10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 8, 1949 TODAY lUmum SA1URDAY Cotton Dresses In many beautiful colors. Sizes oo from 10 to 44. All cotton dresses priced to $19.95 one price. r S(Q When everything in the store is CLOSED OUT we are to open our fall season. Sale opens today and closes on Saturday the 13th. Come ear ly and get some of these wonderful bargains. Lucien Le Long Womens Handbags Beautiful numbers, sold up to $12.95. While they last, to go at $4.95. Other bags at greatly re duced prices. Cloicout regular $2.25 size per fumes at $1.00. Closeout colognes; tegular $5.50. Now go at $950 Costume Jewelry Pins, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and brooches. Formerly sold up to $3.95. Now go, while they last, at Two for $1.00 Umbrellas In most all colors. Complate out. Regularly priced up to All go at one price, $5;;: $995 Fabric Gloves Group Better Dresses, Costumes, Suits, Coats All Drastically Reduced Cannot price each individually but all will be moved quickly. All Kayser Slips, gowns and panties to be closed out at far below cost. Come early. SUMMER NOVELTY Handbaskets Regularly sold up to $3.95. All must go on price, Scarfs 00 Formerly sold up to $3.95. Now go at $1 00 JL Hats We have arranged some of our finer hats formerly sold at $10.95 up to sell quickly at only One lot priced up to $4.95 to be ( "V A A 1 A A t ( closed out quickly at only $1.95. II UU )J f-Q 1 OU Other scarfs only 55c, two for, mJXm il We Have a Complete Stock of ROUND THE CLOCK HOSE For general and better wear. Ask to see them. Other hats greatly reduced The greatest fur sale ever conducted in Salem Will seon be announced. Wonderful purchases and low prices. Nylon Hosiery Some of the finest hosiery in America. 51-15 and some less sheer numbers. All go on sale regular price to $2.00. Go at three pairs $2 75 Pure Silk Slips In all colors as well as black. With imparted lace. All sizes. Formerly sold $12.95. Come and get them while they last at $(595 Rain Coats ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOM ER. We have sixty in this out standing purchase. Red, kelly, wine, brown and navy. Regu lar $19.95. Come and get yours at only $12 95 Swim Suit Close Out At cost or less. Nationally advertised, beautifully styled in beautiful colors and fabrics. Now goi $ 8.00 values . $4.95 12.00 values . 6.95 15.00 values . 8.95 Coma early as they will not last long. Beautiful Dresses Colored, plain, prints, crepes, and sheers. Formerly sold up to $45.00. While they last at only $1495 Shoes Hundreds of pairs of famous makes such as: Rice O'Neill Selby - Styleez Mademoiselle Dramatics Most all styles and colors. Be here early while sizes are complete. Joyce values to $10.95 $5.95 values to 12.95 3.95 values to 12.95 4.95 values to 13.95 5.95 values to 14.95 6.95 values to 14.95 7.95 values to 16.95 8.95 values to 18.95 9.95