CBS'S!, vi Ji. " l?? 1 h t -4 Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. James Loder, Jr., (Mardella Aeschlimann) were married July 3 in the St. Luke Lutheran church at Reno, Nev. (Conant studios, Reno). Family Reunion The annual Van Cleave re union was held in the Silverton park with about 50 members at tending. After the picnic dinner Mrs. Ileta Nelson presided over the business meeting and the following officers were elected: Howard Van Cleave, president; J. V. Van Cleave, vice president; Estel Van Cleave, secretary and treasurer. Attending from Silverton were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave, Maurine and Mary Jo, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Cleave, Joe Van Cleave; from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nelson and James, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. .Williams and Jenelle Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Williams, Hazel McMorris; from Scotts Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford McMorris, Mrs. John Ja cobsen, Callie Ann, Carol Sue and Jonna Lee, Roy Fitzjerell from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMorris, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo McMorris, Wayne' and Cleta Mae, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Van Cleave and Kenneth, Bertha Van Cleave, . Vernon B. Van Cleave, Mrs. Kenneth White, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Osburn, Hattie Van Cleave, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln J. Van Cleave and Daryl; from Woodburn, A. M. Van Cleave; from Stayton, Mrs. Fan nie McMorris; from Scio, C. A, Van Cleave; from Pendleton, Mr. Florence Williams; from Napavine, Washy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woosley and Zana Ken v nison. 1 The clan will meet next year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AI vin J. Van Cleave in Hazel Green. AMITY Mr. and Mrs. James Glover have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Gwen dolyn, July 15, in California, to Robert Hillskemper, Norwalk, Calif. He has just completed his education as a radio engineer and they will be at home near Miss Forman Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Forman are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Miss Lucille Forman, to Clifford M. Campan, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cam pan of Portland. The wedding will take place in St. Joseph's Catholic church on August 20. Honoring Miss Forman, her aunt, Mrs. Ella Voves, assisted by Miss Evelyn Forman, enter tained at a linen and towel shower Thursday evening. Games formed the evening's en tertainment. Little Suzanne De Vail, dressed in a pale blue for mal, presented the gifts to Miss Forman, after which refresh ments were served. Guests attending were Miss Lucille Forman, Mrs. Barbara Kart, Mrs. James A. Garson, Miss Bertha Muhs, Miss Loretta Muhs, Mrs. John Fosnot, Mrs. Adam Hertz, Mrs. Fabian Nel son, Mrs. Don Stupka, Mrs. Al fred Forman, Mrs. Otto Schiess, Miss Teddy Schiess, Mrs. Alma Smith, Mrs. Earl Shafer, Mrs R. C. Blaxall, Mrs. Val Sloper, Mrs. Mary DeVall, Mrs. John Voves, Miss Patricia Dardis, Miss Mary Toohey, Miss Elber ta Kloos, Miss Joan Voves, Mrs. A. G. Forman and the hostesses, Los Angeles on their return from a honeymoon in Yosemite park. I GO NW,ri r-- rt QWt?L Tor s- EAST. on the Smooth-Railing. ..Streamlined NORTH COAST LIMITED NOW you can make perfect connection! at Portland for youi trip east on Northern Pacific' NORTH COAST LIMITED. Arrive In Portland at 8:00 P. M. and leave at 9:00 P. M. Coming west, you arrive in Portland at 7:15 A. M. and leave for home at 7:45 A. M.. or 8:45 A. M. When you travel on the brand new all-room Pullman . can; or, economical tourist Pullman sleeping cars; or, on deluxe "Day-Nite" coaches.,., you will be glad you chose this comfortable and scenic route east For further In form or Ion wrffe A. C. STICKLEY, General Agent 439 S. W tlh Av.. Portland 4, Oragon 'lillllillHTTOCJmTm 15223; ii DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist DR. PAINLESS PARKER UlnTfiM EWE 15 Months to Pay IMMEDIATE RESTORATION... enables yoir to wear your platep IMMEDIATELY after teeth are extracted. NOW you don't have to go toothless while waiting for Dental Plates ! Modern, convenient "Immediate Restoration Service" eliminates the em barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days" prevents loss of valuable time from your job. Ask Your Dentist NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY Come to the office when convenient for an ex amination. Credit terms apply to all types of dental work ... Plates, Extractions, Fillings, Crowns, Inlays or Bridgework. Get needed dental work NOW.., use your CREDIT. DR. L B.WARNICKER Manager Now associated with Dr.Painless Parker, Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon DR, PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon , Telephone Salem 3-8825 ' Offices in Eugene and Portland also in all principal Pacific Coast cities I )L-.t. . .V S3 July Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morris (Velora Venita Williams) were married July 10. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Williams of Salem and Mr. Morris is the son of C. G. Morris of Cave Junction and the late Rev. Mr. Morris. (McEwan studio picture). A FAMILY picnic is planned I day evening at 6:30 o'clock in by Delta Zeta alumae for Tues-1 Leslie park. Today's Menu (By tbt Auocitwl Preu) The Bride Cooks Luncheon Chicken Liver Entree Beverage Toast Points Sliced Tomatoes and Cucumber Cantaloupe With Fresh Raspberries Chicken Liver Entree Ingredients: Vt pound chick en livers, z tablespoons butter or margarine, ls cup thin strips onions. (2 small onions), Vj cup thin strips green pepper, ti cup thinly sliced celery crescents (1 medium-size stalk), cup commercially prepared sour cream, Vi teaspoon salt, M tea spoon finely crushed dried rose mary. Method: Wash the chicken livers in cold water and pat dry. Halve, cutting away stringy membrane, then cut each half in two again. Melt the butter or margarine in an 8-inch skil let, add the onion, green pep per, and celery and cook over low heat about 10 minutes, un til partly softened. Add the chicken livers and stirring fre quently, cook until done and no red shows when cut through about 5 minutes or longer. Add the sour cream, salt, and rose- Capiial Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 8, 1949 7 mary; stir thoroughly. Cover skillet and heat over low heat about 5 minutes. 2 servings. ! Note: To cut onions in thin j strips peel, slice off ends and! quarter; now cut each quarter down lengthwise in thin strips i and separate in pan with a I wooden spoon as they are cook ing. WOODBURN The Presby terian Aid society will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, August 10 in the social room at the church at 2 p.m., Mrs. Henry Stange will lead the devotional service and answer to roll call will be a Bible quiz. Hostesses will be Mrs. Roy Seely, Mrs. B. F. McComas and Mrs. Henry Layman. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answers all questions Are vou worried? ' Why be In i 1 i doubt? Special .ifOr Readings r jt Open 9 a.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial A nth INVESTED MONEY Is Your Pillar of Strength! i 4 f. H 1 I w 1 it o m Those dollars you have put i i on savings at saiem r ed- ; ii eral Is staunch backing in f , case of emergency! You'll enjoy the feeling of secur- 1 ity such an investment !j brings. 1 Savin Federally J Insured i I -Savin ft Federally " I Insured m WW Ml PAY rvi JWL III dd nmSl I C l If ONLY ENJOY YOUR IS NECESSARY! msUBBB ran? WITH ALL ITS PLUS FEATURES, BEGINNING RIGHT NOW - TODAY! EIGHT CUBIC FOOT to TT -: V if Call, Write, Drop in or Telegraph Today! Good Housekeeping INCORPORATED 467 COURT ST., in SALEM PHONE 3-9611