1 .1 r i fife a J'HW mtfm If i J I fT ll lll i i -Mr thA : l&ubkfr1 1 IMf r Tfflnl Police Shot It Out With Trapped Gunman Heavily armed police reinforcements (left) arrive to aid policemen (back ground) engaged in a gun battle with a desperado trapped in a Chicago railway express office after wounding three offi cers. Gunman, identified by police as Edward S. Shumak of Chicago, was shot to death after police poured machine gun bullets and tear gas into the washroom. (AP Wircphoto) Ex-Con Admits Killing Couple San Francisco, Aug. 9 W) A 33-year-old ex-convict, arrested here by the FBI, has admitted killing an elderly Tacoma couple last month, Special FBI Agent Harry M. Kimball said today. He Is John Edward Summers, a former neighbor of the vic tims, Howard Easley, 62, and his wife, Elizabeth, 57. He surren dered without resistance late yesterday at a Gough street rooming house where he had been living under the name John Skinnere. Kimball said the man, a farm laborer and dishwasher, agreed to removal to Washington state. where he is charged with first degree murder. The Easleys were shot and killed at their Tacoma home on July IB. Berry pickers near Chinook Pass found the bodies four days later. Easley's auto mobile was sold to a Portland dealer on July 21. A bicycling craze in the 1890's brought a demand for better rmds. ern dealers handle orders under the department's soil conserva tion program. Hop Board Sets Limits Independence, Aug. 9 At the meetings of the newly establish ed 18-man hop control board where Dean Walwer was elected chairman, it was agreed that a salable quota of lHo.OOO bales of hops be recommended as the limit of tins years harvests. and this quota be alloted to the growers. The estimated harvest from the three Pacific coast states, the largest producers, and Idaho js 250,000 bales. The suggested quota cut of about 20 percent will be submitted to U. S. secre tary of agriculture and will be subject to his approval. The meeting of the U. S. Hop Growers control board was com bined with meetings of the U. S Hop Growers association, the U S. Brewers foundation and the Small Brewers association. Office sof the board will be in Salem. Other officers in elude Paul Rowell, Salem, secre tary and manager of the board; Ralph Williams, vice president and William Walton, Salem treasurer. Also attending the meetings were E. T. Rooney, Sacramento, Calif., president of the U. S. Hop Growers association; Edward V. Lahey, New Bedford, Mass., president of the U. S. Brewers foundation; William O'Shea, executive secretary of the Small Brewers association; Ed Markell, San Francisco, secretary and manager of the U. S. Hop Grow ers association; and members of their organizations. The bulk of the hops in the United States is grown on the Pacific coast and 98 percent of the hops is used in making beer. Some quantities are also used for medical purposes. Bill to Aid China As Attention Getter Washington, Aug. 9 (U.PJ Reps, Francis E. Walter, D.. Pa., and John Davis Lodge, R., Conn., in troduced bills in the house Mon day to authorize $200,000,000 in military aid to China. Lodge said in a statement the legislation was proposed "in or der, to call attention to the prob lem, in order to diminish the help and comfort to the Chin ese communists which the. while paper has brought, and in order to encourage our Chinese allies and friends in the terrible bat tle which they are waging." Negro Elected lo AMA Policy Board Detroit, Aug. 9 (U.Ri For the first time since the American Medical association was founded 103 years ago, a Negro doctor will sit in its house of delegates. an AMA spokesman said today. Dr. Peter M. Murray, a New York city obstetrician, has been elected by the New York Medi cal society to the 190-member policy making body. The an nouncement was made at the convention of the National Medical association a group of Negro physicians, dentists and druggists. Gold has been in use for some 8.000 years. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 9, 1919 Jl Palmistry Readings Will tell, your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business all Are worried? Why be doubt?' Special Readings v,ik il m.iii. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial M l and busii Answers - questions. rj)v o u won MEET THE rtfH LAWN CHAMP WEED & FEED Doubl. action for on price (hit dry compound destroys broad-leaved w.tds as it feeds the grass to richer color and thicker growth. Harmless to lawns, including b.ntgrass, when put on at economical rate specified. Easily applied with a Scotts Spreader. Handy Shaker Box - $1.00 large Box, treat 2500 iq ft (3.50 &cZ& SPREADERS - pravid quick, eaiy lawn application,, rub bar tirtd JI0 85 and 117.50. Wm Fill In void, lift by dying weed, with JTc&Z& tripla cleaned iced. 1 lb 3,000,000 tiedt $1.4. F. A. Doerf ler & Sons Nursery 150 N. Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners Phone 2-1322 U. S. Force in Germany To Get All Jet Planes Frankfurt, Germany, Aug. 9 (U.R) The American fighter force in Germany will be com pletely equipped with jet plan es by the end of the year. Lt. Gen. John K. Cannon, U.S. air commander In Europe, said today that the fighter group now equipped with propellor planes will be given F-84 Thun derjets. The second air group in Ger many already is equipped with F-80 Shooting Stars. 'Fair Prices' for Crop Seeds Listed Portland, Aug. 9 W Govern ment "fair prices" for Oregon cover crop seeds to be sold in the south have been listed by the U. S. department of agriculture. The lists sets Austrian peas at $4.85 a hundredweight; rye grass at 9 cents a pound; har ry vetch at 17 xk cents and other vetches at 9 cents. The hairy vetch and Austrian pea prices are higher than current market levels here. The government prices deter mine the base for which south- A. 0' Doctors Find Body Odor on 13 Parts of Body Read how this soap with purifyinf ingredient gets skin cleaner, gives longer all-over protection! It's true though few people re alize this unpleasant fact! Body odor is 7to confined to the under arms. To guard popularity your daily bath must give 13 parts of your body top protection. The cleaner you get every part of your skin, doctors know, the safer you are from "B. 0." (body odor). And by comparing daily baths with different soaps they found one soap gets skin cleaner, protects you beet. Popularity ii priceless. Don't ever lose it I Doctors proved Lifebuoy Health Soap with its purifying ingredi ent gets skin cleaner,stops"B.O." as no other leading soap can. It is more effective than any other leading soap against the "invisi ble dirt" that brings on"'B.O." It cleanses and guards all 13 trouble spots where body odor oc curs. Get that clean, clean Lifebuoy ' feeling! Buy big NEW bath size Lifebuoy at your store today. So mild so GOOD for your skin I Lifebuoy is milder, too . . . safe even for a baby's tender skin . . . wonderful for delicate complex ion! Enjoy the rich, white lather from Lifebuoy's coconut oil. Make friends with Lifebuoy today. Another Fine Product of Lever Broihcrt Company. LIFEBUOY Gets Skin Cleaner... Stops "B.0." as No Other Leading Soap Can AH Mow to Save on Food! Buy ALL Your Needs At SAFEWAY 1 THE sure way to learn the facts about food savings is to compare ALL Comparison of just a few advertised prices will not give you a true pict' total food costs because vou can't feed your family on weekend "specials" We invite vou to check each of our prices against what you pay if you shop where. Then compare the total. See how you can save on food when every price is low. Be sure . . . shop Safeway. e2 msrmmm x N rur me shoppers CORN GARDENSIDE Cream Style Golden Bantam NO. 2 CANS 3 for Franco-American Made by Swift! Pork & Bes SPAGHETTI Cherub Milk PREAl Corn Flakes BLEACH Margerine Dalemod VAN CAMP'S 2 for TALL CANS 12- OZ. CAN Carnation 13- OZ. . . PKG. WHITE MAGIC HALF GAL. 21 25c 25c 229c !0c 37c 18c mm 19c convenience of out-of-town and late , SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fair grounds Road and 1420 State St., are open until 8:00 r.M. EVEKY. EVENING EXUEl'T SUIMUAX. Prices Effective Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday GARDENSIDE Tender PEAS No. 303 Cant 3 25c COFFEE Fresh i CRACSC Royal AIRWAY 1-LB. 40c 2-LB. Mrt. Wright White, Wheat 1 '2-LB. LOAF Famous RITZ 1-LB. PKG. Pooch DOG FOOD 10 Protein 3 1 9C Iread RS Satin SWIFTNING Nestle s Morsels FLOUR 1.79 Sugar I" 2.17 1-LB. s 29c SHORTENING 3-LB. CAN Swift Shortening 3-LB. CAN 100 LB. Tastes extra good because it's rushed to Safeway extra fresh Gravenstein Apples 3 25c Luscious PEACHES Field-Grown Tomatoes i 'Itni'l'lfr i A"1""'111 ll't1'" - 18c lb. Seedless GRAPES 2 29c WATERMELON Ripe and Sweet ib. 3h Red Malaga Grapes 25c 75c 69c 19c 3.55 8.59 Semi-Sweet Chocolate 7-OZ. PKG. - 50 LB. , . . trimmed waste-free before weighing, so you save money VEAL ROASTS Leg, Rump and Loin LB. 49c VEAL LOIN CHOPS St.. lb. 69c VEAL ROUND STEAKS lb. 79c PURE GROUND BEEF lb. 35c BEEF RIB ROAST GUGood lb. 69c BEEF RIB ROAST Commercial Grade LB. 59c BEEF RIB STEAKS Lsi.M. i. 75c BEEF RIB STEAKS 3T! L. 65c 002) Si ! i K f fcjyfc m T 111 I '.'.rVML. J i 1