Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 06, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    A WEDDING this evening to be
attended by a large group of rela
tives and friends, many from out-of-town:
will be that of Miss Margaret
Jane Cooley and John Phillip Maulding
of Tillamook. The bride-to-be is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herbert
Cooley of Salem and Mr. Maulding is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mauld
ing of Tillamook.
The vows will be exchanged at 8:30
o'clock in St. Paul's Episcopal church,
the Rev. George H. Swift officiating.
Soloists for the ceremony will be Mrs.
Scott Adams (Elizabeth Nelson) of Port
land, William Bush and Ronald Craven,
Miss Ruth Bedford to be at the organ.
Maid of honor will be Miss Mariann
Croisan and Mrs. Richard L. Cooley is
to be matron of honor for her sister-in-law.
Others in the wedding party are
Miss Marjorie Meyer of Chicago, Miss
Jeanne Foster of San Francisco, Miss
Charlotte Alexander. Miss Jean Claire
Swift, Miss Jean Maulding of Portland
(sister of Mr. Maulding), and Mrs. Les
ter D. Green (Marylou McKay), all as
bridesmaids; Miss Mar.jorie Tate and
Miss Lois Frink, the latter of Dayton,
as taper lighters; Miss June Young and
Miss Antoinette Kuzmanich. the latter
of Portland, as ribbon attendants; Don
ald Ausland of Grants Pass as best man;
Richard L. Cooley, Raloh Taylor, Law
rence Christian of Lebanon, Perry Smith
of Corvallis, Leslor D. Green and Dr.
Rodney White, the latter of Portland, as
Garden Reception
The garden at the North Summer
street residence of the Cooleys will be
the scene for the reception following the
church service.
Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Sr., Mrs.
George L. Arbuckle, Mrs. George Croi
san and Mrs. A. A. Schramm are to cut '
the cake.
Pouring will be Mrs. William McGil
christ, Jr.,' Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mrs. W.
I. Needham and Mrs. Harry V. Collins.
Others assisting at the reception will
be Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Charles
A. Sprague. Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs.
C. B. McCullough, Mrs. George H. Swift,
Mrs. Eugene I. Foster, Mrs. Charles
Wiper of Eugene, Mrs. I. M. Doughton,
Mrs. Lee Canfield, Mrs. Floyd W, Shep
ard, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Ervin
Smith, Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mrs. Leonard
Rinearson, Jr., of Corvallis, Mrs. Scott
Adams of Portland. Mrs. Donald Preiss,
Miss Jane Carson, Miss Shirley Lukins,
Miss Phyllis Schnell, Miss Jean Fidler,
Miss Roberta Meyer, Miss Carroll Gragg,
Miss Edith Fairham, Miss Addyse Lane,
Miss Betty Jean Manoles, Miss Mary
Aiken of Portland. Passing the dream
cakes will be Sydney Shepard and Carol
Among out-of-town guests expected
to be here for the wedding and recep
tion, In addition to those in the wedding
party and assisting at the reception, are:
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bishop of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bishop of
Washougal, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Robert
M. Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop,
all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jack
son and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein,
all of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Frink
of Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ford of Rose
burg, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bedford, Mrs.
R. C. Merrifield, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skinner,
all of Tillamook.
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney White, Mr. and
Mrs." Otis White, ' all of Portland; Dr.
and Mrs. R. R. Sherwood of Hillsboro;
Mr. andMrs. M. M. Probstfield of The
Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. J, Allan Wickham
of Eugene. '
The couple have planned a wedding
' trip to ,San Francisco and Carmel and
will be at home in Eugene after Sep
tember 10.
Wedding Is Event of Mid-July Here
Mi b'H.
THE MARRIAGE of Mrs. ten L. Balon, (he former Lillian Gregg, was solemnized
Jiil!s The hrlrte Is the daughter of Mrs. Annie Gregg of Nyssa and Mr. Baton the son
If Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bishop of Salem. The couple are at home in Salem for the
New Legion Auxiliary Department Head
-ri -'; ;
NEW DEPARTMENT president for the American Legion auxiliary In Oregon Is Mrs.
W. W. Graham of Cervailis. Elections and installation ceremonies today closed the
annual department convention in session here the .past three , days.
A Fashion Event,
Salem alumnae of Delta Gamma sor
ority announce a luncheon and fashion
show to be given the afternoon of Thurs
day, August 25, for. the benefit of the
Willamette university chapter of the
The luncheon will be at 1 o'clock in
the American Legion club. Fashions will
be presented by Esther Foster. From ad
vance notice those attending will get an
eyeful of new fall attire, reports the com
mittee. Mrs. James Schuler is general chair
man for the benefit. Mrs. Leon Perry is
arranging the music and publicity. Miss
Grace Shields is to be chairman for
tickets. Miss Vivian Chandler is arrang
ing the decorations.
Reservations may be telephoned to
either Mrs. Schuler at 36863, or Mrs.
Perry at 38687.
The regular meeting of Marion auxil
iary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be;;
at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall
Monday evening. ..
Plans will be completed for the picnic
to be held with the post at Hagar's Grove,
August 14.
Refreshments will be served by the
members of the losing teams in the mem
bership drive to the winners.
McEwan Jtudio plctur.
is". V
Members of Pioneer post, No. 149, the
all-woman post of the American Legion
in Salem, entertained at two affairs on
Friday in conjunction with the depart
ment convention of the Legion in Salem
the past week. . .
Late yesterday afternoon members of
the post entertained with an informal
reception in the Cherrian room at the
Senator between 4:30 and 6 o'clock for
women veterans, also commanders of
other posts here and district officials.
A breakfast was given Friday morn
ing at the Senator as a no-host event
with the Pioneer post members arrang
ing the event.
Women golfers will gather for their
regular weekly day Wednesday at the
Salem Golf club, play starting at 9
o'clock. The Woodburn ladies will not
be able to attend as scheduled originally.
Mrs. 6scar H. Specht is to entertain
for her bridge club next Wednesday
afternoon. . .... ... ,.;. . .
Mrs. Wayne Hadley and children, Eil
een and Allan; will be at Neskowin next
week. The fore part of the week they
will be joined by Mrs. Hadley's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter D. Green (Marylou McKay).
From San Mateo, Calif., comes an
nouncement of the second annual "sum
mer's end Willamette party,'.' planned
by Willamette university alumni and
students in the Bay area, Sunday after
noon, August 21.
The event will . be staged between
12:30 and 5:30 p.m. at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Atkinson, San Mateo,
The affair is for all WiJ'amette alumni,
stffdents, parents and friends in that
Woodburn Invitations have been re
ceived to the wedding of Miss Colleen
Whitecrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Whitecrow of Woodburn, and
Duane Shaw, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
ShaW of Sacramento, formerly of Wood
burn. The weeding will take place Au
gust 13 at the Woodburn Church of God.
Mi?s Evelyn Schradcr left today for
Walla Walla, Wash.,, where she is to
take the porition of assistant clinical in
rructor for the new sffiliating program
for student nurEes in the vetcrarif' hos
pital. Miss Fohrarier has been with the
Marir.i coiintv herHli .c'coar.m:..:t here
and an active member in Pioneer post
No. 149, American Legion, the all-woman
The program coordination committee
of the Salem Business and Professional
Women's club is to meet Tuesday at 7:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dana Bil
liter, 745 Hood street. 1 Miss Alberta
Shoemake is chairman of the commit
tee. Salem Zonla club is meeting for a
dinner on the lawn- at the home of Miss
Mabel Savage nevt Thursday evening at
6:30 o'clock. The dinner is an annual
event Miss Savage gives for the group.
Susan dinger, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs.' Harold M. Olinger, will observe
her ninth birthday anniversary Monday,
Mrs. Olinger is arranging a picnic
lunch and swimming party at Paradise
island at noon for her daughter, a dozen
friends of the little girl to be guests.
Pythian Sisters have been invited to
meet at the home of Mrs. Anna Muncey,
603 North Winter, Monday evening at
8 o'clock. Mrs. Sylvia Furlough of San
Francisco will be honor guest for the
event, friends of the order being invited
to meet here.
HQ EFORE an altar decked with pink
and white gladioluses, palms and
-"LC lighted tapers, Miss June Camp,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camp,
and James Earl Phipps, son of Mrs.
Mamie Phipps, will exchange their mar
riage vows Sunday afternoon, the serv
ice to take place at 4 o'clock in the First
Christian church with Dr. Dudley Strain
, For the muric, Mrs. Charles Allen
dcr is to sing and Mrs. Walter Naff will
play the organ.
To be given in marriage by her father,
the brie'e is to wear a gown of white
satin. It is fashioned with a V-neck
with a rolled collar, a pleated ruffle
of maline edging the collar. The dress
has leg o' mutton sleeves and a train.
The pleated maline extends around the
hem of tiro dress and up in back to the
waist, the fkfrt having unpicsscd pleats
in back. The full length veil, cascading
from a tiara of satin, is edged with
the maline pleating. The bride will
carry a white Bible topped with a white
orchid. The Bible' is one belonging to
Mrs. Donald Milton Cades and has been
used at the wedding of five friends of
the bride.
Pink, blue and yellow are the colors
for the gowns of ttie bride's attendants.
All are made similarly in style to the
bride's dress, with low round necklines
and short sleeves.
Miss Charlotte Lightfoot as maid of
honor will be in blue organdy and her
flowers will be a nosay of pink roses.
Mrs. Dale Imcl and Mbs Donna Camp,
Portland, the Ifttor a cou-in of the bride,
both will wcrr pink organdy gowns and
their nououets will be of yellow roses.
Miss Florence Hall of Gnrvais is to light
the tapers. Her gown is of yellow or
gandy and she will wear a corsage of
pink roses.
Richard Phinns is to be best man for
his brother. The ushers will be Donald
Milton Cades and Kenneth DeWayne
CamD, Fnrtland, a cousin of the bride.
Mrs. Camn is to wear a dusty rose
gown with gray accessories and corsage
of yellow roses for her daughter's wed
ding and Mrs. Phipps, the bridegroom's
mother, will wear a navy blue gown
with gray accessories and corsage of
pink roses.
The reception following also will be
at the church. The bride's grandmother,
Mrs. H O. Webb, is to cut the cake. Mrs.
Paul Hamrick will pour. Serving will;
be Mrs. Donald Milton Cades, Mrs. Rich
ard Moorehouse, Miss Pauline Campbell,
Miss Lois Houser, Miss Marjorie Ruth
Riordan. Passing the guest book will
be Mrs. Richard Phipps and in charge of
gifts will be Mrs. Leonard O. Webb. Dur
ing the reception. Simpson Hamrick is
to sing and Mrs. Thomas Bentley of Mt,
Angel is to play the piano.
For traveling the bride is to wear a'
print, chartreuse and red on a navy
background, with a matching fitted
coat . in navy, the cuffs and collar of
which are in the same print; a navy
and white hat and white accessories;
and a white orchid corsage.
The couple will make their home in
the Keizer district.
Woodburn Miss DeVona Bjelland,
bride-elect of Kenneth Satrom of Salem,
was honored with a bridal shower at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Hannah Bjel
land, at Woodburn. The wedding will be
an event of August 27 at the Immanuel
Lutheran church in Woodburn.
A shower feted Miss Joan Hoereth at
the informal tea given this afternoon in
her honor by Miss Marian Carson. About
25 friends of Miss Hoereth were.invited.
Her marriage to Theodore Covalt is to
take place August 28. Assisting Miss
Carson at the tea was Miss Gayle Juve.
Her Wedding Takes Vlace
1 V.XV' v
f i
r tea
, 1 T.Hi
BRIDE AT A ceremony on July 23 was Mrs,
The hriHe Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.
on of Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Coe.
Engagement Told; Wedding
; t " . - - n
Kcnnell-Ellls studio plctura
THE ENGAGEMENT or Miss ratrlcla Imogcne Elliott, daiifflUer of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Elliott, to John Basil Wallace, son of B. J, Wallace, was announced Inst week, the wedding:
to be September 14.
Dinner Dance Set
Announced for Friday evening, Au
gust 26, is the dinner dance to be given
by the Reserve Officers association and
the Salem Women's Army and Navy
The event will be at the American
Legion club. Ralph Solum from the
Reserve Officers and Mrs. Harlan A.
Judd from the league are chairmen for
A committee meeting is to be held
Monday evening to make further plans
for the party.
Miss Edith Fairham leaves next Sat
urday by plane for Riverside, 111., for
a visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H.
P. Gunnar, parents of her fiance, Peter
Gunnar, who also is leaving for River
side. They plan to be back In Salem
by September 6. While in the midwest
Miss Fairham is to visit at Madison, Wis.,
with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
! and Mrs. Stephen C. Smith.
Arriving in Salem today from Salinas,
Calif., for a two weeks' visit with friends
were A. C. Parsons and his daughter,
Miss Irene Parsons. The Parsons, for
mer Salem residents, will be the house
guesHs of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee.
in July
- A i
McEwan tudio picHir.
Curtis C. Coe, the formrr Cleo Hrhriilel.
Ervln Scheidel of Salem and Mr. toe the
:. .... i
') ''-I
,4 f" 1
. -'
This Fall
DESSERT at 1:15 o'clock, followed
by bridge, will feature the semi
monthly party for Sojourners club
next Thursday afternoon at the Salem
Woman's club house.
Mrs. Elmer J. Church is chairman of
the committee and serving with her are
Mrs. Eugene Laird, Mrs. Rollin Lewis,
Mrs. Oliver Mansfield, Mrs. L. W. Miles
and Mrs. Gilbert Groff.
Visitors in Salem the latter part of
the week were Judge and Mrs. John T.
Medin of Sioux Falls, S.D. They were
Thursday evening guests of Lt. Col. and
Mrs. Eugene I. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Boedigheimer are
announcing the engagement of their
daughter, Lorene, to Thomas Holmes,
son of Earl Holmes of Brooks. No date
is set for the wedding.
Miss Delpliine Savage was to arrive
today by plane from Honolulu for a visit
of 18 days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Perin, and her twin sister,
Mrs. Donald Kemple. Miss Savage has
been in the islands for the past 14
rtotana club members will gather for
a picnic supper Monday evening at 7:30
thews on Silvcrton road. Mrs. Fannie
Douglas is assistant hostess.
On the evening of July 28 the wed
ding of Pauline Settle of Portland,
daughter of Mrs. Daisie Horn, Green
ville, Ky., and Dick Paynler, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Paynter, Salem, took
place at 8 o'clock in St. Mark Lutheran
parsonage, Rev. M. A. Getzendaner of
ficiating. The bridesmaid was Miss De
lores Benson of Portland and the best
man was Fred Nowack of Salem.
After the wedding the group went to
the home of the bridegroom's parents
for the reception. Miss Cora Paynter,
aunt of the bridegroom, served the wed
ding cake, with Mrs. Art Youker assist
ing. Others serving were Mrs. Fred Jen
sen and Mrs. Ed Parton of Salem and
Mrs. Bernard Jarvis of Eugene. Billie
nnd Florence Jarvis entertained with
aceordian solos.
Relatives and friends invited to ihe
reception were Lawrence Paynter, Mrs.
Nora Paynter, Miss Cora Paynter, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Paynter, Wayne and War
ren Paynter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Jacobe,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paynter, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne French, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. M.
Poindextcr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jarvis, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Youker. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Par
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoyt, Dolores,
Karen and Ruby Benson, Helen Dick
man, Leona Curtis, Florence Jarvis,
Fred Nowack, Eugene Poindextcr, Jim
Ycllen, Don Koelff, Billie Jarvis.
The couple left for a few days at the
Oregon beaches and will be at home at
445 South Capitol St., Salem.
A large crowd attended the garden tea
given Friday afternoon by the American
Legion auxiliary, department of Oregon,
to honor Gold Star Mothers, the event
being staged in the beautiful gardens at
1he Homer H. Smith residence on North
.Summer. The tea was one of the major
social events on the program of the aux
iliary department convention in Salem
this week.
Among the dignitaries in the receiving
line were Mrs. Mitchell Thorn, The
Dalles, department president of the aux
iliary; Mrs. W. W. Graham, Corvallis,
department vice president; Mrs. Rose A.
Smith, state president of the Gold Star
Mothers: Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, Port
land national president of the auxiliary;
Mrs Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor; Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, nation
al second vice president of the Gold Star
A large group of local auxiliary mem
bers assisted, Mrs. Merle Travis being
chairman, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, vice
chairman of the committee.
Punch was served from a table beau
tifully set with a pink organdy cloth.