AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE SPECIALS Don't let the price on these AS IS'ERS fool you. We really check and recondition our cars inside and out. Come in and look our cars over. You can buy with confidence here. 30-day Warranty. 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1946 MERCURY TUDOR 1946 HUDSON SEDAN (6) 1942 BUICK SEDANETTE 1942 OLDS 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 1941 DE SOTO SEDAN 1941 OLDS TUDOR 1941 NASH 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 OLDS 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1940 NASH SEDAN 1940 STUDEBAKER TUDOR 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1940 FORD 5 PASS. COUPE 1940 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1939 NASH SEDAN 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 HUDSON SEDAN 1938 NASH SEDAN 1937 WILLYS SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET COUPE 1946 STUDEBAKER M TON PICKUP 1941 FORD Vi TON PICKUP TEAGUE MOTOR CO. SEE JOE SPUR LOCK 152 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 2-4173 PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage . .$1995 '40 Pontiac Sedan 495 '41 Pontiac Sport Coupe 745 '37 Pontiac Sedan 345 '42 Olds Sedan 945 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '37 Plymouth Sedan 295 Herrall - Owens Co 660 N. LIBERTY WANTED TO RENT STATE EMPLOYEE neds 2 bdrm. un .urn. house Immediately. Ph. 35647. Jal8B W.NTED to rent unfnrn. 2 bdrm. hse. Gd. location. For 3 adulta. Good refer. Call Mr. O. Tookey at the Capital Journal. JalSB M)Om"aNDOARP GOOD BOARD U room. Ph. 1M11. 42 N. Summer. BOARD AND RM. 850 E St. Ph. 3-1701. 15207 LOST AND FOUND LOST nearCapltol Bldg. St Pek inese female dog, small 1 Vi lbs. long, hair, borwn. fins, to name aintier. Re ward, call Independence 10DR or Write Mra. Ruth Irving, Independence R. 1. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER C OR SET! ERE. 435 N WlnteT Ph. 3-S073. mlM ncurfl or. ATT P VP A TO 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. -State & Commercial at BUILDING MATERIALS FRONT DOORS, new, Hi" thick, grade A fir doors. Only 115. Large windows for livinst room, dining room In stock. C. O. Long, Ph. 35821, One mile N. of Ke rer malB9 LL 81196 Salem, we sell the best Cedar Shingles from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Caschde hlith mountain timber. No. I. 18, No. 2 15. Delivered. Ted Muller. Sb- lem-inflep. Koaa. IS" No. 1 Cedar Shakei. Natural or palnt x) Prim coated or stained. Cedarwall Ftttite or Bear Brands 19 per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mulle. 2-1198. ma- 4 B CEDAR GUTTER 32c. NO. 1 cedar wall Jhakei St under course hlnnls 113.80 per sq. Ted Muller. Ph. Balem ' 3-1198. WrppVino House ' ' O 78 Chemeketa. All material must be sold, nothing reserved, doors, windows, floor carpeting, etc. See Chris at the house. mnl8B PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses St trades. Both Plain St water proof. rnee start at 5o per sq ft. AliSO GOOD stocks of " and 'V Insnl atlm boards Low prices on V St 4" sheet rock Keith Brown, Front St Court 8ts., Salem. " ALtiriA - LOCR - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE The modern permanent roof ing See youi dealer or Call DIM 3-0401 mal97a IpeCIAL: Cedar sidinn, "x8" Random lerath. C-grade. S8S thousand. KaUh Brown. Front St Court Sta- Salem NEW SHIPMENT piaat board V IHe: V e q ft Rock lathe 41 sq ft 11.70 MONTGOMERY WARD 8 KLKii fjSED BRICK. Call 3fl70 or 34389. malM" SAVE OS ROOFING Let Wards clvt you compleU IN STALLED price on youi roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside aalesman tor fret estimate Phone 1-3101 MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM OREGON FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HARVEST BAGS for sale. Northwest Poultry St Dairy Products to, iwa n. Front St. nl96' ""USED DAVENOS, 50 lb. ice boxes. Mi sal. fruit Jars. 2 gal. stone jar. 9x12 rus. 194 N. 14th Ph. 33931. nl87 HAND CROCHETED Queen Anne's Lace tablecloth. 64x80. 1100.00. 1380 N. Lib erty, Apt. 2. "Look For The Sliver Lin ing," n!87 WE BUY newspapers and waste paper. 1790 N. Front. t)210 ELEC. STOVE, refng. St washing ma chine Ph. 3-7041. nl8 WESTING HOUSE Refrlg. Apt. size, 175. Ph. 21139. H186 LAPTS BICYCLE 135. Like new. Ph. 8S7. t180 S GOOD COIL bed springs, bed stead, mi ker, davenport. 1845 8. 13th. nlSS REBUILD air conditioner like new. Less than half price. Ph. 3-4750. M89 NEW 4 POSTER unfinished bed. 3 used 400x50x16 tires. 840 Union. nl89 BATH Tl'B. lavatory & bowl, rut 13x12. Venetian blinds. 384 N. Summer. Phone 3-7763. nl86 Wrecking House 973 Chemeketa. All material must be sold, nothing reserved, door, windows, plumblnt. furnace, air conditioner, floor carpeting, etc See Chris at the house DISC IAUTOMOBILES PH. 24113 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOSING OUT on Garden Pal tractors. New 3 H.P., cost 1367.50. sell 1289. One used 3 horsepower disc plow, cultiva tor and sickle bar $150. One used 1' horsepower due it cultivator iiz.i Howser Bros., 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 33646. nl87 300 GAL. OUTSIDE Wnlle Paint. $2.90 per gal. 1125 Norway St. nl8C FOR SALE 7x9 Walkln Cooler, complete with unit, shelves, 3 side reacn-in ooors. Ph. 37243 after 6:30 p. m. nl86 DISTILLED white vinegar for all pick Hub purposes "Keeps your pickles krlsp. Also old time pure apple elder vlneaar Puritan Cidei Works. n204 GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. Gibson and Monies Appliance ai GevurU STEEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings In stock At made to order 1145 N Libert: nlf)0 BUY OR SELI Used restaurant equip ment Ph. 3-4750. nlflfi SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental 18 B -tt yds 12.00 per hr 10 B H rds 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat At Dozer ' 10.50 per nr D-6 Cat St Doter 8.40 per hr D-4 Oat St Doze i 7.00 per hr Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-826 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon n MAHOGANY SPINET PIANO 846 CASCADE DRIVE mm NEW 120 BASS ACCORDION PH. 34641 nidi BLONDE SPINET PIANO PH. 34641 nl91 FINE GRAND PIANO PH. 34641 nl9l COMBINATION Lamp - End table. Red Mahog. finish, 113.96. Comb. Lamp-Mag. End Table, dark mahog. finish, (18.95. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. ' 137 So. Com'I nl88 CRICKET CHAIR 16.95. Rocker 18.95. Green stumps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Com'I nl88 EASTERN ORE. Alfalfa hay. Phone 25541 for price and Information. nlfiB WHITE ENAMELED wardrobe, suitable for baby or older child, $15. Ph. 34948. nl86" SPORTING RIFLE, 270 or .06 After 6 P.m. 471 King wood Drive. nl88 SPARK DELUXE oil circulator. 280 gal. oval shaped tank and fittings. Used 8 mo. S150 for both. 1075 Howard. nl86 FOR SALE or trade for loss or pickup, 47 H.P. Gas Case motor, used only 3 weeks. Will sacrifice. M. J. Pippin, In dependence. Ore. nl88 EUREKA UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner with attachment. Price S12.50. 385 N. Sum mer. nlB6 FOR SALE, propane gas floor furnace, 155 Ph. 3-6150. nl88 FENCE POSTS, poies. all typea Shingles, fertilizer At tlatrock Phillips Bros- Rt 0. Box 118. Ph. 31458. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 11.45 Petread Tire Service. 320 So. Lancaster nalBS SAW LOGS or timber, any amount. Pippin Mill, Independence. Phone 101WX. nnl88 WANTED furniture 10 gloe i-epalr Lea Bros Pure Reflnlshlng Co Ph 3-1001 USED FURNITURE Phone 9-9185 PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products 555 Cross St Ph 2-5440. pl92' AUTOMOBILES 1019 OLDSMOBILE Futuramtc 98 Rocket engine. 2-dr. sedan. Excel, cond. Priced for ready sale. Ph. 3-6330. ql87 WANTED: Old model light panel or sedan delivery. P. 3-3324 or 1321 McCoy. ql86' I NEED A CAR! Will trade my $500 equity In good suburban lot for one. Ph. 2-8185 eve. St Sun. ql88 MUST SELL: '38 Buick special 4-dr. 23.000 miles on '47 motor. This car has been kept In good mechanical condition. Must see St drive to appreciate. S450. Rt. 6, Box 153R after 5 p.m. qlS8 1947 CROSLEY sedan in good condition. S475 for quick sale. Fred Steiner, 3160 Garden rd.. Salem. ql86 FOR SALE 1947 Buick convertible." ExcT cond. Ph. 3-5553. ql86 IMA FORD Convertible Ph. 3-5022 day. 1-4843 ql87' AUTOMOBILES 1948 CHEV. B-pass. coupe. Low mileage. 11550. Or will trade for '40 or '41 Cev. See me at Chev. laraie between 8 St 5 Lt Holland. QlM I fit It CHEV. Fleetllne 4 dr. sdn. Orlg. own er. Price to sell. Ph. 3-1838 after 6 p.m. ql87 29 MODEL A "Roadster, 43 Mereuryen gine. 3.000 mtlri. New top St upholstery, undemluni. Ph. 3234. Dallas. q!87 1910 Chev. Clb. Cpe.. R&H - Real Clean ANDERSON'S - 240 CENTER ST. ql80 1917 MERCURY Sedan Coupe, a low mlleaie perfect car. overdrive, radio A healer Sz lots more. Remember, fully guaranteed. ANDERSON'S 240 CENTER ST. ql80 USED CAR lot. Any car on the lot 150 St your old one. 13th St. Junction. q207 1940 BUICK SUPER 4 DR. SEDAN Top mechaniral condition, recently ov erhauled. 1750 or best offer. Phone 3-5020, 2645 Maple Avenue. ql87 LUCKY'S SHOP now open for business. General repairing cars, trucks and tractors. 1841 S. 12th. M. F. Oziah, manager. Open from 8 to 8. Q189' Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1931 CHEV., In Eood condition. 550 N. Winter St. Phone 3-4323. qlBT IfJlo G.M.C. -Ton Picmp. Excell. cond. New motor. See L. E. uier. call eve nings, 400 N. Grant St., SUverton, Ore. qlBB 1040 FORD Convertible. New tires, bat tery, brakes St seat covers. 1625. 1145 N. 21st Eve. ql80 WANTED: Clean used cars. Bob Marr. 2180 South Commercial q SAVE 8100.00 1949 Chevrolet Sedan, very few miles and you don't have to wait. ANDERSON'S - 340 CENTER ST. ql86 EVERY CAR GUARANTEED TO BE JUST AS REPRESENTED A Complete Slock of fine Used Cars. We have Cheap Ones, Medium Priced Ones and Nearly New Ones And Priced Right. ANDERSON'S - 240 CENTER ST. ql80 A GOOD CLEAN FORD 1B41 Clb. Cpe. R&H. Real good. ANDERSON'S - 340 CENTER ST. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL - TRADB TERMS 233 Fairgrounds Road Phone t-6454 1917 INTERNATIONAL I Ton Pickup, duals. ANDERSON'S - 340 CENTER ST. ql86 Eisner Motors to Buy 1017 Dndce i Ton Pickup a Dandy. ANDERSON'S - 240 CENTER ST. q!86 DM? CHEV. Fleet Master 4 Dr. Sedan. 11275. Excellent condition. Ph. 2-0620 1920 Berry St. ql86 Eisner Motors to Sell SAVE - SAVE - SAVE Bank Finance up to 24 months to pay. ANDERSON'S - 240 CENTER ST. ql86 !l MODEL A, fair cond. Good tires, J 50. Ph. 36139. 132 Carlton Way. ql90 HMO FORD 3 dr. Sedan, white low pres sure tires. R&H, othe extras. After 5 P.m., 2460 8. Com'I. ql86 1913 CHRYSLER 6 Sfdan, 46 motor. Radio and heater. Ph. 28F24. Stayton. ql88 18 BUICK Super, dk. niBroon scdanette. Perfect cond. Extras. 630 Union St. ql92 PERSONAL CARS 1948 Dynallow Buick driven 12.000 miles. 1947 DeSoto, suburban driven 20.000. Bolh cars like new. Either prlcr below !2.000. Ph. 35881 or 39563. ql87 SELL 8(1 Dodxe Coupe for $250. Or trade pIua cash for later sedan- Phone 26425, ql88 Hfi PLYMOUTH Coach, price 1145. Shrock Motor Company, Ph. 27023. ql86 35 FORD Cpe R&H. full price $125, Shrock Motor Co. Ph. 27023. ql86 31 FORD TUDOR. Full price 137.50. Shrock Motor Company. Ph. 27023, qlflO LOOK WATCH THIS CLASSIFIED COLUMN EVERY DAY FOR OUR SPECIALS. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY. ql86 1911 BUICK Special 4 Door. Two-tone paint. Very clean. A-l mechanically. Ph. 5589 ql89 BEST OFFER over 11500 take clean 1948 Chev. Aerosedan. RA-H. Call 2-9877 evenings. ql86 32 CHEV. 4 Dr. Perl. cond. Ph. 3-4582. ql86 SAVE 1949 Nash Amb. Sedan Like New. ANDERSON S - 240 CENTER ST. ql86 WILL PAY cash to private owner for '37 or '38 Chev. or Plymouth. Ph. 37092. ql87 "37 DODGE 4 dr. sedan 3325. Terms. R&H spotlight, new seat covers. Body and nvtor in very good cond. 1155 Colonial Ave. (Oft Market Sz McCoy). qlB6 FOR SALE 1948 Ford convertible. R St it. Low mileage. $1,300. Call 2-3421 or 3-6405. '37 BUICK coupe exc. cond. Must be seen to be appreciated. 17B0 ri. Front. Pn, 21908 Eve. 25455. q 186' l!)3ft CHEV. 3 dr. sedan. 235 Fisher Rd (East). q.189 '41 CHEV. cpe. excellent cond. See at Mobil Station, Cor. Mkt. & Capitol. qt88 lT29MODEL A' Ford sedan. M. MMagee R. 5. Box 478. Phone 22695. qlS6 MOTORCYCLE,, SCOOTERS SALESBURY SCOOTER for sale, $125. Texaco station. Stavton, Oregon. qal87 SAFETICYCLE Commando's m to 3 h.p. 100 M. to gal. New and tixed. HAIN'S OUTBOARD & SPORT SHOP 1201 8. Commercial Phone 3-6030 on IB II TRAILERS 22 FT. Gilder, butane range, very rea sonable. Fir Crest Trailer Park, 3910 N River Road. t!86 FOR RENT, trailer space, 110 per mo. South side of Paulus cannery. Roth Trailer Court. 1740 Oxford. tl88 FINANCIAL BUILDER WILL sell 13745, 5'47. contract on new home. Harris tl012.40 Interest In 108 monthly pavmenla of 144.08, Csll R. V. Loreni. Pnone 3-4284. r PRIVATE MONET Special rates and terns on larger loans long and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS 136 Soi"h CommerclaJ St Phone 3-916) $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Car loans up to 1500 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 37032 Lie N M369-B391 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. r SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 41 OR 4'4 INTEREST to 40 Tears and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. TRANSPORTATION GOING TO BISMARCK. N. Dak.. 1st of Sept. Room for 3. Prefer driver. Tel 3-0548. S1I8 FINANCIAL GENERAL FINANCB CORF. LOANS Lie 8-138 and U-338 end ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 130 8 Com me re i a St Tel 3-9181 r FARM ARD CITY LOANS i t-, and 5 TOiJR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash tor Real Estate Contracts ano Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO j01 Pioneer Trust Bids Pb. 3-7163 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S Church -Parkins a Plenty Ph. 1-3457 Lie. No M-159 S-154 ' DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used mechlnea sold, rented repaired Roen 458 Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appllaner. V luce's Electric Phone Free estimaies Tiade-lns accepted on 3-923U 137 S Liberty St Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 3-4602. Prompt. o208 AT-Utt DOOR GRINDING rawnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter'a Ph 36833 o1 AUTO RADIUS Authorized Warrant) Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. ls3 S Liberty Ph 3-6955. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9786 Nlgnt 3-1604 33 Center. o Mike Panek, 275 S. Com'I. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialist. o208' BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 2-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. 0212 Tongue and groove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarless Block Co. Ph. 3-7324; 02 05' BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling St fine grading. Prompt service. A. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1264. 0207 Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4308. 0187' Bulldozing, leveling, road bids., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem 018Q' BUSINESS A PROFESS I O N AXecH ANG E Telephone answering service. Day-nlte. Your secretary, Ph. 39133 ol95 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register AI makes sold rented, re-pal-ed Roen 450 Court Ph 3-6773 i CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc. Call 2-4850 O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys bacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 S. 21st. h. 3-7176. o208 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Custom killing, curing St smoking and locker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co., 25th St Turner Rd. Ph. 34858. o211' DRAFTING SERVICES Homer planned 6t designed by on ex perienced architectural dra!Lman. Hour ly basis. 2239 MlU or Ph. 3-4083. ol88 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce' Electric for electrical wiring contracting repairing 157 S Liberty Ph 3-923B 0 EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoc, Dragline, shovel. Free estimates. K L. Bnatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bids. Ph. 3B!iu3. 0202 EXCAVATING St GRADING EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl, o208a Breithauut't for flowers Dial 1-9179 o JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 o INSULATION Johns-Manville. Phone 3-3748. LANDSCAPF NURSERY P A. Doerfler St Sons. Ornamentals. 160 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322 o LAW N MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'I. St. . o207 LAWN MOWER SnARPENINO At you: door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 36833 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkins Co products Free de Ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395 o" MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultnr, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph 3-7569. 0188 OFFICE FURNITURE & SUPPLIES Desk ohalrs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, dealt lamps typewriter stands, brief eases ?lerco Wire Recorders. Roen 458 Court Sprai or brush painting. Ph. 22664. o201 Ext. Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rates. Ph. 3-4682. ol90 "SI f Strom's are equipped to do yout painting Phone 3-2493 oa PAPER HANGING Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H. J. Wood worth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o201 Kemtonlng. Interior decorating, free es timates. Ph. 20501 0190 Bldg. maintenance. general repair, painting, Ph 20501. 0199 PAINTING St PAPERHANGING Call 32608 for your Painting At Paper hanging. Attractive rates. ol97' Painting At paperhanglng. Don Lucero, Ph. 3-5522. 0193" Phone 3-4360 or 2-0554. Painting and papernanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513 857 Shipping. 0188 PICTURE FRAMINO Picture framina Hutcheon Paint Store Phoue S-8687 o Fisher, 844 8. Com'I. Ph. 3-3019. PIUNI NgTsFrAY I N O Ph"" W Bf"kg n- 2-mS- ROAD BUILDING St GRADING Road building St grading, land clearing with teeth. Small or large Job. Prompt service. L. Ekln. " Ph. 3-1264. o212 SAND Jk ORAVLL Valley Sand St Gravel Co Silt, sand 81 f II dirt Excavating I0B shovel At cats Tractor scoop At truck for dirt moving Ph office 34002. res 37146 o EWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Router Exclus've Patent Rator trp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewers ot Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Reas Pb 1-5327 or 3-9468 Journal Want Ads Pay Grain Market About Steady Chicago, Aug. 6 (P The grain market drifted along with small price changes today. For the most part the trend was a little lower although a mild ral ly got underway shortly before the close and sent some con tracts above the previous close. There was some profit-taking following yesterday's price run up, particularly in May wheat. Cash wheat prices were slightly easier in the northwest and southwest. Wheat closed lower to higher, September $2.05-4, corn was Vs-lVi higher, Septem ber $1.267s-$1.27, oats were Vi lower to Va higher, September 66i-Vi, rye was V4-IV4 higher, September $1.5214, soybeans were 1 to 1 higher, November $2.37'?4-$2.38, and lard was 5 cents lower to 7 cents a hundred pounds higher, September $12.85. Portland Grain Portland. Aug. 6 ! Wheat futures and cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat ibtd: Soft white 3.05: soft white (excluding rex) 2.05: white club 3.05; western red unquoted. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.05: 10 per cent 2.05; 11 per cent 2.05; 13 per cent 3.14. Hard white baart: Ordinary unquoted: 10 per rent 2.30; 11 per cent 2.32; 12 per cent 3.24. Today's car receipt: Wheat 15: barley 8; flour 5; corn 2; oats 5; millfeed 12; flax 1. DIRECTORY SI.FTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Srwers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph, 3-9468 3-5327. 0209 K . Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned, Electric machine service on sewer and drain linrs. Guaranteed work. 1143-Btli 3".. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol97 Care taken with lawns No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2545 State. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671. oaoz1 AH makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court. o TRANS FEP St STORAGE. ocal Si Distance Transfer, storage Burnei oils, coal ft briquets Trucks ic Portland daily Agent (or Bfklna House hold goods moved to anywhere In Ui o Canada Larmer Transfer Si Storage Ph 3-3131 e VENETIAN BLINDS Made in Salem Free est Phone 37328 turner the Blind man 0' Venetian blinds made to order as low as 14 50 a blind. Phono Sears 3-9191 for tree estimate. olflO' Salem Venetian Blinds made to order u reflnlshed Relnholdt & Lewis 2-S039 WEATHERSTR1PFING Free estimates. T, PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. 0308 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 2 Box 317. Ph. 3-8138. 02 10 WINDOW SHADES Waxhable, Roller Made to order. I Daj Del Relnholdt Si Lewi Ph 23699. o' WINDOW CLEANING Acme lndow Clean era Window, traiU St woodwork cleaned Floor j cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-1337 141 Court. Lane doc, Culbertson and Mather WOOD & SAWDUST West Salei Fuel Co Ph 2-4031 LODGES f I.O.O.F meets every Wed nesday night. Visitors wei 1 cume A Salem Lodge No. 4, A.P. & 'FAM. Sat., Aug. 6th, M.M. de gree on Bald Mountain, Polk Coun ty, 8 p.m. All Master Masons in vited. 186 LEGAL NOTICE Examination for applicant for admis sion to IhpRaster of Accountants auth orized lo conduct Municipal Audita under Chaptpr 463, Orenon Laws 1941, will be held on September IS and 16, 1A49. Ap plications must be filed with the secre tary on or before August 3. 1949. Appli cants will be duly notified of the tlrnn and place appointed for holding the ex amination. E. P. VAN, CP A., Secretary S(19 American Bank Building, Portland 5, Oregon. Auk. S, 6 St 8 ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IH HEREBY OIVEN that OS CAR D. OLSON, as admlnlfttrator of the estate of BENJAMIN HOWARD LARQENT, deceased, has filed his final acrount as such, and by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty, Auaust 29, 1D49, at 10:00 o'clock In the lorenoon or saia aay nas oeen nxea as the time, and the courtroom of said court has been fixed as the place for the hear- ine ol oniertions to saia nnai account and the settlement of said estate. OSCAR D. OLSON. Admfnisrator of the Estate of Benjamin Howard Lament, dee'd. RHOTEN Sr. RHOTEN SAM T. 8PEERSTRA Pioneer Trust Buildlni Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. July 23, 30; Aub. 6, 13, 20. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the under ianed has been appointed Administratrix of ihe Estate of Raymond H. Freeman, deceased. All persons having claims that estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers, to the Adminis tratrix In care of R. B. Carmlchael, 155 West LIncoin street, Salem, Oregon, within six (6) months of the date of the first publication of this notice, Date of first publication July 30, 1949. MELISSA CALVERT. Administratrix of the F-Mte of Raymond H. Freeman, Deceased. R. B CARMICHAEL, Attorney for Estate If. S. National Bank Building, Sprlnxfield, Oregon. Capital Journal July 30, Aug. 4, II, 20, 27, 1949. NOTICE PERSONAL FINANCE CO, SIR state - Rm. )2ft Lie. 8-122-M-165 - C. R. Alylen Mrr rU6 "NOTICES" Examination for applicants for admission to the Roster of Accountants authorized to conduct Municipal Audits under Chapter r,3 Oregon Laws 1941, will be held on September 13 and 16. 1949. Applications n-iiAt at file wttn the Secretary on or before Ausuist 2ft, 1949. Applicants will be duly notified of the time and place ap pointed for holding the examination. E P. Van. C. P. A. , Secretary S09 American Ban Building, Portland &. Oregon. Augiisl i, 6 and I. MARKET QUOTATIONS Sales Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company) Spring lambs 17.00 to 118.00 Feeder lambs (12.00 to 114.00 Ewes S1.00 to 14.00 Cutter cows 110 00 to Ill.Sti Fat dairy cows 110.00 to 112.00 Bulla J13.00 to 117.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 114.00 to 115.00 Veal (150-100 lbs.) good ..118.00 to $2100 Hots prices paid within J5c of Port land prices for each type. Top 170-225 lbs. Portland Produce Batirrfst Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 lo 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63-6ftc lb., 92 score 61 -64c lb., 90 scoree 67-SOc, 89 score, 55c Valley routes and country joints 2c less than Ilrst. Butler Wholesale FOB bulk -ubes to "hoiualers: grade A A, 93 score, A2c A 92 score 61c; B. 90 score, 59c lb.; O at. score, 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal Cherie Belling price to Portland whole sale; Oregon singles 38't-41c; Oregon 5 Am. loaf 41'4-43c; triplets lt less than finales. Kits (To Wholesalers) A grade large 81 Vi-82c: A medium, 54l-S7l,c; grade B laige, 53'i-S5c; small, A grade, 44',c Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade A A prints 87c; AA cartons 68c; A prints 67c A cartons 8c; B prints 64c. Ests Prices lo retailers: Grade AA ,rge, 67c dos., certified A large, 65c; A large, 64c: A A medium, 61c: certified A. medium, 80c: A medium, 59c; A small. 48c: cartons 3c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c Oregon loaf, 5 lb. loafs 44i-45c lb.; triples. l'. le.s htan singles. (Does not Include premium brands), Poultry Lire Chicken No I quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 2li lbs. 36-27c lb. fryers 3i-3 lbs., 30-32c; 3-4 lbs., 32-33c roasters, 4 lbs. ana over 32c lb.; fowl, leghorn., 4 lbs. and under. 20-22c, over 4 lbs. 19-21c: colored fowl, all weights 33c roosters, all weights. 18 -20c. Rabbits Average to growers: live whites, 4-8 lbs 18-20 lb.; 5-8 lbs. 16- 18c lb: oiored 2 cents tower; old or heavy does, 8-14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 53-57c. Country-Killed Meals Veal top quality 31-3.1c lb.: other grades according to weight and quality wi h poor or heavier 24-29c. Hosa; Light blockers, 3I-33c lb.; sows J4-20C Iambs: Top qunllty, !7-38c lb; mutton 10-13C. Beef: Good cows,. 33-26o lb; canners- cullers, 21-23c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per Beef steers, good, 500-800 lbs. $43-46: oimnerclai, T35-41; utility, 131-34. Cjwj- Commercial. 133-36: utility. t29- 31. Canners-cutters, S25-27, Beef cuts i good steers)- Hind quar ters $53-55. rounds, 153-55; full loins, trimmed. 170-175; triangles, 136-37; square chucks, 138-40; ribs, 150-53; forequarters 138-37 Veal and 'lf: Good, 138-40: commercial, 132-35; utility $26-30 Lambs: Good-choice, spring lambs, $45 46; commercial, $38-40. Mutton: Good. 7n ib. down. 118-20. Pork ruts: Loins. No. 1, 8-12 lbs. 169 73: shoulders, 16 lbs. down, 140-42; spar--ribs $48-51; carcasses, $35-36; mixed weights $3 lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 12 'ic lb., green 4e lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 45c lb. Mohair 35c lb. on 12-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves. 25c lb., according to weight, kips 30c lb., beef 10c lb., bulls 4-5c lb Country buyer pay 3c less. Nut Quotations Walnut Franqnettes. first quality jtim bo. 34.7c large, 33.7c: medium. 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c nudlum. 2fl.2c; 'laby. 33 3c; soft shell, first quality large, 39.7c medium. 36.2c: sec ond quality large. 27.2c; medium. 24.7c: baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo. 20c Ib.t large, 18c. medium. 16c: smalt, 13c. SALEM MARKETS Completed from repnrta of fin If m deal era lor tne guiilnnre of Capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Kcrd 1'rlces Egg Mash 15.10. Rabbit Pellets 94.30. Dairy Feed 13.85, Poultry: Buying prices Grade A p.nlnr. ed hena, 22-2.'.c: grade A Leghorn hens, tu-Jtc; grade A colored fryers, three lbs. and up, 32-33c. Grade A old roosters IS cents. Egga Buying Prlcea Extra larae AA. 62c targe AA, 61c: large A, 59-62c, medium AA. 37c; medium A. 5fl-S7c. pullets 36-40C. Prices Egg wholesale nr ces a to 1 cents above thesa prices above O-ade A generally quoted at 67a medl- n. 63c Buttrrfat Premium 64-65c. No. 1. 63c: No. 2. 67- a9c 'buying prices Butter Wholesale grade A. 67c; re- all 72c. Robert White on City Zoning Board Robert White, 835 Saginaw, connected with the Jenks-White Seed company, was. appointed Saturday by Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom as a member of the Salem planning and zoning com mission to succeed the late Irl S. McSherry, Mayor Elfstrom said he con sidered White an excellent man for the commission. He is not strange to city affairs, since he has been serving for some time as a member of the airport ad visory committee. "It will not be an easy matter to take Irl McShnrry's place," the mayor said. "He was one of the most faithful members of the commission and gave a lot of time to the work." lewerf AfMt For VAN LINES CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE At Your Service! rOR YOUR . . . J Storage Hauling J Fuel . . . NEEDS DIAL 3 3131 OR SEE US AT . . . 889 N. Liberty "OUR reputation' IS YOUR SECURITY" lnP'tal Journal Salem, Ore., M. N. Crisell of Aurora Dies Word has reacned relatives here that M. N. Crisell, 75, re tired farmer of Aurora, died August 5 while on a visit in Los Anseles. He had travelled south by plane July 24 to visit his son and brother, and Sunday, July 21, he suffered a stroke from which he did not regain con sciousness. Millard Newton Crisell was born July 18, 1874, near Staf ford in Clackamas county and had lived all of his life on his farm located on the Willamette liver five miles north of Au rora. On October 2, 1912, he was married to Florence Elizabeth Gault, who died January 13. 193!). Crisell had been a member of Wilsonville I.O.O.F. for over 40 years. Active in community af fairs until recent years, he had served for many years as a di rector of the old Union Hill school, later serving two terms as a director of Canby Union high school. He is survived by four child ren, William M. Crisell of Los Angeles, Glenn S. Crisell of Au rora, Mrs. Kenneth Torgeson of Salem, and Mrs. Earl Mohning of Aurora, and one brother, A A. Crisell of Los Angeles; also by eight grandchildren, three nieces and two nephews. Funeral services will be held at the Aurora Funeral Home, with internment in Butlcville cemetery, with date and hour of services announced later. Packer Sued for Selling Horsemeaf Portland, Aug. (P) A res taurant sued a meat market for $30,000 damages today because of horsemeat in hamburger. Lee and Lena Sharp, the res taurant operators, filed the suit in circuit court against Ivan and Ernest Crystal, operators of the Salem Meat market of Portland. The Crystal brothers recently wore convicted of selling un labeled horsemeat to a number of cafes. The Sharps contended they did not know they were buying horsemeat, and assorted they suf fered undue humiliation when the facts came out. Brooder House Burns Aurora A brooder house on Marks Prairie, was destroyed by Harry Fontaine's farm, which is part of the old Rueck place at fire. Canby firemen manning the new rural fire district's I ruck, kept it from spreading to other buildings. The brooder building was empty when its roof caught fire. Sparks from a fire where waste was being burned, were believed to have started it. Elevator Takes Grain Monmouth The grain eleva' lor started a year ago at Silver and not finished last year is now nearing completion and the first grain is being received The farmers of that community will find this convenient as the grain had to be hauled to Cor- vallis, Monmouth or Dallas to be stored. Basic Picking Fixed Independence The basic wage for hop pickers was set Salem Lawn Sprinkling Co. Complete Installation Manual - Semi-Automatic - Full Automatic Standard or Pop-up Headi Free Estimates Absolutely No Obligation WE GO. ANYWHERE 734 N. High St. Ph. 34537 II I Saturday, August 6, 194911 DEATHS Jerry Lee Adiltt terry Lee Adsltt, intant son ol Mr. and Mra. Ronald Adiltt, 1205 S. 19th at., ai a local hospital Auaust 4. Alao survived by a. aLster, Sharon, and grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Roy Adaltt and Mr. and Mis, Walter Pound, all of Salem. O raves Ida services will be held Monday, August , at 10:30 a.m. at Be lc real Memorial parie with the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiat ing. Direction the Howell-Ed wards chapel; Mn. Myrtle Terraull Mrs. Myrtle Terra j:t. late resident m Salem route 0, box 68, in this city, August 4. at the age of so years, survives oy husband, Francis j. rerrauic oi eaiem; four daughters. Joyce and Beverly Ann Terrault and Mrs. Laura Cassey, all of Salem, and Mrs. Noma Hayden of Inde pendence; two sons, Francis aerald icr- ault and Donald Lewis Terrault, ootn or Salem; and two sisters, Mrs. Walter Camp bell and Mrs, Bertha Waldrus, both of Rochester, N. Y. Services were held at St. Joseph's Catholic church Saturday at 10 a.m. with Interment in the Mt. Anel cemetery. Direction W, T. Rlgdon com pany. John William Oilman John William Oilman, at tna residence t Salem route 6, box 303, August 4, at the aae of 70 years. Survived by widow. Nettle Oilman of Salem; four sons. Albert, Milan, and Clyde Oilman, all of Salem, and Harold Oilman of St. Helena; two daughters, Mrs. Muriel Wiley of Salem and Mrs. Gertrude Hoeffner or Corvallls. Member ot Calvary Baptist church. Serv ices will be held at the Howe n-Ed warns hanel Monday. Auaust 8. at 10 a.m. witn Rev. Frank Stannard officiating. Inter ment in Belcrest Memorial park. u Tunis W. Creech unls w. Creech. Ute resident or ibo South 14th street, Salem, at Detroit. Mich., August 2. Survived by wife, Eula Creech of Salem, two brothers. Warren Creech of Salem and Fred Creech of Alma, Mich.: three nieces. Mrs. Inabelle Walker and Mrs. Ha Mae RaetE, both of Salem, and Mrs. Uva Ren rick of Alma. Mich.; and a nephew. Ward Creech of Benzonla, Mich. Qraveside. services will be held Tuesday, A u a list B. at 1:30 p.m. at Belcrest Mem orial park with Rev. George H. Swift of ficiating. Direction Clough-Barrlclc com pany. Amanda t.amen Amanda Larson. the home of his daughter, Alice Meier, Salem, August 5. a the aae of 88 yenrs. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Alice Meier. Salem, and Mrs. Million Casey. Portland: a Drotlier. Gus Larson. Seattle; five grandchildren, six great grandchildren and four nieces. Services will be held Monday, August 8, at 2:30 p.m. at the Portland crematorium under direction of the Howell-Edwards chapel. Charles Edwin Bauri Charles Edwin, at. his residence . 902 Pine st.. Salem, August 5, at the sue of 118 years. Surviving are his widow, Edna B. Bauer. Salem: four daughters. Mrs. Trill R Cox and Murgo Bauer. Both of Salem. Mrs. Charlene Kirk wood, Portland. and Mrs. Lucile Pnrker, Phoenix, Ariz.;, two sons, Charles Bauer, Jr., Indianapolis, Ind.: and William E. Bauer, Salem: and alx grandchildren. Services will be held at thA, Howell-Edwards chapel, Tuesday, Auaust 9, at 2 p.m. with Rev, Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. OBITUARY Hetlle Vesta Starr DallHS Mrs. Hetlia Vesta Starr, na tive of the Salt Creek district and long a resident there, and the daughter of pi ear parents, died at Dallas nospnai Thursday after an illness of six months. She was 78 years old. Funeral services will be held at 2 o clock Monday a lie moon at the Henkle St Bellman chapel, with Rev. Kenneth Johnston as the minister and in terment In Belcrest Memorial park, Salem. Mrs. Starr was born December 27, 1873, t Salt Creek, the daughter of Silas t. ItlKsa and Sarah Jane Bones Rlgga. She was married to Qeorge W. Starr Feb- iiB ry A. 1891. at Salt Creek. Her Hus band died June 4, 19311. Mrs. Starr con tinued to live at Salt Creek until recently when she moved to Dallas. She was a mem ber of the Christian church. She Is sur vived by two sons, Silas Starr ot Dallas and Harold Starr ol Miramonle, Calif. Gertrude E. McLend AlbRnyMrs. Gertrude E. McLeod, 6f, line Ferry street, died Thursday at the. Albany General hospital. Funeral serv ices will be held al the Fisher funeral home at 1:30 p.m., Monday. Christian Science services will be conducted. Burial will be In the Masonic cemetery. The re llred teacher taught school for 38 year In Linn county. She conducted classes la the Albany public achool system for 20 years. She rrlired from teaching last spring. Mrs. McLeod was born In Deer River, Iowa. March 35, 1884. She moved, to Nebraska, hence to Colorado before coming to Oregon and locating In the Lacomb nelnhborhood In 1010. She wat married to George R. McLeod In 1S06. Her husband died In 1918. The deceased wu . member of MnrRUerite chapter of the Order o( the Eastern Star In Lebanon, ond of the Albany Rebekan loaae. eurviv lng are two sons. Malcolm McLeod,, Brownsville; and Donald S. McLeod,, Portland. A third son. Francis, died in IfltB. Two grandchildren rv'vf,' , by Oregon Hop Growers asso niDiinn ot 1iirne cents a do u nd. The price can be adjusted in emergency cases, tl a growers committee approves. .lb Hie dignity and honor of funeral service are dependent upon loy alty to the ideals of Public Service. We fulfill the needs of humanity by serving each individual family to the best of our ability. Clough-Barrick Co. 205 So. Church St. Ph 3-9139 Established 1878 The Pioneer Funeral Home