Local Paragraphs f Miss Vour Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier tails to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 6 PM. and a copy will be delivered to you. Wade Buys Plant Wayne J. Wade, manager of the Wade meat market in Coos Bay, has purchased the Don Green Pack ing company at Independence. Jewelry Store Opened I. E. Sumpter, Salem, opened a jew elry and watchmaker's store in the formation of the Porter and Lau radio store In Stayton Sat urday. He has been employed by Russell Smith, trade watch maker in West Salem, for the last three years and during the war was employed by the army air corps, He received his train ing from the Oregon .state reha bilitation service. Sumpter is married and has an 11-year-old daughter. Parade Watcher Stricken Mary Yakesh, 42, of 103 Mar ion, collapsed from a heart at tack at 7 o'clock Friday evening while in the 200 blocif on North Commercial watching the Amer ican Legion parade. She was - taken to the hospital by first aid car where she is reported "much improved." Central Club to Meet Cen tral Townsend Club No. 6 will meet Monday night at 258 Court street for an open forum session Holly Nook Name Filed Cer tificate of assumed business name for Holly Nook, confec tionery and Ice cream store at 1997 N. Capital street, has been filed with the county clerk by Clark M. Craig, Salem. Nurses Will Meet The Prac tlcal Nurses' association will meet at the home of Mrs. Nellie Banta, 1350 Park avenue, Mon day evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Banta states that the guests must have transportation as there is no bus service after 7 o'clock. Minister on Vacation While Rev. Lee Wiens, pastor of "the Keizer community church, Is on his vacation during August the pulpit will be filled by Rev Ralph Keil, former pastor of the church now at Milwaukie! after a year's study in the east. Rev. Wiens is spending some time with his family in North Caro lina, the- family home of Mrs Wiens. Tax Group Moves The pub lic utility division of the state tax commission will be in its new location Monday, having moved from a state-owned build ing, north of the new state of fice building now under con struction, into the state capitol. Carl Chambers is head of the division. Hop Harvest Starts The Wil lamette valley hop harvest is under way with the number of harvest hands apparently ade quate until September 1. Then with the harvesting of clusters, more help will be needed, Paul Rowell, manager of the U.S. Hop Growers' association, said. He expected the yield of fugp.'is probably would be light, but that the entire crop is expected to be better than last year's low average. Building Permits Glen Gor ton, to repair a one-story dwell ing at 215 East Lincoln, $194. L. E. Webber, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 1560 B. street, $9000.. William Fawk, to build a 1 Vi -story dwelling at 580 North 22nd, $12,000. St. Mark's Lutheran church, to re- roof church at 434 North Church $50. P. E. Halloway, to build a one-story dwelling at 275 South 22nd, $4000. Everett Fear, to alter a one-story dwelling at 2320 North Fourth, $50. Alfred Krause, to build a one-story dwelling at 2370 Claude, $5500 Stewart Johns, to move a gar age at 1660 South 12th, $300 Derby estate, to alter a store at 210 State, $150. Clifton Ross, to repair a 1 'A -story dwelling at 1335 North Fourth, $150. License is Issued Lee Pierce, Silverton, and Iris L. Gaul, Portland, have been Issued a marriage license in Vancouver, Wash. Road Program Given a Boost Chances of the oiled road res toration program In the subur ban area around .Salem being completed this fall brightened materially with news that the teamsters' strike In connection with several local gravel plants had been settled and the plants are expected to reopen next week. The county court had assum ed the attitude it would not ask its gravel truck operators to cross a picket line which meant that as long as the strike con tinued the work. on paving the extension of South 25th street into the airport would be held up, but also all of the oiled road repair work in the immediate environs of Salem. Included in the roads affected are Auburn road, Monroe, Haw thorne, Evergreen, Park, Sun ny view, Fairview and part of Hollywood avenues. Also on the agenda is replacing of D street the entire distance from the city limits to Lancaster drive work Fischer road, patching of Lansing avenue, as well as. re construction of the Croisan road, work on the Kei.er-Chemawa road and some other patching on roads both north and south. While the Salem area is 'the last it is expected the oiling crew will reach, had the strike continued to the time it was reached in all likelihood these improvements would have had to be abandoned as the county is dependent on gravel and rock plants in the vicinity for work around Salem, Leave Salem Memorial Dis missed from the Salem Memo rial hospital with recently born infants are Mrs. L, F. Cronemll ler Jr. and daughter, 460N. Win ter; Mrs. Paul Terrell and daugh ter, 2315 Broadway; Mrs. Opal Walters and daughter, Rt. 5, Box 182, and Mrs. Leo Bailey and son, Aumsvllle Rt. 1, Box 137A. Found Police took custody Saturday of a pair of base drum sticks found near the state capi tol building after a legion pro gram. Wanted in Seattle Donald Eugene Huiett, 1317 Market street, was booked at the sher iff's office Saturday on a fugi tive warrant from King county, Washington, alleging non-support. Window Smashed One of three men involved in a disput ed drinking bill at a north Front street tavern hurled a rock through a window of the estab lishment, a police report dis closed Saturday. , AWOLS Reported Four sol diers attached to the army unit from Ft. Lewis which visited Sa lem for the American Legion convention were listed as AWOL Saturday by military police in a report to Salem authorities. Coat and Slacks Taken Mrs. Melvin Brooks, Portland report ed to Salem police that a man's coat and slacks were removed from her car by a thief who gain ed access to the vehicle through the trunk of the car. Church Party Held ; More than 50 persons attended the ice cream social at the Turner Chri tion church recently. A quiz was led by Gilbert Carey, and the young people enjoyed vari ous stunts and games. Wards Take Name Gilbert and Sylvia Ward, Salem, have filed a certificate of assumed business name with the county clerk for R". D. Woodrow Co Gil Ward, Prop. Fuel Company Filing James Overfield, route 3, Salem, has filed a certificate of assumed business name with the county f clerk for Valley Fuel Co., sell ing fuel wood. ' Posed as Red Cap George B. Belgard, described in po lice records as a transient, was returned to Portland Sat urday following his arrest in Salem on grand larceny charges filed against Mm in Multnomah county. Belgard, according , to Salem police information, was accused of securing baggage In a Portland bus depot from trav elers without giving them claim checks. He was reported to have posed as a red cap. Picnic Regardless of Rain Rainy weather will not cause cancellation of the Liberty Old Timers picnic this Sunday, but if the rain continues there will be a change of plans for the pic nic. Originally scheduled for Olingor park it will be moved to the Liberty hall if the rain continues. Chairman of the com mittee arranging the picnic is Mrs. Ernest Free. Polio Victim Given Legion Scholarship Robert Alden Fry, a polio vie tim confined to a wheelchair, was awarded Saturday morning with a $1200 American Legion national commanders scholar ship for outstanding scholastic achievements. The presentation was made during the morning business session of the state Le gion convention in the House of Representatives in the state cap itol. Fry, a student at Vanport col lege, automatically receives an additional $400 scholarship from the state of Oregon. He is one of 20 persons in the nation to ceive the high. Legion scholar ship. The scholarships are given annually to veterans' sons daughters who. have attained high records in school. The state commander's schol arship award was given to James Russell Brown, a recent grad uate of Jefferson high school. The main military items made by ironmakers during the Rev olutionary war were cannon and cannon balls, cast from molten Iron at the blast furnaces. I , rag- 1, HMMIIMiMHnaMMIt H i . Vr 7 it J - - -. ' 3-1 . v-. I .ag1 .. v vl , ..J -ii "1 1 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, August 6, 19495 Youngsters Participate In Drive for Hospitals Pvon tlx. vnnnBsifim were getting in on the act of raising money for the Salem Hospital Development program today. Leading off was an organization of six boys in the 10 to lJ-y' age bracket and living in the 16th and Trade streets district. 'Beds for Boys" they dubbed themselves, because they and lome of their friends have been assigned to beds in hospital halls, rather Petition Forms Here for Roads The county court Saturday re ceived from Multnomah county the proposed form of petitions to be used there in asking for improvement of dedicated or public highways as provided un der a law of the last legislature and along with the forms came a manual of instructions, all pre pared and passed on by a num ber of attorneys. This is ex pected to soon open the way here lor preparation of circula tion of petitions on such pro posed improvements in Marion county, as far as available funds will go. After the forms and instruc tions were examined by court members Saturday they were turned over to County Engin eer Swart for his inspection and suggestions and next week it is expected they will be referred to District Attorney Ed Stadter for his comments. As soon as plans can be made to adjust these forms to the needs of Marion county it is ex pected the district attorney will outline such forms for use here and these will be made avail able to anyone desiring to cir culate petitions. The petition forms as prepar ed for use in Multnomah county carry the name and address of each of the petitioners showing the nature of the improvement sought, the nature of the own ership of each piece of property signed for and such other data as is considered necessary. Under the law to set such a street improvement in motion requires petitions signed by 75 per cent of the property owners representing 75 per cent of the property in the area to be im proved. Mothers Taken Home Dis missed from the Salem General hospital with recently born in fants are Mrs. Eugene Richter and son, 2055 Yew and Mrs. Al vin Randall and daughter, 1510 "B". Officers Attend Air Facility Ceremonies Pictured in the hangar at the Naval Air Reserve Facility just before the cere monies establishing the facility and commissioning the Avia tion Volunteer Unit (active) are Gov. Douglas McKay and lome'of the naval, marine and army officers attending the ceremonies Friday afternoon. Front row, left to right they are: Capt. A. E. Buckley, commanding officer of the Naval Air Reserve Training Unit, Seattle, and speaker at the ceremonies; Gov. McKay; Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, Oregon's adjutant general; Brig. Gen. Robert A. McClure, commander of the Northern Military District, Sixth Army; Lt. Comdr. E. L, Carter, Navy chaplain; and Col. W. F. Parks, officer in charge of the Western Recruiting division of the U. S. Marine Corps. Back row, left to right, Lt. Comdr. Wallace Hug, officer in charge of the Naval Air Facility; Lt. Stanley Fallander, executive officer at the facility; Lt. Comdr. W. W. Jones, assistant director of naval reserves (air), 13th naval district; Comdr. William S. Sampson, admiral's representative with the "Blue Angels;" Lt. Comdr. R. E. "Dusty" Rhodes, commander of the "Blue Angels;" and Comdr. D. A. Mc Isaacs, executive officer at the Naval Air Reserve Training Unit, Seattle. Planes to Be Sent Salem For Naval Reservists By MARGARET MAGEE Planes will be sent to Salem's Naval Air Facility for flight training for naval reservists as soon as the Salem aviation volun teer unit (active) is ready to fly. Capt. A. E. Buckley, commander of the Naval Air Reserve Train ing Unit at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Seattle, and main speaker at the ceremonies establishing Legion Votes (Continued Jrom Faun 1' Local Store Not Sold Through error a headline stated that the Four Corners variety store had been purchased by Waldo Kleen. The accompany ing article stated the matter cor rectly, that Kleen, who lives in Four Corners and has been em ployed by Sears, Roebuck nnd Co., had purchased a variety store in Gresham, and not the Four Corners store. the facility and commissioning the aviation unit, made that statement Friday afternoon just prior to returning to Seattle aft er the ceremonies' at the air port. On the unit and the men want ing To receive reserve training with the unit lies the responsi bility for getting the planes two SNBs, two F6Fs and four SNJs. The planes are already in Seattle, have been for some time and will be sent here as soon as the Salem unit qualifies for flight training. Meanwhile they are being used by reserv- Held for Army Frank Law rence Utech has been booked at the sheriff's office. He is to be held for U. S. army authorities. Find Salem Car Sheriff Den ver Young's office has been ad vised by the state police that they have been notified by Mississippi officers of the ap prehension in that state of Le roy Zimmerman in possession of a 1949 Ford coupe registered to Ernest E. Woods, route 7, Sa lem. The advices said that the license plates had been switch ed to different numbers than those used on the car when it was stolen. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Valley Credit Service v C. H. Bleven aon and other, complaint lor money. Haiel Straw va Harry L. Miller, plain tiff motion to t alde judgment and lor new trial, misconduct of the Jury, ex cessive damage. Insufficiency of the ev idence and error at law all being; alleged. Roberta v Marvin Morlts, divorce com plaint allege cruel and Inhuman treat ment and aaks plaintiff be restored her maiden name of Phelan. Married Jan uary IS, 1049, at Stevenson, Waah. BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes the Following New Clthtens: A MAN AUBUBt 4. At SilvtrtOn hos pital, a dauthter to Mr. and Mr. WHbert r. Aman. Woodburn. K1RSCH To Mr. and Mr. Bernard H. Klrsch, Mtt. Anttl, at Silverton hospi tal, August 4, a son. McKKNZlB At Silverton hospital Fri day. August 5. a daughter, weight 7 pounds, 84 ounces, at ailverton hospital. WglOBWro Mr. and Mr, nobert Well !, 1935 North 17th street, Salem, a son, August 5, at Salem Memorial hospital. JONES To Mr. and Mr. Robert W. Jones. 404 8. High, at the Salem Oeneral hospital, a tin, Aug. 8. LAPPAN To Mr. and Mr. Oerald Lappan. 785 cummlng. at the Salem Oeneral hospital, a bo, Aug. . WA1BSL To Mr. and Mr. Bert wal. bel. Wlliamin. at the Salem Oeneral hoa utal, a boi, Aug. . V rure-To Mr. and Mr. Llord free. , ?M; " 8,lt" Oeneral hospital, a firl, Aug. i, Electric Roto Rooter, sewers, drains cleaned. Specialized ser vice, better, faster, for less. Ph. 35327. 186 Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. If vou miss your Capital Journal. Exclusive presentation, Imper ial wallpapers. R. L. Elfstrom Co. Dr. Don E. Woodard, physi cian, announces the opening of his offices at 159 Gerth at Edge- water, West Salem. Practice limited to internal medicine. Ph offices, 27922; ret., 29977. 186" Final clearance on all sum mer dresses, coats and suits at Lorman's, 1109 Edgewater St., West Salem. Open until 7 p.m 186' Win a guest ticket to the El sinore theatre. Read the Capital Journal want ads. Win a guest ticket to the El slnore theatre Read the Capital Journal want ads. Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 2 Vi i 3ee FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-4944. New refrigerators, $145 each Phone 3-3951. 186 For Sale: '41 Chev. coupe, A-l cond. Ph. 28158. 4647 Clark (Keizer Dist.) 186 . Dance tonight, 259 Court, 186 Drawing hse. plans. Ph. 39621. 186 Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg lary, Ken Potts Insurance Agen cy, 229 N. Liberty. 186 Don't be satisfied with any thing but the best in Venetian blinds. See them at Reinholdt & Lewis or ask their salesman to call and give you free estimates Ph. 2-3639. 186' 2 V4 current rate on your savings. Salem Federal, S60 State St. Salem's largest Savings association More fresh killed young "tur keys to bake or fry, 39c. C. S Orwlg, 4375 Silverton road Phone 26128. 186 Screened gravel and sand for concrete. Phone 2-4002, evenings 3-7146. Immed. delivery. 188' Win a guest ticket to the El slnore theatre Read the Capital Journal want ads. Lola Elaine v Junior M. Whelchel, divorce complaint alleges desertion and asks plaintiff be restored the name of Lola Blaine Mole. Married Julr 17, 1147. at Vancouver, Wash. France J. v David Pel wlllaby. div orce complaint allege cruel and Inhuman treatment, asks custody of two children and 180 a month for their xupport. Mar ried October 88, 104ft, at Reno, Nev. de ists who go to Seattle for train ing. The second week-end of each month has already been as signed the Salem unit for its flight training, when the men have qualified and planes ar rive. Before they can fly, however, the men must fill in their appli cation forms for flight training and have them approved by the navy's bureau of personnel. Buckley told the men Friday, that immediately after he re ceives the forms in Seattle he will contact the bureau for ap proval of the applications. Ap plication forms are available in Salem either at the Salem Naval Air Facility or by contacting Lt. Ernest Eldridge (USNR), commander of the air unit here In his speech at the ceremonies Friday Capt. Buckley, who with several other naval officers from Seattle flew here for the event told the some 15,000 in attend ance that "Salem was selected for the location of the Naval Aviation activities, not because the available facilities differed greatly from those of other lo calities in the state of Oregon but because you had energy, de termination, and a genuine and gratifying desire to see the U. S Navy become a working part of your community." As one of his concluding notes the captain said: "I congratulate the people of the state of Oregon, and particu larly the citizens of Salem for your decision in welcoming the Naval Aviation aboard." The convention was to elect officers this afternoon, with Sam M. Bowe of Grants Pass slated as the next state com mander. Now vice commander, Bowe is the only announced candidate for the office. After lively debate, delegates voted late Friday to eliminate the office from the Legion con stitution as an economy measure. The motion carried by a margin of only one vote. No change was made in the district commander setup. To Increase Dues Another resolution adopted re quests the state to establish a system of suitable detention places for wards of juvenile court in Oregon. Stephen F. Chadwick of Seat tle, past national Legion com mander, addressed the Oregon Legionnaires at their Friday ses sion. He told them that the Le gion must raise more money to carry on its rehabilitation and welfare projects. He urged the Oregon department to approve an Increase of 25 cents per capita in dues to make this needed mon ey available. He said the pro gram already had the approval of 26 state departments. Fund Exhausted Chadwick said the Legion's original rehabilitation fund, es tablished with an endowment of $5,000,000, was. virtually ex hausted. The 25 cent boost in dues would yield an estimated $800,000, based on the Legion's membership of more than 3,- 000,000. Delegates approved a constitu tional amendment providing for establishment of a child welfare commission in t h e Oregon de partment, patterned after t h e commission in the national Le glon. Also approved were a resolu tion setting up a youth athletic commission separate from the junior baseball commission, and an amendment creating a stand ing committee to establish mem bership quotas. The delegates authorized a new three-year con tract with the Pacific Legion to publish the Oregon Legionnaire, official monthly publication of the Oregon department. The ed- torial advisory board was in creased from three members to five. Hawaiian Law 'Continued from Page 1) Errol W. Rob v Fred Lockyear. fendant waive Jury. American Sheet Metal Work v Fred Lockyear, defendant waive Jury. William R. and Corva N. MeCirroll. vs Tlmberllne. Inc., reply admit and denle. Lovena va John R. Denbo. dlmll without prejudice on motion of plaintiff. Kenneth Oulgley, alleged fugitive, de fendant file waiver of extradition to California to answer to an abandonment charge. Dorothy va Ario D. Young, default of defendant entered. Stat va flelma France rone, order filed committing defendant to state hos pital for 80 day for observation aa t mental condition. Pollet Court Drunk and dlaorderly: Andrew J. Hug gins, flnad 171. Orand larceny: Oeorae B. Beleard. tran. slent, returned to Portland authorities. Morriag Licenses Charles oeil. 22, sawmill, and Dorothy M. William, 16. both stayton. Jaekaon O. Orena, 80, clerk. Albany, and Patay Maria Kerber, 81, telephone com pany employe, Salem. Theodora L. covalt. 18. atudent. and Ruth Jean Hoereth, 18, stuo.nl, both of Selem. Frederick Howard Oraham. 87. rhool teacher, Longvlew, Wah., and Dorothy Ann Hobaon, 81, atudent, Molalia. Loren P. Roll. 81, US navy, end Amy Lou Espe, 80, stenographer, both Salem. Duane Shaw. 21. cannery worker, and Colleen Whltecrow, 19, cannery worker, both Woodburn. Paul Jone. 88. truck driver, rout 4. Eugene, and Haiai Waller, IS, domeatlc. Springfield. than in rooms or wards while recovering from tonsillectomies. The boys are mowing lawns, selling bottles, carrying pack ages, exercising dogs and doing other odd jobs. They plan to turn over the receipts to hospital campaign headquarters at 335 North High street. Members of the group are Jimmy and Don Lcbond; Jim Backstrand; Richard and Jim Blank: and Don Bradley. "Their work illustrates the spirit of giving that we would like to see in all Salem," said Mrs. Ralph Moody, women's co chairman of the city drive for funds. "We want everybody who will to have a part In bettering the facilities of Salem General and Salem Memorial hospitals, and this won't be done alone by the donations of people able to give $500 or $1,000. We want all kinds of money from pennies upward." An Intensive telephoning cam paign will start Monday morn ing to bring the needs of tlie hospitals to the attention of ev ery home iri Salem. Where a favorable response is had, the campaign worker calling your home will offer to send another representative to call on you The plan was outlined at a report meeting of solicitors Fri day noon at the Senator hotel At the same session, the termi nation of the services of E. T Franklin, Fort Wayne, Ind., was announced by Al W. Loucks, city drive chairman. Franklin, in a goodbye talk, read an original jingle satirizing the workers' promise to himself "to see my prospect tomorrow." New gifts and pledges aggre gating $3,821 were announced They lifted the total in this di vision of the work to $33,225, and the over-all sum, from all sections of the campaign to $333,- 075.10 Both the city campaign and the drive by the larger gifts committee will end late next week, but the headquarters of fice on High street will be main tained for sometime to come. Game Board Regulations County Clerk Harlan Judd Saturday received advices from the state game commission as to 1049 .seasons and regulations. Ring-necked pheasants may be hunted in Marion county from noon October 21 through October 26 with a limit of two cocks per day and not more than six during the season. This also applies to Polk, Yamhill, Ben ton, Linn and certain other val ley counties. Silver gray squirrels may b hunted In this county the entirt) year with a bag limit of five in possession. This applies also to Yamhill and Polk counties. The antelope season will be open August 20 to 25, Inclusive, in certain designated areas, with a one buck antelope limit and only 1000 permits issued. Gen eral deer season is from October 1 to 20, inclusive, bag limit one deer and elk seasons also are included in the advices to the county clerk. Information also is furnished the county clerk as to migratory game bird seasons, the commisison stating the synopsis In printed from are ex pected to be ready about Sep tember 1. City of Ambato (Continued from Page 1) The strikers voted not to work for the territorial govern ment after a special meeting was addressed by ILWU President Harry Bridges. He arrived from San Francisco yesterday and confidently announced the strike is "in no danger of being lost as long as Matson Naviga tion company ships don't sail. Matson is the major mainland Hawaii carrier. Bridges told a news confer ence that no law passed by the Hawaiian legislature could force loading or unloading of island cargoes on the Pacific coast. But even as he spoke, canned pineapple was being loaded for the first time since the ILWU struck May 1 for a wage boost of 32 cents an hour. A new non union firm, Hawaii Stevedores, Ltd., was putting the shipment! aboard the Isthmian freighter Steelmaker. I Asked if he thought the strike i was near settlement, Bridges re plied: "More and more Issues are be ing raised all the time." ' One way to settle lt, he added, would be arbitration by a board of Hawaii businessmen not con nected with any of the "big five" sugar agencies. The union repeatedly has de manded arbitration. Employes have relected lt. contendlnir thev should not be bound in advance I to accept an award on wages by third 'parties who have no finan cial responsibility. Bridges referred to the "big five" as "feudal lords" and said their attorney James Blaisdcll "got the horse laugh" in Wash-! ington last month when he told; a senate committee thert was no big five. Plaza sent a message to the na tion asking farmers to rush milk and food and all citizens to do nate blooH for the earthquake victims. He has 200 physicians and scores of nurses with him in Ambato. All traffic In Ambato was at a standstill. Streets radiating from the central square were blocked with debris of wrecked build ings. However, telcphocn com munication with Quito was re stored this morning. Buses were commandeered to move the injured and homeless from the outskirts of Ambato to Quito. Rescue squads worked all night digging out the dead and Injured and still were at it at mid-day today. Chest Workers Called Mem bers of the executive committee and division leaders of the Sa lem community chest will meet at the YMCA Monday noon. Merger Vote (Continued from Page 1) MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Monday, August 8 Comnanv B. 162nd Infantry regi ment, Oregon National Guard at Sulem armory. Organized Marine Corps Reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Capital post No. 9, American Le gion at American jcgion nan. Completes Music School AS Richard W. Hall, TJSN, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Ovcrdorff of 1157 D street has recently completed a 26-weeks of Instruction at the Naval School of Music, Naval Re ceiving station, Washington, D. C. Hnll entered the navy September 6, 1948, and received his recruit train ing at the Naval Training Center at Great Lakes. Til. Barker at Bremerton M. Sgt. Lloyd Barker, lnspector- insli'uctor for the local organized Marine Corns Reserve unit Is In Bremerton, Wash,, thLs week at the Marine Corps pay office to get the new pay system for the reserves. Burnes to Leave Lt. Col. H. E. W. Barnes, who lias been the Inspector-Instructor for the Fourth 104 mm Howitzer battalion, Marine Corps Reserve unit of which the local reserve group Is a part Is to terminate his duty In Portland with the battalion August 8. Barnes will go to the Staff 'and Command School at Quantlco, Va. First Woman Enlists Salem's Naval Reserves, at the meeting of the surface division Thursday night enlisted the first non-veteran woman from Salem in the reserve. The enlistee, Maxlne K. Toevs Is 18 years of age and is employed in the engineer's office of the state hlghwav department. Also enlisted In the reserves at the meeting were Earl J. Shark Jr., nnd Henry O. Howe, Jr., both nf whom were enllBtcd ax seamen recruits. I Boiling Air Force Base, wash ington. D. C James C. Dnnielson son nf Mr. snrl Mis. A. E. Dsnlel son of 168 North 12th street, Salem Ore., was promoted to corporal Au gust 1, after eight months of service with the air froce. Danlelaon, a writer, radio and tel evision Announcer for the Air Force. L now working with National Mili tary Esabllshment Headquarters in the Pentagon. His recent article, "Marriage in the Service," which appeared In the picture-news mag azine, the Boiling Beam, was re printed by the Washington papers, carried by the Associated Press, and was reprinted by the Beacon, a magazine In Burtonwood, England, Woodburn Gets Tank Woodburn The Woodburn heavy tank company of the National gunrd has received a 72,000 pound M4A3 "Generol Sherman" tank which arrived on a flat car from Cnmp Adair. It is one of seven such pieces of equipment assigned to the local company. WELCOME LEGION PARADISE ISLANDS Swim - Dance - Picnic In Beautiful Surroundings Lights - Snack Bar Open Until Midnight 3 ml. east on Airport Road U-lPick Peaches! Improved Crawfords Golden Jubilee Bring Your Own Containers -- Orchard Opens Saturday, Aug. 6 1JI PER BUSHEL LaFollette's Mission Orchard Here Are Your Directions: Drive north on River Road mile past Keizer School. Turn left and follow Mission Bottom Road signs to LaFollette's Mission Orchards. Phone 3-1445 The reason for making the date of September 30 tentative in the bills as being drawn is an objection by City Recorder Alfred Mundt to having elections on the last day of the month, which interferes with payrolls and other clerical business. Postpone Baldock Plan On tlTe merger question and the charter amendment not less than 30 days must elapse be tween calling the election and date of election. On referen dums only 15 days are required. The people of West Salem have already approved merging. The three ordinance bills that embody the Baldock street and traffic plan for Salem will not be on the calendar lor third reading at the city council meet ing Monday night, Mayor Rob ert L. Elfstrom said Saturday. He said definitely, however, that the bills will be up for final action at the meeting of Monday night, August 22, and at that time it is understood opportunity will again be given for discussion of the bills by any of the public present. The reason given by the mayor for not bringing them up Monday night was that he wants to do some further checking on automobile parking questions connected with the measures. ( Among otner matters to be brought up Monday night will be City Manager J. L. Franzen's recommendation for award of a contract for construction of the intercepter sewer. Billfold Lost Wayne A. Al exander, Portland, reported to police that his billfold, contain ing personal papers and no cash, had been lost in Salem. r