' 16-Capltal Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 9, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chapter 31) Prlscllla bounded up th Uppery iteps at Mr. Wilson'j that night, ignoring the fact that he clanger of breaking her neck. She was Ignoring other facte, too. But at the moment sne ui ck. a siui Kpnneth's wife, legally. That was one fact. Dennis had come t back at last. Ana ne -- I umu fVi .vtfri.nceft of the lat' I falling snow still sparkling on her ' hair Ind the light of her old-new , love In her eyes, she ran to the telephone to call Gertrude. ! "Gertrude!" she exclaimed. 'Ive done It." t "rviri what.?' ! "I've made a date with Dennis for ' B,ini4.v " i Geruiide did a double take. "Well. i dr. tell. You have a date . . ." Her I uni. tmilprt nff Into a low whistle "rirt vou sav Dennis or am I ImaolTifiiff fchirtira?" j "Come on over," said Prlscllla urg- ! ently. "I have to tarn to you. i l Just have to." , "tvim'i. movp" said Gertrude. j "Stay where you are. I'll be right j For an hour Gertrude sat on I Prlscilla's bed and listened while : her friend walked the floor. Pris i cilia was simply too excited to sit down. ' "Now wait a minute," said Ger t.rnd at last. "Hold everything ' if you hadn't gone and married that over-grown nincompoop, eveiyumiB would be marvelous. But as It is, ' a lot stands between you and Den- , nis." i "But . . . I . . ." Prlscllla began. "Well, it's a fact, Isn't It? You 'have to plan things. If Dennis wants to marry you, you'll have ; to get a divorce first. You have I to face facts." i "Oh, Gertrude," she said, "Ken lneth will never let me go. He 'doesn't want me, but he'll fight Tto keep me just the same. What .am I eolne to do?" . Gertrude looked as if she would like to say something hopeful, but ' could not. "its going to De a nasty " business," sne signed. Prlscllla was Invited to have Sun .day dinner with the Wilson family 'and afterward she went up to her 'room, hoping to be able to take a ':nap but she found herself unable 5 to sleep. The events of the past few days kept running through her mind. Gertrude's words could not be Ignored. Nasty business. Yes, ' that was what It was going to be. ;Dld she have a right to get Dennis .into that sort of thing. . The only decent thing to do would be to tell Dennis she couldn't, see him any more. The only decent thing ... She was bathed, dressed, and .ready nearly an hour before the appointed time. She tried to read but it was impossible to concen trate. Never had the weary hands of her watch moved so haltingly. .Apparently Dennis had been as Im patient a Prlscllla for, much to her relief, she saw his convertible slide alongside the curb ten mtn 'utes ahead of time. ; She went outside. . "I'm a bit early," he said apol ogetically. "If you hadn't come early, I'm afraid I should have burst or some- , thing. I've been ready since five." i Dennis helped her into the oar. ;Tve been waiting Just as eager ly. I wish you had called me." He 'took his scat beside her. i "I never thought of that. How ever, I shouldn't have had the nerve to do It." ; "Promise me youll call next time," he said, drawing her arm through his and holding her hand as If he would hold it forever. " She found it impossible to pro test, though she realized that this was not eaxctly making it easier lor her to tell him she couldn't see him so often. And what made It still more difficult was her own satisfaction at being close to him and her desire to rest her head on his shoulder. It was getting harder and harder jto say what she Intended. ! "I've bought a house In the coun try," said Dennis as they drove off, ("or did you know?" i "No" aald Prlscllla, "I didn't know." They drove past the law school, past Emerald Valley, and on Into trie open country, a iew mues beyond the edge of town, Dennis turned off the main highway into a chak-whlte road that wound up ward throueh beautiful wooded country, where the lush vegetation was already beginning to shed its brown winter coat. As they turned a bend, they came upon a large clearing, where, in a setting of lawns and shrubbery, stood a cottage. How sweet!" exclaimed rasciua. "Is this the place?" "No," said Dennis, "but it's only a few hundred feet farther on, at the too of the hill. This cottage goes with it. I bought the cottage, too, in case we have more guests than the main house would accom modate." Prlscllla felt her heart leap. He had said "we." A moment later the road twisted again and they were out of the woods and close to the top of the mil. prlscllla leit a thrill oi de light as a long. low. graceful white structure rose slowly before them. urisp wnite curtains peeped out from behind blue shutters. A flag stone path led from the drive to the white doorway. It was, thought f risciua, tne kind or house you see on a Christmas card. - She felt sure there must be. somewhere inside brisk fire burning on a hospitable neartn. 'mere was. (To Be Continued) 3083 I7 12 . 40 Favorite Fall Team Smooth sit' houette in lumpers nrincess itvled witn a swooping v-necKiine in iront and Pack, smart theme In com- panlon blouses neatly collnred and cunecii i uom in one pattern.) No. 30113 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 16. 18, 20. 30, 38 and 40. Size 16 jump er, 2 yds. 45-in.; blouse, 2 yds. 39-in. SUMMER is the time for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place wi mm mem. t-veryininR you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. ticb jus!, ai cents, uraer vour copy now. name. Atmress, ana Style Number State Size desired. Arfrir.K. fnnll.1 .Innrnol (SI Kfl. sion St.. San Francisco 8, Calif. "" Plneannle Rnfflv Th, avnnliK. delicate beauty of this ruffled dolly makes It a complimentary piece (or treasured bric-a-brnc small lamp. Crochet the popular pmcnppie moms ana ana the cob webby frill using crisp white or subtle ecru cotton. Pattern Envelope No. R-2B52 con tains complete crocheting instruc tions ior 13-tncn aoiiy. stitcn illus trations, material requirements and finishing directions. To obtain ti.t wumn send 20c IN COINS giving pattern numbei your name, address and zone num ber to PeRitv Roberts Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. I I mm ' THE MUSIC IS GETTING A LITTLE TOO TOUGH FOR ME TO PLAY SOLO'- THINK ID BETTER PHONE THE LOCAL SECRET SERVICE FIELD AGENT AND TELL HIM TO START TUNING, UP A FULL ORCHESTRA 71 flVE HAD A HARD DAY; BEAVER .'I 1 flVE HAD YOUR STUFF hKNifM m MIND IF I GO BACK TO THE . J TO MY HOUSE YOU'LL UVEVVii' It 1 HOTEL NOW AND POUNDS WEVE "1 THERE TILL YOUR JOB rS - THE EAR ? J MADE SOME! IS FINISHFD .. .V) vril rfH'US,'" hm. irsT!!- -" -rfii-r-j in -i i 5A r ii n a , ,. I WHERE ON EARTH DID I I I tu Q VHENR you (rjl " :'C WELlTttoVERQCTTIN' fT W ANO TW MOVER'S GETTIN' CHRfTlER S R Wf THEV 6 VUH DONT EVER 1 ym A LOT WIDER AND TH" WflVS I , J AN' DEEPER-ANf MORE STUFF ' p tfl GET ANYWHERE BY OUST k ARE tSETTIN' ROUQHER AND VaAjl ! FLOATIH IN IT IUST LIKE LIFE, f&gg r II FLOATIN' ALONQ WITH TH' t I TH' TOWNS ARE G6TTIN' BKiQER" LJ IT'S GETTIN' MORE COMPLICATED H WHAT il KRUDy SUS6ESTED MAKING AN N WHyTHAT )5URE,BUT lVE J 1 I'M SURE IT WILL1. Kit, m l T I IS IT, il ALL AROUND BUSIMESS OP SOUNDS ASOT A BETTER A I MV WILLIE CAN DO ) 1 1 iwiLLie OUR LOT OF MUD BY BOTTLING, WOWDERFUll)lDEA.-IF ITWORKS) rri ANYTHING! J H "RUDy NEBB STARTEDuiDEAR?, THE MUD SO PEOPLE CAN - , OUT IT'LL BEf e THE BALL ROLLlNG.PHOEBEVi TAKE THEIR MOD BATHS j :. X yALULU f , , " it Y , AND 1 HAVE THE MOST r-S j I AT HOME J I V ra II , .-, gsyjQMDERPUL IDEA JA J 's ' zL I Sd Q 3fv ' V I I art m J 1 I imw i -' i ii ii' i i - " ' SO YO' IS MAH THIRD Y GULP.'.' WAL,SHECKS-LE'S l THANK YO.' j ' THCT fOIiP.'J ONE FAULT O' ) AH'D LIE T'SETTLE DOWN WIF A SWEET COUSIN TWICE REMOVED 1 DBUTHEB FO'GIT IT.' WE ALL Y IT'S A MINE. -WHICH SHALL CX N Ll'L WIFE. AH SEES BY YO' SIGN YO' - NAME,OF"ONC- L NOT GOT FAULTS-MORC'N I NOOIilLIATIN HAMtLCSS-WRECKED MAH IVGOT ONE AVAILABLE, AVAILABLE, FAULT"JONES.' AHVE DISCUS ONE. MOST O' US.'.' SUBJECK. LIFE, WHAR AH JEST CAME P , S' HEERD 'BOUT YO'.' THEY . IT .'.' EF YO' GOT ONLY AN' AH'M r! FUM. IT AU.U& DOES, CUSS f IS YO' WILLIN' TMARRY UP WIF f SAY YO' IS ABSOLUTELY ) -Zt ONE FAULT- LE'S W GLAD T' IT.":' - SO AM COMET' I W HER-tF SHC INSISTS ON & PUFFICK,EXCEP'FO' MlM NOT MENSHUN IT.' DRAP IT.' DOGPATCH, TMAKE A I If ADOPTIN'A ORPHIN CHILE. V ONE. Ll'L FAULT. JEST A7V ... -.rr' FRESH START- , ' J 1,1 EEMEEJUTLY AFTER TH' J P .. rMUTT, I'M THE ONLY Y SILVER? LWELL-f SURE"-- Y SURE! IM THE WELL, I C ,F T TELl. J ONE Ob, WHOLE JwHp CAM YOU SS" k2& U WORLD WHO CAM ABOUT 00 ,T ) NOW--SHIL- V KNOW f THE WHOLE I jJJj. 1 THE ONLY ONE T RHyME A WORD - ( THAT? f I MIL-TIL- J WORLD WHO A wrH I N THE WORLD T ' vX0P COUeSE ! 6LAD TO I OH, IT WONT HOLD VOU 1 MB.TATE.THB IS'SALTy'jlglF ABLE-BODIED r DO IT. BUT I HOPE IT UP AT ALL. HE'S HERE J MARSH, THE MIN I Jel SEAMAN, AT VR ANP SO YOU SEE, SIR, IT WON'T HOLD US UP. WE NOW - ON THE PIER. SPOKE ABOUT. -r SERVICE, SIR. R WILL BE A 6 RE AT HELP TO PLANNED TO SAILTOPAVy V T,J??JS. V ., OUR DEPARTMENT IF YOJ k . Tmm.. .-feiTueij uc rAu ek K?f? tSf M U WILL ALLOW OUR MAN TO, jfi -, , l1 AMARD WTOE S5(g MARSH. JgJj j SHIP ABOARD THE 'T P I ' Hnr I Cy)flT's TO -- 1 1 (?) S)(7) II I II I fotfC,j tv IT'S AN OLD-FASH IONEO (M V FASH ION ED,-- S'jkW I " (ffv5 WS) nI , , . ADOCTOR.WHtN MR.GRtENW00D)iiiV) BESIDES Ht MAV UVE MANY YEAR- I R I'M AFRAID THE ANSWER MU5T A WArt THE HARM"" 7 MI5T00K ME f. m lATE j A B! ??i-i,UJ0a PLiAR J Z PRfT IT A W'Ft AND 1 '0N T Ey 'T; JXA AND THAT WILL BE A BITTER DAY A A f, fXI2$ Mt LA i?TTmnur iB? THAT WAS 50MEHOW QUITE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BUILT UP V ( JUNIOR ? yV RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. 'KSLM JLo'KGW IKOCO 'KOIN c 5:00 Walter Trohen Woman'! Secret Rhythm Banch Cart Miutj :1ft Frank Hemingway Sonny Sid Rhythm Ranch Little Show 'SO Pasaitiv Farad Newa Bim Croiby Sonii of Prairie :4ft Newt Richard Harkneg Sport Pate Larry LeSuer 6:W B-Bar Branbr Al Gayle Oreh. Candlelight and Knox Mannlnc lft B-Bar Brand AI Gayle Oreh. Silver Bandi on Parad SO Adv. of Champ. Me and Janle Newa Chet Huntley 1 Muile Me and Janle Iiaak Walton Xewi 7i Gabriel Heatter Martin A Lewie Pat O'Brien Lynn Cola 'I Northweit Newa Martin A Lewia Muilcal Jackpot Bob Young Show ISA Music King's Men Prevue It Paya ta b i Muile Klng'a Men Prevue Ignorant 8:00 Medicine Drama Hollywood Theatre Bandstand Hit the Jackpot J Muile Hollywood Theatre Bandstand Hit the Jackpot 0 Riders In the Sky In Vour Hands Dugout Dope Orchestra Ridera In the Sky In Your Hand Baieball Orchcitra 9:00 Mont omti Supper Club Baseball Lowell Thoma :1ft Mont Crist News of World Baseball Chlcageana :30 Favorlt Story Hogan'a Daughter Baseball Mr. Mrs, Nrth :iS Farorlt Story Hogan'a Daughter Baseball Mr. A Mre. North a:00 News ' News Baseball FIt Star Final f;lft Select Local News Sports Pag Final News Round TJ Mystery Tfaeatr 111:30 News Bands of Land Track 14 !H Mystery Theatr i4S Mnsle Band Wagon Track HW Spin t Win j sj 00 Walter Trohan Sam Hayes Track 14! Serenade 1 1 :1ft Bob Foole Show Wai Museum Track 1400 You and Wrl I I :S0 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchcitra JitB Musk Wax Museum Track 1490 News 11:00 Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Silent WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 News Hodge Podg News Ifi Dawn Patrol Hodge Podg KOIN Kloek H N. W. News News KOCO Klock KOIN Klock ;4(1 March Time Hodge Podg KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tex Rltter KOIN Klock Ifi Dawn Patrol Farm Time News & Sports News s :S0 Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top O' Mornln News :4fi News News Tow1 O' Morning Fred Beck 8:00 News Smooth Musla Western Melodies Consumer Newa If, Breakfast Gang Smooth Muslo Western Melodies Art Baker :S0 Breakfast Gang Riders of Sag The Stara Sinr Make Bellev :46 Top Trades Sara Hayca Church In Wild Make Bel I eye 9:00 Bargain Counter Second Cup Melody Tim Vocal Varieties IA Rise and Shine Second Cup Melody Tim News . :30 Sons of Pionrers Jack Berch Muslo Grand Slam :4ft Morning Special News J. Charles Thomas Rosemary aj A :00 News Tommy Doney Guest Artist Wendy Warren 111 Ifi K Bmllh Tommy Dorsey N.W. Report Aunt Jenny 111:80 p'lor CmU Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent ":4ft Wiles Walts Time Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday sw m :00 New I.oprx Oreh. Glass Wax Blg'sister " 11:16 Gospel Singers Lopes Oreh. Glass Wax Ma Perkins H :S0 Musie Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dr. Malon 0 :4ft Walts Serenade Lora Lawton Class Wax Guiding Llnht sj 49. :00 Top Tradea Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo News J.lft NcwB Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo Come A Get It I M :S0 Qen lot a. Day News Sews Norah Drake :4fi Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:00 Ladiea First ur Bfautlful Mae's Melodies 2nd Mrs Burton ,6 Ladles First Road or Llf Mac's Melodies perry Mason :3fl Wl.t . Pepper Young Mac's Melodies pt O'Brien :4H Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo 2:00 Tell Neighbor Backstage Wife Mac's Melodies NeVspaper of Air lfl Johnson Family Rteija Dal.. Mac's Melodies Newopaper of Air .go organ Reveries Lorenxo Jones Mac's Melodies Winner Take All :4!i ntn Sings Wlddcr Brown Mae'a Melodies Tunefully Yours 3:00 Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies Nws ' ft Against the Storm Portia Faces Life Mac's Melodies Meet the Mlssua 30 On PaH- iU8t Paln Bi" . M.aC'.' Me""" "eet the Mfsius jtft On Parade Front Page Farrell Mac's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis 4:00 Say It with Mnslo Welcome Travelers Movfetim Robert Q. Lewis IB Say It with Musi Welcome Travelers Friendly Robert Q, Lewis .in Songs of Times Aunt Mary Byera Bedlam nobert Q. Lewis :4S News We Love A Learn Byera Bedlam Robert Q. Lewia DIAL LISTINGS! KEX. 1190; KOAC, 550 lCV Tuesday P.M. 5:00,Squlrre Cagei lCA 5:30, Johnny Lujacki A:nn, Keep ing Up With Sports; 6:15, Home Edition; I fl:30, Modern Romances; 7:00, Home Edi tion! 1:1.1, Elmer Davlst 7:30, Report to th People) 7:45, Music by Boveroi R:0fl, Counterspyt 8:30, Town Meeting; 0:30, Monitor News; 9:45, Book Adventures) 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:15, lntermex- o) 10:30, Concert Hour) 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow; 12:00, Xtra Houri 1:00, Sign lFV Wednesday A.M. :00. Early IX C A Bird; 6:45, Dirt Doctor) 7:00, News) 7:15, Band Boxt 7:30, Bob Hazen Showt 7:45, Time Tempos) 8:15, Martin Agronskyt 8:30, Zeke Manners) 8:45, Trop Icana; 0:00, Breakfast Club) 10:00, News) 10:15, Stars of Today) 10:30, Melody Promenade) 11:00, Ted Malonei 11:15, Ga Irn Drake; 11:30, My True Story i 12:00, Betty Crocker; 12:15, News; 12:30, Bauk hage. Talking) 12:45, Nancy Craig) 1:00, Northwesternerst 1:30, Kay West; 2:00, Breakfast in Hollywood. tlpbeat) 11:50, 550 Sports Clubi 6:00, Newsi 6:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:30, 'Round the Campftrct 1:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8:00, O.C.E, Forum; 8:45, Loggers' Fir Weather Forecast; S:00, Music That Endures; 0:45, Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00, Excursions In Science; 10:15, Serenade i 10:45, News; 11:00, Sign Off. lAAp Wed. A.M. 10, News; :l, lWMV Especially for Women; 11:00, Concert Hall; 12:00, Newsi 12:15, Farm Hour; 1;00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, Va riety Time; 1:30, This Day) 1:45, Melody Lanei 2:00, Cavalcade or Drama; 2:15, Memory Book of Muslo; 8:00, News. 2:30, Easy Acesi 2:45, Meet the Majojrs; -00, Surprise Package; 8:30, Bride and Groom) 4:00, Ladles Be Seated; 4:30, Add-a-line. Rotary Hears Patterson Woodburn Andy Patterson, past president and present sec retary of the Portland Rotary club was the guest speaker at the Woodburn Rotary. He was introduced by Dean Bishoprick, program chairman, and talked on the Rotary International held in New York in June. ACROSS Cutting tool Culture medium Covers with turf Cherish Taunt Greasy sub stances Beginning British country For fear that Accost Soak Land meaaur Fuss Kind of rac Greek letter Sun 12. Heraldic flgur 13. Distant but 34. within view Frozen water Ah. fsot so many ST. Unit of work 38. Near 31. Sick 40. Spinster's till 42. Kocktish 44. Fair 47. Table gam 61. Open court 52. Unfasten 53. ReHistin preaaur 65. Trial 66. Contest 67. Perce I v DOWN 1. Pack iP U P SflP A S HflA t P lull spe pQsTAqEp A u til r A L EnH I U A L i - - i 1 1 1 EPUSL0TUEN0W1 8olutlon of Yeiurday' Puul I. M.lodT Open opac. for a staircase FT 2i p7 m WW, mm 'mim. 4f So if w 4. Whll 6. Firearm I, Southern con stellation 7. Legal action 8. Precipitous 5. Acknowledges 10. Totalitarian ruler 11. Pen 13. On th ocb 17. Surfeit 19. Title of a baronet 22. Flat 28. Capital of Oregon SB. Resounded 26. Largest continent 27. Dogma 29. Not high 20. Offense to the sight SS. Mov to and fre 36. Chest bone 29. Bar of cast metal 41, Long narrow board 42. Comes to a etos 46. Hawaiian goose 46. Tropical fruit 47. Place 48. Spher 49. New: comb. form 50. Kind of antelope 14. Prcnou ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahem P A FELLA AT TH' Wf HE SAID TMERES BtuuTcMnel f OFFICE TOLD ME p BATHING, BOATING, ff iJPgSS. S 7 OF A PLACE. IOO FISHING, TENNIS W cS- 2t?" AMLES FROM HM, f AND SOLF AT $SO VI f WHERE HE SPENT tV A WEEK, INCLUDING IV CffiER HIS VACATION LAST N EAL" -THINK. I thERE YEAR. "IT'S CALLED I -t LLSOTHM ( MYSELF OSCWAN LODy I VACATOy V "