10 Capital Journal, Salem, Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER Chapter 18 Prisctlla lay awake for a long time that night, thinking about the peculiar situation in which she found hersell. She was having one man's baby and she was beyond all doubt, in love with another man 6he admitted that now. Priscilla was still awake when Kenneth came heavily up the stairs and lurched into the loom. He fumbled for the light switch, fin ally found it, and switched it on full In Priscilla's face. She b inked, blind and helpless as a kitten. Kenneth came and stood over her. "I seen you this afternoon with James," he growled. "An' I know what you was up to tonight, uet up!" He began to call her names. Priscilla sat up on the side ol the bed and began to grope Tor her bedroom slippers, the foolish pink ones she had had when she was first married. She could not find them. Her eyes were not yet used to the light ... "Get up, I tell you!" shouted Kenneth and with that he put his powerful hands cruelly on her arms. Jerking her to her feet. The next few minutes, before unconscious ness came, were a blur to Priscilla She heard Kenneth say somethinp about "no wile of mine . . . gonna run around mcetin' men on the street ... no better than a street walker ... bet it ain't my baby ..." And then a blinding, ripping pain as his big fist hit her full in the face. For what seemed hours she lay writhing on the floor, but when she finally regained consciousness, she wasn't in the Kent home any more. She was between cool sheets A white-capped nurse was bending over her anxiously. Priscilla was alive , . . barely . . . but the baby? It was not until several days later that she received a reply and by that time she knew without bein6 told. The baby was dead. For two weeks Priscilla lay in her hospital bed, so ill that she scarcely knew what was happen ing She was conscious of one fact only. Her baby a little boy had been born prematurely and had died. The day Priscilla was ready to leave the hospital, vioia ana uaniei came to take her to the Hayrien home. Their- faces were troubled and Viola watched Priscilla anxious ly while Daniel carried her out to the car. As they started off, no one said anything and Priscilla was left to her thoughts. "Where is Kenneth?" She could not help asking. To her surprise Daniel answered, instead of Viola. He spoke grimly. "He's gone," said Daniel. "We don't know where he went, but we know why. A man can't mis treat his wife like that and gel. away with It In this town. I'm so ashamed of him I can't fnce peo- f)Ie. My own brother doing a hing like thatl" "The police came for Kenneth," Viola was saying, "but it was too late. I guess when he realized what he had done, he sobered up pretty quick.' He left In a hurry without taking any of his clothes." Priscilla found that she didn't care to discuss Kenneth any more. It did not matter now where he had gone or why. She simply honed that he wouldn't come back. She was tired, so tired that she wanted only to crawl into hev bed at home and know that her father was there In the house, Then she would be safe. "Where Is Dad?" she askpri "Did he have a lot of work to do and couldn't come after me?" The silence lasted so long thn t he turned to look at Viola. Vi ola's lips were moving as If she were trying to frame words, or perhaps saying a small prayer. "Priscilla," said Viola flnallv. "Your father hasn't been well for some time and ..." It was not necessary for her to continue. Pris cilla knew. She did not erv. Even after Daniel and Viola had tnkon her up to her room and loft her there alone, she did not cry. Little Drusle, when she brought milk and crackers tor Priscilla'.' lunch, exclaimed, "Prls. please eat. You haven't had a mouthful since you came home yesterday after noon. Plense, Prls." "Come here, darling, and let me kiss you," sluhed Priscilla, She 17 VI m Oregon, Friday, August S, 1949 sat up and took the milk and crack ers quite docilely. But when she tried to stand on her feet, the room seemed to sway with her and she felt unsteadily for the bed, "I don't know why I m so weak," she complained as she fell back on her pillow. "I guess I'd better sleep some more." She heard Drusle slip out of the room and shut the door quietly. A few minutes later she heard Gertrude's voice outside in the hall. I came over as soon as I could," said Gertrude. "Don t open that door!" It was her mother's voice and she spoke sharply. "Why not? Is she asleep 7 I'll stay till she wakes up." . on, no, i don't tnink you win." Gertrude was standing her ground. Priscilla heard her voice rise slightly. "Just what do you mean, Mrs. Hayden? I'm Priscilla's friend." "Well," said Mrs. Havden. "I don't approve of all of Priscilla's friends and you're one I certainly do not approve of. She's under my roof now and she's got to do what I say this time." It Is your roof now. isn't it. Mrs. Hayden?" cried Gertrude. "Well, let me tell you something If living here means she's going to oe completely unacr your thumb I'm going to do everything In my power 10 gee ner oui ,01 here. u was nearly dark when Pris cilla woke and she was alone She turned on the light and de spite her dizziness she got up and waiKea io cne Damroom. Drusle, eviacnuy nearing ner inoUiteos. came running up the stairs to see now sue was lee Ine and insisted on helping her dress. Presently, James came up too and tried to cneer ner, Dur, ootn Be and Drusle avoided any mention of the alter cation between Gertrude and Mrs. Hayden. They finally persuaded her to come down to dinner, though they were both obviously apprehen slve of what Mrs. Hayden might say. It seems to me you could have made an effort to come downstairs nnd help receive our friends. If only out of respect to your father," smcl Mrs. Hayden tartly. Priscilla, flushed at this unfair rebuke, but she had no intention of being party to any disturbance while her lather's Body lay in the House, and she replied quietly that she hoped to be able to stay down ,rom now on. (To be continued) Indispensable Two-Plece You'll find this two-niece a perfect choice lor one of the new crisp fabrics! The lacket has a rippling peplum to iiently round the hinllne; the skirt Is the ensv six-gore styling. No. .IMS is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, IS, 20. 36, 38 and 40. Size 16. 41. yds. 30-in. SUMMER Li the time for pretty styles the Fashion Book the place to find them. Everything you need for that wonderful two weeks with nay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION ROOK brings vou over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing Price Just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name. Address, and Stvle Number State Size desired. Address CapUni Journal 552 Mis sion hi. Ban PTancisco 5, Calif R 2539 Sunhnnnet Rusle Little charmers of one, two or three years will look just like beautiful dolls In this em broidery etched sun-back dress and malching open crown bonnet. It Is easy to make and simple to launder. Use fine cotton or gingham and trim with gay ric rac and pretty posies. Pattern Envelope No. R2539 con lalns tissue pattern one. two and I three years, included, tracing of de signs, coior cnart, material require ments, sincn illustrations and mak ing and finishing directions. To obtain li.e oalrn send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number vour name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 8:8 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3 Calif t,nt'" ' - TIME TO STOP FOR I THAT'S THE WORST "I MV IRVS CASHIER IN THIS HOT- 1 GOOD EVENING, "BO'KAY SJ TH MAN WHO - DINNER, STEVE PART ABOUT WORKING IN 1 DOG KENNEL, ROBERTS-SO KEEP J MEET A NEVV-ER-EMPLOYEE SHARED MY TABLE l i 1 I CAni 'O I I I p AwDfin Jon S0 9, IBYOSOOOERS 'ROUND N1SHTS f TIB UP HERE NICE SECLUDED jli TOR A LITTLE v4lE-BUT I'D CHtS R I TO Twin SOJZ" US-QET A LOT O' BJ ? I 6PCTT HEffT A CAN O' BEANS- (ft! i GET AWFUL SICK O' BBN' A f 1 ' VOU MEAN TO N I THAT'S RIGHT. EMBERT "t V GOSH'-WHAT NOTHINS-AS YWEU-.MY REASON'S fftTSll J SAY THAT THE TOLD M6 YESTERDAY YOU CAM 1 DO) LOMS AS YOU 1 SUCH A SHORT OKIE AJr. WATERIM MY LOT HIT A VEIM OF NOXASE ABOUT IT, DOM'T USE THE ANVVvAV THAT IT'THATS T ISNOXAGE ANIDTHATSN --) WHEN YOU BEGAN V RULV?yWAME 1 CAKl'Tf WOMT MAKE WHA7 1 j H VVy lJTr,!4, S TdO ANYTHIMt MW4 DIFFERENCWANTED I'TAIW'r NO SEMSE A-nOONIM' AH KNOWS Y BUT; OH-EF AH 'MtMk I ONLY ONE WHO Kit W3 H CO T WHY, CHILI,'.' W3 JEST T' 1 BOUT L?L ABNER.CUSS YO' b HE CAIWT A CO ONLY HAVE HIM Vtji I LEGALLY HAVE THET f BE A IS YO SAVIN' ADOPP Lll. "1 BOMANTICAL BONES.' HE'S BE HAH Y NCAR ME.-JEST T BUT I LOUT ABOUN' THAR HOUSE MARRIED YO'D BE. GgSf ABNER?- I I- fu'CCOLffPf HILLS HE'S I NO MO'- -AN' FEED HIM- J IM- STOOP1D 'NUFF TAOOPP WIFA COMMIT MARRIAGE AH WOULD.' I OUTA ORCOO-LAY-SHUN TILL NOW THET AN' SEW ON HIS T POSJIBU.' HIM. NAMELY-A HUSBIN - WIF SOME OTHtB I -AN' ' HE REACHES TH' AGE! O' HE'S A JL BUTTONS- . MARRIED WOOMIN 'ggp EF AH Vn- VARMINT J0f TH' ISOB.1 1 CONSENT. NAMCLY 35.' YC RWIKI-Jfe JLrV VIF A HUSBIN !! W , aLST ' 3M S?&??FP" ISWASTIN' YO'TIME.LON&IN' Jfi. ir: ffZ) T-r yi4? V VBIIP V BETTER-' s'rEART jy MOW, OSTRICH,) WHAT I I'M BHDIM' f YOU BOOB! VOU YHOCM TELL I ( " AMP Hf LAUGHSrMUTT'THIHKS USSEH TO A l!HA VS$ OUT IF PONT KNOW ANV- Wi P THE jjVS ITS AOV! - I'M DUMB BUT M, THIS'-- tppV THATS A THING ABOUT V-.A OSTRICH tf IF SUE LAUGHS. HC.AUVAYS Vl!Frch BOY OSTRICH L-e.STRICHS' fOUT?) A FUHNV Cfgj VvELlTTHEN, (Tfe FALLS FOR MY " ' ' 3 T iSiSi3iiiilllSiSWrM l uujt A I IVOU'RE MR.TATE'S 6UESTS, I RECKON. WiTlj W 6000 NI6HT! IS THAT "Slliiyi 1 NOP BOATS I'M HRST MATE PIKE, AT VOUR SERVICE. iifj i WHAT WE'RE 60H6 JS1 MW.MARVWORTH.VOU ) YEAH! AND HE SHOllO PENSION I I HE'LL DO THE RIGHT THIN6 KATHERINt!- cotlfMeS ' MTHTHELATil 5AV? - SORT OF A HER FORIFE!;V bEJa,Li - BY HER--0LD DRUM ALWAV5 0ON'l 1 LEAVE. ME-.'. Sa raoa"..BUT.. ' HOUSEKEEPER- ? TP"?" ' 'Th.M PAy$ ofF- 'TO ANYBODY WHO UON LtAVt ML .11 Mli.GRUNWM. --BUT- ELW H"- RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAT 5:00 Fultan Lewli, Jr. Woman'i Secret Rhythm Kanch Curt Masey : Frank Heminrway Sunny Side Rhythm Kanch The Little Show Paiiinr Parade Newi Blng Croiby Sonw ol Pralrl J Carmen rrUtr Hkliard Huknm Sport Pate Larry LeSuer 6:00 Ted Drake Eitht by Request Canfllt. LM A Knoi Manning i Ted Drake Flihl by Requeet Silver Danda on Parad M Adv. of Cnamp. Paletta at Piano Newi Chet Huntley M Muile Elmer Peteraon Fiahcatter Newi 7:00 Gabrlet MeatteT" Wrbitrr Saya Pat O'Brien Thla la Broadway :I5 Nnrthweat Newa Webster Savi Basehmi Thla Is Broadway :30 Fishinc, Hunting My Good Wife Baseball Thia la Broadway :46 Fishlns, Hunting My Good Wife Baselinll Thii ! Broadway 8:00 Old Barber Shop Dr. I Q Baseball Columbia Featuro IS This It Muilo Dr. I Q Basrball Columbia Feature :30 Cisco Ktd BUI Stern Banihtand Dance Orch. Clico Kid Rhythm Time Dugout Pop Dance Orch. 9:00 Straight Arrow Supper Club Baseball Chas. Coll logwood :15 Straight Arrow News or World Baseball Chlcogoam :S0 Muilo Tree In Brooklyn Baseball Summer, St. Louii :45 Musie Tree In Brooklyn Baseball Summer, St. Loull !00 News News Bnseban Five Star Final :1S Select Local News sports rage Final News Round-u Sports Spotlight :S0 News Big Town Studio Party Spin to Win :4B Musle Big Town Studio Party Spin to Win n loo Fulton Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayes Studio Party Serenafle :15 Bob Poole Shew Was Museum Studio Party You A the World :S0 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Studio Party Orchestra :4ft Musle Wax Museum Studio Party Orchestra M;0o" Sign Off Sign Off 1:00 A.M., Sign Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 News Hodge Podge News :1ft Dawn Patrol Hodro Podga KOIN Kloek n NW Farm Newa News KOCO Kloek KOIN Klock -45 March Time Hodga Podga KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7 oO Dawn Patrol Now Hear Thla Tex Hitter Koln Klock .15 Dawn Patrol Now Hear This News Newa SO Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Farm Mkt. Hep, Newa :4ft News News Extension Service Consumer Newa 8,00 stwt Smooth Musle Science Excursion Mualo for Xoa 15 Breakfast Gang Smooth Musle Popular Varieties Muslo for Ton no Breakfast Gang Jerry Marlowe Western Melodies Broadway Beat M Top Trades Sam Hayes Western Meladics Broadway Beat ibo Bargain Counter Fred Waring Show Haven of Rest Newa 15 News Fred Waring Show Haven of Rest Let's Preten ilO Sons at Pioneer Ed McConnell Musio Wlthoai Junior Mlsa 45 Mnslo Ed McConnell Words Junior Miss t 1 loo Northwest Newi News Cycle ef Bong Theatra f Today 15 Musle Public Affairs Cycle of Song Theatra mt Today ISO Pastor'l Call Orchestra Concert Favoritea Grand Central ,45 Musle Orchestra Concert Favoritea Station loo News Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Stare Over '16 Garden Guide Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Hollywood SO Klwanls Choir M" L" Trlor Sturday Serenade Give and Taka Klwanls Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serena tie G1t and Taka J. Ton Trades Young Oregonlans At the Opera Newa lO 15 News Young Oregonlans At the Opera Drivers Playh'M I Jso Doe. Platter Jock Nw Meet the Missus MJm-Ai Doc, Platter Jock Report on Europe Ted Dale Presents Meet the Missus iflio Doe"' Platter" "Jock Musicana Saturday Matinee County Fair il5 Doe, Platter Jock Musicana Saturday Matinee County Fair :S0 Northwest Newa Musicana Saturday Matinee Dance Orch. :46 Bob Eberly Show Musicana Saturday Matinee Dance Orch. 2 ibo Smokey Mt, r Health Saturday Matinee Newspaper of All .15 Hayrida Blt of Hlt Saturday Matinee Newspoper of Air :S0 News Contrasts Memory Theater Sat. at Chass :4S Blng Sings Contrasts Memory Theater Sat, at Chase TOO Guest Star Mind Manners Chin-Up Corner News .16 Veterans Prgrm Mind Manners Chln-Up Corner George Towne SO Alrforce l- Cotton Sings Chln-Up Corner Ted Black Oreh. :45 Alrforce Horse Race Chln-Up Corner Ted Black Oreh, ilOO Bob Poole Show Newa LlttlB Bit ' J Griffin Baroroft 15 Bob Poole Show Guest Star Little Blt of Jari Herman Quintet :30 March Time University Theatre Spotllte on Mualo Dell Trio :45 News University Theatre Spotllte on Music John Daly DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190: KOAO, 550 IT t Y Friday P. M. 8:00, Squirrel Cages llt A 5:30, Yukon Challenge; 6:00, 1 Keeping up With Sportsi 6:1ft, Home Edi tion Newst 6:30, Modern Romances) 7:00, Headline Edition! 7:15, Elmer Davis; 1:3(1, The Sheriff) 8, Heinle and His Band; 8:30, Your FBIi 9, Fat Mani :3fl, 'Neath West ern Sklest 10, Richfield Reporter) 10:15, Intermezzo; 10:30, Concert Hour) 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Hours 1:00, Sign Off. 1 Cy Saturday A.M. 6:00, Dawn Down lL. beat) 1:00, Round-up Boys; 1:1ft, Ttme Tempos) 7:45, Adventures in Re search) 8:00, Deep River Boysi 8:15, Mar tin Agronsky i 8:30, Home Demonstration Agenti 8:45, Frankle Carl; 9:00, Johnny Olson Get Together) 9:30, Toyland Tunesi 10:00. Stars of Tomorrow i 11:00, Girls' Corps) 11:30, American Farmer) 12:00, Treasury Band Show 12:30, Fascinating Rhythm l 1:00, Ballad Box) lilft, Horsr Races) 1:30, Band Bnxi 2:00, Tea and Crumpetst 3:00, 101 Ranch Boys) 8:30. Meet the Band) 4:00, Junior Junction) 4:80. laiay Concert. ACROSS I. Propriety 8. Dutch cotm 13. Gluttonied 14. Artist's stand 15. Pertain 16. Emmet 17. Note of tba acale 18. Small fisn 19. Crafty 20. Opening 21. Chinese pagoda 23. Location 25 Indian mulberry SB. Siberian river 17 Pop 2R. Insects 31 Strengthening S4. Walk pompously 15. Bronzes In the aun 36. Thua 27. Jewish month 38. Drove of cattla 39. Faucet 40 Owns 42. Boy 43. Greek letter 44. Bovloe animal 45 Purpose 46 Escapes by auMerfugtj 60 Avalanche B2 Stylish S3 Complement of a mortis 64. Tower on a mosqu nnAw D0WN 1. Beetle 2. Preceding night . unaracier in "Aa You Like It" 3 4 s iv 7 Hp a t f to z IS S S ' IIIIP 37 38 W3l ' ' 'm H So Si p S3 M I I I I M I I I I I ROOM AND BOARD f " DEAR NEPHEW -INCLOSED IS M.Y $ 220 MONEY ORDER I PREVIOUSLY SENT AN $80 M.O. ' SO THIS MAKES S300. THE PRICE YOU WANT FOR VOUR RECIPE WHICH SELLS THE CORERS Tr TS I " "Ow the old fox fml 0 I PLr3 THE G-STRING J P.M. iAAf Friday P.M. fl:00, On the VsAV UPbeati 5:110, fiSO Sports Club) 6:00, Newsi 0:15, Dinner Melodlest 6:80, Muslo of Czechoslovakia; 7:16, Evening; Farm Hour) 8:00, Research Report) 8:19. Here's to Veterans) 8:30, Great Bongs I 8:15, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast! 9:00, Muslo That Enduresi 9:4ft, Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00, Adventures in Research! 10:15, Serenade 10:4ft, Newsi 11:00, Sign Off. A AT Saturday A.M. 10:00, Newst IWMV. 10:1ft, Especially for Womeni 11:00, The Conce.t Hall: 12:00. News; 12:1ft, Noon Farm Houi 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy 1:30, Voice or the Armyi 1:4ft, Melody Lanei 2:00, Muslo of the Masters) 8:30, Science Newst 3:15, This Is South Africa) 4:00, Driver's Playhouse) 4:1ft, Songs of the West; 4:4ft, Children's Theatre. Solution of Yettorday't Puzzlo Toward the mouth 6. Rodent I. Withhold t. Cereal grau 10. Bxlata 11. Anatomlcai tlsau U. Rebuff 10. Beverage 19. Commenced 20. College song 21. IliKh pointed hills 22. Encourage 23. Pliable 2i. Artificial languaga 25. Charity 27. Intentional discourtesy U. Ward ott 29. Handle 30. Cease 32. Attendant oa Cleopatra 33. Automobile 38. Kind of meat 39. Enellsh dynasty 0. Multitude 4L. Spindle on which a wheel turn! 42, kepal claim 43. Mother 45. Buetle 46. Harvard' traditional enemy 47. Front 48. Dutch commune 49. Collection 51. Among 52. Exist 6. American Indian 1. New England state: abbr. a.s Bv Gene Ahem In ORDER. TO SEND YOU THIS SUM, I WILL HAVE TO PUT off AN OPERATION TO REMOVE A WEN (-'im vvr HtAU iUAt MUCH NEEDED DENTAL VvOR" AND LLUTHINb FOR THE WINTER.' woefully;- uncle WOLPSANG T A I N EBflElR: EPS E RlS EtNE"g SETA r aSr a DjTjJB d 9.1. fflu S E R 5SRAJM0 RLH E R ifetlHs S E.RJ JA 30? R. o. a A ALL A E Ei s olu rest lT"E lAjSTl aiS E "SIS E j N E S - LL4JTHIN6, FOR THE WINTER.'" J woefully; uncle y j WOLFGANG ' r i