18 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 8. 1949 n LOOK! Reg, 59c Value Price Effective Tuesday Only! CANNON BATH TOWELS Size 20x40 Various Color Plaidi Thickly Looped Terry Limit 10 per Customer S)c NOW 0 A . AT It - J.M.1WM'. ,...iV,,i.ri I, i. .-..i.-w.r, ..-,, ... ... .. . - , . ,. , .,,,, .t ami- , , .', jjtl Salem's OWN. City wide . . ; "I n SAVE $2.05! FAMOUS LABEL LOOK! CL0SE0UT BUY YOURS TUESDAY AT COST PRICE at In Crystal Boudoir Lamps Reg. 7.95 Value Salem Lighting Now thi, unheard of and Appliance Co. 236 North High Dial 3-9412 2.50 INLY! You Save $5.45! low price of TUESDAY ONLY! DON'T MISS THIS ONE! A Sensational Value! FAMOUS Defender Watches 0 wtiiiriooi msi Unconditionally Guaranteed for One Q wcitioi sraimooi iitra annum Year! Q iiimuu Sim lin Guarantee underwrit ten bv one of the old- El ncwsimi smw mroiiiD un est and largest surety Q luumom siu fg muMtmum B UHllEAKAILf (Mill companies in the U.S.A. Only Plus 10 Fed. Tax 17.45 Pay as EA. Little as JVC JIWILMfcWOPtOMIfBlMI WOW! WHAT A BUY! OUR EXTRA SPECIAL PURE offi GROUND BEEF NO WATER! NO CEREAL! LB. 29c PEERLESS MARKET c 70 North Commercial Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. At the New Bus Stop REMEMBER THIS . . . August Heater Special! DURING AUGUST ALL QUAKER OR NORGE OIL HEATERS PURCHASED AT ALLEN'S WILL BE INSTALLED FREE! Including 110 Gal. Tank with copper tubing and fit tings. Come in and select a heater to satisfy your need to day! Phone 3-3106 236 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon pi) SEE THESE GREAT MONEY-SAVING SURPRISE VALUES TOMORROW AND SAVE! ( ha 17 1) 4 A F31 f3 tasa - TUESDAY SURPRISE! CHENILLE RUGS REGULAR 2.98! 24"x36" SIZE! COLORS GOLD, GREEN 98c REG. 4.98 CHENILLE RUGS 27"x50" size; colors gold, rose BE HERE AT 9:30 TUESDAY MORNING! FURNITURE DEPT., THIRD FLOOR 1.49 BABY! WHAT A BUY! FAMOUS HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD BABY CARRIAGES 37.50 You Must See These to Appreciate Them! Now Tuesday Only! BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! h-i ff Add just f I ,UU and you get a sturdy, genuine TAYLOR-TOT valued at $9.95! You save $8.95! Ball Bearing Wheels ElfstTQffl CO. Shockproof Construct,on 340 Court St. LOOK! RAYON JERSEY GOWNS By BLUE SWAN Tailored or fancy; pink, blue or white Regularly $3.98. NOW FOR TUESDAY ONLY $1.99 YsrisrvjurfLJ You Can't Beat This One! For You 2-TUBE Tuesday KITCHEN FLUORESCENT sh;p;;;s! fixtures They IMAGINE! ONLX Regular fAA Last! 1995 SUU Value each TUBES INCLUDED! PRICED BELOW COST! Bathroom fixtures also available at these ridiculous, low, low prices! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 X7 LOOK! EAUTIl 23 BEAUTIFUL Piece Complete eervlr for four! Tour choice of these t lovely patternsi The Most Sensational Buy on Dinnerware of the Year! DINNERWARE SET Reg. $24.60 Value $12.95 Lexington Britton Orleans . Additional Pieces Available TUESDAY ONLY You Save $11.65 A WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS 195 S&N CLOTHIERS, 456 State St. TUESDAY ONLY at your Values to $4.00 II, 'Crane" Enameled STEEL BATHTUBS Complete with Fittings "Crane" Compact Closet Combination Complete with Fittings . . SAVINGS OF $15 $7750 $3950 PLUMB ING-HEATING 279 COMMCBCtAl MQH3-4t Tuesday Only! Saddle Oxfords by Golo Brown and white or black and white. Regularly $6.95. $5.00 G For Metro's Annual Doll Layaway Sale! Just Arrived! Drinking and Wetting Dolls! $1.44 50c Reg. $1.79 Value Now for Tuesday only Rubberized skin on body, arms and legs Composition head finish Popular 12-inch size Down will hold your doll in layaway THE STOHES OF BETTER VALUES 136 North Commercial Salem, Oregon LOOK! You Can't Afford to Pass Up This Great Money-Saving Opportunity! Reg. 65.00 T u E S D A Y USED BURROUGHS Adding Machines 42.50 USED WALES Reg. 55.00 Value Adding Machines 37.50 USED UNDERWOOD NO. 5 Typewriters 32.50 KAY TYPEWRITER CO. REPAIRS SERVICE "ACROSS FROM THE SENATOR HOTEL" 223 No. High Ph. 3-8095 i--hriiMfcl,i I- SEE THESE GREAT MONEY SAVING SURPRISE VALUES TOMORROW AND SAVE! t i 275 NORTH LIBERTY' hi Yi iilWi'illWll