Candids at Maulding-Cooley ' SMC s .; ' ' 7 11" Miss Morse Bride Sunday A wedding of Sunday after noon was that of Miss Pauline Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Morse, and Frank Charles Rock, Jr., Pasadena, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Rock of Salem, the ceremony being solemnized at 4 o'clock In St. Paul's Episcopal church with the Rev. George H Swift officiating. White gladioluses and white tapers were arranged at the al tar. Before the ceremony, Miss Edith Fairham sang, and Miss Ruth Bedford was at the organ. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the blonde bride wore a handsome classic style gown of ivory satin designed with a full skirt terminating in a train. The fitted bodice was made with long sleeves and a marquisette yoke edged with a wide satin cuff fin ished with a knot in the center front. An ivory satin open crown headdress held In place the French imported ivory illusion fingertip veil. For her flowers the bride carried Ivory roses. Mrs. Paul Lippold was her sister's matron of honor and Miss Patricia Zahare and Miss Roberta T u s s i n g were the bridesmaids. They all wore iden tical frocks of ice blue slipper satin fashioned with quilted sat in boat shaped necklines and full skirls. They had matching satin mitts and carried bouquets of fuchsia roses. In their hair were coronets of flowers. Diane Lip pold was flower girl for her aunt and wore a fuchsia pink frock. William Rock was best man for his brother and ushering were James Rock, Richard Taw Glenn Widdows and Farrell Rust. The bride's mother wore navy blue crepe afternoon dress Willi lace trim. She wore deep pink gloves and pink flowers in her hair. Mrs. Rock attended her son's marriage in a steel blue satin gown with burgundy ac cessories and burgundy flowers in her hair. The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception in the par ish house. Pouring were the bride's grandmother, Mrs. E. R. Morse, and Mrs. R. W. Wilson of Eu gene, and Mrs. A. C. Loppnow or Rochester, Minn., aunts of the bridegroom. Mrs. Rafael Vcne gns (Sarah Morse) of Irapuato, Mexico, cut her sister's wedding cake. Assisting were Mrs. Charles S. McElhinny, Mrs. Al bert Cohen, Misses Mary Phil lips of Berkeley, Calif., cousin of the bride, Misses Sue McEl hinny, Sally Smith, Margaret Fisher, Jean Gilmer, Diane Proctor, and Prudence Craig. For traveling the bride wore a turquoise gabardine suit with black accessories. The couple will drive south along the coast to Los Angeles, where they will live. Mr. Rock is a research sci entist with Technicolor Incor porated in the southern city. MEN'S . . . BOYS' . . . GIRLS' COMPOSITION HALF SOLES and RUBBER HEELS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Aug. 9 thru 12 Fast Whlle-U-Walt Service Sorority Picnic Notice has come here for the annual picnic of the Portland alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi sorority, Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. F. Douglas Wright in Portland. Active members from Willa mette university, Oregon Slate college and University of Ore gon will be honor guesls. F. L Club Elects, Installs Officers Salem F. L. club No. 14 met last week at the home of Mrs. Chester Lanktree. Attending were Mesdamcs Harold Brcssler Harry Way, Keith Rebo, Ches ter Lanktree, Victor Koop, R. L. Applegate, Lawrence McClurc, F. B. Greenfield, Colene Louns- berry and Misses Edlyn Holm quist, Loraine Vick and Dcssie McClny. Election and Installation of officers were as follows: Mi's. Lawrence McClure. president; Mrs. F. B. Greenfield, vice pres ident; Mrs. Keith Rebo, secre tary: Miss , Edlyn Holmquist treasurer. Mrs. Harold Brcs sler, Mrs. Lawrence MeClure, Mrs. R. L, Applegalc and Mrs. Henry Way, past officers, in- sthlled the new ones. A no-host, slipper is planned for August 18 at 0:30 o'clock in the Rebekah lodge hall, There will be Initiation of new mem bers that evening. Members of the F. L. clubs at Albany, Mo lalla and McMinnville arc being invited. Committees Named Silverton Twenty-five mem bers attended the annual picnic at city park and a business ses sion of the Business and Profes sional Women's club. Mrs. Irene Roubal, president, announced her committee chair men for the year. Her assisting officials are Miss Thora Arestad, first vice president; Mrs. Leon ard Hudson, second vice; Miss Stella Dybevlk, recording sccre tary; Mrs. Lela Qliinlnll, corres ponding secretary; Miss Betty Heidenstrom, treasurer; direc tors. Mrs. Ralph Francis. Mrs Helmer Brokke; legislation, Mrs Frank M. Powell; news and pub licity, Mrs. Mahlon Hoblitt; bulletin, parliamentarian; health and safety, Miss Ruth Barber; radio and television, Miss Lois Riches; cheer and contact, Mrs. Elmer Olsen; United Nations, Miss Marguerite Halleck; equal rights, Mrs. Gladys Montgenery; music week, Miss Hannah Ol son; senior girls tea, Mrs. Ern est R. Ekman. Chairmen arc yet to be selected for education, vo catinos, hospitality, music and transportation. ... EXPECTED in Salem tills week is Warren Downs, who was graduated from Oberlin col lege In June. He is to visit his father. Dr. C. A. Downs, and Mrs. Downs. Warren Downs has signed a contract with the Den ver Symphony orchestra for the coming season and he will be in Salem until early fall. $1.00 SHOE REPAIR DOWNSTAIRS Wedding Saturday . . . . . . J.W . w At Church and Reception The new Mr. and Mrs. John Phillip Maulding (Margaret Jane Cooley) are , above at the car after leaving St. Paul's Episcopal church for the reception. At the couple are cutting the first piece of cake at the reception given at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herbert Cooley, immediately following the impressive church ceremony. (Candids by Nels Tonning, Jesten-Miller studio) McMullen-Guttridge Wedding in July On Sunday afternoon, July 24 at 2:30 o'clock Miss Elizabeth Rose Guttr idge, daughter of Mrs. Joseph I. Guttridge of Es tacada, and Albert Roderick Mc Mullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert MeMullen of Taft, were united in marriage at the First Congregational church in Sa lem. Dr. Daniel Schulze officia ted. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Joseph Z. Gutt ridge, wore a white slipper sat in gown, made en train. Her fin gertip veil of nylon tulle was held in place by a headpiece of pearl covered orange blossoms She carried a white orchid on a white Bible. Maid of honor was Miss Mar ian Gordon of Parkdale. She wore a gown of beige chiffon over peach satin and carried an arm bouquet of cream colored gladioluses. Miss Joan Lawrence of Eslacada was bridesmaid Her dress was of powder blue brocaded organdy over blue sat in. Her bouquet was the same as that of Miss Gordon. Best man for Mr. MeMullen was his twin brother, Robert Ansley MeMullen. Ushers were Rex Edmondson, Vernal D. Me Mullen and Richard B. Gutt ridge. i Preceding the ceremony Gor don Pratt, Portland, sang. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Guttridge chose an after noon dress of black silk crepe with gray accessories. Mrs. Me Mullen wore navy blue chiffon with, red accessories. Both mothers wore orchid corsages. At the reception in the church parlors Mrs. C. R. Zurchor, aunt of the bride poured. Mrs. Earl DcSart of Silverton cut the wedding cake and Miss Lucille Vcelman of West Linn served the punch. Miss Ann Peterson of San Francisco was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Rex Ed monson was in charge of gifts. Serving at the reception were Mrs. Francis Peck, Mrs. Richard Cutler and Mrs. Charles Koski sisters of the bridegroom. Mrs Neil L. Woxham and Mrs. Ray ... for the MAYTAG AUTOMATIC washer. See it and you'll be glad you did. Its Gyrafoam washing action gels clothes reoy clean I Liberal tracU-ln altowanc Low monthly payment OPEN FRIDAY.NIGHT 'TIL 9 I WHtAKETTE TAUET'S ItADINS APPUAKCE k BOME rURNlSHEIS I 5ALEM OREGON CITY j ... Miss Hampton Will Wed Soon Mill City Announced for August 20 is the date for the wedding of Miss June Hampton and William Whitney Jr. of Sa lem. The ceremony will be solem nized at the Mill City First Christian church. Miss Hampton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Hamp ton and Mr. Whitney is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Whit ney of Salem. Committee Event The membership and emblem committee of the Salem Busi ness and Professional Women's club has arranged a meeting for 8 o'clock Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Vivian Hoenig chairman, 1475 South Commer cial. Miss Lois Kirts is co-chair man. On the committee with them re Mrs. William Linfoot, Mrs. Arthur Weddle, Mrs. J. L. Mor gan, Mrs. Byron JB. iierncK, Mrs. Willow Evans, Mrs. Clo E. Johnson, Mrs. Grace Turner, Mrs. Helen Lovald, Miss Helen Fletcher, Miss Nola Clark. THE WOMAN'S Society of! Christian Service in the Jason Lee Methodist church has plan ned its annual picnic for next Wednesday, August 10, at the home of Mrs. Gordon Black, 2037 Nebraska street. A no-host luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Devotions will be led by Mrs. Harry Gillette. Also It is plan ned to have a guest speaker. All women of the church are invited to attend. Aycock, sisters of the bride, and Miss Wilma Shibley.- The bride wore a gray suit with navy blue accessories and a white orchid corsage for a wedding trip to Seattle. The bride is a graduate of Es tacada Union high school and Willamette university. Mr. Mc Mullen was graduated from Taft schools. He will enter the col lege of law at Willamette uni versity this fall. The couple are now at home at 1915 S. Cottage street, Salem. Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 8, 1949 Maulding-Cooley Wedding Beautiful Service Saturday St. Paul's Episcopal church was the scene for one of the sum mer's most beautiful wedding ceremonies Saturday evening when Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herbert Cooley, was married to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Maulding H. Swift, rector of the church, read the vows at B:3U o ciock before a large gathering of friends and relatives. The church was decorated profusely in all white flowers, delphiniums, stock and larkspur. Many bouquets of them with greenery stood among candela brums with lighted tapers for mass effect at the front of the church, large bouquets of them were arranged in the windows and baskets of them were placed above the wall lights. The pro cessional aisle was covered with a white cloth and at every other pew was a large cluster of the white blooms encircling a tall candelabrum holding a cathe dral candle. All the bride's attendants were in white with touches of Amer ican Beauty pink for contrast. Mrs. Scott Adams (Elizabeth Nelson), William Bush and Ron ald Craven were soloists and Miss Ruth Bedford was at the organ. Miss Marjorie Tate and Miss Lois Frink, the latter of Dayton, lighted the candles and both wore white dotted Swiss gowns designed with full skirts gathered to eyelet beading and American Beauty colored rib bon, and each wore wristlets of American Beauty miniature nosegays. Closing the aisles as ribbon attendants were Miss June Young and Miss Antoinet te Kuzmanich, the latter of Port land. They also wore dresses of white dotted Swiss with the American Beauty ribbons, their gowns being identical to those of the taper lighters. Gowns Described Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a hand some gown of white organza over satin. The dress was de signed with fitted bodice point ed in front, long pointed sleeves and a deep flesh colored net yoke that was enhanced with two rows of accordion pleated imported French lace. The skirt was full with wider rows of the lace edging the hemline and train. The three - tiered illu sion veil cascaded from an Em press Eugenie crown of pearls and rhinestone. During the cer emony the bride wore the short veil over her face. For her flowers the bride carried a bou quet of- white roses, orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Richard L. Cooley was matron of honor for her sister- in-law and Miss Mariann Croi- san was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Mar jorie Meyer of Chicago, Miss Jeanne Foster of San Francisco, Miss Charlotte Alexander, Miss Jean Claire Swift, Miss Jean Maulding of Portland, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Les ter D. Green (Marylou McKay). The eight attendants wore identical frocks of white mar- quisetfe, fashioned with hooped skirts, tucked bodices with tiny buttons down the front and Peter Pan collars. All wore open crown ruffled French lace hats tied in back with American Now! Toni Home Permanent TWICE as EASY- TWICE as FAST NEW TONI f REFILL KIT Guaranteed to tnt you the most nalural-lookinn wave ever New Fhoto Method Directions show how Toni waves many tvnes of hair in as little 8s 30 minutes. $1oo Included in this offer Toni Creme Rinse to make your Tom wav even lovelier I Capital State Women j LOWRV F1SCHEK John Phillip Maulding, son of of Tillamook. The Rev. George Beauty velvet ribbon bows with streamers to the hemlines, and all eight wore lace mitts. Each attendant carried a colonial nosegay of American Beauty roses and baby breath edged with American Beauty mistelon lace. Other Attendants Donald Ausland of Grants Pass was best man and ushering were Richard L. Cooley Ralph Taylor, Lawrence Christian of Lebanon, Perry Smith of Cor- vallis, Lester D. Green and Dr Rodney White of Portland. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Cooley wore a mist blue crepe gown designed with drap ed skirt and the bodice encrust ed with irridescent beading, matching gloves and headdress, and orchid corsage. Mrs. Maul ding, the bridegroom's mother. wore a mauve chiffon over crepe gown with orchid gloves and chiffon headdress, and cor sage of orchids. Reception In Garden The garden reception at the North Summer street residence of the Cooleys following the church service also was a mem orable occasion. Fortunately, the showers earlier in the day ceased and made the greenery and the riot of blooms but stand out more colorfully. The bridal party stood in line before the white outdoor fireplace and ar bor to receive the throng of guests. There were two bride's tables, one in the dining room, the other arranged on the brick ed patio, just outside the door. They were all in white. Two large garlands of smilax were looped to join at the center sides with a fcouquet of gardenias. Smilax and white freesia eneir cled the tiered cakes. The punch was served from a table set up on another terrace at the far end of the garden. Music was played throughout the recep tion. Serving the bride's cake were Mesdames James H. Nicholson Sr., George L. Arbuckle, George Crosian and A. A. Schramm. Presiding at the urns were Mes dames William McGilchrist, Jr., E. J. Scellars, W. I. Needham and Harry V. Collins. Assisting about the gardens were Mesdames James T. Brand Charles A. Sprague, Douglas McKay, C. B. McCullough, George H. Swift, Eugene I. Fos ter, Charles Wiper of Eugene, I. M. Doughton, Lee Canfield, Floyd W. Shcpard, George Alex ander, Ervm Smith, U. facott Page, Leonard Rinearson, Jr., of Corvallis, Scott Adams of Port land and Donald Preiss, and as sisting with the serving were Misses Jane Carson, Shirley Lu kins, Phyllis Schnell, Jean Fid ler, Roberta Meyer, Carroll Gragg, Edith Fairham, Addyse Lane, Betty Jean Manoles, Mary Aiken of Portland. Young Misses Sydney Shepard and Carol Boesch passed the dream cakes. For traveling the bride wore COMPLETE SET NEW TONI SPIN CURLERS No more rubber bands all plastic -all-in-one ! Grips . . . pn locks with flick of the finger. Makes every wave from now on twice as easy 1 $129 ($2 when bought itparattly) Drug Store and Liberty Sts. Miss Duffy To Wed Soon Announced for Sunday after noon, September 4, is the wed ding of Miss Florence Duffy and John S. Horton, whose en gagement was announced in the spring. News of the wedding date was told Saturday afternoon at an informal tea given by Miss Duffy's sister, Mrs. Stuart Mc Elhinny, a group of 25 close friends of the bride-to-be being invited. The ceremony is to be at 4 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catho lic church with a reception fol lowing in the Marion hotel. At the Saturday tea Mrs. Wil liam McElhiney and Mrs. John Kolb poured. The centerpiece was of all white blooms and pastel flowers were arranged around the room. Miss Duffy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Deady and Mr. Horton is the son of Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Horton of Baker. GATES A special meeting of the Gates Woman's club was called this week to make further plans for the erection of the new clubhouse which was started the first of the week. Mrs. Elmer Stewart presided at the busi ness meeting. Mrs. Elmer Klutke was appointed chairman of the building committee, with Mrs. Robert Lewis and Mrs. Floyd Volkel assisting. It was decided to hold a food sale Sunday, August 14, when the opening of the Santiam high way will be held, the committee in charge to be Mrs. Harold Wil son, Mrs. Theodore Burton, Miss Georgia Shane and Mrs. Harry Keiser. Members will be asked to make donations of food for the sale and the proceeds will go to the building fund. Mrs. Joe Jun and her daugh ter, Miss Pat, and Mrs. Bob Lewis, recently of California were welcomed as new members of the club. Refreshments were served at the close of the eve ning by the hostess, Mrs. Theo dore Burton, assisted by Miss fchane and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Others present were Mrs. Floyd volkel, Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs Albert Millsap, Mrs. Bob Lewis Mrs. Joe Jun, Miss Pat Jun and Mrs. Elmer Stewart. a brown silk crepe costume suit with bronze and gold beading edging the jacket and collar, tne sKirt Being made with sepa rate panel in back. With the costume were worn a brown hat with brown trim, brown suede accessories and kolinsky furs. Following a trip to San Fran cisco and Carmel the couple will be at home in Eugene at 1342 A 1 2r street after September 10. Both will complete their senior year at University of Oregon. we eivi AND EDIEM 2C GREEN STAMPS j AS EXTRA SAVINGS HERII I ....J FREE (SQFtT STOl A Beautiful 5x7 Portrait of your BABY FREE NO OBLIGATION Age 3 Months to 12 Years For Every Mother in Salem and Marion County The Newest and Finest Child Photographic Equipment Produces Amazing Results Tuesday, Aug. 9 through Saturday, Aug. 13 Hours 10 till 5 P.M. BRING A FRIEND We have made arrangements with an exclusive child's photographer to be in our store Woodburn Women Golfers Active Woodburn Mrs. Carl Hande and Mrs. George Timm were winners in the matched play .which was the feature at the Woodburn golf club Thursday. Eclectic winners for the month of July were Mrs. C. W. Kersten in Class A: Mrs. Robert E. Lantz in Class B, and Mrs. Amos Bo nacker in Class C. Hostesses at the luncheon hours were Mrs. Clark McCall and Mrs. Henry Miller. The com mittee for next Thursday will be Mrs. Kenneth McGrath and Mrs. Gerald Smith. Tuesday, August 9, fifteen or twenty women of the Woodburn club will motor to Forest Hills for golf and will have lunch at the clubhouse on the course. Private cars will leave here about 8 a. m. and anyone wish ing transportation should call Mrs. Edward C. Coman at Green 247, Woodburn. About 30 golfers were in at tendance at the mixed two-ball foursome held at the local golf course with Clyde Smith and Mrs. Lettie Steelhammer win ning top honors. The "booby" prize was awarded to Matt Mo- chel and Miss Janie McGrath. The committee in charge of the supper which followed the play included Mrs. Leland Plank, Mrs. Matt Mochel and Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin. iNnF.PENDENCF. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cline and their daughter, Rosalie, who was married July 3U, entertained momhorc nf thp WPddinff DartV and their families with a buffet supper Friday, preceding re hearsal for the wedding. Thnsp pnlnvinc suDDer in the yard were: Rev. and Mrs. Mel ,m11o wirp Snlpm Mr. William Fuller, Barry and Arlen; Mr. and Mrs. Kicnara wiuiams oi Ridgefield, Wash.; Mrs. Wood row Wilson, Eddie and Mildred Jane Pierece, of Albany; Cpl. and Mrs. Kooert r uner, lacoma. Wash.; Calvin Cox, Brooks; Miss Margaret Mills, Mr. and Mrs. John Buker, Carol and Jimmie, Mr and Mrs. Paul Dodd and Danny all of Independence, the Bridegroom, rvi. iennein r un er. Betty Ann Cline and the host. , HOME from two weeks motor trip to Lake Louise and through Glacier and Yellowstone na tional parks are Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck. NEEDI ES OIL BELTS PARTS YOUR IXIUW MACHINE AUTHORIZED AGENCY EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES Miller's Downstairs Yen Can Exchange Si&C i Greeft Stamps for Useful : Articles Htrelj t