14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 8, 1949 1 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chapter 20) Gertrude's friendship and Viola' kept Priscilla from becoming too depressed again and then there was her work at the office- to stimulate her. But a few weeks after she had gone out to dinner with Gertrude and the two boys, something happened which served to bring out Priscilla's old spirit, if only to rebel against the consum mate injustice of it. Drusie brought her a letter one saiuraay morning. It was postmarked San Francisco and proved to be from Kenneth. "I been tola you and Gertrude been runnine aro-n' with fellers till all ours of the nite and caring on high and I dont like it and I want it stopt." I'm not going to take that, she told herself. I'm not airaia 01 mm any longer. I'm not afraid of any body. I'll go where I please and do what I please. She threw herself into her work in order to forget him and then, too. she knew that she was in line for promotion. She wanted more than ever to make some i thing of herself, to justify the ' faith her father and Dennis had once had in her. On a blustery March afternoon, Priscilla walked across the street 1 to the cafeteria for her usual fru gal lunch. Mechanically, she push ed the glass swinging door and en tered the welcome shelter of the lunchroom. At the counter she got ; a bowl of soup and some toast, and then sat down at the only vacant table. Priscilla propped a book up in front of her and sighed She had not reached the end of the first page before someone came to set a tray down on her table. Irritated, but too polite to show it, Priscilla closed her book to make room for the stranger, when sud : denly she noticed the hands that held the tray. Strong hands they were slim, sensitive hands, yet . strong. Before she heard the fa miliar, soft voice she knew to whom those hands belonged. Priscilla raised her eyes slowly, "Hello," said Dennis. He was smiling, "May I share your ta ble?" "Of cuorse," Priscilla answered. Except for the unwonted pound ing of her pulses, you would have thought it had been only yester day tnat they had lunched to gether. Priscilla watched his hands as he took the dishes from the tray. He sat down, but he did not begin to eat. Priscilla no longer felt any Interest in food, nor did Dennis seem to care whether or not he ate anything. He simply sat and look ed at her, as if he were memorizing her face. "You don't -seem to have much appetite," said Dennis, as he look ed at her meager lunch which was almost untouched. "Is that all you eat?" "I seldom take any more than this." From the discussion of food, they took up the topic of the weather and then there didn't seem to be much more to say. Or perhaps there was much too much to say. At any rate Priscilla hoped it wouldn't be said in a crowded cafeteria. "Do you like French food?" Den nis asked, as they sat palpably forcing down the last of their lunch. "Oh, yes," said Priscilla. "I mean ... I think I do ... I haven't eaten much of It , . , except bouil labaise, once . . ." She flushed with embarrassment at this evi dence of naivete. "Then how about lunch tomor row?" Dennis was asking. "I know a place where they have wonderful French food." "Oh, yes . . . yes, of course," Itammercd Priscilla. Priscilla went to sleep that night almost happy. The next day at noon, wearing her old red coat newly brushed and bright, Priscilla left the of fice and walked toward the ap pointed place. Harassing doubts walked with her. Had he forgot ten their date? Would he be able to get away, even if he wanted to? She need not have worried. He was there, waiting for her. Smil ing, he took her arm and they en tered the resaurant together. It was a quaint place with a ireat stained-glass window in front, through which sifted a soft, warm light. On one side was a massive brick fireplace with gleaming cop per utensils. The fire crackled mer rily and emitted a pungent odor. which stimulated priscilla's appetite. The tables, covered with spotless White linen, contrasted sharply with a dark walnut bar. where the fancy glassware and colorful bottles sparkled as brightly as the fire Itself. "I usually speak French with the waiters," whispered Dennis. "Com-prenez-vous?" "A little. Or, should I say un peuv replied Priscilla. She was determined to be sophisticated if u Kuiea ner. "That's fine, honey." He turned to the waiter and handed him their coats saying, "Boniour. Henri." "Bonjour, Monsieur Drummond. Comment vous portez-vous?" "Je me norte fort bien. ie vous remercie," answered Dennis. "Faites la connalssance de mon amis Ma dame Kent," he added, Introducing f nsuiim. "Enchante, Madame." "Moi, aussi," replied Priscilla. Henri turned to Dennis, and asked good-naturedly. 'Madame cst-elle votre bonne amie?" "Je le souhalte. Henri." "Dennis." Priscilla asked curious ly, after the waiter left with their order, "why did you say you wished it were so, when he asked whether I was your good friend. Don't you ininK i amy Dennis hesitated and seemed to measure his words before he snoke. "He didn't use bonne amie in the literal sense of 'good friend,'" said Dennis. "He meant It as an idiom for 'sweetheart.' I answered I wish ed you were my sweetheart. Now you know how I feel." For a long moment their eves met in understanding and each knew what was In the heart of the other. (To Be Continued) 3076 (EES II . 19 7 4 ill l'"u.i. willy Dress There Is sue clal charm about this Style- NO. 3076 IS CUt 111 SZCS 11. 13. 15, 17 and 10. Size 13, dress and pep- ium, a yas. au-in. SUMMER Ls the time for orettv styles the Fashion Book the place to una mem. tverytmnf? you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charmlnc and wearable fashions for town, country, home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brliiKs you over 150 pattern designs lor all ages and occasions, and all desiRiied for easv sewinn. Price just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. Send 25c rur PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number, State Size desired. Address Can lai Journal 552 Mis sion St.. Snn Francisco fi, Calif. I ; , :'fili SP Joy after every. mea For Small Enchanters Anv in fant or one-year-old baby will be cosy, comfortable and pretty In tills cable trimmed knitted sacque and Doolies, it is easy Knitting and fast work too for doting mothers, aunts. grandmas and other eager wardrobe assistants. Pattern Envelope No. R2585 con tains complete knitting instructions lor lnlant and one year size: ma terial requirements, stitch Illustra tions and finishing directions. To obtain tne pntwrn Bend 30c IN COINS giving pattern number vour name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. fl A1WT Hnif) FAftV RAIDVl PF(TK?WI7F vm ID DIMfl 'RTl'k-AVl f ctpvf ...unr n in UAMnl T ic i-i I OCA I I j a OB a STILL FOB THAT, J-I'LL TURN -A RA.L OF MINE HAD IT THROWN DOWN WHERE BALDV AND FRIEND OF CHARLIE HARRIS ' l TELL'VA .HIM OVER TO IN HIS FACE BY A CERTAIN 1 BEAVER CANT SEE ifl ---TAKE THIS BACK TO HIM T - . , H vniiz-BirrnNiv GRANITE-HEARTED GRACIE THAT -m. ,' ' -rs m - -?A- -'-V AFTER HE HAS HE LOVED VERY MUCH AND B -pMj !; I n5Tavi CEASED TO BALDY BOUGHT IT FROM HIM- Ill 5-.55 ! ( V Pl ' Kp BE USEFUL FOR SIX NO-GOOD C-NOTES V E53s S" 1j Tj L i l s i r- i ii i A i '.. rTT-L-rn I u1. I . U' Mmt, 6tsm , Cajl C BS feMfcMfSlrftl r.. rfr "--ctiHsf I f BUT KNOWS HtS I HANCFORUS NO QUESTIONS r R W 'WAY OUT M TH' COUNTRV! Ha! iwl Bl NEXT DOOR NEK3HBOR SUMMER 1 I W WHEN WE , BUY STUFF AT TH' LITTLE Sk SURE! BUT ALL CITY FOLKS MAKIN'J$5) Uf CABINS FLATS IN TOWN "THE R I STORESTHEY JUST FIQG6R WE'RE IH r I LIKE NATURE BOYS THOUSANDS i 0( f AIR IS DIFFERENT BUT NOT f J S1 SUMMER FOLKS, TOO F) H oTHRm TtfSTH' TBW"j jjP''C l J JUST WHAT N V 1 D BETTER NOT TELL YOU ,J WAlt-YOO CAnT ) S OU.NO? TRY , m H llSVOURIDEA, RUDvC-1'LLUAVETODOSOME I LEAVE ME 1KJ fjks& LandSTOP ME1 nz' T -- LF i rAAlLABLfc iJZZZJ I PjSYO' - 1SYO' "Sf BOTH. AH AIMS V HOWBY.'-AHVt I ,ll . "iVf"-"1 AVAILABLE, Y A CUSTOMER SETTLE DOWN IM ' HEERD 'BOUT Xf-'i' I . 'I AVAILABLE?! OR A I DOGPATCH. 3 YOr-YO IS -5T7 ' . ra8il 111 'ITWM SStera ESSSEak "ELATION? COMHERSHULLY SAID T'BE. I il I P' f t J5S . I ' SPEAKIN.'AH IS LOOKIN' ABSOLUTELY 1 it ' ' A 1IL ffr 7 : RDMANTICi '"MMSV1 rm FO- A WIFE. BUT J PUFFICK- ftSTTTi a W, flVL& Ql CXUhC H Ij W AH IS YO' THIRD COUSIN S ONELI'L ORPU1N IB, iWeSa : J DLUMLC . .fga " tvice removed- fault, jest yjnrniii m (kiTS"Si ; 7 ,iul vAJi3S)' n i namely onc-fault- I whut is a rHmD tiM warns jml-MErr,a' E 1 w S V (;. HELLO ItHIS IS TsOUND LIKE IS JEFF fpOSlTHET f SURE'TjEFFI THIS IS ' pg yanitori whem L P HELLO' Ki,s THlS lJeFF!X VOU.JEFFI ALL RISHTRTHIS IS h. -f MUTT--CAN YA Yepp C OMF in ,i&?Z&JL0&ZM- J "S2'SHE'S A WI8 SIZABLE rSTEADY NOW ME HEARTIES, f'SS MEmmLE,Ar7HE YKHT g.C3 PEf.VlEil JEEPEIB'WUATA 1 CKAFT, AS YACHTS 60. WHILE WE MAKE FAST TO .fipSH . W ' 1 BlATl J BY THE WAY, PONT LET THE LAPDEK. S Wm 6LAP I U6HT W, MR.TATE.OH, I SEE R B'a ' r-LOOKS AS CAP N NASH HEAR 30 k i ! IP LIKE A WORP WITH YOU WHY. VES ,, s BI6 AS A CALL HIS SHIP A "BOAT IrtfrJjS, IJlHiI IN. mTe. HEBE ARE LETS STEP I l I II OH NO, UNCA DONALD...') I OM.VES,' ALL N HUI-9V III' I -HEV. JU8TAM.NUTE.THERB-! ,1LlIoP' OH.WELlN ATJ(RACks'? t 0 p VOL) LOOxeuiL.Ty...THYIN' J OVe T ACCIOENTS TB CKAC.KS' 1 t2 H T' SNEAk OUT OP VOUR JT GLUE ' J VVILL HAPPEN.' SCfi Tft " o music lesson? i , . ; " -T uyr oidyouwipe tiZim - V I YOU NEED TO GET V I I YOU'RE A GREAT -"Kcau wf count . 1 I THAT'S IMP055IBLE TO PREDICT) ) SOME RE5T, MRS.. M UMt BAIR 1UML K ACTRESS.MRS.WORTH! ON YOU TO -T ,K K IT COULD BE- FOR AS 10N6 llH..fiRFFNWOOI' A 500N,K.ATHERINE! ' I 'STEPPING IMTO THF fcr n Vln -rjr ) HOW I L; AS HE LIVES' RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY P.M. KSLM'o' KGW A' KOCO r 'KOIN B: 5:00 Walter Trohan Wonin'i Seeral Rhythm Ranch Cnrt Matier .16 Frank Heminiway Sunny Side Rhythm Ranch Little Show :30 Pasiinf Parade Ncwi Bins Croiby Sonn of Pralrli :45 Carmen Cavalarro Richard Harlcneaa Sport Vakv Larry LeSuer 6:00 Ted Drake Musical Solre Candlellsbt Kno Hannlof :1A Ted Drake Musical Soire Sliver Bands on Parade :30 Adv. of Champion Voice of Newt Che Huntley Music ' Flreston ' Troplcana Newa 7:00 Gabriel Heatter Telephone Hour Pat O'Brien Leave It to Joan :lo Northwest News Telephone Hour Musical Jackpot Leave It to Joa :S0 Music Jane Pfcken Bandstand Breakfast With : Music Jane Pickens Bandstand " Burrowa 8; American Forum Contented Hour studio Party Straw Hat Con. :1 American Fort A Contented Hour Studio Party Straw Hat Con. Cisco Kid Radl cit' Studio Party Blue Barren Orch 4 Cisco Kid Playbonso Studio Party ' Blue Barren Orch 9:00 Let Georre Do It SPP" Club Studio Parly Lowell Thomaa 10 Let Georice Do It Nen r World Studio Party CblcaKoana The Saint 0ne Man's Family studio Party Youns; Love The Saint One Man'a Family studio Party Young Love 1 A '00 Newt Newa Studio Party Five Star Final Ml:1 Select Local Newa Sporta Pace Final New, Bound Up ntr Sasctom lyw7:80 New, Orchestra Studio Party Inner Sanctum i" Music Orchestra, Studio Tarty Spin to Win ni00 Walter Trohan ham Bye Studio Party Serenade " l Boh Poole Show Wax Muaema) studio Party You and World :S0 Bob Poole Show Waj( Museum Studio Party Orchestra -n This Day Wai Museum Studio Party News 12:00 Sim Off ltn Off Sign Off lleat TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 News Hodge Podna News 16 Dawn Patrol Hodca Podge KOIN Kloch 30 NW Farm Newi News KOCO Klock KOIN Kloek :46 March Time Hodte Podae KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7" :00 Dawn-PaTrol Farm Time Tex Rltter KOIN Klock :1ft Dawn Fatro! Farm Time News A Sports News :50 Dawn Patrol .The Old Sonrt Top o' Moroini News :R News News Newa Fred Beck C:00 News Smooooth Muslo Western Melodies Consumer News flS Breakfast Ganc Kmooooth Muslo Western Melodies Art Baker :3i Breakfast Ganc Riders of Sate Stars Sine Make believe town :45 Top 1'rades Sam Hayes Church In Wild Make believe town 9:00 Bargain Counter Second Cup Time for Melody Feature Story :1S Music Second Cup Time for Melody Newa :S0 Sons of Pioneers Jack Bercb Muslo Without Grand 81am :ft Muslo Jews J. Charles Thomas Rosemary a!0 Nortb'e News Tommy Dorsey Guest Artist Wendy Warren 11:I3 Katr S.vlth Tommy Dorsey N-W. Rerort Aunt Jenny IP 1:30 Pastor's Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent 1 ;46 Purple Sate Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday BJ 00 News Lopes Orch. G'" Wax Big Slster " .16 Three Sons Lopes Orch. Glass Was Ma Perkins f :30 Wiles Organal. Today's Children G,a" Wax Dr. Malone " Walts Serenade Lora Lawton Glass Wax Guiding Light sf 100 Top Trd" Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo Duncan McLeod 1 1:16 News Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo Come A Get It j M :'J0 Queen for a Day Newa Newi Norah Drake :1ft Queen for a Day LI slit of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:00 Ladles First Life Beautiful Mae's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton1' .16 Ladles First Road of L.fe Mac's Metodlea Perry Mason :30 Northwest News Pepper Younc Mao's Melodies Bright it Light :4ft Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Air Flo r, 100 Tell Neighbors Backstage Wire Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air :16 Jobnsoo Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air :30 Organ Reveries Lorenzo Jones Mac's Melodies Winner Take All :4S Blng Sings Wldder Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yours 3:00 Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mae's Melodies News " .16 Igalnst the Storm Portia Faces Life Mac's Melodies Meet the Missus :30 Musio Just Plain Bill Mac's Melodies Meet the Missus :45 Music Front Page Farrcll Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4i00 Say It With Music Welcome Travelers Movie Time Arthur Godfrey Ift Say It With Music Welcome Travelers Philosopher Arthur Godfrey :30 Music Aunt Mary Byers Bedlam Arthur Godfrey :4ft News We Love a Learn I Byers Bedlam Arthur Godfrey lCy Monday P.M. 6:00, Squirrel tx Cagei !S:30, Green Horneti 6:00, Keeping Up With Sports i 6:15 Home Edi tion) 0:30. Modern Romances t 7:00, Headline Edition: 7:15, Elmer Davis; 7:30 Mr. President! 8:00, Lone Rangeri 8:30, Song Sbopi 8:4ft. Arthur Gaethi 0:00, Railroad Hourt 8:30, Ella Mae Morse t 9:4S, Henry J. Taylori 10:00, Richfield Report er) 10:15, Intermenoi 10:30, Concert Hourt 11:30, Memo to Tomorrow! 12:00, Xtra Hour) 1:00, Sign Off. Tuesday A.M.fliOO, Early Bird) 7:00. News! 7:15. Band Box) 7:30, Hazen Showj 7:45, Time Tem pos: 8:15, Martin Agronsbyt 8:30, Zrke Manners) 8:15, Troplcana; 9:00, Breakfast Clubt 10:00, New&t 10:15, Stars of Today; 10:30, Melody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:15, Galen Drake) 11:30, My True Story) 13:00, Betty Crocker; 12:15, News) 12:30, Baukhage Talking) 12:46, Club Timet 1:00, North westerners! 1:30, KEX Bob KOAC Monday P.M. 5:00, On the Upbeat: 5:50, 550 Sports Clubt 8:00, Newst 0:15, Dinner Melodies) 6:30, Muslo of Czechoslovakia) 7:15, Evening Farm Hour) 8:00, The Beaver Tale) 8:16, Great Songs t 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast) 0:00, Music That Endures; 9:45, Lift Up Thy Volcet 10:00, News) 10:15, Serenade; 10:45, News; 11:00, Sign Off. KOAC TueaMr am. te 4:46 p.m.t 10. Newsi 10:15, For Woman: 11:00, Concert Hall) 12:00, Newst 12:16, Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy; 1:15, Variety Time) 1:30, Melody Lane; 2:00, Cavalcade of Drama t 2:15, Memory Book of Music) 3:00, The Newa. Kay West) 2:00, Breakfast In Hollywood; 2:3(1, Easy Acest 2:45, Meet the Menjoust 3:00, Surprise Package; 3:30 Bride and Groomt 4:00, Ladiea Be Seated, 4:30 Adda-Line. Marie y Injures Finger Fairview Donald Marley re ceived injuries to his index left finger, tearing nail off, while in stalling a radio in his car. He was boring a hole in a piece of steel with automatic electric drill and the iron caught his finger. ACROSS 1. Young seals 6. Short race 9. High mountain 12. In a line 13. Formerly 14. Insect 16. Recover the inside 17. Purify 19. Equal: comb. form 20. Marshy 21. Hurry 23. Serpent 24. Note of the scale 26. Kind of tree 26. So. American river IT. Mails 30. Myself ; SI. Protection 33. Higher S4. Asiatic palm 36. Pull after 37. Masculine name 38. Egyptian deity 39. Employees 40. Reared 41. Swindler 44. Turkish nam 46. Spoke Imperfectly 46. Arranged dramatically 49. Exist 60. Story 62. Capital of Latvia 63. Marry 64. Long narrow opening 65. Sufficient: ILA PAC HPISnBlAlC a 6 e"11i- a tTc hIITT m a1 0 r r a l sqr aj R3E s M-S 1 kfcml S N A ClBfE M U D Dp 3 a sMbIr a tqp7v e p I Mi El Dl I lA T e kHu i n v E W 6flN O N E SflTW IpUIvIIsMa r cIIy e Is Solution of 8aturday' Puzzl DOWN 1. Perfect golf t. Bncrlish river ' r I4 W0f h I7 I8 " ws''wli vTTWr I I m-rr t. Burnish 4. Sound of a whip i i. Mythical legal character 6. Article 7. Fight 8. Contemptible fellow: slang 9. Dwells 10. Siberian river 11. Pare 16. Negatiya 18. Rage 20. Book of psalms 21. Hindu deity 22. One who utilizes 23. Monkey 26. Sunken fence 27. Seat in church 2S. California bulrush 29. Hurried 31. Steep slope 32. 2000 poundi 35. Rubbed out 37. Beginning 39. Decoration 40. Sound of a trumpet 41. Cabbage salad 42. Rent 43. Household animals 44. Near 46. Harden .47. Self 48. Black bird 61. Behold ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahem BvDFAMvT,VtN NOT HAVIN'AMy HAIR, DAD FAMBUY BUT I Yiifl COULDnY MAKE DA Ll'tl & HAD BUSHY HAIR. WW FLAT BRUSH MAGNETIC WHEM I WAS A KID- gm TUH LIFT OUT DATHIN SHEETS -Mr FATHER. WAS SHINY tyf OF GOLD LEAFFROW DA BALD, AN' HE USED JXS PAPER. BOOK IT CAME IN- -i ME A LOT IN HIS JOB fiS SO HE HAD TUH USE MUH , OF PUTTIN' GOLD HAIR TUH RUN DA BRU5H f vfll LETTERING ON ) V OVER, SO IT VAOULD BE I DOESN'T lffe' KIIl f MEARYDUJUNOR-gl 1 ' R iSClJ II 7 HES STILL BROILED fTv I fs If taLsTf ms over not Register-U l" s A' uJL. X.Mi'Jf'