s Capital Edited by MARIAN g Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 4, 1949 Second Day Of Meeting To Be Busy Another busy day is ahead, Fridav. for the American Legion auxiliary units in session here for the annual department con vention. A very "early start" is on the calendar for the secretaries and treasurers, a breakfast to be given in their honor at 1 a. m. Friday in the Chamber of Com merce (billed as the Malamutc Saloon on the invitations with Dan McGrew and the Lady known as Lou, officiating.) Mrs. Bert A. Walker heads the com mittee in charge. Business sessions for the auxiliary take up at 9 a. m Friday in the state senate chambers at the capitol build ing. Following the roll call and convention minutes, there will be a report by the resolutions committee, of which Mrs. Robert Kreason of Dallas is chairman; a report of the department treasur er and finance commission, ana presentation of the convention auxiliary chairman, Mrs. I. N. Bacon of Salem. Nomination of officers will close the Friday morning ses sion. The afternoon meeting is glated to start at 1:15 o'clock with Mrs. Hubert A. Goode of Portland, national president of the auxiliary, to give her mes sage at that time. A floral de gree will be presented by Juniors of the auxiliary, Mrs. Leon M Brown as chairman. Following the ceremonies honoring Mrs. Goode, reports will be given by all convention committees, about 20 of them. The group will adjourn for the Junior "parade at 2 p. m., and district caucus meetings are slated between 3 and 4 p. m. Miss Broad Bride Saturday Evening Aurora The Cedar Mills Community church, near Beav erton was the scene Saturday evening, July 30, of the wedding of Miss Mildred Broad, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Broad of Beavcrton, and Harold R. Freece, son of Mr. and Mrs. War ren Freece of Canby. Honoring the bride, a pre nuptial shower was given during the week preceding the wedding at the home of Mrs. C. E. Kraft In Canby, with members of the Milk Creek Extension Unit as hostesses. The gift table was centered with a bowl of pink and white sweet peas, guarded by white tapers. An umbrella sus pended above, from which streamers led to miniature um brellas in pink and white, furth er carried out the "shower" theme. Guests were Mrs. Elwood Faist, Mrs. Sherman E. Zweigart, Mrs. Gordon Lindland, Mrs. Elmer Blake, Mrs. Leon Jack son, Mrs. Raymond Weygandt, Mrs. Adam Bany, Mrs. Chris Kraft, Sr., Mrs. Mclvin Mahlum, Mrs. Fred Dietz, Mrs. Belle Brown, Mrs. Abe Hcpler, Mrs. Ora Slyter, Mrs. W. O. Melum, Mrs. Louis Sperb, Mis. C. E. Kraft, Mrs. Vida Hiimblett, Mrs. Warren Freece, Misses Gloria and Dorothy Rupp, Mrs. R. L. Hansen, Mrs. Frank Sperb, Mrs. Elmer Pngh, Mrs. Ed Rupp of Salem, Mrs. Clarence Rupp, Mrs. Fred Scallon, Mrs. Raymond Freece and sons, Donnie and Bobby, Miss Orma Hcpler, Mrs. I. U. Bany, Mrs. Matt Faist, Mrs. James Broad and the bride, Mrs. Harold R. Freece, of Beaverton, Mrs. William Broad from On tario, Canada, Mrs. Oscar Olson, Mrs. Henry Kraft, Mrs. L. C. Berney, Janice and Norman Berney, Miss Alice Rupp, Mrs. Roy L. Halo, Mrs. D. W. Cuts-forth. Women LOWRX FISCHEB Picnic Tonight Gamrfia Phi Beta alumnne and active members are gather ing at the home of Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington for a picnic sup per this evening, the event be ing arranged at 6:30 o'clock. Two Honor Bride-to-Be Miss Barhara Bates and Miss Barbara Halvarson are to be hostesses this evening at the Rose street home of Miss Bates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Bates, at a Dartv to honor Miss Beverly Hutchison, who is to be married August 27 to Kenneth A. Holmes of Albany. A erouD of 24 has been In vited for dessert to be served in the garden. A gift from the group is to be presented Miss Hutchison. Miss Martha Du Rette of Gervais is an out-of- town guest invited. Couple Wed At Woodburn At a beautiful church wedding, Saturday. July 30, at 2:00 o'clock. Miss Delores Hathaway daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway of Champoeg, was wed to William W. Tremaine, son of Mrs. Estella Tremaine and the late V. W. Tremaine of Woodburn, at a double ring cere mony in the St. Luke church in Woodburn with Rev. Frances Handley officiating. Mrs. Marie Donnelly played the organ music and the soloist, Bernard Smith, sang before and after the vows were taken. The altar was decorated with, pink yellow and white gladioluses and lighted candles. The bride.escorted to the altar by her father, wore a white satin gown will full train, a sweet heart neckline with beaded pearls and a finger-tip veil trimmed with lace was arranged from a pearl beaded coronet. She carried a bouquet centered with a purple centered white orchid, white gladioluses with rosebuds in the center and surrounded by stephanotis. Maid of honor was Miss Betty Johnson who wore a pastel yellow taffeta gown with a matching net picture hat with yellow ribbon trim. William Chase was best man Bridesmaids, Miss Patricia Tremaine, sister of the bride groom, and Miss Wanda Hath away, cousin of the bride, wore pink and green pastel taffeta gowns. Miss Bonnie Hathaway, sister of the bride, was junior brides maid and wore a pastel blue taf feta gown. All the bridesmaids wore matching net picture hats and carried nosegays of gladio luses centered with summer chrysanthemums and streamers to match dresses and hats. Ushers were Alex Adamski, Ray Leighty and Carl Weathers. Phil Junior Hathaway, brother of the bride carried the rings. Mrs. Hathaway wore for her daughter's wedding a copper satin dress with black accessor ies. Her corsage was two gar denias with talisman rosebuds and white ribbon. Mrs. Tremaine wore a blue satin two piece dress with black accessories and her corsage was also of gardenias and rosebuds. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the St. Lukes hall which was decorated witli gladioluses and roses. The bridal party and the parents formed a receiving line for the friends numbering between 150 and 175. The serving table covered with lace and was centered with the three tier cake topped with a bridal couple. Pink and white streamers from the cake ended Complete but Limited Number of Pairs Get Yours Now Miss Nelson To Wed Soon Mr. and Mrs. Harlan S. Nel son, formerly of Spokane and now of Salem, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Eloise Nelson, to Lyle H. Hamilton, son of Mrs. Iva Hamilton of Salem. The wedding is planned for August 21 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in the Lake Labish Community church. The bride-to-be is a graduate of North Central high school in Spokane and attended Washing ton State college. She is now employed at Kelley-Farquhar company office. Mr. Hamilton is a senior at Willamette univer sity and is a laboratory techni cian at Salem Memorial hospital. Costume Day For SWGA The annual costume day for members of the Salem Women's Golf association was Wednes day, and any one passing by would have seen a startling ar ray on the greens and at the club house everything from Gypsy and Indian costumes to comic strip make-ups, and cer tainly many "originals." Prizes for the costumes went to the following: Mrs. John H. Johnson, the most original; Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, prettiest; Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., best char acter; Mrs. Robert Drager, fun niest; Mrs. Edward Roth, most outstanding; and honorable men tions to Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. John Heltzel. Guests for the day included Miss Birdie DeBeck, Mrs. Glenn Holman, Mrs. Arthur Rhan, Mrs. J. N. Bishop, Miss Jean McDoug all, Regina, Saskatchewan, Can ada, Miss Mary Bacon and Mrs. Forsythe Bacon of Vancouver Wash., Mrs. P. C. Anderson, Mrs Loren Mort and Mrs. Charles A Barclay. Prize winners in the day's play included Mrs. John Heltzel, class A; Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, class B; Mrs. Joseph W. Matujec, class C; Mrs. Linn Hammerstad, class D. Rebekah Meeting Held at Woodburn Woodburn Home Rebekah lodge No. 58 met in regular ses sion Tuesday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall. Members were reminded of the harvest festival for the I.O.O.F. in October. Plans were completed for the annual picnic to be held Sunday, August 14, for all Odd Fellows, Robekahs and families and any visiting members in the com munity, at Settlemier park. Com mittee in charge of tables and coffee includes Mrs. Arthur Burt, Mrs. Alfred Moon, Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. Fred Frenlz. The noble grand, Mrs. Sidney Cummings, appointed the fol- with a bell on one side and a ladies slipper on the other. Serving the bride s cake were Miss Norma Moshberger and Mrs. E. A. Dickson, at the punch bowl were Mrs. Wilfred Weath ers and Miss Lorraine Haun auske, and pouring at the coffee urn were Mrs. Homer Harrison and Miss Rita Halter. Assisting were Mrs. Elmer Rierson, Mrs. George Lathrop, Mrs. Fritz Moshcnberger and Mrs. L. D. Johnson. Miss Yvonne Williams passed the guest book and at the gift table were Mrs. Clayton Baker and Mrs. Al Berg. The bride wore for traveling a gray tailored suit with navy hat and purse ar.d white shoes and gloves. The couple left for a short honeymoon at Seaside and parts of Washington. They arc at home to their many friends it 4737 N. E. Going, Portland. The couple are both graduates of Woodburn high school and the bride is employed by the state in the veterans affairs of fice in Portland. Mr. Tremaine was in the U. S. Coast Guard is attending stenotype school in Portland. Size Range ,' ' '"i h 1 H ,' 4 Is Bride The marriage of Mrs. Richard Hartley, the for mer Barbara Nelson, was sol emnized July 29 in the First Congregational church here. The new Mrs. Hartley former ly lived in Portland and at tended Willamette university. Mr. Hartley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hartley of Sil verton and he will complete his work at Willamette this year. The couple will reside in Salem. (Kennell-Ellis stu dio picture) lowing heads of standing com mittees: Community chairman, Mrs. Arthur Burt; good of order, Mrs. H. A. Lohse; publicity, Mrs. Ellen Swofford; fraternal press, Mrs. Fred Frentz. The charter was draped in memory of William B. Brown, 91, a member for many years, who died July 30. Following the meeting games were played with Mrs. Charles Dean winning prizes. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Rob ert Scott, Miss Laura Bonney and Mrs. Lafe Peterson. The refreshments committee for the next meeting, Aug. 16, will be Mrs. Ernest Livesay, Mrs. Lyle Warren and Mrs. Reba Gass. THE FOURTH birthday anni versary for Karen Fortmiller was Thursday and she was hon ored this afternoon at an inform al party at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Fort miller. Honoring Karen were Johnny and Jimmy Zerzan, Mar ilyn Miller, Mary Griffith and Judy Fortmiller. FORMER Baker county resi dents are reminded of the pic nic to be staged for all former residents of Baker county, in Portland next Sunday, August 7, in Laurelhurst park. Each family is to take its own basket lunch and coffee. The ice cream is to be furnished. CLOSING OUT GORTON APPLIANCES CO. AT PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, 8 P. M. No Reserve Refrigerators Ranges Washers Glenn Woodry, Auctioneer JUST RECEIVED! Price's have just received a complete ship ment of Spauldings. There is a limited num ber of pairs in each size and width, so get just exactly what you want now . . . shop early. Surprise for t Bride-Elect A surprise party and miscel laneous bridal shower were giv en last evening for Miss Eliza beth Louise (Betty) Thompson, Buhl, Idaho, who is to be mar ried August 31 to Ray N. Fedje of Salem. Miss Polly Pollock of Port land was hostess for the party given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Roy A. Fedje, parents of Mr. Fedje. A group of 25 was bidden. Following an informal evening late refreshments were served. Miss Thompson and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gan Thomp son, and her sister, Mrs. Eb Martin, were to leave Thursday to return to their home in Buhl. All came earlier in the week to be guests at an open house for which Dr. and Mrs. Fedje enter tained Tuesday evening to honor their son and Miss Thompson. The Fedje-Thompson wedding is to be in the Methodist church at Buhl, August 31. Kroekers Feted On Anniversary North Dallas The chancel of the new Evangelical Mennonite Brethren church on Howe near Miller avenue was decorated in pink and white gladioluses and ferns in large baskets on Satur day evening when Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Kroeker of West Salem, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at an 8 o'clock ser vice. Their older daughter, Miss Margaret Kroeker, was toastmistress for the evening The plans included a program similar to the original wedding service 25 years ago. The min ister who had preformed the ceremony could not attend, so his complimentary letter was read to the friends and relatives gathered with the honored couple. A choir of about a dozen voices sang the same song "Sail On" by Gabriel, that had been sung originally. The choir members were a portion of that other choir 25 years ago. At that time a choir of 50 voices took part. Rev. Jacob H. Quiring gave the invocation. Originally he had given a sermonette. Rev A. P. Toews brought the message of the evening on "Faith." Misses Margaret and Esther Kroeker, the two daughters, sang "My God and I." Rev. Glen Yates of the Wes- leyan Methodist church in Salem gave appropriate remarks. In formal good wishes were ex tended to the couple. Mrs Henry Quiring gave a reading of which she was the composer. Among those speaking were Mr and Mrs. Jake Buhler of Salem, Mrs. W. S. Downer, and Mrs. J. N. Ediger. John S. Ediger, who is the only living uncle on the bride's maternal side of the family, gave the closing prayer. Refreshments were served to nearly 150 guests in the church dining rooms immediate ly after the program. Mrs. Ed B. Frey and Mrs. Thomas Dalke poured. Mrs. Henry Quiring and Mrs. S. N. Ediger cut the ices. The brides table was centered by a large square tiered wedding cake which Mr. Jake Buhler had made. The Misses Lavina Harder and Florence Frey assisted. Twenty-five years ago this couple's wedding was the first wedding to be held in the Evan gelical Mennonite Brethren church which had just then been built on Miller avenue. On Saturday evening this was the first silver wedding to be held in the now new Evangelical -- Glenwood Ballroom All Goes Deep Freezer Dishwashers Hundreds Items Wed at Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis Peoples (Gretchen Handtamann) were married June 17 at Calvary Lutheran church in Silverton. The bride, from Bismarck, N. D., is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Handtamann, and Mr. Peoples is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peoples of Corvallis. (McEwan studio picture) Mennonite Brethren church standing on Howe just off Miller. This church had been dedicated on July 24 just six days before this 25th anniversary was held. Mr. and Mrs. Kroeker have spent all but 4 years in Kansas These last 4 years have been in Oregon. The daughter attended Salem College and Academy. Mr. Kroeker has been pastor at Cli c l 429 Court St. Jg means you'll wear your famous BABY KNIT Yes . . . with your smooth, baby-knit JOAN MARIE you will be the talk of the school! For only in your JOAN MARIE can you feel and look your very best! Choose from the many wonderfully exciting colors. Select yours NOW while colors and sizes are still available! Be ahead of the crowd! Pick your JOAN MARIE today . . . the sweater with the elasticized cashmere neck! Short Sleeve . . 4.98 Long Sleeve Cardigan . . . 7.95 For You Out-of-Town I The Fashionette , 429 Court Street Salem, Oregon Please send me by return mail post , age prepaid my JOAN MARIE baby- knit sweater. I am enclosing my ( ) i check ( ) money order for full pay i ment. an Aumsville church for two of these past 4 years. They are now at home in West Salem. MRS. CLEO KEPPINGER was hostess for a shower at her home on Lancaster drive Tues day nieht. honoring Miss Iris Proudfit whose wedding will be an event of August 12. Honoring Miss Proudfit were Will Hold the Sweater of Your Choice on Our Convenient Layaway Plan! down Investigate Now! Shoppers! Simply Clip JOAN MARIE My color choice is: ' ( ) Cardigan ( ) Slipover i ( ) Wine ( ) Emerald ( ) Brown i ( ) Navy ( ) Dk. Grn. ( ) Mauve ' ( ) Black ( ) Cob. Red ( ) Hya. Bl. ! If my color choice is not available, my- ' alternate choice is 1 My size is: , ( ) 36 ( ) 38 1 ( ) 40 Engagement Is Announced Announcement Is made by Mrs. Pearl Cowan of Salem of the engagement of her daugh ter, Miss Viona Mary Cowan, of Pasadena, Calif., formerly of Salem, to Ross William Heegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Heegel of Alhambra, Calif. The wedding date has been set for September 3. , Miss Cowan is a graduate of Sacred Heart academy and was employed at the state treasury department before going to California. For the past year she has been employed 'at the California Trust company in Los Angeles. Mr. Heegel, since his discharge from the navy, has been taking an engineering course at Pasadena college. Mrs. John Van Laanen, Mrs. William Massey, Mrs. Paul Bas sett, Mrs. Dan Scharf, Mrs. Rob ert Wagers, Mrs. Clyde Kuenze, Jr., Mrs. John Anglin; Mrs. James Schardein, Mrs. Emory Goode, Mrs. Roy Scofield, Mrs. John Cage, Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mrs. William Scharf, Mrs. Anna Wircshing, her mother, Mrs. Russell M. Proudfit, and sister, Mrs. Paul Barham. lonette this Fall! Select Yours from this Wide Assortment of Colors! WINE NAVY BLACK EMERALD DARK GREEN COBRA RED BROWN MAUVE HYACINTH BLUE j the Coupon Below! From Name i Address ; ' City :State L 135 North Liberty