'WHAT'S WIFE GOING TO SAY?' Nudist 'Kangaroo Court' Cites Fully-Clothed Spy Morrison, Colo,, Aug, 4 (U.R) Some 600 delegates to the annual nudist Convention held a "kangaroo court" here Wednesday and decided that a young Denver man "found gazing at the meeting from a mountain perch" would Letters Laud Salem Company Addressed to the commander qf Company B, 162nd Infantry regiment, Oregon N at 1 o n a 1 Guard, a letter from Maj. Gen, Thomas E. Jtilea, Oregon's ad jutant general has commended the Salem National Guard com pany for its rating as excellent at summer training this year. The letter reads: "The Oregon National Guard Instructor group has rated Com pany B, 162nd infantry, as ex cellent as a result of its effici ency during the camp of field in struction at Fort' Lewis, June, 1949. "I wish to take this opportu nity of expressing to you and through you to members of your command my commendation for this top rating." ' Added to the general's com mendation was a first endorse ment from headquarters of the 162nd infantry regiment signed by the commander, Col. H. A. Taylor. This read: "In forwarding this deserved commendation I wish to express my personal satisfaction and gratification. I expected these fine results." Company B, commanded by Capt. Burl Cox was one of 18 Oregon National Guard units re ceiving this rating. Also includ ed in this group was the heavy tank company of the 186th in fantry regiment at Woodburn. Given a rating of very satis factory was Company G, 162nd Infantry regiment, the Salem company organized less than a year ago and commanded by Capt. William C. Dyer. Other units from this area receiving this rating are heavy tank com pany of the 162nd Infantry reg iment from Dallas and headquar ters and headquarters company, third battalion, 162nd infantry regiment at Lebanon. - Club Visits Coast Gervais The Hermosa club members held their annual pic nic at the beach home of Mrs Clyde Cutsforth at Lincoln Beach August 2. Those attend ing were Mesdames Marion Henning, George Wadsworth, Robert Harper, Antoine DeJar din, Perry Seely, Frank Holou bek, Howard Booster, Sam Brown, Harry House and two guests, Clyde Cutsforth and Le roy Esson. have to Join them. The man who was found spy ing on the group with a three foot telescope shortly after the sun came out to get the four- day get together off to a good start after an early morning rain threatened to spoil the opening festivities. Some of the male members of the convention caught the "looker" among a cluster of aspen trees. They pushed him down the slope to where the other nudists were playing vol leyball and paid little attention to his moan of "what's my wife going to say." After a hurried consultation. the clotheless members turned to the young man and asked if there were "any more guys up there." The captive said "no", that he was the only one and that he didn't have a camera, "All right," said the nudist spokesman, "you're down here now, so take off your clothes Friend, you're going to play volleyball." Blushing a rosy red, the pris oner took off his clothes and stepped onto the volleyball court where he promptly blend ed In with other relaxing nud ists. There was nothing out standing or unusual about him He was just another nudist. Stayton Club House Interior Brightened , Stayton The interior of the Stayton Women's Community clubhouse has been redecorated in the past two weeks, receiving a new coat of paint to the wood work and walls of the club room, and to the kitchen. A new asphalt tile floor of an attrac tive pattern has been laid. Windows have been freshened and new blinds have been install ed. The curtains have been washed and shortened and a work party hung them Monday afternoon. Last week, some of the women devoted Monday afternoon on a housecleaning detail at the club house. Why Suffer Any Longer When ofter tall uia out Ohlnwe rtmedlM Amarlm suceeu tor 60011 rear in China No matter wltb whai ailment you rp afflicted- dinorderf 'Intuitu bean lungs liver Itldneya M, tftwttpatlon tticer. diabetes rheumatism taU and bladder, fever Kin (maif eomnaint. CHAHLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. nfflc Bonn 9 te 9 Tie. .nd Sat. Only 284 N Commercial Pbona 1S30 SALEM, OKI. 0m m Capital Journal, Salem, Ore. Thursday, August 4, 194919 1949 PACKARD EXECUTIVE CARS Sensational Savings Low Mileage New Car Guarantee COMPARE THIS VALUE! 135 H.P. 4-Dr. Deluxe Se dan, radio', heater, over drive, electromatic clutch, white sidewall tires . . . Only $2595 Others to Choose From Top Trade-in Price on" Your Used Car Come in or Phone 3-5663 State Motors 340 North High WATCH For Our Close-Out SALE Which Will Be. Announced Soon New Low Prices That Will Set a Record for All Lines! LASTING FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! ---Maawaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaawaaw i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmM FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP I AUTO TRUCK FIRE , ( SAVE up to 30 with safety. Check fe.'Yt li I- our rates before you order renewal of VTT.aJ your present protection. You will be iSfcHl 1 surprised at the savings. V!V. g BILL OSKO jfj j fsj!ZJe2i P 3"5? BILL OSKO I lDii-e--X 466 Court St. Dlst.Mjr. j The Average Lady Shopper at Sears will be chosen Friday and Saturday who will assist the may or of Salem ond West Salem in opening the gigantic new store at 10 a, m., August 11. This typical woman customer will be announc ed Monday and will receive a dress from our new dress depart ment, a Charmode slip and bra, three pair of Royal Purple hos iery, a pair of Kerrybrooke high style shoes, and a lovely hat from the brand new stock of the new hat department. She will olso re ceive her choice of $2.50 worth of candy from Sears new candy department and 2 rolls of still film from the new camera department. til !hwr', ) Wr f, f , m 1 it ' .V -t'. 'It y - 4 I. l .. ' "1 1 i , " , t 'if, ,r&4 r--, . k ' , A .. j , IjSr-if Come to Our Store Opening Thursday, Aug. 11 at 10:00 A.M. One Group PLAY SHOES Reg. 4.95 -Now 88 One Group Play Shoes 99c SUN DRESSES Batiste and Lawn Toddlers' Size Reg. 2.98 -Now 133 9 H P IRRIGATION PUMP Wisconsin Motor Re9-$'7N3ow 29888 Mounted on Rubber Tires Slightly Used Folding CAMP STOOLS Reg. 1.19 -Now (Limit six) Gay Striped Canvas Hardwood Frames 59c PLASTIC SCREEN Green 36" wide 7c Running ft. Portable MILKER PUMP Reg. 159.95 99" Portable Electrical CARPET WARP Reg. 49c - Now 10c COATS Cotton Sets 1 year to 4 years Reg. 4.98 -Now 199 3 H.P. ELECTRIC PUMP 3 Phase Motor Reg. 308.50 Now LLLLL 6 H.P. Outboard Motor Reg. 139.95 Now 9850 Hand GARDEN TOOLS Reg. 18c each Now Be WOOD RANGE One Only 89.95 Value Now 3939 THREAD Reg. 5c - Now k GARDEN CARTS Reg. 8.50 -Now Ideal for Those Fall Leaves 744 5 H.P. ELECTRIC PUMP 3 Phase Motor Reg. 310 50 22222 Now All Light Fixtures Mounted on Display UP TO 50 REDUCTION GOLF CLUBS Women's Set of Woods Set of 2 Reg. 15.95 Now 999 FLAMEX OVENWARE Bake Dish Reg. 60c Now 33' &atfodtofmtaZUnjo(M StllRS 484 State St. Phone 3-9191 TT