14- ST F in '. a b moi rin tell: 1 the! the; The insi T ous stoi and ' F W. whi at 1 r Doi to fou at 1 ed (Pe test Wr. ; it bla I Wo a c Jap Em pla fou frit off out I all Jew Thi nes tow '. ( alo flie rot Jaj ha for ! j ha( We , ( In enc V 20 Capital Journal, Salem, Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chapter 17) From that day on all Priscllla's thoughts and hopes were otkhu on t.h nomine child. Fearing bru tality from Kenneth, she strove to please mm wnen no was un lor the rest of the time, she wlth drm into a new secret life of her own. She lived not In the present but in dreams 01 tne lurare. im past was Dennis. The future was her child. One day soon after that, as she was taking her daily walk through the town, she was surprised when James fell Into step beside her. She would not have been glad to see Lorraine's husband except for the fact that he might give her some news of her father and Dru sie. She decided to be pleasant to him. "Why Jamesl What are you do ing here?" she asked. "I thought you came a different way and it's so early." "I had to get off to go to the doctor's," he explained briefly. "My eyes have been bothering me. Of fice work, you know." James' next words amazed her. "Prlscilla." he said. "I've been want ing to tell you for a long time how sorry I have been for what hap pened that Sunday ... I hope you will forgive me." "Of course I'll forgive you," an swered Prlscilla." He looked so agitated that Prls cilla put her hand on his arm. "It's all right now, James," she said kindly. "Yet's forget It. Tell me something about Dad and Drusie. How are they?" James seemed glad to change the subject now and he talked with Prlscilla for a long time, giving her the news. Her father wasn't as young as he used to be, but seemed to be getting along pretty well. Mrs. Haydcn had given up her church work because she had been invited to Join a social club. And last of all the news, James told her shyly, that Lorraine was going to have a baby, but not until March. Prlscilla was so engrossed with the effort of Imagining Lorraine as a mother that she did not pay attention to the rest of James' con versation until the name "Dennis" struck her ears. They had stopped at the place where James would turn off to go to the Hayden home and Prlscilla found herself looking up at him rather stupidly. "Dennis?" she said. "What about Dennis?" "I think you should know this," earn James, "Dennis urummona is back In town. He's Joined the law firm of Hart and Langer and from what I hear it won't be long before the name 'Urummona' will go up on Uie door." As Pi'iscllla walked homeward and thought about these things, she had an odd sense of pride, as if she had had something to do with Dennis1 success. Prlscilla walked on until she reached the Kent house in its broken-down naighborhood. She wondered whether Dennis had any idea of where she lived and the things that had been happening to her. Probably not. She hoped that she wouldn't meet him any where and, above all, that he would never know where she lived. Kenneth did not come home until after supper that night and, when he did come, he was well on his way toward being drunk. "Come on, old ladyl" he said gaily. "We're going out." "Oh, Ken, I'm too tired to go cut." "Do you good I" His whisky laden breath hit her in the face a he kissed her again. "Betsy Is waiting." "Well, that's another tiling," aid Prlscilla. "I don't like to ride in Betsy now. That car Jerks and Jiggles so much . . ." She saw Kenneth's face darken warnlngly. "Betsy used to be good enough for you." he said nastily, "but now that your old boy friend Is back in town with his new car and all that hoity-toity stuff about being a law yer, I guess me and Betsy's on the shelf, I guess . . ." So he knew, too, that Dennis was back. Prlscilla felt her hands begin to shake with anger and impotence. So now Dennis' name was going to figure In their ar guments. "Well, are you going with me?" be asked. "Okay." she said wearily. "We will probably Just go to the picture show and nobody will see me . . . Kenneth, it developed, had other ideas. "Where are you going?" PrLs cllla asked In alarm as Betsy bore them Jerkily toward the edge of town. "Blue Dragon," Kenneth answered chew treat jp ' 1 jije" Ore., Thursday, August 4, 1949 briefly. "But . . .' "Shut up!" It was the first time he had ever said that to her. Prls cilla felt the tears come to her eyes. She fought them back and when they walked into the Blue Dragon roadhouse, she held her head high. Prlscilla went straight to an empty booth. She sat down. This was where she Intended to stay. Kenneth meanwhile stood at the bar. It was as If he had for gotten all about her. She ordered a drink and toyed with it, but still rennem am noi come , . . alter a while, she decided not to look at him any more . . . she'd Just sit there and think . . . "If you ... if vou aren't busv." said a gentle voice, "why can't we taiKr r As she lifted her eyes, she gasped. It was Dennis. He sat down on the other side of the booth, his brown eyes regarding her softly. "Your husband," he said, "has gone into the gambling room at the back." He seemed to have sum med up the whole of Kenneth in that one sentence. Dennis Indicated the bar with a slight flick of his eyelashes. "Do you see that man with the brown Weed suit and the gray hair? Prlscilla, wondering, said she did. Plainclothesman," Dennis told her. "That's Dully of the Detec tive Bureau and I happen to know the back room is going to be raided in a few minutes In fact, I came along with Duffy to watch the fire works. Do you," he paused, his eyes intent on hers, "want me to go back there and get your husband to leave now or would it be better . . ." "Do you mean Kenneth will be put. in jail?" she asked. Dennis suddenly rose. "Come on," he said iciaeiy ana sne saw mat more men were coming in the front door. She felt herself being rushed out a side entrance and Dennis helped ner into wnat sne could see dimly must be a convertible ennne Hp backed the car out of Its parking iridic ittjjmiy anu arove oil. They rode in silence until they reached the University campus. wnere no you liver- jjennis asked. "Over on the othnr slrip nf town-" Prlscilla answered. She hnrl a rpiikp of being caught In an intolerable Miuation. inis very aiternoon she had wished, above all thinirs. that. Dennis would never know whprp sne lived and now . . . She began to cry softly. His sympathy only served to make her cry harder. "I ... I don't want my baby's father in Jail," she said finally. It wumiua ukc a suiy ming to say but she meant it. Dennis removed his hand. "I none Diamc you,'- lie said; but his voice lacked the sympathy it had held a moment before. "I'll on tn iiisnt court ana see what I can do ior nun. (To Be Continued) 2409 SIZES 10 20 Trimmlnir Band Treatment The simple charm of tills frock makes It Ideal for many fabrics. For a date dream use velvet ribbon on taffeta or set lace bands on a sheer; for day, try two-way stripes! no. muu is cut in sizes in. 12 14 16, 18, and 20. Size 10, 3 yds. 30-ln., .vu. .iii-m. contrasting. SUMMER is the tune for Drettv styles the Fashion Hook the place to find them. Everything vou need for that wonderful two weeks with pay, plus plenty o( charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. Tlie SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern ufsikiis ior an aes and occasions, and nil designed lor easv sewing Price Just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. bend 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address, and Stylo Number. oioie size desired. Address Caiilmi journal S52 Mia. slon St.. San Francisco 6. Calit Crnss-Sillch Annrliifcr The plainest of pick-up meals will look like a baiio.net with these gallv colored fruit motifs decorating the cloth and nankins. Bright red cher ries, yellow pears, russet apples and deep blue plums are worked In easy to do cross stitch. Pattern Envelope No. R2698 con tains hot-iron transfers for 1 large motif measuring 16 Indies square with four small dcsigiu. To obtain tue pmwrn send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number your name, address and rone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capita) Jour nal. 8J8 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif THE LONG LAYOFF IS OVER, MEN THIS IS STEVE ROBERTS.) BETTER CHANCE TO WHO WILL TURN US OUT A NEW SET OF 20 PLATES ! - WHICH HAD BETTER. BE GOOD ' AH'LL TAKE TH' BUR OEM O' SUPPORTlM' ME IN MAH ORPWNHOOD, OFF TH' TOWN, AVAILABLE" AH WOMT BC A ORPHtN NO MO AH'LL BE A HUSBIH- NAMELY HEA& yiPEE.MUTTl BARBARA? BARBARA rrT Vx-v1 TT1 I weepy's reducim I 1 1 iHeNRY'S REDUCIN I I MeTHOD! 1 MeTHODj 1 - rJ jtjL. FS ABSOLUTLY SARAWT?eP ABSOLUT LV GABANTeeC l V if TOTAKeOFF N TOTAfceOFF H rpucins- WeigHT.1 Wg"5HTi Cll ' fwFvh ,MHta AHDBt&Ort g. WHAT THOT OLD CRACK ?V6 fetA39 W BOY-OH-BOY I YOU CON Sf THAT n W 6UR6 GET TIMS TO THINK, ON SFSi2M ilj) HAD MONEY AND NERV6 I OGOIN ! A HIGH, INSIDE ONE THAT I R i A TRIP LIKE THIS-NOTHIN' EISE f THEN LADV LUCK THREW US ' I DIDN'T SEE IN TIME TO DOCK! OH, WELL I P I TO DOYEPSORTA NICE JL I A CURVE I" Ji UVE AN' LEARN-AT LEAST I HOPE 1 I V WHAT DID THE CHEMIST I HE JUST SAlDyDIDUT HE "NO.l DIDU'TKnOT I-Lijsl TELL VOU WHEN VOU HAD THAT 1 HIT A S.TELL VOL) WHAT ASK HIM-TWHEM ITS THAT ANALYSIS MADE OF ) SPR1N6 AND ITKIND OF WATER'S NO AGE CTHE WATER ON VOUR WAS WATErJvCTER IT fl WATER V WATERS BARBARA! WOT AND WHERESl A SWEET GAL A YOOR HAT? W,I DONT THINK SO, ONE OF THE M3UN6STERS IS WELL.THERE'S TWO FEMALES, ANYHOW- MfisT' who Are these rjliV r.S'1e;J, LLST SAVS the daughter of a frienp anp i cont hold with 'em aboard 3Bi.VK THAT'RE IfflMIN' ABOARD pP-OUINN, MISS EA BLAKE, OF MR. TATE'S -A MAN BY TH6 SHIP. THEY'RE ALWAYS... HEYI jfSSV THEYOMErS WSS PATRICIA MILES-SHE'S NAME O' OUENTIN MILES. . WAIT ! DID VOU SAV QUENTIN tSZZSjSl R MeItaIUAL, SSSAB MiLES? WHY, FOUL My PEAK WM U i S'fose. 'A Rusty Riley. halyard ! that's the Bi(5 JsJfelfifpA iK)I OWNS BI6 ?LAA WffTTT"? I I I T'rxuAus rrtTHiMniiTrtNFP I U WE INTERRUPT THIS PROGRAM TO ll 7l,lVfcfe Rn??rOMmI'T 1 y BRING YOU THE FOLLOWING NEWS BULLETIN: JWKS amcdpV? lljwF. . :" FIRE OF UNDETERMINED ORIGIN BROKE TftSr ? 'VW r ATI s ctiii Kc ? fOUTANHOURAOOAT"CUFFCR$T"7HE1g M W 1 it$FriJ$) jf 41 V AUVfc..f --- f r HOME OF DRUM GREENWOOD.' GRAVE tmTWi A "Jj j EAR IS FELT FOR THE I'LL MEVER HWE A J PRESERVE THESE StANS FOR POSTERfTY , IN DOOPATCH.TH' AG O' CONSENT FO' MtLH IS 3S.f UE FIGGEBS THET AH IS 19 NOW-MM-- M ii run o"iwr d AN' PICK UP 7." CARRY TH' NAUGHT 0H TTH' ANY MALE ORPHIN WHO 1SCRA1Y 1UFF T'WANT TtalT ZIPHER TlrlES IT BY 4 -ADDfeOB.7"'" (OULP.'J AH GITS MARRIED BEFO'THEN 3,711- V ARr- SHOULD BE PERTECTEO H HOW MUCH FUI1 HinSbLrs DOES YO' GIT AVAILABLE?? MVHATpy VOL) HARDLY KNOW 7 iSsirr'V 'A II M UT- r T Si. 3 fr-ra U n"v r BARBARA V'1 wiU?Sio " .7 " Lr-t?t".L : I HASTl 1 I Am Simm iaMhr Mr thm I lHUM-UH DONT DO I I f ptciMgt cmrm: THAT, PAL ' 16 YiUBS.' THIS OFPHIN WONT BE LEGALLY ELIGIBLE FO' MARRIAGE FO' lb Y'ARS.f -YO'CAINT MARRY HIM. NOR ADOPP HIM. DAISY MAE. ONLY WAV YO'C'DGIT HIM IS tr YO' WAS A MARRIED wooniN.wir a huobin Orl.SHE Y WITH HFTYf BARBARA'S' WE DON'T SMOK E ) WHE WFCt IN HERE .' V MINUTE, VENTILATION'S J MY HEART BAD mm msjxmDtrii MY ISILS Kah COULD ADOPP HIM-AN HAVE HIM - N-NEAR ME. AH CD COOK FO' HIM-AN TAKE CARE O'Hin- CF AH WERE A MARRIED WOOMIN-WIFA HUSBIN ANOTHCR tSOBT) HUSBIN. OH. JEFF DARLING J I'TCOME IN! I STILL HAVE A HEADACHE! RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P.M. IKSLM J'KGW mSSIKOCO 5:00 Falten Uwii, Jr., fftnu'i itcrrt Rbrthm Kanch Curt Hatiey :1ft Frank Bemlnrwar Sinojr Slda Kbytbm Baoch Llttla Show :M Pasting Parada Ncwa Bloc Croibjr Soon at Pialriea lifl Newi Richard Harknw Sport Pata Larry LeSeucr 6:00 B-Bar-B Baneb String Serenada Candle Light and Knox Manning-" lift B-Bar-B Ranch String Serenade Silver Bands on Paradt :30 Adv. of Champ. Symphony Salute News Chet Huntley AS Music Elmer Peterson Bill Stern News So GabriefReatter Nelson Eddy Pat O'Brien Evcapa lift Northwest News Nelson Eddy Naval Reserro Kscapa :0 Westeoast James Mason Top Band Crima PboUg. :4ft Ramblers James Mason Top Band Crlma Photag, 8:00 Medicine Drama Fred Waring Bandstand First Nlghttr :IA Mnsie Home Fred Waring Bandstand First . NIghter :3ft Morgan Manner Dragnet Dugout Dope Dana Orcb, itt Morgan Manner Draim-t Baseball Dana Orcb. 9:ft0 Hop Along Cassldy Supper Club Baseball Chas. Colllngwaod :18 Hop Along Cassldy News at World Baseball Chioagoana :80 Coast Survey Silent Partner Baseball Mr. Keen i5 Coast Survey S lent Tartner Baseball Mr. Keen a Mi News News Baseball Five Star Final 1:IS Select Loeal Newa .Sports Page Final News Roundup Columbia Featura 1II:0 N Bands of Lad Track It DO Spin to Win 1 J4B Mmle Band Wagon Track 1400 Spin to Win gj gj 00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayea Track 14fH Serenade J 1 :1ft Bob Poole Show Was Museum Track 1490 Vou A th Warll I 1 :JW Bob Poola Show Wai Museum Track 1490 . Orchestra ' 4ft Music Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchestra 12:00 Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Silent FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. iO News Hodge Podge' Newa lift Dawn Patrol News KOIN Kleek :30 Northwest Newi Hodga Podga KOCO Klock KOIN Klock f45 March Tim Hodge Podga KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:6b Dawn Patrol Farm Time Toy Bitter KOIN Kloek :1ft Dawn Patrol Farm Tlma News A Sports News :30 Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top a' Morning News i4B News News Newa ' Fred Beck 8:00 Newe Smooth Musle Western Melodies Consumer Newa :1ft Breakfast Gang Smooth Mmle Western Melodies Art Baker SO Musle Riders of Saga Slara Sing Make Believe :4ft Top Trades Sam Hayea Church In Wild Make Bellevt 9:M Bargain Counter Second Cup Melody Tlma Vocal Varieties ' :1B Morning Special Second Cup Melody Time News :30 Sons of Pioneers Berch Without Words Grand Slam ; Muslo News J. Chas. Thomas Rosemary ajAiOO Northwest News Hostess House Guest Artist Wendy Warren i i:ls Kate Smith Sings Hostess House Northwest Reports Aunt Jenny 1J:80 paitori Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent !lB Wiles Walts Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday nsOO Newa Lopei Orch. Glass Wax Big Sister " :1B Gospel Singers Lopes Orch. Glass Wax Ma Perking :30 Perry Como Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dr. Maloae 45 Walts Serenade Lora Lawton Glass Wax Guiding Light I sf :M Top Trilie Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo News I J :lfi News Double or Nothing Hollywood Musle Como A Get II I M :M Queen tor a Day News News Norah Drake :4ft Queen for a Day tight of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:M Ladles First Life brautlful Mac's Melodiea fnd Mrs Bnrtami :l Ladles First Road -f L-.f. Mae'a Melodies p :0 Northwest Newa Pepper Young Mac's Melodiea BrlrhtA Li.ht L Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodiea "ir-flo 7:00 Tell Neighbors Backstage Wife Mac's Melodies Newspaper of A! :15 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Mclodfe. of Air :S0 Organ Reverie. . Lorrmn Jones Mac's Melodiea winner Take AH !" B'" Skigs Wldder Brown Mac", Melodies Tunefully Youra A :00 Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies HTt gf:I8 Against the Btorm Portia Faces Lit Mac'a Melodies Meet the Mlasua ):S0 Muslo . Jual Plain filll Mac'. Melodies SS the Ml.."! ' M NofHtle. on Par. Front Page Fartell Mac'a Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Say It With Musfc Welcome Traveler Movie Time A.'hnr r.odfra. " :ift Say It With Musle Welcome Traveler Philosopher .rthu? Godfra? JO Song, .f Our Aunt Mary Spotlit, on Musle ArfSur Godfrar :45 Newa We Love & Learn Spotlit, an Musle Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: If FY Thursday P.M. 11:00, Squirrel Cagei ft:30, Johnny Lujack; B:0I, Keeping Up With SrorUt fl:lft, Home Fdi tlon News; fi:30, Modern Romanrrsi 7:00, Headline Edition) 7:lfl, Timer Davisi 7:30, Damon Runyon Theatre; H:00, Counterapyt fl;0. First Hundred Yersi 0:00, Original Amateur Houn 9:4.1, Music for Dreaming) 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:1(1, Inter mezsot 10:30, Concert Houn 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow! 12:00, Xtra Hour) 1:00, Sign Off. U CY Friday A.M. 41:00, Early Blrdt LA fi:4ft, Dirt Doctor) 7:00, Wash burn Newsi 7:1ft, Band Box: i:S0, Bob Hairn Showt 7:45, Time Tempost R:lft, Martin Agronskyi :30, Zeke Manners! 8:45, Tropicanat 9:00, Breakfast Club) 10:00, Newsi lfl:lft. Stars of Today) 10:30, IV.elody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:1ft, Galen Drakei 11:30, My True Story) 12:00, Betty Crocker) 12:15, Newsi 12:30, Baukhage Talyklng; 12:4.1, Nancy Craig) 1:00, Northwesterners; 1:30, Kay Westt 2:00, Breakfast In Hollywood) 2:30, Easy Dale Fowler Honored 1 Grand Island Compliment ing Dale L. Fowler, whose 55th birthday anniversary was Mon ACROSS 1. Serious J, Yawns 13. One who makes an addresa 14. Run away to marry 16. French writer 1$. Digestive enzyraa 15. Gaelic 19. Four quartan 20. Bristle 2L Oriental commander 22. Half-dlamaterg 24. Feminine nickname 25. Employers 27. Sun god 29. Sudan ic language International agreement Ceremonially clean ac cording to Jewish law Pronoun Jumbled type Meaning, Tree Smoking devices Short for an electri cal unit Genuine Operated Malayan canoa Sailor Conductor's stick Apart 10. 1 12 13 U 15 16 I Wfffi 1? 0 " ,z is 75-7 Jm. X 21 ir f0,v 2 27 as af 37 38 2' a s g S2 S3 ROOM AND BOARD rQUIT MOANING HS YOU'RE IN s? YOU DIDNT GET THE 1 THE SAAAE PWi-J'"?), - NAME WEENEE-PO CLASS AS 'I i REGISTERED AS A. THE PERSON $ v trade mark. so a who first 1 : ( w3yalties j it's as out on the i thought v loose now as of 'popcorn 1 ..(o-s' confetti anyone ( i as the name j can " MM II . - n-l ., .- tit CBS HEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 Iff) AC Thuy P.M.-5:00, On the I WnV Upbeat; 5:50, B50 Sports Clubi 6:00. Newsi fl:15. Dinner Melodies; 6:30, 'Round the Campflrei 7:1R, Evening Farm Houn R:00, You and Your Security! S:lft, Great Songst 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast, Newi) fl:00, Musie That En du rest 0:4ft, Lift Wp Thy Volcet 10:00, Excur sions In Science; 10:15, Serenadei 10:45, Newsi 11:00, Sign Off. KOAC 5Sf la 4:4S 10:00, The Newsi 10 lift, Es pecially for Worn en i 11:00, The Concert Halt; 12:00, Newsi 18:18, Neon Farsa Houn 1:00, Bide 'ean Cowboy i itlS, Variety) 1:30, Melody Lanat t:00, Cava)-, eade In Dramat t:tfl, Memory Book al Music; 8:00, News. . . A est 1:4S, Meet the MenJoust 8:00, Sur prise Package) S:Sfl, Bride and Groom i 4:00, Ladles Bo Seated) 4:30, Add-a-Llne. day, his wife entertained at their home with a family birth day dinner. C A B SnCjRjA Biff HA OR A 1riJc gllH U N S A N & lWD R EV E R T tmil E Atfp E yfg A T S It. I e apQh a skl'i'pfTl MmHpa sHWr s9 n T NH3 T T I LkQlB E C EfDlAlRll A N AH? E W CaOSn BE A V 5 P R E T E N DBR O Mfl T o men tHnIo T j f Y o pe16 iseun i o w eIdUs cotUs een Solution of Yesterday's Puxzls 61. Tartest 64. Rent (6. Ancient Jew ish sect DOWN 1. Ethereal salt t. Three -banded armadillo I. Give out again 4. None: Scotch 5. Piece out 6. Compass point 7. Inclinations t. Turn to the right I. Swies moun tains 10. Propounded 11. Summary 12. Legislator 17. Brazilian money II. Like a hand propeller 21. Put on naw points 23. Golf clubs 26. Undertnina 28. Donkey 20. Pertaining to heat 31. Set free 32. Acute 33. En courage 36. Thinly scattered 38. Feminine nasne 40. Anger 42. Wild animal 43. Trousers 45. Covers 47. Peel 49. By birth 60 Public con Bv Gen Ahem 'ir 'KOIN