Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 06, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    MacDonald Put
Back by Elliott
Portland, Aug. 6 W If dem
ocratic Sheriff Marion Leroy
(Mike) Elliott of Multnomah
county is recalled, a democrat
will be named to succeed him.
The county's two republican
commissioners agreed on that
yesterday. The third commis
sioner is a democrat.
Recall petitions continued in
circulation as the sheriff drop
ped the charges that touched off
the recall move.
Those were his charges against
Criminologist Stanley MacDon
ald. Yesterday he reinstated
MacDonald with back pay, and
did not ask for a hearing on the
charges that MacDonald had
misused materials and was in
subordinate. A prepared statement from
Elliott said, "Sheriff Elliott feels
that his act of suspension was
justifiable, but since the board
of county commissioners approv
ed of the arrangement of Mr.
MacDonald taking outside work,
that he has immediately rein
stated him."
MacDonald was suspended
July 7.
, Minton Home After
Absence of 16 Years
By coincidence, Joe Minton,
who was one of the early com
manders of Capitol Post No. 9,
American Legion, dropped into
town Friday after an absence of
16 years.
"I didn't know there was a
convention on until I reached
Eugene," said Joe. "I read
it in the newspapers there.'
Minton was admitted to the
practice of law in Salem and
for some time had an office at
Newport. For the last 16 years
he has been with the United
States office of immigration and
naturalization, and since 1941
has been a section chief in the
central office in Washington,
He is accompanied by Mrs.
Minton, a Texas lady who is in
Oregon for the first time. Mrs.
Kenneth Prince, 2395 North
Fifth ' street, is a sister of Mr.
Minton, and his mother, Mrs.
Emma Minton, is living in
Berkeley, Calif.
Tuckers Are Parents
Silverton Twin Boys
Silverton, Aug. 6 Twin sons
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Tucker Friday, late afternoon,
at Silverton hospital, weight "A"
6 pounds, 3'4 ounces, and "B" 6
pounds, 7Vi ounces. Boys are
not yet named. Mrs. Tucker is
the former Evelyn Larson. First
children. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Tucker, Silver
ton. Maternal great-grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peder
sen of Grenora, North Dakota,
paternal great-grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Garver of Silver
ton. The father of the twins was
in the service of the navy the
entire time of the second world
war, three years over-seas.
These are the first twin boys
born here this year.
This is Lorcn Edlund in the brand new churning room of Curly's Dairy. He is shown here with
a fresh batch of butter just churned from sweet :ream. Loren has been with the organization for
12 years and has two children. (Adv.)
Woman Horse Rider
Is Swept From Steed
Lebanon Mrs. Chole Hamley
may be confined to the hospital
for several weeks as result of in
juries sustained when she was
swept from her horse while rid
ing near Lacomb.
Cause of the accident was a
low hanging tree branch which
the rider did not see quickly
enough to avoid. She suffered a
fractured pelvis and bruises
about the head, according to her
physician, Dr. N. E. Irvine. She
was brought to the Lebanon com
munity hospital.
Mrs. Bacon to
Head Auxiliary
Mrs. I. N. Bacon of Salem is
the new president for district 2
in the American Legion aux
iliary, department of Oregon,
following elections Friday. Mrs.
Bacon is a past president of
Capital unit No. 9, Salem, and
has served as chairman of the
convention commission for the
three-day event in Salem this
Many awards were announced
Friday, the list including the
Unit activities trophy, Harris-
burg unit; Quinn music trophy,
Unit No. 1, Portland; Southard
membership trophy, Mrs. Harold
Leach, district 5, Bonneville;
Robert Blakely memorial trophy
for Americanism, Seaside unit;
department awards in increase
in membership, Lafayette unit,
Nyssa unit and Silverton unit.
Most new members, personal
award, Mrs. Edward Seufert,
The Dalles; past presidents par
ley, report, Capital unit, Salem;
publicity awards, Hollywood
unit, Sweet Home unit, Junction
City unit. Capital unit of Sa
lem; history report award, Un
ion, Salem unit No. 136, and Ba
ker; Ruth Coyner national sec
retary trophy, Albany unit; dis
trict president's award for na
tional secretary, Mrs. John Par
odi, Portland; poppy poster
awards, Waldport, Roseburg,
and Navy unit of Portland; com
munity service award, St. Hel
ens, Kerby-Cave Junction, As
toria, Portland unit No. 1; best
report on community service
work, Coquille; Americanism
award, best all-around, Seaside
and best youth work, Capital
unit, Salem.
Awards for Juniors: Doll
dressing, Baker unit; member
ship, Tigard unit; best junior ac
tivity, Seaside unit.
President Quirino to
Visit President Truman
Manila, Philippines, Aug. 6
(U.R) President Elpidio Quirino
of the Philippines and his party
took off for Washington, D. C,
today .to visit President Truman.
Margarine Up Two Cents
Portland, Aug. 6 (IP) Margar
ine was up 2 cents a pound here
today, following by a week a
similiar increase in the price of
Major brands of cooking and
salad oil were up 4 cents a quart.
Ancient Auto
Ready for Trip
McMinnville, Aug. 6 (IP) It
may be an hour's drive to the
coast from McMinnville for
some. Not for Ralph Wortman.
The first time his car attemp
ted the trip to Tillamook, it took
from dawn until midnight. That
was 45 years ago.
The same car now 48 years
old, will attempt the trip again
today. Besides Wortman's Loco
mobile there will be a caravan
of other old cars. They will stop
at Pacific City tonight, then go
on to Tillamook tomorrow.
Wortman tried last year, but
didn't make it. A truck side
swiped his buggy-like contrap
tion and it took nearly a year
to re-assemble the pieces. This
time a service truck will go
Schedules Revised
By Southern Pacific
With the inauguration of the
new Shasta Daylight, the South
era Pacific revised their train
schedules between Portland and
central and southern Oregon
points. Train 20 now leaves Sa
lem at 6 p. m. and arrives at
Portland at 8 p. m.
The Northern Pacific Railway
announces effective August 7
their new streamlined, diesel
powered North Coast Limited
will leave Portland at 9: p. m.
for the east. According to A. C.
Stickley, general agent. Port
land, a recent visitor here, this
will afford southern and central
Oregon travelers a very conven
ient connection to Montana and
North Dakota cities, to Minneap
olis, St. Paul, Chicago and oth
er eastern destinations.
Stickley also points out that
travelers returning from the
east on the North Coast Limited
will arrive in Portland at 7:15 a.
m., making convenient connec
tion with the new Shasta Day
light leaving Portland at 7:45
a. m. for Oregon and California
Washington Chief
Justice to Retire
Olympia, Wash., Aug. 6 (U.R).
Chief Justice Clyde G. Jeffers of
the Washington supreme court
today said he would retire Sept
Justice Jeffers is the second
member of the court to announce
his retirement in as many days.
Justice William J. Steinart said
Thursday he would quit the
Both jurists have been under
treatment for heart ailments the
past several weeks.
Chiang in Korea
Chinhae, Korea, Aug. 6 (IP)
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
arrived at this south Korean
port today for a series of con
ferences with President Syng
man Rhee on a Pacific pact
against the communists.
The veteran leader of China's
nationalists plans to remain
here for three days.
" Iff
I 3T"! TV- -si
Honor Gold Star Mothers The Oregon department of the
American Legion auxiliary honored Gold Star Mothers, Friday
afternoon, at a garden tea at the Homer H. Smith residence, a
large group attending, the tea being one of the major social
events of the auxiliary convention. In upper picture, a "shot"
at the part of the receiving line, left to right: Mrs. W. W.
Graham, Corvallis, department vice president of auxiliary and
the new president; Mrs. Rose A. Smith, state president of the
Gold Star Mothers; Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's gov
ernor; Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, Portland, national auxiliary
president. Lower picture is a scene at the tea table, left to
right: Mrs. Jesse Sanders, first president of the Salem Gold
Star Mothers; Mrs. Lincoln Olson, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg,
co-chairman for the tea; Mrs. George Pro and Mrs. Leon
Brown. (Jesten-Miller pictures)
Linn Bean Harvest
Now Reaching Peak
Albany, Aug. 6 The bean
harvest peak in western Linn
county this week is providing
jobs for some 4,500 workers,
both local and transient, Bill
Sloan, manager of the local Ore
gon state employment office,
asserted Friday. Additional labor
is still needed on a few of the
area's 40 beanyards.
'The crop is hitting its peak
just about now," the local man
ager said, "and it should last for
a week or so before declining.
New yards of beans will come
in next week, taking up the
slack caused by dwindling pro
duction of yards that hit their
peak last week and this."
Wages for the harvest this
year are a standard 2Vi cents a
pound, plus Vi cent a pound bo
nus for staying on through the
13 and 14 years old are pick
ing anywhere from 120 to 300
pounds a day, he stated.
Lila Lee Fined for
Being Drunk in Auto
Beverly Hills, Calif., Aug. 6
(IP) Lila Leeds, Actor Robert
Mitchum's former friend, was
fined $50 and placed on one
year probation in her latest
brush with the law.
She pleaded guilty yesterday
to being drunk in an automo
bile. City Judge Charles J.
Griffin suspended a 10-day jail
"I hope this is the closing chap
ter in a book you're going to
throw away," the judge told the
little blonde who was convicted
with Mitchum on a marijuana
charge earlier this year.
Ell Kit C Beautiful Oversize
riLVlJ JUMBO Prints
Roll Developed
8 Jumbo Prints J3C
Extra prints and reprints 4c ea.
Free Mailing Bags on Request
Payette. Idaho
Palmistry Readings
Tells Past, Present and Future.
Answers all quesions. Advice
given. Are You Worried?
102 Main St.
9 A.M. to 10 P.M.
4 Miles North or Salem on 99E
MONDAY, Aug. 15
"Glen" Woodry presents
New Low Admission Prices
S1.2S (plus tax)
Husband Shoots
Wife Over Transom
Honolulu, Aug. 6 (IP) A
young taxi dancer fled into Hon
olulu s crime prevention bureau
pursued by her husband.
The dancer, Mary Bartholo
mew, 19, locked herself in a
washroom. Her husband, Fran
cis Bartholomew, 22, climbed to
the transom, shot her to death
and then killed himself as police
rushed in.
That all happened Thursday
night. Police yesterday said
they found this ironic note writ
ten by Bartholomew to his wife:
"Don't worry about me. I
won't harm you. Contact me
only when you are ready for
We have high test Roseburg
Lime, available at
Contact Bradley Lime
1145 Hood St. Ph. 2-0594
or Independence, 2nd & E
Listen to KOCO 8 P. M.
Everything a specialty
Home-made Pics Daily
South Commercial St.
Just beyond the Liberty Y
9 to 12:30
We are proud to have a part in your convention, and
we hope we add to your fun in Salem at the
Hot Rod Races
1 Mile North of Underpass on. 9!)E
Time Trials
8:00 P.M.
Valley Sports, Inc.
Small, Hot Object
Found in Back Yard
Milwaukie, Aug. 6 (IP) Mack
Thompson found a small, smok
ing what-is-it in his back yard
near lfere. When he called po
lice, it baffled them too. Now it
is in a laboratory for tests.
Thompson said the round ob
ject, hard as a rock, was hot
enough to start a grass fire when
he found it last Saturday night.
He buried it.
When police dug it up Monday
and scratched it with a stick, it
gave off sparks and the stick
began to smoke, he said. Results
of the laboratory analysis have
not been told yet.
Pistula Fissure
Prolapse and oth
er Rectal Disor
ders corrected the
easy, convenient
way. No hospitaliz
ation, quick relief
Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic
Naturo-Rectal Specialist
1144 Center St.. Salcra, Ore.
Ph. 30460
Wayne Strachan's
Hood and Church Sts.
Enjoy the Best Dance
Floor in Salem
First Race
8:45 P.M.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Super Show at
Fair Grounds
The show put on by the Amer
ican Legion at the State Fair
grounds Friday night came near
to being, and in the opinion
of many was, the climax of a
week of super attractions, events
and stunts.
The show led off with the
Second Division's Fourth infan
try band, and a combination of
the band's Scottish pipers and
those from Ashland.
Following a fine series of acts
with Norman Anderson of Port
land as master of ceremonies.
The headliner was Eddie Dean,
cowboy radio and movie artist.
There was the finest pair of
jugglers ever seen in Salem.
Tumblers, acrobats and animal
acts were of top class.
It rained a little, and the at
tendance was under expecta
tions, but was enthusiastic.
Pyfer to Serve in
Place of Reierson
wntie trancis Keierson is on
a year's leave of absence from
his duties as educator in the Mar
ion county department of health
his substitute will be Howard
Pyfer, formerly of Seattle.
Reierson will leave next
Every Saturday Night
Over Western Auto
259 Court St
Join the crowd and have
a good time.
Music By
Admission SOc, Inc. Tax
'Mide by (he Bakers of Master Bread"
Eddy Syring at the Hammond
Capitola Roller Rink
Take Capitola Bus
My Mind
is blank this week,
just like this adv.
For gosh lakes, drop in and eat with us.
Royal Fish V Chips
2535 Portland Rood
Saturday, August 6, 1949 3
month, and Pyfer is now making
himself familiar with the office.
Mrs. Pyfer is receptionist in the
The Pyfers live at 1399 D
street. He is a native of Tacoma
and a graduate of the Univer
sity of Washington.
During his year leave Reier
son will study for a master's de
gree in public health at the uni
versity of California.
Mrs. Cornett Offers
To Quit Committee
Portland, Ore., Aug. 6 J.B
Mrs. Marshall E. Cornett, Klani
ath Falls, republican national
committecwoman for Oregon,
today offered to resign as a
member of the national execu
tive committee.
Mrs. Cornett telegraphed the
Oregon Journal that she was on
the losing side in the Washing
ton contest yesterday for na
tional chairman and had wired
the winner, Guy Gabrielson of
New Jersey, that he could have
her resignation whenever he
wished it. Mrs. Cornett was ap
pointed to the national execu
tive committee by Hugh D. Scott
Jr., who resigned.
"Stafc Lighting
Here's the new way to .
light your home . . . epo"?
liglil for your table . .
soil, glamorous liglit fori
the room . . . eye-soothing
light for your guests.
See it and many otlic(:
fine lighting ideas by
Lightolier at
Salem Lighting &
Appliance Co.
236 N. High
Let's Go
90 Lana Ave.
So long until next Saturday,
Phone 2-9004