12 o. X FC o St II FO h J Nl' N 1 ENC fl bi roi h BY I b 1 fio i Fo p H KO l I 1 1 I I 0 B! B! IF 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 8, 1949 rt - ..-of. iv fK sr. - I 1-. " . Horse Show Bosses Harry V. Carson and S. Parzy Rose, two of the three-man committee in charge of the third annual western horse show at McGinnis field in Silverton Saturday night. The third member of the committee, Elmer Lorence, was in Candaa with the Oregon Mounted posse, when this picture was taken. Third Annual Horse Show At Silverton Saturday Night Horse lovers of the Willamette valley are expected in Silver- ton Saturday night at 8 o'clock for the third annual western horse show sponsored by the Silverton Rotary club and assisted by the Silverton Saddle club. Cecil Edwards, Salem, will be the announcer and judge of events will be Roy Simmons also of Salem. Gus Herr and Earl Spencer will appear as clowns while special entertainment is being provided by Pat Rolfson, Portland. Proceeds will be used by school district No. 4 in the repair and improvements of fa cilities of McGinnis athletic field. Scheduled events are the grand entry and parade, follow ed by stake bending by a six rider team and a drill by the Oregon Mounted posse, Salem. Matched pairs will also be judg ed and an apple scurry held with a six-rider team. The Salem Saddle club is holding a drill with Judging in the Palomino class followed by musical sacks, an open event for paired riders. Contesting will be horses at walk trot and skat with a man vs. horse feature event, the Silverton high school challenging the Silverton Sad dle club from a standing start 20 yards to a stake and return. There is also a classification for pleasure horse with the Sil verton Saddle club appearing in r quadrille. Concluding the pro Icebreaker Disabled Seattle, Aug. 5 (P) The na vy icebreaker Burton Island limped toward Point Barrow, Alaska, today without its star board propeller and part of its shaft as the coast guard cutter Northwind raced to Its aid, the coast guard said. gram will be a flag race for a six-man team. Prizes are of fered winners in each event. f PATENTED Bin-bottle!! U. S. fount No. 131,807 ACTUALLY IMPROVES Mr. Boston Fine Wines SOP J I VtUAKI f MR. BOSTON ' WINES OF CALIFORNIA ' ( ) Mr. Boiton Dittillcr Inc.. Bosion, Mat. Yor choice PORT SHtftRY MUSCAHl 5,000 Purebreds Entered in Fair Livestock entries closed at the headquarters of the Oregon State Fair in Salem with a rec ord number of purebreds en tered in most classifications. Manager Leo Spitzbart ex pects nearly 5,000 animals to be on hand when the fair opens Labor day. Competition will be particularly keen in all beef and dairy cattle classes. Meanwhile, the 167 acres of fairgrounds are being touched up in preparation for the state's biggest outdoor show. The last major bit of construction for the 1949 exposition, a "kiddieland" amusement area, is about com pleted. The 77 acres of parking area have been completely disc ed and leveled. Demand for commercial dis play space is reported to be the heaviest in history. The farm machinery area alone will occu py two of the eight blocks on the fair's main midway. Helene Hughes, veteran San Francisco theatrical producer. hat assured Sprtzbart the night vaudeville show In front of the racing grandstand will be the finest ever offered at the Salem plant. Miss Hughes has also booked a trio of high wire acts to be the basis of a free midway show four times daily. Harrison Cutler, horse show manager, has been deluged with stall requests for horses entered in the combined horse show-ro deo. Cutler expects a number of the top California show strings to be on hand. Plans now call for the combined show six nights of the fair with straight rodeo com petition slated for Sunday after noon, September 11. Mrs. Boettiger Arrives Portland, Aug. 8 tP) Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Boettiger was in Portland today, awaiting the birth of a grandchild the first great grandchild of the late President Roosevelt. Eugene Firm Low on Sewer Job in Salem City Manager J. L. Franzen will recommend to the city council acceptance of the bid of Werner & Keske of Eugene for the contract to do the excavat ing and pipe laying for Salem's interceptor sewer. The firm's bid of $216,974 was the lowest of three offered, and $44,008 under the next lowest, $360,982 bid by the Valley Con struction company of Seattle. The third bid was $388,668 by Mullln Incorporated, also of Seattle. The bids were announced Thursday afternoon. They were opened Wednesday after noon and carefully sifted by Franzen and City Engineer J H. Davis before a recommenda tion was decided on. Ingrid Falls on Volcano Hollywood, Aug. 5 VP) Ingrid Bergman tumbled 30 feet down the side of a volcano on the Italian island of Stromboli, then got up to work 12 more hours front of the cameras. She suffered cuts and bruises on her left arm and leg and was treat ed with penicillin. Palmistry Readings Tells Past, Present and Future. Answers all quesions. Advice given. Are You Worried? INDEPENDENCE, Ore. 102 Main St. A.M. to 10 P.M. Salem Lawn Sprinkling Co. Complete Installation Manual - Semi-Automatie - Full Automatic Standard or Pop-up Headi Free Estimatei Absolutely No Obligation WE GO.ANYWHERI 734 N. High St. Ph. 34537 Danger of Typhoid Seen by Authority Portland, Aug. 5 W The state sanitary engineer warned resi dents of the southwest hills dis trict outside Portland Thursday that they are living on a "disease powder keg." Curtiss M. Everts Jr. declared that lack of proper imn dis posal makes possible in out break of typhoid fever or othei sewage-spread disease. Everts said that the hardpan soil in the area does not absorb water well, and that consequent ly sewage overflows from septic tanks and runs to lowlands and roadside ditches. The state sanitary authority has asked that a sewer system be Installed in the area. Come in and see the fascinating new frame styles. Let our expert optometrists examine your eyes. Styles to Flatter $ Your Features Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Dr. E. E. Boring 383 Court Dignified Credit rlffi Dr. 8am Hughes Phone 1-850 Exclusive In Salem at MARILYN'S Wi SUIT-ABU I FASHION FOR FALL ? Block Brown Green cm Hi So beautifully tailored . -. so expertlyl crafted . . . this Air Step suit shoe, fr-ntur-' ing the comfortable wall toe and smart, extended sole. 1HI SNOI WITH THI YOUTHFUL nil SHOES 387 Court Street Phone 3-8135 Tire Store S. E. Corner Trade and High Stt. Thanks Again, Salem! It's been almost four months since the grand opening of our new tire store here in Salem ... 4 months of most gratifying business relationship. In appreciation we are celebrating this week with these outstanding values. MONTGOMERY WARD TIRE STORE t?sf-x - If testae- C. S. "MAC" McCOLLAM Mgr. Montgomery Ward Tire Store 18 years' tire experience; 7 years as district supervisor. FARM STdREfe N MAIN STORE LOCATION OF NEW MONTGOMERV WARD TIRE STORE TRADE AND HIGH GTS. . i i .zwrz ( Montgomery Ward Tire Store, S. E. Corner Trade and High Streets JOHN RADKE Service Mgr. Montgomery Ward Tire Store 7 years' tire sales and service experience. SALE-PRICED NOW! Air Cushion" Tires SIZE 6.70-16 1370 New extra low pressure tires for smoother riding. Premium quality! Cold rubber! REG. 10.45 "WINTER KING" "Standard" Battery SALE-PRICED! 97 Guaranteed 24 months! 45 heavy plates 100 ampere-hour capacity! YOUR WARD REBUILT MOTOR INSTALLED FOR ONLY THIS WEEK ONLY Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, Dodge. Liberal old motor allowance! Terms as low as 10.00 monthly. Complete Oil Change ANY PASSENGER CAR FAST SERVICE! Why pay 40c quart? Get a change now at Wards tire store. Premium quality vitalized! 1 I II 40-'4 i r rfyJi I i 1 I " (xehong I I til I f I "jm. 4 455 i Cv (111 4.M-1 l CaA "Cold Rubber" Riversides I Wear Longer Than Ever I The new Trail Blazer now made with "cold rubber" for longer wearl Not as wide or deep a tread as "Wards Riverside" but every ounce first quality materials to provide real safely I No safer low priced tire model Wards Riverside! Not only Is it made of first quality materials but it's first quality in tread depth and width cross-section and sizel Compare it only with first-line, original-equipment tires. Now improved with "cold rubber" to last longer than everl Riverside Deluxe Wards premium quality tire that's better than first-line, original-equipment quality tires! Even belter now, because it's made with"cold rubber" to give extra mileage! Premium quality always cost less at Wards gel extra savings in this salel SIZE Blaier Riverside Deluxe 4.755.00-19 9.65 loiw 777 5.255.50-17 . . . 10.45 11.95 6.00-16 8.75 10.85 11.55 6.50-16 13.80 14.55 6.256.50-16... 11.95 13.95 14.85 7.00-16 16.25 17.45 $1.50 Weekly Buys FOUR Tires On Terms SHOP WARDS TIRE STORE 'TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT!