22 -Capital Journal, Salem, CKABSiriCD ADVERTISING! Per Lin i&c Pet Unt 4 times , 40e Pei Unt time 10c Pel Line i month ...... ,. 13 00 Outside ot Balem 1M per tin pet day alio loci time aim tu 6 t.m ml SI 10 No Kefundt KRADCRS- In Unl New Col Only. Per unt e lo Place an Ad I hone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES "ENGLEWOOD dist. 18900 Nice t bed tm. home, fireplace, full basement, sawdust furnace, single garage. Call Ivan Slvera Geo. A. Walters, Realtor SS0 a. Commercial Ph. IS8M . 2 n 184 BY OWNER new 1 bdrm. living rm. din. rm. comb. Hdwd (Ire., hall, bath. Lge. inside utility rm. Alt. garage. Lge. lot near school, 2375 Broadway Ph. J-8B44. 1189 $8900 Lot 115x331, tree, lawn, I bdrm. home. Large llvlniroom, kitchen, utility, bath tub U shower. OH heat, carpet, Easy terms or trade (or Weet Balem. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Year In Balem 350 N. High St. Ph. 1-4131. a184' FOR SALE BV OWNERt New I bdrm home FHA terms. 1600 down. Phone 2-2880 542 Blller. 186 NI W HOME by owner. 2140 Oarlton Way N on 99 to Carlton Way. aJ95 FOR SALE OR LEASE BT OWNER Convenient (oi business and residence or house can be removed 8 rm., lull basemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Sears New Shopping Center, on State Huh way 99E. 1b N. Capitol St. Phone 2-4540 for appointment J87 B. HIGH ST. Modern home. Has 3 bdrm., den, L.R. D.R. Comb., kitchen ft nook with Tull basement, Lota ot bullt-lns. Has fireplace, auto. Oil heat, carpeted hdw tlrs. Lee. well landscaped lot. $12,600. Ph. owne. at 3-6196. HB4- BV OWNER Engl e wood school dlst,, well const. 3-bdrm. home. Pull bsmt. with food furn. Insul., new roof, new relec. About 10 yrs. old. Approx. lot 50110. Bus by door Lots of shrub and flowers, gar den In. Ph. 3-0396. 2295 Breyman. a!91 MOD. 4-BDRM. home Clone to school anil but. 1060 3rd St., West Balem. 1B5 fcNOLEWOOD DIflT. 2 bdrm.. L.R. with fireplace, dinette, kitch. with lota of bullt-lns, bath with tub and shower, pecan firs., att. extra Ice. (tar., Instil, and W.8., auto, heat, bark yd. fenced, F.H.A. approved: Bet at 1640 Orant or Phone 2-5526. 18B OWNER LEAVING CITY Offera this one year old, 3 bedroom home, modern In every Tespeet. Yard, shrubbery and garden In, automatlo oil heat, best of conditions. Corner lot. 1360 will bandit. Balance $56 per mo. F.H.A. Ph. 22825. S08 Tryon tve. a 167 BY OWNER 7 room house, double plumb ing. 2557 Lee Bt. alflfl Won BALE by owner) New I room modern house $3000. $1400 down, ten years on balance. Will take eT In. 3330 Hydt St.. Balem. 18fl BY OWNER Price 11950 down! bal. $1000 morgage aeml annually for quick sale. 3-brdroom house on high ground over looking pretty Tlew, close to West Ba la m. Extra vie building lot (school, Mt. View), city water, lights, etc. Location: Turn right off Edgewater Bt. on Rose mont at corner of M.K.N. Furnture Store, go up top of Cascade Dr., turn left, then a quick right turn, follow dirt road to tint lefthand turn, second place on right. Roth, Box 104, Rt. 1, West Salem. al86 KfODERN 2 Bdrm. home, leaving town" bargain. 881 Rosemont, W-8. al86 y OWNER a bdrm. home, L.R. with hardwood firs., nice kitchen, Yen. blinds, Bendlx. Life, lot. Bouth near stores and bus. 10300. Phone 2-3219, alfIS1 MEW 6 RM. house and bath rm. unflnlsh. ed. 3 loU. Just north of West fitayton store. at87 fe.SAO CASH I Bdrm., Llv. ft Dinette comb., kitchen, lot of bullt-lns. oar age, barn, 14 acres. 14 yng. fruit trees; lge. Eng. Wal.i Jgt. Bin. Wal. 650 Holly wood Ave. aia4 Leaving the State My 11393 equlyt In 1 yr. old 2 B.R. home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move right In for S00. Bal F.H.A. See 842 Bitter Ave. a 1 B7 fjMO Very neat two bed rm. plastered homu with hardwood firs, thru-out. heavily insulated, shake exterior, att. aarage, large lot east. 8 mos. old. BdftOO New ranch style I bed rm. on ex tra large lot, hwd. floors, fireplace, elec. heat, nice lawn, Iota of flowers. Vino Beautiful new two bed rm. dream home on extra large lot east. Lawn ft shrubs already In. You should see this. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 0. Commercial Eve. 353(10 alfl4 BUY NOW OOZY 1 bedrm. home, 2 yrs, old. Elec. stove AO ft. lot. Price H8S0. KEIZER DI8T. Practically new 3 bedrm. home. Att, garage; furnace. Large lot. A good buy for 17000. Terms. fAIRMOUNT HILL DIST 2 bedrm. home: sleeping porch; cement basement; oil furnace. Nice back yard: laria shade trees. 18000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 244 Statt Bt. Ph. 2-SRM Evtnlnns call 8-8782 or 2-4007. al84 fcV"o WNER 3 bd. r. homt"pr Iced tcTeelf Sinai) down payment, bal. 50 per mo. Income of IH& per mo. Near parorhlnl and public school. Ph. 2-3451. alR4 Move Right In Completely furnished. Two lovely bdrms. Lit, DR. Kit., fireplace; piped furniicc; lima fenced yard; near public and par ochial schools; near bus. All for 111,500. Terms. SALEM REALTY CO. RE ALTO RB 142 N. HUH St. Phone 3-7R60 Eve phone 2-45B1 - 3-8005. altH WOtt SAl.K 2 bdrm. bung, full Ins. car port, Mt. gar., elec. rge. Ac ref. etc. Can take car and house trailer In trade. Same price cash or terms 88.800, 315 .oona bi., anverton, ore. at 85 HIGHWAY PROPERTY Price reduced on Approx. 1 acre on Dallas highway. 2 miles from brldve. Large bldg, with living quarters ft space for store. Green hse. Room to build 3 more h.ie.. Full price J7400. C. W. Reeve Realtor 245 B. Comm'l. Ph. 1-4590. Eva. 39MS aiBV Rfh. tflTll8TRKCT Beautiful homt. imf" attic, corner lot. fireplace. H.W. floor. tile bath, and many other features you will like. Owner works In another town, Priced for quick sale. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 14707 4,4 court at Eve. 34773 13. .IBS' Something New to Trade Home, Business and Rent als. Owner must sell or trade acc. Illncu. Will take farm or Income property that can be rented. Ask for particulars. Value about Ilfi.isoo, No phone information on thli one. Salem Realty Co. 14 N. High al84 t" BDRM. house on H acre." Klngwood, 110,500. Ph. 2-7241. alfli PWNKK 2 bedroom house, nk location, 1180 Nebraska. atae . T CHEAP Move In ft complete, plumbing ft wiring roughed In. 1 bdrms. Well. b A. good soil. Bma.ll down payment. Full price 13350. C. W. Reeve Realtor 41 . Comm'l. Ph. I49. Eve, j-omp 188 Ore., ThurHdny, AuRUst 4 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Wake of the Red Witch" Plu "The Bribe" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE IIKRE ARB THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Wnnl Acln and find the title ol thl picture cominR soon to Salem Clip out the want a a In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on 'Why I Read The Canltal Jour nal Want Ads." with vour name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on ilnceritv and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each dav will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Wake d( the Red Witch" plus "The Bribe", coming soon to the Capital theater. All entries become the proper ty ot the Capital Journal and decision of the ludges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal The Capitol or Elsinore rheatrea and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES l I, linn, New B-room homo close to Hlfh school. Very well built, fireplace, cen tral oU heating system. 2-car garage. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with " State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. Hlfh Bt. Ph. 3-4121. Eves 3-5206. 180 3 GOOD BUYS Lovely home In center of Hollywood dlst. Older hut very well kept. 2 bdrms., S bsml.. elec. cook & wtr. htr., Ven. blinds, cory buck yard. Ideal for chil dren. Only 10850. This beautiful S bdrm. hOme Is In the sub close to bus ft school. One story rambling Myl. Only 3 years old. Have all modern ronven. This won't last ion at only 17,000. Oood terms And last hut not .east la this one story 2 bdrm. home in the nub. with Vt acre of land. Just right to raise chickens. Has a garden ipnt ft family orchard. The house Is plastered, cement founda tion, elec. cook ft wtr. htr. One block from city ft school buses, 16800. RAWLINS REALTY Itollywnnrt District -(. Eva. 3-11013, 3-112(1, 3-9197 199 BY OWNER, ft Rm. 8 B.R. upttalrJ. P0 Carlton Way. alaS Br OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced to 15900. 633 N. 17th St. ins IF YOU WANT n brand new home with 2 bdrms. that's extra, met, located norm. Call 27520. al85' ft ACHKS or less. Modern older type house nenr city limits. Terms. Ph. 2-llliO. bibb 7So. Clean modern 3-BR home Engle- wond dlAtrlct. Hardwood floors lire place full basement. Immediate pos session. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 S. High Bt. Ph. 3-4121. Evu 2-8881. aiar Room for Everyone We linve a 4 BR home at 1080 S. High close to school ft biw. There are three n cn BH ft full bath with cohered fix ture upstairs ft one BH with full bath down. The LK Is 30x18 and there Is al so a large DR. You will find an auto, oil furnace In the full b.imt. The full price Is $12,000 and 83.800 will handle. Home & Income A nent little 2 BR home in good loca tion clone to Snlem ft 2 pump gas sta tion ' acre of ground and you can have It all for $4,800. Call for further Information. Made for Children Three BR elkrjit year old North suburban ..ome on one acre of dandy soil. Excel lent dlst., lovely yard, family fruit ft berries. The owner would like you to see this home ft no reasonable offer will be rrfuscd. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Port In d Rd. Ph. 3-3285. Eves. 3-177B al4 NICE LITTLE cottaai. Plumbing ft wlr- Ins Partly In. $2500. PhL3-B226. 18B " OWNER; 2 BR modern home. 3780 La- I Branch Ave;. 4 Corners. alSfl WE HAVE 2 exceptional listings on sub- urban Berenice 5 ft 6 miles from down town Snlem. Modern 3 bdrm. houses. Iiii.dscaped lawn. Enc-h owner Is mov ing from this area and must sell Immed. at a rcdiced price Very reasonable I te-ms. A. N. Duncan Realtor ! 13-14 Ladd Bush Bldg. Ph. 3-Sfttft. : Kve. Ph. 3-5310 alRQ , TODAY'S SPECIAL Walking H.M. So. 3 bdrm. on 1 fir. 2 batlu. Lv. rm., din. rm., kitch. Work .-hop, I.mc. lot. Dble. gar. 11,400 dn. Full price 17100 CALL MR. BYRKIT ED BYRKIT ft CO., REALTORS 367 N. Hish Ph. 33101 al88a BV OWNER: 1 lid. rm., L.R., D R. New KnHlrvmxl DIM. Full price 111,100. 81(130 down. 11 N. 35th. Ph. 334115. alBH OWN ER'S" '"SACRIFICE" 1 jr. old. 3 BR. home, exceptionally will built, over 1500 an. ft. Interior f mt.hrd tit pla-strr board ft knotty Pine. Elec. heat, double Barage. bus line. Located Miburban east. Clo.se In. Tlilx Lt an unu.sunl home, the price If rlKht. Civ,t nwner over Jls.000. Will sell for M-VHlft. S2.000 down and the owner will curry contract on the balance. KikbIii.v HIGH ON A BLUFF SOUTH SALEM Beautiful 5 II El. home on 4 acres, full ceiiifiH biuemrnt with parly room. Won derful view. Owner would like a smaller home and will consider a trade. We ha a I'trture of this fine home tn the office window. Drop by ft look It over. - Kltfwln.v BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. HUh St. Office 2-3S40 Eve. 2-.S390 or S-74M. a!84 ot T OK state owner here to eell prc- urmiy new i-a hot j nome. a ige roomi down. unftnUlied up. hdwd floori thru out, breezeway, att. gar., lot 75x140, P. H. A. terms. SAlem Heights Dtit. 885 KwalcMirive S. on 09K to Ewald. AlflB $1 a.Aoo. Beautiful new 3-BK homeali on one floor. Close in. Modern tn every detail. 19500 F.H.A. committment. Call Stanley mown wltn State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5581. a!87 WJWO, Attractive one-bedroom homt tn t -Corners dist. Large corner lot lOOx 100. Dandy aarden, lawn, berries. This one won't last Ions, call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High Bt. Ph. 3-4131. Evee. 2-5306 a 188 CLOSE IN SUBURBAN Attractive home on A. All the con veniences of city are found in this 2-BH home furnished or unfurn., on Center St. 'it ml. K. of Lancaster. Watch for open house slan. Phone 3-0045. a 188 r!tM, New modern 2-BR unfinished home East. A iood buy lor someone. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Kve. 3-5581 till I FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS BUILT IN 1941 4 bdrm. home In good condition, nice fenced bark yard, hdwd. lira., OU heat. This is a buy at 17.330 To see this CALL EARL WEST. AN UNUSUAL FARM VALUE Less than U ml. from Bllverton city limits. Total 30 acre, 17l4 ac. hops, J1 ac. family orchard, 2 bdrm. modern home plus excellent farm hop equipment, hop house and dryer, barn ft chicken house. City water As 60 ft. drilled well. Very suitable for subdivision, paved road, Salem-Silverton Highway. REASONABLE TERMS. 4. CALL BEN ROISEN. THE TIME IS NOW This ! the time to make decisions. Now Is the time to make the first step on that dream home. Start buying that lot on terms If necessary and begin planning lhat home. And, before you buy, look at the best Candalarla, the most for the money. DO IT NOW! CALL PETER GEISER. SPECIAL Bee this I ac. beauty spot located 5 miles out. Beautiful wooded spot With 2 springs ft stream. 5 rm. home ft good barn. Sec this before you buy. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS , 134 B. Liberty at. EvrnlnxA and Roy Ferrla 3-9010 Earl Weat 1-1133 By owner, 2 story, 8 large rm. house. Full basement, party room and bed room, 1 14 bath, 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces. Springier system, fully landscaped. Near schools. Priced to sell. Corner . Cottage and Judson. To be seen, Ph. 39540. Period furniture and oriental rugs available. 1194 REAL ESTATE SPECIAL t bdrm. home, lirge lot 80xl2fl. Completely furnished, Inetudlng elee. stove ft refrlg. Very good location nrrth In Hollywood district. Attached garage ft utility room. Immediate possession. Price only 18,000. Easy terms. SUBURBAN 10 acres with a lovely 1 bdrm. bung, six years old. Dble. garage, all elec. heat. Very nice barn, room for 4 horses. Small chicken houst ft hog house. Year round creek. Prloed at (0750, Easy terms. BUSINESS Auto courts wit.h 9 strictly modern courts Plus I bdrm. living quar ters. All completely furnished. Located on 99E north. 146' frontage and 480 deep. Has ample room for trailer camp. Has good income. Priced at 836,000. For more Information get in touch with ui. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. ZEEB 1851 N. Capitol FOR SALE HOUSES Inexpensive Homes 11750 full price for 1 acre ft small fur nished 4-rm. hfi. near Brooks. $2050 FULL PRICE Mi acre ft older 3-story hse. near Hop mere. Wired for range. Terms. $1400 DOWN VIEW PROPERTY -15000 full price for lge, 2-story mod ern hse. Klngwood Hshts. B. Isherwood Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-8862. Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8838 at86 BLOCKS from Sears Shopping Center. Five room home. Hdwd. firs, turnout. Fireplace, V shades, full b.smt. Ph. 3-3289 General Real Estate 255 Center IR4 $K78fl. Modern lata built 2-BR home fire place V blinds oil furnace. Attached garage. SIOOQ down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors isa a. Huh st. ph. s-4iji. evm. a-ssm nlR7' FOR SALE LOTS LOTH with water, light, electricity, bus close to school on Silver! on highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 815 down. 115 per month. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3289. nnlSO VIEW LOT 85X198. t bloc Us from Salem Helglito school. Ph. 20998. v aa!88 VtEW LOT. 90x98. restricted City water Opp M& Vista Ave Ph 3-4284 aa FAIR MOUNT HILL on WnslilhKton St. between Fir and Falrmount streets, faring south. Lovely level lot 80x100 with trees, shrubs and 2-car gar ate Only 12150. Call S-4018. Eve. 3-8313. aelSS' $10 DOWN! t.t, lots with water, bus service, elec tricity close to school. See them today I Reimann Real Estate 201 South High Ph. J-8103 Sunday and Evenlnes I-S905, 1-9713. 2-9341, 2-2532, 3-3738 aa!84 FOR SALE FARM Ni-:i,L S YEAR LEASE on acre straw berry field. Furnished cabin 13x33 on property. Propane stoves tV tnnk. Sacri fice due to 11 In pas. Red 141 Silverton. bl86 BY OWNER Business Interests compel us to go back east, so w are selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries. and red raspberries for Income, also some young fruit tree coming along. The houst Is nearly new. contains two netn rooms, and is or smart modern de sign. It It all electric and has many ether attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price 117.500 and worth it. Ont-half mile south of Clear l.akt school, eat side of road. Reese A. Hall. Route 2. Box 364, Salem. b306 S3 A. WI1.U AMITY soil. Paved hy., elec., sen. bus, milk rt . fair bldas., O. R Campbell, Rt. 1. Box 369. Wood burn 14 miles N of Salem. Hy, 219. bl88 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406, IFOR SALE HOUSES Fhona 1-1(71 ftiindara Call Peter Gelaer I-I09I Sen Roiaen 1-1471 194 REAL ESTATE MOR. Phone 3-3031 FOR SALE FARMS BEAVERDAM Real beaverdam, 24 "4 acres all In on ions, looks like one of the best crops In years ft M crop to buyer. Very good onlun barn on '4 A. upland. This place should net 15 to 20 on your Invest ment. Full price with M crop $35,000 ft 830,0011 without crop. 21 ACRES NORTH Close to Hubbard with city water, all Willamette silt soli ft lVa A. beaverdam, about 12 A. new cleared land ft bal. In pasture and around 78 M ft, salable tim ber. All year creek, small house wired for nnge and bath. Small barn, new '.8x38 shop. If you are looking for a bargain In good land don't pass this one up. Full price only 85,500. Sullivan Realty Co. 31fiS Porllnnrt Ri. Ph. 3-3255. blM FOR SALE ACREAGE ACRE extending highway 99E to old 99W. Has a - good old building on It. Could be remodeled into a 5 rm. house. Total price 12500. Will consider a rea sonable down payment. Bal. paid by the month. Inquire at Rt. 1, Box S4A, Jefferson. bblBS Near a School 2 A. all in berries, fruit, 3 bdrm. home. $6,750. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center bbl84 27 ACRES 14 miles from Salem. A real money maker Large 6 room colonial, house with fireplace. Only 4 years old. Clean level, well tilled land, planted with bearing apple, pear peach, cherry and nut trees. Bal. pasture ft farm land. Barn machine shed, garage ft 2 poultry houses. Owner forced to sacrifice due to poor health. Price 110.500. Will con sider small house or income property In Snlem aa part payment. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor mi Ed,ewatr Ph. 3-510B; ave. 3-91)3 bbl87 REAL ESTATE 5 ACRES Out lith St. Just at edge of City limits. Good 3 bdrm. home. LR with fireplace. Dining rm. Oil fur Barn. V A. peaches. 1 A strawberries. Price 110.700. C, W. Reeve Realtor f46 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 el88 BEST BUYS 1800 DOWN KEIZER DISTRICT Almost new 2 bdrm home with unfin ished upstairs. Needs redecorating but well worth the money. Owner leaving city. Price reduced to 17,000. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. APT. BAROA1N Extra spectal. 3 units plus am ill home. Close In north. Ont unit furnished. In come 1160 per month. Will take other property for 14.000 equity. A good buy for only 111.000. Ere. Ph. t-0471 or S-3538. 17500 SPECIAL I bdrm. house with 4 acre lot. House In good condition, very clean. Private well, chicken house. Owner will trade for buxlneAs or what have youf. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS ACRES PLUS 3 rm. home, built In 1840. 30x30 barn. Willamette soil. 3 aeres berries. Total price only 15150. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3538. NORTH HOWELL DIST. 70 acres of fine soil. Excellent 8 rm. home Berries, nuts, family orchard. Has rxtra 4 rm. modern houat A cabins for berry pickers. Owner forced to sell because of 111 riealth. A buy for 330.000. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. J7(J0. 4 1010 Portland M alii- REAL ESTATE $600 DOWN AD l0 A MONTH WILL BUY 3 BEDROOM HOME ON A 9SX11I LOT. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL A GOOD S BEDROOM HOME AI.SO A NEW 2 BEDROOM ELECTRIC HOME. TERMS 13 DESIRED. BUILDERS ATTENTION WE HAV A OOOD BUTLDINO LOT WITH THE BASEMENT DUG. FOR SALE REASONABLE. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! SEE US Wm. Bliven & Co. Realtor 847 N. High St. Ph. 23617. Eve. Ph. 28266 INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED REAL ESTATE FOR EVERY PURPOSE el84. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BRAND NEW SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES from $89.50 up. Budget terms. Liberal allowance for your present model. Com plete course in Home Dressmaking given without charge with the purchase of each new Singer. Come In and select yours now or call for appointment in your home. SINGER SEWING, MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 3-3512 AUTOMOBILES GOOD TRANSPORTATION 1940 Oldsmobile '98' Sedan .$495.00 HEATER, NEW RUBBER 1939 Buick Special Sedan 495.00 RADIO. HEATER, WHITE WALL TIRES ' 1939 Dodge Tudor Sedan 295.00 RADIO, HEATER, SPOTLIGHT 1938 Plymouth Sedan 395.00 HEATER, SPOTLIGHT, GOOD RUBBER 1938 Plymouth Tudor Sedan 345.00 ' RADIO, HEATER, GOOD TIRES 1937 Buick Special Sedan 395.00 RADIO, HEATER, NEW BLACK FINISH 1937 DeSoto Sedan 295.00 HEATER 1937 Dodge Sedan 295.00 RADIO AND HEATER 1934 Plymouth Sedan 165.00 HEATER ORVAL'S THE LOT AVITH THE TURNTABLE Center and Church Sts. Phone 3-4702 MEMBER SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION q!8S REAL ESTATE SPECIAL, $3795 Here's a sood piece or property for the price. Located north, on 1 acre of pood black rich soil, small' barn, own well, l'i y-iir old 1 bdrm. home .with la rue living room, kitchen, and utility. House so arranged that an additional bedroom can be added. Owner would consider aood used car, and we can arrange fln- anclng. Don't expect to see a mansion, but you will have to look a long time to find something better for the price. Only 13795. SEMI SUBURBAN Here Is Just the place for the larce fam ily, a good well built home with full dry basement. Located east, on a paved street, rf'th city bus by the door. Size ol grouno 350 by 180, if you don't want all the fruit, nuts and etc., sell off a lot or two. The price is low and good financing enn be arranged. SUBURBAN DELUXE '4 acre., or the best land avatlnble, good well built three bedroom home 8 years 0.4 full dry basement, living room, din ing rot m, fire place, double garage, p-mltry house, all kinds . of fruit trees, nuts wonderful gnrdoii. The owner "ants to move out on a good size farm and will consider a trade, or will cll outright to anyone. This Is the type of pUcrf you look for, but is hard to find. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8210. cl85 This Week's Specials A busy grocery store on a good comer, doing cash business. Price includes stock, fixtures and Real Estate. Reason for selling? Sickness in family. Ideal for couple nice 1 bedr'onm home with bath, living room, kitchen, bull'.-Ins. Only 2 yars old. 13500. 1mm. Poss, of this house with 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, automatic heat, close to schools. Price $5750 P. H. Bell, Realtor 381 Chemeketa St. Pliant 1-1545, 3-4896. Eves. 3-66SS, 3-7565 3-1841 cl84 NELSON NEWS OOOD 2 BDRM., 11500 DOWN Good as new 2 -bdrm. home with !ge comb JL.R & DR, nook, 2 bdrms., full bath, Insulated & stripped, hdwd. firs., V blinds, elec. heat, wired for elec range, elec. wtr. htr., garage with con crete driveway, garden, lawn, fruit, 1 btk to bus. Lot 50x140. Immed. poss. 11950, only $1500 down. 4 int. on bal. CROISAN CANYON VIEW PROPERTY A beautiful home located on an ele vated bench overlooking wooded Crot sart Canyon rd., & crk. below. 5 rm. hse. with lge. patio which could be used as den or recreational rm. Attractive f place, lge, picture windows In LR A kit., hdwd. firs., piped oil air condi tioning furnace, att. gar., lae. lot. $12,- too. 1235 MONTHLY FOR J17.000 With 19000 cash tor down payment you can let t new bids., with 6 rentals producing an Income of 1235 a mo. The property is self-operating. The total is only $17,000 because the owner wants Immediate cash. This is one of the "Beat, perhaps the very best residential Income In Salem. If you want a sub stantial home.' with a sm. Investment ck. at once on this. HIGH PRODUCTION FARM $28,000 Outstanding 110 A. farm all in cult., no better looking crop anywhere. Wheat, oa is, vetch, barley A summer fallow. Water under pressure to hue. A barn from good sprlns. Also crk., A: 5 A. pasture. Good mod. 6 rm. home. 2 baths, lge. good barn, new 40x30 chick en hse. New brooder hse. Only $26,000 with all crops. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 703 N. Hlfh Ph. 3-4622. cUt Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IAUTOMOBILES REAL ESTATE FOR COURTEOUS efficient service on reur rcai eitaie prooiems Please call A. E. DANIELSON 168 N 12th St. Ph. 3-5620. clBl FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy h nr mortgage on Teal estate. Salem & vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnta 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6-r.. We mako all col lections for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 S. High c WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARB in need ot gooo bouses to sell in or near Salem If you wish to ilsi your property for aale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 s Liberty St. Phone 2-2411 ca- NOTICE! If -your property is for aale. rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds ot cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 Hlib St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 1RADE EQUITY in lge. home for smalt house & lot. Ph. 3-736S. cblSI WILL TRADE my t5.600.00 Interest In Port land Duplex. Each apt. 2 bd. room, full Dnsement, 2 on i urn aces, l yrs. old. Rent $150.00 per mo. Price $1750.00 for Salem home or good lots. Empire 7242. 305 N.E. 61st. Apt. D-4.. Portland. Cbl84 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 Baa pumps, 6 cabins, 2 ml. N of underpass on Hy. 99E. W. J, Jarms, Rt. 7 Box 145, Snlem. Ph. 24319. cd207 NI-.W BUSINESS building for rent. Good opening for variety store or drug store. Inq. at Charnholm's Grocery. 2000 N. Comm'l. cdl86 GOOD GROCERY, meats, package beer, etc. Located on busy at. Death forces aale. Write Capital Journal Box 265. cdlSB INCOME PROPERTY One of Salem's best located Trailer Courts. 20 spaces, modern in every way with nicely furnished electric heated home. This property must be seen to appreciate its real value. A. C. Hunger (owner), 1005 South 21st St., Salem. cdlftfi TWO HOURS of your time each week plus a small Investment brings good returns. Business well established. For particu lars write box 272 Capital Journal. cdl86 FOR SALE by owner 44xflO' stone bldg., located In downtown Bllverton. Ideal business location plus monthly Income. Living quarters in rear. Owner leaving state and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free. 123 -B Flske St., Silverton or Phone 373, Silverton. cdlSS THERE IS no better lmestment In Salem than apt. houses, It units furnished, all brick, garages, will accept some trade on this. (82.000. 24 UNITS. Very close In, all brick, 183.000. 10 UNIT COURT, all have BR. B. nook. fl'eplace. one block to State Office Bldg. 152.000. DUPLEX, furnished. 118.500. BUSINESS BLDG., 4 blk of bank, offices fc m or age. Very good Investment. $60,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Cora l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 cdl88 i PI'MP tilling atatlon bldg., lot, equip ment Room to do some repair or tuae up work. Average about 300 gallons per day. Price $5,000 plus Inventory. Oro cery store bldi. and fixtures. Has nice living quarters With 2 bdrms. Well lo cated and doing good business. Must sell because of Illness. Price $16,000 Plus Inventory. Call O. V. Huma with State Finance Co., R'ltors ' 1753 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 3-530S cdl88 fttcti LOCATION and " setup " for small business combined with living quarters Price 18500. Fhona 3-5109. cdlftV AUTOMOBILES For a Better Buy Better Try Stan Baker Motors New Used Car Location Southwest Corner . High & Union .We Are Proud of Our New Used Car Dept. and Wish to Extend to You an Invitation to Inspect These Better Buys 1947 DODGE MAROON 4 DOOR SEDAN $1645.00 1947 DODGE TAN 4 DOOR SEDAN $1645.00 ft 1947 MERCURY GRAY 4 DOOR SEDAN $1395.00 1946 FORD BLACK 2 DOOR SEDAN $1195.00 1940 CHRYSLER TAN 4 DOOR SEDAN $795.00 Stan Baker Motors '4 S.W. Corner of Union and High ; Phone: 22468 NOW IS the TIME 3020' PORTLAND ROAD IS THE PLACE 31 FORD TUDOR : $ 37.50 34 HUDSON SEDAN 40.00 35 PLYMOUTH COACH 145.00 36 PONTIAC COUPE 125.00 33 CHEV. PICKUP with 35 motor .... 135.00 38 HUDSON TUDOR 185.00 35 FORD COUPE 125.00 We wish to take this opportunity to thank the many people that bought from us in July, for their patronage. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Ph. 27023 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Neighborhood Grocery A real moheymBkr, In but location. Good equpt., walk-In, large clean atock, health forces owner to aell. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 37 Yeara In 6alem 250 N. Hlch St. Phone 2-4138. cdllU FURNITURE FOR SALE KNEE-IIOLE desk, practically new. Top 32x44, black walnut fin la h, 135. 735 Mc- Nary. W. Salem after 5:30 p.m. dl88 SWING ROCKER fc Ottoman, 2 rugs 13X 15 and 1x12, combination rndto and phonojtrnpli. 2 commercial liatr dryers, vacuum cleaner hand model), occasion al table, portable clothea closet, 6 doz. fruit (arts. 2 elec. clocks. 2 plate Bla.w mirrors. 1511 N. Church. dl86 FIVE PIECE bedroom set ot bleached mahogany plus rood aprlrua and mat tre&t. also davenport with slip cover. Phone 3-3752. dl84 NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY SftH GREEN STAMPS You Can't Bent This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 33797 dl85 UNPAINTED furniture, cioseout prices WOODROWS 450 Center St d AUCTIONS GOING OUT OP BUSINESS CLOSINO OUT AT Auction THE ENTIRE STOCK & EQUIPMENT OP THE GORTON ELECTRIC A APPLIANCE CO. OF WOODBURN SALE TO BE HELD 1NSIDK SPACIOUS Glenwood Ballroom 500 Yds. N. of Ohemawa 4 Corners, 99E, N. $ THURSDAY, AUG. 48 P.M. ALL GOES NO RESERVE INC. , ) New G.E. Dishwasher, Sink & Disposal SNew Electron, aster Range G.E Automatic Washer Blackstone Automatic Dryer 16' Esco Home Freezer G.E. Flat Top Ironer G.E. 32 Se 52 Gallon Hot Water Heater Metal Cabinets 4i Electric Clocks (81 New Water Pump New O.E. Vacuum Cleaner Sump Pump O.E. Radio Thermatdor Heaters, I & 4 K.W. (31 Bendlx Washer, Used Kelvlnator Rantce, Used Kelvlnator Refrigerator, Used ) 3 New Console Radio Phono. Comb. 4 Used Portable Radios New Desk Model El. Sewing Machine 9 Used El. Water Heater 30 Gal. 2 Used Washers 4 Electric Motors, M to 1 Horse 0 Door Chimes Lite Fixtures g) Flourescent Fixtures (4) f Electrio Irons 0 Electric Lamps Heat Pads Waffle Irons 9) Percolators 9 Yard Lites Toastmaster Kitchen Fan Office Clock 0 Corn Poppers Germicidal Lamps 1 Lot Tools Wiring Display Counters Office Counters ! Hot Plates Pressure Cookeri I Hot Plates HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS THIS IS A BIG SALE OF NEW AND NEARLY NEW ITEMS ALL GOES GOODS CAN BE INSPECTED THURSDAY AFTERNOON Glenn Woodrv AUCTIONEER Phone J5U0. Salem. ddlS4 IAUTOMOBILES 3020 Portland Rd. 01S5- WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid tor furniture and .IU....IH1U hi. ices, coining to Dig or em. Ph. 38558. " da2l)7. USED FURN. Check our prices. VaUey um. lw., .oa n. uonvi. Pn. 37472. dn208 HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at nuuuri fiiiciion Mantel pn 1-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 3 NICE PINTO saddle horses, l child'! fiiuu pony. iuu eacn. 4310 Bllverton Rd. 188 JERSEY, a-ood family oow, 7 yra. old, 1130. v.. vniiiimen, ni. 1, unx 2B9 WOOtl- -I'y.'.-14. Hy. am. ting LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer? mciwt.na.JBn, Uin B. 35. Ph. 3-BM7, PETS FOB SALK beautiful 7 weeks old female : .mVisPI' 10UU- ,SB Hawthorne et. Ph. 35837. (.in FO,R SALE. Reg. Springer pupi. Very good. MOORE'S trnnlfnl fteh jJTZ -v. . . o. enas. uouramia Rt. 5, Box 483. 2' miles from Pen 4 Comers on McClay Rd.. Ph. 27321. ec'l89 DCGS BOARDED and trained reasonable rates by day or month. Trimming and bathing. Free Pick-up A deliv. LeQray " J. -ijvb. ecISl" 2 KITTENS, 4 months old. House broke. cnui. ru. ecl84 PARTI-COLOR cocker puppy, male. Ph. FUEL " rfrfJJ,JJ"" ,6" CHERRY wood 2 cords $28 del. You haul $12 cord. Ph. 31458. eel84 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 2-7442. We give S St H Green Stamps. Green 16 in. mill wood. SPECIAL Get your winter fuel now and save. Sawdust $4.00 per unit. Good dry slab $8.50 load, green $6.00 cord. Dry edg- Inen IS nil Innrl trrsnn It En U.J load $10.00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 35533. eel85V West Salem Fuel Co. 1 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH SLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem te PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash & maple. V fir, 18" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel04 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph 16444 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks Tor Immediate or ruture delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. S-4969. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs- rVlT;!?----fl----?-Htcn, ' PRODUCE PICKLING .cukes, .blackberries, .string ura.ia, propers, xHerruis ureennouse. Brooks. ff 186 BOYSENBERRIES, TJ-Plck 5c lb. R. O. uoege. a mu e. Liberty school, Rt. 9, Box 210. Ph. 23141. ffiss THORNLESS blackberries, first picking, U pick 5c. li ml. E. Totem Pole. Carl Woodruff fun GRAND ISLAND Golden Jubilee canning peaches. Under the maple tree at wen end of Willamette river bridge. ffl85 DELICIOUS TREE ripened peaches are ready at the Jess Ma this Orchard and Fruit Stand 6 miles N. of Salem on Portland Highway Fine for eating, can ning or freezing Jess Math is, Rt. 2, Box 338 Salem ffl87 (Continued on Page 23)