Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 08, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday. August 8, 1949
SOS Calls Busy
Coast Guard
Seattle, Aug. 8 m Ten dls
4h iall iwfl Involving sick or
injured seamen, kept the coast
guard hopping over trie ween
A hospital corpsman aboard
the coast guard cutter Citrus
treated John Wick, master or tne
fiahlns vpssel California Rose,
for a gashed leg last night. Wick
received a five-incn cut irom a
rusty gaffhook while fishing in
Tohonlt nf hnv. northwest of Ket
chikan, Alaska. After treatment
he stayed with the ship.
Another seaman. Delmore
Marco, was taken to the Marine
hospital here Saturday from tne
tug Magdal, believed suffering
from blood poisoning.
Six persons aboard the cabin
cruiser Donnie .Lee were towea
into Warrenton, Ore., when the
38-foot craft became disabled
Sunday five miles west of the
Columbia river moutn.
This ntoasure craft Peeev M
disabled off Gedney island, was
towed into Everett; a cracicea
cylinder head 12 miles off Ya-
qiuna Bay, Ore., necessitated
ialrins thp fishine boat W. A.
West under tow to Depoe Bay;
and the 52-foot fishing vessel
Spa RrppZA TI wan pscnrtprl into
Astoria when it asked help at
tne coiumDia river Dar.
Saturday mercy runs includ
ed: fishing vessel Veronica, dis
abled north of Coos Bay, Ore.,
by engine failure, taken to
Charleston, Ore.; the fishing
vessel Jigger, reported sinking,
was found' to be taking some
water off Cape Foulweather,
Ore., given a salvage pump and
escorted until safely under way
the 39-foot troller Badger, help
less with a disabled engine five
miles northwest of Carroll isl
and with two men aboard, was
towed to the Quillayute river:
the fishing vessel guard went
aground north of the Columbia's
south jetty and was pulled free
16-Year-0ld Boy
Hits 3,000 Bottles
Palisades Park, ty.J., Aug. 8
(U.R) Sixteen-year-old Bobby
Pritchard of Newark, N.J., step
ped up to the amusement park
baseball pitching concession
yesterday for a try at Winning a
Kewpie doll.
When he walked awav two
hours later he had hundreds of
Pritchnrd knocked down 3000
consecutive milk bottles pyra
mided five at a time. He won
400 prizes, including dolls,
stuffed animals, figurines and
pieces of china. He cleaned off
the shelves and the concession
aire sent to the warehouse for
more. Young Bobby needed
three taxicabs to cart the loot
The whole adventure cost him
$1. The rest of his throws were
free, in lieu of more prizes.
Light Quake Hits
S. F. Bay Region
San Francisco, AUg. 8 (U.B
A light earthquake shook the
San Francisco bay region at 3
a.m. PST today.
The quake was felt immedi
ately in San Francisco and in
Oakland across the bay.
No damage was reported.
Don Tocher, seismologist at
the University of California in
Berkeley, also across the bay,
estimated the epicenter was
about 18 miles from the campus.
Salem Chosen
For Premier
Salem has been selected by
Warner Bros. Pictures as one of
the few cities in the nation for
a premiere showing of the tech
nicolor musical extravaganza,
'Look for the Silver Lining," ac
cording to word received today
by Manager Wallace Cowen of
the Elsinore theater.
The picture, which stars June
Haver, Ray Bolger and Gordon
MacRue, will open its premiere
showing Friday, August 12, at
the Elsinore. It is the colorful
story of the show world's glory
girl, Marilyn Miller, portrayed
by lovely Miss Haver.
Indicative of the importance
of the event to Salem is Cowen's
statement, "It is seldom that a
city the size of Salem is selected
for a premiere. Generally, pre
mieres are restricted to theaters
in the large metropolitan areas."
No prior showings of the pic
ture in this area will be made,
with Portland, Eugene and other
cities scheduled to show it after
the Salem engagement.
Legion Waits Reports
Woodburn Woodburn Post
No. 46 of the American Legion
will hold its regular meeting
Wednesday night at 8 o'clock
at the Legion hall. Reports will
be given on the state conven
tion at Salem and there will also
be entertainment, movies, re
freshments and the presentation
of special membership awards.
ifts Like This
Really Count
Joe Zemon, free lance garden
er and orchardist, is a man who
believes in hospitalization pre
paredness, although he might
not use the multi-syllable words
to describe his attitude.
Zemon occupies a room at 640
Chemekela street. He is with
out relatives in Salem.
Recently he was tending the
yard of Mabel Robertson, 410
North Summer, a volunteer
worker in the Salem Hospital
Development program.
'Joe," Miss Robertson coun
seled, "you live alone. If you
should become ill, one of Sa
lem's hospitals would have to
take care of you. The hospitals
now are asking for money so
that you and people like you
can have better accommoda
Miss Robertson went back in
side her house. Minutes passed.
The doorbell rang. It was Ze-
Here, Miss Robertson," he
said, "is three dollars. Take it
for the hospitals."
were attacked wtien they came
to call on the Brownes while
the man was still in the house
He fired a shotgun blast into
Crum's stomach, and knocked
down Mrs. Crum. Their seven-
month-old baby fell to the floor.
Band Concert Program
Announced for Tonite
The following program is an
nounced for the Monday night
concert by the Salem Municipal
band in Willson park, starting at
8 o'clock:
On the Quarterdeck March . . .
Snow White Overture
On the Mall March. . . .Goldman
Suite "From the Delta" Still
National Spirit March. .Hummel
Blue Moon. . . .Rogers and Hart
Mood Mauve . ...Howland
Drummers Delight .... Edwards
I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over
. . . .Washington and Bassman
National Emblem March. Bagley
Mad Man Stabs
Aged N. Y. Man
Crystal Beach, Fla., Aug. 8
(U.B A killer was loose today on
the tourist-crammed Florida
gulf coast, after stabbing an
aged man so viciously that the
knife broke off in his body.
Norman Young Browne, 75. a
retired New Yorker, was killed
and his wife and another couple
injured by the young man who
apparently went blood-mad yes
terday afternoon.
Roads leading onto the Pin
ellas peninsula and the long
causeway across Tampa bay,
were blocked as state troopers
and the police of coastal resorts
moved in concerted action. At
dawn there had been no sign of
the curly-haired killer.
Police said that the blade of
his knife broke off in Browne's
side, in an assault that appar
ently took place as the victim
lay tied to a bed. Mrs. Anna
Browne, 60, was slashed and
cruelly beaten.
Miles Crum, 36, and his wife
by Warren Goodrich
I Wlir-----'92.59 I I
Stop itching, dry
up blisters quick
ly, snfoly. 59
Auto or Personal CASH LOANS
Salem Agency: 460 N. Church St. Tel. 341GJ
"That professor! No wonder
he never getsany calls. "...You
may miss important calls if the
telephone is left off the hook . . .
Pacific Telephone.
'Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
K. F. Man Urged
For Judgeship
Klamath Falls, Aug. 8
Mrs. Joada Leonard, vice chair
man of the state democratic cen
tral committee, today declared
her support for Edward C. Kel
ly of Medford for a third fed
eral judgeship for Oregon.
Mrs. Leonard she is send
ing a letter to Senator J. How
ard McGrath, democratic na
tional committee chairman, sup
porting Kelley for the appoint
ment for which Gus Solomon
and Earl Latourette have also
been prominently mentioned.
Kelly, Mrs. Leonard com
mented, comes from west of the
Cascades, an area that has not
been favored with federal judi
cial appointments, and she said
she believes his appointment
would be welcomed both upstate
and in Multnomah county. She
added that she feels sure the
rank and file of democratic par
ty workers would be pleased
because of Kelly's record of
"unstinting work for the party."
Poulrrymen Retired
Aurora Bill and Bernice
Chase of the Chase Turkey farm
west of Aurora are announcing
their retirpmpnt nf thp pnetnm
poultry dressing business which
tney maintained on a one-day-a-week
basis at thpir farm. Thpir
mail order smoked turkey busi
ness requires all their time,
Chase said, adding that Don
Priest of the Priest Hatchery, on
highway 99E. south nf Aurnra
will take care of the Chase's
regular customers.
Grand' Island Overnight
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy E. Will were Mr. nnH
Mrs. Thomas J. Hight, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Aten of Oakland,
Calif., who had been on a
month's vacation trip.
Nothing Down Pa; Monthly
And Shades
W tlio wftih, retape, paint and rcitat
roar old Venetian bllndi.
ELMER, The Blind Man
Call anytime for Free Estimates
Phone 3-7328
1453 Ruge St. West Salem
We give S&H Green Stamps
Driver School Planned
Woodburn Superintendent
Frank P. Doerfler of the Wood
burn schools and Charles Sher
on, coach, have completed
courses In driver training in
struction in Portland and re
ceived instructor s certificates ft
teach the driving classes ii
Wnnifhurn tiiish Gnhnnl
SMMM LITB-ROCK Made opaMiac stpb a.
ItOCX are tfcfl outstanding der intonee heat, Uu ilaafc ia
aiTMtanaat In kailding tht atjimtiftcaUjr eaMrefttd
Weak aaaiaifilag in tha acf-mate attd ki fautin
raaaaa "iai late ween B
Now is the time to order that new roof before the
busy summer season.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
material. '
Free estimates without obligation.
McGilchrist & Sons
255 No. Commercial Street
Salem Phone 38478
a-s-a a-ga-i-i$ i-ai $ S S S $ $ $ 'S Bj-Ja'--g-$ja'ST'J
IWiMaX MHk nalani llalil inlit" Is at laait mnaaW
w ajjas Baipln l-h ttmk a fcwr suBHal oi jjaaaUa
aaaMMIaa aa4 wuff iosatath
u ...
BaattaaUftbiaa ' laWaW .aataBal -- -
aipavVntJi Jaaanajaj ahBBaarajBBf aBlpH
ii ilmhnkid
t MMMaTaMtttyalatV MMM
Distributer Exclusively in the Salem Area by
Pumilite Block & Supply Co.
Rt. 8, Box 910, out Edgewoter, West Salem Ph. 25643
ere is a hint of something
wonderful that's coming your
Bet the Higb Cost of Travel nd add to vacation fun! Greyhound takes you anywhere
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For even more pleasure at amazingly low cost, take a Greyhound Expense-Paid Tour
vacation. ..hotel rooms and other features included. Call or write for FREE Tour Folder.
There Ara No Lower Fares from SALEM
Taft $1.55
Tillamook 1.90
Coos Bay 3.60
Medford 4.55
Eureka 6.70
Reno $ 9.35
San Francisco . . 9.75
Fresno 10.90
Los Angeles .... 13.90
San Diego 15.55
Buy Round Trip Tlckttt . . . Save 20 on Return Tripl
V. H. Switxer, Agent
450 North Church
Phone 2-2428
It is more than just the front end
of the new Buick Special. Its a
fresh new front end treatment-a
"Buick first" -and it makes so
much sense that it's safe to say it
will start a new trend in styling.
Look it over and you'll see what we
Sturdy vertical bars, attached to
the bumper, form the grille-and
at the same time serve as bumper
guards, which makes it impossible
for you to "lock horns" with the
car ahead of you.
TtM III HfNftr J. tArlO. ABC N.l.oit. amy Moiufoy ivanlng.
The bumper no longer projects
beyond the grille-so inches are
sJed in the over-all length of the
Parking lights are deeply recessed.
The grille is made up of bars heavy
enough to absorb all normal impact
-and they're individually replace
able to cut repair costs in the un
likely event of damage.
Bumper, grille, bumper-guards and
parking lights all become part of
a single, unified design.
But-stunning as this brilliant bit
of designing is-it's just a hint of
all the new things you'll see when
the new Special goes on display.
Even the price is good news. So
watch for the full announcement
coming very soon-and you'll agree
that more than ever, Buick's the
one for you.
specauv yov
388 North Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon
When better automobiles ara built BUICK will build them