' if ' 1 i "s ut Is I v. ',.- i " ;y! v ? -i KJ ! -- j--- '5 -; , .v ?ki '0 Victims of Bandits The Aga Khan and his wife, the Begun Khan, (above) were held up by four armed bandits as they left their villa on the French Riviera, the Paris newspaper France Soir, reported. The Aga Khan, one of the world's richest men and father-in-law of Rita Hayworth, and his wife were in a car leaving the estate when the holdup took place. The bandits were reported to have escaped with money and jewels worth $450,000. This photo was made as they ar rived for the wedding of Rita and Prince Aly Khan in May. (AP Wirephoto) Police Seeking Jewel Robbers Le Cannet, France, Aug. 4 VP) Thousands of police today combed southern France for the four bandits who stole a fortune in jewels from the Aga Khan and his wife. " " Roadblocks were thrown up from Mentone on the Italian border all along the Riviera playground of the world s wealthy to the sprawling port of Marseille, know as a criminal hideout. Hundreds of cars were stopp ed. But no trace has been found of the robbers who yesterday held up the Aga Khan and the begum outside their villa here and grabbed about a half mil lion dollars in jewels and 200, 000 Francs ($600) in cash, Police guards around the man sions of the rich have been doubled. Many of the million aires here are reported hiring private detectives as an addi tional security. In the past few days bandits have gotten away with about $800,000 in the robbery of a bank at Aix-Le-Provence, the theft of jewelry in a store at Deauville and the Robbery of the Aga Khan. Police found the abandoned automobile used by the robbers of the Aga Khan near the scene of the crime. Oregon Polio Cases Decline Portland, Aug. 4 m The state board of health reported today that the number of new polio cases declined again this week. There were only three cases, one each in Douglas, Hood River and Lane counties. rvjt" "lm' fjLxy"' Nominated State Senator John S. Battle (above), the candidate of the U. S. Senator Byrd organization, beat three opponents to win the demo cratic gubernatorial nomina tion for governor. The nom ination is tantamount to elec tion in democratic Virginia. (AP Wirephoto) Mrs. Winegar Hostess Sunbeam Service Club Monmouth The Sunbeam Service club met at the home of Mrs. Claude Winegar with 11 members present. The short business meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Guy Thornbrue. Roll call was answered by giving household hints. The women worked on articles to be sold this Novem ber. The next meeting will- be held -with Mrs. L. O. Fetters August 17. A picnic dinner will be held at the fair grounds August 24 for members to work on their booth for the Polk County Fair. 10 Cons Killed In Prison Break Morelia, Mex., Aug. 4 U.R) Heavily-armed police firing dum-dum bullets have killed 10 and captured 49 convicts who escaped Tuesday night from Morelia prison, officials report ed today. Twelve still are missing. Po lice have concentrated their search for them in the Santa Maria mountains near this Michoacan state capital where the others were captured. The prisoners, armed with pistols and rifles, fought two pitched battles with police Tues day and Wednesday. One police man was killed. The convicts broke from jail Tuesday night after forcing the warden to surrender his keys They armed themselves with ri fles and knives and fled to the hills. Committees Named For Faith Rebekahs Lyons Initiation was the high lights of the meeting of Faith Rebekah lodge at the hall when the degree was bestowed upon Roberta Longnecker under the direction of Jean Roberts drill captain, at the regular busi ness meeting some discussion was held in regard to the district convention which will be held at Mill City the last of August. The noble grand also appoint ed the following committees: Alta Bodeker, good of the order chairman; Eva Bressler, publi city chairman; fraternal press, Jean Roberts; community ser vice, Helen McClurg; floral com- I , - . r. . i SATURDAY Wieners In A Blanket! Htarty main dish thai s easy on the purse. And while these wieners-in-pastry are in the oven it's a good time to bake the pie shell for Sun day's dessert . . . a real lime saver. SUNDAY-Baked Ice Cream Pie I Jusc imagine . , . frozen ice cream and luscious fruit topped with baked meringue. And you can prepare this tasty treat in jig time because the pie shell was baked on Saturday! Yours For The Asking! Recipes for these 4 tasty treats plus additional pastry making pointers. Gives you complete instructions for this time-saving pastry method (de signed especially for Drifted Snow Flour) plus recipes for all the tasty treats illustrated. Look for the Martha Meade Pastry Method Folder at your grocer's, or write Martha Meade, Sperry Flour, San Francisco 6, Calif. 4m famous Wiltrn Food Authority More Kitchen-Free Time wiXk SUCCESS PASTRY METHOD Here's All You Do: With this time-saving pastry method you mix pastry only once, bake only twice and have a grand variety of delicious baking for our dif ferent meals I Just follow these simple, easy directions : SUCCESS PASTRY Sift flour before measuring. Use level measurements for all ingredients. Measure into a large mixing bowl 1 Vi cups high grade vegetable shortening 2 teaspoons salt '2 cup cold water Blend ingredients together with a large fork until short ening is creamy and absorbs part of water. Then add, all at once A cups sifted Sperry Drifted Snow "Hom-p,r(eci,iT Enriched Flour Stir, with a circular motion, until pastry holds Its shape and forms a ball. Store pastry or use as directed in any desired recipe. Store Pastry in the coldest part of the refrigerator. For easy future use, mark dough into 4 even-size pieces each piece enough for a single 9-inch pie shell or 6 large tart shells. Dough may be stored in a tightly covered container, or sealed in aluminum foil, or wrapped in a clean cloth and then in heavy wax paper. For mechanical refrigerator . storage dampen the cloth; for ice refrigerator use a dry cloth. For easy handling of chilled pastry, remove required amount from refrigerator, cover with a doth, and let stand Vi hour before rolling out. Guaranteed Baking Results Are Yours! Get perfect bak ing results the firsr time and every time you use this time-saving pastty recipe, or any Martha Meade recipe, with Sperry Drifted Snow "Home-Perfected" Enriched Flour . . . otherwise double the ptice of your sack of flour will be refunded. Write Sperry Flour, San Francisco 6, California. A pleasing variety of Martha Meade recipes are included in every sack of Sperry Drifted Snow Flour for your convenience. Next time you buy flour, insist on Sperry Drifted Snow Flour for successful baking results! WEDNESDAY Chicken Salad Pies! Crisp, flaky cheese-flavored tart shells filled with savory, satisfying chicken salad. Use pastry dough stored in refrigerator to make these tart shells and, at the same time, a pie shell for Thursday. e'. - THURSDAY Mocha Chocolate Chip Pie! Coffee flavor and bits of chocolate make this a deliciously different refrigerator pie that's fit for a king ... 'n so easy to make because the pie shell was baked in advance! 0V Spprry nivlalnn of General Mllla 'Sptrry," "Drifted Snow." "Home-Perlected ' and "Martha Mid art rtnurd uadc-marb of &eacril Mills, Inc mlttee, Alta Bodeker, Alma Olm- stead and May Patton; publicity, Eva Bressler, Ethel Huffman and Effie Heineck; auditing, Anna B. Julian, Alice Huber and Hazel Lewis; examining, Verna West, Hazel Lewis and Hazel Shields; finance, Gertrude Weid man, Lois Myers and Hazel Shields. At the close of the meet ing refreshments were served by Alta Bodeker, Helen McClurg and Carrie Naue. I mmmmJml Mtmmitm North Marion Resort Near Aurora Is Sold Aurora "Seven Acres," the roadside development on the south bank of the Molalla river north of Aurora, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. James Lent, who were granted a tavern license and formally opened for busi ness Wednesday. The sale includes the ten- room hotel and eight furnished cabins as well as the river front acreage. The consideration was reported to be approximately $40,000. The property was sold by Gilbert Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Lent and their 6-year-old daughter, Shelia have been living at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lent, in the Dryland district since his return from overseas, where for seven months he was a master sergeant and crew chief in the operation of theBerlinair- lift. He was the first American soldier to be decorated with the special airlift medal, according to news dispatches from Ger many last winter. The Lents said they will oper ate Seven Acres themselves. The only assistance they plan now will be that of Mrs. Lents sis ter, Miss Nancy Wetterlin, who is expected to arrive in Oregon Sunday from St. Paul, Minn. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 4, 1949 9 Smiths Together For Clan Picnic Monmouth Fifty-three mem bers of the Maria Smith clan gathered at Champoeg park on Sunday for the annual reunion and picnic dinner. The old spinning wheel used by Maria Smith was on display among historic objects in the exhibition building. J. O. Rus sell of Turner, president of the clan, told the history of Marie and John Smith, who took up a homestead six miles south of Dallas in 1847 and raised a fam ily of seven children. The oldest descendant present was Frank Chamberlain of Red ding, Calif., and the youngest was Michael Edwards of Salem. The secretary, Virgil Averill of Halsey and the treasurer, John Chamberlain of Falls City gave their yearly reports. It was voted that the 1950 reunion be held on the fourth Sunday in July at Champoeg again. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kirkpatrick of Portland furnished several musical numbers on the chimes, a vocal duet, and a cornet duet. Members of the clan who at tended the reunion were from Redding and San Joes, Calif.; Kelso and Longview, Wash.; Portland, Lyons, Salem, Amity, Halsey, Whiteson, Beaverton, Turner and Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Russell and Miss Blanch Russell attend ed from Monmouth. Boy Loses Gamble Seattle, Aug. 4 U.R A nine-year-old boy gambled with a freight train and lost. Police said George Jodry attempted to hook a ride on a moving freight train here last night. He slipped and both his feet were cut off above the ankles. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answers all questions. Are 'you worried? Why be in I i JsT doubt? Special . MOT Headings. t .sue open 9 am. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Am FALL YARDAGE GOODS $1.50..$5.95 yard Complete New Stock Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th St. Phone II Jj iDjMyL LvOll 1288 8-6489 HA ifFrA., Cristate St. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry May we suggest that you make "Randall's" the first Port of Call on your next shopping excursion! You will find there a wide variety of good quality meats at prices that will save you as much as 25 or 30 per cent. Prices below effective Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Freshly Ground Hamburqer it. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD Arm Cut Blade Cut ROAST Rump .... .' . Ib BEEF 39 Eastern Oregon Hereford DID Lean IV V STEAK Tender ... .lb. 49c Tender Milk Fed Veal Roast ib 43c Tender Skinless WIENERS ib. 39c Fresh Country Sausage lb. 33c Eastern Oregon Hereford Round Steak lb. 59c Eastern Oregon Hereford T Bones ,b 59c MILK FED Veal Steak lb. 59c Tender Boneless SIRLOIN 69c SLICED BACON Eastern Sugar Cured LB, 45c LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon Herefordi. Small sizes! Lean and tender. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Lb.35c BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center SWEET CORN Local, Fresh Daily Excellent Quality Dozen 23c POTATOES W; .' 98c PEACHES ifc? tc.rW 29c WATERMELONS Gu0ar!n?eedpe,ded lb. VAc XlklCr? A D Pure Cider T 1 1 kjni Quart 15c Salad Dressing ..45c CANTALOUPE Fancy Vine Ripened Extra Large Size Finest Quality 2 , 19c TIDE Large package 25c CIGARETTES Carton. .'. 1.45 Morshmallows rirrKV 10c MILK Tall Cans each 10c SALMON S"r .... .. 39c TOMATO SAUCE".:'' 5c PINEAPPLE HtZtir! 29c BREAD." 19c Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Aug. 4-5-6 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13h & STATE STS.