f 12 i St ro i 1 EN ( 1 l ro i Bl ' O I 1 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, AuRiwt 6, 1949 1 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chapter 19) nn. rfv lata in January. PrU r )' cilia made henell go back to the 'finance company wnere n inu '- wnrirvA hfnrn For the flrat time r,"ln montha ahe felt emotion, when - the ataff lelt their aeana ana uruwu- " ed around her. It had been o long since ahe had been there, they ' seemed like atrangera and yet tney : " nairi t,hev were slad to see her. , Even 11 ahe had almoat forgotten - them, they had not rorgoiwn ner. Her numbed heart stirred a little " and ahe managed a emlle. The 't next day she was back at her , . old desk again. Oradually Prlscllla learned to live again. She spent many nours uuua "' ing of her father and what he had ; expected of her. How badly she ' n had failed him In every way I He 'had given her every advantage he " could afford and yet she had made ' nothing of herself. 8he must gain a sense of direction and put the .. pieces of her life together again. Secretly ahe began to plan. With " her first pay check she would give Viola part of what she owed her for "" the hospital bill. And then . . . then . she would find a place to live, Prlscllla had In mind a little '." porch-front house In the atreet next " to her mother's, where she had noticed a room-for-rent sign, and one day she and uertruae atoppeo - there after work. The mistress of the house, a short plump young ' woman of about thirty, with dark halt and piercing gray eyes, looked them over rather suspiciously be fore finally deciding to admit tnem She explained amicably enough ' that her husband hadn't come home vet and she was nervous about al lowing strangers In the house. Evi dently a good look at the young women allayed her fears, for she soon became talkative, introducing herself as Mrs. Wilson, and telling them about her husband and her little boy and girl. She took them through the house, explaining they ., had decided to rent tne two top . floor rooms only became they con sidered it their duty to help re " lleve the housing shortage; but her threadbare dress and tne snaony appearance of the home indicated tnnt tne additional income was an equally Important incentive. ,, The little room Bhe showed Prls cllla was even more drably furnished than the lower floors, but there was a neat batnroom tnat went witn it. Prlscllla liked It. She had found from her experience with trying to make surroundings beautiful for Kenneth, that colorful rugs and draperies do not necessarily mean t the happiness of their owners. More .' over, the location would enable her to see Drusie quite often. All In all, Prlscllla thought she was for- - tunate that the place was still avail able, considering the speed with which such opportunities were usually snapped up. So she ar- - ranged to move the beginning of the week and paid the first week's rent In advance. '. When Prlscllla got back home, she was hardly able to open her -mouth before her mother pounced ' on her. ; "I saw you with Gertrude," she said accusingly. "Prlscllla, I don't want you associating with her. You " live here and you'll do what I say." L. Prlscllla sighed. She wanted to .say: "What's wrong with Oer trude? Just that she's a friend of mine?" but she hoped to avoid a quarrel. "I've found another place to live," Prlscllla said simply. "I'd only bother you if I stayed here." To her surprise her mother's face went livid. N "You're doing this to shame me," cried Mrs. Hayden. "You want the neighbors to say I put you out right after your father died. And after I was nice enough to let you - come here. Little as I think of your ' husband, I know he wouldn't have treated you like that unless you deserved it. There must have been another man . . ." Shaking with revulsion, Prlscllla went upstairs to get her things. Little Drussle was waiting for her her eyes brimming with tears. In a second, the two sisters were In each other's arms. ' "May I come to see you, Prls?" faltered Drusie, through her sobs. "Of course you may. darling. I already have a room just around the corner. Walt. I'll write the ad dress for you." "I know you're not a bad woman like they say, are you. Prls7" "8o they've even told you that. They've tried to turn you against me. too," said prlscllla bitterly. Mrs. Wilson looked surprised to see Prlscllla back so soon with her suitcase. But she seemed quite satianed witn ner sketchy explana tion and bustled around trying tol comiort ner wnue sne got out iresn linen for her bed and a supply of clean towels. Prlscllla hung up her clothes and returned for her other belongings. When ahe got to her room, how ever, the very quiet seemed to op press her. It was still early and sne migni be able to reacn uer truae. Luckily, Gertrude had not yet gone out and, in tremulous tones, prlscllla told her tnat she had already moved. Too perturbed to listen lurtner on tne pnone, Ger trude cut short the conversation with the promise that she was com ing right over. Tney walked to a oulet little i restaurant where Gertrude ordered while Prlscllla told her of the vi olent clash her mother had precipitated. Is she a weed!" exclaimed Ger trude In disgust. "Your poor dad Is better off, not having to put up with that any longer. But I feel sort of responsible for your trouble." It wasn't your fault. Gertrude. sne had it in for me. that's all. Only, she might have had the de cency to wait tin Dad was burled for a while, before Jumping at my throat. I expected It sooner or later, and I shouldn't have minded so much, If It weren't for Drusie. The poor child Is heartbroken. She insisted on coming to see me. and in memenea to death that Moth er might find it out and punish ner. Prlscllla finished her dinner and Gertrude offered to spend the night witn ner. i Honey, I broke a date to come over' here tonight, but I couldn't get out of making it for tomorrow nignt. i clone want you to be alone about coming with us? I tnlrl mv menu i was going 10 Dring you." "Thanks. Gertrude hut. T'll hp an ngiH by tnat time. It was the nrsc nignt tnat was so fr ehteninir." "We'll OIllv eo to dinner nnH I u you leei nae ii, we ii take you to a show afterward. Do come just to get your mind off things. If we want to go out later we'll bring you home first." Realizing how bleak It would be to remain alone. Prise a f nn.l v (To Be Continued) ;. 2422 SIZE5 B 16 - Schooi-going Teen-Aee Special shirtwaist dress No. 2422 Is cut In teen-age sizes 8. 10. 12. 14 and 16. Size 12. 3 yds. 35-ln. aUMMKK is the time for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place to una mem. nverytning vou need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings vou over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions. and all designed for eosv sewlno "rice just 20 cents, order vour copy now. Send 25c rur PATTERN with Name. Address, and Style Number State Size desired. Address Caplini Journal (52 Mis sion St. San Francisco S. Calif R2851 Rose Chair Ba -k One mammoth row. surrounded by small blue flow ers and green leaves makes this ef fective chalrback. Rosebuds, blue flowers and green leaves make the arm-pieces. This set is "Jiffy cro chet" as It Is worked with a double strand of cotton. Pattern Envelope No. R2851 con- tHlru material requirements for cro chet set. graph chart of pieces, ero- cnet. stitch illustrations and easy to-follow directions. To obtain tne pnen-rn send 20c IN coins giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peccv Roberta Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Cnlir ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gen Ahem WELL UNCLE WOLFGAJJG tfeN TMANKS" ! KNOW ?3 BOUGHT WVEENEE-PO' VSr VOURE GOING TO 1 f RECIPE FOR 300, AND lZfZ&' FEEL MUSCULAR. K J HERE'S WUR.fACK, THIS PAINS UP TO VOUR, f. A CHOKES ME) - HERE'S LEFT SHOULDER : A OUR $75 FROM THE DEAL 1-7 AFTER LETTING GO l-W -I STILL SAY IT'S A ' OF IT BUT THE , ) 1 PRETTY HIGH CHARGE FOR. FEE IS FOR BRAINS ) f SAY -HAVEN'T WE NOT THAT 1 1 THAT GIRL -1 T SHE FORGET EVERYBODY'S NAME 1 rHOW VERY T 'J7J&J&jW -ds I S MET BEFORE, 'BO'KAvrJ CAN RECALL, SHE DON' -SHE FORGET HOW TO WORK THE 1 PECULIAR, M&rZj&fWsj,! I ' L., j. . gm . rMR- ROBERTS,? REMEMBER ' CHANGE "MAKER-- SHE EVEN ' my0ymiWf'MLitF'n I 7 raV j gjpQJMoey-' forget that this is her night off fijptH FTH 1 1 PITT 33 1 ' I itnu. p ikx; -ztm Lk. b d HUq mRRRfl NJ SjAWW X;'!' P w II Z C os I I I . I IUU I l-r ' --.TVJj W YOU'RE 5ETT1N' OLD, S ANO-- YOO BIT I W -BUT ONLY TUT B!SiSX PPLE f 1 HCA1N? OH-OHI MB1N LOOKIN KIDS SNEAKIN' II ;JJ K I iyiuN-m sect UUFNCUCS vtll CCTS Kl UJD(V C11VS THIT IfiTH' KIND t II UP ON US EH? YEP YOU DON'T MISS A p I CHANCE LATELV-BUT YOU'RE SMART RWiPl WHO HAD A BITS COMIN'- jS3f THINQ-CMON WE'LL BE ROUND TH' llA!?, H SMftRTENftQOY- V .. j k. Z r-rm - ' is.. a "'Svtfi mamrimm aa r&wMMsmiJ was mM&sm mmkmm aLiad 11 . . :00 A.S LOK16 AS NVJUV nnMTWF MA.kTP IT". I 1 PW RHTTI IklCTUP YummkxM UA.1T DlirV! lVP rSTiffiSnl ' I VniJD PA-RntJ 1 All Jl I VCAD DNiur I Lyii ir- C- Ti i At Ocv-M-a c Ti I K-r ' 11 s-rrr a 'neTrBD I D :.. T 77Av7r-.L?L P'SAPROTOSlTIOfJ.HoWCOULOA CAM TAViE TMEIR tXmISWT S 1DEA- LISTEN? J gm 1 SHORT AMD WE KNCMTME'-WILBUR? jVJE DO THAT? MOO BATHS AT A.BE OKAY J Am H (MUD WAS CURATIVE POWERSh- -r-i r T. Y V ,7K BECAUSE IT COMTAINS J 1 M rlL 7T r !V H COHE TSEE W V( YO' MEANS, l HATCHtRLY.' BUT. SHE CAINT . THETIS YO' MEANS, SHE IS WILLIM' T RI6HT AH HAIN'T GOT CUE TSZi - COWSARNIW niET BIO 6 U'L J AH SAID 'BIG LOUT HAVt HIM EAACKWl TMARRY UP VIF SOME I HAS YO' jl IN STOCK AT THE t'M LOUT YO'&OT ASAIL- I OBPHIM Ml DION'T AH ?-DAISY ACCOP.OIN' T'TH- WHUT 1 OTHER VABMINT, JESTT' GOT ANY M MOMENT. GRANNY. K I ABLE FO'AOOPPSHUN ABNER. MAE VJANTS HIM . , CODE O'TH' HILLS, g DAISY T ADOPP LI'L ORPHIN A HUSBINS y" TH' MARKET IS TIGHT K :S0 AVAILABLE. Z--rfi NATCHERLY? k-WS-l.-V? TH'ONLY ONE K MAE AIMS V- ABNER 9 AVAILABLE, RIGHT NOW. BUT AS I " M I - r Ps w-T ';"n" WHO KIN ADOPP T'Btr , . X S-K AVAILABLE.? SOON AS SOMETHIN' S -00 TSrTil.ALE R?4lM ''ramn I HIM IS A MARRIED , .' V Z . , , J HOT IN HUSBINS 1 A.' L feKft8'. HU ''WZWA 1W0OMIN-WIFA OTrS50 PI r m RNS Ufi- AH'LLTOSSJ lfl: ""ffTfvli.io"' iffl P "WsM-fiiiVimw' 5 r AwtHT? -W'S WjClJ kVTH pr - I ? DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME? IN , MUTT, HOW DO MJ WHATteHA W ASKED HIM WMpf.AHO NOW HE V kIeIeS St I C ) r ASKED YOL) A VERY 7K l you LIKE THIS? 1 "M?J-rn Uoi n MY WWMi utth i mf CMul A D 12JKtX COMET"! J CARRY THE SHIPS NAME. 6 IT L C - ywy !l i ii ir- II 1 1 : TTl I ll 'lliMU I T I '.: I ' lllnrwai jh u -iixw r vm .jm. h K wtfl rhMm' JruU . . H I'M JUNIOR GREENWOOD!-YOU'LL FIND II I II I I I HAD ME WORRIED---THERE FOR A ) Ov K MY FATHER-HIM---IM ' . b J , niNUi t, KAiMt KiNf i 1 muuum i i ysjM ktj RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY l.M. 'KSLM EZ 'KGW no NBO IK0C0 'iriKOIN Mailt Frank flemlnf wy 8mak Hlni iipiokt Kings Hawaii Calls Hawaii Call Orctorr Hooi Ortirr Hood Muile rabernaelt Eeha Comadr Playhauie Comedr Playhouse TBA Volet mt Tralb Volet of Truth Lift ft si I m at 80 Lift Beilm at 80 Meet tht Preii Meel tht Frtai Nrm II I tht Top Newi Harry Jamea Open Houat Open Ilouat Opto Houtt Open Houit I Sign Off UniTtrtlty Theatrvi Ronnd V Tlmt University Theatre Bands of Land Bands of Land Bands of Land Bands of Land Here's to Vets Elmer Peterson Hit Parade Hit Parade Danrerous Assignment Dick Powell Dick Powell Grand Ole Oprr Grand Ole Oprr Vie Damont Show Vlo Dam one Show Dance Orchestra Dance Orchestra Dlreo. Playhouse Dlreo. Playune Three Sons Rollln Trio Round Up Time Curtain Calls Curtain Calls Candlelight and Silver News Troplcana driver's Plarhous Bandstand Bandstand Dugout Dope Baseball Baseball Baseball -Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Wax Museum Wax Museum Was Museum Wax Museum Sign Off Baseball News Round -Up Dancing Party Danelnr Tarty Dancing Party Danelnr Parly Dancing Party Danelnr Party Sign Off Treasury thow Trtaaury Shw Danger Ahead Orchestra Red Barber Orchestra Orchestra News Musle for Tosi Maslo far Tea Mailt Vfrm-ie Dick rhyme Sing It AcalB Sing It Agala Sing II Agala Sing I Agala Vaugnn Maaraa Vangba Maura. Gene Antry Gene Antry Five biar Final uang Bustera Gang Baattra Jantten Beach Jantscn Beach Serenade Orchestra Orchestra 3ira-0?l SUNDAY 1 News Mury to order Cameos of Music Cameos of Music Musis Musle Music Cent. Lutheran Bible Highlights Bible Highlights Church In Home Church In Home lit Baptist Ch. lit Baptist Ch. Vole of Prophecy Volet of Prophecy New: Morn. Serenade Jobs Dae'a Music Radio Bible Class Radio Bible Class Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour News Orchestra News Milt Herth Trio Tone Tapestries Tone Tapestries Sunday Favorites Canary Pet Show Newt Musie Mystery Hall Mystery Hall House of Mystery House of Mystery Kane, Private Eye Kane, Private Eye Under Arrest Under Arrest Mr. Fix-it Congress Report Silver Strings Silver Strinss Eternal Ligm Eternal Light Glenn SLelley Glenn Shelley Chicago Round Table News David Rose Orch. Design for Listening Living 1919 Living 1049 Boston Symphny Boston Sympbny Boston Symphny Boston Symphny Who Said That Who Said That Musio of Master Hollywood Calls Deep River Boya newt Fellowship Voice Fellowship Voice Chapel of Air Clark Dennis Ave Maria Boat Ave Maria Roar Church In Wild. Organ Loft Sacred Heart Wayne Ring First Baptist lib First Baptist Oh First Baptist Oh J' (rat Ha mist Ch. Serenade for Strings News Guy Lombard Words A Musle Words t Musle Musie Daydream Music Daydream Showcase Bands Showcase Bands Sunday Musie Sunday Muslt Roy Rogtrs Hollywood Calls 2" fn Hollywood Calls wit rll,tT Surprise Serenade Nick Carter Surprise jjerenade Musle for Sunday Voice A Events Music for Sunday Voice A Events For Christ Orchestra For Christ Orchestra Alexanders Media- NBC Symphony tlon Board NBC Symphony VD Radio PreJ, Star Playhouse News Star Playhouse Secret Mission NBC Symphony Secret Mission NBC Symphony Family Theatre TBA Family Theatre TBA Murder by Expert Take Leave It Murder by Expert Tak 01 L Mrdlcal Hilites Horace Heidt Northwest Newt Horace Heidt Twenty Questions Pcscba Rasan Twenty Questions Clifton Utley Burl Ives Symphony Hear Lanny Rom Symphony Boor News Symphony flour Mm Symphony Hour Bill Cunnlnham SV0"8 "om NeWf Catholic Hour Sign Off " New Mary Ann Mercer Wax Museum Wax Museum Sign Off Warwick Theatre Warwick Theatre Sunday Serenade Sunday Serenade Newt Blrgt, Oranlti Blgra, Oranlat Trinity Oheir Church ef the Air Church of the Air Church of tht Air Church ef the Air Newt Howard Smith Gallery Ooaahs News Invltatlta to Learning , People' HetferaTawM People's Platfarml ls.lt Lake Taber! xreaa, Bandstand Treas. Bandstand Chorallers f?h(iFallB Magic la Musi Newt CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony Orchestra Orchestra ' My Serenade Nev Sytnphonette Symphanette Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Dallas Ministerial Land af Free Musk for America Musle for America Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baeball Bandstand Dugout Dope Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball News Round-ut Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sign on Hit Parade Hit Parade Call the Pelle Call the Pallet Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan News George Fisher Corliss Archer Cerlist Areher Our Mlsi Breaks Our Miss Breaks Life With Lair! Lire with Laid Hit Parade Hit Parade Philip Marlowe Philip Marlawa The Whlatrar The Whistler Five Star Final Sam Spade Sam Spade St. Francis ffaar Serenade Let's Dane Orchestra Orchestra Sign-Off DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 65 tCkC Saturday P.M 5:M, On lVMrf Upbeat; 8:50, BS0 Sports I i lCY Saturday P.M. fl:00. Uncle Bob's IX CA Dart 5:30, Dixieland) 0:00, Here's to Vetst ffiti. Home Edition Newsi :30, Modern Romances! 7:00, Musleal Etch ings; 7:90, As We See 111 7:45, It's Tour Business! 8:00, Lone Rangert 8:30, The Eye: 9:00, Break the Bank: 9:30, Name the Movlei 10:00, Newsi 10:18, Some Like It Hot; 11:30, Beverly Hills Orch. 13:00, Xtra Hour) 1:00, Sign Off. rV Sunday A.M. 7:00, Morning lC.A Melodies; 8:00, Fine Arts Quar tet: 8:30, Music Timei 9:00, Revival Hour; 10;00, Parade of Hitst 10:30 Voice of Prophecy: 11:00, James Roosevelt! 11:15 Romance of Highways! 11:30, National Vespers; 12:00, This Week Around the World; 13:30, Piano Playhouse: 1:00, News: 1:15, Foreign Report en 1:30, Hour of Faith! 3:00, Opera Album) 1:30, Mes sage of Israel; 8:00, This Changing World; the Club! t 00, Newst S:I5, Look at Australlai C:80, London Letter! 6:48, Holland Today and Tomorrow! 7:00, Light Opera Tanlgatt 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast! 9:M, Dance Parade; 10:45, Ntwii 11:0, flisn JL c 3:1B, Sonr Silesmftm S:S0, SuniAr with V 'HI 4:00, Let's Lilten te Maslet 4:30, H llywood .By-linc: .4:46, .Fantft.r .In .Mtlodyl 11:00, Sto th Muslct 0:00, Think Fast; 6:0, Nary Houri 7:00, Burl Itcst 7:10, Looella Parienit 7:S0, Chanct f A Lifetime: 8:00, Jlmmle Fldltn :lt, Te T.lone: 8:30, Gaeit Start 3:45, RoadiM Chapel: 9:00, Waflhlnitan Merrr-ia-Round: S:15, Monday Herntnr Headlines) 0:30, Burl Ives: 9:45, Intermesiei 10:00, Rl'hfield Reporti 10:15. Washlnstoa Merrv-ro-Roandi 10:30 Jantaen Beach Oreh: 11:00. Nocturnei 11:30 Claremont roh.i 12:00, Xtra Hour: 1:00, Sirn Oil. Children Attending Church Bible School Independence The Presby terian vacation Bible school was held this week with Rev. and Mrs. John Hood and Mrs. James Robbie in charge. About 15 children between the ages of 6 and 13 met from 9 to 11:30 each morning to sing, hear stories, learn memory work and do handwork. The younger child ren worked in coloring books and the older children made wooden toys. Blinn Changes Office Woodburn Charles Blinn oi Woodburn has leased the build ing at the corner of First and Garfield streets and is remodel ing it for offices and a receiving depot for nuts and nut meats. Nuts will be received from Mt. Angel, Silverton, St. Paul, Ger yais, Aurora and Woodburn areas. ACROSS L Once around 4. 8our aun atancaa I. Sack II Epoch 13. Fattens, 14. Spenser character 1ft. Animal en closures 17. Wet 19. Container !0 Earth II. Obstruetloa 13. Confuse S7. Flower S3 Or deposit 30. Conjunction s'!. Before 11 Proverb II 19 41. 43. n i c n s ii ulle a St. Philippine mountain U Like IS Contemptu ous nam ai a child Pt vinted Into water Arbitrate Pleasure excursion Ena-llah d I vine 4i. ury 48. Musical com position (8. Lasting 51. Desert rejrloa 52. Roman data Si. Beverar 55. Salary 58. Trap 87. Affirmative . , n .wj. :a: : a I snunUM I NAR1T olutlon of Ytatardayi Puul DOWN L Rttlnous ubitanea t. Gone by 8, Fahrle t r is f s pp T w-t p-; yM, 35" S3 7 5 ;m L 1 1 1111 Lavfrl I I 4s WoM of - V orro ! Bibflcai ena a aieMr I. Pronoun -t. Federal dis trict! abbr. I. Veiled I. Con timet to. Ptmtnlna iia 11. Merry It. East lndlaa f raat II. Assistant SO. Mixed amok ndtog II. Watar vapor 11. Attend tho sick 14. Puff up 15. Cantered 18. Wear away It types ol perfection IS. Appointment 34 Greedfneea 36. Tie It Any plant of the Irla . familv 40. Tarnished 41. Cavalry awerd 45. Increase 48. Ribbed fa brie 47. Danish money of account 41 Collection Of facts 41. By birth 10 Expensive SUbatAJM OS. Aaoal r