1 a. War Memorial Rites Sunday Silverton The Sunday eve ning dedication of the Youth Luther League hour, was a pro gram in memory of two young who gave their lives in sacrifice during World War II. Rev. S. L. Almlie arranged the affair. Harold Odman was killed in in England in 1943 while on a flying mission. Born in Norway, he was brought to America at the age of 4 years entering the work of the Immanuel Lutheran Sunday school at that age. He attended Silverton public and high schools, took training at Mt. Angel where he earned his pilot's license, later at the Can adian "Little Norway" ports he completed the course for entry into the service in January pre ceding his death later in the year. Albert H. Nerison (Harlan), native of Silverton, parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Nerison. Born December 7, 1922, was trained in his religious life at Immanuel Lutheran church. A graduate of the local high school. Married in January 1943 to Opal Tokstad. His wife and their small daughter make their home with the Olaf Tokstads, her parents, in Silverton. He entered the service February 23, 1943, in the Marines. Took training in San Diego. In Dec ember of the same year was sent overseas and participated In various battles and landings in the South Pacific areas. He was killed in action on the Island of Guam. Brief talks, devotionals in prayer and song, and the formal dedication of the rustic finished fireplace room for the activities of the Immanuel Lutheran young people in the recently constructed , parish house, was an impressive ceremonial in memory of these two valiant young men, fellow members of the group. Minister Will Show Magic Rev. Joseph Kemp, Litt. D., "The Magical Evangelist," will speak and show his magic at the Sunday evening service of the First Baptist church at 8 o'clock. Dr. Lloyd Anderson, pastor of the church, will continue his series on the parables, speaking on "The Parable of the Hidden Treasure." On Wednesday evening, Aug ust 10, a farewell reception in honor of Miss Evelyn Varney will be held Immediately follow ing the regular Wednesday night service. Miss Varney will sail August 26 for Japan where she will work under the Conservative Baptist Foreign Missionary so ciety. The First Baptist church of Salem will assist in her sup port. Annual Camp Meeting In Progress at Park The 10th annual camp meet ing of the Pacific northwest dis trict of the Pilgrim Holiness church is now in progress in Pilgrim park, Salem. Rev. F. O. Carpenter and Rev S. I. Emery are the main speak ers for the camp. These men are well known throughout the nation. The music is under the direction of James and Mary Grace Butler of Colorado Springs, Colo. The principal services are be ing conducted at 10 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The camp ground is located in the Capitola district of Sa lem, at 14th and Carlton Way, reached by a turn west about three-quarters of a mile north of the underpass. The Capitola bus comes near the grounds. At tendants are advised to get off at Duncan avenue and walk straight up Carlton Way to the grove. Stayton Churches iptlst Rev. Winsrd Buckner, pastor Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11 Tralnlni hour, 1:15. Evening service, 8. Church of Chriit Clyde freeman, pas to. Bible school, 10. Worship service, n Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship. Cbnreh of Christ L. M. fleld, minister Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning; worship, 5. Methodist John Moran-K, pastor. Bible Khool, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel lowship, 6:30. Evening worship, 8. Assembly of God Rev. Melvln Stock 11, pastor Sunday school, 10. Mornlni service, 11. Younn people's meeting, 6:45 Evening evangelistic service 7:49. Immaculate Conception Catholie Rv luqtti. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses 6, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. St. Parttck's Catholie Lroni Father Leander Schneider. pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st. 2nd and fith Sundays, mass 10. jo a.m.; ird and 4th Sundays mass at Our Lady of Lonrdea (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule. 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass 8:30 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:31 Baptist Bruce Wake man. pastor Sun day school 10. morning worship 11, Youth Fellowship 7. evening service 8. Church f Christ Wm. F. Mors, min ister. Bible school 10. morning worship 11. Junior meeting 7. Young People's meet ing 7, evening services 8. Methodist church Ret. Fremont Paul, pastor. Sunday school 10. morning wor ship 11, Junior Fellowship 6. Youth Fel lowship 7. Adiembl of God William N. BeaehT. pastor. Sunday school 9:45, morning wor ship ll, children servlca 1.30. Tento servlct . Woodburn Churches Christian Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school. 10: services. 11; C. E.. V. evening services. 8. Assembh of God Lester Gibson, pastor. Sunday schoo, 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:45; y. P., 6:45. Free Methodist Mrs. Rozella B. Doug las, pastor. Sunday school, 8:45; preach ing, 11 and 7:45. Foursouare Arthur Coble, pastor. Sun day school, 0:45; worship, 11 and 7:45; Y. P., 6:45. Church of Jesus Christ of L.D. 8. Sun day school, 10; Sacrament meeting, 11:30. Thr Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of taller Day Saints George Omans, pas- Church school. 10: preaching, ii: Zions League, 7; lecture study, 8, Bethel Presbyterian 3 miles east on Union school road. Earl K. Fenton, pas- Divine worship, ll ana t.jq; y. f. 6:30. First Presbyterian Worship 10; Sunday school 10:45, Church of God Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school, 10; worship, 11 and 8; Y. P., 7. St. Mary's Mission (Episcopal) William Van Meter, Vicar. Holy Communion, 8:30. Bible Baalist Earl Baker. Dastor. Sun day school, 0:45; worship service, 11 and 7:45; Y. P., 6:45. Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N. Chris- tensen, pastor, Sunday school, 10; worship service, 11; Luther League at, 7:30. Gervali Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay, pastor, Sunday school, 10; worship, 11; C. E., 7:30. Method lit Ormal B. Trick. Church school, 10; worship, 11. St. Luke's Catholie V. L. Moffenbeier. pastor. Sunday services, 8. 8:30 and 10:30. Benediction after 10:30 mass Sundays. Nldaros Lutheran (Monitor) Services. 0:30; S. 6., 10:45. Uecker Again Pastor Here Rev Lloyd Uecker will return to the Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church again this year as pastor. This will be his third year at this church During the past year notable gains have been made in all de partments of the church. Many items of furniture have been added to furnish class rooms for the expanding Sunday School. A complete set of visual aid equipment has been added as well as several memorials. The exterior of the church building has had a complete waterproofing job and the wood work painted. Also the parson age has been painted. There have been 39 decisions for Christ and 17 baptisms at this church during the past year. Trinity Lutheran Group Will Picnic Silverton The members of the Dorcas society of Trinity Lu theran church will meet for their annual picnic Friday eve ning, August 5, in the, church park, beginning the program at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Ben F. Browning has re turned from ten days spent at Tacoma where he took a re fresher course under the di rection of Methodist instructors, Rev. James A. Tofte of Cal vary Lutheran pastorate will be absent from the morning wor ship hour Sunday, attending i conference of his organization at Pudget Island. Calvary Na oni society is to meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the church parlors. Thursday pray er service will be at the church beginning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Dallas Apostolic Faith Pastor Away Dallas Rev. and Mrs. Loyce Carver and family left this week for San Francisco, Calif., where he will serve as temporary pas tor of the Apostolic Faith church during the convalescence of Rev. Lowell Montgomery, reg ular pastor of the church. Rev. Carver has been pastor of the Apostolic Faith church in Dallas for the past 1 M years. During his absence from Dal las, Rev. Forrest Damron of Portland will be in charge of the local pulpit. The Damron family Is living Jn the Carver residence. Mrs. Damron is a former Dallas girl, Sarah Edi- ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs P. D. Ediger. Youth Rally Slated Woodburn A Youth for Christ rally will be held Satur day, Aug. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Woodburn Foursquare church A film, "The Salt of the Earth,' frm Evangel Pictures, Inc, will b shown by Arthur Mills, Au rora and Mrs. E. Mills will sing. Willis Geyser will be in charge of the rally and the public is welcome. Mrs. Francis Home Silverton Mrs. Ralph Fran cis has returned to her South Water street home from an ex tended visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. Fran cis is active in the work of the American Legion auxiliary and plans to attend the Salem state convention this week. HOSIERY AND SWEATER MENDING . : . Miller's Downstairs Prnt.(tnnh S?!t?5! MUAMM 45 MILLION cathoik$ 25 MILLION An AP Ntwtfsafur.s Picf.graph I SOURCE t Fednral Council of Chufche9 of Christ in Amer ica Saiem 6 Church Hrthnnv Kvanrellril Reformed Church Marlon and Capitol Sts. Rev. Russell Mayer nAfttor. Sim ri & v school 10. Morntnn wor ship 11. Nell and Jane Nellls. Wycllffe Translators to sierra Zapoieco inciians. Fellowship dinner at l in west, uaiem park. rimt Hnli-1 tit tt.it 348 N. Commercial. Rev. Thomas Gazeleys, speakers. Circle at 6:30; services at 1:30. Institute of Rellgous Science and Philo sophy Inc. Salem Woman"s Club 460 N. Cottage St. Rev. Olive Stevens, minister. Mrs. Ton I Van Ornum, teacher it practi tioner. Sunday 10:30 healing. 11 topic, Miraculous Healing Power. First Bavtlst Churoh Marlon and Lib erty streets. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pas tor. Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel, associate pas tor. Sunday school 0:45 with classes for all ages. Morning worship. 11; "Saints are Born, not Made", Dr. Anderson. Youth meetings 6:45. Evening gospel service 8; The Parable of the Hiaaen ireasure also visiting Christian magician, Rev. Joseph Kemp. Halbert Memorial Baptist Church One mile north of underpass on highway 99E. Rev. C. E Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 with classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11, pastor speaking. Young Peoples league 8:30. Evening gospel service 7:30. Central Church of Christ Chemeketa at Cottage. M. C. Cuthbertson, minister. Bible school 9:45 classes for all. Preaching and worship 10:45 and 8. Mid-week ser vice Thursday 8. Subjects: lu:4a "'ine Successful Church Must Manifest Oreat Love, 8 "The Bible Alone Makes Chris tians Only'. The First Christian Church Center and High streets. Dudley Strain, minister. Associate minister. Walter Naff. Church school 9:45. Morning worship and comun- lon io:au. sermon ' L.eis Begin now", uua ley Strain. Special music. Youth meetings jo. Evening worship 7:45, sermon "sea sonal Religion", Dudley Strain, Special music. St. Mark Ev. Lutheran Church 343 N. Church St. Pastors: Rev. M. A. Oetzen- ancr, D.D., Rev. John Baglicn. 9:45 Sun day school, 11 Church worship service, ser mon topic, "Men of God Abraham", Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 5th and Madison streets. John E. Salisbury, Bishop. Sunday school 10. Sacra- em service ii, evening service o:jq. Christian Missionary Alliance N. 5th and Gaines. Herman J. Bohl, pastor. Sun day school 9:45. Morning service 11, ser mon subject "The Fear of Peoole.' Eve ning service 7:30, sermon subject "One of tne Most violent Attributes or sntan." Orchestra practice 5:30. Young people o:jv, Christ Lutheran Church State Street 18th. C. E. Schuli, pastor. Morning worship at 8:45. Sunday school at 9:50. Divine worship and Holy communion at 11 o'clock, The Bethel Baptist Church North Cot tage and D. street, Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor, Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship and communion service at 11 with the topic, "My Saviour and r. Evening service at 7:30, the pastor discussing the theme, "What About Your Faith," Truth Center 262 N. 'Cottage. Evening service 8 Tues., Aug 9, subject Real Pros perity. Library open 12 to 3. Central Lutheran Church Qalnea and Capitol. G. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Broadcast on KSLM 8:45. Junior service 10. Morning Worship 11. Evening session 7:30 at Puget Island, Luther League Cir cuit convention. Salem Helxhta Communltr Church Non denominational. Liberty Road at Madrona avenue. Rev. T. C. Brown, pastor. Sun- nay scnooi lu. rreacmng at ll. First Church of Christ. Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa sts. Sunday school ii. Morning service ii. sermon subject: "Spirit." Nursery for children up to 8 years of age provided during the morn ing service. No evening service during AUgUSl. United Pentecostal Church 445 Ferry street. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sun day school 9:45. Morning service 11. Ser mon subject "The Effect of Receiving the Spirit." Evening service 1:45, sermon sub ject, beware j-csi ire at. First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter. Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L. Goodenberger, assistant pastor. 9:45 Church school, J. J. Fltzslmons, sup erintendent. 10:55 Morning service, "The Grasp of a Fool", sermon by Mr. Gooden berger. S Youth fellowship. Knight Memorial Congregational Church 18th and Perry St. Minister. Louis E. White. Sunday school 9:46. Morning wor ship 11, sermon, "Enduring Foundations". Church time. Nursery. lor the small chil dren ot parents attending this service. Jesus Name Pentecostal Church 1175 Lewis street. Ronald V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school 10. Morning Worship 11. Evening evangelistic service 1:45. Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Wahlman, pastor. Sun day school 10. Morning worship II. ser mon topic, "When They Had 8ung a Hymn." Youth followship 7. Evening ser vice 8, topic, "A Crowned Saviour", Methodist Rev. Fremont Paul, minister. Sunday school 10. Morning worship 11. Junior fellowship 8. Youth fellowship 7. Church of Christ Wm. P. Morse, pas tor. Bible school 10. Morning worship 11. Youth meetings 7:30. Evening service 8:30. Assembly of God William N. Beachy, pastor. Sunday school B:45. Morning wor ship 11. Evening service 7:45. Youth ser vice 7:15. 100 EXTRA for 2 wk "ust in case" COSTS ONLY $1.40 Get $100 from Personal on sal-re-, furniture, or car. If used re pay Personal In monthly amounts. If not used, return it after 2 week and pay only si. 40 charges. Loans made to pay bills, medical expenses, repairs and other needs LOANS $25 to $500 on Auto T&i&cnat FINANCE CO. 518 State St. Room 125 C. R. AI.LE.N. Mr. Lie. S-122 M 165 Phnn. .'4C4 Lws mmtt t tmUm 1 tt mi ns is w : ; : ; : Jews 5 MILLION Eastern Orthodox 1 MILLION Dallas Churches First Presbyterian Earl William Ben- bow, D. D.. pastor. Sunday school, 8:45, Morning worship, 11. Sermon by Dr. How ard H. Preston of the University of Wash ington. "First Hand Observations or Mis sions In China." Dr. and Mrs. Preston will speak Sunday evening at 6. First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon by the pastor. "Your Religion, What Is It?" Fellowship hour, 6:30. Chris tian Endeavor, 7. Evening evangelistic ser vice, 1:45. Sermon, "Our Foreign Policy." First Methodist Clark S. Ens. pa.slor. Unified family service. 10. Sermon. '"When We Can"t Sleep." first in a series on "Keys to Better Living." Intermediate youth fel lowship, 7. Join with Presbyterian church to hear Dr. and Mrs. Howard Preston, a. Mennonlte Brethren O. H. JantKen. pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Worship ser vice, 10:45. Christian fellowship groups, 7. Evening service, 7:45. Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron. Inter im pastor. Sunday school, 9:30. Morning service, 11. Evangelistic service, 7:45, Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren A. P. Toewa, pastor. Sunday school,, 9:35. Divine service. 11. Sermon. "The Other Side." r euowshlp groups. 1:30. Baptismal candi dates will relate experiences at evening service, 8:15. Grace Mennonlte J. J. Recler, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. voung peoples meeting, cjo. Evangelistic service, 8:15. Evanxclloal United Brethren R. Wil liam Elmer, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 Worship hour, 11. No evening service. Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship. ii. .evening service, a. Trinity Lutheran Karl Ufpr. nastor. Sunday school, 10. Divine service, 11. Christian Science Sunday school. 9:45. Morning service, 11. Subject of the lesson-sermon for the week is "Spirit." Fall City Seventh Day Advenllsl Ralnh Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school, 9:30. rrcacning services, ii. Church of God Henrv Loot-nn nastnr Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship. 11. Young people's meeting, 6:45. Evengellstlc service, 7:45. Assembly of God L. Otis Trinlett. nas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship. 11. Vesper service, Christ Ambassa dors, junior cnurcn, e:46. Evangelistic meeting, 7:45, Seventh Day Adventlst Ralnh Gladden. pastor. Sabbath school, 9:45, Sermon, 11. St. Thomas EDlsconal Cvrll P. Hannev. pastor. Church school, 10. Morning prayer. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11, Christian Endeavor, G:30, Bridgeport Sunday School H. Schmidt, supi. ounaay scnooi, iv. Free Methodist R. W, McCormick, pas tor. Sunday school. 9:45. Preaching 11. Evening service, 7:45. First Baptist Sunday school, 9:4)5. Morn ing numine, ii. 41 aiiiing uiiiuii, (, eve ning worship, 8. Church of Christ Bible studv. 10. Com munlon, 11. Sunday evening study, 6:30. Eola Sunday School Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship, n. Union Missionary Baotlst Harmonv community. W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday scnooi, io. sermon, u. Rlckreall Sunday School J. N. Thiessen, supt. Sunday school, 9:30. Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert John son, pastor. Sundav school. 10. Sermon. 11 Young people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, a. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday ntJiuui, ju, one ram em meeting, 11:49, Oak Grove Chanel Fremont Faul. min later. Morning service. 0:45. Sunday school louows. Youm leuowship each Sunday evening. Falls City Methodist James H. Royer. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor ship, ll. St. Philips Catholic Father H. Herman, pastor. Mass. 10:15. REVIVAL MEETINGS Beginning Aug. 7, 7:45 P.M. Henry's Hall, Corner Leslie and 12th St. Every Nite Except Saturday AUSPICES Open Bible Standard Churches Guest Speakers Every Week COME HEAR The Old Time Gospel Preached by Dynamic Preachers Good Musical Program each night by Talented Musicians INSPIRATIONAL SINGING We Cordially Invite You to Attend REV. A. C. GRIMES, Director Spend Sunday at : First Baptist TWO RADIO BROADCASTS: 9:00-9:30 a.m. KSLM "First Call" 11:00-12:00 a.m. KOCO "Church of the Air" Pastor Anderson preaches at both Sunday Services! 11:00 a.m. "Saints Are Born, Not Made" (Second in a series on I Corinthians) 7:45 p.m. Sacred Organ Concert Lois Schmidt at the organ 8:00 p.m. "The Parable of the Hidden Treasure" (Fifth in a series on the Parables) HEAR and SEE the MAGIC of DR. JOSEPH KEMP at our evening service. THE MAGICAL EVANGELIST WILL MAKE THE EVENING ALIVE FOR YOU! REMEMBER the great outdoor evening service on SUNDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 14 MARION SQUARE PARK First Baptist Church Marion at Liberty Daily Meetings By Van Ornum Daily noon-hour devotional meetings, beginning at 12:15 ev ery day, Monday through Fri day, are now being conducted by Toni Van Ornum at 262 North Cottage street. The public is invited to at tend, and may feel at liberty to leave at any time during the meeting. Saturdays at 4 p.m., round ta ble discussions are held at the I same address. Toni Van Ornum recently came to Salem from Los An geles. She is a graduate of the Institute of Religious Science and Philosophy of Los Angeles. A series of classes on. "The Woman You Want to Be," will begin August 12 and be held each Fridayi night at 8 o'clock thereafter at 262 North Cottage. The Rev. William Byron Charles, who assisted in con ducting science of mind meet,-, ings in Salem this summer, has returned to Los AnReles. Silverton Churches Church of Jesus Christ of the Latlrr Hay Saints (Mormon) Sunday school, 10: evening service. 7. Christian Science Sunday school, 9:45; service, 11. Paul's Catholic Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10; week days, 8. Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school, 0:45. Divine worship, Young People s society. 8:45. Evan gelistic, 8. Church of God Rev. E. E. Nix. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour, 11. evening service, o. Serenth Day Advenllst Elder A. D. Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local elder, In charge. Sabbath school, Satur day, 9:30. Morning worship, 11, Saturday. Sunday evening evangelistic service. Marquam and Molalla Con trerat Ions. Methodist Rex Kendall, pastor. Joint pastorate. Forenoon services at Marquam, afternoon at Molalla. Pilgrim Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, James Graham, supt., Virginia Alger, assistant. Sermon by pastor, 11. Young People meet, 7. Evan gelistic sermon, 8. Christian and Mlsslonarv Alliance Gordon T. Bralvold. minister. Services deferred. Annual camp meeting at Canby. First Christian Church Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school, 9:45: Com munion and sermon, theme: "All Things Common." special music. Senior Chris tian Endeavor. 7; evening service. 8, ser mon hour the answering of your questions pertaining to Christian Living. Afterglow at the parsonage home of Rev. Bates and Mrs. Bates for the young people. Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte. pas ir. Sunday school and Bible class, in- 3 services Sundav. Auousl t. nminr at run j si mm conierence. Christian and Mlsslonarv Alllnno. Gordon T. , Bralvold. pastor. Sundav school, classes for all ages, 10: morning worship, 11. pastor sneaking vnrnl nin Mrs, dunnar Rustad. Evening evangelis tic service, 8. Young people, both Junior avium , iiiccL ouiuiay, 1 p. m. Trinity Lutheran M. .1. K Fuhr n.i No Sunday school classes, vacation for muiim ui August, uivine worship, 11. Pastor Luther Borcren. snenklntj. Mr nnri Mrs. A) Clementsen in charge of special music. No league meeting until August Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlie, pas tor. No Sunday school during month of August. Divine worship, 11, sermon by Rev. Arthur Morck, missionary recently of Columbia, South America, special ..ubi. uumer league, v:jo p. m. Topic, discussion, "in the Beginning, God." Methodist nn p nmu-nn. ini.i.. Church school. 9:45 a. m.. nursery and classes for other age groups, General worship hour, 11, sermon by minister. " """" 1 .jo ounaay evening. Translator Will Speak Neil and Jane Nellis, Wy cliffe translators, will tell about their work among the Sierra Zapoteca Indians at the morn ing service at 11 o'clock at Beth any Evangelical and Reformed church, Marion and North Capi tol streets. Gov. Alexander Spotswood was partially responsible for the construction ot the first iron works in Virginia in 1716. Mill City Churches PrrthyterUn Dr. David minister. Sunday school, services, 11. Ferguson, ; morning Christian Thomas Courtney. Jr., min ister. Bible school. 9:45: morning wor ship. 11. Christian Endeavor hour, 6:30; evening worship, 7:45. Free MethodistDonald Hlnkle. pastor. Sunday school. 10: morning services, 11: evening worship. 7:30. Communltr Rev. Wayne Wat kins, pas tor. Sunday school, 10: morning worship, 11. Evening services. 7:45. LUMBER Have some excellent buys in 2x4 to 2x12 framing lum ber at $20 per thousand. Also some for $15 Will cut plank ond timber to order, etc. Contractors let us give you a bid. No job too large or too small. Get your lumber at the mill and save, electric crane to load with. Also cement, shingles, nails, millwork, etc. Huddlesron's Retail Lumber Yard Phone 4012 Route 2, Silverton, Oregon PLASTER CRACKED? ! Brush on NEW WALL This Low-Cost, One-Coat Way! I- t COLORS LIKE PAINT RESURFACES LIKE PLASTER . . fills cracks! mends breaks! gives you beautiful NEW wall surfaces for as little as $4.65 a room! Brush on NEW WALLS with yy in j a amazing new pruuuuu mixen ;vj with water and stays mixed, jvj ready for use at any time. Easy & to addIv BDrcads as smoothlv as butter. 8 lovely colors and white. Many decorative surface finishes possible. Dries in 4 hours . . . becomes plaster-hard. Try DRAMEX today I I GET YOUR FREE 7. DRAMEX COLOR CARD FROM... AURORA IH'II.DING SUPPLY Aurora, Orejcon R. L. ELFSTROM COMPANY :tl Court Street EPPINO LUMBER COMPANY BK0 Fiher Road nuii.nisr. - Slnylon - SI'PIM.V Mill Cllr kkizkii nnr.niNr. supply ci Salrm Koutc 8 LONfiHKM, liUMHRR CO. Hubbard, Orrcnn DICK MKVKR MfitlllFR CO. 2ft I,atia Avrnue ! STAYTON III II DlNfi HUFPI.T Stayton, Orerort MADI BY THI MAKERS Or BONDIX 5-J55 phg. mab a gllft, f $465 r tuc Btinnnu rt II. Lul Chltag V, DLl S Hill aakl famfr '- if lla.$3j,lsr?Jrl a Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, FINANCIAL Bl'IMtEK WILL sell 13745, S'.feT. contract on new nume. Sarns 11012.40 Interest in 1011 monthly ppvmrnU ot 144.05. Cat! R V. Lorena. Phone 3-4284. t PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and term, on largei loans lont and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS 130 Sot"h Commercial 8t Phona 3-9)81 $ CASH $ ' $25 to $500 FORNITORE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loans up to 1500 Come In or phont Hollywood Finance Co. 1091 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 LIo N M369-S291 Fiord Kenyon, Mht t GENERAL FINANOB CORP. LOANS Lie 8-138 and U-33S and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS '130 S Com mere I a St Tel 3-0181 f FARM AND CTTT LOANS and Br. VUUH OWN TERMS ol repayment within ren.ion Cash for Real Estate contract. and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO aOl Pioneer Trust Bldi Ph 3-7183 r" SEE U TOR ATTRACTIVE PARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4Vir, INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. AUTO LOANS WILL AM FTTH CREUH CO 182 8 Church Parking Plenty Ph I-34S7 Lie No M-lMt 8-154 DIRECTORY HIDING MACHINES All makes used mt chines sold, rented repaired Rneo 45 Court Pbnn 1-A713 APPLIANCE SERVICE TKCTKIC HOME appliance repair servlci new appliance V'.uce'a Eieclrlc Phont free estimates Tiade-lns accepted on 1-9239 tnl S Libert j Si Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ina to Sell But Service." Phona 2-4602 Prompt. o30S' AT UR DOOR GRINDING '.awn mower sharpening and repairing Dexter's Pn 38833 o' AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warrant) Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co 153 S Liberty Ph 3-6955 o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towtni service day phone 1-9186 Nlgm 2-1804 33"' Center o" Mike Pa nek. 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists O208 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms, No down payment Phone 2-4850. o HUILDING CONTRACTORS Tongue and groove chmney , blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarless Block Co. Ph. 3-7324. o205 1IULLD07.ING Bulldozing, leveling it fine grading. Prompt service. A. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1264. o207' Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306. 0187 Du lk.07.lns. Icvellne, road bldn, clear- In it, teclh tor bruAh. Virgil Huakej. 1010 Fnlrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem ol86 UimiNESS A PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE Telephone answering nrrvlce, Day-ntte. Your secretary. Ph. 39133. ol95 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash rental et Al makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 450 Court Ph 3-6773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys bacuum En ley, 771 8. 21st, h. 3-7176. CUSTOM IIIITCHEKING Custom killing, curing Si smoking and locker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co., 25th it Turner Rd. Ph. 34858. o21P DRAFTING SERVICES Home planned it designed by an ex perienced architectural draftsman. Hour ly basis. 2239 Mill or Ph. 3-4083. olSB ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce' Electric for electrical wiring contracting, repairing 157 8 Libert v Ph 3-9239 o EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoc, Dragline, shovel. Free estimates E L. BnatwrJght. 410 Oregon Bldg. Ph MhuZ. o202 KXCAVATINQ A GRADING Excavating it grading. Ben Otjen it Son. 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 330B0. o229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. o208 Br.ltti.uot't for (lower. Ol.l 1-0179 0 JAISTCIK SKRVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Srrvlce Floor Wnxlng Buildings - Factories - Homes EMimflttvi Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG-. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 o INMJLATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. I.ANDSCAPf NURSERY A Doerfler A. Sons, Ornamentals. 150 . Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1332. o' I.AWN.MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. o207" LAWN MOWER HIIAKPENING At you: door lawnmove sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 36833 FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL OFFICES For Professional Purposes Newly Decorated Corner Liberty and Court Over Sally's Ph.3-3711 $100toJ1000 Auto or Ptrtonal OR MORI 'COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLAJV l NCO PO N A T I D,B 460 N. Church St Ph. 1 - Friday, August 5, 194911 DIRECTORY HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R Watkin-i Co products Pree de .very 1117 Center Ph 3-5391 o MATTRESSES Capital Beddioe Phone 3-4063 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St Ph 3-7569. oiaa- OFFICE FCRNITCRK St SUPPLIES Des. chairs, files and tiling supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, dealt lamps typewriter stands, brie! cases. 9lerce Wlrs Recorders. Roen. 466 Court. Spraj or brush painting. Ph. 22664. o201 Ext. Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rates. Pn. 3-4HBZ. oiau If Strom's are equipped to do Tour painting; Phone 2-3493 o PAI'ERHA.Nt.INO Expert PaperhaiiBlnit and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-58C8. Free est. o201 Kcmtonlnir. Interior decorating, Iree es tlmntcs. Ph. 20501 ol99" Bldg. maintenance, painting. Ph 20501. repair, 0l99 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING Call 22608 (or vour Painting & Paper hanging. Attractive rates. ot97 Don Lucero, Ol03 Phone 3-4360 or 2-65S4. PAlntln and pnpernnnglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513 B57 Shipping. olUB I'H'TI'RE FR AMINO Plc'ure frsmtng HutcheoD Paint Store. Pho.e S-P87 o Fisher, R-14 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. 0208 I'-M'NING-SPRA VINO Phlh W Betlfce h. 2-1208. o203 SAND & RRAVLX Vnlle? Sand St Grave, Co Sill, sand A Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel St cau. Tractor scoop trucks tor dirt moving. Ph office 24002. res 37148 o SEWERS AND SKl'Tir TANKS Elect. 1o Roto-Rooter Exclusive Paten! Razor Jhsrp Steel Cutting Blades, Clean Hewer.t or Drains Septic Tana Cleaned Rem, Ph 1-5321 or 1-9468 Sf.ITIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleanM. Roto Rooter Service on Sowers. 107D Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9408 3-5327. o209 K , llnmel. Septic t sinks denned. Electric machine service on sewer nnd drain llnrx Ounranteed ftftrk. lH3-8th Sr. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol97 Care taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd'i Septic Tank Service. 2545 State. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671. O202 All makes repaired, free estimates. SlnitPr Sew Inn Machine Co. 130 No, Commercial Ph. 3-3312. oB TYPEWRITERS Smith Oorona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables Ail makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 458 Court. o TRANSFER STORAGE iOca) St Distance Transfer, Btorattt. Burner oils, coal S briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent for Be kins. House hold soods moved to anywhere In D.S. Ol- cannda Larmer Transfer St Storage. Ph 3-3131 o" VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Pree est Phone 37328. Klmer the Blind man o Venetian blinds made- to order as low as H 50 a blind. Phont Sears 3-9191 for free estimate, ol90 Salem Venllnn Blinds made to order or re finished Relnholdt A Lewis. 2-3C3B. WEATIIERSTRIPI'ING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5f)f!5. O208" WELL DRILLING Fred Wymoro. Rt. 2 Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. 02 10 WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt it Lewis Ph 23639. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vlndow Cleaners Windows, walls it woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-3337, 347 Court Lang doc, Culbertson and Mather. WOODS A WING Wood sawing Ph. 2-1575. WOOD A SAWDUST West Salei. Fuel Co. Ph 2-4031. (Advertisement! Life 'Saved my A Cod-tend lor GAS-HEARTBURN'' Wtien MrwMtnmarh nold rniwra painful, purfnrnt lng rim. sour fltomnrh mid heart liuni. doctnmu.iualiy prwrrllie the fiwteM-nf ling nudlrlnra known fur nyrnntomatlerrllrf mi-dlrlnrfillkothiincln Itcll-sna TnlilpM. No lntMlvc IMI-nnn hrtnj;n rntnfnrt 1 n a Itfly or mum iHittlctoinfurdouiila money linrk. BELL ANS for Acid Indigestion 25i Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use our Chinese remedies A marina success for bOOO vears tn China No matter with what itlmentA sou are afflicted disorders dnusltls heart lungs, liver, kidneys tas, constipation ulcers, dlabetea rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever ikln. l in ale complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CIIINE.SK HERD CO. Offlct lluurs V to II T'lea and Sat. Only 284 N Commercial To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 J00 ,. It, i r .oj r "00 I i. . I 27.?. K!2P ,? 4161 0 4 A' -0L O 7