capita! journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 4, 1949 7 ITS A BARGAIN t : w avi -raw 5 tLOSE-OUTSr DISCONTINUED LINES," HURTS" ETC. It It . t f-' - lsm., th i - i Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneth Sample are now at home In Falls City following heir wedding on June 26. The bride is the former Dorothy Patterson of Salem, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Patterson of Silverton. Mr. Sample Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sample of Falls City. (Kennell-Ellls studio picture) GoldStar Mothers Tea Highlight r The major social event on the department convention calendar of the American Legion auxili ary, in session here, will be the tea Friday afternoon honoring the members of the Gold Star Mothers organization. ,The tea will be between 4 and 6 o'clock in the beautiful gardens at the home of Mr. and Mrs Homer H. Smith, 675 North Summer, and is for all members of the auxiliary and friends The department organization of the auxiliary is giving the tea. Mrs. Merle Travis of Salem heads the local committee ar ranging the tea. Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, na tional president of the auxiliary, who is here for the convention; Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor; and other officials in the auxiliary and Gold Star Mothers group will be among those in the receiving line. Birthday Party On Wednesday Marilyn Miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller observed her third birthday Wednesday and was honored at a party given in the afternoon by her mother. Julie and Nancy Miller and Carol Ramsden as sisted Mrs. Miller. Feting Marilyn were Susan Wilmsen, Eugene, Ray Bone steele, Corvallis, Mary Griffith, Sandra and Kathleen Dawson, Margaret Lancefield, Harter dc Weese, Jim Zerzan, Christine Keith, Judy Foulger, Karen Fortmiller, Louis King, Eliza beth McCargar, Carolyn King, Bruce Brennen, Catheryn and Carolyn Stadter, Jan Steelham mer. Booths Hosts at Anniversary Event Lebanon Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Booth held open house in ob servance of their tenth wedding anniversary on Sunday after noon, July 31, with more than 150 friends attending. Those pouring the first hour were Mrs. Peter Tweed and Mrs. Ed Bohle; second hour, Mrs Dennis Cormier and Mrs. Lute Seely; third hour, Mrs. Will Bohle and Mrs. Frank Wells. A centerpiece of red roses on a mirror with lighted candles formed the table decorations Roses, gladioluses, carnations and asters, all gifts to the couple, were arranged about the rooms. Those assisting in serving were Miss Doris Groves, Miss Molly Hewitt and Miss Barbara Mason. Miss Trilbylee Langmack, who was flower girl at the Booth wedding, was in charge of the guest book. Those supplying background music on the Wurlitzer organ were Mrs. Edna Dodd of Salem, first hour; Miss Nancy Gleason, second hour, and Mrs. Lawrence Page, third hour. Out of town guests were Mr. and MrsC. C. Dodd, Mrs. Mason Bishop and Mrs. S. B. Gilette, of Salem; Mrs. Zella Hansen and Mrs. Alice Hildyard of Portland; Mrs. Max Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammerly, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tripp, Miss Beulah Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Southard, all of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Seely of Woodburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry W. Seely of Gervais. MRS. W. C. LARSON, 1135 Cross street, will be hostess to Grace Lutheran Ladies' Aid Fri day, August 5. A basket picnic lunch will be served at 1 o'clock In her garden. I Miss Rondeau Wed Sunday Gervais At a 3 o'clock cere mony Sunday afternoon, July 31, at the Presbyterian church. Miss Shirley Rondeau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rondeau and Lloyd Dale Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Brown of Woodburn, were united in mar riage. The couple exchanged vows in a double ring ceremonv before an altar decorated with tall baskets of yellow, white and pink gladioluses, flanked by white tapers which were lighted bv John Brown and Robert W Harper. Rev. Ernest Tremb lay, pastor of the church, read the service. Preceding the ceremony, Olin Brown, brother of the bride groom, sang and ' Mrs. Kenneth Brown played the accompania- ment and the wedding march . The bride wore a gown of white moire taffea fashioned with a close fitting bodice, long sleeves, an off-shoulder effect with scallop trim and a lace yoke. The skirt was full with scallop trim as a flounce. Her fingertip illusion veil was lace trimmed and held in place with a scalloped halo of moire and lace. The bride carried a white Bible on the top of which were pink rosebuds showered with white satin ribbons and pink rosebuds. Her only jewelry was a pearl necklace and a pearl bracelet, a gift from the bride groom. Mr. Rondeau escorted his daughter to the altar and gave her in marriage. Miss Luzerne Hanes was maid of honor and wore a pale yel low nylon floor length dress with yellow lace trim. She car ried white gladioluses tied with aqua satin streamers. The bridesmaids were Miss Viola Bierly, who wore pale pink nylon and a pink satin rib bon braided coronet in her hair, and carried yellow gladioluses tied with yellow satin ribbon streamers; and Miss Mary Jane Hall, who wore an aqua nylon gown and self color ribbon coro net in her hair, and carried coral color gladioluses tied with coral satin ribbon streamers. Flower girls were Sharon Brown, niece of the bridegroom, and Tena Cutsforth. Orville Brown served as best man for his brother. Robert Harper and John Brown, broth er of the bridegroom, were ushers. Mrs. Rondeau chose a brown and aqua print with aqua ac cessories and wore a corsage of cream gladioluses. Mrs. Brown mother of the bridegroom, wore a salmon pink and black print with white accessories and wore a corsage of light blue glad ioluses. A reception was held in the church parlors. Miss Martha DuRette cut the cake assisted by Mrs. John Drake. Mrs. John Brown presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Olin Brown passed the guest book and Mrs. Orville Brown had charge of the gift table. The couple left on a trip and the bride wore a white and green print with white acces sories and a green tweed coat, and a pink rosebud corsage. The couple are graduates of Gervais union high school and upon their return will reside at the bridegroom's parents home until fall when Mr. Brown will complete his senior year at Sea ttle Pacific college in Seattle. BEING welcomed home from a month's trip to Montana are Mrs. W. E. Deeney and children. Michael, Patty and Maura. They were at Butte visiting. Mrs. Deeney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davenport. COMPOSITION AND LEATHER HALF SOLES , FOR ALL 51 ly THE FAMILY - Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5-6 Fo,t U . ' Downstairs While-U-Woit Ullllel4 A Shoe Repair Service " Wecome Legionnaires Scarcely anyone knows about it . . . all happened so sudden-like, Miller's second floor is really getting the works! Merchandise is being bounced from pillar to post then onto the sale table or racks. It's too bad for us and it's too good to be true for our customers. We'll knock the prices down along with the wall cases and if you'll come up and see us on the second floor,we'll have some bargains for you! Wecome Auxiliary REMODELING SALE! ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER COTTON DRESSES REG. $12.95 TO $19.95 IN THIS SALE Women's Pantie Briefs Women's Rayon Nightgowns Women's Foundations (Completes) Reg. to $16.50 cottom and rayom, 59c 2 for $f reg. $7.95 $4.98 $5.95 YOUR CHOICE Cottons and some washable rayons in pretty chambrays, ginghams, shantungs and broad cloths ... all are in this remodeling sale at only $8.95! And the sizes run from 9 to 13 ... 10 to 20 ... 38 to 44. Here is smart style at a saving up to $11.00 per dress. 2ND FLOOR I r- I 1 I x i i i k t l i i JUST 30 FAMOUS BRAND LASTEX SWIM SUITS aiiniMiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiinREMODELI NG ' SALE!81'; White, gold, black, red and grey lastex iwim suits to keep your figure In perfect shape for swimming. Come shop now in this remodeling sale and savel Rayon Blouses . . . Broadcloth Shorts . . Angora Wool Sweaters I rice: VOFF! . . $2.98 .. $1.98 $5.95 Pullover angora wool sweaters In light fluffy weaves for school, for vaca2 tion, etc. Pastel pinks, blues, also white. 2ND FLOOR All Summer F0MALS, Afternoon and Casual DRESSES A new formal you didn't think you could afford? Here it is at one-third off! Crepes, etc. Also casuals in crepes, failles, gabardines. Buy a truly up-to-date dress at these low remodeling sale prices! 2ND FLOOR REMODELING SALE! TAX-FREE 'And Credit Terms to Meet Your Needs! You Pay No Federal Tax on M0UT0N LAMBS Our Wool Tweed Coats REG. 37.50, 39.50 AUGUST SALE of Beaver Dyed MOUTON Full gored backs In plain or yoke style . . . tweeds in pure wool as a basic coat to take you places now or laterl Buy a backlog coat for your wardrobe now and save money. GABARDINES PRICE! All-wool gabardine coats for women sizes 32 to 36. Long full back on the balcamaan order ... a dressy plain color, rose, green or beige at half pricel Short and Long Coats in the New BALMACAAN BACK! $177k 2ND FLOOR ms&&sm Just arrived from New York. . the new season's smartest bal macaan backs ... in this lux uriously soft mouton with every new style detail! Be the first to wear it ... be the first to save In this salel EVERY FUR COAT CARRIES AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE! furs Fine -""V M MM A1 i "4 ' I I Ilk mi r If J' ill l ili Ml i 1