MARKET f QUOTATIONS Ski em MTMtock Market (By Valley Packing CompanT) fiprlnf lamba 117.00 to 118.00 Feeder IfttDba 112.00 to 114.00 Ewea 100 to 14.00 cutter cow tio.oo to 111.50 Pat dlry cowi 110.00 to 112.00 Bulls $13.00 to U7.00 Calvts, good (300-450 ba.) $14.00 to J15.00 Veal (1S0-30O lbs.) KOOd ..(18.00 to $ J 1.00 Hogg prlcea paid within 35c of Port land price lor each type. Top 170-225 iba Portland Eastsid- Market Corn sold lor 30 cents a dozen ear and 1. SO a five-dozen ar pack on the Port land Xutalde Farmer Wholesale Pro duce market today. Cantaloupe were $1.60 a crate. Cucumber brought 60 cent a flat. Pea c he were $1.25 a flat. Radlhe moved at 50 to 80 cents a down bunche. Turnips were 11.00 a dozen bunches. Portland Product Butterf at Tentative, subject to imme diate ehani. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63-68c lb 92 score 61-64c lb., 90 jcoree S7-60c; 89 score, 85c Valley route and country point 2c lex than first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cube to rholealers: grade AA, 93 score, 62c A 93 core 81c: B, 90 score, 59c lb.; O 81 score, B6c. Above price are strictly nominal. Cheese Belling price to Portland whol--sale; Oregon single 38 '4 -41c; Oregon 5 m. loaf 41',-42c; triplet l'i leu than singles. Eggs (To Wholesalers) A grade large 8itt-6-'c; A medium, 84V57c: grade B large, 63 Mi -65 'Ac; amall, A grade, 44 Vic Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailer: Grade AA prints 67c; AA cartons 68c; A prints 67c. A cartons 68c; B print 64c. Eggs Price to retailers: Grade AA urge, 67c dor., certified A large, 65c; A large, 64c; AA medium, 61c: A medium. 59c; A small, 46c; carton 2c additional; cartons 2r additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c Oregon loaf, S lb. loaf 44 4 -45c lb.; triplet. 1 leu htan singles. (Doe . not Include premium brands). Poultry Live Chick em No. 1 quality FOB plant. No. 1 broilers under 2 ',4 lb. 26-27c lb. fryers 2A-3 lb., S0-32c; 3-4 lbs., 33-33c roasters, 4 lbs. and over 32c lb.; fowl, leghorns, 4 lbs, and under, 20-22c, over 4 lbs. 19-31c; colored fowl, all weight 23c rooster, all weights, 18-20c. Rabbits Average to growers: live white, 4-S lb 18-20 lb.; 5-8 lbs. 16-lftc lb; colored 2 cents tower; old or heavy does, 8-14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 63-57c. Country-Killed Meats Veal top quality 31-33C lb.; other grade according to weight and quality wl h poor or heavier 24-29c. Hogs: Light blocker, 31-33c lb,! sows 34-28c Tambs: Top quality, 37-38c lb; mutton 10-12C. Beef: Good cows, 33 -28c lb; eanneri cutters, 31-23c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailer per ewt.): Beef steers, good, 800-800 lbs. 143-46: oommercia, t35-41; utility, $31-34. Cow: Commercial, $33-36; utlllty,29 11. Cannera-cutter. 125-27, Beef cut i good steer) r Hind quar ters $53-55: rounds, 153-55: full loins, trimmed, $70-175; triangle, $36-37; square chucks. $38-40; rib, $50-53; forequarter $36-37. Veal and calf: Good, $38-40; commercial, 132-35; utility $36-30, - Lambs: Good-choice, spring Iambs, $45 46; commercial, $38-40. Mutton: Good, 10 lbs, down, $18-30. Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs. $69 73; shoulder, 16 lb, down, $40-42; spare ribs. $48-51; carcasses, $35-36; mixed, weights $3 lower. Portland Miscellaneous Ca sears. Bark Dry 12Ma lb., green 4e lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium, grades. 46c lb. Mohair 15c lb, en 13-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves, 15c lb., according to weight, kips 20o lb., beef 10c lb., bull 4-Bc lb. Country buyer. pay 2c less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettea, first quality Jum bo, 34.7c. large, 33.7c: medium, 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 38.2c medium, 26.2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell, first quality large, 39.7c: medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large, 97.2c; medium, 34.7c; baby 23.3c. Filberts Jumbo, 30c Ib.i large, 18c; medium, 16c: small, 13c. bard John R. Cooper of Balem; six broth ers John Mayes of Pacific City, Ore., Joe Mayes of Vancouver, Wash., Clarence Mayes of Oceanslde, Ore., William Mayes of Camas, Wash,, Jessie Mayes of Salem, and Oscar Mayes of Bend; and three sis ters, Mrs. Bessie Walker of Harton, Ore,, Mrs. Nettle Morgan of Okanogan, Wash., and Mrs. Edna Taglea of Bend. Member of the Christian church. Service will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Friday, A , gust 5, at 1:30, with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. David W. Pugh David W. Push, at the residence at route 2. box 164, Salem, August 3, at the age of 67 years. Survived by wife, Florence Pugh of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Wood of Los Angeles; a son, Kenneth L. Pugh of Salem; and three grandchildren. Announcement of service later by Clough Baflck company. Andrew Rledel In this city August 2, Andrew Rledel, late resident of Sublimity, at the age of 78 years. Father of Felix Rledel of Salem, Oamian Rledel of Lakeport, Calif., Arthur and Clarence Rledel both -of Hayes, Kan sas, and Mrs. Mallnda Balls of Phllllps burg, Kan. Also survived by 14 grand children. Recitation of the rosary at the Sublimity Catholic church Friday, Aug ust 5, at 6 p.m. Requiem mass at the Sublimity Catholic church Saturday, Aug ust 6, at 9 a.m. Interment In the Sub limity cemetery. Direction W. T. Rigdon company. David Mitchell Goin David Mitchell Goin, at the residence at Salem route 5, August 3, at the age of 68 year. Surviving are the widow. Bertha May Goin, Salem, a daughter, Marguerite Meyer, Salem; a son, Harold Goin, Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Foster, Bend, and Mrs. Bonnie Forsman, Flora, 111.; and five grandchildren. Service will be held at the Olough-Barrlck capel Saturday. August 6, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating, Mi tile Carr Mattie Carr at the residence at route 8, box 788, Salem, August 3, at the age of 83 years. Survived by a daughter, Viv ian F. Carr of Salem. Announcement of services later by Ciough-Barrlck company. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machine sold, rented repaired Boen 486 Court Phone 1-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE Portlan d Livestock Portland, Ore., Aug. 4, (U.R) Livestock: Cattla salable 300; calves 100; market fairly active, fully steady on grass fat common and medium beef cattle; slow on eanneri and cutters; scattering common and medium grass steers 17.00 to 32.50, Including sorted load 1125 lbs. at 22.00; canner to common light dairy type steers and heifer 11.00 to 15.00; common and low medium beef heifers 14.50 to 17.00; iinner and cutter cow 10.00 to 11.50; common and medium 13,00 to 15.00; com mon and medium sausage bull 14.50 to 16.50' odd good vealer 22.00; choice lack ing; quotable to 23.50 or above. Hog salable 150; market active, steady: good and choice 180 to 330 lb. 34.00 to mostly 24.50; few 150 to 160 lbs. 22.50; good under 450 lb. sows 16.00 to 17.50; heavier weights down to 15.00; feeders good and choice under 120 lbs. quoted 24.00 to 35.50; heavier sold downward to 30.00, Sheep salable 350; holdover 250: mar ket alow; few sales about steady; medium and good spring lambs 18.00 to 19.00; good and choice salable to 20.00; extreme top Wednesday 21.00 for choice 100 lbs.; good feeders 16.00; common yearlings 14.00 down; good light ewes salable to 7.00; common and medium 3.00 to 5.00. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Aug. 4 (fll (USDAl Salable hog 9,000; rather slow; butchers steady to 25 cents lower; decline on weights be low 240 lb; sow uneven but generally around 25 cents lower; top 23.25 for one load choice 220 lb; most good and choice 180-260 lb 22.50-23.00; 270-290 lb 21.50 22.25; few 300-350 lb 19.50-21.00; good and choice sow under 375 lb 18.00-19.50; few choice under 300 lb up to 20.50; 375-400 lb sows 17.35-18.25; 400-450 lb 16.25-17.25: 475-550 lb 14.50-16.00; few heavier sows as low as 13.50 for over 600 lb kinds. Salable cattle 3,000; salable calve 400: steers and heifers grading average-good and better moderately active, steady to 25 cent higher; lower grades slow but above steady; oher slaughter cattle and vealers steady to 50 cents higher; scattered loads and lots high-good and choice heifers 25.00-27.00j most common and medium 1 beef cow 14.50-17.25; few good cows 17.50' 19.00; canncrs and cutters 11.00-14.50; good weighty sausage bulls up to 20.75; good and choice vealer 35.00-36.50; stock cat tle scarce, firm. Salable sheep 700; spring lambs steady to weak; Instances 50 cents lower; top steady 35.00; bulk good and choice of ferings 24.00-26.00; ewes steady at 6.50 9.50 mostly. ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appliance. Vince'a Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-Ins accepted on 3-9239 157 8 Liberty St o Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 3-4602. Prompt. o308 AT-TJR DOOB G8INDINO riawnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter. Ph 36833 o AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Marrow Radio Co., 153 8. Liberty Ph. 3-6955. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 8-9286. Night 3-1804. 333 Center. o Mike Panek, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists. o208 DIRECTORY SAND GRAVEL Valley Sand & Gravel Oo Silt, sand A fill dirt Excavating 10B shovel M eau Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 34003, res. 37146. o Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-760! 1393 N Sth. o303 SEWERS AND SEVTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Racer harp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septlo Tank Cleaned Reas Ph 1-5337 or 1-9468 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 3-5327. o209 K Hamel. Septic tank cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain Unrs. Guaranteed work. 1143 -Sth St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol97 Care taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septlo Tank Service. 3545 State. Phone 3-0734. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms. All makes. W, Devenport. Ph. 37671. O202 All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co, 130 No Commercial Ph, 3-3513, o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables. All makes used machines Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court, o TRANSFER STORAGE 'oca) it Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Bekln House hold goods moved to anywhere In D.S or Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free est Phone 17328 Klmer the Blind man o Venetian blinds made to order as low as $t 50 a blind. Phone Sears 3-9191 fot free estimate. o!90 Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or refinlAhed Relnholdt A Lewis 2-3639 WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. O208 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 3 Box 317. Ph. 2-5136. O210 WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt A Lewis. Ph 33639. o' WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners Windows, wall A woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 3-3337 347 Court Langdoc. Culbertaoo and Mather ' ' ' ' ' 0 WOODSAWING Wood sawing. Ph. 3-1575. WOOD A SAWDUST jyest Saler Fuel Co Ph 3-4031. LODGES BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 3-4850. o' BUILDING CONTRACTORS Tonmie and groove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail, Mortarless Block Co. Ph. 3-7324. o305 Salem Lodge No. 4f A.F. & A.M. Sat.. Aue 6th. MM. Hp gree on Bald Mountain. Pnlk cnnn ty, 8 p.m. All Master Masons in vited. ... iM BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling A fine grading. Prompt service. A. L. Ekin. Ph, 3-1264. o207 Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4306. ol87 Bulldozing, leveling, road bid.., clear Ing, teeth tor brush. Virgil Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph, 2-3146, Salem. ol86 BUSINESS A PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE Telephone answering service. Day-nlte, Your secretary. Ph. 39133. ol95 CASH REGISTERS Ins tan r delivery of new RCA cash register A! makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 456 Court. Ph 3-6773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveway, patios, curbs, walls, ete. Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys bacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 S. 21st. h. 3-7176. O208 DRAFTING SERVICES Homes planned A designed by an ex perienced architectural draftsman. Hour ly basis. 3239 Mill or Ph. 3-4083. o!88 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vince' Electric for electrical wiring contracting repairing 167 S Liberty Ph 3-9239 o EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoe, Dragline; shovel. Free estimates E L. Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bids. Ph. 395U3. O202 EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating A grading. Ben Otjen A Son, 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. 022S EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o208 Breithauot'r for flowers Dial 1-9179. o JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 o' come 1.0,00? meets every Wed nesday night Visitors wei- Capital Journal Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 4, 194921 7$470 Salad ? 1 III lUA'r if Cold Meats "2B Nothing like cool, refreshing potato salad to perk ujxlazy summer appetites! And when you add zesty, creamy-smooth Tang even your favorite potato salad tastes far more tempting and delicious. For Tang gives salads just the right touch of extra flavor... a new zip and taste-pleasing goodness that everybody welcomes. Next time, for greatest salad enjoyment, be sure to. have Tang on hand.'s the Perfect Salad Dressing. Get a jar today. INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. LANDSCAPr NURSERY P A. Doerfler it Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph. 2-1322. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W: Scott. 147 S. Com'. St. Q207 LAWN MOWEB SHARPENING OBITUARY Andrew Reldle Sublimity Andrew Reldle, 78, died In Salem Wednesday. He had lived in the Sublimity vicinity since 1935. He was born In Russia and had lived in Kansas up un til moving here. Survived by his wife; (cur sons Felix of Salem, Damon f Lakeport, Calif., Arthur and Clarence of Kansas; one daughter, Mallnda Ball of Kansas. Funeral announcements to be announced later. Altee Virginia Trnlove Lebanon Funeral services for Mrs. Al ice Virginia Trulove, 81, were held Wed nesday at the Howe-Huston chapel. Elder GvOrge Simon officiated and burial was In the Masonic cemetery. Born in Illinois, Sept. 10, 1868, Mrs. Trulove had been a resident of Linn county for 60 years. Sur viving are a daughter. Addle Trulove, Leb anon; a sister, Mrs. Alma Goddard and a brother. Roy Grugett, both living in Illi nois. Her husband. Larkin Trulove, pre ceded her in death. Graver C. Mobler Lebanon Grover O. Mobley, 88, local merchant, died August 3. He was born March 28, 1883 at Corfeyville, Kan., liv ing in Oregon for 32 years. The last 18 years were spent in Lebanon. Funeral services will be held at the Howe-Huston chapel In Sweet Home, Friday at 2 p.m., with Rev. L. Ell well officiating. Burial will be In the I OOP cemetery. Surviving are his widow, a son, B. D. Mobley of Lebanon; two brothers, William of White Sa.mon. Wash, and Ray of Monterey, Calif. There are thrfe grandchildren. DEATHS Mavbell Cooper Maybell Cooper. St the ridVnce r' AQi Missouri St., August 1. Survived by bus- At youi door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 16833 V Household products J R Watkins Oo products Free dc Ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4039 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph 3-7569 0188' OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES t Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief cases fierce Wire Recorders. Roen 456 Court FIRST to then . . 9 9 - .- THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES, And of Course You Know Metropolitan Has the Best . SCHOOL-TIME WEARABLES At The Lowest Price! Sprai or brush painting. Ph. 22864. o201 Ext. Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rates. Ph. ' 3-4682. 0190 lfstrom's are equipped to do youi painting Phone 2-2493 o PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H. J. Wood worth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o201 Kemfconing, interior decorating, tree es timates. Ph. 20501 Ol99' Bldg. maintenance, painting, Ph 20501. repair. 0199 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING Call 22608 for your Painting ft Paper hanging. Attractive rates. ol97 Painting At paperhanglng. Don Lucero, Ph. 3-5522. 0193 Phone 3-4360 or 3-6554. Boys' JEANS Zippers 8 oz. Sizes 2 to 12 NOW ONLY JUNIOR ft Clip-on Braces 5 J BOYS' SANFORIZED A AM Flonnel Shirts 1.70 SIZES 6-14 L t Cotton Slips 0jc GIRLS' PASTEL A "V" Shirts 7QC BOYS' ft Knit Shorts iVc Girls' Cardigan Long sleeve boxy All wool Sizes 34 to 40 2. m 'JUXZZZ.., m i mm.J Girls' Cotton PANTIES White cotton Rayon stripe Sizes 1 to 6 Sizes 8 to 14, 29 c 25 c B6-Jpfl 11 111 Girls' Rayon PANTIES Sizes 2-6 Sizei 8-14 25c 29c Painting and papernanging Free estl male. Ph. 3-9513 851 Shipping. 0188' PltTTRL FRAMING Picture framing Hatch mo Paint Store. Phone 1-4681 PLUMBING Fisher, 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o20 P.'T "SING-SPRAYING hiltp W. BeUktTti. 3-1207" Boys' i amrts Boys' Cotton SOCKS First quality goods Multi-stripe Elastic tops Sizes 7 to lOVi f) Fruit-of-the-Loom White cotton Sizes 24 to 30 49c 136 North Commercial St First quality goods , Girls' Fancy PANTIES Fancy Rayon Elastic waist-lace trim Pink, white, blue 1 to 14. 39c Girls' BANDANAS Special Purchase Gay Plaids Large Size 39c THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES Salem, Oregon J