 4-CORNERS fft.MHI. NEW BDRM. MODERN STYLE. Llv., din., kitchen, bath, attached garage: Elec. water syMcin, lawn Si shrubs are in. Fruit trees. Let us show you a well built home. MANBRIN GARDENS fl-MHHi. 2 YRS. OLD. 2 bdrm.. llv.. din., kitchen, bath. Full basement. Fireplace. Auto oil furnace. Large lot. Bus by door. 19500 F.H.A. com. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8629 New Location 191 8. High Home 3-7163 A. A. Larsen Realtor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE AN OFFER Following Automotive Shop Equipment located at my home in West Salem must be sold Immediately: 1 "SUNNEN" BUSHING GRINDER. NEW. INBIDE and OUTSIDE MICROMETERS TUNE-UP EQUIPMENT. "PORTER-FERGUSON" BODY and FENDER TOOL Taole complete with Hydraulic Equipment. PORTO-POWR" PUMP AND JACK. "PORTO-POWR" 20 TON WITH ATTACHMENTS. "MILWAUKEE" AIR FENDER HAMMER with extra arms. NEW BRAKE LINING RIVETER "THERMOID". These Items may be seen anytime at 1055 Edgewater Street In West Salem. No Reasonable offer refused. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Cash buyer for small farm with some good pasture land. Water to electricity. 15 mile radius of Salem. Up to $8500. Buyers ior horn- in Englewoor! dis trict and in and around Salem. Call us COLBATHLAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552. Eves. 24395 calSD" $5000 TO $6000 CASH For 2 bdrm home. Call Allen C. Jones and Mabel A. Needham REALTORS 341 State St. Room 4 Upstairs pn-cJ HOME SITE, 70-100 ft. on sur. hwy. N. or E. exp. In or near Salem 11m. with wa. and elec, lg. lot, well dra., good soil and reas. priced. Give full part, with pymt. Plan ot Box 276 Capital ,,.! cal89 WE ARB In need ol gooo houses to sell In or near Salem If rou wish to llsi your property for sale see- GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty 8t. -Phone 2-247) ca HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyers If you have the property. We help finance. rnone sf-.woj, tvum HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 . . .AAA DWnnB l-IORl acres priceo. up to n.. -room 320, Oregon Bldg. NOTICE! If your property la for tale rent or exchange lint It with us We have all kinds of cash buvers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS RESORT PROPERTY Alsea River At tidewater. Well built log cottage consisting of LR. DR, kit., with O.E. refrlg., range Si hot wtr. heater. 2 bdrms. Si bath. Oil heat. Covered dock. Gar. St hobby shop. Cottage completely turn. Make ideal yr. around home for retired cple. Good fishing Si hunting. Might consider view acrcane. vicinity of Snlcm as part payment. $8500, which la far below pre-war cost. Call 3-4016. Eves. 3-8213 or write P.O. box 509, Salem ccl92 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Auto Court One of the finest on 9ft hiway. Price grently reaucen ior qn.a .-. phone calls, please come In and see us. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial GROCERY & LUNCH Small grocery and lunch counter In choice location in ruy a rms nun n(s qtrs. Price $2650 cash. $30 month on COLBATH LAND. CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552 Eves 24305 ctilHD" PROPERTY in Bend. Oregon, 9 lots, sev eral bldgs. near city center. 3 lots In commercial zone. Full price $12,500 furniture Incl. Terms $4,000 down. bal. 10 yrs. at 4 ni. Will consider Snlem property in trade. Inquire 1577 Rupe St.. West Balem. crilflQ ICE-CREAM PACKAGE STORE . and Snack Grocery, well located, on busv street In new building, all new equipment. Doing nice business. Grocer ies pay the lease. It Is the only store of kind in community. A hot buz. for a young couple. Has unlimited possibili ties. For full details, phone 2630 Dallas. Oregon. c til 93 Grocery Store Located In good residential district, modern fixtures and good clean stock and doing a nice steady business. Liv ing quarters and long lease. Total price only $3500. R OSTEIN A- ADOLPII. INC. 110'i N. Com'l St. Ph. 33030, .16569 cdlOO" Service Station REPAIR SHOP Doing a good business, suburban town, good stock, advertised gasoline, 6c mariln, about 18.000 investment. Very good possibilities. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7830, 2-4596 3035 Portland Rd. cdisa iuVrTO HsLNESS must sell our super market doing good business. Long lease. Good cement bldg.. nicely located. Will sell stock at Invoice. Will give some time on fixtures. Ph. 381. Falls City. Ore., or see Dickinson's Super Market. cell 32 BUSIN ESS" OPPORT ITNTTIES V ANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts. Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 3-7983. room 320. Oregon Bide. cd212 BUSINESS OPP. Low price business bldg, with nice liv ing quarters. Offering low overhead. In excellent location on busy downtown highway. Lot 50x100, Price $8,500. Easy terms. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 121 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9039 cdl91 SALE OR TRADE int. In proven gold mine in Trinity county for 13,000. M. J. Kolt. a324 th St.. Sacramento. Ph. 20983, Salem. cdldl GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 tas pumps. 6 cabins, 2 ml. N of underpass on Hy. 99 E. W. J. J arms, Rt.7 Box 145, Salem. Ph. 24319. cdJ07 FOR SALE by owner 44 x60' stone bldg.. located in aowntown snverton. ideal business location plus monthly Income. Living quarters In rear. Owner leaving state and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free. 123-B Fiske St.. Silverton or Phone 373. Silverton. rdl95" FURNITURE FOR SALE PIANO, radio, dresser, bed complete. Sew ing mamine, cnesi oi arawers. Model A. Ph. 30093. d!93 NICE WALNUT bed. good spring and ma!- ireis. complete ynao or oftrr. uj Ferryj dl89 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES IBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FURNITURE FOR SALE LEAVING TOWN, owner is selling fuit niture for 3 rms. Complete, Including KNEE-HOLE desk, practically new. Top 22x44, black walnut finish, $35. 755 Mc Nary, W. Salem after 5:30 p.m. dl88 IJNPAINTKp furniture, cioseout prices WOODROW'8 450 Center St d- WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and household articles. Nothing to big or sm. Ph. 38558. da207 USED FURN. Check our prices. Valley Furn. Co., 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27473. da208" AUCTIONS Livestock and Furniture Auct. WED., AUG. 10. at 10 A.M. AND 7 P.M. Deluxe Frig. elec. range. A Spark oil clrc. 4 Davenports and chairs. 4) 9x10 wool rugs. A Coll springs and mattresses. g) Tables and chairs. 4 Ice boxes and radios. 9 Dressers and chest of drawers. 2 office desks. Gas ranges and wood ranges. Potatoes, apples and vegetables, A Farm machinery and trailers. Chickens and rabbits. 9 Feeder and weaner pigs. C Ca1ve.i and veals. Heifers, cows and horses. LANE SUDTELLS Auction Sales Yard Located 1U Mile East of Salem on Silverton Road "To Buy or Sell Call 3-6098." ddl88" Auction TONIGHT 7:30 and everv Tuesday Nlte 15 rebuilt washing machines, 10 rebuilt H. P. elec. motors. Ice boxes, bicycles, new pillows and blankets, cutlery, tools, floor lamps, electric ranges.many other articles. Large lot of this merchandise Is new or rebult. MERCHANDISE MART Wallace Rd. West Salem AUCTION Plumbing parts and water switch for O.E. sink sold by mistake at auction Thursday. Buyer please call Woodry. Phone 35110. ddl88 FURNITURE & APPLIANCES AUCTION TUES., AUG. 9, 8 P.M. SHARP GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4' MILES NORTH OF SALEM ON 99E LOT No. 1 The Estate or FANNIE A. TIBBITS. Deceased, as follows: Modern El. Range 4 'a ft. Refrigerator 2 Sectional Bookkases Large China Closet d Easy Washer Cabinet Radio A Phonograph 8-pc. Oak Dining Set Breakfast Set 0 2 Axmlnlster Rugs 3-pc. Davenport Set (Needs Recovering) 3 Beds, complete 2 Dressers Chest of Drawers Secretary Desk Large Lot Tools A Bedding Parlor Tables 4) Pressure Cooker Dishes, Utensils Many more items. LOT No. 2 Mahogany Desk ft Chair A 4-pc. Bed Suite A Box Spring St Mattress A Set of Lamps A Daveno Suite A Swing Rocker A 2 Vacuum Cleaners A Bnby Crib Si Mattress A 2 Book Shelves A Used Daveno A Large Oak Chest LOT No. 3 A Many Small Lots too numerous to List "We sell on commission or pay "U" Tho Cash" Attend our sale every. Tuesday GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER . Ph. 35110 Salem Western Swing Dance Sat. 9 to 12:30 ddl88 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE FRESH gentle Guernsey 3 yr. old cow with heifer calf. Route 4 box 458. Sunnyslde rosd. Salem. Oreg. e!f8 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buver. E. C. MrCandllsh. 1137 S 25. Ph. 3-8147. ea?05 RABBITS $ ANGORA RABBITS St 7 unit hutch, 630 Union St. bl91 PETS KITTENS to give away. Ph. 3-8706. cclSS WILL GIVE away 4 mos. old pup to a goon nome. sou water, eciou 3 FINE registered Irish setter pups, 8 weens. 01a. one male iso, lemaies $35 each. See them at LeOary'a Kennels, Rt, 3. Phone 3-1398. ecl89 DCGS BOARDED and trained reasonable rates by day or month Trimming and bathing. Free Pick-up ft dellv LeGray Kennels. Rt 3. Ph 3-1398. ecl91" FUEL TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 3-7442 We give S ft H Green Stamps 1 Green 16 in. mill wood ec" j PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash ft maple. 4 fir, 16" slab and eriglnis. Ph. 31458. ee fresh ci'T sawdust delivered at summer rates Phone 3253 Dallas collect. eel94 CALt HIGHWAY FUEL FOR niejf! and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWTYUST Cry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block wood, Ph. 1644 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH JLOCK WOOD. 16-fN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Flem 2-4031 A IO pick up wood at 1535 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee GOOD WOOD Si sawdust. Reasonable pric es. R. W. Maker. Ph. 3 -J868el fOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or tuture delivery Hatches every Tum Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 RED FRYERS, live or dressed. Rt. 7, box 434 A. McCain Ave. off Silverton rd. f 188 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day Ph 2-2861 le's Hatchery t PRODUCE SWEET CORN, canning. Buy doi. or sack. JPh 1319. f fl 93 cue Fibers for sale. Frank Bello. Ph. 20279. 580 Hollywood Ave. ff!90 BUFF BANTAMS $1 pair. Wm. Roth, 1740 Oxford. ff!88 SWEET CORN 25c do2. McCain Ave. Off Silverton rd. Rt. 7, box 429P. Ph. 2-5905. ffl88 CUX & DILL available Sun. Si wk. days. Taking orders for tomatoes 6c corn. Wm. A. Klrsch. Rt. 1, box 42, Turner-Marion highway, near Marion. ffl88 DAHLIAS blooming, order now. Ph. 20514. 1491 7th St. tf 190 GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester Peaches now on. Slappy to follow soon. One mile out on Wallace HO. rn. ajio. aiases r. Adams. f"94 SWEET CORN for sale at Hollywood Dr. and Silverton Rd. W. M. Ridings, Kt. c. Box 778. Phone 2-2675. ffl89" corn FOR SALE. Hollvwood Ave. Ph. 2-2675. 11 IW BoYs'ENBERRIES, U - Pick, 6c lb. R. Cj, Doege, Va mile E. Liberty School. Rt. 9, box aio. rnone z-jiu. HELP WANTED ADULTS Interested In picking pole beans thru long season please can jaeoo Be tween 6 and 9 p. m. Bus transportation furnished. K190 THORN LESS blackberry pickers wanted. Marvin Van c eave. Kt. 7. box tho. IV2 mile east of totom pole. i mile north on the Van Cleave Rd. Ph. 25161. giuo' NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. $1 de posit required lor cabin reservation John J. Roberts Si Co., Salem. g BEAN PICKERS. Bishops, South River road. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00. Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd Si Bush Bank 6:35, south on Commercial to Owens. For information call 3-6137. g!92' TOP YARD for hop picking machine and field crews. Men and women. Also dry house help. Head dryerman. Call before noon If possible. We start Monday, Aug. 8. Ph. 31763. W. W. Graham Hop Yard. El90 WANTED; Bean Pickers 7',4 miles from Fairgrounds on Silverton highway mile N Ss E from Central Howell. Watch for sign. Clarence Herr, Rt, 2, Sil verton. gl89 HOP PICKERS wanted, 3' mi. east of Woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. Start Aug. 4th. Harold Bushmnn, Pb Woodburn 1430. gl8B NOTICE Picking will start at BROWN ISLAND HOP YARD Wednesday, Aug. 10. gl88 HELP WANTED MALE YOl'NG MEN IB to 23 free to travel west ern states. $200 month average earn ings. Congenial associates, quick ad vancement. Must be neat appearing. See Mr. or Mrs. Mack, Argo Hotel, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No phone calls. galOO STEADY MEN for mill work. Pippin mill. Independence, Ore. gal88 EXPERIENCED SETTER in mill. Steady work, at once. Pippin Mill, Indepen dence. gal88 HELP WANTED FEMALE Permanent Position Nationally known company has opening in locnl store lor woman to train as saleslady. Must be neat St have some previous sewing eNp. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. only at Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. gb!90 COOK for cafeteria In Catholic school. Exp. preferred. Ph. 23558. gbl90' ACCOUNTANT TYPIST. See Mr. Fenix, Eaton Hall, Willamette Univ. Ph. 39266. gb!90 WANTED FULL and part time candy clerks. Apply Jn person, urana aweet Shop. gb!90' WANTED SALESLADIES. Aage 35 to 35 For extra work on Fridays and Satur day. Apply Montgomery Ward Co.. Salem. b WANTED SALESMAN IMMEDIATE unlimited opportunities for nnllnn train! hit hxtrinnlnir In sales department of national organisa tion. A leader in Its field. A car neces sary. Ph. 38504 for appointment be tween 9 and 1 Thursday, Aug. 11th. ggl89 SALESMAN 25 to 40. Salem area by na tional corp. to learn electric appliance business. Must be permanent worker. Salary $50 per week to start plus parti cipating commission When qualified. Service car furnished. Some prior gelling experience necessary. Soma tvenlng Work required. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. only at Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'!. ggl90 EXPERIENCED H AND WARE man must be a good salesman and capable 01 op erating this dept. in an efficient man ner. Farmer Union Co-op., Rlckreall. Ore. gg!90 MEN READ CAREFULLY I want to talk to 10 men who are really ambitious In securing a position that will give them an opportunity 01 malt ing money. IT DOESN'T MATTER what your past work has been: all we ask is that you will be willing to study and learn as we teach you our work. It will be necessary that you be willing to get along on $30 to $50 per week for the first 4-6 weeks while learning. YOU MUST BE ABLE to give the names f three people who will vouch for your honesty and Integri ty, and you must be bondnble. We prefer men who are married or those with some responsibility. I would like to talk to men who are mechanically Inclined and who know a good thing when they see It. A car Is essential. If you are honest and of good charac ter, a willing worker and neat In ap pearance and can think on your feet, come to 757 Center St. either Thurs. or Fri. morn. If out of town, write box 284 Capital Journal. gg!90 FOR PERSONAL Interview ph. 2-2288. gg!91 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITION! CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency SPO State St Pl I. USB ( WANTED POSITIONS CHILD WANTED for monthly board, room laundry, excellent care $bo.qq per mo. 100 Roberts Ave. hl90 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. 248 S. Church. Ph. 26014. h!99 MOTHER. DAUGHTER 16. want work In motherless home or caring lor invalid. Both good workers. Box 277, co Capital Journal. hl93 WILL CARE for children In your home by days. Ph. 34574. nmu- DAY CARE for children 2 to 6 years. Large plav ground. Address 256 N. 20th or phone 2-3850. hl93 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and Chim new building. Ph. 39703. Free estimates. h2I3 ATTENTION CABINET SHOPS Would like Job in cabinet shop In or around Salem. Have gone to Eugene. Vocational school 9 mos. and now work ing there. For recommendation write to Bernard B.em, 225 River Rd., Eu gene. b.189 WANTED POSITIONS RELIABLE MAN with l1 yrs. public ac counting experience. Phone 2-7962. h!02 HNE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-552T h207 Mirneographing-Typing POE'S 60S North 16th Phone 3-3643 h207 MIDDLE AGE lady wants baby sitting Ph. 2-4748. h!91 WILL CARE for ambulatory women. 3245 N. Liberty. hi 88 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv ice Frrmei phone opr. Ph 3-5073. h204 DRESSMAKING Si alterations. Ph. 2-9840 after 3 h203 TREE WORK, topolng. trimming, remov ing. Ins op. Work guar. W. H McAllls 'er. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h201 DENTAL NI'RSE Graduate of B P. Dental Nurses School. Phone 2-5573. hl92a CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h212 IS'TEniOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. haoi CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping, Ph 3-9924. hl92 CMtENT WORK wanted. Ph 2-4850 h EDUCATION BIG PAY IN AUTO BODY and FENDER WORK Learn this profitable trade In spar time with practical, easy training. In cludes spray painting, metal work, welding, etc. Men who are mechani cally Inclined write today for FREE facts. Auto-Crafts Training, Registrar, 2521 Sheffield. Chicago 14. hhl88 WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school In NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland - MD 9680 hh20fl FOR RENT ROOMS ROOMS, kitchen priv. Ladles only. Ph. 35210. 620 Statesman St. Jkl92a SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. St Ph. Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3425 Jk204 SLEFPING Room, 2131 Center. ATTRACTIVE sleeping rtr for employed gentleman near Capital Shopping Cen ter. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248. Jkl91 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. 36093. Jkl98" FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. PARTLY furn. apt. Private bath, electric heat, adults. 1196 Chemeketa. Jpl90 FURNISHED 3 room duplex, elec. heat, adults. Ph. 37176. Jpl90 i ROOM furn. apt. 2191 Maple. Corner of Highland Ave. JplOO" CLEAN SMALL furn. apt. 250 8. Cottage. JPIHB" FURN. 2-RM. Apt. 246 8. I7th. PARTLY FURN. Prlv. bath. Child accept ed, JUB Mission St. jpiBB APT. WITH large living rm., furn. in rose and blue. Has V. blinds and attractive drapes. Bdrm. with 2 dble. beds. Mod. em bath and very close in. 468 N. Winter. Jpl89 CLOSE IN. Cony 3-rm. furn. apt. Refrlg. OJ& . winter. jpiB9' 2-RM. FURNISHED apt. (one child). 6 mocKs irom school. 3605 Maple Ave. Phone 2-5093. Jpl89 UPPER 8 RM. APT. to emp. couple. No drinkers 1295 D St. Jpl88 FURN. APT. Priv. bath, upstairs, adults. 2455 State. Jpl90 RM, FURN. apt. No children or pets. 3 blocks south of Capitol Bldg. 303 S. Winter. Ph. 3-9857. JpI88 NEW MODERN 3 room apt., range, refrig. furn. No other furnishings. 1055 Edge water. Ph. 3-6522. Jpl88 PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. ft bath, modern eiec. neat. Aauits. lJiu Madison, Jpl94 2 LARGE RMS. furn. Also fine space for iraner nouse. uowntown. t'n. nan 35. jpiflB FOR RENT HOU5ES 2 BDRM HOUSE for rent. 1 child, no pets. nei. niv rerry ai. jmiBB 2 B.R. house In Kelzer Dlst. Possession immediately. Ph. 25995. Jml&0 t BDRM HOME with apt. upstairs. No cnuaren. ivi n. unurcn. rn. 34H4B, Jml90 2 BDRM. unfurn. Gar., utility room. nrepiace, eiec. neat. Adults, ibo. 1935 N. Church. Ph. 38934. Jml90 HOUSE TRAILER, fully equipped, shady Spot. B94 m. turn. Jml88 4 B.R. HOME Double plumbing, near university. Rooms can be rented to university students. $75.00 mo. Burt Pirha. Realtors, 379 N. High St.. phone 2-3649. Jml88' 4-B.R. HOUSE, older type. Call after 6 p.m., -tm.H. jmi89" Don't Pay Rent BUY LIKE RENT Let us tell you about our home buying Plnn New hemes, hdwd. fin., auto. heat. Pav ed streets, Inside city limits. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7643 Eve, or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0136 Jm ROOM HOUSE furnished, $25 per mo. 2'i miles N. of Brooks, Rt. 1, Box 83. Ph. Gervsts 3272 after 7 p.m. JmlflO FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, excellent location, 218 Liberty at Court. Phone 23923. J190 POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. 1' FURN. OFFICE. Mezzanine floor, 212 N. High St., $35 per month. Year lease or longer. Call 34016. J1B2 FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. j TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand , r We ell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS - Ph. 3-3646 i GROUND FLOOR office space and or BiurttKc spues. J(U rt, torn!, Bl. Ph. 2-5211. ji88. SrACE FOR trailer, 5 blocks from school. evergreen trailer uamp, jsos Maple Ave. J 189 1QOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. J OFFICE soaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle. Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J202 BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J 11 DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. i TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bras. 1410 6 1 2th, West Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- cn:nes. Keasonaote rates. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com I. Ph. 33512 j WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE FAMILY urgently need 3 norm. nome. cxcenenc reier. oood care guaranteed. Ph. 33253 or 37922. Jal93 RESPONSIBLE MAN with family wishes to rent 3 Bdrm. home. Will guarantee care of home. Phone or write C. K. Murphy, care Marlon Hotel, Salem. Jal88 t OR a BDRM. house to responsible party. ruuiic -upoj. JalB9 BDRM. house, Willamette Univ. Dlst. "Q dig wapuai journal. Jal88 WANTED TO rent or lease with option to j wiui. iiums near scnooi. r.11 Vfr King, . W.NTED to rent unfurn. a bdrm. hse. Gd. - OU11"- u reier. call Mr. G. Tookey at the Capital Journal. al88 ROOM AND BOARD room Avn Rntnn o- -u..i man. Ph. 36660. 268 S. Cottane. JJ193 BOARD AND RM. 850 E St. Ph. 3-8706. JJZU7 j (Continued on Page 19)