Dates Announced for Fall ) Show of County 4-H Clubs Anthol Rinev and Anne BerBholz, county extension agents in 4-H announce the 14th annual Marion county 4-H club fall show which will take place at the State Fair grounds August 24, Z5 and 26. Premiums for the show will be provided by the Marion county fair board. The program will be as follows: Accepts Board New Steam Line The state board of control Thursday accepted the steam line, completed between the Fairview home and Hillcrest school by W. R. Ransom & Sons. Fifteen per cent of the total con tract was withheld for 30 days pending completion of some minor items. The board authorized pay ment of $34,084.94 to Malarkey & Moore for work performed during June on the school build ing, food service building and dormitory at Hillcrest school. On recommendation of White house, Church, Newberry & Roehr, architects, the board ap proved payment of $85,588.74 to Sound Construction and Engin eering company for work per formed on the new state office building during July. Also approved was payment v of $8,654.71 due Erwin K Bat terman for work on additions to the laundry building at the state hospital. Bernard Sufcliffe Passes in Portland Portland , Aug. 5 VP) Dr. Bernard B. Sutcliffe, 76, chair man of the board of Multnomah School of the Bible and former pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Tacoma, died here ohursday. He was pastor of the Tacoma church in 1935-37, and came here as president of the newly- opened Multnomah School of the Bible in 1937. Poor health forced him to give up the pres idency three years ago, Born in Nova Scotia, he first came to Portland in 1921 to organize Bible classes. Boeing May Workers Be Reduced Seattle, Aug. 5 (U.BA reduc tion in the working force at the Boeing Airplane company plant here today loomed as a possi bility, president William M Allen announced. Allen said a decline in em ployment may result since the government cancelled the B-54 bomber project. The B-54 pro gram was to have been the back bone of 1950 production here, Allen said. In a financial statement ac companying his announcement, Allen reported a net profit of $662,349 for the Boeing com pany during the first six months of 1949. Western Swing DANCE SATURDAY Glenwood Ballroom "LARRY'S" CASCADE RIDERS Wednesday, Auruit "ii o-no a m. -12:00 noon. .Arrival and ar rangement ol exhibits. 12:00 noon All exhibits must be Ii place and entered except Garden, Freei no Md Hone Ana r lower. i:oo p.m.-:uo p.m. uycsiock vuusuik Contest. 1:00 p.m. Start of Club Herdamansmp contest. H-00 n.m. start snrinK on saie nous. Iambs, and steers. All water, gram and hay removed from pens and stalls. Thursday Aufait 25 8:00 a.m.-lO.OO a.m. Weigh Fall Show Sale Stock (Sheep, Beef, and Hors) 8:00 a.m. -8: 00 a.m. All Garden. Freez ing, and Rose and Flower exhibits In place. v;ju a.m. umciai dunging w tAmuHn, Garden. Canning, Turkey. Rabbits. Entomology, Rose and Flower, and Safety. Poultry Showmanship All members competing. Official Judging of Poultry and Eggs. Sheep Showmanship Second year & older members followed by 1st yr. members. 11:00 a.m. Official Judging of Sheep. 3:00 p.m. Official Judging of Beef. 3:16 p.m. Official Judging of Hogs, Friday, August 26 9:00 a.m. Livestock Demonstration Con test. 9:00 a.m. Food preservation judging Contest. 9:30 a.m. Hon Showmanship and yr. & older members followed by 1st yr. members. 10:30 a.m. Beel snowmansnip ana yr. older members followed by 1st yr. members. 12:30 n.m. Dairy Showmanship Same order as above. Official Dairy Judging. 8:00 p.m. 4-H Fat stocK sale. 8:30 p.m. Relase of all Exhibits. Marion county 4-H fall show will have its beginning when the canning contests and demonstra tions are held on August 18 at the Portland Gas & Coke com pany in Salem. Maryolive Mad dox, former 4-H extension agent in Portland, will be the judge. Girls in any division of can ning in the same standard club are eligible to compete in the food preservation demonstration team contests. All standard clubs should be represented by a team. A team consists of two members. Each team is to select its own subject for demonstra tion, but it must pertain to food preservation. Each team will be responsible for furnishing all supplies and equipment except table, chairs, range, hot water bath and presure cooker. There will be a Junior can ning contest for club members who have not passed their 15th birthday on January 1 of the current year. The winner of the county contest will be eligible to compete in the state contest at the State Fair. There will also be a Senior canning contest which will be open to all members who have had their 15th birthday by Janu ary 1 of the current year. The winner of the county contest will be eligible to compete in the state contest at the State Fair. Government May 1 Enter Fume Case Portland, Aug. 5 VP) The government may enter the suit in which Columbia river farm ers seek damages to cover losses they say they suffered from al uminum plant fumes. Attorneys for the farmers and the defendant, Reynolds Metals Co., agreed yesterday to let the government enter as an inter ested party. Their agreement was forward ed to District Judge James Al ger Fee for his possible approval. i The suit may go to trial in November. Numerous farmers maintain they suffered damage from Rey nolds plants at Longview, Wash., and Troutdale, Ore. They seek more than $1,500,000. Machines for making nails were produced in America at the close of the 18th century. capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August a, 1943 s FOR A REAL TREAT TRY TOM'S KING COLE DRIVE IN Everything a specialty Home-made Pies Daily South Commercial St. Just beyond the Liberty Y TOM ADOLHSON, Prop. DANCE Every Saturday Night PEDEE HALL Pedee, Oregon 9:30 to 1:00 A.M. (D.S.T.: MUSIC BY WONDER VALLEY BOYS Gents $1.00 Ladies 50c Special FRIED CHICKEN $1.50 DINNER After the Dance 14 Iron Lungs for Northwest Portland, Aug. 5 (IP) The National Foundation for Infan tile paralysis has assigned 14 new "iron lungs" to the north west regional polio equipment pool. COLD DRINKS SIX FLAVORS vhV$ MEN'S SLACKS AND PANTS $5.00 to $20.00 Trios. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th St. C .,i.m. ........H. ....... ..,.,... DUE-TO-POPULAR-REQUEST SALEM, ORE. WILL REMAIN OPEN FRIDA Y MIGHTS UNTIL 9 P. M. During Back to School Season WILL CLOSE FOR AMERICAN LEGION PARADE We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamp Picture -frame Your Windows at Spectacular August Savings! Pcbblc-tlot 1MIISCILLAS 1.40 5.49 pr. Reg. $1.98 to $7.49 Fluffy radiance for your windows! Full wide ruffles on priscilla curtains thickly covered with dainty fluffy dots. Easy to wash, a snap to iron! 38x36" ?1.49 pr. 38x45" ?1.89 pr. 38x54" $2.19 pr. 38x63" $2.49 pr. 38x72" $2.59 Pr. 44x81" $3.69 Pr. 63x81" $4.49 pr. 83x81" $5.49 pr. Sheer Col (on PRISCILLAS H. 19 7.89 i.r. Reg. $1.98 to $9.98 Rich cream colored priscillas in mercerized cotton with wide, full ruffles. Easy to wash as the window! 44x36" $1.49 pr. 44x72" . 44x45" $1.89 pr. 44x81" . 44x54" $2.19 pr. 63x81" . 44x63" $2.49 pr. 120x90" $2.59 pr. $2.69 pr. $4.49 pr. $7.89 pr. Lustrous Rayon PRISCILLAS $2.98 6.49 i.r. Reg. $4.49 to $8.49 Shimmering, sheer rayon priscillas in soft eggshell shade, perfect for every room in the house. Luscious wide ruffles a breeze to wash and iron! 44x84" $2.98 pr. 72x84" $4.98 pr. 96x84" $6.49 pr. TAILORED HAY OX PANELS 98e o $1.39 ea. Reg. $1.19 to $1.59 Popular rayon panels with the familiar marks of quality wide side hems, 3" top and bottom hems. Easy to wash and iron as a hanky! 42x54" 98 Ea. 42x63" $1.09 Ea. 42x72" $1.19 Ea 42x81" $1-29 Ea. 42x90" $1.39 Ea. 1 m .3 i ? 1 t , 1 ', f ! f . 13 f f "J . A ' f 1 1 Its h ' Q ft- T J I ;J Jj f: 'h hi ' DOWNSTAIRS AFTER-INVENTORY CLEARANCE LAST DAY SATURDAY 79c Value China PLACE MATS. . . 75c Value Men's SHORTS, large.. 75c Value Men's BRIEFS, large... 1.98 Value MEN'S HATS 2.50 Value SUN GLASSES. . . 79c Value BOYS' T SHIRTS. 98c Value Boys' PLASTIC BELTS. . 98c Value Nobby Weave PANELS. . 49e 49c 49e 49c 49s 49c 49e 49e 1.98 Value BATH RUG SETS. . 1.49 Value CHAIR SEAT PADS 2.95 Value Men's DRESS SHIRTS 6.98 Value MEN'S SWEATERS 2.98 Value Tom Sawyer Pants . . 1.98 Value Boys' SPORT SHIRTS 1.59 Value Short Sleeve Work Shirt. . 1.98 Value Boys' COWBOY HATS. . . 99e 99c 99c 99e 99e 99e 99e 99c 2.50 Value Arrow Fancy T SHIRTS. . 2.50 Value Men's UNION SUITS 2.98 Value BOYS' PANTS $149 $149 $149 2.98 Value Boys' $149 CORDUROY O'ALLS I $J49 $-49 $-49 $149 2.98 Value Girls' COTTON SKIRTS. . 2.98 Value LADIES' SLIPS.... 2.98 Value LADIES' GOWNS. 1.98 Value SHORTS T 9 t fnifnl a www mvBBVw 2.98 Value $199 INDIAN BLANKETS I 4.50 Sport and Dress $1 99 ARROW SHIRTS. . . I 3.50 Value Men's NIGHT SHIRTS. . 3.98 Value LACE PANELS... 3.98 Value LADIES' SLIPS. . , 2.98 Value LADIES' GOWNS , 3.98 Value GIRLS' SKIRTS . . . . I 2.59 Value 81x99 $199 PEQUOT 2nd SHEETS I $99 $199 $199 $199 $199 4.95 Mexican Pattern Tablecloth 3.98 Value BOYS' CORDS 4.98 Value BOYS' SWEATERS 4.98 Value Boys' BASEBALL SUITS. 5.98 Value COTTON SKIRTS. 4.98 Volue GIRLS' SWEATERS 4.98 Value GIRLS' DRESSES. . 4.98 Value LADIES' GOWNS. 4.98 Value LADIES' GOWNS. $2" $299 $2" $2" $2" $2" $2" 2" 2"