Among Newcomers Being - - t -fit ' 4 1 o - '-vm -r " ' i" : v,;A4w ff) "-vj ii'i I Jesten -Miller ctudto picture AMONG NEWCOMERS being welcomed in Salem Is Mrs. Stanley Fallandcr. Her hus band, Lt. Stanley Fallander, is executive officer at the naval air facilities in Salem. They moved here from Corvallls and are at home on Pioneer Drive. August Weddings Are Planned August is another month of weddings, a long list of them being recorded on the calendar. Several brides-elect whose nuptials come the latter part of the month are announcing plans for the ceremonies and members of their wed ding parties. Holmstedt-Liudahl Miss Donna Liudahl, who is to be married this month to John W. Holm etedt, Jr., of Paxton, Neb., is telling plans for the ceremony to be solemnized at 4.30 o'clock in the afternoon of Sun day, August 21, in St. Mark Lutheran church. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. M. A. Getzendaner and the Rev. John Baglien. Soloist is to be Victor Palmason and Prof. Maurice Brennen will be at the organ. Lighting the tapers will be Ed ward Meyer and Melvin Langcland. Mrs. Weston LaMunyon of Bruning, Neb., will be matron of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids arc lo be Miss Anna Faye Olson and Miss Oradcll Scife., the latter of Portland. Linda Stcnjhein is to be flower girl and Gary Rcinsche will serve as ring bearer. Best man is lo be Weston LaMunyon and ushering will be Howard Baum gart, Donald Liudahl, brother of the bride-elect, Edward Meyer and Mclvin Langeland. The reception following also will be at the church. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Liudahl of Salem, and Mr. Holmstedt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmstedt of Paxton, Neb. Williams-Arnold Also to be wed on Sunday. August 21, are Miss Bcula Arnold and James Williams, the service to be solemnized at 4 o'clock that afternoon in the Knight Memorial Congregational church with the Rev. Louis E. White officiating. Lighting the tapers will he Miss Janet Lindley and Miss Marilyn Nichols. Soloist for the service will hp Robert Gwinn and Mrs Lucille Mitchell "will piny the organ. Miss Arnold has asked her sister. Mrs. Robert Wagers, to be her matron of honor, and as the junior bridesmaid, her younger sister. Mary Arnold. Miss Joan Hoereth and Miss Crystal Huntington will be the bridesmaids. Best man will be Robert Seamster, and acting as ushers will be Theodore Covalt. Robert Wagers. Bruce Boatman, Lowell Wcese, Tom Bnrtlett and Jerry Arnold, a cousin of the bride-elect. The reception following also will be t the church. Miss Arnold is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 11. Arnold and Mr. Wil liams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickey. Grenz-Kcrher Another wedding arranged for August 21 is that of Miss Patsy Kerber and Jack Grenz of Albany. The ceremony will he solemnized at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in St. Joseph's Catholic church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards, pastor, officiating. Wayne Mousey is to provide the music for the service. Mrs. Bernard Grindle (Gwenda Boy cr) is to be matron of honor and the bridesmaid will be Miss Margie Grenz, aister of Mr. Grenz. William Grenz will be best man for his brother and ushering will be Darwin Kerber, brother of the bride-elect, and James Ammon, cousin of Mr. Grenz. The reception following is to be in th Veterani of Foreign Win hall. Welcomed Here Gamma Phi Beta alumnae gave their annual picnic for active members, Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington, the supper being a no-host event. Attending the gathering were Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. Douglas Drager, Mrs. Garlan Simpson, Mrs. Lyman Steed, Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Mrs. George Beane, Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Miss Mar garet Simms, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. John H. Carson, Miss Josephine Caug hell, Miss Irene McLeod, Miss Patty Wil son, Miss Joan Blnxall, Miss Jean Claire Swift, Miss Marilyn Hill, Miss Jane Car son, Miss Charlotte Alexander, Miss Janet Lindley, Miss Crystal Huntington, and Mrs. Huntington. Salem Girl Wed at Church 1, V J i 4 . 'V : 4 4 , 17 N5 fit iu . i WW LAST Sl'NUAV aftrmoon si Struck (Mary Maurel. Al Irft, the in a formal pose at the attar steps. Uii mo ol Mr. and Mrs. Gor, C N OCTOBER brldt wlU be Mist Jeanne Marie Myers, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers, who is announcing Sunday, October 2 as date for her marriage to Ensign Henry B. Johnson, USN, son of Mrs. Dora John son of Salem. The wedding is to be an afternoon one in the First Presbyterian church. The engagement of the young couple was announced in the early summer. Miss Myers' twin sister, Janice Lea Myers, was married July 17 to Lloyd Vernon Lewis of Eugene. By Marian Lowry Fischer riSS Jane Carson has been named chairman for the picnic event to - be given for the Spinsters club on Friday evening, August 19. Serving with Miss Carson on the com mittee are Miss Edith ,Fairham, Miss Jean Claire Swift and Miss Patricia Lar son. The group will meet soon to make plans for the place and arrangements for the supper. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers will be in Ashland the fore part of the week. Mr. Chambers will attend ses sions of the state board of higher edu cation of which he is a member, and he and Mrs. Chambers also will attend the Shakespearean festival now on there. Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay will be in Coos Bay next Friday and Saturday to be special guests at the Pirates club festivities there. Arriving home today from a week at Vancouver and Victoria, B.C., were Dr Helen Pcarce and Miss Dorothy Pearce. Miss Phyllis Schnell, bride-elect of Robert Strebig, was honored at a brunch and shower given today by Miss Jeanne Foster, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Eu gene I. Foster, at their home. The table was gayly set with a red and white plaid cloth and the center piece was a clever arrangement of a basket filled with kitchen items cereals, spices, jams, jellies, etc. the handle being decorated with flowers and plas tic colored clothespins. The arrange ment was presented to Miss Schnell. Placecards were cards upon which guests wrote recipes for the bride-elect. Miss Foster, who recently observed her birthday, also was surprised with a gift. Invited to fete Miss Schnell were her mother, Mrs. P. H. Schnell, Miss Char lotte Alexander, Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, Miss Carolyn Carson, Mrs. George C. Alexander, Miss Shirley Lu kins, Miss Jean Claire Swift, Miss June Young, Mrs. Lester D. Green (Marylou McKay), Mrs. Donald Preiss, Miss Jean Fidler, Miss Addyse Lane, Miss Connie Cocking, Mrs. Leonard Rinearson, Jr., of Corvallis, Miss Edith Fairham, Mrs. Roger Schnell, Miss Janet Rilea, Miss Mariann Croisan, Mrs. Foster and Miss Foster. Miss Foster leaves tomorrow morning to return to San Francisco following a few days' visit here. She came north for the wedding of Miss Margaret Jane Cooley and John Phillip Maulding this evening. Salem friends are saying farewells to Sgt. lc and Mrs. Melvin E. Haines and children, Kathy, Millie and Melvin, Jr. (Skippy), who are to leave Monday for Tacoma to make their home. Sgt. Haines has been with the army recruit ing office here. Service, Reception Follows r ' it a (' V A1 ,L" j n H- fill J a rrrfmonr In thf first ronitrf ntlonl rhurrh wrrf Mr. tint Mm. .tame Mnrtnn couple are shown at the reception cuttlni the take, and at rlht is the bride The bride Is the daufhter et Mr, rrank A. Muaee of Salem, and Mr. Struck is (truok at Parkdala, King Family Comes from I V I . J BEING WELCOMED to Salem to make their home are Mrs. Lewis Marable Kin; and son, Lou, who will be three years old this month. Mr. and Mrs. Kin; and son recently came from Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. King's Bister, Miss Mildred Christenson, was in Birmingham for several weeks visiting the Kings who came west with her. Mann-Davis Ceremony Tonight An altar banked with all white glad ioluses, surrounded with ferns and palms, will be the setting for the wed ding of Miss Mary Carolyn Davis and Norman E. Mann at an 8 o'clock cere mony this evening in the First Baptist church. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson will of ficiate at the double ring ceremony. ' The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey F. Davis and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Mann of Walla Walla, Wash. Singing at the ceremony will be Miss Beverly Kenney and David Lawrence. Miss Kenney will sing "At Dawning" and Mr. Lawrence will sing "Because." Organist will be William Fawk. Lighting.the ivy entwined tapers and jMtfn.Millr tudio plcturu y -'im fern ' nil!!'' V- m .a a I .' r..i' .. . . & LJ Alabama to Make Home in V.V. -T i ' ' the candles along both of the aisles will be Miss Nancy Buren and Mrs. James Duval. They will wear identical pastel yellow organdy frocks with full skirts and organdy sashes with bows in the back. Both will wear wrist corsages. The bride has chosen a traditional white satin gown for her wedding with a long aisle filling train. It is designed with a nylon marquisette yoke, empha sized by shirred insertion around the shoulders. It is fashioned with a drop ped waist which separates the tight bodice from a full skirt which also has an insertion of shirring. The veil will be fingertip in length made of illusion net, edged in lace and arranged from an orange blossom crown. For something old, the bride will carry a white lace edged handkerchief given to her by her grandmother, Mrs. Bertha C. Street. The bridal bouquet will be of white carnations, bouvardia and stephanotis surrounding a delicately arranged cen terpiece of pink rosebuds. Small white satin streamers will cascade from the bouquet. Miss Davis will be given in marriage by her. father. In Pink and Green Pale green and coral pink will be the colors of the gowns of the bride's at tendants. All will wear identical rhine stone chockcrs, gifts of the bride. Mrs. ,. Donald Breakey, sister of the bride groom, will be matron of honor. She will wear a coral pink organdy frock with a slightly drooped shoulder effect, accented by two collars, and a full fash ioned skirt. She will wear clbowlentrth net mitts that match her oicss and on her head "ill be a halo of pink net and Powers. She will crrry a round bou qt'et surroune'ed by 'pink net. Mirs Jcrn Kstfield is maid of honor, and M;ss E'.'en Reynolds and Mi s Shir Ice Rcimcnn, bridesmaids. All will wcr pale ,?recn oran'-'y froc!;s id?nlical to fiat of the mrtron nf hsnor. T'-v will wear pale green ret mitts and halos of matching green net and flowers. Miss Judith Hansen will be flower girl. She will wear a floor length dress of pastel yellow. Daryl Willecke, former Oregon State college roommate of the bridegroom will be best man. and Wallet Judd, Don ald Breakey and Robert Goffrier will be groomsmen. Ushering the guests will be the bride's uncles. John P. Seitz and Kenneth F. Sides, also Robert Cook and Stewart Sharpnack. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Davis has chosen a powder blue crone floor length gown. It is fashioned with an angel neck surrounded with a design of beading. The gown has quarter length Dallman sleeves. She will carry a Parisian handbag of pink and white beading, and her corsage will be of white gardenias and pink roses. Mrs. Mann will wear a floor length rose colored gown with short, sleeves adorned with sequins. Her corsage will be of roses and gardenias also. At the Reception The reception will be in the church parlor immediately following the cere mony. The color scheme will be pink and white. At the punch table will be Mrs. Kenneth F. Sides and Mrs. Mildred Gwin. both aunts of the bride. Cutting the cake at the bride's table will be Mrs. John P. Seitz. assisted by Mrs. Desota W, Davis of Pendleton, Ore., and Mrs. Clifton B. Mudd. The bride's table will be covered with an imported white Salem a- ' i art Jwten-Miller itudio picture linen cloth and will be decorated with pink and white candles on each side of a floral arrangement. Mrs. Arthur Wil lecke and Mrs. Gene Brickwedel will be in charge of the gift table, assisted by Mrs. Evelyn Bartlett, Miss Doris Dierks, Miss Wilma Dunn, and Miss Alice Bail- ' lie. Passing the guest book will be Miss Ardith Combs. Loren Seitz, cousin of the bride, and Peggy Jewel will pass the dream cakes. Serving the guests will be Mrs. Stewart Sharpnack, Mrs. Leo Baton, Mrs. Troy McGown, Mrs. Floyd Riley, Mrs. Curtis Coe, Miss Betty Lou Edwards, Miss Marcial Stewart, Miss Margaret Forsythe, Miss Caroline Strohmeir, Miss Bernice Struckmeir, Miss Vera Jones, Miss Pearl Combs. Assist ing about the room will be Mrs. Lee Cross and Mrs. Marion Curry. For traveling the bride will wear a brown and beige suit accented with a small copper stripe. She will wear a plain white blouse with copper acces sories. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home at 345 South Winter street. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard. Miss Trudi Schiess and Charles Emerson left last evening on a 10-day motor trip to Reno, Leke T?hoe, pn Frrncisco and a stop at the Oregon Caves en route home Visitors rrriving Siinf.-.y will be Dr and Mrs. William Parkei and twin daughters, Caf'iy and Susan of Sacra mento, who wi'l he grest" at the home of Dr. ".-"her's parents, Mr and Mrs. ' C. w. Parker. Mrs. James R. FhiMips is to entertain Wednesday evening Et a party rnd kitch en shower to honor Miss M:riam Shell enbergcr. who is to te rr.rrisd in Au gust to Thcor'ore Floo'-. Following the infernal c-.'-ivnc- a Jete stippsr will be served. Guests include Miss Shellenbergcr, Miss Parbara Sundet. Miss Suzanne Small, Miss Joanne Fitzmaurice, Miss Patricia Brock, Miss Gloria McClintock, Miss Barbara McClintock. Miss Jane Carson, Miss Mnrgarct Newton, Miss Barbara Causey, Miss Mariann Croisan, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Mrs. Courtney Jones, Mrs. Edward Salstrom, Mrs. Budd Coons, Mrs. William Pettit, Mrs. Hubert Wil liamson. Of interest to Salem friends is an nouncement of the approaching mar riage of Mrs. Helen Norman of Portland to State Representative John Dickson, also of Portland, the wedding to be the first of October. Following the wedding the couple plan an extended trip through the east. Announcement of the coming marriage was made to local friends this week when the couple were here for some of the American Legion convention events. Mr. Dickson has served in sev eral sessions of the legislature from Mult nomah county. Glenda Fravel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fravel, observed her fifth birthday today and was feted at an in formal party given by her mothejr this afternoon at their home. Games were played and refreshments served. Ten little friends of the honoree were in-vited.