16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 8, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES AUTOMOBILES IAUTOMOBILES OIASS1FIED ADVERTISING! Per Lint Per Udi times -c Per Line time 60c Per Line I month 13-00 Outside of Salens 15e per, lint P day. Mln lOei 1 times mln 80c times mln 11.30 No Be fund READERS In Local Newi CoL Oolyt Per une . . . i0 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 6760. Modern late built -BR home fire place V blinds oil furnace. Attached garage. 11000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors Br OWNER new 3 bdrm. living rm. din. rm. comb. Hdwd llr.s., hall. bath. Lge. inside utility rm. Alt. garage. Lge. lot near school. 2378 Broadway Ph. 3-8844. al89 NEW HOME by owner. 2140 Carlton Way N on 88 to canton way. ,195 FOR SALE OR LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient loi business and residence or house can bi removtd 8 rm., full basemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to fears New Shopping Center, on State Highway 99E. V75 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-4540 lor appointment. a!87' BY OWNER Englewood school dist., well const. 3-bdrm. home. Full bsmt. with good (urn. Instil., new roof, new redec. About 10 yrs. old. Appro, lot 60x110. Bus by door Lots of shrubs and flowers, gar den In. Ph. 2-0396. 2295 Breyman. OWNER LEAVING CITY Offers tr.li one year old. 2 bedroom home, modern In every respect. Yard, shrubbery and garden In, automatic oil heat, best of conditions. Corner lot. $1250 will handle. Balance 56 per mo. F.H.A. Ph. 22825. 388 Tryon avc. al87 NEW 6 RM. house and bath rm! unflnlsh ed. 2 lots. Just north of West fltayton store. Leaving the State My $1302 equity In 1 yr. old 3 B R. home Insulated, harawood (Irs., com pletely modern. Move right in for $500 Bal. P.H.A. See 642 Blller Ave. Ph. 22880. 18V BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced to $5900. 822 N. 17th St. a IBB $7800. Clean modern 3-BR home Enle wood district. Hardwood floors fire place full basement. Immediate pos session Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors WE HAVE 3 exceptional listings on sub urban acreage 6 & 8 miles from down town Salem. Modern 3 bdrm. houses. Lt'dscaped lawn. Each owner Is mov ing from this area and must sell .mined. t a red iced price Very reasonable te ins A. N. Duncan Realtor 13-14 Ladd Bush Bldg. Ph. 3-D85S. Eve. Ph. 3-5319 alRO $13,500. Beautiful new 3-BK home all on one floor. Close In. Modern In every detail. 10500 F.H.A. committment. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 S. II iKh St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-M81. nlG7 BY OWNER: Duplex, furnished, 10 block from town. Income 1110 monthly. Priced to sell, 18750.00. See Mr. Janz, Wills Music Store. al0" BY OWNER: 2 bedroom mime. Ideal loca tion. Will accept lot as part payment. $7800. Terms. Ph. 33840 or 24431. a!90 FOR SALE or exchange for home In su burban Portland, S rm. mod. home, att Karaite, auto, hot water heater, tire place veu. blinds, floor furnace ft floored attic, 033 Ed In a Lane, Salem. alBT S. High St. Mod. Home Has 3 bdrms., den, llv. rm. -dining comb., kitchen with nook, full bsmt., loLi of bullt-lns, auto oil heat, fireplace, car peted, hdwd. firs., lge. lot, 12, 000. I'll owner at 3-8196. al90 5 SALEM HOUSES TO BE MOVED OR WRECKED 355 N. CAPITOL 966 CENTER ST. 980 CENTER ST. 3R4 N. SUMMER 330 N. SUMMER Information and bidding forms available 803 State Office building, Oregon State Highway Dept. alRT FAIRMOUNT HILL Beautiful ranch style 3 bed rm. home with knotty pine playroom ft extra bed rm. ft bath In basement, oil furnace. 2 flreplnces, double garage, large lot. Price has been reduced. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 3.v.!fln a 187 $7950 New A very nice, 2 bed rm. plastered home with hwd. floors thru-out. elec heat, heavily insulated, sliHke exterior, att. Karaite, lame lot east, wood terms Geo. A. Walters, Realtor BfiO 8. Commercial Phohe 33846 Eve. 25260 a!87 ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen hardwood floors, good workshop In gar age, automatic oil heat, near Bush school. Price la 19500 or will trade for suburban property or small acreage. HERE IS a nice home In Kolsrpr District. Has 3 bedrooms, l'j bat lis. living mom. dining roiuu, kitchen, nook, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, full basement with rumpus room, automatic oil heat, gar age, Large lot. NEW 2 BEDROOM home With bath, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, r!1 electric, car port. Imm. Poss. Close lo bus and school. Price Is 11,000. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4898, 2-1MS Eves. 3-7H41. 2-8686 alB7 Englewood District!! Beautiful new 3 BR home, LR with fireplace, Dining Room. Kitchen with lovely bullt-lns and breakfast nook Separate utility, Hdw. floors turnout. Unique floor plan extra large rooms, aichd garage. Forced oil furnace piped to all rooms. This Is really a good one t 113.500. F.H.A. Terms. Kenny Real Estate (FORMERLY HUFF HEAL FSTATFl 541 Chenifkrta Office Ph 23577 or 30(114 Evening Ph. 31770 or 2.19S3. al87 BUYNOW- Cory 3 bedroom home almost new. Im mediate Piv.-srsMon Loratcd S. 17th. close lo State. 7.!i:,0. with unnd terms McKINLEY DISTRICT A new 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, attached in nine, nice kitchen with corner sink, quiet district. Price 18,250. F.H.A. term?. Mattson &. Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 231 N. HUh Eve. Ph. 3-7534 3-1734. 1RT Drastically Reduced New price only 16950. Larue 3 BH hnmr In grove of fir tre. kitrlieii you've dreamed of owning. Linowall bath. Oil turn Oar. This is a good buv. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN 8ALFM 3?i0 N. Hie h St. Phone 2-4139. at87' Owner Must Sell Thlg 1 yr. old 3 BR ranch-type suburban home located N E. with unftn. nic lge. kitchen, DR, fireplace, att, gar hdwd. firs., V blinds, auto. heal, on lie. corner lot. Immediate possession Priced to sell at tB450. For more in formation see htts at 3855 Sunnyvirw or call '2-3781. .190 mail houre to movt or wreck $25 oo aw w. Ltuuitr. ail7 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Look for the Silver Lining" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARK THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title ol this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state, ment of 2j words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with vour name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Look for the Silver Lining." coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the fudges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elsinore rheatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES LEAVING STATE Make offer on equity bal, P.H.A., new iRe. 2 bdrm mod home att garage, uminiflliea upstair, v onnas oil furnace, flrenlace. lot 80x140 well planted. See anytime 3075 Scenic View Drive. Bo. Comm. up Ewald 2 blocks, a 187 ATTENTION NEW MODERN ft FIM. HOME. LATEST THING IN INTERIOR DECORATING. BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLUMBINO. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. SEE GLEN HAMILTON 2015 N. 34th. Ph. 2-3388. a!88 BY OWNER New suburban house, hdwd. firs., att. liar., on lue. lot near bus & school. We will transfer G. I. loan to buyer. Monthly payments are only 145, this include taxes, interest ft Insurance. 3-320 Ches ter, off Lansing. Ph. 2-7111. alOl ItY OWNER, largo rural 2 story home on 1 acre. 7 rooms & bath down, modern 4 rm. apt. up with private ent. At bath partly Turn., elec, rnntic., Igc. gar., back yard fenced, with cement pnllo, G. I. appraisnl 1 year ago 18,040. 1900 of Im provement addt'd since, Make an offer Terms. HI. 1, Box 321, Independence, a!8B 1 ItnilM. HOME. Entclewoud Dlst. Hdwd. Tlrs., fireplace, mi to. ol, neat, O.E dl.HliWQ.shor, UriHlIx, dble. garage, nice yard. fl3,00. See at 1825 N. 2011) St No agents. alflfl LEAVING STATE 4 yr. old 2 BR house. Hdwd. firs. Ine lot. Nr. schools. 1150 Nebraska St. a 192 2 ACRES $4,800 Best of soli. Attractive smutl - home on hinh ground midway between Kelzer Ai Chemawa. Easy terms. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9030 a!9l A (iOOD IIUY on Breyman Ave. LR, DR ge. kitchen, 2 bdrms., garage. A very comfortable home at 15500. Terms. I' nit HOME, North East. Igc. LR. DR. fireplace, basement, furnace, large back yard. $7M10. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 1G4 S. Com-l St. Ph. 3-0389. Eve. 3-7440 nlHB roil sale": New 2 Hit home: f7r7place7 hdwd. firs,, large closcta. plenty kit chen cnhlncLs, utility room In home, large shnde trees, ynrd ready to seed. Open evenlmts 7 to 8:30. Located 2455 D St. or phone 3-71109. a 188 JUST THE HOUSE for bachelor or bach- elorrt of distinction. Dig living room with utility room & lots of closet space. Flue location, To see ph. 2-4538. h188 UNUSUAL 2 -bed room home with red leather kitchen bar. Very nice bath. Large cement pntlo. Venetian blinds. 100x120 lot. Price J8.450, with eiisy terms. No. 289-A $50 DOWN! $2,750 per month. Factory built trailer house and lot. Movo in Immediately. No. 3 $1,000 DOWN! or trade lor down payment. 3 bedroom home on 1)5x11(1 lot with 3 separntc rentals. Very nice gnidrn. Close to school nnd bus. Price 17.500. 800 FEET FRONTAGE on DDE. Over 8 aores with new modern 2- bedniom home to rear of property. Large deep well. 10,000 with very easy terms. No. B79 Reimann Real Estate 201 South Hlsli Street. Ph. 3-9303 Sundays and Eveninvs 3- 9712. 2-8241, 2-25.12, 3-5905, 2-3738 a 187 :i-REtlt.M. MOD. HOME. .123x208 lot. 16500 1st house north of Klckreall barbecue. Klckreall. Ore. a 192 REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE Small acreage. New 2 bedrm. home on city and school bus line. Priced to low lo quote. Terms. North side Chamawa. Itt. 2, Uox mm. ai89 I HDH3I. Hl)USE2310BroiulwBy7"8500. A. E. Hen.sley, 2305 N. Liberty. a 198 CLOSE IN, 4 AI'TS. " Private buths. liu-ome $225 mo. Also 2 Ir. rms. and bu-semrnt could be rented. Price $15.1,00. 2a.l Center. Oen. Ural Estate. Phone 3-J-J8P. al89 IIV OYYNEK Small unfinished house 11050, juu tin, a-DJii or a-jauj. a 188 HV OWNEII- 8-room house, 4 bdrms., l'j oaui, ie. unsm t. with furnace, double garage, partly (urn., rxc. income prop erty. a block from mate office bUig. Price $0,500. 1337 Court St. Ph. 3-3:t60. alBD' FOB SALE RY OWNER 4 -bedroom home In King wood Heights. Hard wood floor down. Fireplace, wired tor range, electric hot water heater, lots ol closets. Urge lot. $5700, $1200 down. $45 per mo. Inc. Int. at 1051 Parkway Drive a 188 LOVELY 5-KOOM house, lots of hade for noi mys, insulated, auto, oil heat. 2 bdrms.. lge. living rm., dining rm., lots of built-in, hdwd. flrg., landscaped. 2 yrs. old. 647 Piedmont. Ph. 3-4761. 193 OUT OF STATE owner here to sell prac- uraiiy new i- Mory nome, a ige. rooms down, unfinished up,, hdwd. floors thru out, brerzi'Wtiy, Bit. gar., lot 75x140, F. H. A. terms, Salem Heights IJist. ft5 KWrtlri Mnve, S nil tiK to Kwald. nl!i2 FOR SALE LOTS FA1K5IOUNT VIEW AlHHTiON, Salem's r-it iiu-itr ii .muviiiiiii hum., rigiu on top ot Fairmount hill. Each lot has finest view. Drhe up Wash. St. All lots hae 90 ft. front ate. Just a few more aail- ble at (2MH). Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 181 S. fjmml St. Ph. 3-8J80. Eve. 3-7440 aal94 LOTS w:th water, electricity, bus, close to school on S,lerton hUhway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. $15 down. (15 per month. General Real Estate 255 Center. Ph. 3-3289. aal92 VIEW LOT 85x138. ? blocks trom"8slem Helgiits scnool Ph. 20998 aulas EW LOI 90x8 testrlcird City water Opp VLia Ave Ph 3-41'B4 aa '! LAIKiE LOTS, TreBsTcity wa"ter7busT Clojve to school A store. See A; make of. fer. Ph. 2-5807. aalR8 Journal Want Ads Pay GRABENHORST SPECIALS 325 SOUTHVIEW PLACE 3 Mrm., llv. rrm.. nice kitchen, hall and bath, 1 yr. old. Oo out Liberty Road to Bouthvtew Place, turn riant. Price $7,400, Call ROY FERRIS. FILBERT TRACTS Thee ranie from 1 to 94 acrea. located on paved road. 4 ml. from Salem. Cloaa to Prlnale .ehool. Zlectrlelty available. Theje tract, are priced from 11.350 to la, 250. REASONABLE TERMS. 1100 down and SIS per mo. If you are loolclnf for a country homealte, do not fall to aea theae. Call O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. BEAUTIFUL BLDG: SITE View property, 10 acrea. drilled well, food road, all under cult., eloae In. Price only 13,150. Call RICHARD S. ORABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 s. Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 Evenlnta and Sundaya Call Earl Wen 2-1233 Roy perrla 3-8010 - Peter oelaer 3-9908 - Ben Rolaen 3-3471 al7" By owner, 2 story, 8 large rm. house. Full basement, party room and bed room, l'A bath, 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces. Springier system, fully landscaped Near schools. Priced to sell. Corner Cottage and Judson. To be seen, Ph. 39540. Period furniture, and oriental rugs available. aias FOR SALE BY OWNERS Home With Income Cieck lot; oak trees; double garage; 2 tile fireplaces; living hall, dining, carpeted; sunlight kitchen; bath down; 4 BR's and bath up; east front; close to junior and senior high; oil nutomatic hot water heat; insulated. 2 furn. apts. separate from house. Consider 2 BR house on trade. Phone 3-7694 FOR SALE LOTS LAIKiE SUBURBAN lot N. Take small down payment, good terms naionce. i n. 2-838S eve. A; Sun. aaW FAIRMOUNT HILL on Washington St. between Fir and Fairmount streets, facing soul h. Lovely level lot 50x 100 with trees, shrubs and 2-car gar age. Only (2150. Call 3-4018. Eve. 3-8213. aal02" FOR SALE FARMS DIVERSIFIED FA KM. This 31 acres, gentle rolling loam is producing heavily In fruit, berries, nuts, pltry.. At small dair ying. The mod. 3 BR omr fireplace, dble. plmblng., bunt., furnace) loc. on knoll of lge. shade trees leaves little to be desired In FINE LIVING. 2 car garage. Pllry. luse.. there Is a YR. CREEK. DON'T BRING VOUR WIFE & FAMILY If they are choosy. They'll want this!! Will trade for good hse. it small acreage, Salem. STOCK A DA1BY FARM IRRIGATED IaADINO. 133 A. dark loam, loc. West, easy drive from Salem. 110 A. In grain, hay A clover. Well drained. Artesiah well, 3 springs, water piped to all bldg. Spacious, well arranged mod. plast. home, bsmt., furnuce. i Magnificent View over Valley). 10 Stanch, barn, new 800 capacity pltry. hse., new 2 car gnrage, milk hse.. lac. hog barn. Priced to sell. 125.000. Terms. P.S. Will Hade for modern 2 BH home or Income prop., Salrm. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-7440 bl89 BV "OWNER Business interests compel us to go back east, so we are selling our country home There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries (or income, also some young fruit tree coming along The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and is of smart modern de sign. It ts all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort in living. Price 117.500 and worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Luke school, east side of rond. Reese A. nail, Route 2. Box 264. Salem. D206 BY OWNER Nice 10 A.-farm "about". 0 miles from Salem. Well Improved mod ern home with nearly all new furni ture. Berries, fruit and walnuts. Deep well. Hay in barn, 2 chicken houses Prire J9500 if taken at once. la mile south Cloverdale school. Rt. 2, Box 78 Turner, Oregon. b!87 BAIUiAIN HUNTINO? Go out to Lynns, snap up this 20 rich acres, all woven wire fenced. Small liveable liar., bam A Pltry. hse. 230 elec. A lovely spot on YR. CHEEK. Immed. pass. ONLY 1300 down 135 per mo. on bal. Special price of 3500 this week. (IOOD LAND (IOOD TERMS 44 A. prod loan.. East, on pvmt. Some - bottqm, 30 A. perm, past., 10 A. producing wal nuts. Small hse. & barn. Only $7000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Kve. 3-7440 b!88 FOR SALE ACREAGE 12 Min. from Downtown 5 A. with 3 bdrm. mod. home In beau tiful grove of large oaks. Setting must be seen to be appreciated. Dble. gar., chlx hse,, shed 28x36, suitable for smnll barn, family orchard, berries,, potatoes k sweet com ready to eat. City At. school buses. Owner leaving state & price re duced to $12,500. Consider part trade On paving, 1 mile E of Ketner school Rt. 2, box 49F. Ph. 3-4:98. Drive by and see owner or call Bill Hopkins with A N. Duncan, 12 Ladd St Bush Bank bid. Ph. 3-9658. bbl90 37 ACRES 14 miles from Salem. A real money maker Large 6 room colonial house with fireplace. Only 4 years old. Clean level, well tilled land, planted with bearing apple, pear peach, cherry and nut trees. Bal. pasture A farm land Barn machine shed, garage A 2 poultry houses. Owner forced to sacrifice due to poor health. Price $10,500. Will con sider small house or Income property in Salem as part payment, Call Bon Cleary Walter Musgxave, Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph 3-3109. eve. 3-9i.t9 bbl87 REAL ESTATE FOB VOUR SAV1NOS Investment buy a tint mortgage on real estate Salem A victnlty Examine lecurity yourself Amnnts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5 we make all col lection or you It desired STATE FINANCE CO, 15J . High REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 3 BEDROOM All rooms on 1 floor. Full basement. Se lect location. Nice home. Drastically re duced $11,500. Liberal F.H.A. terms. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. OLDER TYPE HOME 3 bdrm. home needs repair but has many possibilities. Full basement. Large lot A; choice location. Well worth $7000. Will trade for suburban prop erty of equny value. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. $1000 DOWN New 2 bdrm. home north. Immediate possession. IS acre, Prlv. well. 3 blocks to bus. Total price $5,000. Eve Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 10 ACRES Highway frontage on 99E with many posibllitlcs. Very nice 2 bdrm. home. 2 acrea excellent berries. Nice setting. Will trade for a nice city home. Total price $16,000. Eve. Ph. 3-9043 or 3-3558. GRADE "A" DAIRY One of the finest Orade A dairies. 65 acrea with excellent buildings. Choice dairy herd. Good farm machinery. No waste land. Everything goes for $36,000. Will accept city home as part payment. Eve. Ph. 3-8043 or 3-3558. Al Isaac & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4598 3033 Portland Rd. C187 i-OR COURTEOUS, efncit-ui service on t'UT real estate problems please call A. E. DANIELSON 168 N 12th St. Ph 35620. C191 Cliffmoor Village Wooded tracts with utilities. Restricted residential. 1 mhr.i north on Wallace Rond to Harritt Drive. c!02 OWNER TRANSFERRED. Must sell. Very nice 2 bedrm. home. Large lot. Kelzer Dlst. Price only $6990. Reasonable down payment: $36.50 mo. G.I. loan. VERY GOOD 3 bedrm. bungalow. Full ce ment basement; oil furnace. Large lot; nice trees. Price only $10,000. Terms. FOR SALE OR TRADE about 125 acres 11 miles from Salem In Polk Co. Would make a good dairy or stock farm. Mod ern house. Barn 14 stanchions with dlnklng cups. Silo; large machine shed: chicken house; granary. 9 springs: oak trees. Good road. Possession October 1. Price only $8500. Will consider trading for house In Salem. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Even in us call: 2-4007 or 3-6789. cl7 Lot Bargains $250 dn. on lge. lot In Kelzer. Full price $800. Candeloria Hgls. $500 dn. for 100x100 lot. Full price $1000. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Evej. 2-2147 or 2-8836 C189 WANTED REAL ESTATE oo ACRES more or less, wanted by pri vate buyer, Salem area preferredr Oive exact location, price, all details Im mediately. Write Capital Journal Box 388. ca!90 HOME SITE. 70-100 ft. on sur. hwy. N. or E. exp. in or near Salem llm. with wa. and elec, lg. lot. well dra.t good soil and reas. priced. Give lull part, with pymt. plan ot Box 276 Capital Journal. cal89 WANT 1 or 2 bdrm. house in or near Salem, $4-1-5000, Write Box 274 Capital - .. .-- CA181 WE RE Id need oi gooo houses to aeii In or near Salem If you wish lo (1st tout property tor gale see ORABENHORST BROS. REALTOR! 134 a Liberty 8t -Phone 1-2471 ca REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyers if you have the property. We help finance. Phone 3-7983. room 320, Oregon Bldg. HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 acres priced up to $17,000. Phone 2-7983. room 330, Oregon Bldg. ca212 SOT ICE If your property la for sale, rent oi exchange list It altb us W have all kinds of cash buers T.Vl'l FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 ft High 8t eaa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE JO ACRES. 3 cows, 2 tractors Ai mchy. House with bsmt., furnace, barn, poul try htfiise. Owner would like small home in Salem. WE HAVE several other trades e ui today or good trailer house. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. Hllh St. Ph. 3-4139. cbl87 A. A. Larsen Realtor Vtfl.io. OLDER HOME. Walking distance of State house. 3 bdrm., liv.. din., kitchen, bath. Large lot 50x150. Paved alley. Rm. for small house of back of lot. tl'J,5O0. BEAUTIFUL 3 Bit KM. HOME. Large llv. At din. rm.. kitchen. 2 bdrms. and bath on 1st floor. 1 bdrm. and storage space up. Full basement, oil heat. Corner lot. Shade trees. Choice lot. SUBURBAN SOUTH $13,300. lit MO. OLD. Modern style. 2 bdrm., llv., din., kitchen, bath. Large lot. Elec. heat and fireplace. Close to Salem Heights school. View property. SUBURBAN 4-CORNERS U.tftn. NEW t BDRM. MODERN STYLE. Llv., din., kitchen, bath, attached garage: Elec. water system, lawn At shrubs are In. Fruit trees. Let us show you a well built borne. MANBRIN GARDENS SI2.0OA. YRS. OLD. 2 bdrm.. liv.. din., kitchen, bath. Full b&sement. Fireplace. Auto Jil furnace. Large lot. Bus by door. 19500 F.H.A. com. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORflEN Office 2-8639 New Location 191 8. Hlah - A. A. Larsen Realtor REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Lovely Setting Good 3 bedroom home, new barn and chicken house, lots of fruit and nut trees, all on 1 acre of land. Located on North river road, with street on 3 sides of property. Bus by the door. Total price $8500. Suburban Half Acre Well built 2 bedroom home with unfinished upstairs, wired for range and water heater. Excellent well. Large detached garage. Swegle district, $6950. Make offer of down payment. Thinking About Schools? Here's an excellent 2 bedroom home, about 25 years old, with full basement, attached garage, located within 4 blocks of Senior and Junior high schools. Very c)oe to swimming pool, park, playground and new shopping center. Walking distance to town. Drive by 525 North 14th Street. $8500. Good Residential District Bungalow style 2 bedroom home with auto, oil heat, beautiful large trees, good eized lot. No garage, but walking distance from town. Located at 445 Oxford street, Just off South High Street. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE A S-B.R. HOUSE. Lovely corner lot. Close In. For 3 or 4 B.R. home witn basement. B. part. Ph. 3-3289. Gen. Real Estate, 255 Center. cbl87 FARM SWAP 62 '-4 acres, mostly Amity A; Newberg soil. North. S rm. house, 2 barns, milk machine, tractor & complete equip., hay, 9 cows, priced at $13,500. Swap for city home or income property. KEIZER SWAP Beautiful 5 rm. At business lot full basement, unfinished attic, fireplace will trade for 5 rm. home E., S.E., or 8 Salem. If you want a suburban home don't fail to see this one. Crawford. BURT PICHA, R'LTORS 379 N. High St. OrflCO 2-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451 cbl87 SECRETARY to the director or admis sions Willamette univ. Must know short hand, typing St office procedure. Call for app't. 3-9266, ext. 21. cbl87 TRADE EQUITY In lge. home Tor small house A lot. Ph. 3-7365. ebl87 RESORT PROPERTY Alsea River At tidewater. Well built log cottage consisting of LR. DR, kit., with G.E. refrlg.. range A hot wtr. heater. 2 bdrms. As bath. OH heat. Covered dock. Gar. is hobby shop. Cottage completely furn. Make ideal yr. around home for retired cple. Good fishing As hunting. Might consider view acreage, vicinity of Salem as part payment. $8500, which is far below pre-war cost. Call 3-4018. Eves. 3-8213 or write P.O. box 509, Salem ccl92 BUNEOPPORTUNITIES Restaurant Man Look! Large grade A restaurant with 2 nice modern 3 rm. annrtmcnts, located on ODE near Salem, building! St equipment practically new, lots of parking space, extra room for courts, everything goes for $22,000, $10,000 will handle, easy terms on balance, fixtures St equipment alone worth over $10,000. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 25260 cdl87 Service Station REPAIR SHOP Doing a good business, suburban town, good stock, advertised gasoline, 6c margin, about $8,000 Investment. Very good possibilities. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4506 3035 Portland P.d. cdl92 CLOSE IN. 4 APTS. Private baths. Inrome $225 mo. Also 2 Ig. rms. and basement could be rented. Price $15,500. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate. 255 Center. cdl87 DUE TO ILLNESS must sell our super market doing good business. Long lease. Good cement bldt., nicely located. Will sell stock at invoice. Will give some time on fixtures. Ph. 381. Falls City. Ore., or see Dickinson's Super Market. cd!92 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants. service stations and motels or courts. Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 2-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldg. co213 Excellent Opportunity! This very profitable suburban grocery will pay for Itself in l'.a years. Owner operates with after-school help only. Ideal for family set-up. Grossed $ 100. 000 In 1948. Good long lease and draws from best farm trade in vnlley. Price $8,350 plus stock. No. 744 Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sunday and Evenings 3-3738, 3-8241, 2-2533, 3-5905, 3-9712 Cdl87 NELSON NEWS GOOD DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Modern bldg., be.M location. good equipment and an established business, netting from fSOO to $1000 a month. Can be handled with Sl'J.flOO cash. NELSON & . NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622. cdl87 BUSINESS OPP. Low price business bldg. with pice liv ing Quarters. Offering low overhead. In excellent location on busy downtown highway. Lot 50x100. Price 18.500. Easy terms. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 131 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 cdl91 SALE OR TRADE int. in proven gold mine in Trinity county for 13,000. M. J. Kolt. 3334 45th St., Sacramento, Ph. 30983, Salem. cdt91 WANT TO lease small grocery More and fixtures. Ph. 33486. cdl87 GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 gas pumps, 6 cabins, 2 ml. N of underpass on Hy. 99E. W. J. Jarms. Rt. 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph. 24319. cd207 FOR SALE by owner 44'x6iv stone bldg.. located in downtown SUverton. Ideal business location plus monthly income. Living quarters in rear. Owner leaving state and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free. 133-B Fiske St., Silverton or Phone 373. Silverton. rdlPS" FURNITURE FOR SALE NICE WALNUT bed, good spring and mat tress, complete wi.ao or offer. 1434 Ferry. dl89 G.E, DRYER SUiS. OH circulator $35. Roue netge rug and pan. pxi;,. $65. "33 Butck $.15. ABC washer $45. Swing rocker $15. Floor lamp I7.50. Phone 2-7194. ril87' KNEE-HOLE desk, practically new! fop 22x44, mack walnut finish. $35. "55 Mc Nary, W. Salem after 5 10 p.m. dl88 USPINTED furn: turf cHtseou$priceV WOOD ROW & 450 Ctntet flu d Home 3-7163 REAL ESTATE FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY SA-H GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3707 d!87 WANTED FURNITURE 1 HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and iiuutjuuuin articles. iNOtning to pig or Bin. Ph. 38S58. da207 USED FURN. Check our prices. Vnlley Furn. Co., 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. dn208 IIIGHEPT prices paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Maraet Ph 3-5110 da AUCTIONS AUCTION Plumbing parts and water awitch for G.E. sink sold by mistake at auction Thursday. Buyer please call Woodry. Phone 35110. ddlBB FURNITURE & APPLIANCES AUCTION TUES., AUG. 9. 8 P.M. SHARP GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4 MILES NORTH OF SALEM ON G9E LOT No. 1 The Estate of FANNIE A. TIBBITS, Deceased, as follows: 49 Modern El. Range 4',a ft. Refrigerator 2 Sectional Bookkases Large China Closet Easy Washer A Cabinet Radio Phonograph 8-pc. Onk Dining Set A Breakfnst Sot 2 Axmlnister Rugs 3 -PC. Davenport Set (Needs Recovering) 3 Bods, complete A 2 Dressers 0 Chest of Drawers Secretary Desk . Large Lot Tools Bedding Parlor Tables Pressure Cooker v 6 DLshe.s, Utensils Many more Items. LOT No. 2 Mahogany Desk St Chair 4-pc. Bed Suite A Box Spring St Mnttress S?L of Lamps A Daveno Suite A Swing Rocker A 2 Vacuum Cleaners A Bnby Crib A; Mattress A 3 Book Shelves A Used Daveno A Large Oak Chest LOT No. 3 A Many Small Lots too numerous to List. "We sell on commbvslon or pay "U" The Cash" Attend our sale every Tuesday GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Ph. 35110 SnlfUl Western Swln Dance Sat. 9 to 12:30 ldl88 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE FRESH gentle Guernsey 3 yr. old cow with heifer calf. Route 4 box 458, Suiinyslde road, Salem. Oreg. el88 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S 25. Ph, 3-8147 ea205 RABBITS 4 ANGORA RABBITS St t unit hutch. 830 Union St. eblOI PETS AKC REGISTERED cocker spaniel pup. mos. 125, with papers. Ph. 33577. ecl87 3 FINE registered Irish setter pups, 8 weeks old. One male $50, females 835 each. See them at LeGary's Kennels. Rt. 3. Phone 3-1398. ec!89 TWO 4-MONTH old kittens. House broke. Jl each. Ph. 2-0846. eel 87 DCGS BOARDED and tralnedreasonao.e rates by day or month Trimming and bathing. Free Pick-up St dellv LeOrny Kennels. Rt, 3. Ph 3-1398. ecl91 FUEL TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust P'ompt delivery. Ph 2-7442 We give S ft H Green Btamps. Green 16 In. mill wood ec West Salem Fuel Co. 1 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD.'16-rN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone y-ilero 2-4031 Alto pi el up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee GOOD WOOD A- sawdust. Reasonable pric es. R. W. Maker. Ph. 3-7868. ee!91 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak. ash ft maple. 4 fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph, 31458. ee FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 cal: highway fuel for iHe.'e: and Stove OILS FRESH CUT SAWPUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Platnti Ends A Block Wood. Ph 16444 e Best Buys in Town 1043 BUICK ROADMASTER, Dyna flow. 6600 miles $2490.'. 1948 CROSLEY STATION WAGON. Very low mileage 850 0 1943 HUDSON, all ace, low mileage, 1 owner 1995.C 1948 OLDS 88 Club Hydramatlc, all ace, I owner 1093.0' 197 OLDS 98 SEDAN, Hydramatlc, all ace, a beauty 1920.0 1947 OLDS 78 CLUB. Hydramatlc, all ace, 1 owner 1745.C 1947 OLDS 76 SEDAN. Hydramatlc. all ace, 2 tone grey 1770.0 1948 PONTIAC CLUB 2 tone, all ace. 1 owner 1530. 1641 OLDS 78 CLUB, Hydramatlc. 7 tone. A perfect car B95.C .1941 PONTIAC 6 Sedan, A-I throughout. Look, only 895.0 1940 OLDS 00 SEDAN. Clean and a beauty 795.0 1941 FORD V-8 CONV. Everything new 825.0 .1941 WILLYS SEDAN, new paint. A-l condition 550.0 193& PLYMOUTH SEDAN, new paint. 1 owner 575.0 Many others in years and models to choose from at the lots where the faces chanse often. Where? At LODER BROS. YOUR OLDS 2410 Fairgrounds Road (open eve.) 465 Center St. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Pb. 3-4969 RED FRYERS, live. or dressed. Rt. 7, box 434 A. McCain Ave. off SUverton rd. 1188 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day Pn 2-2B61 Lee's Hatchery t PRODUCE CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Frank Bello. Ph. 20270. 580 Hollywood Ave. mao' BUFF BANTAMS tl pair. Wm. Roth, 1740 Oxford. fI18B SWEET CORN 25c doz. McCain Ave. off Silverton rd. Rt. 7, box 429P. Ph. 2-5905. Ifl88 CUX & DILL available Sun. St wk. days. Taking orders for tomatoes St corn. Wm. A. Kirsch. Rt. 1. box 42. Turner-Marion highway, near Marion. ffl88 EARLY CANNING peaches. Schlndler Bros., Grand Lsland. Ifl87 CUCUMBERS, all sizes, J. E. Peterson, Rt. 1, Box 402, Wallace Rd ff!87 DAHLIAS blooming, order now. Ph. 20514. 1491 7th St. K190 THORNLESS blackberries, first picking. U pick 5c. ml. E. Totem Pole. Carl Woodruff ffl87 DELICIOUS TREE ripened peaches are ready at the Jess Ma this Orchard and Fruit Stand 6 miles N. of Salem on Portland Highway Fine for eating, can ning or freezing Jess Mathls, Rt. 2, Box 338 Salem ff!87 GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester Peaches now on. Slappy to follow Boon. One mile out on Wallace Rd. Ph. 22216. Moses P. Adams. ff 194 SWEET CORN for sale at Hollywood Dr. and silverton Rd. w. M, Hidings, Kt. e. Box 778. Phone 2-2675. ffl89 CORN FOR SALE. Hollywood Ave. Ph. 2-2675. II1H9 BOYSENBERRIES, U - Pick, 5c lb. R. O. Doege, V3 mile E. Liberty School. Rt. 9. Box 210. Phone 2-3141. f f 192- HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS. Bishops South rfver road, io minutes irom baiem. sus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd St Bush Bank 6:35, south on Commercial to Owens. For information cull 3-6137. gl02 TOP YARD for hop picking machine and field crews. Men and women. Also dry house help. Head dryer man. Call before noon if possible. Wo start Monday, Aug. 8. Ph. 31763. W. W. Graham Hop Yard. 8190 TO CARE FOR 4 cows and chickens eve ning and morning. Free house and gar den with small salary while owners awuy. Rt. 4, Box 106. Ph. 2-1117. gl8p WANTED: Bean Pickers 1 miles Irom Fairgrounds on SUverton highway ti mile N St E from Central Howell. Watch Tor sign. Clarence Herr, Rt. 2, Sil verton. g!89 HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co., a miles s. of Salem. Picking starts Aug. 12. Ph. 3-79'i6 or 2-3107. gl87 HOP PICKERS wanted, 3-a ml. east Of Yvoodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. start Aug. 4th. Harold Bushman, Pb Woodburn 1430 gl88 Berry Pickers Those registered for thornless black berry picking report Tues. Bring buckets to pick in. Marvin Van Cleave, V mile east of Totem pole. i mile N on Van Cleave rd. Rt. 7 box 246. Ph. 2-5161. gl87' NOTICE Picking will start fit BROWN ISLAND HOP YARD Wednesday, Aug. 10. gl88 HELP WANTED MALE MR. STOWEIX NEEDS 2 ASSISTANTS. GOOD WORK AND GOOD PAY. PH 37803 BETWEEN 8 AND 9 A.M. FOR APPOINTMENT. ga!87 STEADY MEN for mill work. Pippin mill, Independence. Ore. gal88 EXPERIENCED SETTER In mill. Steady work, at .once. Pippin Mill, Indepen dent. gal88 HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERK TYPIST, with working knowledge of bookkeeping. Give age, experience, marital status St salary desired. Write box 270 Capital Journal. gb WANTED SALESLADIES. Aage 25 to 35. For extra work on Fridays and Satur days. Apply Montgomery Ward Co., Salem. gb WANTED SALESMAN FOR PERSONAL interview ph. 2-2268. Egl91' NEW FALL FAMOUS PATRICK LINE Good earnings. Take orders choice line shirts, packets, sweaters, underwear, blankets, etc. Full time with $400 sam ples. Car necessary. Or part time with photo-swatch line. Patrick Duluth Gar ment Factory, Duluth, Minn. ggl87 SALESMEN to represent the Build eraIn sulating Co. 980 S. Commercial. Year round selling position. No canvassing. Prospective buyers furnished daily. If you con sell you can make $700 to $1000 monthly. Floor time at State fair. See Mr. Stevens. cgl87 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND Cl.FRICAl POSlT!ON CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 3P(t State St h 3-1438 bP WANTED POSIT IONS ATTENT IO N CABINET-SHOPS Would like job in cabinet shop in or around Salrm. Have gone to Eusene. Vocational school 9 mos. and now work in there. For recommendation write to Bernard B;cm, 223 River Rd., Eu gene. hl89 AUTO MECHANIC apprenticeship wanted by high school graduate. Ph. 3-3902. M87 I BABY SITTER Wants-Work. 2490 N. 4th. I Phone 2-3902. hl87 CHILD CARE per day. any age. New home fenced yard. Ph. 28685. hl87' FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5S22 h207 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th Phone 3-3643 h307 MIDDLE AGE lady wants baby sitting. Pll. 2-474S. hl91 RELIABLE baby sitter, evening. Ph. 22983 hl83 DEALER Phone 3-1490 Phone 2-7973 pl87 WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for ambulator; women. 2243 N. Liberty. hl88 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv Ice Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. h204 DRESSMAKING ft alterations. Ph. 2-9840 aner 3 h203 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- ... .aao. up. num Muar. w. n MCA111S- ici, oiu irane. rn, Z-UHB. h201 RELIABLE MAN with IVa yrs. public ac- DENTAL NURSE Graduate of S.F. DenttA' iw.Bi.-n dunuui, rnone 2-DD7J. 1.192' WOMAN WANTS baby sitting, night or ""a Diuwn, o-oSaVf. niB7 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. ii312 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h201 CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. nt3" CARPENTER WK. New Repair. Ph. 3-2093. D1B7 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and Chim ney building. Ph. 39702. Free estimates. M87- CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph.J-4850. h" PLOWING. DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 22057. h203 EDUCATION BIG PAY IN AUTO BODY and FENDER WORK Learn this profitable trade In spare time with practical, easy training. In cludes spray painting, metal work, welding, etc. Men who are mechani cally Inclined write today for FREE facts. Auto-Crafts Training, Registrar. 2523 Sheffield, Chicago 14. hhl88 WELDiNf; sr.HnriT. Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland - Ml) 9680 hh206 FOR RENT ROOMS NICELY FURN. rm. woman with car very iiMunagie. iu nice nome to right party. Object companionship. 1068 Cascade Dr. JK1B7 ROOMS, kitchen priv. Ladles only. Ph. omiiaman il. JK192" SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. jlc201 SLEEPING RMS. for men. Priv. entr. ft rn. u, or iuo. iou N, Capitol Ph. 3-3425 jk204 SLEFPING Room, 2131 Center. jkl89 ATTRACTIVE sleeping rm for employed Kcuueman near capital Shopping Cen ter. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248, Jkl91 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. Jk 198" FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. FURN. Apt. Down town. Adulti only. Inquire Blaine Hotel. Jpl87 FURN. APT. for 1 or 3. Clean, close In. uwi. lutu. i-n. d-uivi. toq w. church. JplBT FURN. J.R3L Apt. 246 8. 17th. InlfiO PARTLY FURN. Priv. bath. Child accept- iM.aa.uu Dl. JD1B. APT. WITH large living rm., furn. In rose drapes. Bdrm. with 2 dble. beds. Mod. em hath and very close In. 488 N. JD1BH- NEW COURT 3-rm. apt. Rrefrlg., range after 5:30 p.m.. 3-4205. jpi87 CLOSE IN. Cozy 2-rm. furn. apt. Rafrlg. X-RM. FURNISHED apt. (one child). 5 m Btuwu,. 4ojsj uapie Ave. MOl- 3 RM furn apt. prlv. ent, bath. r.wjvU v"t"ii. uij union, jpmu- LARGE MOD. 3 rm. apt. suitable for 2 j uuaiucaa gir. ja n. winter. JD1B7 RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath u.r fir Entr. back porch. 1 blk. to bus ft mar ket. Child accepted. 725 S. 13th fit. JP187 UPPER 3 RM. APT. to emp. couple. No uriniters. hbo d m. JplSS FURN. APT. Prlv. bath, upstairs, adults. " niaie. JP190" EM. FURN. apt. No children or pets. 2 blocks south of Capitol Bldg. 303 S. Winter. Ph. 3-9857. Jpl88" NEW MODERN 3 room apt., range, refrlg. furn. No other furnishings, 105S Edge water. Ph. 3-6522. jpias CLOSE IN 2 rm. furn. apt. 635 N. Winter. Jpl86 UNFURN. APT. 399 Mission. Jp 136 PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. ft bath, modirn n'o. luiu, Aiao une space lor trailer house. Downtown. Ph. 29835. jplBS NEW 2 BR. DUPLEX with Gar. Range, nei. k ven. annas, can 3-9934 S to 4:30. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT or lease 2 bdrm and house with 17 acres 4 miles south. Ph. 37125. Jml87 3 RM, partly furn. apt., priv. bath. No elec. stove or refrlg. Close In, newly decorated. 940 Mill St. Jml87 FOR RENT: 1 bdrm. house, garage, In town. 55. per month. Inquire Rt. 8, box 802. Dallas rd. Jml87 4-B.R. HOUSE, older type. Call after 6 p.m.. 3-8854. Jml89" 2 BDRM. HOME with apt. upstairs. No cnuarcn. tui n. unurcn. Pa, 24846. Jral87 BDRM. UNFURN. house $65. 2175 Byram oflSunnyview Ave. Jral87" 4 BDRM. HOME lge liv ft Din Rm Oil furnace. 3355 Garden Rd. See Moore at Eliatroms or Ph. 3-7495 Eve. or Sun. Jml87 Don't Pay Rent BUY LIKE RENT Let us tell you about our home buying plan New homes, hdwd. firs., auto. heat. Psv. ed streets. Inside city limits. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 480 N. Church ph. 27642 Eve, or Sun. 2-0343 or 3-0126 Jm' 3 ROOM HOUSE furnished, 125 per mo. 3W miles N. of Brooks, Rt. 1, Box 83. Ph. Gervals 3272 after 7 p.m. Jml90 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, excellent location, 318 Liberty at Court. Phone 23923. J 190 POWER TOOL rentals for home and .n dust rial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. Fl'RJf, OFFICE. Mezzanine floor, 312 High St., 135 per month. Year lease br longer. Call 340 1 6. j irt (Continued on Page 17)