A 1 AUTOMOBILES 4 $100. DOWN And Approved Credit Will Buy Any Car 1942 Model or Older ' A Smaller Downpayment Will ' Buy a 1938 Model Car or Older Here Are a Few that May Be Purchased Under this New Plan ' 1942 NASH SEDAN, R&H, New Paint 1942 DODGE SEDAN, Recond. New Paint ; 1942 HUDSON SEDAN, Good and Clean 1941 FORD COACH, R&H i 1941 DODGE SEDAN, R&H 1941 CHRYSLER SEDAN, R&H ' . 1941 STUDE SEDAN, R&H, New Paint , , 1941 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, Good Motor " 1940 DODGE SEDAN, New Paint U 1940 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE, R&H 1940 FORD SEDAN, VERY CLEAN ' , 1941 DE SOTO CLUB CONV., New Paint :,; 1940 HUDSON SEDAN, Sun Shade, R&H i 1939 'OKL COACH, New Faint 1939 BUICK SEDAN, R&H (2 of This Model) 1939 FORD COUPE, Excellent Motor 1939 STUDE SEDAN, Cleanest in Town - ? 1938 FORD COACH, New Paint 'A 1938 HUDSON COACH, Good Mech. 1 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH, Good Paint 4 1937 CHEVROLET COACH, Heater I 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, R&H I 1936 CHEVROLET COACH, Runs Tops I 1935 FORD COUPE, R&H j WE HAVE A WIDE SELECTION OP MAKES AND J MODELS FROM 29's TO 49's .'; Two Lots Open Evenings For Your Convenience We Will Consider Late Model Equities on An Older Car 5HROCK MOTOR COMPANY THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON i Highway Sales Yard Downtown Sales Lot ; 3020 Portland Road - Where Chemeketa Goes Phone 27023 to Church J Phone 37922 J WELCOME LEQIONNAIRES TO HUDSON CITY, DROP IN AND SAY "HEIO" 5 Ql3- You'll Do Somersaults When You See These SENSATIONAL BARGAINS Valley Prices Are Lower Prices 1949 FORD BUS. COUPE, LIKE NEW $1595.00 1949 FORD TUDOR LOADED. 12,000 MI 1985.00 1947 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN, R&H 1295.00 1947 PACKARD CLIPPER SEDAN, Al 1595.00 1948 CROSLEY STATION WAGON 595.00 1947 FORD DELUXE TUDOR 1946 FORD DELUXE 6 CYL. TUDOR 995.00 1941 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE TUDOR 645.00 1941 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER, R&H 495.00 1939 BUICK "SPECIAL" SEDAN, good motor 595.00 1939 LINCOLN ZEPHYR SEDAN 295.00 Act Now Don't Delay THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY Valley . Motor Mart HIGH & CENTER PRODUCE PICKLING Cucumbers, Peaches. Berries and Apples. Frlga&rds Fruit Farm. Vi mile north of Reiser school.. ff 186 GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester Peaches now on. Slappy to follow soon. One mile out on Wallace Rd. Ph. 22216. Moses P. Adams. 11194 HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS Start tomorrow, pay 24 1 mile northeast of Kelzer. Frank Toner. Rt. 2, Box 40B. g!84 BOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co., 5 miles 8. of Salem. Picking starts Aug. 12. Ph. 3-7956 or 2-3107. gl87 WANTED adults bean pickers, trans, turn. Starting 2nd picking. Ph. 2-4036. gl86 BOP PICKERS wanted, 3 ml. east of Woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. Start Aub. 4th. Harold Bushman, Pb Woodburn 1430 188 BOP PICKERS register now. Free excel lent campground facilities. Jerman St Cn'ttenien, Rt. 1, Box 825. Salem, Ore 184 GOLDEN JUBILEE Peaches. Picking Aug. Sth. Bring boxes. Al Townsend Orchard. Mission Bottom. Rl84 WE CAN use more bean pickers FN.. Aug. 5th. Stating 3rd picking. Close In. only 2Vi ml. out. Sllverton Rd. from Fairgrounds. Turn right at Middle Grove school. Ph. 2-7167. Herr St Rensche. Rt. 8. 345 H. gI88 BOP PICKERS Mon., Aug. 8. Williams it Thacker ranch, 31 ml, west of Sa lem. Dallas Independence Hi way. Drive outs only. g!88 LADY OR MAN, pie a nan t work. Car necessary. Oood earnings. No exp. necessary. Writs Box 348 Capital Jour nal. glB6 HELP WANTED MALE FARM EXPERIENCE REQUIRED A salesman will be hired by major feed company for permanent, full-time work In this county. Home nights. No stock or credit to carry. Better-than-averse earnings. Thorough training on Job. Must have dependable car. Age 25 to 50. Only sober, serious-minded, reliable men will be considered. For confi dential appointment, reply to Capital Journal Box, 365, aalSi IAUTOMOBILES 1095.00 PHONE 3-3147 HI8S" HELP WANTED MALE FRY COOK nite shift, man preferred. Blue Line Cafe, 276 Chemeketa. galB4 SERVICE STATION attendant, 2-3 hour evenings. No lube. Call before 12 noon. Phone 3-6572. gal86 SER. STA. ATT. One that Is equally In erested in a permanent Job that pays dollar per hr as well as ft o'clock and pay day. Please it you have no desire to work and are looking for a place to loaf, don't apply because you won't last anyway. Handle OH, 3375 Portland MEN AGE 35 to 40 familiar with Ice cream equipment, to operate freezers. Must have ability, good refer., none smoker. See McKlaus at The Pike, 138 8. Lib erty. gal86 HAVE WORK for 3 men. Must be neat, aggressive & able to be bonded. Car Is necessary. See Mr. Merke at 480 N. Church St, Thur. or Fri 8:30 a.m. ial84 FURNACE INSTALLER, experienced. Must uc car n wois rn. a-seo lor ap polntment. gal 84 HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESWOMAN to demonstrate Aj sell ap pliances on shop floor. Must hav tome selling exp. will be given course In train ing. Prefer woman who sews. Opp. for cap. saleswoman. Apply I to 10 A. M. only. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. gb!84 STENOGRAPHER, must be good typist. Lumber experience preferable. Answer tnt in own hand writing. Giving experi ence, salary expected and phone. Write Capital Journal Box 367. gbl85 EXPERIENCED GIRL, .Capital Variety Store, 1262 State. gbl86 OPPORTUNITY lor permanent position with a future for girl with lumber In voicing experience. Must apply In per son. 35ft N. Liberty. See Mrs. Pickett. fb- EXPERIENCED lingerie and sportswear salesgirl. Apply at Sallys. gbl85 CLERK typist, with working know ltd of bookkeeping. Give age, experience, marital status St salary desired. Write box 270 Capital Journal. gb Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES GOOD SENSE IS SOMETIMES JUST PLAIN Ordinary Horse Sense IT MAKES "HORSE SENSE" TO BUY YOUR TRUCK FROM AN AUTHORIZED TRUCK DEALER DUMP TRUCKS 1940 Chevrolet 4 Yd. Box, 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 Tires 1948 Ford 4-5 Yd. Box, 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 Tires 1949 Ford 4-5 Yd. Box, 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 Tires Only 360 Miles on This One 1949 Ford Chassis, 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 Tires FARM TRUCKS 1946 Chevrolet, 5 Speed Transmission, 2 Speed Axle 1946 Ford, 2 Speed Axle, Rebuilt Motor 1947 Ford CO.., 2 Speed Axle, Stock Bed 1941 Ford Cab Over Engine PICKUP 1945 G.M.C. V Ton, 4 Speed Transmission WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept LIBERTY AT MARION Clearance Sale ALL CARS MUST GO UNBEATABLE PRICES $100 Makes Down Payment ON ANY CAR LISTED SALE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 1947 CROSLEY PICKUP. FULL PRICE $475.00 1941 OLDS 76 SEDANETTE. FULL PRICE . . . 645.00 1941 OLDS 68 CLUB COUPE. FULL PRICE . . . 645.00 1941 CHEV. MASTER DEL. FULL PRICE 595.00 1941 HUDSON 4 DOOR. FULL PRICE 545.00 1940 STUDEBAKER CLUB CPE. FULL PRICE 495.00 1940 BUICK 4 DOOR. FULL PRICE 545.00 1939 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR. FULL PRICE . . 445.00 ALSO 1945 LONG WHEELBASE CHEVROLET TRUCK - $895.00 Durand Motors 540 UNION Sure Prices Are Down Compare These Values FRIDAY and SATURDAY 545 Center 1949 Lincoln Club Sed. Fully Equipped, 7000 miles $2695 1949 Mercury Club Sedan. Radio, Heater & Overdrive . . 2095 1949 Mercury Sedan, Radio and Heater 2095 1948 Mercury Conv. Maroon, white walls, R&H, sport lite, seat covers ; 1695 1947 Studebaker Landcruiser. 1946 Chevrolet Aero Sedan, new paint, two tone 1495 " 1946 Mercury Sedan, Radio & Heater, Sport Lite 1195 1942 Plymouth Sedan, Radio & Heater 745 1942 Dodge Coupe, new paint 745 1941 Buick Sedanette, new paint 745 1941 Lincoln 5 Pass Coupe. A beauty 795 1941 Studebaker Commander Sedan 795 1940 Lincoln Sedan 495 1939 Ford Tudor 395 1937 DeSoto Coupe 295 Warner Motor Co. SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER 1 PH. 33012 ql85 ttrrrtrrr ffff rrr rrr"""'""""wv " " """ WANTED SALESMAN A SALESMAN. A good product and Rood money for the right man. Phone 3-0401 lor Interview. ggl84' WANTTD AT ONCE, men to supply con sumer witn overynay nouacnuiu ne cessities under our factory to home plan. !n City of Salem. Pull time. Earnings based on sale. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ORH-155-728, Oakland, Calif. KB 184 WE HAVE an opening lor an aggressive experienceu Bntcoiuau. awutg earnings. Opportunity for advancement to management position for men who qualify on the Job. For appointment write on .111, j ""1" EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE and CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency WANTED POSITIONS FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5522. h207 Mimeographing-Typing POPS 665 North 16th Phone 3-3643 h207 TUNE-UP MAN, exp. with Sunne equip menl ft years exp. with Chrysler prod ucts. 74X4 Dayton. h!84 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 26014. b!84 WILL CARE for ambulatory women. 2245 N. Liberty. EXP. WOMAN wants housekeeping & cooking position. Ph. 3-3101. Km. ios. hl84 NEAT, ATTRACTIVE, middle teed widow, daurhter 13, wishes position as house keeper for refined gentleman. Exper. cook and excel, home maker. Will con sider out of town position. 479 State St., co State Hotel. Mrs. Powers. hl8S TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice Former Phons opr. Ph 1-5072. h204 WASHING St Ironing, 75c per hr. Rea sonable. 506 S. 18th. Ph. 28815. hl85 BABY SITTING. Ph. 20823. hl86 BAD if SITTING by reliable lady. Phone ..-8969. h!86 DENTAL NURSE Graduate of S. P. Dental Nurses School. Ph. 3-5573. hl66 Painting To Be Done? Reasonable rata, Guaranteed satisfac tion. S. W. Dyer, Ph 2-6630. M84 DRES3MAKINO A alteratlona. Ph. 2-9840 after 3 h203 GENERAL CARPENTER work. Ph. 3-1330 TREE WORK, topplnf, trlmmlnl. remov In,. Ina. op. Work mar. W. u. McAllii ter, 60 Trade. Ph. 2-1(96 h201 NTETIIOB PAINTING. EXP. Ph. J-6H6. h201 CHILD CARE 1180 ghllplni Ph l-9M. hl PLOWISO tc Discing. Ph. 31404. CARPENTER WH. New. Repair. Ph. 3-20,1 117 IAUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-3147 ql85 Very clean 1895 .WANTED POSITIONS PLASTERING. PATCnWORK and chim ney bulldlnc. Ph. 2D702. Free estimates. MSI CfcMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850 h EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding aohool in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland MU 061 hh20C FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING room, men. 448 Center St. Rear Wood row Bldg. )kl84 SLEEPING Room for emDloved gentleman Close in. 638 ho. cnurcn at, jkjoo ROOMS, ladles onlyl Kitchen privileges. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 36210. Jk!84' SLEEPING RM. PH. 34339. Jk201 !t ROOM apt. Elec. heat St range. Utilities furn. Ph. 26081. Jpl85 SLEEPING ROOM, 461 N. High. Jkl86 SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. ft Ph. Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3425 Jk204 SLEEPING rma, for employed Rentlemen. Attractive, lnaul., reasonable. Near Cap ital Shopping Center. Ph. 3-4248. Jkl84a SLKFPING Room. 2131 Center. HOLLYWOOD rms. 2038 McCoy Pb. 36093. Jkl98 FOR RENT APARTMENTS PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. St bath, modern elec. neat. Adults. 1310 Madison, jpia' 2 RM. FURN. APT., private bath, util ities furn. for 1 single person. Ph. 2-9136 after 6 p.m. Jpl84 IMMED. POSS. 2 rm. apt. Walking dlst. to State Bldg. 140. All utilities paid. Ph. 23483. Jpl85 FOR WORKING COUPLE. Nicely furn. 2 rm apt. 145. 959 8 I2th. Jp184 ATTRACTIVELY furnished, close In. pri vate bath. Two adults. 168 N. 12th St. JP1B4 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt Prlv. bath. 690 8. Commercial, Phone 3-6985. Pl84 FURN. RA8KMENT apt. For employed couple or gentleman. 575 D St. JplS6 UPSTAIRS unfurn. apt. for rent or lease. 1 bdrm., llv rm.. kit. St bath. Elec. heat, oak floors. Very nice. Adults only $50. Ph. 24526. Jpl85 DANDY FURN. apt. Close In. If. L. Stiff. 3B185 or 37030. Jpl86 UNFURN. 3 rm. apt. Prlv. bath, elec stove St heat. West Balem, Ph. 36398. jpl8fl FURN. APT. for 1 or 2. Clean, Close In. 760 N. Church. Ph. 20201. Jpl84 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. elec. heat. Near Capital. Ph. 34286. Jpl84 UNFURN. I rm. apt. Prlv. ent. St bath. Apply 04S 8. 12th. Jpl86 2 RM. FURN. Apt. 486 N. Liberty. Inquire Burl Plena Realty, 171 X. Hiih. JP186" AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE SPECIALS Don't let the price on these AS IS'ERS fool you. We really check and recondition our cars inside and out. Come in and look our cars over. You can buy with confidence here. 30-day Warranty. 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1946 MERCURY TUDOR 1946 HUDSON SEDAN (6) 1942 BUICK SEDANETTE 1942 OLDS 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 1941 DE SOTO SEDAN 1941 OLDS TUDOR 1941 NASH 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 OLDS 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1940 NASH SEDAN 1940 STUDEBAKER TUDOR 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1940 FORD 5 PASS. COUPE 1940 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1939 NASH SEDAN 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 HUDSON SEDAN 1938 NASH SEDAN 1937 WILLYS SEDAN" 1934 CHEVROLET COUPE 1946 STUDEBAKER 'Vi TON PICKUP 1941 FORD Vz TON PICKUP TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 8EE JOE SFDRLOCK 352 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 2-4173 qlflfl PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage . .$1995 '40 Pontiac Sedan 495 '41 Pontiac Sport Coupe 745 '37 Pontiac Sedan 345 '42 Olds Sedan 945 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '37 Plymouth Sedan 295 Herrall - Owens Co 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 24113 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEW 2 BR. DUPLEX with Oar. Range, Ref. Ss Ven. Blinds, call 3-nifJ s to :au. Jpl87 FOR RENT HOUSES 7 BDBM HOUSE, 671 Gerth Ave, Phone 2-9967 alter 8 p.m. jroino 5 RM. HOUSE, V bdrm. Oood location. ClWe Carnlne, pn. 3-73ia. jm.po- 8 RM. HOUSE, completely turn. 1751. N. Pont. jnuao- 3 ROOM unfurn. house, $40 a mo. Ph. J368 after 6 p.m. Jmioo FOR RENT, lnrae house, corner lot, near high, Jr. hliih St grade school. Completely furnished including Ben dlx, dryer, range, refrlg. 1125. Ref. re quired. Ph. 209B8. lml85 2 BDRM. UNFURN. home. Elec. heat, fireplace, utility rm, garage, aquiis pre ferred. $80 per month. 1925 N. Church. Jml85' 3 BDRM. HOUSE. Large llvhiff room St dining room, nook St utility room, biec, heat, double oarane. double plumbing, Water furn. $85 per month. 34th St D StS. FO. 21258. J"""" FOR RENT $100. Owner transferred. Lame home, hardwood floors, douoie piumo ins, fireplace, oil heat, excellent neigh borhood. Close to schools. Will consider selling or trade. Ph. 2-0988. Jml84 WHY PAY RENT? New homes. Terms like rent. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7042 Eve. St Sun. Ph. 2-0343 or 2-0126 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Wa.d. i TO DO a good ob rent a good floor sand r W nell everything to com pie U the Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. SEWING Machines Portnble or Trendte. Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J203 GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable tor of fice or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4121 J' BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. J' U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. J' TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros, 1410 8 12th, West Salem. J FOR RENT: Ground floor of floe apace; and storage epace. 328 N. Commercial St. Ph. 25211. J"" siNfiER ELECTRIC Deniable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Pree pick up Ss delivery. Binder Sewing Macnina to 1 30 N Com X Ph 3 3512 WANTED TO RENT B.R. house or apt. Will lease. Respon sible couole with year old cnun. rn 24613. Jal84 A CLEAN 4 or 5 ROOM furnifihed house or furn shed aDt. by responsible cuupie. Ph. 27654. Jal86 REWARD for suitable 3-bedroom house, Phone 3-3253 or 3-7922. Jal84 YOUNG ENGINEER, wife and 7 year old daughter urgently need 2 bdrm. furnlnh- ed house by Aug. 15. rn. aws. jtwoo- WANTED TO RENT STATE EMPLOYEE needs 2 bdrm. un burn, house immediately. Ph. 35547. Jal88 MAN AND WIFE want 1 or 2 bdrm. house, duplex, apt. Ph. Mrs. Jones. 3-5337. Jal85 W.'NTKD to rent unfurn. 3 bdrm. hse. Od. location. For 3- adults. Oood refer. Call Mr. O. Tookey at the Capital Journal. JalfiS BUSINESS MAN, wife, high school he son desire 2 or 3 bdrm. home. Furn. or unfurn. Reas. rent. Ph. 3-1122, r!84 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND RM. 8,0 E St. Ph. J-J7M JJ207 LOST AND FOUND LOST SMALL Toy red male dog Sunday eve. Reward. Phone 3-9453. kl84 LOST near Capitol Bldg. Chluahua St Pek inese female dog, small l' lbs. long hair, borwn. ans. to name Ginger. Re ward, call Independence 100R or Write Mrs. Ruth Irving, Independence R. 1. Ore klRfl MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORXETtERE. 435 N Wlntet Ph. 3-5072 ml 89 WILL STORE piano for us. No small ehlklran. Phone 36777. mill IAUTOMOBILES MISCELLANEOUS WILL TRADE a Bradley 2 wheel trailer for a Dlano or skill saw. lS7 East Ave. Salem. P. A. Walery. ml85 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIBT Adolpb Bldg. State St Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS FRONT DOORS, new. IK" thick, grade A fir doors. Only 115. Large windows for living room, dining room in stock, C. G. Long. Ph. 25821. One mile N. of Keizer malBD' DOORS 1 -panel, 2-panel, 3 and 6 -panel doors, glass doors, screen doom, storm doors, mahonanv ent. doors. Every one a bar gain. C. O. Long, Ph. 2-5821. One mile nortn oi tticzer. maitn INTERLOCKING or mortar pumice and concrete building blocks. Free estimate. Mortarlcss Block Co., 14th and Hoyt. Ph. 3-7324. mal84 8x8x16 PUMICE block wltlr 1 shell. Also various sizes and types including chim ney blocks. 12th St Block CO. Ph. 25363. mnl85 f iLL 21106 Salem, we sell the best Cedar Shli.iles from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade high mountain timber, No. 1. $8. No. 2 $5. Delivered. Ted Muller, 6a-Icm-Indep. Road. " ma' 18" No. I Cedar Shakes. Nntural or paint ed Ptim coated or stained. Cedarwall Fittite or Bear Brands $9 per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted - Mulle-. 2-1196. ma" Wrecking House 975 Chemeketa. All material must be sold, nothing reserved, doors, windows, floor carpeting, etc. Seo Chris at the house. malBfl xlO CEDAR SIDING, any amount. Clear A Sz B grades. Reas. prices. Check our prices. Ted Muller Ph Salem -91196. PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses Si grades. Both plain St water proof, fnc start at 5c per sq ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of H" and W Insul ating boards Low prices on " St sheet rock Keith Brown, Front St Court Sts.. Salem. ma ALUT1A LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINOLB. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer or Call DIM 3-6401 maldT SI'EOIALi Cedar Bldinn, 5i"xB" Random ler.gth. C-grade, $85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front St Court Sts., Salem. ma NEW SHIPMENT pi oat board " 6 Vic; Vt". 6o sq. ft Rock lathe 45 sq. ft $1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD BtLEM ma USED BRICK. Call 39701 or 24389. mal94 BAVE On ROOFINO Let Warda give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM. OREOON ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ELEC. STOVE, refrlg. chine. Ph. 3-7041. St washing ma WESTINGHOUSE Refrlg. Apt. Size, J7V Ph. 21159. nlB6 ALMOST NEW coffee table $6. Occasional chair, excellent condition $&. Ph. a.'i-lHfl. nl84 LADY'S BICYCLE $35. .j8.VJ. Like new. Ph. nl86 ELEC. REFKIG. Apt. site $56. Elec. range apt. size $10. 535 N. Winter. n!86 3 GOOD COIL bed springs, bed sf nd, rorker, davenport. 1845 S. 13th. nl86 REBUILD air conditioner, like new. Less than half price. Ph. 3-4750. nl89 RED DAVE NO $60. 6x9 rug St pad $12.50. Electric heater $5, 660 Union Apt. 1. nlB5 NEW 4 POSTER unfinished bed. 3 used 600x50x16 tires. B40 Union. nlflO BATH TUB, lavatory St bowl, rug 12x12, Venetian blinds, 384 N. Summer. Phone 3-7769, nlSfl 18 QT. IIF.ALT1I presure cooker, excel lent condition, $5 One cream enamel Hard wick rane $15. See at 840 Hoyt Kt. or jJhone 3-3961. nl84 AS S T.BLON I) E occa. tables, 113.95. Cock tn II. end. lamp tables, 3 shelf mag-end table. Orcn stamps, SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Com'l nl85 BASSINET with plastic liner St pad. Ma ternity dress, size 12. 395 S. 17th. nl85 S PC, Bed Room Set, rich Wal. vrnerr In natural or bleach finish. Waterfall, lnrae plate class mirror. Reg. 1159.50. Re modeling sale $119 88. Green Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Com ! nl85 OOOD second-hand used bathtub for sale, Ph. 16095. 1866 Trade. nl84 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i Wrecking House 975 Chemeketa. All material must be sold, nothing reserved, doors, windows. Plumbing, furnace, air conditioner, floor carpeting, etc. See Chris at the house. n!86 HOYT ST. SURPLUS LIQUIDATION SALE CLOSING ON AUG. 14 EVERYTHING A BARGAIN HURRY IN 1351 HOYT ST. nl85 SLIP COVERS sure fit. AS LOW A3 $1.98. Below cost. For club, wing back, 3-but-ton back, modern club chairs St plat form rocker. In floral and plain design. VALLEY FURN. CO. 285 N. Com'l Ph. 27472 nl84 WOOD RANGE, exc. cone, boy's bicycle, 26" Wheels. Ph. 17F31. Rt, 8, BOX 606, Salem. nl84 BUNGALO style piano 80" high. Very good conamon, loveiy tone, rn. jwuon. nl85" CLOSING OUT on Garden Pal tractors. New S H.P., cost $367.50, sell $289. One used S horsepower disc plow, cultiva tor and sickle bar $150. One used Ufc horsepower disc St cultivator $125. Howser Bros., 1410 8. 12th. Ph. 33646. n!87 PRACTICAL NURSES NEEDED 54 -FT. GENERAL Electric, $85. 1320 Edge- water. nl84 FOR SALE--A new Smith-Corona type writer and Chicago roller skates with case. Call 3-4033 after 3:00. nl85 300 GAL. OUTSIDE WTilte Paint. $3.90 per gal. 1125 Norway St. nlSfl FOR SALE 7x9 Walk In Cooler, complete witn unit, sneives. 3 side reacn-m doors, Ph. 37243 after 6:30 p. m. nl86' DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickling purposes "Keeps your pickles kriap. Also old time pure apple cider vinegar Purltnn Older Works. n204 FURNACE. Pavne gas, 90,000 B T U. Like new Fully automatic, complete with all controls, grills, etc., $125. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland rtd. nl84 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier, Gibson and Moiuag Appliance at Qevurta STEEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings in stock 6i maue to oraer. mo n. Liberty nl90 BUY OR SELL Used restaurant equip ment Ph. 3-4750. nl88 SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer Si Iiasement . Equipment Rental 15 B "4 yds 12.00 per hr 10 B yds 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per nr D-6 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat St Dozei 7.00 per hr Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-824 of 2-4400 balem Oregon D FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles, fertilizer St flatrock. Phillips Bros. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 31458. n" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying $1.45 Retread Tire Service. 320 So. Lancaster. nal98 WANTED furniture vo glue S repair. Lee uroa. rum Ksimuniog uo fn i-iooi USED PURNITURK Phnne I-01B5 oa PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. 555 Cross St. Ph 2-5446. pl92 MEN. WOMEN! OLDT GET PEP1 Oatrex Tonlo Tablets Invigorate body old after 40 Just because lacking Iron. Also con tain vitamin Bl. Introductory slse only 50c. At all druggists in Salem, at Fred Meyer's. pibb ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Box 724. S-5234 pl&s AUTOMOBILES NOW WRECKING 39 Nash Sedan. 39 Bulck Coupe. 37 Ply mouth Two 37 Chevrolet Sedans. 38 Chevrolet Sedan. 87 Nash Sedan. 37 Willys. 36 Plymouth. 35 Plymouth. 37 Dodge. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 145 Center, next to the bridge. qlB4 $50 USED CAR lot. Any car on the lot $50 St your old one. 12th St. Junction. q207 1940 BUICK SUPER 4 DR. SEDAN Top mechanical condition, recently ov er h billed. $750 or best offer. Phone 2-5030, 2645 Maple Avenue. ql87 '47 FORD Convertible, R&H. new top. skirts, spotlite, etc., $1,225.00. 1560 Roo sevelt St. ql84 1935 FORD Convertible. Ph. 3-6622 days, 3-4813 eves. ql87 LUCKY'S SHOP now open for business. General repairing cars, trucks and tractors. 1841 S. 12th. M. F. Oziah, manager. Open from 8 to 8. qlBB WANT '37 PONTIAC PLATBACK SEDAN MUST BE CLEAN I TEXACO SERVICE STATION, 2L5 CENTER ST. ql84 10:11 CHEV., In good condition. 550 N. Winter St. Phone 3-4223. qlflT 11)10 G.M.C. -Ton Pickup. Excel), cond. New motor. Bee u, K. Oler, call eve n Ink's, 400 N. Grant St., Sllverton, Ore. "The Wake of the Red Witch" Plus "The Bribe." , ql06 1010 FORD Convertible. New tires, bat tery, brakes St seat covers, $650. 1MB N. 21st Eve. qlB6 WANTED! Clean used cars. Bob Mart 2100 South Commercial q Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1D:5 OLDS. Oood condition. $195 Call 20441 after 6 p.m. qlH4 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL - TRADE TERMS 232 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-6461 Eisner Motors to Buy NOW WRECKING a '39 suick, '36 Desoto airflow, 3tf Stude., '38 Ford. '38 Olds., 38 Chev. truck, model A truck, '29 Chev. truck and many others. Himm'r Auto Wreckers. 1 mile west on Dallas Salem highway. Ph. 38468. qlB5 CARS & TRUCKS AUCTION Every Friday 7:30 P.M. WE HAVE THE BUYERS BRING YOUR CARS & TRUCKS AND WE'LL SELL 'EM Bring Them Before 1 p.m. SUDTELL'S AUCTION 4315 Sllverton Rd. 1 mile eat of Filr grounds. Come early and look them over qia4' LF.AVINO TOWN Must sell my low mileage, very clean '47 Chevrolet con vertible. $1275. Financing. Phone 3-7376. 606 8. Ohurch. tjl85 "lim sTuDERAKF.K Sedan. Very clean" New motor, new battery, $265. 2055 N 18lh. Ph 38376. 4165 IH17 CIIKV. Fleet Maxtrr 4 Dr. Sedan. $1275. Excellent condition. Ph. 2-0620. 1920 Berry St. 18S Thursday, August 4, 1949 23 AUTOMOBILES 1947 DODGE Panel Delivery, $935.00. Phono 3-3951. ql65 I NEED a good car. Will trade 3 choice lots In Dallas, value $1500 for best car offered. Phone 30010. ql85 Eisner Motors to StLl 1911 CHEV. Bus. Coupe $650. 276 No. 14th St. Phone 2-3551. ql85 1940 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, clean. gooa operating conuiuon, one owner. Will consider trade on lot or real estate. See at 1140 North Capitol, Ph. 3821 a. Joe L. Bourne. qlB5 WILSON'S BETTER CARS AT BETTER PRICES 47 PONTIAO SEDAN $1725 47 PONTIAO SEDAN 1695 47 BUICK 8UPER SEDANET . 1695 41 BUICK BUPER SEDAN .... 1675 46 BUICK SUPER SEDAN .... 1575 1395 1045 1043 995 965 1 .5 895 875 275 225 225 47 CHEVROLET 3 DOOR .... 41 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN . 41 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET 41 PACKARD CLIPPER SEDAN 41 OLDS SEDAN 10 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 41 CHEVROLET COUPE 40 BUICK SPECIAL BEDAN .. 37 PONTIAC 31 CHEVROLET 31 HUDSON . Otto J Wilson Co. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER SELL 30 Dodge Coupe for $250. Or trade Plus cash for later sedan. Phone 20429. q.188 35 PLYMOUTH Coach, price $145. Shrock Motor Company, Ph. 27033. ql86 35 FORD Cpe. R&H, full price $125. Shrock Motor Co. Ph. 27023. ql86 81 FORD TUDOR. Full pries $37.50. Shrock Motor company. Ph. 27023. qiea LOOK WATCH THIS CLASSIFIED COLUMN EVERY DAY FOR OUR SPECIALS. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY. ql86" Itm BUICK Special 4 Door. Two-ton paint. Very clean. A-l mechanically. Ph. 36589. qlSS BEST OFFER over $1500 takes clean 1948 Chev. Aerosedaa. R&H. Call 2-9877 evenings. q!80 SI CHEV. 4 Dr. Pert. cond. Pb. 2-4582. ql86 '87 DODGE 4 dr. sedan $325. Terms. R&H. spotlight, new seat covers. Body and motor In very good cond. 1155 Colonial Ave. (Off Market St McCoy). ql86 104 NASH $460. Ph. 3-f ql85 FOR SALE 1948 Ford convertible. R&H. iiow mileage, ii.juu. can a -3111 or 3-u-iua. 87 BUICK coupe exc, cond. Must be seen to be appreciated. 1780 N. Front. Ph. 21908 Eve. 2545B. q 160- 1085 CHEV. a dr. sedan. 236 Fisher Rd. (East). ql8l) '49 OLDS futuramlc 2 door sedan, rocket engine, low mileage, priced lor quick sale. Ph. 3-8330. qlS4 1047 CHEVROLET Fleetlino 6 pass. 2 door. 20,000 miles. Perfect condition. See owner. 255 Center St. ' ql84 41 CHEV. cpe. excellent cond. Sea at Mobil Station. Cor. Mkt. St Capitol. q86 102B MODEL A Ford sedan. M. M. Magee K. 5, BOX 476. Phone 22695. qlBS FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sizes. 15.00 and up. Montgomery Warn & Co., Salem. qbl8Ba FINANCIAL BUILDER WILL sell $3745, 6V'3 contract on new home. Saras $1012.40 Interest In 108 monthly payments of $44.05. Call R. V. Lorem, Pnone 3-4284. f PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on target loans long and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS 136 Sorh Commercial St Pbona 3-9161 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO $300 Car loans up to laou Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 LlO N M309 -8291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-138 and M-321 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercla St Tel 3-9101 r FARM Attn CTTT LOANS 4 '4 and 6 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for RraJ Estate Contracts and Second MortcatreA CAPITOL SECURITIES CO dOl Pioneer TruM Pldi Ph 3-7162 r SEE US fOR ATTR ACTIVE F A It .U I.O A NS ONLY OR 4' INTEREST I to 40 Years and No CommLvlon Leo N Childs, Inc. REALTORS S44 State St Pnone 1-3663 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREUH CO 182 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph t-2457 Lie NO M-1SD S-154 We LIKE to MAKE LOANS We make loans to 4 out of 5 who ask for one and enjoy doing it. Cash for any good purpose. Take up to 20 months to repay. Don't borrow unnecemiarllr, but if a loan solves a problem, phone or cum nl today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Salrm 518 State, Rm. 135 - Phonr 2-2464 C. H. Allen, Mkt. Lie. 3-122. M-165 rl4 TRAILERS it FT, Glider, butane ranue, very rea sonable. Fir Crest Trailer Park, 3910 N. River Road. tl86 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING to Kansaa Friday mornliift. Can take 2 paAsciiKers. Chare expenses. J, Hammomb, Independence Office, Wood burn. xl84 (Continued on Page 21)