IAUTOMOBILES 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 5, 1949 IFOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE (REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES CltASSlVIED ADVERTISING I Per Lin 16 Par Una a tlmu .40a Per Lin time 60 Par Lin 1 month 13.00 Outside of BiIid IB per Un pr day. Mln. toot I tlmu nln. tie 0 time mln II JO. Ho Refund READERS In Local Nw CL Onlri Per un 30 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Inexpensive Homes 11750 full prlc for 1 acr ft small fur nished 4-rra. hse. near Brooks. $2950 FULL PRICE V, acr ft older 2-story hse. near Hop mere. Wired for rang. Term. $1400 DOWN VIEW PROPERTY 1 6800 full prlc for lge. l-tory mod ern hse. King wood Hghts. 4 B. Isherwood Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. OfflC Ph. 3-3862. Xvej. 2-214T or 2-8836 tlSO S8760. Modern lat built J-BR home fire place V blinds oil furnace. Attached garage. S1000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 193 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 3-5561 BY OWNER new 2 bdrm. living rm. din. rm. comb. Hdwd. fir., hall, bath. Lie, Inside utility rm. Alt. garage. Lge. lot near school. 2375 Broadway Ph. 3-8844. FOB BALE BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm home. FHA term. 1500 down. Phone 2-2880. 643 Blller. al86 NEW HOME by owner. 3140 Carlton Way. N. on 99 to Carlton Way. al95 FOR RALE OR LEASE BT OWNERS Convenient for business and residence or house can be removed 8 rm., full basemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Bear New Shopping Center, on State Highway B9E. 575 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-4540 for appointment. ' BY OWNER Englewood achool dlst., well const. 3-bdrm. home. Full bsmt. with good furn. Insul., new roof, new redec. About 10 yra. old. Approx. ioi ouxiav. u by door Lou ol snruos ana nowers, ar den In. Ph. 2-0396, 3305 Breyman. a101 MOD. 4-DDRM. home close to school and hn mM 3rd St.. West Satem. a!85 ENQLEWOOD DI6T. 2 bdrm., L.R. with fireplace, dinette, kltch. with lots of DUiiwna, oawi wim mi a..u pecan firs., alt. extra lge. gar., insui, nnri W.S.. auto. heat, back yd. fenced, F.H.A. approved: Se at 1040 Grant or Phone a-s&ao. OWNER LEAVING , CITY Offers this one year old. 3 bedroom home, modern In every respect. Yard, shrubbery and garden in, automatio oil heat, best of conditions. Corner lot. $1250 will handle. Balance $65 per mo. r.H.A. rn, iaD. ago nwi BY OWNER 7 room house, double plumb ing. 2557 Lee at. FOR SALE by owner. New 6 room modern house $3000. $1400 down, ten years on balance. Will take car In. 3330 Hyde St., Salem, BY OWNER: Price 11700 dn., bal. $1250 mortgage monthly payment. 3-bdrm. hse. on high ground overlooking pretty view, close to W. Salem. Extra view bldi. lot (school, Mt. View), city wtr., lights, etc. Location: Turn right off Edgewater St. on Bosemont at cor. of M.K.N. Fur niture Store. Go up top of Cascade Dr., turn leu, men a ruicr. unit dirt road to first lefthand turn, second place on right, Roth, Box 104, Rt. 1, W.t Hnlftn alSO MODERN 2 Bdrm. home, leaving town, bargain, bhi Kosemoni,, w-o. 180 BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home, L.R. with hardwood firs., nice kitchen, Ven. blinds, Bendlx. Lae. lot. South near stores and hua iittnn. Phone 2-3210. a!88 nf.w a rm. house and bath rm. unfinish ed. 2 loU. Just north of West Btayton jitm-e. m 187 Leavint? the State My 11303 equlyt in 1 yr. old 3 B.R, home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move right In for $500 Bal P.H.A, See 642 Blller Ave. a 187 Por SALE 2 bdrm. bung, full Ins. car- port, att. Bar., eiec. rge. rei. eve nan tnir nr and house trailer In trade, Same price cash or terms 13,500, 218 Kooni St.. Bllverton. Ore. 185 HIGHWAY PROPERTY Price reduced on Approi. 1 acre on Dallas highway. ? miles from bridge. Large bids, with living quarters ft space for store. Green hse. Room to build 3 more hses. Full price 17400. C. W. Reeve Realtor Its S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 3-0536 al85 HO, 26TII STREET Beautiful home, unf. attic, corner lot, fireplace, H.W. floors, 111 bath, and many other features you will like. Owner works In another town. Priced for quick sale. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 34707 484 Court St. Eve. 24773 - 27383. alR5 I BDRM. house on Vi acre, K In t wood, $10,500. Ph. 3-7241. alas OWNER 2 bedroom house, nlcs location. 1150 Nebraska. alBB CHEAP Move In ft complete, plumbing ft wiring roughed In. 2 bdrms. Well. 'A A. good soli. Smalt down payment. Full price 13250. C. W. Reeve Realtor 45 S. Comm'l. Ph. 34500. Eve. 3-0538 al85 11.500. New 5-room home close to High school. Very well built, fireplace, cen tral oil heatlnt system. 2-car garage. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves 2-5306. aisa 3 GOOD BUYS Lovely home In center of Hollywood dlst. Older but very well kept. 3 bdrms., bsmt., elec. cook ft wtr. htr., Ven. blinds, cosy bsck yard. Ideal for chil dren. Only 16850. This beautiful 3 bdrm. horns Is In the sub close to bus ft school. One story rambling style. Only 3 years old. Have all modern conven. This won't last long at only 17,000. Good terms. And last but not least Is this one story 3 bdrm. home in the sub. with acre of land. Just right to raise chickens, llu a garden 'pot Ac family orchard. The house is plastered, cement founda tion, elec. cook ft wtr. htr. One block from city ft school buses. 38800. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District 3-4864. Eva. 3-6013, 3-7128. 3-B7S7 a 185 BY OWNER: 6 Rm. 2 B.R. upstairs. 80 Csrlton Way. a 185 BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced to 15000. 623 N. 17th Bt. alSS IF YOU WANT a brand new home "with 3 bdrms. that's extra, nice, located north. Call 37520. al85 ft ACRES or less. Modern older typa house near city limits. Terms. Ph. 3-1166. alSS 7A00. Clean modern 3-".R home Ensle wood district. Hardwood floors fire place full basement. Immediate pos session. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. Hlfh St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves 3-5561. D' OWNER: 2 BR modern home. 3780 La Branch Ave., 4 Corners. a 186 WE HAVE 3 exceptional listings on sub urban acreage 6 ft 6 miles from down town Salem. Modern 3 bdrm. houses. Lu.dacaped lawn. Each owner Is mov ing from this area and must sell Immed. at a redjeed price. Very reasonable te ma. A. N. Duncan Realtor 13-14 Ladd Bush Bids. Fa. 3-9668. tvs. Ph. 1-MU 119' Win a Guest Ticket to See "Any Number Can Play" Plus "Night Unto Night" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of thia picture comlnK soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see any "Num ber Can Play" plus "Night Unto Night," coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES TODAY'S SPECIAL Walking dlst. So. 2 bdrm. on 1 fir. 3 baths. Lv. rm., din. rm., kltch. Work shop. Lge. lot. Dole. gar. 11,400 dn. Full price 17100 - CALL MR. BYRKIT ED BYRKIT ft CO.. REALTORS 367 N. HlBh Ph. 33101 alflfi' BY OWNER: 2 Bd. rm., L.R., D.R. New Englorood Dlst. Full price $0300. $1630 down. 1100 K. 23th. Ph. 31405. alSS OUT OF STATE owner here to sell nrac iicany new iva story nome. o ige rooms down, unfinished up. hdwd floors thru out, orcezeway, an. gar., ioi oxnu, jr. H, A, terms. Salem Heights Dlst. 60S Ewald Drive S. on ODE to Ewald. al86 yifl.ROO. Beautiful new 3-BK home all on one floor. Close In. Modern in every detail. f0500 F.H.A. committment. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. HiBh fit. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 2-5501. al87 SflftOO. Attractive one-bedroom home in 4-Corners dtst. Lame corner lot lOOx 100. Dandy garden, lawn, berries. This one won't last long. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors CLOSE IN SUBURBAN Attractive home on 'A A. All the con veniences of city are found in this 2-BR home furnished or unfurn., on Center St. Mi ml. E. of Lancaster. Watch for open house sign. Phone 2-0045. a 166 IttOftO. New modern 2-BR unfinished home East. A Rood buy for someone. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561. al68 BY OWNER: Duplex, furnished, 10 blocks from town. Income 1110 monthly. Priced to sell, ffl760.oo. See Mr. Janz. Willn Music Store. al&O" FOR SALE, Owner, IVi acr., 5 rm. plast ered hse. Mod. B.smt., gar., fruit, gar den, timber. Rt. 7, Box 328J, Salem. a 186 BY OWNER: 2 bedroom home. Ideal loca tion, will accept lot as part payment, S7B00. Terms. Ph. 33849 or 24431. alOO FOR SALE or exchanae for home In su burban Portland, 5 rm. mod. home, att. garage, auto, hot water healer, fire place, ven. blinds, floor furnace ft floored attic, 033 Edlna Lane, Salem. al87' S. High St. Mod. Home Has 3 bdrms.. den. liv. rm. -dining comb.. kitchen with nook, full bsmt., lots of Duut-ins, auto on neat, meptace, car peted, hdwd. firs., lie. lot. 112,600. Ph owner at 3-6196. al90 5 SALEM HOUSES TO BE MOVED OR WRECKED 355 N. CAPITOL 066 CENTER ST. B80 CENTER ST. 3R4 N. SUMMER 330 N. SUMMER Information and bidding forms available 803 State Office building, Oregon State lllghwny Dept. al87 FAIRMOUNT HILL Brauttrul ranch style 3 bed rm. home with knotty pine playroom ft extra bed rm. ft bath In basement, oil furnace, 2 fireplaces, double garage, large lot, Price has been reduced. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 8. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 25360 N alB7 $7950 New ft very nice, 2 bed rm. plastered home with hwd. floors thru-out, elec. heat, heavily insulated, shake exterior, alt. garage, large lot east, good terms. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 s. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 26360 a!87 ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house with bath. living room, dining room, kitchen, hardwood floors, good workshop In gar age, automatio oil heat, near Bush school. Prlre Is 19600 or will trade for suburban property or small acreage. HERE IS a nice home In Kelter District. Hns 3 bedrooms, ll baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, -hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, full basement with rumpus room, automatio oil heat, far ase. Large lot. NEW 2 BEDROOM home with balh, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, ill electric, car port. 1mm. Poss. Close to bus and school. Price is 17,000. P. H. Bell, Realtor ' 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4896, 2-1545 Evas. 3-6575, 3-7811. 2-6686 al87 Englewood District!! Beautiful new 3 BR home. LR with fireplace. Dining Room, Kitchen with lovely bullt-lns and breakfast nook. Separate utility, Hdw. floors thruout. Unique floor plan extra large rooms, atchd garage. Forced oil furnace piped to all rooms. This Is really a good one at 113.500. F.H.A. Terms. Kenny Real Estate (FORMERLY HUFF REAL ESTATE 341 Chemeketa Office Ph. 33577 or 30614 Evening Ph. 31770 or 33983. al7 BUY NOW Cosy 2 bedroom home almost new. Im mediate possession. Located 8. 17th, close to State. 17,950, with good terms. McKINLEY DISTRICT A new 3 bedroom home, hardwood floors, attached garage, nice kitchen with corner sink, quiet district. Price 8,250. F.H.A. terms. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 231 M. High Bv. Ph. 3-7534 - 1-1724, alBT GRABENHORST SPECIALS NEW bdrm. heme, n.tur.l woodwork In llv. and bdrou., Jnsulited h waather atrlpped. Prlc. $7,950. call Ben Rolaen. 1750 N. COTTAGE ST. 4 bdrnu. 12 jra. old. llv. rm., din. rm., h.U Si bath. 2 bdrmx. down A 3 up, burnt., auto-oil heat, patio, beautiful yard. Close to Catholle and public ichooU. Today'a beat buy. Call Zarl West. CLOSE IN DUPLEX Beat of location auto-oll heat, hom. recently redecorated, excellent taata uaed thruout. Space for court, on rear of lota. Price 116,000. call Coburn L. Orabenhorat. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Liberty at. Eventnta and Sunday, Call Hoy FerrU 3-1010 Peter Oelaer J-19l Zarl Weat 3-1331 FOR SALE BY OWNERS Home With Income Creek lot; oak trees; double garage; 2 tile fireplaces; living hall, dining, carpeted; sunlight kitchen; bath down; 4 BR'i and bath up;east front; close to junior and senior high; oil automatic hot water heat; insulated. 2 furn. apts. separate from house. Consider 2 BR house on trade. Phone 3-7694 FOR SALE HOUSES $1,000 DOWN! 3-bedroom home and 2 separate rentals. Large lot with wonderful garden. Close to school and bus. immediate posses sion. Full price $7,500. No. 265 $1,000 DOWN! 2 -bed room home with floored attic. Dou ble garage, lovely yard with sprinkling system and outdoor fireplace. Built-in deep freeze. Full price $6,200. No. 252 $1,000 DOWN! 2-bedroom home, with very nice garden. Close to school and bus. Wired for range. Full price 15,800. no. 378-a TRADE! TRADE! We have several people who would like to trade their properties. What have you? Reimann for Real Estate 201 South HTgh St. Ph. 3-9203 Sundays and Evenings 3-0713, 2-3738, 2-8241, 2-2532, 3-5905 S1851 A Dream of a House Like new, 2 bdrms,, corner North. Will take late model car as down payment, bal. 346 per mo. Price 37350, 6 NEW 2 ft 3 bdrm. homes $1000 to S1500 down payments. Prices IB035 to 112,500. 3760 down. New 2 bdrm. home. F.H.A. loan. Full price 17850. L. E. Klumpp Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph. 2-7642 Eve. ft Sun. 3-0343 or 2-0126 al85 Drastically Reduced New price only 16950. Large 2 BR home In grove of fir trees. A kitchen you've dreamed of owning. Llnowall bath. OH furn. Oar. This Is a good buy. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129. e!87 Owner Must Sell This 1 yr. old 3 BR ranch-type suburban home located N.E. with untln. attic, lge. kitchen, DR, fireplace, att. ear., hdwd. firs., V blinds, auto, heat, on lse. corner lot. Immediate possession. Priced to sell at 19450. For more In formation see htls al 3855 Sunnyvlew or call 2-2761. al90 FAIRMOUNT VIEW ADDITION, Salem's exclusive residential dlst., right on top of Fair mount hill. Each lot has finest view. Drive up Wash. St. All lots have 90 ft. frontage. Just a few more avail able at 12500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Comm'l fit. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 al94 3600 DOWN and 136 month buys 3 rm hse north on 3 acres choice soil. Elec wtr systm. rrice sji&u. 3800 DOWN and 340 month buys rm hse east In Bwegie district on 3'j acres, smau barn, cnicic nse. price ijboq. I39M FULL PRICE Buys cute and clean garage hse on ,ri acre. Modern In every way. A very good Buy, 88460 FULL PRICE Buys 3 bdrm home In city. Wired for range, elc wtr htr, attached garage, shady lot. CALL PYLE WITH COLRATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552. Eves. 24395 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING al86 SMALL HOIIHE to move or wreck $25.00. 200 W. Luther. a 187 LEAVING STATE Make offer on equity oai. r.ti.A,, new irf, a onrm moo nome att garage, unfinished upstairs, V blinds oil funis re, fireplace, lot 80x140 well planted. See anytime 3675 Scenic View Drive. So. Comm. up Ewald 3 blocks. alB7 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS with water, lights, electricity, bus close to school on Silver ton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 315 down. 315 per month. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3389. aal86 VIEW LOT 85x198. 7 blocks from Salem Heights school. Ph. 20998. aal88 VtEW LOT. 90x08. restricted. City water Opp 845 Vista Ava Ph. 3-4284 aa FAIRMOUNT HILL on Washington St. between Fir and Falrmount streets, facing south. Lovely level lot 50x loo with trees, shrubs and 2-car gar age Only 12150. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. aal86a FOR SALE FARM REDUCED PRICE 33 acres all tillable. East of Woodburn. Mod. 6 rm. home. Fair outbldgs. Fine 7 acre walnut grove. Includes tractor ft equipment, 6 good cows, 60 chickens, hay In barn. For 114,500. STROUT REALTY 995 8. 13th. Ph. 2-5333. blB6 BY OWNER Nice 10 A. firm about 10 miles from Satem. Well Improved mod ern home with nearly all new furni ture. Berries, fruit and walnuts. Deep well. Hay In barn. 2 chicken houses. Price J9500 If taken at once. i mile south Cloverdale achool. Rt. 2, Box 76. Turner, Oregon. bl87 StiLL 3 YEAR LEASE on 13i acre straw- berry field. Furnished cabin 13x33 on property. Propane stoves A tank. Sacri fice due to Illness. Red 141 Bllverton. bl66 BY OWNER Business lntereiti compel us io go oaca east, so wt art selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raipberrles for Income, alto some young fruit trees coming along. The house li nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and ts of smart modern deJ sign, It Is all electric and has manv other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price 117.500 and worth it. One-half mile touth of Clear Lake school, east tide of road. Reese A. Hall. Route 3, Box 364, Salem. b306 M A. WILL, ft AMITY soli. Paved hy eiec.. sen. bus, milk rt., fair bides., O. R Campbell. Rt. 1, Box 269. Wood burn 14 miles N of Salem. My. 319. blB6 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Phone 3-3471 Ben Kolaen 3-1111 a H5' FOR SALE ACREAGE 12-Min. from Downtown ft A. with 3 bdrm. mod. home In beau tiful grove of large oaks. Setting must be seen to be appreciated. Dole, gar., chlx hse., shed 28x36, suitable for small barn, family orchard, berries,, potatoes ft sweet corn ready to eat. City ft school buses. Owner leaving state ft price re duced to 312.300. Consider part trade. On paving, 1 mile E of Kelzer school. Rt. 2, box 49F. Ph. 2-4298. Drive by and see owner or call Bill Hopkins with A. N. Duncan, 12 Ladd ft Bush Bank bids. Ph. 3-9658. bblOO 1 ACRE extending highway 99E to old 99W. Has a good old building on It. Could be remodeled Into a 9 rm. house. Total price 12600. Will consider a rea sonable down payment. Bal. paid by the month. Inquire at Rt. 1, Box 64A, Jefferson. bbl85 27 ACRES 14 miles from Salem. A real money maker. Large 8 room colonial house with fireplace. Only 4 years old. Clean level, well tilled land, planted with bearing apple, pear, peach, cherry and nut' trees. Bal. pasture ft farm land. Barn, machine shed, garage ft 2 poultry houses. Owner forced to sacrifice due to poor health. Price 310,500. Will con sider small house or income property In Salem as part payment. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Eealtor REAL ESTATE Homeseekers Agency Specials 1 acre at edge of city. 6 room and bath, wired for range, etc. This week only 33500, terms. Late list: 76 acres, about 'A cultivated. Valley land, 8 room and bath. Set of farm buildings. Stocked and equipped. 8 head stock. New tractor, etc. 113,500, some terms. All the following must be sold and are subject to offers. Come In and look them over and name your own price within reason. 7 room and bath, close to business sec tion, New paint, new roof and corner lot. 60 acre hill farm. About Va cultivated. Good berry land, 3 room house and set old but usable buildings. 48 acres, close In. Nearly all cultivated, Large poultry set up. Good 8 room modern home and full set buildings. Will sell with or without equipment. FOR RENT: 3 room, modern furnished caoin. aiso a room cottage. 5 LOAN: We have 33600 to loan at 5 on A-l first mortgage. Real-eatatt se curity. Before you rent, sell or buy, contact The Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON Cl85 BEST BUYS 3 BEDROOM All rooms on 1 floor. Full basement. Se lect location. Nice home. Drastically re duced 311.500. Liberal F.H.A. terms. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. OLDER TYPE HOME 3 bdrm. home needs repair but has many possibilities. Full basement. Large lot ft choice location. Well worth 37000. Will trade for suburban prop erty of equay value. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 11000 DOWN New 2 bdrm. home north, Immediate possession. ',i acre. Priv. well. 3 blocks to bus. Total price 35,000. Eve Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 10 ACRES Highway frontage on 99E with many poslbllktles. Very nice 2 bdrm. home. 2 acres excellent berries. Nice setting. Wilt trade for a nice city home. Total price 118,000. Eve. ph. 3-9043 or 3-3558. GRADE "A" DAIRY One of the finest Grade A dairies. 05 acres with excellent buildings. Choice dairy herd. Good farm machinery. No waste land. Everything goes for 836,000. Will accept city home as part payment. Eve. Ph. 3-9043 or 3-3558. Al Isaac & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596 3035 Portland Rd. C187' SPECIAL, $3795 Here's a good piece of property for the price. Located north, on 1 acre of good blrtck rich soil, small barn, own well, l't y-sr old 1 bdrm. home with large living room, kitchen, and utility. House so arranged that an additional bedroom can be added. Owner would consider good used car, and we can arrange fin ancing. Don't expect to see a mansion, but you will have to look a long time to find something better for the price. Only 13795, SEMI SUBURBAN Here Is Just tin place for the large fam ily, a good well built home with full dry basement. Located east, on a paved S'reet. -ih city but by the door. Biie ot ground 350 by 180, If you don't want all the fruit, nuts and etc., sell oft a lot or two. The price is low and good financing can be arranged. SUBURBAN DELUXE iS acreo o: the best land available, good well built three bedroom home I years o.d. full dry basement, living room, din ing rocm, flrt place, double garage, poultry house, all kinds of fruit trees, nuts wonderful garden. The owner e-ants to move out on a good slit farm and will consider a trade, or will tell outright to anyone. This li the type of Place you look for, but Is hard to find. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8318. 185 6 ACRES Out Uth St. Just at edge of City limits. Good 3 bdrm. home. LR with fireplace. Dining rm. OH fur Barn. i A. peachei. 1 A strawberries. Price 110.700. C. W. Reeve Realtor 48 aV Comm'l. Ph. 3-4690. Eve. 3-9596 18S FOR I OUR SAVINGS investment buy a il Mt mortgage on real estate. Salem ft vtetnlty. Examine security yourself Amojnts 3500 io several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6. We make all col lee t ions for you U desired. sTTATI nMAJfOS CO, 1U S. Bits, g $600 DOWN AND 160 A MONTH WILL BUY 3 BEDROOM HOME ON A 95X111 LOT. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL A GOOD 3 BEDROOM HOME ALSO A NEW 3 BEDROOM ELECTRIC HOME. TERMS IF DESIRED, BUILDERS ATTENTION WE HAVE A GOOD BU1LDINO LOT WITH THE BASEMENT DUO. FOR BALE REASONABLE. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! SEE US Wm. Bliven & Co. Realtor 647 N. High St. Ph. 23617. Eve. Ph. 28266 INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED REAL ESTATE FOR EVERY PURPOSE Cl'S' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BRAND NEW SINGER " ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES from $89.50 up. Budget terms. Liberal allowance for your present model. Com plete course in Home Dressmaking given without charge with the purchase of each new Singer. Come in and select yours now or call for appointment in your home. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 3-3512 REAL ESTATE OWNER TRANSFERRED. Must sell. Very nice 3 bedrm. home. Large lot. Kelzer Dlst. Price only 16990. Reasonable down payment; 336.50 mo, G.I. loan. VERY GOOD 3 bedrm. bungalow. Full ce. ment basement; oil furnace. Large lot; nice trees. Price only 810.000. Terms. FOR SALE OR TRADE about 125 acres 11 miles from Salem In Polk Co. Would make a good dairy or stock farm. Mod ern house. Barn 14 stanchions with dlnklng cups. Silo; large machine shed; chicken house; granary. 3 springs; oak trees. Good road. Possession October 1, Price only 38500. Will consider trading for house In Salem, LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3683 Evenings call: 2-4007 or 3-6789. cl87 FOB COURTEOUS, efficient service on your real estate problems please call A. E. DANIELSON 168 N 12th St. Ph. 3-5820. CI91 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED from owner: View 3 bdrm. home. Must be nice. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center cal85 !00 ACRES more or less, wanted by pri vate buyer, Salem area preferred. Give exact location, price, all details Im mediately. Write Capital Journal Box 368. - calflO WANT 1 or 2 bdrm. house in or near Salem, $4-35000, Write Box 274 Capital Journal. cal87 WE ARB In need oi gooa nouses to sell In or neat Salem, If you wish to list your property for 'sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca NOTICE) If your property ts tor sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. ST All FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High St. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 20 ACRES. 5 cows, 2 tractors ft mchy. House with bsmt., furnace, barn, poul try house. Owner would like small home In Salem. WE HAVE several other trades see us today. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. High St. Ph. 2-4129. cbl87 1RADE EQUITY in lKC home lor amall house & lot. Ph. 3-7363. Cbl87 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESIDENTIAL COURT Six beautiful units, A-l condition, part ly furnished, excellent N. Salem loca tion, shows good return on Investment of 137.500. COAST MOTEL 8 units and owners living quarters, beautifully furnished, for sale, or swap for Salem property. APARTMENT 5 Rentals and living quarters, income 1180 mo. To swap for farm up to $12,000. WE LIKE TO SWAP WHAT HAVE YOU? Crawford BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 2-5300 or 3-7451. Cdl85' Excellent Opportunity This very profitable suburban grocery will pay for Itself in l'a years. Owner operates with after-school help only. Ideal for family set-up. Grossed $100, 000 In 1948. Good long lease and draws from best farm trade in valley. Price 38.250 Plus stock. NO. 744 Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sundays and Evenings 2-3738, 2-8241, 2-2532, 3-5905, 3-9712 Cdl85 Restaurant Man Look! Large grade A restaurant with 2 nice modern 3 rm. apartments, located on 99E near Salem, building ft equipment practically new,' lots of parking space, extra room for courts, everything goes for 122.000, 310,000 will handle, easy terms on balance, fixtures ft equipment alone worth over 310,000, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 S. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 25260 cdl87 WANT TO lease small grocery store and fixtures. Ph. 33486. cdl87 GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 3 gas pumps, 8 cabins, 2 mi. N of underpass on Hy. 99E. W. J. Jarnu. Rt. 7, Box 145, Salem. Ph. 34319. Cd307 NEW BUSINESS building for rent. Good opening for variety store or drug store. Inq. at Charnholm'sr Grocery. 2090 N. Commi. cd!86 GOOD GROCERY, meats package beet. etc. Located on easy st. Death rorces sale. Write Capital Journal Box 265. cdiss INCOME PROPERTY One of Salem's best located Trailer Courts. 20 spaces, modern in every way with nicely furnished electric heated home. This property must be seen to appreciate lis real value. A. C. Burner (owner), 1005 South 31st St., Salem. CdlA6 FOR SALE by owner 44'x60 stone blrig.. located in downtown suverton. ideal business location plus monthly Income. Living quarters In rear. Owner leaving state and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free. 12.1-B Fiske St., Bllverton or Phone 373, Stlverton. cdl95 9 Pl'MP filling station bids., lot. equip ment Room to do some repair or iu.it up work. Average about 300 gallons per day. Price 95.000 plus Inventory. Gro cery store bldg. and fixtures. Has nice living quarters with 2 bdrms. Well lo cated and doing good business. Must sell because of Illness. Price 116,000 plus Inventory. CaU O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 1753 i. High St. Ph. 1-4131. Eves. 2-5708 diss- I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TWO HOURS of your time each week plus a small Investment brings good returns. Business well established. For particu lars write box 272 Capital Journal. cd!86 THERE IS no better Investment In Salem than apt. houses. 16 units furnished, all brick, garages, will accept some trade on this. $82,000. 24 UNITS. Very close In, all brick, 385,000. 10 UNIT COURT, all have BR, B. nook. fl-eplace, one block to State Office Bldg. $52,000. DUPLEX, furnished. 316.500. BUSINESS DLDG.. blk of bank, offices dc storage, very good investment. $60,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph, 3-8389, Eve. 3-7440 cd!86 IDEAL LOCATION and setup for small ousmess comDinea witn living quarters. Price 18500. Phone 3-6109. cdlBS FURNITURE FOR SALE KNEE-HOLE desk, practically new. Top 22x44, black walnut finish, $35. 755 Mc Nary, W. Salem after 5:30 p.m. "Any Number Can Play" plus "Night Unto Night." d!88 SWING ROCKER ft Ottoman, 2 rugs 12x 15 and 9x12, combination radio and phonograph, 2 commercial hair dryers, vacuum cleaner (hand model), occasion al table, portable clothes closet, 6 doz. fruit jars. 2 elec. clocks. 2 Plate glass mirrors. 1511 N. Church. dl88 NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY SftH GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 33797 d!85" UNPAINTED furniture, cioseout prices. wuuljkow's. 430 center St d WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and nousenoia articles, notning to Dig or sm. Ph. 38558. da207a USED FURN. Check our prices. Valley furn. Co., 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da208 HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at wooorj Auction Manet. Ph 3-5110. da" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 2 NICE PINTO saddle horses. 1 child's pinto pony. 8100 each. 4310 Bllverton Rd. eiae JERSEY, good family cow. 1 yra. old. 1130. o. R. Campbell, Rt. 1, Box 269 Wood burn. 14 mi. N. Salem. Hy. 219. el86 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. a. i;. Mcuanausn, un a. ao, pn. 3-8147. ea205 PETS ARC REGISTERED cocker spaniel pup. mos. 125, with papers. Ph. 33577. ecl87 FOR SALE beautiful 7 weeks old female come puppy. J 15.00. 495 Hawthorne St. Ph. 35837. ecl86 FOR SALE, Reg. Springer pups. Very good. can jious. eclSfl" MOORE'S tropical fish. New shipment. .naoy Angeis, uamsn, senas, uouramis Rt. 5. Box 483. 2', a miles from Pen 4 Corners on McClay Rd.. Ph. 27321. ec!85 OCGS BOARDED and trained reasonable rates by day or month. Trimming and bathing. Fret Pick-up St dellv. LeGray Kennels, Rt. 8. Ph. 9-1398. ecl91 FUEL TRl-CITY FUEL Fresh cut lawdust. Prompt dellrery. Ph. 2-7442. We give SftH Ore en Stamps. Green 16 In. mill wood. ec SPECIAL Get your winter fuel now and save. Sawdust 14.00 per unit. Good dry slab J8.50 toad, green S6.00 cord. Dry edg tags, 18.00 load, green 18.50 load. Double load 110.00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 35533. eel83 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 18-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash ft maple. 4' fir, 18" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood, Ph 86444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. ph. 1-4969 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day Ph 3-2861 Lee' Hatchery f PRODUCE CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Frank Bello. Ph. 20379. 580 Hollywood Ave. ffI90" EARLY CANNING peaohes. Schlndler Bros.. Grand Island. If 187 ri'CTMBERS. all sUes. J. E. Peterson. Rt. I. Box 402, Wallace Rd. f!187 Journal Want Ads Pay Best Buys in Town 1848 BUICK ROADMASTER. Dynailow, 6600 miles 12490.00 1948 CROSLEY STATION WAGON. Very low mileag 650.00 1948 HUDSON, All acc. Low mileage. 1 owner r 1995.00 1B48 OLDS 68 CLUB Hydramatlc. All acc. 1 owner 1990.00 1947 OLDS 98 SEDAN. Hydramatlc, all acc. A beauty 1920.00 1947 OLDS 78 CLUB. Hydramatlc, all acc. 1 owner 1745.00 1947 OLDS 76 SEDAN. Hydramatlc, all acc. 2-tone grey 1770.00 1946 PONTIAC CLUB. 2-tone, all acc. 1 owner 1530.00 1941 OLDS 78 Club. Hydramatlc, 2-tone. A perfect car 095.00 1941 PONTIAC 6 SEDAN. A-l throughout. Look, only 895.00 1940 OLDS 80 SEDAN. Clean and a beauty 795.00 1941 FORD V-8 CONV. Everything new 835.00 1941 WILLYS SEDAN. New paint. A-l condition 550.00 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. New paint. 1 owner 575.00 Many Others in Year and Models to Choose From at the Lots Where the Fsces Change Often Where? At LODER BROS. YOUR 2410 Fairgrounds Road (open eve.) 465 Center St. "Convention Specials" 1947 6TUDEBAKER SEDAN (Champion) $1495.00 1943 NASH SEDAN 1175.00 1943 BTUDEBAKER LANDOBUISEB (1200 milea) 2450.00 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1395.00 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 695.00 1941 BTUDEBAKER SEDAN 695.00 1937 CHEVROLET COUPE 295.00 1939 BTUDEBAKER SEDAN 1940 BTUDEBAKER PICKUP. i TON 1938 CHEVROLET '.4 TON PICKUP 1Q4 frrtTDERAKER 1 TON PICKUP 1940 BTUDEBAKER COMMANDER Bonesteele Sales & Service 370 N. CHURCH PRODUCE DAHLIAS blooming, order now. Ph. 20514, 1491 7th St. 1 1 180 PICKLING .cukes, .blackberries, .string beans, peppers. Merruis ureennouse, Brooks. 186 BOYSENBERRIES. U-Pick 5c lb. R. G, Doege, Va mile E. Liberty scnooi, Jit. 9, box 21D. rn. ajm, moo THORNLESS blackberries, first picking. U pick 5c. li mi. E. Totem Pole. Carl Woodruff ff!87 GRAND ISLAND Golden Jubilee canning peaches. Under the maple tree at west end of Willamette river bridge, may DELICIOUS TREE ripened peaches are ready at the Jess Mathls Orchard and Fruit Stand 8 miles N. of Salem on Portland Highway. Fine for eating, can ning or freezing. Jess Mathls, Rt. 2, Box 338 Salem. fflB7 PICKLING Cucumbers. Peaches. Berries and Ancles. Frisaards Fruit Farm. l. mile north of Kelzer school.. ff 186 GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester Peaches now on. Blappy to follow soon. One mile out on wauace no. rn. zaam. Moses r. Adams. H194 HELP WANTED TOP YARD for hop picking machine and field crews. Men and women. Also nry house help. Head dryerman. Call before noon If possible. We start Monday, Aug. 8. Ph. 31763. W. W, Graham Hop Yard. 8190 HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co., 6 miles S. of Salem. Picking starts Aug. 12. Ph. 3-7956 or 2-3107. gl87 WANTED adults bean pickers, trans, furn. Starting 2nd picking. Ph. 2-4036. bibs HOP PICKERS wanted, ml. east of Woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. Start Aug. 4th. Harold Bushman, Ph Woodburn 1430. g!88 WE CAN use more bean pickers Frl., Aug. 5th. Stating 3rd picking. Close In, only 2Va mi. out. Bllverton Rd. from Fairgrounds. Turn right at Middle Grove school. Ph. 2-7167. Herr ft R ensche. Rt. 6, 345 H. gl86 HOP PICKERS Mon.. Aug. 8. Williams ft Thacker ranch, 3 "4 mi. west of Sa lem. Dallas Independence Hlway. Drive outs only. gl86 LADY OR MAN, pleasant work. Car necessary. Good earnings. No exp. necessary. Write Box 348 Capital Jour nal. gl86 HELP WANTED MALE MR. STOWELL NEEDS 2 ASSISTANTS. GOOD WORK AND GOOD PAY. PH. 37803 BETWEEN 8 AND 9 A.M. FOR APPOINTMENT. ga!87 FIRST CLASS body ft fender man. Per centage basis. Ph. 39310 after 3:30 p.m. ga!86 SERVICE STATION attendant, 2-3 hours evenings. No lube. CaU before 12 noon, Phone 3-8572. gal86 SER. STA. ATT. One that Is equally In erested In a permanent job that pays 4 dollar per hr as well as 5 o'clock and pay day. Please if you have no desire to work and are looking for a place to loaf, don't apply because you won't last anyway. Randle Oil, 3375 Portland d. gal86 MEN AGE 35 to 40 familiar with Ice cream equipment, to operate freerers. Must have ability, good refer., none smoker. See McKlaus at The Pike, 138 S. Lib erty. gal86a HELP WANTED FEMALE COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Must be experienced, fast and permanent. Good postlon to one who can quality. Capital Journal Box 271. gbl86 LOCAL BRANCH national organization has sales position available to qualified party. Previous sales experience pref erable but not a determining factor. Position requires pleasant personality, neat appearance, and an Interest in interior decorating. Write Box 273, Cap ital Journal giving address and or phone No. where you may be contacted for an Interview on Tuesday, Aug. 9 at our office between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. gbl86 STENOGRAPHER, must tie uod typist. Lumber experience preferable. Answer ing In own hand writing. Giving ex per 1 ce. salary expected and phone. Write Capital Journal Box 367. gb!85 EXPERIENCED GIRL, .Capital Variety Store. 1262 State. gbl66 OPPORTUNITY for permanent position wun a ruture lor gin with lumber in voicing experience. Must apply in per son. 355 N. Liberty. See Mrs. Pickett. gb- EXPERIENCED lingerie and sportswear salesgirl. Apply at Sallys. gbl85 CLERK TYPIST, with working knowledge vi doom ee ping, uive Bge, experience, marital status ft salary desired. Write box 270 Capital Journal. gb WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN to represent the Builders In sulating co. 980 s. commercial. Year round selling position. No canvassing. Prospective buyers furnished dally. If you can sell you can make 9700 to 81000 monthly. Floor time at State fair. See Mr. Stevens. cgl87' EM PLO YME I NT ' AGENci ES ' " OCriCI AND CLERICAL POSITION! CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE per day, any age. New noma, fenced yard, Ph, UMi. H187 OLDS DEALER Phone 2-1490 Phone 2-7973 qI85 5B5.UU 995.00 395.00 (1600 milea) 1395.00 BFDAN 895.00 PH. 3-9277 WANTED POSITIONS FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5522. h207 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th Phone 3-3643 h207 WILL CARE for ambulatory women. 2245 N. Liberty. h!88 NEAT, ATTRACTIVE, middle aged widow, daughter 13, wishes position as house keeper for refined gentleman. Ex per. cook and excel, home maker. Will con sider out of town position. 479 State St., co State Hotel. Mrs. Powers. hl85 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h204 WASHING ft Ironing, 75c per hr. Rea sonable. 506 S. 19th. Ph. 29818. hl85 BABY SITTING. Ph. 20823. BABY SITTING by reliable lady. Phone --B989. h!86 DENTAL NURSE Graduate of S. T, Dental nurses acnooi. Fh. 2-5573. M86 DRESSMAKING ft alterations. Ph. 3-9840 after 3. j,203 GENERAL CARPENTER work. Ph. 3-1339. hl85 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h20I INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h201" CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. M92 PLOWING ft Discing. Ph. 31404. hlB8 CARPENTER WK. New. Repair, Ph. 3-2093. hl87 ney building. Ph. 19702. Fret estimates. hl87 CfcMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h i PLOWING, DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 229577 0202 EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 820 NB Sacramento, Portland - MU 9680 hh20 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING ROOM. Business Dlst. -..w,;...E... aja vemer. 1X186" NICELY FURN. rm. woman with car very reasonable. In nice home to right party. Object companionship, 1088 Cascade Dr. Jkl87 SIEPINO Room employed gentleman. v""'t '" u. -nurcn m. JkI86 SLEEPING RM. PH. 34338. 8 ROOM apt. Elec. heat ft range. Utllltiea iurn. rn. iouHi. Jpl85 SLEEPING ROOM, 461 N. High. Jkl86 SLEEPING RMS. for men. Priv. entr, ft ru. w. or jue, 1SUS . Capitol Ph. 3-342 jk204 SLEEPING Room, 2131 Center. Jkl88 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. 36093. jkl98a FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM. FURN. Apt. Down town. Adults naa.j. imjuiic -Piome notci. jpiBT MOD. s RM furn apt. priv. ent, bath. u.iapaujEU LUUUIC. oJ Union. IDlflO" COOL. ATTRACTIVE, entirely mod. apt. . ....... Hum oime nouse. suitable w too winter. Jpl85" I FURN. APT. for 1 or 2. Clean, close In. ou . unurcn. Ph. 29201. Ipl85" LARGE MOD. 3 rm. apt. suitable for 2 . j uuo.i.csb gins. n. winter. Jpl87 CLOSE IN 2 rm. furn. apt. 850. 035 N. FURN. APT. Priv. bath, upstairs, adults. UNFURN. APT. 399 Mission. PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. ft bath, modern --v. nuuiw. ijiy maaison. jpi94 M. FURN. APT., private bath, utll- iiics iurn. lor i single person. Ph. 3-9138 after 6 p.m. tola IMMED. POSS. 2 rm. apt. Walking dlst. DlB,c w. ah utilities paid. Ph. 23463. iDias. FURN. BASEMENT apt. For employed UpSTA1RS unfurn. apt. for rent or lease. 1 "" V"- oatn. Eiec. heat, tk J1?2P Very nlce Adultl 50. Ph. 24526. 1n1At DANDY FURN. apt. Close In. H. L, Stiff. war i km. rm. apt. Prlr, bath, elec iw.c k neat, west Baiem. Ph. 36398. Jpl86 UNFURN. 3 rm. apt. Prlr. enL ft bath. nvw a. lath. Jpl86 t RM. FURN, Apt. 486 N. Liberty. Inquire on. ricna tteauy. 379 N. High. JolBB" NEnT. V B,R' DUPLEX with Gar. Range, n. ui.nos. call 3-9934 8 to 4:30. JP187 FOR RENT HOUSES FJfJlET or ,ea" 2 bdrm and house acres mues loutn. Ph. 37125. (mm 2 kmRM' HOME with apt. upstairs. No .. .... ... imrcn. l-n. JmtT I BDRM HOME with araaa. Call jmtaa' 1 4 BDRM. HOME la, U, & Din Rm Oil i... . J ,y"rQn o. sm Moore at Ellllrom, or Ph. 3-7M5 E,. or 8un. (Continued on Page 13)